Describe the procedure for investigating equipment incidents. III. Procedure for investigating the causes of incidents at a hazardous production facility

3.1. Technical investigation of incidents is aimed at establishing the circumstances and causes of incidents, the amount of damage caused, responsible persons, those responsible for the incident, as well as the development of measures to eliminate their consequences and measures to prevent similar incidents in dangerous production facility LLC NPF Forst

3.2. To investigate the causes of incidents, by order of the director, a commission is created. The composition of the commission includes an odd number of members. The need for the participation of a representative of the territorial body of Rostechnadzor, in whose territory the incident occurred, is determined by the head of the Volga region department of Rostechnadzor in the Chuvash Republic. The commission is headed by a director or chief engineer.

The Commission for Investigation of Incidents at a Hazardous Production Facility (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) must immediately begin work from the date of issuance of the order and within 10 days draw up an investigation report on the causes of incidents (hereinafter referred to as the investigation report) in accordance with Appendix No. 2 and prepare other necessary materials listed in clause 3.7.

3.4. Investigation of incidents not related to violation of conditions safe operation dangerous industrial facilities, can be carried out by permanent or specially appointed commissions. The appointment of such commissions must be made by orders of the director of NPF Forst LLC.

All violations in work, the causes of which were defects in design, manufacturing, construction, installation or repair, must be investigated with the involvement of competent specialists from the organizations involved, incl. representatives of manufacturing plants.

3.5. In the event of untimely arrival of commission members from manufacturing plants, construction, installation, repair, design and other organizations, the chairman of the commission is given the right to delay the opening and disassembly of damaged equipment for up to three days, while the investigation time is extended for the same period and the classification time for restoration repairs is adjusted. .

3.6. The management of the organization is obliged to:

carry out the necessary technical calculations, laboratory research, testing, photography and other work;

· take photographs of the damaged object and provide all necessary materials;

· allocate transport and communications necessary for the investigation;

· involve, if necessary, experts and specialists from other departments;

· allocate a room where all necessary technical documentation should be stored;

· print and reproduce in required quantity documentation based on the results of the investigation.

3.7. All information must be attached to the investigation report Required documents, confirming the conclusions of the commission (extracts from journals, explanatory notes, diagrams, drawings, photographs, test results, questionnaires, etc.).

The investigation report is signed by all members of the commission for technical investigation of the causes of incidents. If a commission member refuses to sign the investigation report, a special opinion with a reasoned justification for the refusal is attached to the specified document.

IV. Design of materials technical investigation reasons for the incident.

4.1. The results of the work to establish the causes of the incident are documented in an act of investigating the causes of the incident in the form of Appendix No. 2. The report must contain: information about the date and place of the incident, its causes and circumstances, measures taken on liquidation of the incident, duration of downtime and material damage, including harm caused environment, as well as measures to eliminate the causes of the incident. The investigation report into the causes of the incident is kept by the organization for at least two years.

4.2. Incident investigation reports are drawn up in triplicate, approved by the manager and registered in a separate journal in the form of Appendix No. 3 and stored (1st copy) at the enterprise. Each act is assigned a number consisting of two parts: the first part is a sequential number, the second is the last digits of the year separated by a dash. The numbering of acts in the journal begins with the number 1 annually. The storage period for incident investigation reports is two years, their registration logs are five years, after which the acts are archived, and the logs are destroyed in in the prescribed manner.

The causes of accidents that led to:
- destruction of structures and (or) technical devices, used at hazardous production facilities specified in Appendix 1 of the Federal Law “On industrial safety dangerous production facilities» dated July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ; - uncontrolled explosions and (or) emissions hazardous substances.
For each incident of an accident at a hazardous production facility, a technical investigation into its causes is carried out.
Organization operating a hazardous production facility:
1. Immediately reports the accident to the territorial body of Rostechnadzor of Russia and to the relevant federal executive authorities, which, in accordance with the established procedure, are granted the right to carry out certain functions of legal regulation, special permitting, control or supervisory functions in the field of industrial safety, a higher body (organization) (if any), local government body, state labor inspectorate for the subject Russian Federation, territorial association of trade unions.
In case of accidents involving emissions, spills of hazardous substances, explosions, fires, reports to the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Railways of Russia, respectively.
2. Maintains the situation at the accident site until the start of the investigation, except for cases when it is necessary to carry out work to eliminate accidents and preserve the life and health of people.
3. Participates in the technical investigation of the causes of an accident at a hazardous production facility, takes measures to eliminate the causes and prevent similar accidents.

4. Carries out measures to localize and eliminate the consequences of accidents at a hazardous production facility.
5. Takes measures to protect the life and health of workers and the environment in the event of an accident at a hazardous production facility.
The head of the organization is responsible for failure to take measures to protect the life and health of workers and the environment.

The procedure for technical investigation of the causes of the accident

A technical investigation of an accident is aimed at establishing the circumstances and causes of the accident, the extent of the damage caused, developing measures to eliminate its consequences and measures to prevent similar accidents at this and other hazardous production facilities.
A technical investigation into the causes of the accident is carried out by a special commission headed by a representative of the territorial body of Rostechnadzor of Russia. The commission includes, by agreement, representatives of: the relevant federal executive authorities, which in accordance with the established procedure are granted the right to carry out certain functions of legal regulation, special permitting, control or supervisory functions in the field of industrial safety, or their territorial bodies, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and ( or) a local government body on whose territory a hazardous production facility is located, an organization operating a hazardous production facility, a higher body (organization) (if any), a territorial association of trade unions, insurance companies (societies) and other representatives in accordance with current legislation.
The commission is appointed by order of the territorial body of Rostechnadzor of Russia.
Depending on the specific circumstances (nature and possible consequences accident) a special commission can be created by decision of Rostechnadzor of Russia, headed by its representative. Part special commission Representatives of local authorities and trade unions may also be included.
In accordance with Article 12 of the Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities,” the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation may decide to create a state commission for the technical investigation of the causes of the accident and appoint the chairman of this commission.
The commission for technical investigation of the causes of the accident must immediately begin work and within 10 days draw up an investigation report and other necessary documents and materials.
The investigation report is signed by all members of the commission. The investigation period may be extended by the body that appointed the commission, depending on the nature of the accident and the need for additional research and examination.
The commission for technical investigation of the causes of the accident may involve expert organizations or their specialists in the investigation, experts and specialists in the field of industrial safety, surveys, design, research and development, equipment manufacturing, insurance and other areas.
To conduct an examination of the causes and nature of destruction of structures and (or) technical devices, expert commissions may be formed by decision of the technical accident investigation commission. The conclusions of the expert commissions are presented to the accident investigation commission and are attached as investigation materials.
During the investigation, the commission:
- carries out inspections, photographs, necessary cases video recording, drawing up diagrams and sketches of the accident site and drawing up a protocol for examining the accident site;
- interacts with rescue units;
- interviews eyewitnesses of the accident, receives written explanations from officials;
- clarifies the circumstances preceding the accident, establishes the causes of their occurrence;
- clarifies the nature of violations of technological processes and operating conditions of equipment;
- identifies violations of industrial safety standards and regulations;
- checks the compliance of the object or technological process with design solutions;
- checks the quality of adopted design decisions;
- checks compliance with the scope of application of the equipment;
- checks the availability and serviceability of protective equipment;
- checks the qualifications of service personnel;
- establishes the causes of the accident and the scenario for its development based on a survey of eyewitnesses, consideration of technical documentation, expert opinion and the results of an inspection of the accident site and the inspection carried out;
- determines committed violations of industrial safety requirements and the persons who committed these violations;
- proposes measures to eliminate the causes of the accident and prevent the occurrence of similar accidents;
- determines the amount of harm caused, including direct losses, socio-economic losses, losses due to unused opportunities, as well as harm caused to the environment natural environment.
The calculation of economic damage from an accident is carried out by the organization at whose facility the accident occurred, according to methods approved in the prescribed manner.
The document on the economic consequences of the accident is signed by the head of the organization that carried out the calculation.
The costs of technical investigation into the causes of the accident are financed by the organization operating the hazardous production facility where the accident occurred.
The investigation of the causes of accidents that occurred as a result of the accident is carried out in accordance with the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 24, 2002 N 73 “Forms of documents required for the investigation and recording of industrial accidents, and regulations on the peculiarities of the investigation of industrial accidents in certain industries and organizations."
The causes of accidents that occurred with third parties not connected by labor relations with the organization where the accident occurred, and not falling under the scope of Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of October 24, 2002 N 73, are established during the investigation of the causes of the accident that caused the accidents.

Preparation of technical accident investigation materials

The investigation materials include an order appointing a commission to investigate the causes of the accident and an act of technical investigation of the accident, to which are attached:
- protocol of inspection of the accident site with the necessary graphic, photo and video materials;
- order of the chairman on the appointment of an expert commission (if necessary) and other orders issued by the accident investigation commission;
- conclusion of the expert commission on the circumstances and causes of the accident with necessary calculations, graphic material, etc.;
- a report from the Paramilitary Mine Rescue Units (VGSCH), Gas Rescue Services (GS S), Blowout Paramilitary Units (PFVCh) and the enterprise services on the progress of liquidation of the accident, if they took part in it;
- protocols of interviews and explanations of persons involved in the accident, as well as officials responsible for compliance with industrial safety requirements;
- certificates of training and briefings on labor protection and safety and testing the knowledge of production personnel;
- certificates about the amount of damage caused;
- form of recording and analysis of accidents;
- other materials characterizing the accident, including information about persons affected by the accident.
The organization, no later than three days after the end of the investigation, distributes the materials of the accident investigation to Rostechnadzor of Russia and its territorial body that carried out the investigation, the relevant bodies (organizations) whose representatives took part in the investigation of the causes of the accident, the territorial association of trade unions, the prosecutor's office at the location of the organization, STC " Industrial Safety" of Rostechnadzor of Russia.
Based on the results of the accident investigation, the head of the organization issues an order providing for the implementation of appropriate measures to eliminate the causes and consequences of the accident and ensure trouble-free and stable operation of production, as well as to bring to justice persons who violated safety rules.
The head of the organization provides written information on the implementation of the measures proposed by the accident investigation commission to the organizations whose representatives participated in the investigation. Information is provided within ten days after the deadline for completing the measures proposed by the accident investigation commission.

Accounting and analysis of accidents that occurred at a hazardous production facility

The organization operating a hazardous production facility keeps records of accidents in the prescribed form and analyzes the causes of their occurrence; once every six months, submits information to the territorial body of Rostekhnadzor of Russia on the number of accidents, the causes of their occurrence and the measures taken.
An organization operating a hazardous production facility, upon motivated requests from authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local governments, federal executive authorities or their territorial bodies, can provide information on the causes of accidents and measures taken to eliminate them.
Territorial bodies of Rostechnadzor, within 24 hours from the moment of the accident, transmit to Rostechnadzor of Russia operational information about accidents at a hazardous production facility in the prescribed form.
Accidents are recorded in accordance with an approximate list of types of accidents by branches (areas) of supervision.
Materials based on the results of investigations into the causes of accidents and measures to prevent them, depending on the scale of the accident and the proposed measures, are considered at the councils of territorial bodies of Rostechnadzor of Russia, the board of Rostechnadzor of Russia, boards (meetings) of federal executive authorities with the participation of representatives of the state labor inspectorate (as agreed with them).
Based on an analysis of the causes of accidents that occurred at hazardous production facilities, Rostechnadzor of Russia and other federal executive authorities, which in the established order are granted the right to carry out regulatory regulation in the field of industrial safety, if necessary, make appropriate additions and changes to regulations, containing requirements for the safe conduct of work at hazardous production facilities, within their competence.

Determination of causes, analysis and recording of incidents at a hazardous production facility

Establishing the causes, analyzing and recording incidents is carried out by the organization operating the hazardous production facility.
The procedure for carrying out work to establish the causes of incidents is determined by the management of the organization in agreement with the territorial body of Rostechnadzor of Russia.
A commission is being created to establish the causes of incidents. The composition of the commission is appointed by order of the head of the organization (establishing the causes of incidents in chemical, petrochemical and oil refining production is carried out with the mandatory participation of territorial bodies of Rostechnadzor of Russia).
The results of work to establish the causes of the incident are documented in an act in the form established by the enterprise. Investigation reports must contain information about the date and place of the incident, its causes and circumstances, measures taken to eliminate the incident, duration of downtime and material damage, including damage to the environment, as well as measures to eliminate the causes of the incident.
Incidents at a hazardous production facility are recorded in a special journal, which records the date and location of the incident, its characteristics and causes, duration of downtime, economic damage (including damage caused to the environment), measures to eliminate the causes of the incident and a note on their implementation. .
The organization analyzes the causes of incidents and quarterly reports to the territorial body of Rostechnadzor of Russia information on the number of incidents, the reasons for their occurrence and the measures taken.
The territorial bodies of Rostechnadzor of Russia monitor the recording and analysis of incidents at hazardous production facilities, as well as verify the sufficiency of the measures developed to eliminate the causes and prevent incidents and their implementation within the established time frame.

Investigation of the causes of each accident at hazardous production facilities.

Conducting an investigation into the causes of accidents by a special commission.

Conducting additional research and independent examinations (if necessary).

Preserving, if possible, the situation at the scene of the accident while ensuring priority to the life and health of people.

Interaction with other federal executive authorities in case of accidents involving emissions, spills of hazardous substances, explosions, and fires.

The costs of conducting an accident investigation are financed by the organization operating the hazardous production facility.

5.4 Time intervals for accident and incident investigations

In the Russian Federation, RTN Order No. 480 dated August 19, 2011 established the following time intervals when investigating accidents/incidents (see table below).

Table - Time intervals for technical investigation of accidents and incidents

Origin Event

Accident (according to Federal Law 116)

Incident (according to Federal Law 116)

Operational message

Creation of a commission

According to the Regulations on the procedure for conducting technical investigation and recording of incidents that occurred at hazardous production facilities

Accident investigation

15 working days

Extension of investigation (if necessary)

15 calendar days

Sending a package of documents to members of the commission

Review of accident investigation results

27 days (30 days after the end of the investigation)

Additional investigation

Not regulated

Based on the results of a technical investigation into the causes of the accident within 3 working days the head of the organization issues an order, defining measures to eliminate the causes and consequences of the accident, to ensure trouble-free and stable operation of a hazardous production facility, as well as to bring to disciplinary liability persons who violated the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety.

5.5 Composition of the commission for the technical investigation of the causes of the accident at the hazardous plant

The technical investigation commission includes representatives of:

Executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and (or) local government body;

An organization operating a hazardous production facility (but not more than 50% of the commission members);

A higher authority or organization (if any);

Insurance companies with which the organization operating the hazardous production facility has entered into a compulsory civil liability insurance agreement;

Other organizations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.6 Procedure of the commission

The technical investigation commission immediately begins its work from the date of signing the order and within 15 working days draws up act of technical investigation of the causes of the accident and prepares other necessary technical investigation materials.

Depending on the nature of the accident and the need for additional research and examination, the period of technical investigation into the causes of the accident may be increased by order of the territorial body of Rostechnadzor or by order of Rostechnadzor that appointed this investigation, based on a memo from the chairman of the technical investigation commission, but not more than 15 working days .

A certified copy of the order to extend the term of the technical investigation into the causes of the accident and the justification for the reasons for such an extension are attached to the technical investigation report.

An investigation into an accident that occurred during an accident, as a result of which one or more victims received minor injuries, is carried out by the commission within three days.

The investigation of a group, serious or fatal accident is carried out by the commission within 15 days.

If it is necessary to conduct additional verification of the circumstances of the accident, obtain relevant medical and other reports, the deadlines may be extended but not more than by 15 days.