Electric heating boilers for private houses –. Electric mini-boilers Mini heating systems

If you need to heat a room with a large heated area, then our EOU electric boiler with a power of 60 kW to 120 kW is perfect for this. With our electric boiler, you will not need to build huge and expensive boiler rooms, since our electric heating boiler is very compact and unpretentious in operation, and most importantly, heating with it will be very economical and without overpayments for light, since the EOU heating boiler is energy-saving. Electric boilers for heating EOU of high power have been found wide application throughout Russia for heating premises of any type, for example, such as: industrial buildings, factories, shops, apartment buildings and so on. This is understandable, since:

  • The EOU electric boiler has small sizes, so you can install it where it is convenient for you, without having to think about an expensive boiler room;
  • An electric boiler for heating an EOU is an energy-saving boiler with an efficiency of up to 98%, and therefore heating with it will be several times cheaper than with any other heating boilers. In other words, heating with our EOU heating boiler will be profitable and inexpensive;
  • The electric boiler for heating the EOU is completely fireproof in operation and has high level security in all technical parameters, is silent in operation and, moreover, environmentally friendly, since no harmful emissions occur during its operation;
  • By combining several EOU boilers together in a heating system, you can thereby significantly increase the size of the heated area;
  • The EOU electric boiler is not sensitive to possible voltage drops in the network, which is also a guarantor of the reliability of our equipment;
  • The long warranty period of the EOU boiler - 10 years, serves as another confirmation of the quality and reliability of our equipment. The service life of the heating boiler EOU is designed for 30 years;
  • The EOU heating boiler will automatically maintain the temperature you set;
  • Our EOU boilers can be installed in heating systems any type without restrictions, and installation work The installation of the EOU is similar to that performed when installing any other heating boilers.

With our heating boilers you will have reliable and efficient autonomous system heating system that will work smoothly for many, many years, and at the same time it will be very economical and save your money.

The diameter of the plumbing thread of three-phase modifications: direct (above) and return (below) - D42 (with adapters you can change to any pipe diameter convenient for you).

You can select an electrician for this type of EOU boiler using the following link:

The climate company Termomir offers wide range electric boilers different power. Read the information or call our consultants to choose the desired model boiler

Electric boilers are designed for heating private house, dacha, apartment (including for apartment heating) , various administrative, commercial and production facilities with an area from 30 to several thousand square meters. m. Electric heating optimally where there is no main gas or where there are strict requirements for the environmental friendliness of heating devices. Also, an electric boiler is often used as a backup heating option in case problems arise with the main boiler, for example, a gas one.

An electric heating boiler consists of a heat exchanger, a block heating elements, control unit and control and safety devices. Some electric boilers are equipped with circulation pump, expansion tank, safety valve and filter. The coolant heated by electricity circulates through a system of pipes and radiators, providing space heating, as well as heating water in the boiler. An electric double-circuit boiler is used for heating and hot water supply, a single-circuit boiler is used only for heating a house, as well as for heated floors.

Compared to boilers using other types of fuel, electric boilers are cheaper, more compact, safe and silent. Connecting electric boilers is much simpler and less expensive than other types of boilers. Due to their compact size and light weight, electric boilers are wall-mounted, do not require a separate boiler room, and installation is allowed in utility or utility rooms, storerooms, kitchens, basements, and even in living rooms.
Electric boilers are easy to operate and do not create harmful emissions or foreign odors, do not require constant maintenance, expensive cleaning or regular fuel purchases.

Dependence on stable availability of electricity and high requirements to quality and reliability electrical wiring. You should also take into account the fairly high cost of electricity. To make an informed decision about purchasing an electric boiler, it is recommended to make a preliminary calculation of electricity costs.

The boiler will be used in the Russian climate on average from September to April inclusive, i.e. only 8, not 12 months a year. In autumn and spring, the boiler will be used at a minimum, in winter - at full capacity. Thanks to the built-in automation, the operation of the boiler will not be continuous, on average about 8 hours a day, so the approximate energy costs for the year can be calculated using the following formula:

240 days X 8 hours a day X boiler power X cost of 1 kW of electricity

Electric boilers with a power of up to 12 kW are available in single-phase (220 V power) and three-phase (380 V power), and boilers with a power of more than 12 kW are only three-phase. Most electric boilers with a power of more than 6 kW allow multi-stage power adjustment.

Various remote programmers that can maintain the room temperature according to a user-specified schedule help save energy without sacrificing comfort.

To select an electric boiler, you need to find out the power of the device. Basic calculation – 1 kW of boiler power is enough to heat 10 m2 of a well-insulated room with a ceiling height of up to 3 m.
To select a specific electric boiler model, you can contact the consultants of the Termomir company. Remember that in addition to the boiler itself, it is necessary to purchase other elements of a complete heating and water supply system (radiators, pipes, pumps, thermostats, boiler and much more), so it is better to entrust the selection of equipment and its complete set to professionals.

Currently, our company’s product range includes both the best electric boilers from European manufacturers and good inexpensive Russian electric boilers.

See also:

The climate control company Termomir offers a wide range of electric boilers of various capacities. Read the information or call our consultants to choose the right boiler model.

Electric boilers are designed for heating private house, dacha, apartment (including for apartment heating), various administrative, commercial and industrial facilities ranging from 30 to several thousand square meters. m. Electric heating is optimal where there is no main gas or where there are strict requirements for the environmental friendliness of heating devices. Also, an electric boiler is often used as a backup heating option in case problems arise with the main boiler, for example, a gas one.

An electric heating boiler consists of a heat exchanger, a block of heating elements, a control unit and control and safety devices. Some electric boilers are equipped with a circulation pump, expansion tank, safety valve and filter. The coolant heated by electricity circulates through a system of pipes and radiators, providing space heating, as well as heating water in the boiler. An electric double-circuit boiler is used for heating and hot water supply, a single-circuit boiler is used only for heating a house, as well as for heated floors.

Compared to boilers using other types of fuel, electric boilers are cheaper, more compact, safe and silent. Connecting electric boilers is much simpler and less expensive than other types of boilers. Due to their compact size and light weight, electric boilers are wall-mounted, do not require a separate boiler room, and installation is allowed in utility or utility rooms, storerooms, kitchens, basements, and even in living rooms.
Electric boilers are easy to operate and do not create harmful emissions or foreign odors, do not require constant maintenance, expensive cleaning or regular fuel purchases.

Dependence on the stable availability of electricity and high demands on the quality and reliability of electrical wiring. You should also take into account the fairly high cost of electricity. To make an informed decision about purchasing an electric boiler, it is recommended to make a preliminary calculation of electricity costs.

The boiler will be used in the Russian climate on average from September to April inclusive, i.e. only 8, not 12 months a year. In autumn and spring, the boiler will be used at a minimum, in winter - at full capacity. Thanks to the built-in automation, the operation of the boiler will not be continuous, on average about 8 hours a day, so the approximate energy costs for the year can be calculated using the following formula:

240 days X 8 hours a day X boiler power X cost of 1 kW of electricity

Electric boilers with a power of up to 12 kW are available in single-phase (220 V power) and three-phase (380 V power), and boilers with a power of more than 12 kW are only three-phase. Most electric boilers with a power of more than 6 kW allow multi-stage power adjustment.

Various remote programmers that can maintain the room temperature according to a user-specified schedule help save energy without sacrificing comfort.

To select an electric boiler, you need to find out the power of the device. Basic calculation – 1 kW of boiler power is enough to heat 10 m2 of a well-insulated room with a ceiling height of up to 3 m.
To select a specific electric boiler model, you can contact the consultants of the Termomir company. Remember that in addition to the boiler itself, it is necessary to purchase other elements of a complete heating and water supply system (radiators, pipes, pumps, thermostats, boiler and much more), so it is better to entrust the selection of equipment and its complete set to professionals.

Currently, our company’s product range includes both the best electric boilers from European manufacturers and good inexpensive Russian electric boilers.

See also:

Heating problems in a private home, cottage or garage can be easily solved using a device such as an electric boiler.

The equipment is easy to install, has many advantages and helps create comfortable conditions in room.

There are electric boilers different sizes: from large ones that require a separate building to compact ones wall models, do not take up much space.

There is also such a modification as a mini-boiler. He is compact module, which can be mounted in any closed system heating.

Types of electric mini-boilers

Actually an electric boiler installed wherever there is electricity.

It is important that the electric boiler is connected to existing heating systems (gas, solid fuel), reducing the load on them.

Installation will not require special permission. Mini electric boilers are divided into two kinds by type of modification.

heating elements new

The water in the system is heated using the heating element of the electric boiler: heating element. Inside it is spiral of tungsten or nichrome wire, which heats up and transfers heat environment. The shell is made of steel, titanium or aluminum. Placed between the shell and the spiral dielectric. More often this role is played by quartz sand.

Main elements of the heating element mini-automatic:

  • heating element;
  • heat exchanger;
  • insulation;
  • Control block;
  • circulation pump.

Important! It is better to use distilled water in the heating system to prevent scale formation. This is the main “disease” of heating element boilers.

The device has circuit breaker, turning off the device when the desired temperature is reached or in case of overheating.

Photo 1. New heating element mini electric boiler for a heating system with circuit breaker from the manufacturer Galan.


  • The power is constant and adjustable.
  • The temperature of the liquid does not affect the heating element.
  • If there are several heating elements, then if one breaks down, the device will work.
  • Various liquids are used as coolants: water, antifreeze, antifreeze.


  • If the heating element fails, it is replaced.
  • Scale formation on the heating element- the main disadvantage of this device. Because of this, the boiler fails or heats up weakly.

Attention! During operation, the heating element must be covered with water, otherwise it will will burn out!


The operating principle of new generation ion electric boilers is different. They do not have a heating element, and the energy conductor is water or special liquid.

Electrodes are placed here, passing through which the current heats the liquid. Ionic boilers are also called electrode. They heat up quickly, unlike heating elements.

The ion electric boiler has the following elements:

  • frame;
  • electrodes;
  • housing insulation;
  • Control block;
  • conductor of heat.

Some electric boiler models are equipped with temperature sensor.

The system has built-in electronic control: when it cools down, the boiler will turn on itself, and when it reaches desired temperature a shutdown will occur. Works even with unstable voltage without turning off. Compared to a heating element boiler, an ion boiler uses twice smaller electricity.


  • reliability;
  • fast heating;
  • compactness;
  • efficiency.

Photo 2. Ionic small boilers with electronically controlled from the manufacturer Galan, consume a minimum of electricity.


  • To fill, you need a special liquid or prepared water.
  • Maintaining continuous fluid circulation.

Advantages and disadvantages of small horizontal electric boilers

Electric horizontal electric boilers are an excellent option heating for cottages, dachas, private houses. They have their pros and cons.

  • Volatility: It is impossible to install the device away from the electrical network. If there are interruptions in the current supply, there will be problems, as the equipment will simply fail.
  • Expenses: More electricity consumption also leads to increased costs.
  • Scale formation: On models with heating elements, water scale forms over time, and the heating element must be replaced.

In addition to the characteristics considered, it is worth paying attention to some features:

  • Power— calculated individually for each type of boiler. The power determines whether the heating of the room will be sufficient.
  • Efficiency for electric boilers coefficient useful action high - 95-98%.
  • Power adjustment- can be stepped or smooth. In models with an independent heating element, step adjustment is used. Smooth is possible only in devices with a rheostat.
  • Price- depends on many indicators: type of electric boiler (heating element, ionic), power, manufacturer, additional functions.

Reference! Particular attention should also be paid to dimensions, weight electric boiler, efficiency, type of premises which it will heat.

Schematic diagram of the device

An assembled mini boiler room is a relatively small unit for wall or floor mounting. Mini boiler houses can operate on a variety of energy sources, but for apartments and private houses they are most often purchased.

The main difference between a mini boiler room and a conventional electric boiler is its configuration. Such a device contains all the components necessary for connection to the heating circuits and the effective functioning of the system as a whole. Heating boilers the assembly may have very different configurations, but the basic design elements remain unchanged:

  1. A heat exchanger with heaters is the main part of the device in which the coolant is heated. Heating elements are most often used as heating elements, and their configuration and quantity are determined by the model of the mini-boiler house and its power.
  2. Expansion tank– a reservoir containing a supply of coolant. The presence allows you to maintain pressure in the circuits at a constant level.
  3. Note! is not included in the heating boiler package. At the same time, the design of most assembled electric boilers provides for the possibility of connecting such devices.

  4. Hydrogroup is a device that ensures optimal distribution of coolant in the system. As a rule, the hydrogroup includes one responsible for circulation hot water, pressure sensors and safety valves.
  5. The control module is an electronics unit that is responsible for adjusting the basic parameters of the boiler. The control module is usually connected to a heating and pump equipment, which provides flexible system configuration.
  6. Circuits and conclusions - in addition to the main elements, the electric heating boiler assembly also includes pipes connecting all components into a single system. The design also includes pipes for connecting the supply and return lines of the heating system.

All described components of the mini-boiler room are located in a single housing. Thanks to this, the device not only turns out to be quite compact, but also looks quite neat. In situations where a heating boiler needs to be installed in a residential area, this becomes a very tangible advantage.

Electric mini-boiler rooms Protherm SKAT

An example of a mini-boiler room assembled with a classic design is electric boilers, presented in the catalog of the Alfatep online store in a fairly wide range.

These devices are characterized by the following features:

Another advantage of the system is the boiler’s freeze protection. Thus, it can be used even in those houses that are heated only periodically: when minimal care the risk of ice plugs forming, compromising the integrity of the circuits, will be eliminated.

Advantages of assembled mini boiler houses