What does the letter s mean? Letter ы in Russian

The leader of the LDPR party, State Duma deputy Vladimir Zhirinovsky proposed removing the letter “s” from the Russian alphabet. According to the deputy, the letter “y” is not in any European language, but it came into the Russian alphabet “from the Mongolians.” “Remove this disgusting letter, it’s Asian, they don’t like us in Europe for this... It’s a guttural sound, that’s what animals say: “y-y.” “And” is all, that’s enough,” said the deputy.​

AiF.ru figured out how the letter “s” actually came about.

When did the letter “y” appear in the Russian alphabet?

The Russian alphabet comes from the Greek alphabet, which does not contain the letter “s”.

The letter “ы” occupies the 29th place in the Russian alphabet and goes back to the Old Slavonic (Old Bulgarian) Cyrillic compound sign ЪІ = Ъ+І (ер + и, from where and ancient name her "eras").

In the Old Bulgarian or Old Church Slavonic letter “ЪІ” probably meant the same vowel as depicted in Russian “ы”, i.e. one of the “mixed” vowels, pronounced with the lips positioned for the vowel [and], while the tongue accepts a position close to its articulation for the vowel [у], but is not moved so far back.

In the Church and Old Church Slavonic alphabets, the letter “y” is called erý or ѥry, respectively.

The meaning of the letter is not clear. Until the 14th century, “y” did not have its own style. It was written as “ъi”, “ъь”, “ьь”. The letter we are used to writing is actually a combination soft sign and the letter "i".

The modern form, from the end of the 14th century, penetrated into Russian manuscripts from Balkan (South Slavic) manuscripts. The vowel ɨ, denoted by the letter “ы,” was still in the proto-language of the Slavs. Often comes from a long sound *ū, which explains the alternation ы/ов, ы/у: to cover - shelter, to hear - to listen.

The Old Church Slavonic (ancient Bulgarian) “y”, as a new sign, which was absent in the Greek alphabet, has no numerical meaning either in the Glagolitic alphabet or in the Cyrillic alphabet.

Why doesn't any word start with the letter "s"?

Since the letter “y” was not an independent letter and was considered a derivative of the letter “i,” a word could not begin with it.

Note that several words starting with “y” still exist. For example, the Yakut river Ygyatta, the village of Ynyrga in the Altai Mountains. However, most researchers believe that these words are borrowed and cannot be taken into account.

Why are “zhi” and “shi” written with the letter “i” and not with “s”?

The letter “ы” is written only after hard consonants, and after soft consonants and at the beginning of the word comes “and” [i].

However, at one time the letters “zh” and “sh” were only soft and were paired with the vowel “i” (as well as in the old alphabet “I”). But by the 14th century, “zh” and “sh” hardened, and now, on the contrary, “y” sounds after them, but the spelling remained traditional - through “i”.

Nowadays you can only find the spelling “gy”, “ky”, “hy” in borrowed words, proper names and onomatopoeias. And in ancient times, these consonants denoted only hard sounds, and after them “y” was always written. For example, they wrote “princess”, “gibel” and “cunning”.

"Description of material:

"Target: Introduce students to the vowel sound [s] and the letter s.

"Lesson equipment: textbook by V.G. Goretsky, V.A. Kiryushkin, L.A. Vinogradskaya, M.V. Boykin's ABC. Grade 1, part one, notes on the board, cards, illustrations.


  1. “Teach to distinguish vowel sounds from consonants.
  2. Learn to give qualitative characteristics vowel sound (vowel, stressed or unstressed).
  3. Learn to determine the place of the sound ы in words (at the beginning, middle or end of a word).
  4. Divide words into syllables.
  5. Learn to make diagrams for words, read information from ready-made diagrams.
  6. Learn to write printed and written lowercase letters s.
  7. Develop speech, thinking, memory, fine motor skills.

"Excerpt from the material:

Lesson in 1st grade on literacy on the topic: “Lowercase letter s”

During the classes

Detailed lesson plan

I. Organizing time

- Hello guys! Check if you have everything ready for the Russian language lesson. There should be copybooks, green notebooks and a pencil case on the table. Sit down.

– Which letter will you write down? (A)

– Who is shown in this picture? (perch)
-Who do they call that?
– Which letter will you write down? (O)

I dropped my curls into the river
And I was sad about something,
What is she sad about?
Doesn't tell anyone.

Answer: Willow

– Which letter will you write down? (And)

The teacher puts cards with letters (a, o, i) on the board.

– Raise your hand those who wrote down the letters correctly. Well done.

III. Working on new material.

– Did you like the poems about the letter s?
- We have already talked about the sound y, about the letter y, but what haven’t we done yet in writing lesson? (they didn’t write the letter s)

Physical education minute

IV. Exercises in writing the letter s

On the board is a photocopy of a copybook page.
– Open the copybook on page 9.
– Tell me, what kind of little man is drawn in the upper left corner of the page? (cook)
-Who is the cook?
-What is he holding in his hands? (cheese)
– What is cheese?
– Show the printed letter s with your finger.
– Look at the example of the lowercase letter ы in the upper right corner of the page.
– The letter y consists of an inclined straight line with a curve and a connecting smooth line - this is one element, as well as an inclined stick with a curve at the bottom to the right.
The teacher shows on the blackboard
– Compare printed and written letters.
– Are they spelled the same or differently? (in different ways, a printed letter consists of two separate elements, and a written letter consists of two elements written together)
– What two elements does the written lowercase letter s consist of?
– There are arrows next to the written letter, what are the arrows for? (arrows help to write letters correctly)
– Take pens in your hands and circle in the upper right corner on the first line the elements that make up the letter s.
– What is shown on the second line? (cherry)
A colored picture appears on the board
– What element of the letter s does it resemble? (on a curved line)
- Circle.
- Look how the letter s is written
- Let’s write the letter s in the air, and now in writing.
– On the first lined line, circle the elements
letters s.
– Whoever has done everything, complete the elements of the letter s yourself, but do not forget to skip two cells between the elements.
– Now trace the outline of the letter s on the second line
– Those who completed the task, add three more letters yourself, do not forget to skip two cells between the letters.
Well done. Now we’ll rest a little, get up from your desks and repeat the movements after me.

- Well done, let's continue working.
– What words are written on the fifth line?
– Who can read them?
– What does the word son mean?
– Circle the letters s in the words cheese, son,
– In the copybook on page 9, mice are drawn on the left and balls on the right.
– Compare the diagrams for the words mouse and balls.
– How many syllables are there in words? (Two)
– How do the schemes differ? (emphasis)
– Which syllable is stressed in the word mouse? (First)
– What is the stressed syllable in the word balls?
– Circle the letters s in the words mice, balls.
– Make up sentences with the word mouse.
– Now make sentences with the word balls.

VI. Lesson Summary

- Which letter were we visiting today?
- Tell us about this letter.

Letter s is pleased with your work.

The letter “Y, y” is the 29th in the Russian and 28th in the Belarusian alphabets, and is a ligature. Absent in other national Cyrillic Slavic alphabets (the ancient sounds [and] and [s] in the modern languages ​​of the southern Slavs have long coincided, but from the Bulgarian and Serbian alphabets the letter Y was excluded only in the 19th century; and in the Ukrainian alphabet the pair I/I is used instead Y/N). It is also used in many other Cyrillic scripts.

History of the letter

The letter Y in the Church and Old Slavonic alphabet is called ery (ts.-s.) or ѥry (s.-s.), its meaning is not clear, but obviously it is related to the names of the letters b (er) and b (er). In the most ancient forms of the Cyrillic and Glagolitic alphabet, the letter Y probably did not exist; in subsequent ones, it is formed by combining the sign b or b with the symbol I or І (in the monuments of Old Slavonic writing you can find the whole palette of digraph combinations; in the ancient Cyrillic alphabet, the details of the letters could also be connected by a dash).

In the most “classical” form, the Glagolitic Y looks like , and the Cyrillic one looks like ЪІ (if we mean antiquity, until the 14th century), later, as now, it looks like Y (including in Church Slavonic language). The letter Y in the Cyrillic alphabet is usually considered the 30th in order, in the Glagolitic alphabet - the 31st. Has no numerical value.

The modern form, from the end of the 14th century, penetrated into Russian manuscripts from Balkan (South Slavic) manuscripts. The vowel ɨ, denoted by the letter “ы,” was still in the proto-language of the Slavs. Often comes from a long sound *ū, which explains the alternation s/ov, ы/у, etc.: cover - shelter, hear - listen.

Use of Y

In russian language

The letters Y and I coming after more consonants reflects such a phonetic phenomenon as softening of consonants: follow - traces, beat - be, threaten - thunderstorms, vit - howl, click - fang, sir - cheese, saw - ardor, pines - pines, milo - soap, burn - from the mountain , graphs - graphs, tick - poke.

After soft and hard sibilants in the combinations SHI, CHI, ZHI, SHCHI, not Y is used, but the letter I, since in ancient times sibilants were pronounced softly and only soft vowels were written after them, however, even then they began to retreat from this.

Later, in a number of cases, they began to write Y after sibilants (to distinguish similar but different in meaning forms of words). Writing sibilants with I has always been the main one; it has become the main one in the Russian language. Deviations from these rules are allowed in foreign-language names and names: Truong Tinh, Zhylyoi district, Shymkent.

Historically, more complex rules have developed for the use of the letters I and Y after the letter C, whose softness also does not depend on the context. They are given in the article “Letter C”.

After G, K, X, guttural consonants, which can be both soft and hard, Y is almost never written. The explanation lies in history: in the old days these consonants could not be softened; or rather, instead of softening, they transformed into hissing (stolny - from table, but, eternal - from eyelids, fur - from fluff, friendly - from friend) or whistling (cf. figures of speech in ts.-s.: in the air ← air , in clouds ← clouds or (to rest) in Bose ← Bog; a similar alternation remained, for example, in the declension in the Ukrainian language: flour - on mutsi, fly - on musi, leg - on nozi,) and was used exclusively with Y.

Later in the Russian language Y in this position turns into I. Now the combinations ky, hy, gy come across in common speech and onomatopoeia (Markych, Olegych, Aristarkhych, kysh, Kysya, gygykat), or in borrowed and generally in various foreign language names and names ( akyn, kok-sagyz, takyr, Kyzyl, Mangyshlak, Arkhyz).

Also, only in onomatopoeia І is found at the beginning of words and after vowels, borrowings and proper names (ох, ыкать; Ygyatta, Jayayl, Khabyryys, Ydzhydparma, Suykbulak, ynjera, yr), although at the beginning of a word the sound [ы] is quite common if it begins with I, and without a pause follows the word ending with a hard consonant (Ivan [Y]vanych, that’s all).

The same phonetic phenomenon, only at the junctions of prefix and root, is reflected in the letter (play, summarize, nameless), excluding foreign prefixes (for example, post-infarction, cf. pre-infarction), prefixes on sibilants and gutturals (super-refined, inter-game) and the word take with all its derivatives.

You can find the letter Y after Y only in the transliteration of foreign names and titles: Chyyrchyk, Taiynsha.

Probably, after b and b, the letter Y does not appear at all (but, theoretically, it is not prohibited in transliteration and transcription).

In Church Slavonic

The use of the letters I (І) and И is close to Russian, but sometimes reflects the Old Church Slavonic situation:

The use of I and Y after a larger number of consonants is phonetically determined and semantically distinctive (biti - to be, etc.); but, in the declensions of the same words, unlike in Russian, you can simultaneously find the endings -ы and -и: rabbi (named for the fallen plural of slave) - slaves (vin. and creative, fallen plural. h.);

In ts.-sl, the above-mentioned transition ky, hy, gy into ki, hi, gi also occurred, i.e. it does not happen after the guttural Y;

Both I and Y are placed after hissing ones; they are pronounced the same way, the only difference is in the meaning: men (the name is fallen. plural from husband) - husbands (wine and creative fall. plural); young men (gen. and dat. falling singular from youth) - youths (name and sov. fall. plural, as well as name, vin. and sov. fall. dual numbers) - young men ( wine pad. plural); beggars (creative fallen singular) - beggars (dat. fallen plural), etc.;

Only in borrowings is qi written (before the vowels qi) (Kinstancia, Cicero);

After prefixes ending with a consonant, I may or may not turn into Y; can also be written instead of ы with ьи (lift/lift, but ѿimati with I), for different roots and prefixes the predominant spelling may differ.

There is only one vowel letter in the alphabet that never appears at the beginning of a word - Y. Why didn't she get first place? Representatives of two domestic phonological schools - Moscow and Leningrad - differ in their explanation. According to the “Muscovites”, ы is an allophone (sound variant) of the phoneme [i], which means it cannot begin a word, since the main sound variant must appear at the beginning. “Leningraders” believe that [s] is a separate phoneme. Their point of view is supported by the fact that several words starting with Y do exist, for example proper names: the Yakut river Ygyatta, the village of Ynyrga in the Altai Mountains... Followers of the Moscow school answer that such words are borrowings, and therefore their cannot be taken into account. What phonologists are unanimous about is that the sound (in international transcription represents the sound denoted in the letter Y) appears only after hard consonants, and after soft consonants and at the beginning of the word comes I [i]. Compare: “mouse” and “bear” - the sound differs only in the softness and hardness of M. Theoretically, [i] could be denoted by one I. But then the quality of the sound of the consonant would have to be marked in writing in some other way, otherwise you would be able to distinguish a large predatory animal from a small rodent it would be impossible.

Change of position

There are several consonants in the Russian language that have a special relationship with Y. One of the proofs of this relationship is the famous school rule “ZHI, SHI write with the letter I.” Once upon a time, Ж and Ш were only soft and were paired with the vowel [i], designated I (and also in the old alphabet I). But by the 14th century, Ж and Ш had hardened, and now, on the contrary, it sounds after them, but the spelling remained traditional - through I. A little later, around XVI century, the same metamorphosis occurred with the consonant [ts], but not so consistently - in many dialects of the Russian language [ts’] (soft Ts) still exists. Therefore, writing Ts with Y is allowed, but according to complex rules. Because of this, at school you have to memorize a special special list of words with CI at the root (“the gypsy approached the chicken on tiptoe...”). The development of the back lingual consonants G, K, X went in the diametrically opposite direction - from hardness to softness, and the fate of their combinations with Y depended on this. Nowadays you can only find the spelling GY, KY, XY in borrowed words, proper names and onomatopoeias. And in ancient times these consonants meant only hard sounds, and after them Y was always written. For example, the prince’s wife was called “princess” (and even earlier “kngyni”). Over time, posterior linguals acquired positional softness, that is, they can now denote both soft and hard consonants (compare: “hyena”, “guitar”, but “talk”, “burn”). The ban on the combinations GI, KI, HI was lifted, that is, Y consistently turned into I. “Princess” became “princess”, “gybel” turned into “death”, “cunning” began to be written as “cunning”.

Late merger

Y is a relatively new letter in our alphabet. It is absent from the Greek alphabet, from which we derive most of our letters, as well as from the most ancient Cyrillic texts. Related to this is the fact that it has no numerical value. Almost every letter of the Cyrillic alphabet, except for sound, denoted some number. But Y is not. This is not surprising, because almost until the 14th century Y did not have its own mark. It was written as b (er) or b (er) with the assigned letter I (or I, all four variants of their combinations are found) and was called “er” (er + i). Continuous spelling, that is, the full status of a letter, is acquired only in later texts.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

average comprehensive school №13

Literacy Lesson Summary

"Letter Y"

1 class


Kulashkina Alena Nikolaevna,

Primary school teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 13



  1. Self-determination in activity.

The bell rang

Lesson begins

We sat down at our desks

And everything is ready to go

We were expecting guests today

They were greeted with excitement

And we must show you
How to learn to read

Think, think, answer.

  1. Updating knowledge."Yes-no."
  1. Is today the fourth day of the week?
  2. October is the middle of autumn.
  3. A lush motley carpet covering the ground in autumn - is it snowfall?
  4. Is it possible to find a spider web that flies in the fall?

Let's check what happened? (word scheme).

What word did you get the diagram for?

And the maple leaf will help us. He grew up enjoying the gentle sun and warm rain. Unnoticed, the artist Autumn approached a large and beautiful maple tree. She got it magic colors and began to dress the maple leaves in beautiful outfits:

What colors did she use to dress the leaves? yellow, orange, red. But the artist Autumn miscalculated and dropped too much paint on the leaf. The leaf could not stand it, broke away from the branch and began to fall. The leaf immediately grabbed the web and began to swing as if on a swing. “Ah, smart Leaf,” thought the artist Autumn and smiled.

Can you guess what this word is? Let's call autumn. The mischievous autumn wind blew and turned up all the letters. Who can read them?

Let's return the letters to their original form. Read it.

What sounds do they represent?

  1. Setting goals and objectives for the lesson.

Let's determine in what order we will work during the lesson.

  1. Sound-letter analysis of words.
  2. Introducing new sounds and letters.
  3. Drawing up proposals.
  4. Reading text.

4. Introducing a new sound and letter.

Who hid under the leaf?

Small animal, long tail,

Gray coat, sharp teeth.

Yellow, round, full of holes

Mice love tasty..... What do mice like most?

How to pronounce the sound?

Conclusion: the sound Y is a vowel.

What outfit will the sound artist have?

The artist Autumn has an album. Now I will leaf through it. If you see a new letter, clap your hands.

What does the letter Y look like?

But the letter Y is walking.

Without Y you will not learn.


The mouse climbed into the hole...

I offer you an image in which you need to find the letter Y and color it in the colors of autumn leaves?Conclusion: The letter Y means….

5. Reading syllables and words with a new letter.

Read the syllables with the letter Y. How to pronounce a consonant sound when there is an Y sound next to it?

What work does the sound ы do when it comes after a consonant?

Look at the images.

Name the words in which this sound is heard in the middle of the word. At the end of a word.

Read the first column of words to yourself.

Read the first couple of words. What is a "Trail"? How many forest paths does this word mean? Then they say that the word is used in the only one number! How are these words different? "Paths" - plural. And the letter Y helps us with this!

Let's work in pairs. Game "One-many". What happened.

In what part of the word is the Y sound heard?

Let's continue reading.

  • moderately calm
  • quietly tenderly
  • joyfully
  • with surprise
  • proudly cheerfully
  • with a questioning intonation

F.Min. Let's play the game "Transformations"

What kind of trees are these? Turn around yourself and turn into trees. You are oak trees. Place your feet firmly on the floor and clench your fists. The wind barely sways the oak trees. They moan "Y-Y-Y". And now they have turned into birches and aspens. They are swayed by a light breeze. They sing “y-y-y” in a high voice.


But come up with words in which the Y sound is at the beginning of the word. Happened?

I don't know what the secret is

There are no words for this letter

Only the letters are all important,

WE will remember the letter...

Conclusion: The letter Y can appear at the beginning and in the middle of a word.

Working on the text “Forest Hut”.

The leaf invites you to visit a forest dweller. Guess who it is?

Made a hut out of trees.

Everything in it is simple, in order -

Both in the water and above the water!

Who built this house?

Who can guess the riddle?

And will he recognize the builder?

Look at the illustration.

How many of you have seen a beaver? Where can you see it?

Beavers bravely go into the forests. (warm-up)

Quietly, slowly.

Loudly, enthusiastically.

How many words are there in a sentence? Outline your proposal.

Read the title.

How do you understand "hut"?

The hut is a cozy home, little house. It's strange why is this forest hut?

Have you guessed why the hut is a forest hut?

Why plug the cracks in the house?

How can you enter it if there are no windows or doors?

Who lives in this strange hut?

Caulking means covering up the cracks to prevent it from blowing in in the winter.

Why are the words “chopped” and “sawed” given in quotation marks?

Repeated reading.

What do beavers build their hut from?

If there is neither a window nor a door, then there is such a need. This is how the beaver escapes from its enemies.

What new words did you come across in the text?

What a cunning beaver - this is how he built his house!

Nikolai Ivanovich Sladkov.

What interesting things have you learned about the life of a beaver?

1. Beaver is the “king of rodents.” The length of its body reaches 70 centimeters. The beast weighs almost 30 kg. Beavers live up to 25 years. These animals have everything amazing - teeth, fur coat, and tail.

2. The first miracle is beaver teeth. Beavers are famous for their ability to gnaw and knock down trees. The second miracle is a fur coat. For beavers, it is important that their fur does not let water through. After all, beavers spend a lot of time in the water. They swim and dive beautifully.

3. The third miracle is the beaver tail. The beaver's tail serves as both an oar and a rudder. The tail even saves his life.

4. The fourth miracle is the huts. From the outside, the hut looks like a loose pile of dry branches. But in fact it is very durable. Beavers live in the hut for more than a year.

Beavers are very interesting animals. Due to valuable fur, the number of beavers sharply decreased 30 years ago. Scientists observed the life of beavers. Nature reserves were created. We did everything to maintain their numbers. And they even built huts themselves, which the beavers happily occupied.

In what order did they work during the lesson?

  1. Sound-letter analysis of words.
  2. Introducing a new sound and letter s.
  3. Made proposals.
  4. Read the text “Forest Hut”.
  1. Reflection. “Bring the leaf to life” Today I learned...

I managed…

I was surprised...

I wanted…

It was difficult for me...