How can you clean dried polyurethane foam? Removing polyurethane foam, methods and instructions

Polyurethane foam is excellent building material appreciated by consumers.

This is an excellent sealant, sound and heat insulator, and can be used as a reliable adhesive.

Working with the composition is easy and convenient, but with all its obvious advantages, there is a small disadvantage.

Even if you carry out work with all care and accuracy, foam can get on your hands, clothes and surrounding objects.

The material has features that are important to consider when choosing a removal method. They are as follows:

But even if you get dirty in the product, you shouldn’t be afraid: it is not toxic and not dangerous to health.

How to get rid of foam

How to wipe dried foam from hands and other parts of the body?

Of course, fresh stains that have not had time to harden are much easier to remove than old ones.

Laminate, thin fabrics

Usage chemical compositions is a last resort, so it is advisable to try to do without them.

What options for removing such stains are available at home?

Using oil

So what should we do? How to remove foam from clothes?

As annoying as it may sound, if the foam has polymerized on clothing, most often it will not be possible to wash it.

In addition, extreme persistence can cause tissue damage. Using a blade or sharp knife, it is advisable to cut the stain right down to the base, being careful not to touch the fabric. Apply a little solvent to the trace of it with a cotton swab, and after waiting about ten minutes, you can try to carefully scrape off the remaining dirt.

If all of the above does not help, you can try to creatively cover the stain using a tailor’s method - cover it with an appliqué, a pocket or a deliberately bright patch.

During construction or repair work, polyurethane foam will help you get rid of various cracks and fill joints or seams.

But it is very easy for it to stain both itself and the surfaces that are nearby, so how to wash the polyurethane foam?

How can I wash it? In this article we will answer these questions.

Cautions before cleaning

Professionals prohibit the use of vinegar or any product that contains acid to cleanse polyurethane foam!

These products will not only damage the surface, but you may also get burned. Polyurethane foam cannot be removed using these products.

In addition, it is best to wipe off the mounting foam as soon as it is on the surface. It will be much easier and faster than if you wait until it dries.

So how to wash fresh polyurethane foam?

Stages of the procedure

  1. Remove foam from the surface using a scraper. It is important that the foam does not spread to further larger plot surface and does not fall again, be extremely careful.
  2. Now you need to process the surface itself.

Surface products

Remember that no single option for every surface.

If the surface is made of stone, concrete, metal, then you can wash the polyurethane foam using acetone and aggressive chemicals.

If the surface is made of glass or plastic, “dimexide” will help wipe off the mounting foam.

Dimexide is medicinal product for external use, which you can find in any pharmacy.

An alternative to dimexide is sunflower oil, which should be applied for half an hour and then removed with a damp cloth.

If polyurethane foam gets on the floor coverings, how to wash it? You can use this method if the polyurethane foam has just hit the floor.

Buy a special cleaner, it will soften the sealant, and then use a spatula to remove the residue.

If the surface is made of wood
(even if it is painted or varnished), dilute baking soda and salt in equal proportions, wipe the trace of foam with this solution and leave for 3 to 5 minutes. Use a kitchen sponge to wipe the surface.

If foam gets on your hands

The foam is not toxic or poisonous, which means it is not dangerous to humans.

How to wash foam from skin?

You don't have to do anything, if you can wait a few days, then it will start to fall off on its own.

But if you can’t wait a couple of days, then what can you use to wash the foam off your hands?

There are several simple methods.

If foam gets on the fabric

How can you wash foam from clothes?

This will not be easy, since removal products can damage the fabric and change color.

If you still decide to try, we recommend using these tools:

  • stain removers;
  • white spirit;
  • solvents for polyurethane foam;
  • petrol.

Action algorithm

It is almost the same with each product; it is very important to take into account the type of fabric and its features.

All of the above tips mainly applied to fresh foam that had not yet hardened.

How to clean dried foam?

This will be much more difficult, you will have to be patient and persevering, because most likely, to remove one stain you will have to use several methods or carry out the same method several times.

Select store-bought solvents specifically for a surface like yours.

Also purchase a brush with which you will apply the solvent, and also a spatula with which you will remove the solvent.

Algorithm of actions

  1. Using a knife/blade/razor, cut off the foam layer without damaging the surface.
  2. Use a brush and solution to work on the remaining layer of foam (follow the instructions written on the solution).
  3. Use a kitchen sponge to scrub the mark.
  4. Remove remaining product and dirt using a spatula.

In this article we told you how to get rid of polyurethane foam, but it is best to prevent polyurethane foam from getting on any surfaces.

Therefore, when working with polyurethane foam, follow these tips:

  1. be careful and attentive, it is better to wear unnecessary closed clothing/work uniform,
  2. You should prepare the surfaces and cover them with something, this way you will prevent unwanted foam from getting onto the surfaces.

When installing a door, window or other construction work Oh, you can’t do without using polyurethane foam. This is popular in repair work the product very effectively and reliably holds together various building elements, but removing the foam remaining after construction can be quite difficult, especially if it it's already underway about hardened material. Even if all measures to protect against the sealant have been taken in advance, its particles can remain anywhere - on the floor, walls, doors, windows, clothes and hands. The question arises - how and with what to wash polyurethane foam at home?

How to remove fresh sealant stains from the surface of a door, window, floor

Fresh polyurethane foam can be removed best. It is easier to quickly remove excess residues than to wipe off already dried material. Eat various ways removing fresh stains:

For metal door The process of removing polyurethane foam is somewhat simpler than with wooden foam. If for cleaning wooden door If a variety of solvents were used, then immediately after wiping, you need to wash this area with soapy water so that the aggressive substances of the solvent do not damage the paintwork.

You can also use solvents to clean foam from clothing. If everything is done quickly, the fabric will not be damaged. After cleaning, clothes should be washed with plenty of washing powder.

How to wash foam from hands

To avoid questions like how to clean polyurethane foam from your hands, it is better to wear thick leather gloves during construction work involving the use of this product. If you still cannot avoid getting the sealant on your hands, you can remove it using the following means:

  • Medical alcohol
  • Petrol
  • 3% vinegar solution
  • Acetone.

You need to moisten a regular cotton swab with one of these products and gently wipe the skin of your hands. Then you need to wash your hands well under running water using liquid soap, and rub with baby cream.

There are other methods for removing sealant from your hands.

  • Using table salt. Pour into a small basin warm water, add a teaspoon of salt, lower your hands and hold them a little in the saline solution.
  • Soapy water is suitable for fresh stains on hands. Place your hands in a warm soapy solution; for a faster effect, the remaining foam can be wiped off with a sponge or washcloth.
  • Heated vegetable oil. The oil needs to be slightly heated and rubbed onto areas with remaining sealant. Then fill the areas stained with foam with a small amount of washing powder, foam it and rinse the entire solution from your hands with plenty of water.

How to remove dried polyurethane foam from various surfaces

It is quite problematic to completely remove already hardened and dried foam from the surface the first time. The procedure for removing old stains will have to be repeated several times. Lumps and stains are easier to clean from metal, glass or stone surfaces than from other materials. In these cases, there are also methods that will help solve the problem partially or completely.

No matter what means you have to use to remove the remaining sealant, it is a tedious task and not always as effective as you would like. Experienced builders use protective film during the repair process and work in gloves and special clothing intended for construction work.

Polyurethane foam is a chemical substance in the form of an aerosol intended for sealing cracks, sound and heat insulation. The sealant is in a cylinder under pressure; when released, the substance increases in volume several times. To clean the polyurethane foam, start with home remedies. If this method does not help, use chemicals. First check their effect on an inconspicuous area.

Removal methods:

  1. Mechanical (scraping with a sharp object) is used provided that it has frozen.
  2. Acetone (or nail polish remover) is used to remove fresh sealant.
  3. Store-bought products are used depending on the time that has passed since the stain formed.
Name Scope of application
For fresh sealants
ULTIMA Professional Used for cleaning windows, clothing, construction foam guns.
PENOSIL Foam Cleaner Removing polyurethane foam from windows, wooden window sills, metal surfaces, clothes, pistols.
Isofoam R621 Universal cleaner.
Cosmofen Produced by the German company Weiss, it has three modifications (5, 10, 20). To remove polyurethane, use Cosmofen 20. Suitable for all types of surfaces.
Macroflex Premium Universal solvent, cleanser.
Solvent 646 Not suitable for plastic and wooden painted and varnished surfaces.
For cured sealants
PENOSIL Premium Cured Dissolves and cleans hardened foam from any type of surface.
Isofoam R621 Universal cleaner.

Before use, apply the above products to inconspicuous areas of the product. All aerosols are toxic, use personal protective equipment.

  1. Dimexide (or its analogues with identical components) – medicine, purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.
  2. Sunflower oil – softens dirt; subsequent treatment with soap solution is necessary.
  3. Exposure to cold.

From a construction pistol

  • mechanical method - scrape off the remains with a sharp object (knife, scissors);
  • use of chemical cleaners - place solvent in a special gun. Press the trigger several times until the solvent comes out.

Windows and doors

Traces on PVC:

  • fresh sealant can be removed with acetone, vinegar, vegetable oil, a cleaning agent for a construction gun;
  • Lubricate old sealant stains with dimexide and foam remover;
  • dried - remove mechanically.

Use acetone and solvents with caution plastic surfaces, yellow spots may remain on them.

Ways to remove traces of polyurethane foam from wood and MDF:

  1. You can wipe off the frozen substance sandpaper. Carefully cut off the protruding parts with a sharp object. This method has a drawback - the possibility of damaging wooden surface. If damaged, the door area should be re-varnished.
  2. Saline solution (1 tbsp water per 1 cup salt). 5 minutes after applying the solution, clean the surface with a damp sponge or cloth.

You can clean metal sunflower oil. Half an hour after dissolution chemical substance, clean the area of ​​contamination with a sponge soaked in soapy water.

Powder-coated iron doors are cleaned mechanically using soda and a rubber scraper (soda acts as an abrasive).


Wipe off the mounting foam from glass door easier than with wood or metal. You need to wait until the stain dries, then scrape it off with a sharp object.

Get rid of stains on tiles Vinegar will help. Moisten a sponge or napkin with table vinegar and rub vigorously.

Don't remove the sealant right away, but don't let it dry completely either. It is necessary to catch the moment when the substance has a “rubberized consistency”, reminiscent of plasticine. Take the stain by the edge, pull it slightly - this method avoids streaks and does not require financial costs.

Rules for removal from laminate and floor coverings

Dimexide is used to remove stains from linoleum, laminate, wood, and parquet. Acetone should not be used for floor coverings, this can lead to streaks.

To remove dirt from a carpet or rug, place a damp cloth on the contaminated area and wait until the foam is completely soaked. After softening, the stain is removed with a sponge soaked in a soap solution.

Apply store products. If they don’t help, use less gentle methods: sandpaper treatment, disc grinding.

How to remove foam from clothes

Since the sealant particles reliably bind to the fibers of clothing and fill all cavities, it is difficult to wipe off dried polyurethane foam. The following products are intended for these purposes: white spirit, stain removers, distilled gasoline, sealant solvents.

Sequence of actions:

  • cut off protruding parts of the substance;
  • Apply one of the listed products to the contaminated area of ​​clothing;
  • wait 15-20 minutes;
  • Remove residues with a sponge or damp cloth;
  • repeat the procedure if necessary;
  • wash the item in washing machine using repeated rinsing.

First study the information on the product tag to see if use is permitted. chemicals for this type of fabric.

Stains from polyurethane foam are completely removed if contaminated clothing is placed in freezer for an hour. Then clean the remaining sealant mechanically; if this does not help, use a solvent. After cleaning, wash the item.

Items made of thick fabric (jeans, jackets, workwear) are cleaned with Dimexide. You need to wear gloves when working, the solution is concentrated and for medical purposes it is diluted with water. Apply the product to the stain with a cotton swab for 5-10 minutes and scrub off the stain with a brush.

  1. Cleaning clothes made of colored fabric with acetone can damage the item.
  2. Use solvents with caution on thin fabrics (cotton, silk).
  3. Do not use solvents on varnished or painted surfaces; the sealant layer will peel off along with the paint.
  4. Do not use acids or alkalis to remove foam from your face. Polyurethane does not react to them, and a burn will remain on the skin.
  5. Do not wash off fresh stains with water.

If you plan to do repairs, purchase foam solvents in advance. Before starting work, remove valuables from the room, cover furniture, bathtubs, floors, radiators with oilcloth. Lubricate items that cannot be removed with sunflower oil or rich cream. Carry out repairs in overalls, use gloves and hats.

Polyurethane foam is so often used during repairs that it is now difficult to imagine installing new door blocks without its use. Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that while blowing in the joints and cracks of the doorway, foam gets onto the door. In this case, immediately take cleaning measures, since polyurethane foam is difficult to remove - it sticks firmly to any surface.

Types of polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is a substance with high level adhesion. Foam molecules are able to penetrate the material and tightly bind themselves to it. Remember that when squeezed out of the container, the volume of foam increases.

Before installation door block and blowing in cracks, make sure you protect nearby surfaces. Agree, it’s better to play it safe and cover protective film as many places as possible where polyurethane foam can potentially get in, rather than trying to remove it later without consequences.

However, even such precautions do not guarantee that you will not have to wash the door from droplets on the surface. Similar troubles happen to professionals and to those who first started renovating a house or apartment.

Careful handling of foam when installing the door

Means for removing fresh foam from doors

If during work you notice foam getting on the surface, try to remove it as quickly as possible. Scrape the foam off the door immediately, but don't try to do it with your bare hands—use a plastic scraper or other material that won't damage the door. Try to clean the surface so as not to smear any residue.

Acetone is the most accessible substance for removing “installation”. But its composition is aggressive, so acetone is used only on those surfaces where it is difficult to harm. With frozen foam, acetone is unlikely to help - such a strong bond is formed between the molecules that the solvent is not able to break it.

Incorrect filling of cracks in door frame

It is forbidden to use water to wash away traces of foam. When in contact with water, the foam hardens even faster.

Peeling coating after improper cleaning

Prepare in advance - purchase a substance that can remove foam

Every hardware store sells proven products for removing the effects of foam on the surface. Let's list them:

  • Solvent 646, acetone. Such option will do for surfaces that can withstand contact with “aggressive” solvents.
  • Solvent 647. It is not so aggressive, the composition is without acetone, so the risk of damaging the door coating is reduced.
  • White spirit.
  • Cosmofen 5, 10 or 20. The numbers indicate the strength of the substance. “5” is the strongest.
  • Cleaning liquids mounting guns different manufacturers. In this case, pay attention to the composition and choose something that will definitely help remove foam with minimal consequences.

Remember, if you have a chance to clean the surface right away with minimal damage, go for it! Otherwise, you will find that it will no longer be possible to wash the foam, and mechanical stripping will cause noticeable damage.

Cosmofen - a practical cleaner

Read also: , from hands and other surfaces

Fighting dried polyurethane foam

Let's say the substance gets on new door and managed to dry out. In this case, you need to start mechanical removal. This is done with a sharp knife or blade. Cut off the dried “montage” as much as you can, and then try to clean it wire brush or a sponge. But this method, for obvious reasons, is used when the door has not yet been processed paint and varnish materials and scratches on the surface will disappear after applying several layers of varnish or paint.

One way to remove dried substances on a metal door is to use a small, flat piece of plastic. It is not capable of harming the door, since it is softer than metal, but it easily cleans the foam.

The real problem is when dried foam has to be removed from varnished plastic or wood. Any aggressive solvent softens the remaining foam, at the same time erasing the top layer.

One of the “folk” ways to combat such consequences is “Dimexide”. It is sold in pharmacies. This composition penetrates perfectly into many surfaces and substances. Be careful! When working with the drug, use thick rubber gloves. And before applying it to the door, be sure to check the effect on the coating layer in an inconspicuous place on the door.

This is what a bottle of dimethyl fuxsolide concentrate looks like

Further process:

  • Carefully cut away as much foam as possible;
  • Soften the foam stains remaining after mechanical cleaning with the preparation;
  • Trying not to come into contact with undamaged areas, wash the surface for several minutes;
  • Use a dull knife, scraper, or the rough side of a sponge to scrub the surface.

Cleaning surfaces:

Remember, accuracy and readiness to quickly clean any foam that gets on the door will help get rid of unnecessary problems and long-term elimination of consequences. In order not to frantically search, when working with it, it is better to prepare the necessary tools in advance.