How to disinfect seeds before planting. How to treat seeds before planting

When preparing seeds for sowing, it is important to disinfect them. Basically, gardeners disinfect vegetable crops from which the seeds were collected independently. Seeds purchased from well-known manufacturers must undergo a disinfection procedure.

Seeds without treatment can harbor pathogens of dangerous diseases - late blight, alterniosis, gray rot, powdery mildew etc. The infection persists on the seed coat and awakens after sowing. If you sow infected seeds, the disease will manifest itself in early dates When the plants are still weak, diseased seedlings may die or may not produce a good harvest after planting.

Exist various means for seed disinfection . Most often we use traditional methods, which were used by our grandmothers, but now many drugs have appeared that effectively act against plant diseases.

1. Zelenka- a popular antiseptic, as well as scratches, brilliant green disinfects seeds well and colors them green color. In order to prepare a solution for soaking seeds, you need to dilute half a teaspoon of brilliant green in 100-150 ml of water. Soaking is carried out for about half an hour, then the seeds are washed, dried and sown.

2. Potassium permanganate- This is one of the most popular means among gardeners for disinfecting seeds. Potassium permanganate is diluted in water until dark pink and the seeds are soaked in the solution for 15-20 minutes. After soaking, the seeds are washed in clean water and dried before sowing.

3. Garlic- our folk healer, it can be used not only to treat people, but also to treat plants. Garlic infusion perfectly disinfects seeds; to prepare it, you need to chop 2-3 cloves of garlic into a pulp and pour a glass of water over the floor. After an hour, the infusion is filtered and the seeds are dipped into it for 1-2 hours.

4. Fresh aloe juice not only disinfects seeds, but also stimulates their germination. Take 2-3 aloe leaves, twist them or grind them into a paste, then dilute with water one to one or 50 ml of crushed aloe requires 50 ml of water. Strain the infusion through cheesecloth, squeezing out the pulp, and use the resulting liquid to soak the seeds.

5. Hydrogen peroxide 3% - it's affordable pharmaceutical product for treating wounds, abrasions, can also be used for treating seeds. Hydrogen peroxide 3% for soaking seeds does not need to be diluted with water, just pour the liquid over the seeds for 20-30 minutes.

6. Ground mustard powder is folk remedy when treating seeds before sowing. Take a quarter teaspoon of mustard powder, fill the floor with a glass of warm water and dip the seeds in this solution for 3-4 hours. After soaking with mustard, the seeds are washed in clean water and dried until they flow.

7. Fitosporin M- famous biological drug, which fights various diseases, helps protect seedlings from “black leg”, Fusarium wilt, root rot, late blight and other infections. Before soaking the seeds, Fitosporin powder is diluted in water, about a quarter of a teaspoon per 1 liter of water and left for 3 hours. Soaking of seeds is carried out in a solution with Fitosporin for 2-3 hours.

8. Drug "Maxim" is a disinfectant for seeds, bulbs and tubers before planting. The drug "Maxim" is sold in liquid form in an ampoule, it is diluted according to the instructions, it is used to prevent the appearance of mold on seeds, the appearance of root rot and other diseases.

It should be remembered that pathogens can be found not only on the seeds, but also in the soil in which the seeds are sown. Methods for disinfecting soil for seedlings will be discussed in the following articles. Subscribe to the channel so as not to miss the release of new articles.

Every year it’s the same thing: you diligently dig the beds, plant the seeds with love, carefully water the emerging shoots every day, frantically destroy the weeds from the beds, but there are no results? It's time to change the situation. We know how to ensure that your work is adequately rewarded.

So, buy seeds, check their old stocks, prepare fertilizers for planting. And now that everything you need has been purchased, I will tell you how and with what to treat the seeds, soil, and plants before planting. You will learn how to care for seedlings from the moment of purchase until planting them in open ground. Well, in the future they will reward you with healthy and tasty fruits.

The soil

Are you planning to grow seedlings at home, and only then plant the sprouts in “ mainland"? First of all, prepare the soil for sowing. To do this you can:

Treat the ground with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
Practice shows that such an action is not particularly productive. Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent, but it acts only on the surface of the soil, without penetrating deep into the soil, without changing the pathogenic microflora of the earth as a whole. This means that the soil is disinfected, but only superficially.

There are more effective processing methods.

Steam the ground in microwave oven. The simplest and reliable way. If you don't have a microwave, you can steam the soil using available means.

Treat the soil with biological preparations Fitosporin or Glyokladin. The method is effective, but not always reliable. In the spring, when soil cultivation is more necessary than ever, preparations tend to deteriorate after possible winter frost. If you decide to use this method of cleaning the soil, ask the sellers how the biological products were stored and pay attention to their expiration date.


Well, now let's learn directly about how to process seeds. Don't you usually disinfect seeds? It’s good if such seeds give you, after a while, healthy fruits, their abundance.

But, firstly, we are not always lucky with seeds.

Secondly, at least once, every gardener has learned from his own example that healthy seeds are needed for a decent harvest.

So, some seeds carry spores of pathogenic microflora on their surface. This is why it is so important to disinfect them before planting. What should I do for this?

This is where it’s worth remembering the potassium permanganate solution. With its help, you will remove all harmful microbes and spores, saturate the seeds with manganese and potassium.

If you don't have potassium permanganate on hand, use hydrogen peroxide. This processing method is even more effective.

Phytosporin and Glyocladin (don’t forget to check the expiration dates of biological products) can be used to treat the seeds of peppers, tomatoes, ornamental plants, which do not require stratification.

Use Vitaros to disinfect seeds of rare or expensive plants. This treatment will be the most complete: the drug destroys fungal infections, even penetrating inside the seed. The protective effects of Vitaros last up to three months.

To grow better

Preparations that stimulate seed germination will also help the gardener. Do the job best succinic acid and Epin. In the absence of these, use Zircon or Novosil.

If the seeds have a dense shell, scarify them mechanically or thermally.

As soon as the shoots appear

Well, have the first sprouts emerged through the thickness of the earth? It would seem that there should be no further worries. But to ensure complete protection of the sprouts, treat them with preparations such as Fitoverm or Actellik (in severe cases). It has been proven that traditional methods do not protect seedlings from pests very well, so it is better to protect young seedlings with proven “medicines”.

If you notice signs of disease in your crops, don’t hesitate; grandma’s recipes are unlikely to help. Spray the soil and seedlings from a spray bottle with Vitaros or Maxim (the instructions for them describe how to dilute the mixture).

To grow properly

It’s not always possible to support in an apartment the necessary conditions for seedling growth, and this:

Temperature environment 15-18 degrees;

Good lighting.

If the conditions are not met, the sprouts stretch out and become thinner. Growth inhibitors, for example, the drug Atlet, will help cope with the problem. If the seedlings are fine, but you want to strengthen them root system, take a closer look at the Ribav-Extra gardener's assistant.

Open sailing

And, of course, you need to be able to properly plant seedlings in open ground. To increase the chances of sprouts to take root in a new place, treat them with Zircon or microfertilizers. You will find all recommendations for the use of drugs on their packaging.

You should not immediately purchase all of the listed drugs at once. But now, if anything happens to the young shoots, you will know what to do.

If you decide to grow tomatoes for yourself or for sale, you must understand that in our time it is very difficult to resist disease attacks; the climate, which is changing, is largely to blame for this. Heat and rain replace each other and provide pathogenic flora ideal conditions existence. But the weather itself often prevents the active growth of seedlings and slows down fruiting, which also needs to be taken into account. That’s why they come to the gardener’s aid different methods treating tomato seeds before planting seedlings, which can completely or partially help avoid problems. These actions can be tested by summer residents experimentally; they are called folk; the seeds can also be treated with special preparations, which are now in abundance on sale and have been developed by scientists. Let's talk about both.

Tomato seeds and their treatment before sowing

For good growth and development

So that the seeds not only germinate well, but also can withstand weather conditions such as changes in cold and heat, frosts can be used simple methods, which summer residents use from year to year. You don't need to spend any money, as everything is easy to do without going to the store.

Heat treatment

This method will help your tomatoes not be afraid of drought, seed germination will be maximum. The process is heating seed material on the battery. To make this easier, a bag is made of fabric, the main thing is that the material is breathable. After which all the tomato seeds are placed here and suspended from a warm radiator for a whole month. Then you can start sowing.

If you did not have time to prepare seeds from last year or bought them a week or two before the sowing season, then you can heat them in the oven in just 2-3 hours at a temperature of 50-60 degrees. This is a good stimulation for germination and future rapid development of fragile seedlings.


So that processing methods give their own positive results, first always cull empty seeds using salted water - a spoonful of salt per liter of water. Empty seeds will float.

Oxygen treatment

This method is also called by the unusual word bubbling. The point is simple - if the seed material is saturated with oxygen, then it gives better results. This has already been verified by the experience of summer residents different varieties. You will need a compressor to supply oxygen to the aquarium. It needs to be placed in a jar or other container with water, the rejected seeds are also placed here, after which the compressor is turned on for a day. That's it, the seeds can be sown immediately.

Cold treatment

How to save seedlings from frosts and changes? This question is asked by many, because it is not always possible to make shelter for seedlings in advance and provide for the vagaries of nature. Of course, you can choose a cold-resistant variety, but gardeners have their own favorite tomatoes, and not every one of them has this quality, so don’t give up growing them because of this. Of course, the seeds can be hardened by keeping them on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator. To do this, they are placed in a damp cloth and kept in the cold for two days, then immediately planted.


This method involves alternating heat and cold. First, the seeds are soaked in warm water for 15 minutes, after which they are placed in the refrigerator for two days. damp cloth. It should not dry out, after which it should be sown.

For information!

You can use as one folk method, and all at once, alternating. Thus, your tomatoes will receive comprehensive protection.

Treatment with drugs

Nowadays, to activate growth and good development There are different preparations for seedlings. We advise you to buy three proven preparations and soak the seeds in them according to the instructions - these are “Zircon”, “Epin” and “Immunocytophyte”.

Aloe juice and melt water

These two very simple folk methods help the seeds to germinate much better; the seedlings grow actively, evenly, and do not stretch out. To soak the seeds in aloe, you need to first keep the leaves in the refrigerator for five days, then soak the tomato seeds for a day. Melt water can be used both for soaking and for germination.

For seedling immunity

Of course, every summer resident is interested in the answer to the question of how to treat tomato seeds before planting against pests and diseases. As a rule, they are saved from insects using special resistant varieties or they process the area together with the seedlings, but you need to protect yourself from diseases at the very first stage. To prevent your seedlings from getting sick, you can choose either a resistant variety or give them strength with your own hands. Next, you will learn the most popular and proven methods.

  • Manganese solution. The very first one on the list, because it is very simple and has already been tested by the experience of millions of gardeners. To treat the seeds, they are soaked for 15-20 minutes in a slightly pinkish manganese solution before planting. Then washed warm water and planted.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Pour a bottle of 3% concentration into a cup, place the seeds here for 3-4 minutes, then plant. This will not only disinfect it from diseases, but also saturate it with oxygen, which will increase germination.
  • "Ideal". A fairly commonly used drug, it is taken at the rate of a tablespoon per liter of water. The seeds should lie in it according to the instructions for the required amount of time.
  • Ash solution. This old folk method works very well to help seeds and seedlings resist diseases. Take a tablespoon of wood ash per liter of water, but it is better to place the seeds here in cotton or gauze bags for a day.
  • "Fitosporin". A well-known biological and safe drug. It has a whole range of beneficial effects on seed material. 1/2 teaspoon of powdered preparation is diluted in water - 100 ml. Then soak the seeds for two hours before planting.

Sowing seeds for seedlings requires special care and skill from the gardener, because poor germination may depend not only on Bad quality seed, but also from inability and ignorance. In this article, we will consider one of the mandatory actions - treating seeds before sowing to increase the percentage of germination.

Seed germination: myths and reality

Seeds of each vegetable crop have a certain percentage of germination, which means that obtaining 100% seedlings is extremely rare. The longer the seeds are stored, the fewer seedlings can be obtained. Never believe that 5 seeds are guaranteed to grow into 5 seedlings - this may not happen due to real biological reasons.

Storage conditions for seed material are great importance for high-quality germination. Optimal conditions for storing seeds:

  1. Temperature range - from 14 to 18 degrees.
  2. Ambient air humidity - 10%.

If storage conditions are not met, the seeds gradually lose their viability.

Seed storage time before sowing - table

Advice! When purchasing seeds, pay attention to the date of collection, and not to the packaging date.

Seed treatment before sowing

Own seeds, which the vegetable grower stores for a short time in proper conditions, guarantee high germination, but purchased seeds and seeds that have been stored somehow should be processed before sowing to increase the number of germinated seedlings.

Seed treatment is carried out in several stages, with the gardener choosing the most optimal operations. But it is worth remembering that seed disinfection may have great value for health and successful growth seedlings, because infected seeds can die at any stage of growth, or weakened plants will yield a low yield.

The treatment process before sowing seedlings includes several stages, which include calibration, soaking, disinfection, heating or stratification when low temperatures, bubbling, treatment with biological products.

In this article we will look in detail at two stages:

  1. Disinfection of seeds before sowing.
  2. Treatment of seed material with biological products to increase germination.

Seed disinfection

Having received a low yield of vegetables, a gardener often does not connect this with the poor quality of the seeds that were used to grow seedlings. The blame is placed on bad weather, poor soil, infrequent application of fertilizers, and the dominance of pests, but primarily the failure of the harvest depends on the poor quality of the seed material.

Many pathogenic microbes do not inhibit microscopic seedlings, giving vegetable seedlings get stronger, only after that negative manifestations become noticeable. Height vegetable plants is suppressed, flowering is delayed or does not occur - you may be left without a harvest at all.

Some seed centers disinfect seeds before packaging and sending them to the retail chain. The bags always have a special mark about this.

We bathe the seeds in potassium permanganate

Many gardeners carry out disinfection of untreated seeds on their own, while the favorite remedy of many gardeners is soaking the seed in a solution of potassium permanganate. The seeds are placed in a gauze bag and dipped in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for about 30 minutes.

Advice! The solution of potassium permanganate for treating seeds should be 1-2%, for which 1 gram of the drug is diluted in 100 g of water. If there are a lot of seeds, then take 1 tsp to prepare the working solution. chemical (without top) per 3 cups of water. Tubers and bulbs are soaked in a 0.5% solution.

Take water for cooking room temperature(about +20 C) or a little warmer (no more than +40 C). Sometimes soaking seeds in potassium permanganate is combined with culling, for which the solution of the drug is poured into a container, dry seeds are loaded there and mixed vigorously. Empty shells, debris and damaged seeds float to the surface and can be scooped out with a spoon. Full-weight specimens sink to the bottom and can be successfully used for sowing.

It’s realistic to ask the question, what does potassium permanganate protect against? Many vegetable growers use only this seed treatment long years, so how justified is this?

Treating seeds in potassium permanganate before sowing has several advantages:

  1. Meeting plant needs for manganese initial stage growing seedlings.
  2. Strengthening plant immunity and resistance to a number of diseases.
  3. Prevention of development infectious diseases.

The effect of potassium permanganate on suppressing pathogenic flora is very limited; for example, such treatment cannot stop bacterial infections. In addition, the solution of potassium permanganate has no effect on increasing the energy of seed germination.

How to deal with fungal infections

Every gardener has at least once had a misfortune when seedlings die from blackleg. This is especially often observed in Solanaceae and aster seedlings, when tiny plants begin to rot from the root, leaning towards the ground in a matter of hours. The causative agent of this disease may be in the ground, so it is very important to steam the soil before sowing. But some seeds are infected with pathogens of fungal diseases and their timely processing will help avoid annoying misunderstandings.

The following preparations are suitable for treating seeds against blackleg and fungus:


Breeding method


Fitosporin-M powder

1.5 g of the drug (0.5 teaspoon) per 100 ml of water (0.5 cup).

Systemic drug

Fitosporin-M paste

2 drops per ½ glass of water, leave for 2 hours

Excellent prevention of late blight at the seed soaking stage

Trichoderma verde

Seeds should be soaked in a 2% solution of the drug 1 day before sowing.

The drug is based on a strain of saprophyte fungi and effectively helps to localize fungal diseases plants.

Alirin-B for soil treatment before sowing seeds

To treat the soil, 2 tablets are dissolved in 10 liters of water. Watering is carried out at the rate of 10 liters of working solution per 10 square meters. m. landing area.

Does not accumulate in fruits and is not addictive.

In addition to these drugs, you can use: Baktofit, Bisolbi San, Sporobacterin, Albit.

Treatment of seeds with biological products

To accelerate the germination of seed material and increase the growth energy of seedlings, it is worth using special biological products at the stage of preparing seeds for sowing. Even short-term treatment of seeds with biological preparations can significantly increase the quantity and quality of seedlings, as well as produce seedlings in a shorter time.

Among the drugs that stimulate rapid seed germination, two groups can be distinguished:

  1. Chemical - Epin, Zircon, Humate, Kornevin, Energen, Baikal - EM-1, Immunocytophyte, Ecosil.
  2. Natural - honey solution, potato juice solution, aloe juice solution, melt water.

After the experiments, it was possible to compare the results according to which the following preparations turned out to be the best growth stimulants for treating seeds before sowing seedlings:

Along with industrial growth stimulants, good results were obtained by soaking seeds in melt water.

Treating seeds is not only useful, but also necessary, otherwise it may negatively affect the quality and quantity of the harvest.

Gardeners argue about how to prepare seeds for planting, but they all agree that these procedures are necessary and are the basis for a future rich harvest. Pre-sowing preparation of tomato seeds will help to grow strong and healthy seedlings and protect them from many diseases.


  • It has been proven that the larger and heavier the seed, the stronger the plant will be, so you need to select the best seeds. To do this, dip them in a solution of ordinary table salt (30 g per 1 liter of water). Mix the mixture and keep the seeds in the solution for 5-10 minutes, no more. During this time, empty seeds that are unable to sprout will float to the surface. Collect them and throw them away, and rinse the remaining ones in running water and then dry them by laying them out on a sheet of paper.
  • Treating can help cure tomato seeds from a fungal infection, if any, and prevent its appearance on the plant in the future. However, please note that this procedure should not be carried out with tomato seeds that have already undergone the necessary pre-sowing preparation (this information is usually indicated on the bag of seeds). The easiest way to disinfect planting material is to soak it in a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • To do this, make a solution at the rate of 1 g per 1000 ml of water. Place tomato seeds in the pink solution and soak them in it for about 15 minutes. You should not keep them in solution for longer, as this can destroy all beneficial microflora. After this, rinse the seeds immediately running water and dry it.
  • Tomato seeds need stratification. This technique will help harden them, the plants will be able to tolerate lower temperatures. Wash the disinfected seeds hot water, then immediately cool them by placing them in a cool place with a temperature of 1-2 degrees above zero. Leave them for two days, during which time periodically moisten them with water to prevent them from drying out. After that, spread out planting material on a sheet of paper and dry.
  • Soaking (sprouting) will help bring the seeds out of dormancy. This is very effective method treatment of tomato seeds, which will help speed up germination. Moisten a cotton cloth and place tomato seeds on it. Cover them on top and wet them again. Place in a warm place and periodically check that the material does not dry out.
  • You can also germinate seeds in a nutrient solution. This can be a solution of sodium humate (a quarter of a teaspoon per 1 liter of water) or “Ideal” fertilizer (the solution should be made at the rate of 1 tablespoon of the drug per 1 liter of water). But the best natural fertilizer is wood ash. Mix 1 tablespoon of ash and 1 liter of water. Place the seeds in gauze bags, dip them in a nutrient solution and keep them in it for 24 hours. Then put them in clean water and hold until they hatch.

Rules for preparing tomato seeds for sowing seedlings

For most experienced gardeners For gardeners and gardeners, preparing and planting tomato seeds for seedlings is a real ritual. It implies the presence of many stages and serious preparatory measures. How to properly prepare and process tomato seeds before sowing?

Preparing the seeds

Many people mistakenly believe that preparing tomato seeds is a mundane process and not particularly important. However, this is far from true, since many pathogens of not only fungi, but also other unpleasant infectious diseases that can affect seedlings can survive the winter on tomato seeds. Preparing seeds for sowing includes steps such as soaking, bubbling, hardening, fertilizing, heating, disinfection, and dressing.

It all starts with a small tomato seed, from which seedlings will soon emerge that will become a strong plant. You should not rush to get boxes for planting seeds, as preparatory activities will take about three days. The first thing before sowing seedlings is to sort out the planting material - both purchased and homemade. It is necessary to select only those seeds that are large and have a symmetrical shape.
How to properly prepare seeds for the upcoming planting? To implement what was planned at the second stage of preparation, potassium permanganate is suitable. Each gardener prepares its solution differently; it takes about 15 minutes to keep the seeds in a solution that has the color of ripe cherries, and in no case more, so if accidentally overexposed, the germination properties of the seeds may decrease. Seeds should be placed in a cloth bag. After they have been in the potassium permanganate solution, do not forget to rinse them with water. This method has proven itself well - before sowing, the seeds must be dipped in a saline solution. After such treatment, strong, viable plants emerge from them in the future.

To feed seeds for future seedlings, they should be fed with a solution of wood ash at the rate of a tablespoon of product per liter of water.

For those gardeners who do not have a furnace for making ash, specialized stores offer liquid “Ideal” fertilizer or powdered sodium humate. Selected seeds in bags are kept in solution for about 12 hours, after which they are washed with water and left for another day in a warm place. Do not forget about hardening so that your seeds will not be afraid of any frosts in the future. To do this, they are transferred to the canopy, underground or refrigerator, where the temperature should be about one to two degrees Celsius. Leave them there for two days, after which you should spray the bags with water and immediately begin planting them in the ground.


Today there are several ways to process tomato seeds. Some gardeners use more than one solution at a time to treat tomato seeds, which causes irreparable harm to the seedlings. One should take into account the fact that tomatoes are very demanding of heat, and their first immature shoots can appear on the surface a week after planting.

Large companies that sell seeds carry out so-called calibration. They reject many unnaturally colored seeds, leaving only those with the correct shape and appropriate color. For calibration, use a 5% solution made from 3 g of table salt per 100 ml of water. In such a solution, it is possible to soak fresh seeds that are stored for no more than one to two years. In order to properly treat the seeds, you can use special purchased bacterial preparations that help fight infections. Heat treatment is used quite successfully on an industrial scale. To implement this, the tomato seeds must be heated at a temperature of about 40 degrees; the duration of this procedure is three days. At least keep it accurate temperature regime at home and not easy, but still many gardeners try to warm up the seeds in the oven or with incandescent lamps.

Preparing tomatoes for sowing also involves simply soaking them for one to two days in a container, at the bottom of which you need to put gauze or cloth and wait until the seed swells. Water should be poured in such a way that it touches the seeds, but cannot completely hide them. You can treat the seeds before planting with a special solution of stimulants and fertilizers. This process is usually carried out at temperatures above 20 degrees.

One of the main methods of processing tomato seeds is bubbling and hardening. The first method involves enriching the seeds with oxygen and can increase the energy of old tomato seeds. At the same time, they are placed in a gauze bag, after which they are lowered into a jar of water. The air is supplied by a special compressor for an aquarium. This treatment should take about a day. In order to increase the resistance of future plants to cold, a hardening method is used. The seeds need to be wrapped in a piece of damp cloth, then placed in a saucer and placed in the refrigerator for several days. After they are taken out, they should be sown without preliminary drying. Thanks to hardening, good quality seedlings appear.

How to wake up seeds

To awaken, it is recommended to soak in melt water. You can get it by freezing it in the refrigerator or collecting snow in a container and then draining the melt water. Together with it you can get rid of all bad impurities, as well as dirt and salts. It retains its properties for about two days, and it is recommended to soak the planting material for approximately 18 hours. After which it is necessary to place it in a solution of a special disinfectant for about an hour. A solution of stimulants, which can be bought today in a specialized store, is also perfect. The drugs Immunocytofit and Zircon have proven themselves well. At home, it is quite acceptable to use aloe juice for processing.
To do this, the leaves are first cut off and placed in the freezer for five days. The order of awakening must not be violated - first melt water, then disinfection, then treatment with bioactive agents at a temperature of about 20 degrees. If it is lower, then we can talk about less efficiency of this method.

After sowing, the boxes with future seedlings must be placed in a warm place. When the first shoots appear, the film is removed from the seedlings and watering begins - when the plants grow a few centimeters. Abundant watering possible only after the appearance of several full-fledged leaves. After this, the plants are planted in separate pots and removed for a couple of days. sunny place. An important point After the appearance of the third leaf, fertilizing begins.
At the same time, the roots increase and an inflorescence begins to form. As a rule, when growing seedlings, two feedings are done at once. The first feeding is necessary a week and a half after the picking process. It is made with a solution containing 15 g of potassium sulfate, 35 g of superphosphate, 5 g of urea per 10 liters of water. The second feeding should be done after another couple of weeks. Before doing this, combine the following components - 10 g of urea, 20 g of potassium sulfate and about 60 g of superphosphate. For feeding seedlings, special stores today also offer complex fertilizers, containing all necessary for plants microelements.

The recording shows how to properly prepare and process tomato seeds before sowing.

Let's talk about what seed treatment is before planting.

Do seeds need to be treated before planting?

And do all seeds need to be processed?

1. Hybrid seeds

Let's answer the second question right away. Hybrid seeds (F1) Before hitting store shelves, they are completely treated with various drugs against pests and plant diseases. Such seeds are completely prepared for sowing, so hybrid seeds are sown dry or, if desired, treated with growth stimulants (they are described below).

2. Varietal seeds

Well, now about varietal seeds, especially those collected in the garden yourself. They definitely need to be processed, because... Many fungal (root and white rot, fusarium wilt) and severe viral plant diseases are transmitted with seeds. Flower seeds are no exception; they also need to be treated before sowing.

3. Seed treatment

Significant effect in the fight against various viral diseases allows keeping seeds in a weak solution of IMMUNOCYTOPHYTE (“weak solution”—1 tablet per 100 ml of water). The residence time in the solution is from 3 to 12 hours.

Treating seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) has also proven successful. In this case, the seeds are first heated in a thermos for 2 hours at a water temperature of 45-50°C (when your hands are patient). After warming up, the bag of seeds is treated with a weak solution of manganese for half an hour.

In order for the seed to wake up and begin to grow quickly, homemade and purchased varietal seeds need to be soaked in warm water or in any of the growth stimulants:

  • - the familiar WOOD ASH (1 teaspoon per 100 ml of water) for a day.
  • - drug EPIN (2 drops per 100 ml of water) 18 hours.
  • - liquid peat potassium humate (20-25 drops per 100 ml of water) for 12 hours.
  • - fertilizer SIGNOR TOMATO or NEW IDEAL (20g per 1 liter of water) for 30 minutes.

Good old way to speed up germination, tested by our grandmothers, soaking the seeds in Aloe juice, usually for a day. They are then dried by scattering the seeds on a sheet of paper.

4. Encrusted seeds

Please pay attention to the colored seeds (red, green, blue) - they are called " inlaid". Because they are treated with polymers that form a reliable protective shell, which stimulate seed germination and protect them from harmful effects.

Encrusted seeds should not be soaked or subjected to any processing at all! This is exactly the case when you don’t need to do anything!

They are simply sown dry in moist, prepared soil. y!

5. Dried seeds

I haven’t yet told you about pelleted seeds, which are coated with a peat-mineral mixture. It creates a nutritious, protective shell, increases the size of the seed and gives it a rounded shape. Pelleted seeds are more economical to use, since seed consumption during sowing is reduced and they require less thinning.

Dried seeds are also sown dry!

Preparing pepper seeds for sowing

When preparing for the new sowing season, every summer resident thinks about what crops he will plant in the garden this year. Traditionally, this list includes tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplants, potatoes, carrots, beets, radishes, cabbage, herbs... and of course peppers. Every summer resident dreams of growing succulent Bell pepper, someone wants to pamper themselves with something spicy. Unfortunately, peppers from seeds do not always grow as beautiful and healthy as we would like. There can be many reasons for this, we will look at them a little later. Now let’s talk about selecting and preparing pepper seeds for sowing. Proper preparation pepper seeds for planting - important stage in the process of growing strong healthy plant, which in the future will please its owner with a good harvest.

First of all, we note that pepper seeds - both sweet and hot - quickly become unusable and lose their viability, so they should not be bought in reserve.

When purchasing pepper seeds, you should give preference well-known manufacturers, check the expiration date of the seeds.

Before they go on sale, expensive pepper seeds undergo preparation and can be treated with various antifungal agents, growth stimulants, and microelements, about which there is a corresponding inscription on their packaging. Treated seeds are usually brightly colored. Such seeds are completely ready for sowing, but are more expensive than untreated seeds.

Unprocessed pepper seeds, whether purchased or prepared yourself, need to be prepared before sowing, as they can be contaminated with bacteria and spores of pathogenic fungi. As a result, peppers from seeds may grow sick and not produce the desired harvest.

In this article we will look at the main stages of preparing pepper seeds for sowing and several pre-sowing preparation schemes.

Testing seeds for germination

Before preparing pepper seeds for sowing, they are checked for germination. To do this, 2 - 3 weeks before the expected sowing date, take 3 - 5 pieces of pepper seeds, wrap them in a fabric bag and immerse them in water for a day. warm water temperature about 25oC. After this, they take it out and put it directly in the bags on a plate, put it in a warm place. It is necessary to ensure that the bags are wet at all times. After 3 - 4 days, pepper seeds are planted in warm, moist soil and wait for germination.

Seed calibration. We select pepper seeds for sowing

Preparing pepper seeds for sowing begins with careful seed selection. Purchased or collected pepper seeds are laid out on paper and seeds that are too small or too large are discarded. Preference is given to medium-sized seeds. In this case, the most important thing is to select filled seeds from hollow ones.

Many gardeners deny the calibration of pepper seeds in a saline solution, because they claim that along with dummies, simply overdried seeds can emerge. However, just in case, let's look at how this can be done. Dissolve 30 - 40 g of table salt in 1 liter of water, mix well and drop the pepper seeds into the resulting solution.

In salt water, seed separation will begin to occur. Good seeds peppers will settle to the bottom, bad ones will float to the surface. After about seven minutes, we collect the seeds that appear on the surface of the water and throw them away. We wash the remaining pepper seeds at the bottom with fresh water, lay them out on paper and dry them. It is necessary to separate the seeds immediately before sowing the pepper.

Disinfection or dressing of pepper seeds before planting

As mentioned above, preparing pepper seeds for sowing should include treatment with a disinfectant to disinfect the seeds and prevent possible infection of the plant. To disinfect seeds at home, potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) is most often used. To do this, prepare a 1-2% solution of potassium permanganate and immerse pepper seeds wrapped in gauze in it for 20-25 minutes. After disinfection, the pepper seeds are thoroughly washed clean water and dry it.

To disinfect pepper seeds at home, you can also use an aqueous solution of phytosporin, prepared at the rate of 4 drops of liquid preparation per glass of water. Fitosporin is a biological product based on the natural culture of Bacillus subtilis, effective against large quantity fungal and bacterial diseases. According to the manufacturers, for beneficial insects phytosporin is practically safe for animals and humans.

Peppers from seeds that have undergone such preparation for sowing grow healthier. It is necessary to disinfect seeds before planting peppers. Treated seeds cannot be stored for more than 24 hours, as they may deteriorate their sowing qualities.

Treatment of pepper seeds with trace elements

Preparing pepper seeds for planting may include a stage such as treatment with microelements. Treating seeds with microelements increases the germination of pepper. It is believed that pepper from seeds treated with microelements has greater resistance to disease and resistance to adverse weather conditions in the initial phases of growth, as a result of which the pepper grows stronger and healthier, ripens faster and produces increased yield. This stage of preparing pepper seeds should be carried out one to two days before sowing.

The most accessible and absolutely free source of microelements is ash. Wood ash contains about 30 nutrients. To prepare a nutrient solution, you need to take 20 g of wood ash and dissolve it in 1 liter of water. The resulting solution must be stirred periodically. Let the ash sit in water for about a day. After this, wrap the pepper seeds in a gauze bag and soak them in the resulting solution for 5 hours. Then we take it out, rinse it with clean water and dry it.

To treat pepper seeds, you can also use purchased mixtures of microelements. In this case, seed treatment must be carried out in accordance with the instructions included with the preparation.

Treatment of pepper seeds with a growth stimulator

Preparing pepper seeds for sowing must necessarily include treatment with a growth stimulant. An infusion of a tablespoon of nettle prepared in a glass of boiling water is recognized as an excellent growth stimulator of pepper seeds. Pepper seeds are also soaked in growth stimulants such as Epin-Extra, Zircon, etc. according to the instructions. Treating seeds with a growth stimulant increases the likelihood of germination and accelerates the germination process.

Soaking pepper seeds before sowing

To speed up the germination of seeds, they are soaked before sowing. This preparation of pepper seeds before planting helps to soften the shell and speed up the germination process. Pepper seeds are soaked on foam rubber or a damp cloth, placing them on one end of the napkin and covering with the other. The moisture content of the fabric is periodically checked and, if necessary, moistened. After the pepper seeds swell, they are planted in the soil or germinated and only then transferred to the ground.

Germinating pepper seeds

Germinating pepper seeds can significantly speed up the emergence of seedlings. Peppers grow faster from sprouted seeds. The seeds are soaked in the manner described above until they germinate. The air temperature should be 25-280C. It is necessary to constantly monitor the humidity of the substrate, otherwise the seeds may deteriorate. When the seeds sprout, they are planted in moist soil. Keep in mind, they will die in dry soil. Seeds that are delayed in development are thrown away.

Bubbling Pepper Seeds

Instead of such stages of preparing pepper seeds for sowing as soaking and germination, you can use bubbling. Bubbling is the treatment of seeds with oxygen, resulting in the washing away of harmful microflora from the surface of the seeds and stimulation of enzyme activity. Bubbling can be combined with seed treatment with microelements. This stage of preparing pepper seeds for sowing is carried out as follows.

A deep container is filled 2/3 of the volume with water or a solution of trace elements at room temperature (20-22°C). Pour in the seeds and lower the tip of the aquarium compressor to the bottom of the container. Pepper seeds must be bubbled for 24 - 36 hours, then removed and dried. If the seeds begin to peck during bubbling, the process is stopped and the seeds are planted in the ground.

Hardening off pepper seeds before planting

After germination, the pepper seeds are placed in the refrigerator for 3 to 7 days, where they are hardened. Hardening helps the seeds to more easily tolerate planting in open ground and adapt to temperature changes. This completes the preparation of pepper seeds for sowing.

Schemes for preparing pepper seeds for sowing

Schemes for pre-sowing preparation of pepper seeds may be different. It all depends on the preferences of the gardener and his capabilities. Let's consider several possible schemes.

Preparing pepper seeds for sowing. Scheme No. 1:

  • After disinfection, rinse the seeds with clean water and immerse them in a Zircon solution for 18 hours, prepared at the rate of 1 drop of the drug per 300 ml of water.
  • Germinate the seeds and plant in the ground.

Preparing pepper seeds for sowing. Scheme No. 2:

  • Soak the pepper seeds in a 2% potassium permanganate solution for 20 minutes.
  • After disinfection, rinse the seeds with clean water and immerse them in an “Epin” solution for 18 hours, prepared at the rate of 2 drops of the drug per 100 ml of water.

Preparing pepper seeds for sowing. Scheme No. 3:

  • Soak the pepper seeds in a 2% potassium permanganate solution for 20 minutes.
  • After disinfection, rinse the seeds with clean water and immerse them in melted snow water for 2 days (change every 5-6 hours) or in an aqueous solution of aloe juice.
  • Sprout pepper seeds and plant in the ground.

Treatment of tomato seeds before sowing

How to treat tomato seeds before sowing?

The best that exists for such treatment is the Baikal M1 product.

I’ve come across many methods of processing seeds (our people come up with all sorts of things), but after Baikal I don’t want to wish for anything else. And there are only two reasons:

1- this is not chemistry (God forbid from it), but it perfectly cleanses pathogens;

2- acts immediately and as a growth stimulator.

In a solution with a ratio of 1:1000, soak any seeds, except radishes, for 2 to 24 hours, and then simply rinse them a little with running water and plant them.

As a result, 100% germination + it’s pleasing to the eye that the plant is “rushing” by leaps and bounds)

If you continue to use this drug in the garden, then firstly, you will improve the soil well, and secondly, your harvest will be 30-40% higher than planned.

Moreover, the vegetables themselves (for example, peppers or tomatoes) will be very different from those to which this remedy is not applied. This will be visible by eye by their size.

I was convinced of this from my own experience (I have been using Baikal for about 5 years), so I also recommend it as a crop “improver”).

To help your seeds germinate better, try the following procedure:

  • keep the seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour, then rinse well with water and place in an ash solution overnight.
  • You need to germinate tomatoes in a warm place, at a temperature of at least 25-27 degrees.

I also heard from amateur gardeners (I haven’t tried it myself) that aloe juice or solution is good for soaking seeds boric acid With copper sulfate(0.2 grams per liter).

Experienced gardeners do not advise sowing seeds during the full moon or new moon, as well as within three days before and after. There is even some scientific explanation for this.

There are many ways to treat tomato seeds before planting so that the tops are strong and the fruits are large and juicy.

My mother-in-law grows tomato seedlings and before planting, she treats the seeds with the usual soaking in a solution of water or a two percent solution of ammonium nitrate.

Here is a listing and description in