Historical information about the stool. The history of the stool from ancient Egypt to the latest developments

" In Russian it is borrowed through it. Taburette) - a piece of furniture for sitting one person without a backrest or armrests.

Stools are made of wood, metal, plastics, chipboard, MDF, plywood and other materials. The seat of the stool can be either hard (including lined with abrasion-resistant material, such as plastic), or with a soft element upholstered in fabric or leather.

Design features

The main parts of a stool are the leg (support) and the seat. The legs of the stool can be connected to each other by upper drawers and additionally by lower legs.

Types of stools by functional purpose

  • kitchen stool- a stool designed for performing work in the kitchen.
  • for tourists- a folding stool with a light, durable base that is resistant to moisture and heat (aluminum tubes, etc.).
  • bar stool- high stools with foot support.
  • to play on musical instrument - stools with a rotating, height-adjustable seat.
  • special purpose- intended for a specific type of work, and having specific features (size, strength characteristics, coatings).

In Moscow, on Taganskaya Street, there is a monument to the stool: since April 3, 2007, the Furniture Museum has been located in the former estate of the Arshenevsky brothers, in front of which stands a three-meter monument to the stool.

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Excerpt characterizing the Stool

Russian military historians, to the extent that logic is obligatory for them, involuntarily come to this conclusion and, despite lyrical appeals about courage and devotion, etc., must involuntarily admit that the French retreat from Moscow is a series of victories for Napoleon and defeats for Kutuzov.
But, leaving national pride completely aside, one feels that this conclusion itself contains a contradiction, since a series of victories for the French led them to complete destruction, and a series of defeats for the Russians led them to the complete destruction of the enemy and the purification of their fatherland.
The source of this contradiction lies in the fact that historians who study events from letters of sovereigns and generals, from reports, reports, plans, etc., have assumed a false, never-existent goal for the last period of the war of 1812 - a goal that supposedly consisted of to cut off and catch Napoleon with the marshals and the army.
This goal never existed and could not exist, because it had no meaning, and achieving it was completely impossible.
This goal did not make any sense, firstly, because Napoleon’s frustrated army fled from Russia as quickly as possible, that is, it fulfilled the very thing that every Russian could wish for. Why was it necessary to carry out various operations on the French, who fled as quickly as they could?
Secondly, it was pointless to stand in the way of people who had directed all their energy to escape.
Thirdly, it was pointless to lose your troops to destruction French armies, destroyed without external reasons in such a progression that without any obstruction of the path they could not transfer across the border more than what they transferred in the month of December, that is, one hundredth of the entire army.
Fourthly, it was pointless to want to capture the emperor, kings, dukes - people whose captivity was highest degree would complicate the actions of the Russians, as the most skilled diplomats of that time admitted (J. Maistre and others). Even more senseless was the desire to take the French corps when their troops had melted halfway to Krasny, and convoy divisions had to be separated from the corps of prisoners, and when their soldiers did not always receive full provisions and the already taken prisoners were dying of hunger.
The entire thoughtful plan to cut off and catch Napoleon and his army was similar to the plan of a gardener who, driving cattle out of the garden that had trampled his ridges, would run to the gate and begin to beat this cattle on the head. One thing that could be said to justify the gardener would be that he was very angry. But this could not even be said about the drafters of the project, because they were not the ones who suffered from the trampled ridges.

A, m. STOOL and, f. tabouret m. 1. A chair with a square or round hard seat without a back. BAS 1. Bench. Kurganov. The chair is a bench, without a support. Dahl. One canape, twelve armchairs, two crimson velvet stools, trimmed with braid... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

- (French tabouret). Chair, bench without back and arms. Electric stool. In physics: a small bench on glass legs used to isolate a person or thing that wants to be electrified. Dictionary of foreign words included in... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

STOOL, stools, men's, and STOOL, stools, women's. (French tabouret). A type of bench with a square or round seat without a back, used. instead of a chair. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

STOOL, ah, husband. and STOOL, and, female. A seat on four legs without a backrest for one person. Wooden stool. | adj. stool, aya, oh and stool, aya, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Male, French chair is a bench, without a support. Round stool under the piano. Stool cushion. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dahl. 1863 1866 … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Noun, number of synonyms: 9 diphros (3) furniture (87) pate (3) ... Synonym dictionary

stool- A piece of furniture for seating one person, without a backrest or armrests. [GOST 20400 80] Topics products furniture production Generalizing terms types of furniture by functional purpose EN stool DE HockerUngepolstert FR tabouret ... Technical Translator's Guide

stool- a commonly used word, an everyday thing, necessary in the household, and there seems to be nothing interesting in it. But if you delve deeper into the history of the word, you will find unexpected facts. The French tabouret originally meant a pillow for... ... Entertaining etymological dictionary

Genus. item a (for example, in Leskov). Borrowing through him. Taburett from French. tabouret, art. French tabour (Kluge Götze 608; Littmann 89; Gamilsheg, EW 827) ... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Vasmer


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Surely you rarely think about the history of many things that we encounter every day. A stool is one of the most primitive elements home interior. Well, really, what could be simpler and more familiar? And it’s unlikely that any of us seriously thought about when and under what circumstances the first stools appeared.

However, much here is quite obvious. The fact that the prototype of the stool was a wooden block is hardly a mystery to anyone. He is generally the progenitor of almost all home furniture– chairs, tables, etc. But when did the stool begin to take on its modern look?

At the moment, the oldest finds date back to 3000 BC. and they were made in Egypt.

Ancient Egyptian stools

In Ancient Egypt, wood was actively used to make all furniture. It is curious that, judging by archaeological excavations, an ordinary stool was very popular not only among ordinary citizens, but also among the nobility. Moreover, during the first dynasty, a simple stool without a back was used as... the throne of the Great Pharaoh himself.

Of course, such products bore little resemblance to those items that can be found in every second kitchen under the table. They were decorated with ornaments, drawings and jewelry, and were also made of expensive types of wood - cedar, boxwood, etc. However, the fact remains. The pharaoh of the first dynasty “sat” on a stool. However, already during the second dynasty, a backrest appeared on the throne. An ordinary stool no longer “rose” that high.

History of the development of stools in Europe

The history of the development of stools in Europe begins, of course, with the Romans. It was the inhabitants of the Apennines who came up with folding stools that accompanied senators in various meeting rooms.

A little later, stools with a seat in the shape of a saddle, which was spied on by nomads, became a new product (the same principle had the one-legged stool of the Italian Achille Castiglione, who in the century before last put an ordinary bicycle seat on the leg).

The Middle Ages became the period of dominance of stools in gothic style. The product was a seat that was mounted on two wide spacer legs. They could be decorated in a wide variety of ways.

Well, mass production of stools was established, naturally, in the twentieth century and became possible thanks to the invention of the stool screed. Now their production for the domestic and foreign markets is carried out by NTC-BULAT CJSC and some other enterprises.

July 7, 2014 heaven-house

Of course, every home has stools or chairs. This is the most common furniture all over the world. Chairs are usually placed in the living room, and stools in the kitchen. These two pieces of furniture have become so familiar to everyone that we rarely think about the history of their origin. However, these simple items of our interior have the most interesting and curious history.

The stool was invented much earlier than the chair. The true history of the origin of the first stool has not yet been established, and research scientists consider the ancient Egyptians to be the inventors of the first chairs. According to legend, the first ancient chairs were invented by the Egyptians.

The great rulers of Egypt, the ancient pharaohs, sat on rather primitive, massive and high benches, devoid of any comfort. And, according to the myth, during the burial ceremony of one pharaoh, a curious incident occurred - one of his close associates fell from the bench. The Egyptians took this fall as a bad omen from the gods in heaven. Therefore, historians believe that it was this fall that caused the development of the first chair. Therefore, the ancient Egyptian craftsmen gradually improved the bench, first inventing armrests and a little later - backrests. The chairs of those times were very luxurious, inlaid precious stones, gold and silver. They served as a throne, were intended and were available only to noble, rich people. Therefore, the production of furniture of those times was considered a real art, the knowledge of which was passed on to the next generation.

Centuries later, let's turn to our time - chairs and stools can be seen in every home in all corners of our planet; this is no longer a sign of luxury and wealth. Every day the mass production of chairs and stools is gaining momentum, so the price of this furniture has become affordable for every person. As you can see, from a luxury item for the nobility, chairs gradually turned into a common household item for everyone. But the history of the chair does not stop there... Chairs turned into comfortable and unusually soft armchairs.

Nowadays, the furniture industry presents to our eyes a huge selection of any models of stools and chairs. The imagination of furniture designers is limitless, so these pieces of furniture can be matched to any interior.

A stool or chair can be made from any type of wood, as well as from plastic and other materials; they can ideally fit into any interior of a home or apartment, office, salon, or any public places. Moreover, this furniture will always be relevant, since a stool and chair cannot be replaced by anything in everyday life.

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Everyone has chairs in their home, but few people have thought about the long and difficult history of the origin of chairs. When we come to a cafe, to friends, to family or to work, we look for a place where we can sit comfortably. Chairs have long been a part of our home, so few people know how the very first chairs on the planet appeared. If you are really interested, then you have a chance to find out these details from this article. Still, every object is fraught with interesting story!

The first chairs.
The journey of this piece of furniture began back in the 2nd year BC. It's about about thrones. Thrones are the fathers of today's small chairs. Not only kings, but also high society sat on them. Other people were forced to stand or sit on small chairs.
During the Middle Ages there was a slight improvement in the piece of furniture. They sewed special pillows that could be placed on the chair. This is how the elite emphasized their status. In addition, it was much more comfortable to sit on the pillow. By the way, nowadays people still use chair cushions for comfort. Agree, it is much more pleasant and comfortable to sit on a chair that has velvet upholstery. You begin to feel like a king or a nobleman.

Improved versions of chairs.
A little later, a tailcoat became fashionable. Because of this, a small problem arose among the male part of the population, in the form of an eternally wrinkled tailcoat. The solution was found when furniture designers made unusual chairs with the backrest located in the front. It was very comfortable and pleasant to sit on such furniture if it was turned the other way around. Have you noticed that many men now like to sit this way? So that the back of the chair is in front. Now you know where such unusual love among men came from.

The very first office chair was probably invented by Charles Darwin himself! He very often carried out research in his office. In order not to waste time, he attached small wheels to his chair so that he could quickly move around the room.

Chairs on wheels became popular thanks to Otto von Bismarck. It was he who came up with the idea of ​​using such chairs in Parliament when he held his post there. Thus, we can safely say that chairs and comfort keep up with the times. Comfortable chairs help you work better and more productively.
It is worth noting that people did not always strive to make their furniture comfortable. In Krakow they make special chairs that will surprise you. They are made deliberately uncomfortable. This is done to ensure that employees do not sleep during important meetings, but resolve all pressing issues as quickly as possible. It turns out that chairs help you make decisions much faster!

Viennese chairs.

The most famous of all the chairs is Chair No. 14. It is also called the Viennese chair. This piece of furniture was developed back in the 19th century. Michael Thonet was able to create an unusually strong chair. It would seem that the chair is the most ordinary and unremarkable, but it has the highest strength and is very inexpensive. The creator of this unusual chair specifically tested the strength of his brainchild. He threw several chairs directly from the Eiffel Tower, proving their durability. The most amazing thing is that not a single chair broke! The Viennese chair is exactly the thing that people will look up to, even after several hundred years.

A chair in the modern sense is not only one of the main decorative elements in the apartment. and above all a piece of furniture. Every day, designers around the world create more and more unique and unusual chairs.

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