Why do you dream of golden crosses in the ground? What does it mean to see a golden cross in a dream: correct interpretation

The pectoral cross is a symbol of faith in Jesus Christ, the savior of people. The mystical meaning of the cross carries a symbol of suffering and miraculous salvation, death and resurrection. Why do you dream pectoral cross ik? According to legend, finding a cross is not good. And what does a dream about a pectoral cross mean according to dream books? Let's look at it in detail.

What means find a cross in a dream? If this omen is considered bad in real life, then in a dream such a find will bring happiness. However, to see in a dream someone else's cross- voluntarily shoulder the problems of another person, carry his burden.

Remember what material the cross was made from:

  • golden - according to dream books, such a cross on the body means joy and happiness;
  • silver - friends will help you solve problems;
  • iron - be patient, the problems will not go away for a long time;
  • wooden - a symbol of health and well-being;
  • copper - soon all problems will be resolved;
  • with diamond inlay - you are tempted by wealth;
  • tied on a rope - to life's difficulties;
  • baptismal - to heavenly protection;
  • blackened metal (or rusty) - for future trials;
  • plastic - to insurmountable obstacles.

Dreaming of a gold chain with a gold cross- to wealth through hard work, predicts a wedding for single people.

If the cross is broken, it means that you have taken on a burden beyond your strength. Shift some of your responsibilities onto other shoulders and continue to carry your cross further.

Actions with a cross in a dream

Remember what events happened in the dream, what did you do with the cross?

  • Throwing out a cross means bad news.
  • Accept as a gift - to a reputable patron.
  • Looking for a cross is advice to quickly complete the work you started.
  • Buying a cross means a successful start and completion of your plan.
  • Losing a cross means beware of sins for which inevitable retribution is coming.
  • Taking off your cross means repentance for your actions.
  • Wearing it around the neck means favorable changes.
  • Giving to someone means hoping for help from others in solving your problems.
  • Stolen cross - you have many ill-wishers and envious people.
  • If you stole the cross - search for easy ways and profit.
  • The cross fell - to get rid of a heavy burden in life.
  • Kissing a cross in a dream means virtue and spiritual purity.

The meaning of the pectoral cross according to dream books

  • The Italian dream book considers the cross a symbol of sadness and difficulties on the path of life.
  • The Russian dream book considers the cross to be an image of humility and patience.
  • The modern dream book prophesies misfortune.
  • Azar's dream book sees the image of a cross as an expression of sadness.
  • Vanga considers the cross as a protective symbol of protection from evil.
  • The Dream Book of Winter considers the pectoral cross a symbol of preservation from temptations and seductions.

Dream book of the 21st century believes that the pectoral cross is a harbinger of good events. A gold pectoral cross is a sign of joy, a silver cross is a sign of hope, and an iron cross is a sign of trials. Finding a cross in a dream means success; wearing it as a decoration means you will charm people.

Dream Interpretation From A to Z He sees in the image of a pectoral cross protection in difficult times, he prophesies mutual understanding for lovers, and speedy healing for the sick.

Modern dream book warns: a pectoral cross promises trials, anxiety and anxiety. Putting a cross on someone in a dream means trouble awaits that person. A lost cross foreshadows a series of troubles in the near future, which you will survive with the help of faith in a higher power. Buying a cross means prosperity.

Esoteric dream book considers the image of the cross to be a symbol of trials. Difficult times are coming for the dreamer, however, with faith in your heart you can survive everything. A cross on a gold chain warns: you will make a big mistake if you act rashly. The dream tells you - don’t rush into making decisions, don’t rush into things. A cross appears in a dream when a person is planning an unseemly act.

If you quarreled with someone the day before, the image of a pectoral cross advises you to reconcile and find a common language with this person. The cross is the main symbol of faith in Christ, therefore the one who wears it must fulfill God’s commandment - to love his neighbor.

What happens if you don’t listen to the hint of the subconscious in a dream? You risk losing the support of higher powers, which you will soon need. The subconscious is trying to prevent future misfortunes, so it sends the image of the cross as a reminder of faith in God.

Most often, when you see a golden cross in a dream, a church dome and a body amulet come to mind - everything related to faith and religion. However, everything is not as simple as it may seem. Various dream books Crossed lines are interpreted differently, and the meanings of what this image represents in a dream can also vary significantly. In order to clarify and understand what to prepare for, it is necessary to restore in detail storyline dreams.

Miller's Predictions

You will steadfastly endure all the hardships and hardships that fate has prepared for you, Miller’s dream book prophesies, if you see in a dream that you are wearing a pectoral cross and you kiss it. Did you dream that you had a golden cross hanging on a simple rope around your neck? This dream means generosity - you will forgive the person who offended you.

But here’s how the interpreter answers why you dream that you have someone else’s pectoral cross on your chest: during the period of difficult trials that fate has in store for you, a close friend will not come to help, sacrificing something personal for your good.

And if you dreamed that you found someone else’s amulet of gold on the road and are not going to give it back, then this means that you will be faced with a difficult choice - to help others or improve your own well-being.

Actions with religious attribute

When figuring out why a golden cross is dreamed of, pay attention to what happened to it in the dream. For example:

  • you bought it - to gain a patron;
  • found - you will be faced with a difficult choice;
  • broken - misfortunes and tears await you;
  • the new cross has turned black - to illness and bad mood;
  • cast a Christian amulet with your own hands - you will be able to withstand all trials.

Crucifix around the neck: Success and stinginess are your companions

The interpretation of a dream in which you bought yourself a gold cross on a chain will be positive and encouraging, predicts the dream book of Nostradamus. Prosperity and success await you.

According to the Wanderer's dream book, if you are lucky enough to find a cross and a chain made of gold in a dream, this means that the soul and mind are in harmony with each other. But finding a gold chain and a tin crucifix in a dream is a signal that you will not be able to forgive the one who brought you suffering and tears.

Finding someone else's amulet in a dream and appropriating it is a symbol of troubles due to greed and stinginess, prophesies the Eastern Dream Book.

"Cross" gifts: Those sent to you by God

Why do you have a dream in which you are given jewelry with the symbolism of a cross, the White Magician’s dream book will explain. So, remember: in a dream you were given earrings in the form of crosses as a gift - friends will support you; given a ring with a cross-shaped embossing - means making a wise decision. Given a broken symbol of faith - means a quarrel with relatives.

And here’s another interpretation related to jewelry: I dreamed that you were wearing a gold cross on your neck along with wedding ring– rejoice, your chosen one has been sent to you by Heaven.

The rebaptism that crowns the domes, or the Powers of Heaven...

If in a dream you see golden crosses on domes, secured with chains, then this indicates that a force dominates over you, which no one can cope with. We can say that angels are protecting you, suggests the Slavic interpreter of dreams.

Did you dream that the chain holding the cross broke? Beware of heavenly punishment - do not harm or offend, advises the Small Dream Book of Veles.

Grave Cross: From Joy to Sorrow

Why do you have a dream where you see a large golden cross on one of the graves, says Pastor Loff’s dream book. If this dreamed grave belongs to one of your living acquaintances, then such a picture predicts a long and rich life for this person.

A stranger to you was buried under the grave mound - expect good news. It’s worse if it’s your grave - beware of the machinations of enemies, the Lunar Dream Book strongly recommends.

To determine why you dream of a golden cross, let’s turn to the interpretations from well-known dream books.

Dreaming of products made of precious metals is most often an unfavorable sign. Thus, gold products mean that you are surrounded by envious and deceitful people, be careful. The symbol of the cross itself is a sign of fate, a sign of bodily suffering in the name of higher goals. If you dreamed that you were putting on a cross, it means that you have come to terms with some aspects of your life that irritated you and that you were trying to get rid of.

Dream Interpretation: seeing a golden cross in a dream

According to the dream book, if a golden cross rusts in a dream, this is a signal that your life views should be subjected to careful analysis. When a person puts on a cross, it means that he accepted his life as it is and stopped swimming against the current, because the river of life is still stronger and live as you lived, do not be afraid of anything.

If you see golden crosses on domes that shine in the sun against the blue sky, then this is a sign of distant wonderful prospects, but for this you need to work very hard in the present. If pigeons fly around them, then expect good news soon. Getting a cross from the bottom of a river or some reservoir is a sign that in reality you will know someone’s secret, which you should not tell anyone about. If in a dream you pick up a cross from the ground or take it somewhere, then expect trouble; in reality you will take on other people’s sins, for which you will pay well, but then God will reward you.

The influence of a golden cross seen in a dream on various areas of life

  • In love affairs, the cross foreshadows quarrels, troubles, conflicts, and it is also a sign of a heavy burden or test that you will have to take on due to life circumstances. If in a dream you see how you put a golden cross on your husband, and he puts it on you, then this is a favorable sign of fate, saying that you are destined for each other and your love and marriage are very strong and based on mutual love and respect.
  • IN professional field such a dream speaks of the machinations of enemies who are weaving intrigues behind your back, do not give in to persuasion and do not sign anything without carefully studying it, do not take bribes, otherwise you can pay dearly for it, and the consequences will be very sad. It is also a sign that you may be demoted or even fired. If you dreamed that you were given a golden cross, then expect significant gifts from fate, large sums of money and great luck.
  • In terms of health, such a dream means karmic diseases that are given so that you learn some kind of life lesson and rose one step higher in their development. Such diseases include deformities, disabilities, and severe chronic diseases that torment a person throughout his life. But it also happens that a person realizes many things in life, changes his way of thinking, and then the disease recedes.

Golden crosses. These are not only symbols worn during church rites. There are also award crosses. They are made of gold and are given to people for special merits. The first such sign appeared in 1788 and was called “Ochakovsky”. Ochakov in the 18th century was a strategically important point Ottoman Empire, which the domestic troops undertook to conquer. The assault on the port city was not easy. For military feats, Russian officers were destined for a precious, direct and figuratively reward.

Esotericists, psychologists, and dream specialists note that the positive symbolism of the cross is not always the same in dreams. A Christian symbol can also promise trouble. It all depends on the circumstances under which the golden cross was seen. The material matters. For example, an iron product provides reliable guardianship and support in important matters. A sign woven from flowers reads happiness in the family, wealth in the house. So what does it mean if dreamed of a golden cross? Let's take a look at the most authoritative dream books.

Vanga's Dream Book

A Bulgarian soothsayer pointed out that a shining cross made of yellow metal means that in reality a person will be offended. The sign also indicates that you need to forgive, since the offense will be caused accidentally, without malicious intent.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

The French astrologer and alchemist assured that golden or burning crosses are harbingers of danger. It can come from both people and the elements. A 16th-century scientist added that even an ordinary cross promises difficult trials. Nostradamus recognized as a good sign only a sign resembling an anchor in shape. Such a cross signifies the opening of new horizons, the revival of the spirit.

Loff's Dream Book

The 20th century psychologist did not welcome the generalization of dreams. David Loff believed that the same images different people and predict different things. The essence of the dream depends on two factors: - the events preceding the vision and emotional state personality. The golden cross, the scientist explains, can be both a symbol of special trepidation, strong faith, and a sign of temptation, a forbidden fruit. Loff did not prophesy, but only helped his patients understand their internal vicissitudes. In this, the psychologist supported his colleague Sigmund Freud. The latter, unfortunately, did not consider the crucifixion in the plane of dreams.

Miller's Dream Book

What does a golden cross mean in a dream?? A businessman from the United States, who was fond of dream interpretation, examined the symbol depending on its location. If the crucifix is ​​in the hands of someone, it means that you need to do charity. Otherwise, not part of the money will be lost, but the wealth in general. To observe a Christian symbol on yourself means to soon experience a blow or misfortune. If a girl sees a dream, she will be successful and become the darling of fate. Gustav Miller adds that the plot has such meaning only when a woman holds a cross in her hands.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Miss Hasse revealed her view of the “dark side of life” in the publication “Sleep and Dreams.” A medium from the beginning of the last century recorded that kneeling in front of a gold crucifix means that you will soon repent. Seeing the product on another person is a sign of sadness. In all other cases, the cross is seen as a sign of happiness and good luck.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Simon the Canonite is one of the apostles of Christ, who, no matter how he knows, what does a golden cross mean in a dream. The symbol, in Simon's interpretations, can mean death. One of your relatives will pass away if you see a crucifix, closed, placed in a box, placed under something. Joy promises a cross, dressed on any of the heroes of the dream.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

The Italian, who passed away in 2013, wrote a series of books. They are all about dreams. Philosopher and psychologist Antonio Mineghetti interpreted the cross as a symbol of pain and repentance. At the same time, the scientist noticed the crucifix as a sign of regression, that is, a person’s return to the previous stage of development. If you see a gold cross or any other material, it means that you are taking a step back on the path of life.

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Vladislav Kopalinsky is a pseudonym. In fact, the man's name was Jan Stefcik. He's Polish. He was engaged in collecting encyclopedias about home country, compilation of dictionaries and dream books. Kopalinsky considered crucifixes made of yellow metal to be an exclusively positive vision. A golden cross promises triumph, fulfillment of desires, and good luck.

Azar's Dream Book

This publication is the oldest existing dream book. Centuries ago, people did not agree with Kochalinsky’s opinion. Any crucifix, whether precious or not, predicts grief, adversity, and sadness. Azar’s dream book was compiled by representatives of the Jewish people, so the second title of the book is “The Jewish Interpreter.”

There are several tens of thousands of dream books in the world. Based on examples from the most authoritative publications, it is clear that interpretations among different authors differ. Choosing the one you like is not difficult. Perhaps Uncle Freud and other experts in psychology were right when they said that one must understand vision individually. It is advisable that a psychoanalyst help you analyze your dream, and not a dream book from a bookshelf or the Internet.

If you saw a pectoral cross in a dream, try to remember all the details, because each of them is important. After all, for Christians this symbol means patronage and protection of higher powers, but followers of other religions can interpret the dream completely differently.

The crucifix, the place where you see crosses or yourself in it speaks volumes.

Or it can simply mean that one of your little relatives will soon be christened, and you still haven’t decided what to give as a gift for the celebration.

With chain

People who have to decide in the near future dream of a golden cross. help those in need or pass by, pretending that someone else’s misfortune does not concern you.

Such a cross on a chain promises an increase in prosperity, an event that will make it possible spiritual growth, meeting an interesting and very enlightened person.

  • Gold cross on a chain can also be interpreted as a symbol of complete well-being, family happiness, joyful events.
  • Antique cross may indicate the imminent receipt of an inheritance. And if suddenly in your dream you see a chain with a cross on your chest, soon you will need help, protection, or simply forgiveness from loved ones.
  • Dreams with cross on a chain often interpreted as a sign of healing, finding a powerful patron, or support in solving serious problems. Lonely people dream of it as a meeting with fate is just around the corner.
  • Among the interpretations there are also those that speak of the need to repent of indecent behavior or a dishonest act.
  • You proudly display beautiful chain and cross made of gold like a piece of jewelry? Such a dream warns that you should never forget about the soul, and you seem to be completely unaware of the fact that not everything is measured.
  • Gold cross on a chain made of or another metal may indicate a deception that will soon be revealed.

And one more interpretation can be found in dream books: if you see a cross on a chain at a difficult moment in your life, it means that you just need to rely on the Lord and leave everything to his will. After all, only He will not betray you and will give you what you really need. Next to Him you are never alone.

Putting a cross on someone on the neck - to give protection or shelter, to help in reality the people who are dear to you. If you understand that in a dream you are putting a cross on a more powerful person, it means that in reality you will be able to shift some of the responsibility onto someone else and receive support.

Take off your chain with a cross- Not good good sign. The subconscious tells you that you will have to be ashamed of what you have done; you understand that you are committing an unseemly act, but are ready to give up your principles. Is it worth doing?

A broken chain with a cross is a sign of imminent illness and trouble. Think about which direction trouble might come from, be prepared for anything, you will overcome everything.

Gifted cross

The golden cross that the angel gives you is a dream that can be considered if you dreamed about him hard time or at the moment of making a very important decision. It is interpreted as a blessing, the protection of higher powers, a sign that you are doing everything right. Leave doubts and act as your conscience tells you.

Is someone in your dream giving you a gold cross? This is a very good sign, they will come to your aid, they will not leave you in trouble, they will support you. Moreover, you will soon gain protection that will protect you from problems, everything will be resolved as safely as possible.

Such a dream can also promise the appearance of a guardian, a person who will take responsibility for your future destiny.

Find the cross

A dream in which you find a golden cross also speaks of good things. Its interpretation depends on the circumstances. Unmarried girls such a dream promises quick and very successful marriage. For family people, the dream suggests that all troubles will be left behind, you will simply forget about your problems.

To those who deals with serious projects a dream with a found cross may indicate a victory that you did not expect. Also, such dreams are interpreted as a sign that everything terrible is left behind, you have crossed the line, and now peace and joy will reign in your life.

Finding a cross on the road means you will find support along the way. But if he blocks your path, does not allow you to move on, this may indicate obstacles in a matter that you considered almost resolved, unexpected troubles.

To put on a cross found on the side of the road means to put other people's troubles and worries on your shoulders, to undertake to carry someone else's cross.

Interpretation according to different dream books

Miller's Dream Book

In Miller's dream book, a cross is interpreted as a sign of trials and adversity. It is as if he is warning you against imminent trouble, saying that protection will not be superfluous, you need to seek support from the Lord.

To a young girl she may have a dream if she soon wins the love of her loved ones through her modesty and goodwill.

Interpretations of Vanga

The fortuneteller Vanga believed that the pectoral cross is dreamed of by those who needs forgiveness and repentance. If you saw it on yourself, your repentance will be accepted. A brightly shining golden cross means that no one will force your soul to turn black with anger or envy, or to harbor a grudge. You will be able to forget and forgive everything, throw memories of grievances out of your head.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

In Tsvetkov’s dream book, a cross in a dream is interpreted as fate, a difficult fate. If the cross is golden, you are promised prosperity and prosperity.

Russian dream book

In an old Russian dream book, a cross in a girl’s hands indicates that she will soon meet a worthy life partner. A cross in the hands of a stranger is interpreted as upcoming troubles and troubles. A cross on another person indicates that you need to be more careful; soon someone will need your help.


The dream book of Nostradamus explains the dream in which you squeezing a cross in your hands, as a difficult but worthy choice you made. This will have a positive effect on your life in the future.

Loff's Dream Book

Loff’s dream book talks in detail about how to explain a dream in which you tried to get rid of a cross, lost it, or did not want to put it on. Over you a threat looms, the cause of which is you yourself. Something you did in the past now does not allow you to move on, promises trouble and disaster. Perhaps you need to repent of what you have done in order to correct the situation.