If it seems that you have stopped loving your husband. Should you let the person go? My husband has lost interest in me

Once upon a time everything was wonderful. And kisses with butterflies in the stomach, and declarations of love, and passionate nights. And then everything somehow started spinning and spinning. And now the moment has come when it seems to you that there is nothing. That you don't feel anything for him. That love has passed. The tomatoes have wilted. But this is not just a man who can be turned out the door. This is your husband. The man God sent. What to do if you realize that you have stopped loving your husband? Living with an unloved person for the rest of your life? To endure and suffer? Or get a divorce, opening your heart to a new relationship that will bring new love? The choice is difficult, as it completely changes fate. Therefore, before you act, you need to figure out where the feelings went and whether they can be revived at all.

According to statistics, more than half of married couples break up due to “falling out of love,” “didn’t get along,” “feelings went away,” “cheated on.” But the essence of all this is the same - a crisis in relationships. When a woman gets married, she believes that the hardest part is over, now there will be complete happiness, which, by the way, will be provided by her husband. In general, in her opinion, it is his direct responsibility to make her happy. At first this is what happens. The husband’s shortcomings are not visible, only solid advantages are visible. He pays all his time and attention to his beloved woman. And everything is great in the relationship. But then suddenly (!) it turns out to be not so ideal. He scatters his socks, doesn’t keep all his promises, is late. And maybe drinks beer with friends she doesn't like at all.

In fact, it is from this moment that the cooling of feelings begins. And the further, the more closely the wife looks at her husband, the more shortcomings she finds. At some point, she generally ceases to understand how she fell in love with such a person. Plus, to all this, those character traits that she discovered (negative, of course) begin to bring her pain. What is she doing? She is offended because her expectations were not met at all. The more unmet expectations accumulate, the stronger the resentment, and the stronger the resentment, the weaker the feelings. The result is thoughts: “What to do if you stop loving your husband?”

You need to understand one truth - this stage in a relationship is absolutely natural and normal. Moreover, it will happen to any other man. It is inevitable, this is the nature of the relationship between a man and a woman. And the man, by the way, feels the same, since he also begins to notice his wife’s shortcomings. And he stops seeing the merits. The negativity accumulates, he is disappointed. Feels trapped, deceived. Where is the soft, sweet girl he took as his wife? Why in front of him? And she just showed all the character she finally has. This time. And then, she is offended by him for his character, which also came as a surprise to her.

If you have already lived a long life together, and you have the feeling that you have stopped loving your husband, then you need to start cleaning. Cleaning up your soul and your relationships. This means that your feelings are buried behind mutual insults, reproaches, claims, rude words and insults. And you need to slowly clear your feelings day by day, wash them away. Forgive each other. Have a heart-to-heart talk. And start again. The fact that it is impossible to enter the same river twice is nonsense. This proverb was invented by people who don't know how to work on relationships and who don't want to change. Those who expect their partner to change, but starting with themselves is humiliation for them. But in fact, it is real, you just have to really want it.

God gives us a husband, all marriages are made in heaven, so divorcing your husband in order to look for new thrills is an illusion. The delusion of our ego, which craves vivid feelings and emotions. Everything will be the same with the new husband. Only worse. Why is it worse? Because that's how karma works. If a woman leaves her man, then the next chosen one will make her less happy than her ex-husband could have made her. With each new choice, her life will become more and more difficult. But we don't want to believe it.

I tell my clients and subscribers who ask the question: “What should I do, I’ve stopped loving my husband?” that you need to start loving. After all . Therefore, it is stupid to sit and wait for feelings to resurrect and appear. Start changing yourself, then your husband will begin to change, and as a result, your relationship will change. They will again have a lot of happiness and love. That love that was buried and which you were able to revive again.

Crises and difficult periods in family relationships happen in every family, even the most prosperous. A family is a dynamic entity in which both partners are in continuous development. With the birth of a child and the adoption of serious joint decisions, the relationship of the spouses develops and changes. How to understand that feelings are gone irrevocably, and what to do in this situation?

Reasons for the fading of feelings

The most difficult years family life are the first three. In the first year, the spouses decide whether they should continue living together and get used to each other’s characteristics. By the third year of family life, a child appears in the family, and the barely established way of life is turned upside down.

Three years is a considerable period of time during which life becomes stable. In many families, stability is replaced by monotony, and a monotonous routine can make even the most faithful and loving partner irritable and tired. Behind a series of boring daily actions, the negative sides of the spouse become clearly visible. If previously his wife could only gently scold him for sloppiness, forgetfulness or enthusiasm computer games, then by the third year annoying habits may be pointed out with rudeness and scandal.

Otherwise, the woman suffers in silence. She, as always, does her usual housework, cleans, cooks, smiles reservedly at her husband, but in her head she has long been planning to go to her parents.

External negative factors influence the decision to leave. Living with parents or their constant interference in the personal lives of spouses, financial difficulties, the loss of a close friend or relative can turn a woman’s mind upside down and make her grow cold towards her husband.

The reasons for the loss of feelings can be very diverse. The spouses themselves should gather in them or do it together with a specialist. However, the severance of family relationships, especially long-term ones, is a serious step, and it is not always worth following the lead of the heart, especially since feelings can only fade away temporarily. Let's turn to the advice of a psychologist: what to do if a wife stops loving her husband.

How to understand that feelings have faded?

Many women cannot fully understand their feelings for their spouse. On the one hand, it is quite normal that over the years lived together, feelings for a man from violent passion and exciting love develop into something more measured: into respect, support, into deep resonance with each other.

Some women, yearning for thrills, may mistake this state for the fading of feelings. This is wrong. A strong connection and mutual trust in each other is a logical extension of romantic thrill. You should strive for such relationships and value them very much, because your life partner is a person you can really rely on in any situation. Such a person may be the only one in your life, because it takes more than one year to build such harmony. You just need to rekindle the fire of past love by diversifying your joint leisure time.

It’s another matter when everything about a man begins to irritate him. His manner of dressing, his habits, facial expressions, smell - everything causes deep disgust. accompanied by a feeling of disgust, and the woman seeks to avoid it. Often women in such a situation generally prefer to spend the night alone or with the child. This is really a reason to think about whether a wife needs such a relationship with her husband.

How can a man understand that his wife’s attitude towards him has changed? The psychologist's advice notes several signs of female behavior that scream "I've fallen out of love with my husband." Here is their list:

  • the wife avoids intimacy under various pretexts;
  • the wife is interested in the lives of other men, their successes and hobbies. New men appeared among her acquaintances;
  • instead of spending time with her husband, the wife prefers the company of friends or loneliness;
  • The wife does not share her plans with her husband. Her dreams no longer include her husband; she prefers to make decisions on her own;
  • a woman makes large purchases without discussing it with her husband.

There are a number of other signs that do not necessarily indicate that the wife has lost interest in her husband, but in combination with the signs from the first list confirm this guess:

  • the woman stopped taking care of herself at home. She doesn’t care what her home clothes look like, she doesn’t preen herself and doesn’t strive to look beautiful for her husband;
  • attacks of jealousy towards her husband become frequent, even to the point of hysterics;
  • the wife ignores the presence of her husband at home. She goes about her business, but does not seek to enter into dialogue with her husband and does not react to his presence;
  • the woman began to behave selfishly and rudely. She does not choose expressions when talking with her husband and can deliberately provoke conflicts in order to hurt his feelings;
  • household duties are performed without enthusiasm. The spouse may continue to prepare food, but does so without enthusiasm;
  • To make important decisions, the wife does not involve her husband in discussions. She either decides everything silently and independently, or asks for advice from her parents or friends.

If several items from the list coincide with the state of affairs in the family, you should think about

How to return love?

What to do if your husband realized that he was no longer loved? The psychologist's advice provides several ways for men to restore family relationships.

To begin with, you should understand that fire love relationship should be maintained at all times. If you throw yourself into your career and leave your wife unattended, her feelings will fade away. She will become bored with such a man who shows no attention at all and does not understand her. To maintain family relationships, you don’t need to spend big money or perform crazy heroics. Sometimes it’s enough to do nice little things: give flowers for no reason, bring coffee in bed, kiss you after coming home from work, cover you with a blanket when it’s cold. These are the positive moments that will make a woman feel needed and loved.

But what to do if this advice from a psychologist is untimely and the wife has already fallen out of love? One of the surest ways is a frank conversation. Choose a time when both are calm and have enough time to talk. Try to calmly and patiently figure out why your relationship has reached an impasse. Listen to mutual criticism. Don't let the conversation escalate into another scandal. Decide what you will do about the shortcomings voiced and how exactly you will change. Of course we're talking about about deep changes in personality, and not about a “fix” for a couple of days.

If a wife decides to leave her husband because of a specific act, she must sincerely ask for forgiveness. You can make a pleasant surprise as an apology. And, of course, we need to discuss together how to correct the consequences of this offense. If we are talking about cheating, then this is unlikely to work, but in other cases you can try.

If the matter is a loss of emotional intimacy, then the husband should become more sensitive. You should ask how your wife’s day went and whether she needs help with anything around the house. A nice gift after a hard day at work will be a massage or a new fragrant foam for a hot bath.

One option is temporary separation. If the wife is determined to leave or declares that she is mortally tired of her husband’s company, offer to separate only for a while, maintaining friendly relations. A separate life will allow you to calmly and without irritation weigh all the positive and negative sides marriage and then decide whether to get back together or break off the relationship completely.

If a wife has stopped loving her husband, psychologists' advice will tell you how to return love to the family. Family counseling from a professional saves many couples. To begin with, it is enough to consult only one of the spouses - the one whose initiative is to save the marriage. The psychologist will help understand the client’s feelings and (if necessary) conduct a joint consultation with both partners.

A psychologist's advice is necessary to understand what to do if a wife stops loving her husband, but there are children in the marriage. Children are the most sensitive to what happens in their parents' relationships and suffer the most in the event of a breakup. To save the family, or at least the psyche of the child during divorce, requires work with professional psychologist the whole family, or at least the parent who is most concerned with raising the child.

You can get advice from a psychologist not only during a personal visit, but also online. Psychologist-hypnologist

A person is not always able to cope with his feelings. At the beginning of a relationship they are bright, then they acquire a different shade, sometimes turning into irritation or indifference.

If a woman stops loving her husband, what should she do? In this case they will help psychologist's advice. They will also be useful for men.

Psychology and reasons

One day you realize that the feelings are no longer the same.

Awareness can come gradually or occur overnight.

There is no love anymore, but I want to find the reasons why this happened.

I feel like I don't love my boyfriend anymore

Do you understand that the guy is already doesn't have the same meaning to you.

Or maybe it’s even unpleasant for you to be around, you avoid meetings, touches, intimate contact.


  • there was no love in the first place. There was love, interest, but the feeling was not deep and sincere;
  • the guy committed a crime, as a result of which love cooled down;
  • you liked someone else;
  • love goes through a stage of cooling of feelings;
  • everyday life, problems overshadowed all other sensations.

If love really has passed, then there is no point in continuing the relationship. If feelings have temporarily cooled, then you should think about how to add variety to your life together and rekindle the old fire.

I can't leave a girl I don't like anymore

You realized that you don't love the girl anymore.

It would seem that this a reason to break up but some force holds you together.

Options why you are still together:

  • habit;
  • you feel comfortable living nearby;
  • you get some benefit;
  • pity - when she is left alone, she will be very worried;
  • guilt.

The problem is that the girl feels the attitude towards her. Living with someone who doesn't love you is not easy.

Indifferent to her husband after the birth of a child

The period after the birth of the baby - one of the most difficult in a woman’s life. There are frequent cases of disgust towards her husband and fear of becoming pregnant again.

All this greatly affects emotional condition women. She loses feelings for the man.

State may be temporary until the difficult period passes.

The best way to understand yourself and your attitude towards your husband is to go to a psychologist.

Depression after childbirth may last only a few days, but sometimes its course is prolonged, so the problem should not be ignored.

If you want to know what to do if you stop loving your husband or boyfriend, then watch the video:

My husband has lost interest in me

You suddenly began to understand that your spouse’s feelings are no longer the same. He pays less attention does not give warmth, but maybe openly says that .

You will have to understand that you have no control over other people's feelings. And the person himself is not always able to control them.

What to do?

  1. To attempt . Become interesting to your husband again. Be active, have your own interests, hobbies, work. If you devote your life only to a man, you cease to be an interesting and self-sufficient person for him.
  2. husband If love has passed completely, then divorce- this is an opportunity for him and you to become happy and start a new relationship.

Take your spouse as a person, with its own advantages and disadvantages, with freedom of choice.

If there is a risk of aggressive behavior on the part of your spouse in a relationship, take action.

Humiliation, criticism, manipulation have a negative impact on the mental state, so such manifestations cannot be tolerated.

What to do and what to do?

One of the feelings that arises when you realize that you have fallen out of love - despair, misunderstanding, why is this happening.

Honesty and respect for a partner means admitting that love has passed and finding a way out of the current situation.

The wife says she has fallen out of love

Your wife said that she no longer loves you. This may come as a surprise since you have been together for so long. Or feeling angry.

Your possible actions:

Respect for your partner's feelings is a step towards harmonious and happy life. Many couples live without love, but between them there is friendship, acceptance, moments that unite.

What to do if your wife falls out of love? Psychologist's advice:

My husband has lost interest in me

It is difficult for a loving woman to accept the fact that her husband no longer loves her. The form in which he expresses this can be different: a calm conversation, aggression and a dismissive tone, sometimes it comes to accusations.

What to do:

  • if the husband speaks calmly, then accept the fact that he has the right to choose who to be with;
  • if he shows aggression, criticizes unreasonably, then you need to leave such a person as quickly as possible in order to maintain your own emotional and mental peace;
  • If you want to get your family back, find and study ways to do it better.

Particular grief is caused by the fact when the spouse finds another woman.

Do not tolerate betrayal, it causes a feeling of guilt not only in the cheater, but also in the one who is being betrayed.

Give yourself the opportunity first become happy and loved.

What to do if your husband falls out of love? Trainer family relations will tell you:

Should you let the person go?

Everyone deserves happiness. What happens if you live with a person who doesn't love you? feels dissatisfaction with life, worries, you feel uncomfortable, you lack attention, reciprocity, sincerity, there is no emotional connection.

Relationships without love also have a negative impact on children. Conflicts and domestic violence are common in such couples. As a result, there are two people who could be happy.

If your partner stops loving you, then there's no point in keeping him around. Of course, it hurts, because you still feel attached, you don’t understand how to live on when he or she is not around.

But the correct approach to separation, respect for the personality of the other person contributes to emotional peace and the opportunity to find happiness.

How to save your marriage and family?

Family is union of two loving people.

However, it often happens that one of the spouses’ feelings pass, while the other still strives for marriage.

Feelings are destroyed by indifference, selfishness, and consumerism.

How to reconcile?

It is likely that It will no longer be possible to return your spouse’s former love. In this case, all that remains is to come to terms with it and live again. But this is not always easy to do, especially if you still have feelings.

The most important thing is to understand that other people do not owe us anything. A person is free to choose whom to love, with whom to live.

In the process you will have to go through five, but this important stages, helping understand yourself better and come to terms with the situation:

  • negation;
  • anger;
  • bargain;
  • Adoption.

Relief usually occurs by the fifth stage, their duration varies from person to person. An experienced psychologist will help you cope and go through all the stages as easily as possible.

Only you can decide whether to live together or whether to try rekindle old feelings or let go of your partner to give both of them the opportunity to find their happiness.

How to let someone know that you don't love them anymore? Psychology:

This article will be dedicated to women who suddenly, after a certain time, realize that they married the wrong person. The awareness of one’s dislike for one’s spouse appears unexpectedly, first in a quiet whisper, and then in a loud cry from the soul. The woman feels depressed, empty, and thinks that her life has been lived in vain. And if another man appears on the horizon, then this is generally very dangerous for the marriage.

Main reasons for lost love

The most common factors influencing feelings of faded love are as follows:

  • Passion that was mistaken for love. If at the beginning of a relationship, the fuse and euphoria come to the fore, then gradually this passes. In order to build a strong union, you need more than mutual sexual attraction. After all, when the passion goes away, you can observe that there is a person nearby whose views on life are completely different.
  • It happens that a girl initially got married for some selfish reasons. In this case, it will not be easy to retain love, because, in fact, it never existed. Here it should be said that having decided to marry an unloved person, you must be prepared for the fact that feelings will not appear later.
  • The next reason is the crisis that almost all couples experience. And in fact, in such a situation it is easier to find a way out and return the faded feelings, of course, when it is necessary for two people.
  • Having children can also affect the feelings of both spouses. It happens that the wife gives more time, attention and love to the children, it happens that the children are simply so physically and mentally exhausting that you no longer want anything.
  • Cheating, open relationships, jealousy or addiction also destroy feelings.

What actions should be taken to save the family?

Whatever the reasons, the girl should think carefully about whether she should try to return her old feelings. After all, if the relationship with your spouse has cracked, then there is a reason for it. In any case, you can check what feelings a woman has for her companion. There is an interesting and simple technique for this.

You should sit alone and imagine that your husband has never been in this world and never will be. And then, you need to understand your feelings about this. If she experiences anxiety, sadness, she misses him, then this good sign. This means that the feelings remain and you just need to warm them up. But if she doesn’t care whether such a person exists or not, unfortunately, love is not present here.

When the girl understands her feelings, she needs to begin to act in order to preserve the union. Or, perhaps, end the relationship that brings discomfort. Because for a strong family, you must have a desire to be together. And if love still remains, something will need to be done to restore the former warmth.

The first thing to do is to have an open conversation with your partner. Yes, of course, the conversation will not be easy, but it must be carried out for mutual trust and understanding. And then, the two of you need to hold hands and remember all the happy moments spent together. You need to arrange dates, spend a lot of time just the two of you, forget about everyday worries at least for a little while and talk about abstract topics. Such joint events will help maintain a strong union.