Calculation of an automatic fire extinguishing installation in a room


22. Acceptance of ASPT and ASPS into operation must be carried out by a working commission appointed by order of the head of the customer enterprise (organization).

23. The working commission includes a representative of the customer (chairman of the commission), the general contractor, the design, installation and commissioning organization, as well as the organization carrying out maintenance and repair, and a representative of the State Fire Control bodies.

Participation of representatives of State Fire Control bodies in state and departmental acceptance commissions is mandatory. In addition to the official representative of the state fire safety authorities, employees of the state fire supervision who exercise control during the construction and further operation of the facility may be involved in participation in the work of the commissions (clause 2, NPB 05-93).

24. The work of the commission is carried out according to the acceptance testing program agreed with the territorial body of the State Border Service and approved by the customer.

The acceptance test program should include:

  • main characteristics of the test object;
  • purpose of testing;
  • composition of the acceptance committee;
  • scope of testing and inspections;
  • logistics support for testing;
  • safety requirement;
  • test methodology;
  • criteria for evaluating test results.
  • 25. When putting the ASPT into operation, the installation and commissioning organizations must submit:

  • license for "Installation, adjustment, repair and Maintenance equipment and systems against fire protection"or for "Performing work on the installation and commissioning of fire protection systems at existing facilities." Organizations engaged in the production, supply and testing of fire protection equipment must have a license from the central licensing authority (GUGPS Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia) (Instructions for licensing activities in the field fire safety. Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 09/08/94 No. 241);
  • as-built documentation (a set of working drawings with amendments made to them) in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.01.04;
  • certificates, technical passports or other documents certifying the quality of materials, products and equipment used in production installation work;
  • act of transfer of equipment, products and materials for installation;
  • act of readiness of buildings and structures for installation work (Appendix 11);
  • certificate of completion of installation work (Appendix 12);
  • certificate of readiness of trenches for laying pipelines (cables) (Appendix 13);
  • certificate of testing of pipelines for strength and tightness (Appendix 14);
  • valve testing report (Appendix 15);
  • act on identified defects of devices, equipment and units automatic installation fire extinguishing (Appendix 16);
  • act of readiness of foundations (foundations) for installation of equipment (Appendix 17);
  • certificate of testing of units idle or under load (Appendix 18);
  • act of measuring the insulation resistance of electrical wiring (Appendix 19);
  • the act of warming up the cables on the reels (if they were heated up to unwind the cable at subzero temperatures) (Appendix 20);
  • inspection report hidden work(Appendix 21);
  • protocol for testing the tightness of separation seals of protective pipelines for electrical wiring in hazardous areas (Appendix 22);
  • hydropneumatic tank test report (Appendix 23);
  • certificate of completion of commissioning work (submitted if the installation organization performed only installation of ASPT) (Appendix 24);
  • certificate of individual testing of ASPT (Appendix 25);
  • passport for charging installation cylinders gas fire extinguishing(Appendix 26);
  • list of installed instruments and equipment of the automatic fire extinguishing installation (Appendix 27).
  • 26. The working commission must:

  • check the quality and compliance of the installation and adjustment work performed project documentation, SNiP, PUE, NPB, technical documentation of manufacturers;
  • conduct comprehensive tests of the automatic fire extinguishing installation in accordance with the acceptance test program. After carrying out comprehensive tests, a report is drawn up (Appendix 28).
  • 27. If the working commission discovers that the installation and commissioning work performed does not comply with the project and requirements regulatory documentation a protocol is drawn up indicating the identified deficiencies and the time frame for their elimination, as well as the organizations responsible for this.

    After eliminating the shortcomings specified in the protocol, the installation and commissioning organization must again present the installation for delivery.

    28. The commissioning of an automatic fire extinguishing installation must be documented in a document (Appendix 29).

    29. A representative of the GPN body who is a member of the commission is obliged to:

  • take part in the inspection and acceptance of installed fire protection system equipment, familiarize yourself with certificates, technical data sheets and other documents certifying equipment quality indicators, test reports for fire protection systems and installations;
  • report in writing to the chairman of the working commission the opinion of the State Fire Control body on the implementation of the activities provided for by the project and the readiness of the installation for acceptance into operation, and if there are any deficiencies, draw up and submit a list of them.
  • If violations of requirements are detected regulatory documents, design decisions and activities, a representative of the State Fire Control body expresses a special opinion in writing to the chairman of the commission, and the acceptance committee’s act is not signed.

    30. The local State Fire Service body must keep a log that takes into account the main characteristics of automated fire alarm systems accepted for operation, their operation and failures.

    31. Features of monitoring norms, rules and safety requirements when accepting water and foam fire extinguishing installations into operation
    31.1. Acceptance into operation of water and foam fire extinguishing installations must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 50680-94 "Automatic water fire extinguishing installations. General technical requirements. Test methods" and GOST R 50800-95 "Automatic foam fire extinguishing installations. General technical requirements. Test methods".

    31.2. When putting the installation into operation, the installation and commissioning organization must present:

  • as-built documentation (a set of working drawings with amendments made to them);
  • production documentation.
  • 31.3. When accepting the installation into operation, the following must be carried out:

  • external inspection of the installation;
  • individual tests of installation components.
  • 31.4. The need to conduct fire tests, check the intensity of irrigation of the protected area and the specified response time of the installation is determined by the customer, state supervision authorities or the acceptance committee.

    Fire tests should be carried out according to the program and methodology approved in in the prescribed manner and agreed with the state supervision authorities.

    31.5. External inspection establishes:

  • compliance with the placement of technological and electrical equipment working drawings of the project;
  • correct installation and connections of equipment, panels, instruments, panels, receiving stations, detectors, etc.;
  • compliance of installation of electrical equipment PUE requirements;
  • quality of installation work.
  • 31.6. Before testing control units, all elements and units of the installation, containers to be filled with water must be filled with it. The automatic water feeder, filled with the calculated amount of water, must be pumped with air to the operating pressure specified in the project.

    Filling the installation with water is carried out in the following order:

  • check the possibility of releasing air from the highest points;
  • open air release devices;
  • slowly fill the installation with water;
  • close all air release devices.
  • 31.7. Testing the correct operation of the control units of sprinkler installations should be carried out by opening the tap (valve) on the drain pipe designed to check the operation of the installation, in this case the valve should open and the alarm device should operate (automatic start of the pumps is possible).

    Tests of the correct operation of the control units of deluge installations should be carried out with the valve installed above the valve closed, by opening the tap (valve) on the stimulating pipeline, in this case the valve should open and the alarm device should operate.

    31.8. Pressure containers must be registered and tested in accordance with the requirements of the "Rules for Construction and safe operation pressure vessels."

    31.9. Hydraulic tests of containers operating without pressure must be carried out in compliance with the following requirements:

  • the shut-off valves must be closed and it must be ensured that there are no leaks through valves, seals, etc.;
  • Filling of water is carried out in two stages.
  • At the first stage, the container must be filled to a height of one meter and kept for 24 hours to check the tightness of the bottom.

    At the second stage, the container must be filled to the design level.

    The container is considered to have passed the test if no signs of leakage are detected within 24 hours.

    31.10. Pipelines must be tested in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.05.05 " Technological equipment and process pipelines."

    31.11. Testing of pumps and compressors should be carried out in accordance with VSN 394 “Installation instructions for compressors and pumps”.

    31.12. Functionality check pulse device is carried out by simulating, using the ECM arrow, a pressure drop in it by 0.05 MPa. In this case, the light and sound alarms should turn on on the alarm panel in the fire post (control room).

    31.13. The quality of the foam concentrate or its solution should be checked in accordance with GOST R 50588-93 "Foam concentrates for extinguishing fires. General technical requirements and test methods."

    32. Features of monitoring norms, rules and safety requirements when accepting gas fire extinguishing installations into operation
    32.1 The test procedure for acceptance into operation of the UGP must comply with GOST R 50969-96.

    32.2. Testing of installations to check the response time, duration of GOS supply and fire extinguishing concentration of GOS in the volume of the protected premises (clauses 4.9-4.11 GOST R 50969-96) are not mandatory. The need for their experimental verification is determined by the customer or, in case of deviation from design standards affecting the parameters being tested, officials management bodies and divisions of the State Fire Service in the implementation of state fire supervision.

    33. Features of monitoring norms, rules and safety requirements when accepting aerosol fire extinguishing installations into operation
    33.1. When accepting aerosol fire extinguishing installations into operation, it is necessary to be guided by NPB 21-98 and NPB 22-96.

    33.2. Before putting into operation during a comprehensive inspection, the UAP must be run-in for at least one month. During this period it should be in manual start mode. All cases of false alarms of the system fire alarm and control over the automatic launch of the UAP must be recorded by an automatic device or in a special logbook by on-duty personnel (with a 24-hour presence at the site), followed by an analysis of their causes.

    If there are no false alarms or other functional violations of the UAP during the specified period of time, the installation is transferred to the automatic operating mode.

    If during the running-in period of the UAP the specified functional disturbances (failures) occurred, their causes were not clarified and eliminated, the UAP is subject to re-regulation and comprehensive testing, including repeated running-in.

    Testing the performance of the UAP during a comprehensive check should be carried out by measuring signals taken from control points of the main functional units of detectors and secondary devices according to the diagrams given in the TD.

    In this case, GOA simulators can be used as a load on the launch line, electrical characteristics which must comply with the characteristics of the GOA launch devices.

    33.3. The commissioning of the installed UAP must be carried out based on the results of a comprehensive check and run-in, and a conclusion (act) of the commission must be drawn up, determining the technical condition, operability and possibility of commissioning the UAP.

    The commission for acceptance into operation of the UAP should include representatives of the administration of the facility, territorial (local) authorities of the State Fire Service, organizations that carried out the design, installation and comprehensive inspection of the installation.

    34. Features of monitoring norms, rules and safety requirements when accepting automatic powder fire extinguishing installations into operation
    34.1. Acceptance into operation of the MAUPT without carrying out a comprehensive commissioning (comprehensive testing) is not allowed. Testing the performance of the MAUPT during a comprehensive check should be carried out by measuring signals taken from the control points of the main functional units and secondary devices of the MAUPT according to the diagrams given in the TD. In this case, simulators can be used as a load on the starting line, the electrical characteristics of which must correspond to the characteristics of the starting devices of the modules as part of the MAUPT.

    34.2. When accepting the completed installation and commissioning work of the MAUPT, the commission carries out:

  • visual inspection;
  • measurement of insulation resistance and alarm loop;
  • testing the performance of installed installations;
  • measurement of voltage and current control of starting circuits of MAUPT.
  • 34.3. During an external inspection, check:

  • presence of factory seals;
  • presence of expelling gas;
  • Availability safety devices, according to the documentation for the module;
  • presence of module markings, as well as compliance of the brand of fire extinguishing powder with the fire classes in the room;
  • the presence of devices against spontaneous launch of MAUPT;
  • state of the linear part of the alarm loop;
  • compliance of laid electrical wiring, installed detectors, devices, boxes, etc. with project documentation.
  • 34.4. Test methods for measuring insulation resistance and alarm loop, operability of mounted installations, voltage and current control of MAUPT starting devices are determined in each specific case by the working commission.

    34.5. If individual inconsistencies in the work performed are detected with the design documentation or the inspection report, the commission must draw up a report on the identified deviations, indicating the organizations responsible for their elimination. These organizations must eliminate the inconsistencies within 10 days, and the installation organizations must re-submit the MAUPT for delivery.

    34.6. MAUPT is considered accepted for operation if inspection (testing) establishes:

  • installation and commissioning work was carried out in accordance with design solutions, technological maps;
  • measurement results are within normal limits (document forms in accordance with Annexes 19, 46);
  • performance tests of the MAUPT were given positive results, while the installations ensure, in cases provided for by the project, that ventilation systems are turned off, smoke removal systems and air pressure are turned on staircases and airlocks in case of fire.
  • 34.7. Acceptance of MAUPT must be documented in an act in accordance with Appendix 29.

    34.8. The need to connect MAUPT to central monitoring consoles (CNC) is determined by departments private security with the participation of representatives of the customer and state fire control authorities.

    34.9. Upon completion of installation, MAUPT reception and control devices must have a sign containing:

  • name of the protected premises;
  • marking of the purpose of the device for the protected premises;
  • information about the type and number of detectors connected to this device.
  • 34.10. Upon completion of delivery and acceptance into operation of the MAUPT, the installation and commissioning organization must seal those parts of the devices to which its representative had access during the installation, adjustment and adjustment of the installation, and check for the presence of manufacturer’s seals on the devices.

    35. Features of acceptance into operation of fire alarm systems and automatic fire extinguishing installations
    35.1. The documentation presented upon acceptance for commissioning of fire alarm systems and automatic fire extinguishing installations must comply with Appendix 30.

    35.2. Acceptance into operation of ASPS and AUP without carrying out comprehensive adjustment and testing is not allowed.

    35.3. When accepting into operation the completed work on installation and commissioning of ASPS and AUP, the working commission carries out:

  • checking the quality and compliance of the installation and commissioning work performed with the submitted documentation, operating instructions, technological maps and technical documentation of manufacturing enterprises;
  • measuring the insulation resistance of the alarm loop and electrical wiring;
  • measuring the resistance of the alarm loop;
  • checking compliance of the technical implementation of the power supply reliability category with the requirements of the PUE and design documentation;
  • comprehensive testing of the performance of ASPS and AUP, including:
  • checking the issuance of the “Fire” notification when the PI is exposed to appropriate simulators of fire factors;
  • checking the issuance of a “Fault” notification in the event of a break or short circuit in the alarm loop and control connecting lines;
  • checking the issuance of control signals for starting the ASPT and their formation from two PIs;
  • checking, if necessary, other electrical control and alarm signals provided for by the project in accordance with SNiP 2.04.09-84 and NPB.
  • IN necessary cases the commission also carries out other checks of the parameters agreed upon technical specifications to the equipment.

    35.4. Acceptance test procedure technical means signaling into operation is determined in each specific case by the working commission.

    35.5. If any discrepancies are detected between the work performed and the design documentation or inspection report, as well as the requirements of these rules, the commission must draw up a report on the identified deviations (Appendix 31), on the basis of which the installation and commissioning organization must eliminate them within the agreed period and re-present the technical signaling equipment for delivery.

    35.6. ASPS and AUP are considered accepted for operation if the inspection establishes the following:

  • installation and commissioning work was carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.09-84, PUE, RD 78.145-93, technological maps and technical documentation of manufacturers;
  • measurement results are within normal limits;
  • Comprehensive tests of the performance of technical alarm systems gave positive results.
  • 35.7. Registration of acceptance results:

  • acceptance of technical signaling equipment into operation must be documented in an act in accordance with Appendix 32.