Temperature sensor 4 20 mA. Designation of thermoelectric converters

The OWEN company announces the start of sales of temperature sensors (thermal resistance OWEN DTSxx5.M-I and thermocouples OWEN DTPKhx5M-I) with a built-in standardizing converter OWEN NPT-3.

Advantages of thermal converters with OWEN NPT-3:

  • Universal output that fits most aftermarket devices.
  • Increased accuracy compared to NPT-2, including in narrow temperature conversion ranges.
  • Connects to the computer with a miniUSB cable.
  • You don't need to buy AC7 to reconfigure.
  • Quick installation. Connecting the sensor-device line without removing the NPT.

Line composition

They are manufactured on the basis of resistance thermometers DTSxx5 (50M, 100M 100P, Pt100) and standardizing converters OWEN NPT-3 built into their heads.

They are manufactured on the basis of thermocouples DTP L(ХК), К(ХА), N(НН) хх5 and standardizing converters OVEN NPT-3 built into their heads.

The designation when ordering after the design indicates the type of head M.

Advantages of using sensors with 4…20 mA output signal

  • The sensor-device communication line can be up to 800 meters long.
  • The noise immunity of the communication line increases, which is especially important when connecting thermocouples.
  • Communication line costs are reduced, because two-core wires are used and the purchase of specialized temperature compensation wires is not required.

Temperature sensors with a built-in NPT-2 converter will be removed from sale in the third quarter of 2017.

The cost of sensors is calculated as the sum of the cost of the XX5 sensor without NPT and the cost of NPT-3

For example:

The cost of DTS035M-100M.0.5.80.I is calculated as the sum of the cost for the model DTS035M-100M.V3.80 and the cost of NPT-

1062+2006=3068 rub. (VAT included)

The cost of DTS105M-RT100.0.5.800.MG.I is calculated as the sum of the cost for the model DTS105M-RT100.0.5.800.MG and the cost of NPT-

1357+413+2006=3776 rub. (VAT included)

As an option, a temperature sensor can be installed in the terminal head type AG measuring transducer, providing continuous temperature conversion into a unified 4...20 mA input signal.

(Illustration designation: I-external power and signal cable; II- thermal converter head; III-measuring transducer).

The converter has a linearly increasing output signal characteristic.

The relationship between input current and temperature is determined by formulas (1) and (2):

Iout=4+16x(T-Tmin)/(Tmax-Tmin) (1), where Iout is the temperature value, o C;

Tmax, Tmin - upper and lower limits of temperature conversion;

T=Tmin+(Iout-4)x(Tmax-Tmin)/16 (2)

Load resistance taking into account the communication line:

At Epit.=24 V no more than 300 Ohm;

At Epit.=36 V no more than 600 Ohm.

Temperature ranges

-50...+50 o C -50...+50 o C 0...+600 o C 0...+600 o C
-50...+100 o C -50...+100 o C 0...+900 o C
-50...+150 o C -50...+150 o C
0...+50 o C 0...+100 o C
0...+150 o C 0...+150 o C
0...+200 o C 0...+200 o C
0...+300 o C

Basic and additional error of temperature sensors with built-in converter

Limit of permissible basic error no more than 0.5% no more than 1.5% no more than 1%
Limit of permissible additional error caused by supply voltage measurement no more than 0.25% 0,75% 0,5%
Limit of permissible additional error caused by temperature measurement no more than 0.75% (for every 10 o C) no more than 0.5% (for every 10 o C)
Additional error caused by a change in load resistance from its nominal value within the permissible range - 0,75% 0,5%

Sensors with a built-in converter are connected to a secondary device using a two-wire circuit.

Order designation

Length of the sensor thermal converter mounting part - L, mm- for a sensor with a fixed fitting or flange, the distance from the working end of the protective housing to the supporting plane or flange; for sensors with a movable fitting or flange, as well as without a fitting or flange, the distance from the working end of the protective fitting to the head, and in its absence, to the place where the output wires are sealed.

Length of the outer part of the sensor-I, mm- the distance from the supporting plane of the fitting to the head, and in its absence, to the place where the lead wires are terminated.

Sensing element (SE)- thermal converter element that senses and converts thermal energy into another type of energy to obtain information about temperature.

Conditional pressure- greatest overpressure at an ambient temperature of 20 o C, at which it is permissible long work fittings and parts. having specified dimensions.

Designation of resistance thermometers

TP-9201 -03 with PST-N -50...+150 o C -10 mm -630 mm -60mm -M20x1.5 -5 pieces
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1. Sensor type designation: TP-9201, TM-9201;

2. Designation of the design (figure number);

3. Designation of a sensor with a unified output signal;

5. Diameter of protective fittings d, mm

6. Diameter of the mounting part L, mm;

7. Length of the outer part I, mm;

8. Mounting type;

9. Quantity, pcs.

Designation of thermoelectric converters

THAs-2088 -09 with PST-N --40...+600 o C - 10mm - 630 mm - 60 mm - M20x1.5 - insulating - 5 pieces
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. Designation of the sensor type: ТХАс-2088, ТХКс-2088;

2. Designation of design

(figure number);

3. Designation of a sensor with a unified

output signal;

4. Range of measured temperatures, o C;

5. Diameter of protective fittings d, mm;

6. Length of the mounting part L, mm;

7. Length of the outer part I, m;

8. Type of fastening (if there is a nut or fitting, indicate the thread);

9. Measuring junction:



10. Quantity, pcs.

We are ready to develop and manufacture according to your technical specifications or a sketch of temperature sensors that are not in our range.

All manufactured temperature sensors undergo calibration or verification (depending on the order) in the accredited metrological service of the enterprise.

Thermocouples with an output signal of 4...20 mA DTPCxx5E, DTPNxx5E have the type of explosion protection “intrinsically safe electrical circuit” and are intended for installation and operation in hazardous areas of premises and outdoor installations in accordance with Chapter 7.3 of the Electrical Regulations and others regulatory documents regulating the use of electrical equipment in explosive conditions.

The scope of application of the sensors is control systems, automatic regulation and accounting in various industries industry, including in areas controlled by Rostechnadzor, and in housing and communal services.

Features of thermocouples with current output 4...20 mA in explosion-proof version EXIA

  • Output type: analog, multi-range
  • Measured temperature range: -40…+1250 °C
  • NSKh: K (HA), N (NN), J (JK)
  • Output signal: 4…20 mA, HART
  • Accuracy class: 1.0%
  • Calibration interval - 2 years

Design versions



Protective reinforcement material

(temperature range)

Mounting length

L*, mm

steel 12Х18Н10Т

(-40 …+800 °C)

800, 1000, 1250,

steel 12Х18Н10Т

(-40 … +800 °C),

steel 10Х23Н18
(-40 …+900 °C)

Movable fitting

M = 20×1.5 mm**,

steel 12Х18Н10Т

(-40 …+800 °C)

M = 20×1.5 mm**,

steel 12Х18Н10Т

(-40 …+800 °C),

steel 10Х23Н18
(-40 …+900 °C)

Movable fitting

M = 20×1.5 mm**,

steel 12Х18Н10Т

(-40 …+800 °C)

M = 20×1.5 mm**,

steel 12Х18Н10Т

(-40 …+800 °C)

800, 1000, 1250,

M = 20×1.5 mm**,

steel 12Х18Н10Т

(-40 … +800 °C),

steel 10Х23Н18
(-40 …+900 °C)

M = 27×2 mm**,

Movable fitting

M = 20×1.5 mm**,

steel 12Х18Н10Т

(-40 …+800 °C)

M = 20×1.5 mm**,

Movable fitting

M = 22×1.5 mm**,

steel 12Х18Н10Т

(-40 … +800 °C)

M = 22×2 mm**,

Movable fitting

M = 22×1.5 mm**,

steel 12Х18Н10Т

(-40 … +800 °C)

M = 22×2 mm**,

Movable fitting

M = 22×1.5 mm**,

steel AISI 321 (-40…+800 °C),

diameter MKT 3 mm

AISI 316 (-40…+900 °С),

diameter MLC 4.5 mm

AISI 310 (-40…+900 °С),

diameter MLC 4.5 mm

Nicrobell D steel (-40…+1250 °C),

diameter MLC 4.5 mm

steel AISI 316 (-40…+750 °C),

diameter MKT 3 mm;

diameter MLC 4.5 mm

multiples of 100

Movable fitting

M = 20×1.5 mm

Movable fitting

M = 20×1.5 mm

M = 20×1.5 mm

* - Mounting part length L selected when ordering.
** - On special. It is possible to order a sensor with pipe thread.

Explosion protection of the sensor

Ensuring the explosion protection of the sensor is achieved through:

  • implementation of the sensor design in accordance with the requirements of GOST R IEC 60079-11-2010;
  • limiting the maximum current and maximum voltage in the sensor circuits to intrinsically safe values ​​(Ii = 120 mA, Ui = 30 V);
  • restrictions on the capacitance value of capacitors contained in the electrical circuits of the sensor and the total value of inductance (Ci = 1 nF, Li = 10 μH).

Limiting the current and voltage in the electrical circuits of the sensor to intrinsically safe values ​​is achieved by mandatory connection sensor through blocks (sparking protection barriers, we recommend ISKRA-AT.02), having the type of explosion protection of output circuits “intrinsically safe electrical circuit” with the explosion protection level of the electrical circuit “ia” for explosive mixtures of subgroup IIC according to GOST R IEC 60079-11-2010.

In accordance with the requirements of GOST R IEC 60079-0-2011 for temperature class T6, the maximum permissible temperature of the outer surface of the housing: +80 °C. The maximum temperature conversion range is up to +800 C.