Disability due to removal of all female organs. When a woman's uterus and ovaries are removed, are they given disability?

Surgery to remove the uterus can lead to serious complications that impair the functional activity of the pelvic organs, which can threaten the patient’s life. Its implementation is associated with great risks, so it is a rather radical solution. In rare cases, removal of the uterus results in disability, since the consequences can cause partial or complete loss of vital functions.

Possible complications

To the most dangerous consequences that occur after uterine amputation include:

  • Injury to organs in the groin area. Possible intestinal damage.
  • Blood loss that requires blood transfusion or special blood-substituting fluids.
  • Infection. This can happen any time surgical intervention, to reduce the risk, therapeutic and preventive measures are carried out.
  • Death. It is also possible after surgery, but is observed in 0.1% of cases.

The attending physician must prescribe the use of medications, minimization physical activity and dieting. After removal of the uterus, they may develop cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, early menopause or vaginal prolapse. Such complications require immediate therapeutic measures to restore the body. The patient must be constantly monitored to monitor her health.

Important! If complications are not observed, changes still occur that require correction of the woman’s lifestyle.

Indications for disability assignment

After surgery to remove the ovaries and body of the uterus, a disability group is often not issued. The resection itself does not imply its receipt, but the basis for this may be the loss of ability:

  • to movement and independent care;
  • labor activity and training;
  • communication and orientation in space.

If, after a hysterectomy, therapeutic measures, procedures, compliance with medical recommendations and maintaining a good psychological mood are carried out, the lifestyle is practically no different from the normal state of a woman

Radical measures are taken if treatment methods for the disease do not produce results, as with stage III and IV cervical cancer.

Modern medicine makes it possible to effectively combat postoperative consequences, but recovery is a rather lengthy process. The patient must remain in the hospital for the first two weeks; a sick leave certificate is issued during this period.

Typically, it takes about 30–40 days in total. If complications arise, the certificate must be extended. After this, the patient is discharged and allowed to work, if there is no impact on the body.

Then there is no benefit, but if the consequences are severe or the extirpation resulted in serious complications, there is a chance to get a group. This happens by decision of the staff of the MSE (medical and social examination) service.

List of documents for registration

If an operation to remove the fallopian tubes or the uterus as a whole is accompanied by a violation of the patient’s basic vital functions, the process of registering a disability group begins. For this purpose, a referral to the ITU is taken by the attending physician. If he believes that this procedure is inappropriate in a particular case, the legislation makes it possible to carry out the procedure in independently.

The ITU assesses the condition of the body based on the prescribed diagnosis and the patient’s complaint, after which it can give permission to obtain disability. Then you should prepare the following documents for submission:

  • Original and copy of passport;
  • Outpatient medical record;
  • Original and copy of hospital extract;
  • Application for appointment of an examination.

The procedure for registering a group and the corresponding norms are prescribed in the Government Decree Russian Federation No. 95 dated February 20, 2006. When protecting the interests of the patient, the representative must provide a notarized power of attorney. To increase the effectiveness of the defense, you should fully describe the circumstances that led to the filing of the relevant application.

If you receive a refusal, you can submit documents for re-examination

The experts' decision is influenced by the objectivity of the presentation of the problem by the patient himself or his authorized representative. The verdict may be refusal or permission to register disability. If the outcome is positive, the validity period and group are determined. If a woman receives a refusal, she has the right to appeal it no later than a month later at the ITU main bureau.

The commission, at its discretion, assigns disability of groups I, II or III. The period is determined for 1–2 years or indefinitely; upon its completion, an examination is carried out with a second decision to extend or cancel the benefit. Often, when the uterus is removed, a group III disability lasting 1 year is given.

Dear Marina! To establish disability, it is necessary to have health defects due to illness or injury that limit a person’s life activity (self-care, performance of previous job duties, etc.). Removal of the uterus and appendages usually does not significantly impair/limit such abilities. Consequently, a disability group is unlikely to be assigned, but I cannot say this unequivocally, especially in absentia, without having it in hand and being unfamiliar with the medical history.

Therefore, to clarify the situation, I advise your mother to contact her doctor. After the examination, he has the right to decide whether or not to send her medical documents to determine disability.

I'll notice! The chances of getting a disability increase if: a) the operation was performed for a malignant oncological disease - cancer and did not lead to a cure, or there were severe postoperative complications; and b) the operated woman is of childbearing age - loss of function is obvious.

In conclusion, I will briefly describe the procedure for registering disability. To be assigned the status of “disabled person,” the victim must go to a medical institution at his place of residence and explain to the general practitioner that he is forced to receive disability due to specific reasons. The doctor is obliged to make an appropriate entry in the medical record and sign referrals to specialized specialists. After this, it is necessary to undergo an examination, somewhat reminiscent of a medical examination. The patient must tell each specialist in detail not only about the illness or injury that caused the disability, but also about how he received it, as well as about the working conditions at work. Doctors are required to enter this information into the medical record.

Note: A person, going through a medical commission, tries to defend his rights, and for this it is important for him not only to obtain a certificate of disability, but also to establish a cause-and-effect relationship. The circumstances of receipt of disability are no less important than the assignment of the status itself.

The result of the work of the medical commission will be the resulting certificate-conclusion, which is made on the basis of clinical-functional, social-household, professional-labor and psychological data using the classification and criteria approved by the Ministry of Health and social development RF. If disability is proven, the certificate will indicate its group, timing, reasons that led to it, instructions for treatment and prevention. But, I want to note that obtaining such a certificate does not take one month. Therefore, it is necessary to stock up not only with patience, but also with time...

All the best! Health to you and your loved ones!

With the development of pyelonephritis in the active phase, in the case of rare exacerbations and chronic renal failure of no higher than IIA degree, reversible form, TUT does not exceed 3 months. With the development of complications in the form of a vesicovaginal fistula and in the case of effective reconstructive surgery, TUT lasts up to 5 months. With a favorable clinical prognosis, the criteria for returning to work are: - general satisfactory condition; - normalization of hematological and biochemical parameters; - healing of the postoperative wound; - lack of severity of complications and consequences. Disability due to oncological diseases MSEC has determined disability group 3 associated with service in the internal affairs department of Ukraine. A year later the group was removed.

How to get disability after hysterectomy?

Is such a rule legal... View answer... Establishing a disability group for an unproven industrial injury Good afternoon. My son has a cut-off thumb on right hand completely, the function of the hand is impaired - there is no grip. They could not prove that the injury was industrial.
For two years they were assigned to group III. Before the injury he worked as a carpenter. Then he had to work at the job where he was hired.

And at the moment I got into... View answer... Establishing a disability group after the removal of one kidney Good health to you. I had one kidney removed, and therefore I had to move to another job - one that paid less.

Do I have the right to register for a disability group? View answer... Determination of the disability group due to a leg injury as a result of an accident 10/8/2010. installer Kozak V.P. having recovered from the injury: “Scarring, soreness, stress hemarthrosis of the right knee joint.

Are you entitled to disability after hysterectomy?

In these same cases, in complex postoperative treatment chemotherapy should be included. Combined treatment (surgery + remote radiation therapy) is used in the absence of extragenital contraindications to it, as well as when it is possible to radically remove the primary lesion during surgery. Combined radiation therapy includes external beam radiation therapy and intracavitary gamma therapy, which simultaneously affects the primary lesion and metastasis pathways (both lymphogenous and implantation). Combined radiation therapy is used when there are contraindications to combined treatment, as well as when the process has spread significantly.

Complications and consequences. Given the variety of treatment methods used for uterine cancer, complications and consequences described in the section: “MSE and disability in cervical cancer” may occur.
Metastasis of uterine body cancer occurs in three ways: lymphogenous - in the iliac and para-aortic lymph nodes, hematogenous - in the liver and bones, implantation in the fallopian tubes, ovaries and vagina. Histological structure of the tumor. Endometrial cancer in its own way histological structure is an adenocarcinoma, which, depending on the degree of differentiation, is divided into highly differentiated, moderately differentiated, glandular-solid and solid (poorly differentiated). In tumors of varying degrees of differentiation, so-called pseudocellular areas can be observed, which are benign structures and do not determine the biological properties of the tumor.
Such tumors are commonly called adenoacanthomas. A rare variant of uterine body cancer are clear cell (mesonephroid) adenocarcinomas, which can be of varying degrees of differentiation.

Disability after hysterectomy


Medical and social examination Another positive fact will be that a refusal or lowering of the group can be challenged in court with great success due to the certainty of the criteria for determining the disability group. And more confidently complain to the prosecutor about the removal of disability before filing a complaint with the main regional ITU bureau.


You can look at the prospects and timing of establishing a particular disability group for other malignant neoplasms by studying the provisions of the order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection RF dated September 29, 2014 N 664n. Important Disability and occupational illness of miners I worked at the mine for 10 years and had back pain as a miner; I had an MRI in 2007.

Assignment of disability upon removal of the uterus and appendages

If the operation is successful, drug treatment after it, following all recommendations, a positive psychological attitude, the state of a woman’s body does not significantly affect her lifestyle. Of course, there are restrictions, for example, it is forbidden to lift weights, especially in the first 1.5-2 months after surgery, and at the same time it is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse. A radical decision to remove the uterus is made as a last resort, if all other, more gentle methods of treatment have been exhausted or are inappropriate. Modern methods The operation makes it easier to cope with its consequences and reduces injuries. However, the recovery process after hysterectomy is quite serious and requires time and a hospital stay of about two weeks. A sick leave certificate is issued for the entire period of inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation.

Medical and social examination

To most effectively protect your interests, it is advisable to study the content of all regulations related to this procedure. The commission's decision largely depends on the patient or his representative and their ability to objectively and fully present the essence of the problem.

As a result of a meeting of the commission, a decision may be made to assign or deny disability. In the first case, the group and the period for which this status is valid are determined.

In the second, a certificate of the result of the examination is provided, after which, in case of disagreement with the decision made, the patient can appeal it within 30 days to the main ITU bureau. Disability is divided into groups I, II and III. It can be given for a year, two, three or indefinitely - at the discretion of the commission.

Life after removal of the uterus and ovaries: sex, weight, disability

If the status is assigned for a certain period, then at the end of it the procedure will have to be repeated, and the decision may differ from the previous one. In the case of consequences of hysterectomy, most likely, group III can be determined for a maximum period of one year. Unfortunately, the objective reality is that in the absence of visible defects, a positive decision from the ITU is reluctantly made. In addition, hysterectomy is used quite often, and there are a lot of women suffering from its consequences.

Many of them return to their normal lifestyle and feel normal. All these circumstances provide grounds for refusing to assign the status of a disabled person in this case.

However, this does not mean that you should not try if the situation requires it.

Disability is due after removal of the uterus and appendages

Examination standards for referral to MSE: - clinical blood and urine tests; - biochemical blood parameters; - chest x-ray, if necessary - tomogram; - liver ultrasound; - gynecological examinations with rectovaginal examination. Criteria for disability groups. Moderate limitation of life activity during radical treatment of malignant neoplasms of the ovaries is determined at stages Ia, Ib, Ic and IIa, provided that the macrostructure of organ (i) is preserved, effective completed treatment (full course of chemotherapy) and the absence of pronounced complications and consequences, which allows return the patient to non-contraindicated types and working conditions. If rational employment is necessary with a reduction in qualifications or volume of work, as well as in connection with a significant limitation in the possibility of employment, patients are recognized as disabled people of group III.

The patient must tell each specialist in detail not only about the illness or injury that caused the disability, but also about how he received it, as well as about the working conditions at work. Doctors are required to enter this information into the medical record.

Note: When a person undergoes a medical examination, he tries to defend his rights, and for this it is important for him not only to obtain a certificate of disability, but also to establish a cause-and-effect relationship. The circumstances of receipt of disability are no less important than the assignment of the status itself.

The result of the work of the medical commission will be the resulting certificate-conclusion, which is made on the basis of clinical, functional, social, everyday, professional, labor and psychological data using the classification and criteria approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.
Together with the other consequences of hysterectomy, this negatively affects the postoperative condition of a woman. Even in the absence of the above complications, the body undergoes a number of changes after surgery, and there is a need for some restrictions and a different approach to lifestyle. You may need to adjust your diet, take medications prescribed by your doctor, avoid lifting heavy objects, and see your doctor regularly.

The latter requirement is dictated not only by the need to monitor the restoration of the patient’s health as a result of removal of the uterus, but also to monitor other changes in body functions. Example negative consequences may be:

  • heart problems, vaginal prolapse;
  • premature menopause;
  • osteoporosis and more.

If any complication occurs, additional treatment will be required.

How to get disabled during hysterectomy with appendages

I'll notice! The chances of getting a disability increase if: a) the operation was performed for a malignant oncological disease - cancer and did not lead to a cure, or there were severe postoperative complications; and b) the woman being operated on is of childbearing age—loss of function is evident. In conclusion, I will briefly describe the procedure for registering disability. To be assigned the status of “disabled person,” the victim must go to a medical institution at his place of residence and explain to the general practitioner that he is forced to receive disability due to specific reasons. The doctor is obliged to make an appropriate entry in the medical record and sign referrals to specialized specialists. After this, it is necessary to undergo an examination, somewhat reminiscent of a medical examination.

Medical and social examination and disability in uterine cancer

Among all malignant neoplasms of the female genital organs, uterine cancer ranks third in frequency of occurrence after cervical cancer and ovarian cancer. The ratio of the incidence of uterine cancer and cervical cancer is 1:10. Average age of patients with uterine cancer is 59.2 years.

Criteria for examination of work ability.
Stage of the disease. The following stages are distinguished.
0 - preinvasive adenocarcinoma (synonym - adenomatosis, atypical endometrial hyperplasia);
I - the tumor is limited to the body of the uterus, regional metastases are not detected;
IA - tumor limited to the endometrium;
IB - invasion into the myometrium up to 1 cm;
IB - invasion into the myometrium more than 1 cm, but there is no damage to the serous membrane;
II - the tumor affects the body and cervix, regional metastases are not detected;
III - the tumor spreads beyond the uterus, but not beyond the pelvis;
IIIA - the tumor infiltrates the serous membrane of the uterus and (or) there are metastases in the uterine appendages and (or) in the pelvic lymph nodes;
IIIB - the tumor infiltrates the pelvic tissue and (or) there are metastases in the vagina;
IV - the tumor spreads beyond the pelvis and (or) there is invasion of the bladder and (or) rectum:
IVA - the tumor is growing bladder and/or rectum,
IVB is a tumor of any degree of local and regional spread with detectable distant metastases.

Metastasis Cancer of the uterine body occurs in three ways:
lymphogenous - into the iliac and para-aortic lymph nodes, hematogenous - into the liver and bones, implantation into the fallopian tubes, ovaries and vagina.

Histological structure of the tumor.
Endometrial cancer in its histological structure is adenocarcinoma, which, depending on the degree of differentiation, is divided into well-differentiated, moderately differentiated, glandular-solid and solid (poorly differentiated).
In tumors of varying degrees of differentiation, so-called pseudocellular areas can be observed, which are benign structures and do not determine the biological properties of the tumor. Such tumors are usually called adenoacanthomas.
A rare variant of uterine body cancer are clear cell (mesonephroid) adenocarcinomas, which can be of varying degrees of differentiation. Undifferentiated forms of endometrial cancer include tumors that are so poorly differentiated that they cannot be classified as carcinomas. Prognostically more favorable moderately and well-differentiated tumors, in which the 5-year survival rate is 86.8%.
The radicality of the treatment. Currently used to treat patients with uterine cancer various methods: surgical, combined, combined radiation therapy, hormonal and chemotherapy.
Considering the great similarity in the pathways of metastasis of body and cervical cancer, the optimal extent of the operation is extirpation of the uterus and appendages on both sides. If cancer spreads to the uterine appendages, resection of the greater omentum should also be performed. In these cases, chemotherapy should be included in the complex of postoperative treatment.
Combined treatment (surgery + external beam radiation therapy) is used in the absence of extragenital contraindications to it, as well as when it is possible to radically remove the primary lesion during surgery.
Combined radiation therapy includes external beam radiation therapy and intracavitary gamma therapy, which simultaneously affects the primary lesion and metastasis pathways (both lymphogenous and implantation). Combined radiation therapy is used when there are contraindications to combined treatment, as well as when the process has spread significantly.

Complications and consequences.
Given the variety of treatment methods used for uterine cancer, complications and consequences may occur, described in the section: “MSE and disability in cervical cancer.”

Criteria and approximate deadlines for VUT.
VUT is established from the moment of diagnosis of uterine cancer for the entire period of treatment. The criteria for VUT and return to work for uterine cancer are the same as for cervical cancer. LUT of patients who have undergone radical surgical treatment for stage I and II adenocarcinoma of the uterine body usually does not exceed 1.5 - 2 months.
With complex treatment including chemotherapy, its good tolerance and the absence of complications requiring treatment between courses, patients are temporarily disabled for the entire period.

Contraindicated types and working conditions.
The following should be considered absolutely contraindicated types and working conditions for patients undergoing radical surgery for uterine cancer:
- heavy physical work;
— work in unfavorable microclimate conditions;
- work with harmful physical factors(currents of high and ultra-high frequencies, ionizing radiation).

Indications for referral to ITU for cancer of the uterine body are similar to those and
When carrying out complex treatment of uterine cancer, the indication for referral to MSE is the need for a long course of chemotherapy, especially with poor individual tolerability of chemotherapy, which leads to an extension of treatment due to increased breaks between courses of chemotherapy.

Standards of examination when referring to ITU. Special methods examinations for uterine cancer, necessary when referring to ITU, those

Criteria for disability groups.
Moderate limitation of life activity is determined during radical treatment of stages I and II of uterine cancer in the case of moderate complications and consequences as a result of effective completed treatment. If there is a possibility of employment for the patient in non-contraindicated working conditions, then she can be recognized as able to work in her profession. If rational employment is necessary, entailing a decrease in qualifications or volume of work, or with a significant limitation of employment opportunities, such patients are recognized as having limited ability to work (disabled group III).

Marked limitation of life activity (disabled people of group II) occurs when treatment is ineffective in the case of non-radical treatment of uterine cancer in stages III and IV of the disease. A questionable or unfavorable prognosis provides grounds for declaring the patient unable to work under normal production conditions. Severe limitation of life activity occurs with effective incomplete treatment with a doubtful immediate prognosis, when after treatment significant complications and consequences arise, such as a functioning vaginal-vesical or vaginal-rectal fistula, severe late post-radiation cystitis or rectitis. The need for long-term treatment with a questionable prognosis creates the basis for determining II disability group.

A sharply expressed limitation of life activity occurs in stage IV uterine cancer when patients need constant outside care or in the case of incurable tumor. In these cases, there are grounds for recognizing patients disabled people of group I.

The same disease different people proceeds differently. Despite the great achievements of modern medicine, radical operations to remove internal organs have been performed before and continue to be performed to this day. Today, a certain percentage of women suffer from uterine diseases. In some cases, when treatment fails, this important reproductive organ is removed. Those representatives of the fairer sex who have undergone this operation are often interested in whether they give a disability after removing the uterus? The material below will answer this question.

For what reasons can amputation of the uterus be prescribed?

This radical operation is prescribed when:

  • diagnosed with uterine cancer;
  • there is blood loss various reasons, including during childbirth (this operation is prescribed urgently when a woman’s bleeding does not stop);
  • the body of the uterus falls out (this is possible if there are deviations in the formation of the pelvic floor, if the fairer sex has had many difficult births, or if the patient has a genetic predisposition to such a problem);
  • During childbirth, various birth pathologies arose.

Important! In certain cases, the ovaries are also removed along with the uterus. But the appropriateness of such a measure is determined only by the doctor on an individual basis.

After amputation of the female reproductive organ and ovaries, disability is not given. But it can be assigned when a hysterectomy has undermined a woman’s health to such an extent that it is not possible to restore her previous level of ability to work.

If the uterus has been removed, it is worth looking at a number of nuances. A woman’s condition requires attention when:

  • After the operation, she fell into depression, feels irritation and anxiety, which become the reason for the development of a panic attack;
  • She began to rapidly gain weight and dietary meals, moderate physical activity did not help to lose extra pounds.

Although after operations to remove the uterus there are no problems with sexual life, since it is not the uterus that is responsible for sensitivity, but the vaginal receptors, in some cases a decrease in libido is possible. But this issue can be easily resolved with properly selected hormonal therapy.

What happens to hormonal levels? If, in addition to the uterus, the ovaries were also removed, a woman of reproductive age should pay a lot of attention to hormone replacement. If you ignore this point, a woman may experience hot flashes and other signs of menopause.
Since the ovaries produced estrogen, which is responsible for reproductive function and libido, doctors prescribe various estrogen-containing drugs to women after uterine amputation.

The question of motherhood

The consequences of removing the uterus and ovaries are sad, since after this the issue of motherhood in its traditional view is excluded. This is especially true in cases where both ovaries are removed. If menstruation disappears, ovulation does not occur, but at least one of the ovaries is preserved and healthy, pregnancy becomes possible with the help of a surrogate mother.

What is meant by preventive examination?

In the first 12 months after amputation of the uterus, you should be observed by a gynecologist. An extraordinary inspection may be necessary if:

  • take place painful sensations unknown etiology;
  • inflammation of the suture has occurred and there is an elevated temperature;
  • occurs strong pain during sex;
  • discharge from the genital tract of a pathological nature has arisen (for the reason that when the ovaries are removed, the cycle is interrupted, then there should be no discharge characteristic of the ovulation period). For any other discharge, the woman should visit a doctor.

Many people are concerned about the question: does this operation affect life expectancy? Doctors answer this question in the negative.

Some women raise the issue of disability due to the difficult postoperative period. In the early postoperative period a woman should pay a lot of attention to her peace. She should not subject her body to physical activity and must follow a special diet.
The late postoperative period involves regular support of the pelvic floor with Kegel exercises. During the first two months you will need daily pads and a support bandage.

What documents are needed to obtain disability?

If a representative of the fairer sex has encountered severe post-operative consequences that have limited her previous performance or reduced it to “no”, it is worth telling the doctor at the clinic about her desire to receive a disability. Whether to give it or not is up to ITU members to decide. To obtain disability, a woman will have to prepare:

  • statement of desire to conduct an examination;
  • passport and its copy;
  • outpatient card;
  • special extracts from medical institutions.

Important! If the issue of registration of disability is handled by a representative of a woman who has undergone uterine amputation, then it will be necessary to provide a notarized power of attorney.

This material told everything about the causes and consequences of hysterectomy. He also explained in what cases a woman can count on disability.

Question answer

  • Question No. 1. In what cases can a woman be given disability after removal of the uterus?
    Answer. Disability is possible when a woman:
    • cannot take care of himself independently;
    • cannot move;
    • cannot study or work;
    • I lost control of myself and became a victim of constant panic attacks.
  • Question No. 2. Who makes the decision to grant a woman disability?
    Answer. The need for disability is determined by ITU members. They will carefully examine the woman’s condition and, if they are convinced that the condition of the patient who survived the operation is poor, they will allow the woman to initiate the procedure for obtaining disabled status.
  • Question No. 3. What should a woman do if she does not agree with the decision of the ITU that refused to provide a disabled group?
    Answer. If the organized commission has not given its consent to grant the woman disability, the patient has the right to appeal such a decision within a 30-day period by sending her consent to the ITU main bureau.
    If the patient is confident that she is right, it is quite possible that a higher commission may voice a satisfactory answer. A representative of the fairer sex may be granted disability of the first, second or third group. This status can be granted for 12 months, 24 months or indefinitely. Medical practice suggests that if there are no visible health problems caused by uterine amputation, the ITU will not agree to grant a woman disabled status.