What is incompetence and. Functions and levels of incompetence

The concept of “incompetence” can be distinguished in three ways:

· as visible and recorded results of activities;

· as some standards for performing activities;

· as personal properties that determine the effectiveness of a particular activity

On different levels assimilation professional activity different results are required. This means that several levels of development of incompetence need to be provided for.

IN foreign literature presents an ambiguous approach to considering the structure of incompetence.

Thus, English researchers distinguish three levels in the structure of incompetence:

· · Integrative incompetence. This is the inability to integrate knowledge and skills and use them in practical life.

· · Psychological incompetence, representing a developed system of emotions that is unable to provide an adequate perception of the surrounding world and practical behavior of people.

· · Incompetence in specific areas of activity, expressed in the inability to work with people, overcome uncertainty, implement plans, etc.

In research, incompetence is presented as an integral concept, in which the following levels can be distinguished:

· Not competence- is the inability to integrate knowledge and skills and use them in the face of rapidly changing requirements external environment;

· conceptual incompetence;

· Not emotional competence, in the field of perception;

· Not competence in certain areas of activity.

In the works of the famous British psychologist J. Raven, attention was first drawn to the psychological nature of competence, to the problems of its formation at different age stages of human development.

According to J. Raven, originating “within” a person in the form of his biological heredity, abilities, inclinations and others individual characteristics, incompetence, being a subjective quality by nature, is formed and develops depending on objective conditions.

Components of incompetence scientist considers those “characteristics and abilities of people that allow them to achieve personally significant goals - regardless of the nature of these goals and social structure in which these people live and work." These components of incompetence are divided into cognitive(identifying obstacles to achieving goals), affective(job satisfaction) and strong-willed(perseverance, determination, will).

Incompetence in professional activities

Incompetence is a concept that is most often used in the business sphere of life and denotes a complete or partial discrepancy between the level of skills, knowledge, skills and other significant qualities of an employee, the requirements of his position or his status. At the same time, the meaning of incompetence expands significantly due to its numerous types: they include professional, intellectual, emotional, physical, social and ethical incompetence. Let's look at some of them.

In some areas, such as healthcare, the level of incompetence is especially important. Company management is tasked with ensuring that employee incompetence is either eliminated or, better yet, not tolerated.

In relation to career growth, based on the concept of incompetence, the so-called “Peter principle” was put forward, which states that in a hierarchical system each employee rises to the level of his incompetence.

According to the Peter Principle, any person working in any kind of hierarchical system will rise through career ladder until he takes a high place in which he will not cope with his responsibilities. That is, to the level of one’s incompetence. It is at this level that a person will get stuck until he quits, retires, etc. Despite its external harmlessness, this principle hints at the incompetence of any leader in any system built on the principle of hierarchy. Based on the fact that private firms can be considered as a hierarchical system, state. enterprises, the army, various institutions, including educational and medical ones, the scope of applicability of this principle is very wide.

Lawrence Peter put forward his theory on the basis that all competent employees tend to be promoted, while incompetent ones remain in place rather than being demoted (often due to the manager's reluctance to admit his mistake). Peter's system has been criticized many times, but at the same time it has quite a lot of followers.

Communication incompetence

This type of incompetence indicates an inability to build relationships with other people. There can be many reasons for this kind of incompetence; let’s look at some typical ones:

· Stereotypes, that is, simplified opinions about people and situations, which as a result blocks understanding of situations and people.

· Prejudice, a tendency to reject everything unusual and different.

· The habit of neglecting facts, and the desire to draw any conclusions without suitable grounds.

· Errors in the construction of phrases - inaccurate choice of words, illogicality, poor persuasiveness.

· Wrong choice of general strategy and tactics of communication.

Often, all these phenomena lead to the fact that a person cannot have normal contact with others, which often interferes both in his personal life and in the professional sphere.

Emotional incompetence

There is also such a thing as emotional incompetence, which describes the lack of skills or their extreme low level development of emotion management. This entails a person interacting with other people without the slightest regard for the emotional context.

Barrier of incompetence. Often found in teamwork. You may be angry at your partner's incompetence when he starts saying stupid things that are obvious to you. This causes feelings of anger, frustration and wasted time. You have two options - either gradually push him to a deeper understanding of the issue (for example, by unobtrusively explaining something), or curtail communication. The choice is yours, and it depends on your goals.

A striking example of such a situation is a despotic boss who is used to raising his voice at employees, being rude, etc. Emotional incompetence leads to a loss of respect from employees and interferes with building any kind of relationships - both at work and in personal life.

incompetence emotional professional conscious

Inexperience, ignorance, illiteracy, illiteracy, illiteracy; uninitiation, ignorance, ignorance, uninformed, unfamiliarity, ignorance, ignorance. Ant. competence, sophistication, literacy, experience... ... Dictionary of synonyms

incompetence- INCOMPETENCE, illiteracy, illiteracy, ignorance, ignorance, illiteracy INCOMPETENT, illiterate, illiterate, incompetent, illiterate, ignorant, illiterate, ignorant, semi-literate, weak... ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

incompetence- absolute incompetence, complete incompetence... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

incompetence- ▲ lack of specific knowledge, incompetence, lack of specific necessary knowledge. incompetent. incompetent. have a vague idea of ​​what. unfamiliarity with what. | ignorant. uninformed. have no idea. layman in... ... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

J. abstract noun according to adj. incompetent Explanatory dictionary by Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

Incompetence, incompetence, incompetence, incompetence, incompetence, incompetence, incompetence, incompetence, incompetence, incompetence, incompetence, incompetence (Source: “Full ... ... Forms of words

Sophistication, competence, education, experience, awareness, scholarship... Dictionary of antonyms

incompetence- incompetence, and... Russian spelling dictionary

incompetence- (3 f), R., D., Ave. incompetence... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language


  • , Farnham Adrian. A surprising number of people work under managers who are obviously incompetent. Some experts believe that in some sectors of the economy the number of incompetent...
  • Incompetent manager. Incompetence as Mass Madness, Farnham Adrian. What is competence? Why and how do managers turn out to be incompetent? How to heal the incompetent? Based on scientific facts, but at the same time very ironic, the author makes a revision...
  • Incompetent manager. Incompetence as mass madness / The Incompetent Manager: The Causes, Consequences and Cures of Managerial Derailment, Farnham A. / Adrian Furnham. A surprising number of people work under managers who are obviously incompetent. Some experts believe that in some sectors of the economy the number of incompetent...

Competence- availability of knowledge and experience necessary for effective activities in a given subject area.

Competence in pedagogy is the creative ability to carry out one or another type of activity (in in this case pedagogical), with the developing differentiation of scientific knowledge into sectoral scientific knowledge, the emphasis is on successful preparation teacher of students to self-realization.

Division of competence by area

Competence in the field of independent cognitive activity, based on the assimilation of methods of acquiring knowledge from various sources of information, including extracurricular ones (Cognitive sphere); Competence in the field of civil and social activities (performing the roles of a citizen, voter, consumer) (Society); Competence in the field of social and labor activities (including the ability to analyze the situation on the labor market, assess one’s own professional capabilities, navigate the norms and ethics of relationships, self-organization skills); Competence in the domestic sphere (including aspects own health, family life, etc.) (Family); Competence in the field of cultural and leisure activities (including the choice of ways and means of using free time, culturally and spiritually enriching the personality) (Personality)

The section is very easy to use. In the field provided, just enter the right word, and we will give you a list of its values. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-formation dictionaries. Here you can also see examples of the use of the word you entered.

Meaning of the word incompetent

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


incompetent, incompetent; incompetent incompetent, incompetent (book). Lacking competence, ignorant of something, inexperienced. He is an incompetent person in this matter.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    Not having sufficient knowledge of something. regions; ignorant.

    Performed without sufficient knowledge; flimsy.

    Not having the authority to do or decide smth.

Examples of the use of the word incompetent in literature.

The fact is that Hitler did not prefer a direct path of information from the people responsible for the matter, but drew it from unreliable and incompetent sources, his tendency towards amateurism again manifested itself, as well as his lack of understanding of the nature of fundamental research.

It was he, an economist and financier by training, who had enormous experience in government and economic work, who with his specific, clear questions always confused the tongue-tied, eloquent Gorbachev, smashing his Manilov dreams to smithereens, and sometimes even driving him into an awkward position as a person incompetent.

Preventing a member of the public from participating in a case is possible only when that representative is singled out incompetent organization when its powers are improperly formalized, etc.

Vol immediately arrived in Cherepichnik to agree on an action plan with the employees of the extreme incompetent Duke's secret police.

Moshkin did not prove incompetent woman that vernalized potatoes are not suitable for food.

Are they enough incompetent so that a vacuum is formed, in the place of which some other force arises?

And then some expert appears, completely incompetent in the field of gerontology and unification, begins to delve into the archive and pester with questions.

But it's too difficult to maintain a spiritual connection with a city steeped in drugs and pornography, riven by gang violence, and corroded by Hollywood cynicism, governed by politicians as corrupt and demagogic as they are. incompetent.

But that's a problem incompetent in the communication of men, not women, who openly show their high spirits and goodwill in a smile, right?

As a result of promotion, a competent employee became incompetent.

And besides, insignificant negative reviews will certainly be balanced by the same number of positive reviews, in which incompetent, but extremely sympathetic reviewers will praise your work profusely.

The case of a conformist pedant Incompetent the teacher is not subject to promotion.

Like everyone incompetent a man, he did not believe in logic and despised science.

The public and management began to look at Prost as incompetent director.

Technique five: administration for an hour In large organizations with a complex structure incompetent a high-ranking employee sometimes manages to obtain a temporary appointment to a post and.