How to get rid of mosquitoes in an open gazebo. Outdoors without mosquitoes: ultrasonic repellers, traps and other means to combat blood-sucking insects outdoors

If you have been fighting mosquitoes for a long time and persistently during summer holiday, then you can probably imagine how much it can make your life easier mosquito repellers from Thermacell. They are easy to use and do not cause any harm to human health or the environment. One of the most interesting models from our company is a repeller with a built-in lamp, in its own way appearance resembling a beautiful lantern ( Outdoor MR 9L6-00). Operating on a surface of 4.5x4.5 meters, this device will reliably protect you and your loved ones from insects. Try using it if different insect repellent You were not satisfied or it worked too slowly - and compare the results. In the meantime, we will imagine in which part of your house it is better to place the repeller so that it works as efficiently as possible.

Veranda country house

Repeller lantern- this is a device that will look most advantageous in your country house, in a village house or cottage. You can even hang it near the door, instead of a regular lantern - big difference You won't feel it. The lantern, of course, will slightly enliven the design of your city apartment if there is a place in it for a repeller. In the city, however, insects bother us less than in the country, so the device will most likely be useful there. In addition, in the apartment you will have to look for a separate table or a special place for the lantern - do not put it on the table with business papers and Wenger business card holder . But on the veranda of a country house, this mosquito repeller will look very beautiful - it will illuminate the room and drive away mosquitoes. Even if your house does not have a veranda or an extension, then there is probably a gazebo or a separate table at your summer cottage - there is somewhere to relax in the evening after working with the gardening. You can also place it next to this place to escape the attention of insects. And if you like to gather guests or have fun family tea parties, then the value of this device for your family increases several times - everyone will be happy and protected from mosquitoes.


However, there is one more place in your home that you would like to make inaccessible to insects once and for all. This is, of course, the bedroom. Often we wake up in the middle of the night because mosquitoes or other midges have decided to take advantage of the darkness and get a little snack...on us. You can get rid of this unpleasant awakening with the help of a lamp repeller. And since the light from this device is very strong, by turning on the flashlight, you can also do your usual things: cleaning, reading a book, working on the computer, etc. When you want to go to bed, it will be enough to simply turn off the lamp so that the bright light does not interfere with your rest.

Living room/great room

The room in the house where you, as well as your family and close friends, most often gather. Such a room, of course, needs to be furnished properly. I want to put it there the best furniture, cabinets with books, hang beautiful paintings and frames with photographs, and also buy and place a leather wallet on the table - so that all guests know about the high social status of the owners of the house. Your whole family usually gathers in this room to relax, watch TV or play games. Board games. It would be a shame if this relaxation was disrupted by an insect invasion, wouldn't it? Mosquito Repeller as lantern will save your family vacation and give you the opportunity to properly relax. You can even open the windows in the room if it’s too hot - except for your friends, no one else will fly in to visit you.

...and other premises

In fact, you can place the repeller-lamp anywhere in your home - the main thing is that it is convenient for you! And everything else depends on your imagination. Kitchen - not the best appropriate place for a repeller, but if insects interfere with your cooking, then it is better to place the device there. The bathroom is too humid, but you can still experiment with the toilet. If you have a separate dining room, then you can place a lantern there - it will look very nice. And if you still haven’t decided where it’s better to put the mosquito repeller, then just take it with you to any room in your house - at the same time check how the lantern works and how well it illuminates the room.

The range of modern means for protecting against mosquitoes on the street is not limited to repellent ointments and protective clothing. Today, special repellers, traps, and other mosquito repellents help you to relax peacefully in nature, go fishing, work in the country, or sit in the gazebo in the evening without annoying insects.

Blood-sucking insects are active throughout the warm period of the year - just at the time when you want to spend as much time as possible outdoors. You can protect yourself from mosquitoes and midges at home with the help of mosquito nets and fumigators. But what if we're talking about about a picnic, fishing or even just relaxing on the open terrace of a country house?

In addition to personal protective equipment (special clothing and repellent ointments), they are used to combat mosquitoes and midges on the street. various devices to repel and destroy them.

For protection the following are used:

  • destroyer traps (purchased and homemade);
  • ultrasonic repellers;
  • repellent-based repellers;
  • smoke bombs and spirals.

Each of these remedies has strong and weaknesses, and suitable for different cases. When choosing, the range of action, ease of use, duration and strength of the effect are important. If we are talking about an electronic device, then its ability to operate from an autonomous power source is also taken into account.

Old “grandfather” methods or modern devices?

The oldest means of repelling mosquitoes in nature is smoke from a fire. It is still used at rest by mushroom pickers and fishermen who neglect modern protective equipment. Acrid smoke repels mosquitoes well, especially if you throw juniper, fir and other branches into the fire coniferous trees. However, not only mosquitoes, but also all people sitting around the fire have to breathe this smoke.

In light of the above, devices for contact automatic extermination and remote repelling of insects look even more attractive, because with them protection against mosquitoes in the open air eliminates the need to use ointments, sprays, fires and special clothing. But are these devices really effective, and how can you choose the best among them?

Arsenal of popular folk remedies for repelling mosquitoes is not limited to fire smoke. On summer cottages homemade traps and fragrant herbs (garlic, tomato tops, geranium) are widely used, which are safe for health and do not require significant financial costs.

But they are still inferior in efficiency modern means, the development of which is based on Scientific research. Chemical repellents and insecticides act quickly and reliably, and electronic traps and repellers use their own instincts against mosquitoes, which insects are not able to resist.

Ultrasonic repellers against mosquitoes and midges

Devices for repelling mosquitoes and midges with ultrasound are either stationary or portable. Among them there are those that can:

  • Wear on a belt (repellent keychain) or wrist (an electronic device in the form of a bracelet), the range of action is 0.5 -5 meters. Used as individual remedy protection from insects in the city and beyond. The main advantage is its miniature size.

  • Carry with you or place near a tent, gazebo, overnight or fishing place - medium-sized portable and stationary devices the size of a walkie-talkie, their range of action covers up to 20-30 square meters. m.

  • Bet on local area. Lightweight, stationary, medium-sized devices that are easy to move from place to place. Range of action – up to 50-80 square meters. m, purpose: ultrasonic repeller mosquitoes for the street.

Devices can be charged and operated:

  • from the network directly;
  • from a rechargeable battery;
  • standard batteries;
  • solar battery.

Stationary devices, as a rule, only operate from the mains, so when using them, you need to take into account the length of the cord and the distance of the device from the nearest outlet. Other devices operate on batteries or have the ability to charge different ways. Combined options, of course, is preferable.

Operating principle

The operation of repellers is based on the principle of influencing mosquitoes using sound waves a certain frequency. Some of them will emit a frightening sound - the rustling of the wings of a dragonfly that actively hunts mosquitoes. Others imitate the squeak of male mosquitoes, which fertilized females studiously avoid.

Only female mosquitoes bite, and they begin looking for suitable prey immediately after mating. During this period, contacts with males are undesirable and even dangerous for them, so the sound imitating the squeak of a male immediately scatters the mosquitoes to the sides.

Frequency adjustment

Repellers are equipped with sound wave generators with a frequency range from 4.8-7 kHz. Some devices have a frequency adjustment function, and it is preferable to purchase such options. The fact is that in nature there are several types of mosquitoes, and to repel each of them a certain sound frequency is required.

It happens that a repeller tuned to a certain frequency does an excellent job in one region, but turns out to be practically useless in another. By turning the adjustment lever of the adjustable repeller, you can find the wave that is most unpleasant for mosquitoes in a particular area.

Devices for killing mosquitoes outdoors

The work of outdoor devices for killing insects is based on luring and killing them in various ways. Mosquito killers mimic the warmth and odor of the human body. An insect that flies up dies from an electrical discharge, fire, water or air flow.

This is an effective outdoor mosquito killer and can only be used outdoors. Operating principle: propane is gradually released from the gas cylinder and enters the gas burner, where it releases carbon dioxide and heat. Mosquitoes, looking for a victim to bite, react to thermal radiation from the body and the smell of carbon dioxide, which is released during breathing. The propane exterminator, as it were, deceives them, distracting them with itself.

The device is easy to maintain, but you will need to regularly replace the gas cylinder. The effectiveness of its operation greatly depends on its location - it is important to install it on the site on the side from which mosquitoes fly most (for example, from the side of a forest or lake).

One of the first places in the list of the most popular models is occupied by the Mosquito Magnet Independence, which is capable of luring mosquitoes from an area of ​​40 acres. Its cost is about 50 thousand rubles, but this price is justified by its durability. An analogue of this device is the Mosquito Magnet Patriot, it costs about 30 thousand rubles, its range of action is 25 acres.

Shredders with CO2 cylinders

The operating principle of this type of exterminator is based on the gradual release of carbon dioxide from a cylinder. Mosquitoes follow the smell, and when they fly close enough, they are sucked inside by a vortex flow from the built-in fan. Models of such exterminators can be additionally equipped with heat lamps, which enhance the luring effect (for example, the Smartkiller garden insect exterminator).

In general, destroyers with carbon dioxide They are comparable in efficiency to propane ones; it is also important to place them correctly on the site. They are lightweight and can be powered by mains power or a solar battery.

Models differ in configuration and damage radius. For example, the Mosquito Trap ANS-A6 system generates preheated CO2 gas, simulating a large group of people. Additionally, the device uses octenol as bait.

Thermal Destroyers

Thermal device attracts the attention of mosquitoes using infrared radiation. Insects mistake him for a person, fly up close and die in a tank of water or dry out on a special net.

Some models of thermal destroyers are additionally equipped with an attractant spray device and flashing lights. On average, thermal exterminators effectively protect against insects in an area of ​​up to 500 square meters. m, but there are much more powerful devices.

The Mega-Catch Mosquito Trap is one example of a powerful thermal exterminator. Its cost is about 20 thousand rubles. The device effectively attracts mosquitoes within a radius of up to 3 thousand square meters. m. Suitable for large plots of land, farms.

Ultraviolet shredders

The most inexpensive and accessible type of shredders. They are lightweight and compact devices with built-in ultraviolet lamp. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use. An insect that flies close to the grille of the device dies from an electric shock. An example of such a device is the SWI-20 exterminator, which clears an area of ​​250 square meters of mosquitoes and midges. m. Reviews about the use of devices of this type are contradictory; in terms of effectiveness, they are inferior to all those described above.

Light traps can be made in the form of garden lanterns (for example, the Sniper destroyer lantern). Their operating principle is the same - a UV lamp and an energized grid, but these lamps are protected from rain and run on a solar battery, so they are very convenient for placement in the garden.

Some models are equipped with a device for spraying an attractant and a battery, which allows you to install the device anywhere. For example, the Flowtron PowerVac PV-440 has an octenol atomization system (an imitation of the odor of sweat, which is very attractive to mosquitoes). The smell of octenol is elusive to the human sense of smell, but mosquitoes sense it perfectly.

The mosquito exterminator EcoSniper GF-4WB is also based on ultraviolet radiation, but in addition to this, it imitates the warmth of the human body and the smell of the air exhaled by a person. The device is moisture-resistant and equipped with a fan, the vortex flow from which quickly attracts flying insects.

Outdoor repellers for mosquitoes and midges

The operating principle of street repellers is based on fumigation. Under the influence of heat from the heated lamps, repellent microparticles spread over the nearby area, forming an invisible barrier beyond which mosquitoes and midges do not fly.

For example, the popular Moskuto Trap MT64 device operates on an area of ​​500 sq. m. In fact, it is a combined device, that is, it can be used both as a destroyer and as a repeller. It works from the network and from a car battery. A device with a shorter range - ThermaCell mr g06 00 - is in demand among lovers of fishing, hunting and hiking. It operates on an area of ​​up to 20 square meters. m.

Lamps in the form of garden lanterns or small portable lanterns are suitable for a tent, balcony or gazebo. The action is based on plates that, under the influence of heat, evaporate repellents.

You can buy a Thermacell mosquito lamp with a 10% discount in the online store.

Smoke bombs, spirals and sticks are also used to repel mosquitoes on the street. Checkers cover an area within a radius of up to 300-1000 m, permanently driving away mosquitoes, flies, midges, ticks and horse flies. Spirals and sticks do not act as globally, but while they are smoldering, you can get rid of mosquitoes and sit quietly in the gazebo or on the veranda.

You can buy a “Quiet Evening” smoke bomb with a 10% discount in the online store.

Purchased and homemade mechanical traps

Traps for mosquitoes and midges can be purchased at a hardware store or made yourself. The principle of their operation is based on luring insects with various odors.

Habitual and accessible remedy from . Most of all, they are effective against flies, but a mosquito that touches the sticky edge of the tape will no longer be able to fly.

Velcro comes in the form of rolled strips of sticky paper. It is better to hang them near light sources ( garden lights, lamps in gazebos), since most insects are attracted to illuminated areas.

Homemade Velcro

You can make effective Velcro with a smell attractive to mosquitoes with your own hands. To do this, you need to soak strips of thick paper with any of these mixtures:

  • rosin, castor oil, turpentine and sugar;
  • pine or spruce resin, wax, linseed oil and honey;
  • glycerin, honey, petroleum jelly and rosin.

The ingredients are mixed in a suitable container and melted in a water bath. Then you should soak strips of paper with the resulting liquid and place them in different parts of the area.

Commercial viscous liquid traps

They are containers filled with a viscous sticky substance with an odor attractive to mosquitoes, midges and horse flies. Having touched the sticky liquid, the insect remains trapped forever.

Some traps contain insecticides, others work only due to stickiness. The traps are disposable, but in one cycle of use they can drown up to 20 thousand mosquitoes.

Homemade traps

The example is simple and effective trap- a trap that works by yeast.

Manufacturing scheme:

  1. Plastic bottle 1.5 liters is cut crosswise into two halves.
  2. IN bottom part fits 2 tbsp. l. sugar, a little warm water and a small packet of yeast.
  3. The upper part is inserted into the lower part with the neck down (without a lid).

The yeast is activated and begins to produce CO2 and lactic acid. The smells of these substances are associated by mosquitoes with the odor of the human body, and therefore effectively attract them. Mosquitoes easily penetrate inside the trap, but cannot get out because the funnel-shaped top part interferes with this.

An eternal problem that any owner has to solve land plot– effective protection against insects, in summer period literally attacking not only animals, but also people. Otherwise, there can be no question of having a good rest at your dacha or working on your hundred square meters, since most of the time you will have to literally fight off mosquitoes and midges.

Various ointments and creams that are sold everywhere are one of the effective means scaring them away. But this method has disadvantages - some people are allergic to the “chemicals”, and they do not differ in the duration of action, although many are not cheap. How else can you protect yourself from blood-sucking insects or completely protect your area from them? Short review the most common techniques will allow you to choose best option ridding the dacha of the dominance of midges and mosquitoes.


Technical means

Ultrasonic repellers

Such devices are mobile and stationary. The first ones are more convenient to use. Powered by elements, modest dimensions and weight. But the range of action of the devices is small - up to a maximum of 2.5 m. Therefore, there is no need to talk about the complete disappearance of midges and mosquitoes, but such devices are quite effective as personal protective equipment. Stationary repels insects large areas, but they need an electrical connection.

Consequently, only the protection of the house and the surrounding area is ensured. The principle of operation of the devices is clear from the name - repelling mosquitoes due to radiation at certain frequencies (in the range of 5 - 20 kHz).

"Tornado" series OK.01. Russian development with 3 batteries (will have to be purchased separately), weight – 250 g. Protected area – up to 50 m². approximate price– 1,510 rubles.

"Typhoon" LS-200 series. Maximum efficiency over an area of ​​up to 20 square meters, although in maximum mode the device protects 40 m² from mosquitoes. How reliable is another question. This repeller is powered, so it is advisable to use it to get rid of insects country house or verandas. On the territory, in the absence of voltage, it is useless. Price – 980 rubles.

Insecticidal lamps

IR radiation literally attracts bloodsuckers. They fall into a trap in the form of a net, in which they die. But all such devices are volatile, so connection to power supply/voltage is required.

"Hurakan" model HKN-MID180. A Chinese device designed to destroy not only mosquitoes, but also other flying insects - beetles, midges, flies and so on. Pests die when they touch metal grating under voltage. This lamp can be installed on the floor or hung on a chain included with the product. Price – 3,999 rubles.

"Mars-01". Russian device in plastic case, weight 650 g. Protected area – up to 25 m². Price – 1,540 rubles.

Gas traps

"Mosquito Magnet". The carbon dioxide emitted by the device imitates the exhalation of a person. This is the principle of operation based on this. Mosquitoes fly up to the trap and are sucked inside (similar to a mini vacuum cleaner). The device is available in several modifications, so there is plenty to choose from for your garden. Starting price – 6,890 rubles.

"Mosquito Killer" The manufacturer positions the kit (reducer, carbon dioxide cylinder, mesh with bracket and support) as the latest NASA development. Ease of use is ensured by 3 operating modes, including program controlled from the timer. Those who are not bothered by the price - about 38,000 rubles - can try it. But this technical device only gets rid of mosquitoes (on an area of ​​no more than 40 acres) and needs to be connected to the electrical network. For a dacha - not the best option, but for a country house with a large adjacent plot it may be of interest.


It is pointless to rely on any one effective remedy. You can completely get rid of blood-sucking insects in your dacha only through a set of measures. That is, implement at least 2–3 methods. In addition, it is necessary to regularly treat the soil and air.

If there is an artificial reservoir on the site, then he - increased attention. Midges and mosquitoes concentrate where there is dampness. Consequently, it is impossible to ignore various, even small, leaks at the connection points of watering hoses, along the pipeline route, and so on. The same applies to shaded segments - along the perimeter of the house, veranda, along the outer fence of the dacha.

Sometimes you can’t get rid of the infestation of insects on your own, although it seems like everything has been tried. It is advisable to plan the fight against mosquitoes and midges in advance. Nowadays, many organizations offer services for processing house and suburban areas in terms of preventing insects from appearing on them. The cost of spraying several acres is from 1,900 rubles (plus an additional charge for remoteness). If you choose the right time and order primary treatment, the purpose of which is to destroy insect larvae, then the problem of getting rid of bloodsucking insects can be considered half solved.

The article discusses a sufficient number of means and methods of getting rid of insects in the country. All of them have been tested and proven to be effective and efficient. The choice is yours, reader.

A cozy gazebo in the shade of old trees, and even overlooking a river or a beautiful grove nearby, is an excellent element of a country estate. This is a place for the whole family to gather for tea, an open living room with wicker furniture, or just a corner for secluded relaxation in the lap of nature. Such buildings require labor, time and investment, so even at the design stage it is worth thinking about how to close the gazebo not only from annoying insects in the summer, but also from snow and melt water at other times of the year.

Recreation area for people: no insects allowed

When using the gazebo in summer days it is most important to cover it from flies, mosquitoes, wasps and others uninvited guests. The easiest way for this purpose is to use tulle, which can be selected in color and pattern to match the main decor of the building. To prevent insects from finding loopholes, you can take one large piece of this fabric, stretching it on a special string along the entire inner perimeter.

To cover the entrance, you need to cut a separate rectangle of such a size that it overlaps with the rest. If there are not very many insects, then the tulle can be tied to the side posts and the place of the garter can be decorated with flowers from wide satin ribbons.

Insect protection

In cases where the question of how to close the gazebo from mosquitoes is more serious, it is recommended to use mosquito nets, which are available for sale in the following options:

  • Rolled mesh is convenient and cost-effective, especially for buildings non-standard dimensions. Pieces are cut from the roll required sizes and are attached either to a string or with a construction stapler to the walls. You can arrange pieces of mesh in baguette frames and hang them on hooks;
  • factory-produced frame mesh is similar to those supplied with plastic windows city ​​apartments. Such meshes are usually fixed externally, on special brackets;
  • The roller shutter design is more expensive than the previous ones, but if necessary, the mesh can be easily removed into the box.

A mosquito net can be supplied with the gazebo

Preparing a gazebo for winter: types of protective structures

Building on personal plot certain structures, seasonal changes in nature should be taken into account. The main test for a stationary gazebo is undoubtedly winter. Strong winds, snowstorms, temperature changes and sudden thaws can damage the finish of the gazebo and the objects in it. Therefore, it is better to think in advance about ways to protect it from the vagaries of the weather and take care of the safety of the floor, internal lining and furniture. In such a closed building you can even spend time in winter, for example, to celebrate New Year.

It’s not a shame to meet guests in winter behind such glass

Glazing is an ideal option for protecting the gazebo in winter

Double-glazed windows on frames made of metal profile used not only for balconies and loggias. They are great for protecting the gazebo from wind, snow and rain, as they have an aesthetic modern look, strong and durable. Based on their ability to conserve heat, glazing is divided into two types:

  • “cold” - tubeless or with one chamber, cheaper, but almost eliminating the possibility of winter use of the gazebo;
  • “warm” - two- and three-chamber, allowing, in the presence of a fireplace and insulation of the floor, walls and ceiling, to sufficiently warm the room.

Tinted glass will also protect you from the sun

The most expensive and at the same time beautiful is frameless glazing. The closely adjacent glass does not block the view, completely opening a panorama of the surrounding landscape. Tempered glass can withstand not only the most strong wind with hail, but also with stones, and the absence of frames makes it easier to care for the surface.

Wonderful opportunities to do without glass

If needed budget options, and the building is used only in the summer, then you can consider the possibility of covering the gazebo for the winter with other materials, which include:

  • sheets of plywood - they are nailed to vertical posts and protect quite reliably;
  • reinforced film - it can be used to cover the entire gazebo and will last two to three seasons;
  • polycarbonate shutters - they can be left in the summer, since they are transparent and allow diffused light into the gazebo;
  • vertical awnings or curtains made of PVC - used in areas with mild winters, since PVC quickly becomes unusable from frost;
  • construction tarpaulin awning – ideal in terms of “price-quality”, but not particularly decorative.

Awnings are both elegant and practical

PVC curtains

You can cover the gazebo yourself, but if the choice is made towards expensive, durable options, it is better to resort to the help of specialized companies that will take the necessary measurements and install protective devices efficiently and on time.