Centrifugal pumps without motor with open shaft Pedrollo FG series. The rotor operation control design also includes

Hydraulic part of centrifugal pumps.

Pedrollo FG series pumps: masters of high power

Centrifugal pumps Pedrollo FG series- real champions. Their flow reaches 6000 l/min! Thanks to such performance, this model has found application in all areas of life - from irrigation suburban areas and increasing pressure to fire-fighting installations and circulation systems.

How are they built?

Frame Pedrollo FG made of cast iron with anti-corrosion coating. They do not have a motor and operate on the principle of centrifugal force. Their main “working detail” is Working wheel, mounted on an open working shaft. It moves the liquid entering through the suction grille from the center to the periphery. The wheel blades give the flow acceleration, additional energy and output pressure. This significantly improves pump performance Pedrollo FG series.

9 reasons to buy Pedrollo FG series pumps

  1. This model consumes little energy, but its power is enough for Agriculture, both for industry and for security systems.
  2. Pedrollo FG do not make noise.
  3. Centrifugal pumps Pedrollo FG series are used for non-aggressive liquids, including clean water, which can be used for culinary purposes.
  4. The small size of the pump allows it to be installed even in a dark and uncomfortable space.
  5. Pedrollo FG series pumps are among the company's most heat-resistant options - they can withstand temperatures up to +90°C.
  6. All products of the manufacturer are characterized by amazing resistance to aggressive environments. It does not rust, does not oxidize, does not collapse from chemical reactions and not afraid mechanical impact. The only “but” is that most of the pumps are afraid of atmospheric influences, and the FG series is no exception.
  7. Even a person who rarely deals with technology can handle the pump control.
  8. Buy pumps Pedrollo FG series maybe even a person of modest means. Agree, it’s a shame to deny yourself useful things only because of the financial black streak. The creators of the model took this into account and offered extremely affordable prices.
  9. Today, more and more customers are seeking to purchase this pump. It’s not surprising - with such high efficiency and ease of use, it will help you out in almost all situations. Definitely!


Centrifugal pumps with an electric motor, unlike conventional designs, are devices consisting of two main components: a centrifugal vane pump and an electric motor. Like all centrifugal pumps, they convert the mechanical energy supplied by the motor into energy to create fluid flow, which provides fluid movement and pressure in the system.
How to install an electric centrifugal pump in a system with your own hands is suggested in the article.

How does a centrifugal pump with an electric motor work?

The diagram below shows the structure of the internal part and its connection to the electric motor.
In the body, pos. 1, which has the shape of a snail, contains an impeller, and blades are located on it. These elements are located on the motor shaft. The suction and pressure pipelines are connected to the discharge and inlet openings.
The water that fills the pump, under the action of the centrifugal force arising from the rotation of the impeller by its blades, is thrown into the pressure pipeline from the housing. When the impeller rotates, a vacuum is created in the suction pipe of the device, due to which water continuously flows into the suction pipe.

Tip: Centrifugal pumps can only operate when the impeller, and therefore the suction pipe, is filled with water. Therefore, in order to retain water inside the pump when it is stopped, a receiving device having a check valve must be installed at the suction end of the pipeline.

If the electric centrifugal pump is started for the first time after completion installation work or repair, it is necessary to first fill its body with water. In this case, you need to ensure that there are no air pockets.
The main indicators of pump operation are:

  • Performance.
  • Pressure

When choosing centrifugal pumps with an electric motor, you need to pay attention that its performance must correspond to the hourly flow rate of liquid in the system, and the pressure must be sufficient to raise the water to the required height, and be able to overcome the resistance of pipelines and fittings.

Why does a centrifugal pump vibrate?

Often, during the operation of centrifugal pumping units, the problem of vibration arises when electric motors are used as a drive. There are several ways to correctly and quickly establish this cause.

Advice: Increased vibration greatly reduces the reliability of the equipment. In this case, the pump and motor bearing units may fail, in addition, the electric motor may have a bent or even fractured shaft, and a crack may appear in the end cover or stator frame.
Vibration of the pump unit can damage the support frame and foundation. All this requires timely elimination of unit vibrations.

Vibrations are possible if:

  • The operating instructions for the pump were violated.
  • The pump and motor were not aligned correctly.
  • Poor quality of manufacture of the coupling, wear of its elements:
  1. fingers;
  2. lack of alignment of the holes for the fingers;
  3. lack of alignment of the coupling halves.
  • Imbalance of the wheel or rotor, drive pump. This defect is especially common in pumps that have a high rotation speed or in pumps that are poorly balanced.
  • Electric motor rotor imbalance.
  • Defective bearings are installed in the pump or electric motor.
  • Failure to comply with the manufacturing technology of the foundation and base for the unit.
  • The shaft got bent.
  • The fixation of individual elements of the pump and electric motor has become loose: end covers, bearings.

In every instruction manual centrifugal pump indicates a test run of the electric motor, which must be disconnected from the pump to determine the direction of rotation. Here you need to pay attention: is there any vibration of the electric motor during idle.

Advice: If at the moment of starting the electric motor and Idling works without vibration, then the reasons for this process should be sought: in incorrect alignment; in worn fingers or the coupling halves themselves; presence of imbalance in the connected pump.


  • If vibration exists at idle, it is caused by a malfunction of the engine itself. In this case, you should check whether the vibration remains immediately after disconnecting the unit from the network.
  • If the vibration immediately disappears after turning off the power, this indicates that there is an uneven gap between the rotor and stator.
  • During start-up, strong vibration at idle may indicate an uneven gap, a break in the winding of the rotor rod.
  • If, when disconnecting the engine from the pump, after disconnecting from the network, the vibration does not disappear immediately, but gradually decreases as the speed decreases, then the reason lies in the imbalance of the rotor.
  • Vibration arising from wear or defects in electric motor bearings is easily detected. A faulty bearing begins to make a lot of noise and get hot.

If there is no vibration of the electric motor at idle, you must:

  • Check whether the pump and the electric motor are aligned and the condition of the coupling.
  • The compliance of the pump operating mode with the specifications is checked.

Most often in this case there are two reasons for vibration:

  • The pump is operated outside working area indicated in the passport. To check the characteristics, a pressure gauge is used, and it measures readings at the pressure outlet from the pump, and, if necessary, adjustment is made with a valve on the pressure pipeline.
  • The pump is operated in cavitation mode: the reasons in this case may be: the valve is not fully open; suction pipe is clogged. The check is carried out by measuring the readings of the vacuum gauge on the suction pipeline, and then the obtained values ​​are compared with the passport data.

How to ensure alignment of the pump unit

Advice: The reliability and durability of the pump unit depends on the alignment of the pump shaft and the electric motor: their axes in space must be located on the same straight line.

Even with strict adherence to the manufacturing and assembly technology of all parts and components of the unit, alignment is not always maintained during aggregation. Therefore, there is a need to center the pump and motor shafts.
This operation is performed on a common plate, adjusting their position using spacers. The manufacturer performs this work before sending the aggregated pumps to the customer.
However, alignment may be disrupted:

  • During transportation.
  • When a foundation slab made of small thickness is deformed.
  • From metal aging.
  • If there is an uneven fit of the unit slab to the foundation.

In Fig. Figure 1 shows a diagram of the deviation from the alignment of the shafts.

  • Displacement in the horizontal plane. The axes remain parallel.
  • Displacement in the vertical plane. The axes are crossed.

In both cases, if certain values ​​are exceeded, the unit operates abnormally:

  • There is noise.
  • Vibration occurs.
  • Power consumption increases.
  • Bearings overheat.
  • The clutch is getting hot.

Parts of the electric motor and pump with such deviations wear out much faster than usual. The speed and mass of rotating parts affect the amount of permissible deviations from the alignment of the shafts. The higher the price of the unit, the more stringent the requirements for alignment.
Determination of shaft alignment is shown in the photo.

The alignment of the pump and electric motor shafts must be carried out in compliance with the following basic provisions:

  • In units with gearboxes, the main element is the gearbox. It is installed, verified for correct installation and secured with pins.
  • The electric motor, pump and fluid coupling are centered on the gearbox.
  • In devices with a fluid coupling, the pump and Electrical engine centered on the fluid coupling, before this it is pre-aligned, then fastened and fixed.
  • In units where there is no gearbox, alignment is carried out using a pump that has been previously calibrated and secured.
  • Centering the unit without a common plate is carried out in two stages:
  1. preliminary: before pouring foundation bolts;
  2. finally: after fixing the pump to the foundation.
  • Centering a unit that has a common foundation slab must be done after it has been aligned, grouted, and the bolts securing the foundation have been tightened.
  • The shafts of the pumping unit are finally centered after connecting the pipelines to it.

How the pump and motor shafts are centered is clearly shown in the video in this article.

Every day we learn something new about the pump, something that we had not thought about before, for many reasons. We have a pump, it perfectly pumps water from the source, which is enough to water the garden and use it for all family members and for the work of the whole household appliances. Why do we need to know even more about this amazing unit?

We even know now that everyone, in principle, household pump, depending on its design, can be used both as a pumping device, giving it the mechanical energy of an external drive, and as a motor, through which additional energy can be obtained. For example, by spinning the rotor of a pump electric motor with a stream of incoming liquid, it is possible, with some design changes, to obtain a source of electricity in the house.

If you take more simple designs, then we can give an example of a water mill, where the engine and a kind of mechanical pump can be considered its water wheel. Many, if not most, have the possibility of reverse application.

But now we will talk about something completely different. We will talk about the standard application of hydraulic pumps and energy sources for them, which are used in household and industrial water pumping units. We will talk about the most advantageous type of mechanical motors for pumps - electric motors, which are most widely used in pumps, both household and in all industries.

Asynchronous electric motor. Pros and cons of application. Type constructs

The positive aspects of using electric motors in the operation of pumps are visible the first time: these are frequent switching on (restarts) of motors depending on the water parameters in the main, low energy consumption, simplicity of design and profitability of production, dynamism and small size of electric motors, and much more.

We will analyze the most “profitable” one in production and the easiest one in household use asynchronous electric motor (induction motor), like electric car alternating current with a rotor speed lower than the frequency of the magnetic field, which is created by currents in the stator winding:

    It is easy to make;

    Has relatively low price;

    Reliable and unpretentious when working;

    Energy and operational low-cost;

    Has easy access to connection to the home electrical network without additional converting devices;

    There is no need to adjust the rotor speed.

But at the same time, such electric machines with an asynchronous (induction) motor:

    They have a low starting torque;

    Large starting current;

    Low coefficient power;

    Difficulties in adjusting the speed characteristics of the rotor and lack of required rotation accuracy;

    The speed characteristics of the rotor rotation are limited by the frequency indicators of the network (a household network has a frequency of 50 Hz - the engine can reach a maximum speed of no more than 3000 per minute);

    There is a huge (squared) connection between the electromagnetic field on the stator and the voltage in the network - for any change in voltage by 2 times, the motor torque will change by 4 times, which is much worse than the same readings in DC electric motors.

For people who are far from any technical structures, we will conduct an easy educational program:

    An asynchronous electric motor has in its design a stator (the part of the electric motor that is in a stationary, stable position) and a rotor (the part that rotates when the motor is connected to the network), they are separated by an air gap and do not touch each other;

    The stator winding is multiphase (3-phase), with conductors equidistant from each other at 120 degrees relative to the axis of rotation;

    A magnetic field arises in the stator magnetic circuit, which changes polarity under the influence of the frequency of the current passing through the winding. The magnetic core consists of plates made of electrical steel, assembled by fusion into a common block;

    Rotors in an asynchronous motor can be structurally of 2 types: squirrel-cage and phase. Their only difference is the design of the winding on the rotor, with a similar magnetic circuit as the stator.

A squirrel-cage rotor having a winding in the form of a “squirrel wheel” by analogy with the design is assembled from aluminum (sometimes copper or brass) rod conductors, which are closed with 2 end rings, passing through special grooves in the rotor core.

With this type of rotor winding, during unregulated starting, a starting torque that is not very large in magnitude is formed, but requires large amounts of current. Nowadays, rotors with deep grooves for the rods are mainly used, which makes it possible to increase the resistance in the winding and reduce the inrush current. Because of such shortcomings, the short-circuited rotor winding circuit was rarely used in the past, but now with the development of the line frequency converters many companies have achieved the effect soft start electric motors, regulating the increase in the frequency of the starting current.

This is how electric machines with a squirrel-cage rotor circuit with stepwise control of the shaft rotation speed appeared, and multi-speed electric motors appeared with a change in the number of pairs of poles in the stator winding.

Variety asynchronous electric motor Motors with massive rotors are considered to have a squirrel-cage rotor, where this part of the mechanism is made entirely of ferromagnetic material (steel cylinder) - it is both a magnetic core and a conductor winding. The rotation of the rotor here occurs due to the creation of induction of the rotor magnetic field, in interaction with the eddy currents of the stator magnetic flux. Such structures are much easier to manufacture, therefore they are cheaper to produce and have a larger mechanical strength, which is very necessary for machines with high rotation speeds and they have a higher starting torque.

Operating principle of an asynchronous electric motor with a phase rotor

Asynchronous electric motors with a phase rotor allow smooth control of the rotor shaft rotation speed over a wide range. The phase rotor contains in its design a multiphase (3-phase) winding, connected to 2 slip rings, which are connected to the rotor by a single structure. The connection to a voltage-regulated electrical network occurs through graphite or metal-graphite brushes in contact with the rings in a single circuit with the rotor windings.

The rotor operation control design also includes:

    Starter rheostat as active resistance to each phase;

    Inductance chokes for each phase of the rotor assembly, which ultimately reduces starting currents and keeps them at a constant level;

    Additional source direct current, which allows you to obtain the values ​​of a synchronous electric machine, that is, the dependence of the revolutions on the frequency of the voltage on the rotor without differences in values;

    For driving speed characteristics And electromagnetic fields On the rotor, the power supply of the installation is turned on from the inverter for machines with dual power supply. But it is possible to use this design without the help of an inverter by replacing the phasing with the opposite one from the stator one.

Several other options for electric motors for pumps are possible. For example, a three-phase collector asynchronous motor with power from the rotor side and other electric machines.

Today, pumps are used everywhere: in everyday life - for pumping water from a well to supply water to a house or water a garden; in construction tasks - to supply cement mortar to a facility under construction, in industry - for pumping various liquids, including the most aggressive and toxic. There are many examples of the use of pumps - the fact remains: pumping equipment is tightly integrated into modern life person.

At the moment, a huge number of various types pumps Some of the most powerful and efficient are devices that require the connection of an independent (not included in the design of the pump itself) electric motor for their operation. When the question arises of installing such systems or carrying out their repair, difficulties often arise with the alignment of the motor rotor and the pump shaft.

Why is this so important and how to do it?

Why is centering needed?

Alignment is a process designed to ensure the coincidence of the centers (alignment) of any objects (in our case, the pump and motor shafts). If the pump is not aligned, then the risk of failure of their connecting mechanisms (for example, couplings or belts) increases several times.

If the alignment in the case of a belt drive is misaligned, the belt may constantly jump off or be subjected to excessive loads, which will undoubtedly lead to rapid wear. If, for example, an electric motor well pump is connected using coupling halves, then in this case, if the alignment is disturbed, a strong load will occur on the bearing, which will also cause their rapid failure.

From this we can conclude: alignment is simply necessary for correct and long-term operation. pumping equipment, in which the motor and the pump itself are located on the same shaft.

Aligning pump and motor shafts

There are several ways to align pump and motor shafts. Most modern way— use of laser equipment. Such devices make it possible to ensure precise alignment of the motor and pump shafts (or any other equipment) with significantly less labor. However, due to the high cost of laser devices, traditional centering methods are still successfully used. Let's look at one alignment method that uses ordinary wire.

Let's say it is necessary to align the coupling halves of a pump and an electric motor. The whole process can be described as follows.

  • First you need to determine what to adjust to what. That is, we find the so-called dictating unit. If alignment is carried out on the engine side, then in this case the pump coupling half remains intact (and vice versa).
  • Next, two 15 centimeter wires are fixed on both shafts so that their position is exactly perpendicular to the axis (see image at the very bottom).
  • Then the wires are bent in an L-shape towards each other in such a way that a small gap of 2-3 mm remains between their ends.
  • Now you need to rotate the shaft and make sure that the arrangement of the wires relative to each other does not change.
  • If this happens and the distance between the ends of the wire increases or decreases (horizontally or vertically), it is necessary to place adjusting washers inside the couplings. Repeat until alignment is achieved.

Compact designs, simple connections to the pump, easy control automation and relatively low operating costs have predetermined the widespread use of AC electric motors as a drive for pumps in water supply and sewerage systems.

In addition to their high power, drive electric motors of pumping units are subject to a number of specific requirements. One of the determining factors is the need to start engines under load. The design of the electric motor must also allow fairly long rotation of the rotor in reverse side(with an increase in speed determined by the characteristics of the pump), caused by draining water from pressure pipelines after disconnecting the electric motor from the network during a planned or emergency shutdown of the unit.

Very desirable for improving the operating conditions of energy systems where powerful pumping stations are used is the possibility of frequent restarts, which, in turn, places increased demands on the designs of the stator winding and the starting winding of the electric motor, the heating of which determines the duration of the required pause between starts and the permissible number launches for the period under review.

Power supply and electric drive are discussed in special courses, so this textbook only briefly covers the features of drive electric motors of various types, which largely determine the design and dimensions of the pumping station machine building

Asynchronous electric motors. When these motors operate, the rotation frequency of the stator magnetic field is constant and depends on the frequency of the supply network (standard frequency 50 Hz) and on the number of pole pairs, and the rotor rotation frequency differs by a slip amount of 0.012-0.06 of the speed of the stator magnetic field. The reason is solely wide application Asynchronous electric motors are characterized by their simplicity and low cost.

Depending on the type of rotor winding, asynchronous electric motors with squirrel cage or wound rotor are distinguished

Short-circuited asynchronous electric motors are the most suitable electric drive for small pumps; they are much cheaper than electric motors of all other types and, which is very important, their maintenance is much simpler. The start of these electric motors is direct asynchronous, and does not require any additional devices, which makes it possible to significantly simplify the scheme automatic control units

However, with direct connection of short-circuited asynchronous electric motors, the multiplicity of the starting current is very high, which for motors with a power of 0.6 - 100 kW at n = 750N-3000 min "" is 5-7 times higher than the rated current; such a short-term boost of the starting current is relatively safe for the engine, but causes a sharp decrease in network voltage, which may adversely affect other energy consumers connected to the same distribution network. For these reasons, the permissible rated power of squirrel-cage asynchronous electric motors started directly depends on the network power and is in most cases limited to 100 kW.

Asynchronous electric motors with a wound rotor have a more complex and expensive design, since their rotor windings are connected to an external starting rheostat through three contact rings with brushes sliding along them

Before starting such an electric motor, additional resistance is introduced into the rotor circuit using a rheostat, due to which, when the electric motor is turned on, the strength of the starting current decreases; as the engine speed increases, the resistance gradually decreases, and after the electric motor reaches a rotation speed close to normal, the resistance of the starting rheostat completely removed, the windings are short-circuited and the motor continues to operate as a short-circuit

For pumps with a horizontal shaft, the domestic industry currently produces asynchronous electric motors with a squirrel-cage rotor of a single 4A series with a power of 0.06-400 kW at d>3000 min-1 and a rotation axis height of 50-355 mm. Electric motors with a power of 0.06-0.37 kW are manufactured for voltages of 220 and 380 V; 0.55-11 kW - at 220, 380 and 660 V; 15-110 kW - at 220/380 and 380/660 V; 132-400 kW - at 380/660 V.

For drive vertical pumps Asynchronous electric motors with a squirrel-cage rotor of the VAN series are produced with a power of 315-2500 kW, a voltage of 6 kV and a rated speed of 375-1000 min"1.

Electric motors of the VAN series are manufactured in a vertical suspended design with a thrust bearing and two guide bearings (one of which is located in the upper crosspiece, the other in the lower), with a flanged shaft end for connection to the pump. Ventilation of the electric motor is carried out in an open cycle with air pressure created by the rotating rotor and fans Cold air enters the machine from below from the foundation pit through the lower crosspiece and from above through windows in the upper crosspiece Heated air is exhausted through holes in the stator housing

Asynchronous electric motors of the basic design have various modifications, in particular: with increased starting torque; with increased energy performance for pumping units with round-the-clock operation, in which increasing efficiency is of particular importance; with a wound rotor, facilitating starting conditions, etc.

Domestic industry J also produces multi-speed asynchronous electric motors, which allow changing the rotation speed to regulate the flow and pressure of the pump, thereby improving the technical and economic indicators of the pumping station as a whole. For example, two-speed electric motors of the DVDA series have a power range from 500/315 to 1600/1000 kW. These electric motors are switched from one rotation speed to another by turning off one stator winding and then turning on the other.

Synchronous AC motors are used to drive powerful pumps characterized by long operating times. The rotational speed of synchronous electric motors is connected by a constant ratio with the frequency of the alternating current network in which this machine is included: rya =: 3000 (where p is the number of pairs of poles; n is the rotation frequency)

The rotor of a synchronous machine differs from an asynchronous rotor in the presence of a working winding to create a constant magnetic field that interacts with the rotating magnetic field stator The working winding of the rotor is powered by direct current from an exciter, which can be either a direct current generator or a thyristor exciter. The direct current generator can be located separately from the electric motor or mounted on the rotor shaft

In the second case, the generator is self-excited; the thyristor exciter is always located separately from the electric motor

The main advantages of a synchronous electric motor over an asynchronous one are as follows:

    a synchronous motor can operate with a power factor (coscp) equal to unity or even leading, which improves the power factor of the network and therefore

    saves energy,

  • When the voltage in the network fluctuates, the synchronous electric motor operates more stably, allowing a short-term decrease in voltage to 0.6 rated.

The main disadvantage of synchronous electric motors is that the torque on their shaft when starting equal to zero, therefore they must be spun in one way or another to a speed close to synchronous; for this purpose, most modern synchronous electric motors have an additional starting short-circuited winding in the rotor, similar to the rotor winding of an asynchronous motor

For pumps with a horizontal shaft, synchronous motors are used general use series SD2, SDN-2, SDNZ-2 and SDZ of various standard sizes, having a wide range of power (132-4000 kW) and rotation speed (100-1500 min-1) at a voltage of 380-6000 V.

Two series of synchronous motors are manufactured to drive vertical pumps three-phase current frequency 50 Hz, power 630-12,500 kW, voltage 6 and 10 kV, with leading cos f = 0.9, which makes it possible to obtain reactive power from the engine when operating in the rated mode within the range of up to 40% of the rated one. The first series of VSDN engines of 15-17 dimensions includes machines with parameters: N = 6304-3200 kW, n = 375-=-750 min-1. The second series of VDS electric motors of 18-20 dimensions includes machines of higher power (N = 4000 - = - 12,500 kW) and lower speeds (n = 2504-375 min "1).

The serially produced vertical synchronous electric motor of the VDS series (8.3) has a cylindrical stator, the active steel of which is assembled in sheet steel packages and secured in the frame with tie rods. The motor rotor is made of cast steel. The poles are bolted to the rim. The upper crosspiece contains a thrust bearing, an upper guide bearing and an oil cooler. This cross is load-bearing and takes the weight of all rotating parts of the unit and the water pressure on the pump impeller. A lower guide bearing is installed in the lower crosspiece of the engine. Engine exciter (in in this case self-excited DC generator) together with slip rings is mounted on a separate shaft, which has flange connection with the motor shaft. In the case of free-standing exciters, rings are installed on the electric motor shaft, with the help of which the exciter is connected to the rotor windings. The engine has flow ventilation. Motors of this type with a power of over 4000 kW are made with closed system ventilation and air cooling using coolers.

The designation of electric motors of this type includes information about their dimensions. So, for example, the brand of the motor shown in 8.3 means: a vertical (V) motor (D) of the synchronous type (C) with a stator bore diameter of 325 cm, a stator core length of 44 cm and a number of poles of 2р=16.

The voltage of the drive motor is taken depending on its power and the voltage of the power system network to which the pumping station is connected.

If the pumping station is powered from a power network with a voltage of 3.6 or 10 kV and the power of the electric motors exceeds 250 kW, then the motors should be installed at the same voltage. In this case, there is no need to construct a step-down transformer-mountain substation and, consequently, the costs of constructing a pumping station are reduced. The voltage of electric motors with a power of 200-250 kW is determined by the power supply circuit and the conditions for a future increase in their power. Electric motors with a power of up to 200 kW should be low-voltage, with a voltage of 220, 380 and less often 500 V.

Depending on the characteristics of the environment of industrial premises, water supply and sewerage pumping stations electric motors of one design or another are installed in them.

Electric motors installed in rooms with a normal environment are usually installed in a protected design. Electric motors installed outdoors should be taken in closed version, For low temperatures- moisture- and frost-resistant. When installing drive electric motors in particularly damp places, they are installed in a drop- or splash-proof design with moisture-resistant insulation. The design of electric motors installed in hazardous areas must be adopted in accordance with the Electrical Installation Rules (PUE).

LLC "SZEMO "Electrodvigatel" supplies a wide range of electric motors for pumping equipment of Russian and foreign production: sealed, submersible, for water supply, for liquids with foreign inclusions, for petroleum products, for chemical industry, pumps for maintaining reservoir pressure in a well, oil main pumps, pumps for the energy industry, pumps of type D, KsV, PE, AVz, ECV.

For correct selection electric motor for pumping equipment, please inform us full specifications pump, including: the pumped medium, its temperature, flow rate, pressure, installation location, specific installation features, engine options. In the "Contacts" section of our online resource you can leave a request for the supply of an electric motor for pumping equipment and pumping stations. We will try to select the equipment you need as soon as possible and prepare a technical and commercial proposal for supply.