The ex-husband of the participant in house 2 Efremenko. Biography and personal life of Timur Efremenkov

Yulia Efremenkova has long been familiar to devoted fans of the television project “Dom-2” for her dark past and scandalous behavior. The sexy brunette captivates with her activity, and constantly finds herself in the center of attention of any scandal. The beauty has an army of fans who are interested in the smallest details of her life. Recently, the list of issues discussed includes Julia’s dramatically changed appearance.

Biography of Yulia Efremenkova

The baby was born in mid-spring on April 2, 1987 in the tourist town of Tuapse. The girl's real name is Kiriyenko. The girl had no parents since childhood, and the child was raised by her grandmother, whom the current “Housekeeper” still adores and respects. Light sea breeze with early years brought to the girl dreams of distant travels, world fame and star life.

  • From the age of five, the girl was already performing on stage. The performances turned out to be vibrant and the images memorable.

  • At the age of 8, Yulia began to become interested in vocals, after which she tried to learn to sing professionally, and by the age of 12, the girl’s dreams began to slowly come true. Having gone to perform in Cyprus, the little artist recorded her debut album on the island.
  • At the age of 14, the rising superstar moved to Krasnodar. She immediately enrolled in music school, graduated with success, and began working in her profession.
  • The young girl began working in one of the night entertainment establishments in Krasnodar, where her bright appearance was noticed by a successful man, Timur Efremenkov, who later became Yulia’s husband.

Life of Yulia Efremenkova after marriage

  • The couple's relationship developed as a beautiful fairy tale, because the aspiring artist Timur from Moscow soon took his tender, sweet beloved to the capital.
  • Having united by the bonds of Hymen, the couple settled in the capital. Here the ambitious beauty wanted everything at once. Julia began to actively storm various castings, trying to get into any musical group. Husband Timur provided his beloved with every possible support, wishing his wife speedy advancement in her creative field.

Interesting! At the same time, Timur himself became famous by participating in the filming of the television series “Capercaillie” and in the famous film about the hockey player “Legend No. 17.”

  • All of Yulia’s efforts were not in vain, and soon the bright artist became a member of the Diamant group. The cute members of the group briskly performed simple songs in the disco style.
  • In 2013, the star was cast for the acclaimed television show “I Want Viagra.” The vocal singer, despite the fierce competition, managed to reach the final. She was jumped by Anastasia Kozhevnikova, Misha Romanova and. This information is savored in detail on the girl’s Instagram page.

  • Timur Efremenkov and his wife jointly took part in the extreme filming of the “Wild Games” program. Everything in their relationship was so good and passionate that no one could have thought that serious disagreements had begun in the couple.
  • In 2016, an official divorce occurred.

Participation of Yulia Efremenkova in House 2

Julia came to the iconic construction site, causing a lot of noise around herself, on December 10, 2016. Upon arrival, the dark-haired girl immediately expressed a desire to build love with the deeply married Gleb Zhemchugov.

A little more time passed, and our heroine was already covering Gleb’s body with passionate kisses, but she couldn’t stop, and the couple spent a stormy night in the women’s bedroom. After a night of love with a fan, Gleb Klubnichka (nickname before marriage) went to his wife’s side.

In the morning, the pompous lover was already shouting at the top of his lungs that Efremenkova was not an angel, but a rude, evil aunt. Naturally, such an insult put an end to the relationship. The second attempt to build love was with the project’s mega-macho Sergei Zakharyash, but soon the guy retreated to the islands to Liza Polygalova. The third chosen one, Sergei Kucher, initially showed signs of attention, and Yulia was attracted to the guy by his gentle character and the fact that he looked at her turbulent past normally.

Yulia Efremenkova and Sergey Kucherov are now having a great time on the island of love. Only minor quarrels occur between lovers. But then I arrived on the island ex-lover Kucherova Angelina Tatishvili, and Seryoga immediately could not resist the feelings of the past, and slept with his ex-passion, but the satisfied “husband” went to spend the night, oddly enough, again with Efremenkova. What will come of the strange love triangle? Only time will tell.

The dark past of Yulia Efremenkova

For several years, Julia tried to position herself as a chaste, gentle creature who sacredly guards her unblemished reputation. Moreover, the modest woman hotly reproached and condemned all those who, in her opinion, did not fit into Yulenka’s moral parameters. Particularly hard on the participants from House 2, namely single mothers and those ladies who changed men like gloves. And everything would have been fine, but everything changed the moment provocative photos of Yulia Efremenkova and a shameful video appeared on the Internet, in which the “model of chastity” was captured naked in enticing poses.

In the photo, Yulia is liberated and flexible, on her face there is only an appeal and no coercion. The girl differs from her current self only in hair color; apparently lustful men preferred blondes. The video, shot to attract male attention, instantly became popular online. Many fans of the show began to write angry reviews demanding that the libertine be immediately expelled from the project, just as the fate of Vladimir Zhigan had been decided before.

Interesting! In 2017, Yulia was not only left on the show, but was also appointed the new host of the evening show “Dom-2. Analysis." Now, together with Andrei Cherkasov, the girl will give advice to the rest of the project participants on how to build love correctly.

Changes in the appearance of Yulia Efremenkova

IN Lately The presence of plastic surgery by Yulia Efremenkova is most often discussed. Fans had doubts after the Dom-2 participant’s appearance changed greatly. Tuned faces are not uncommon, but a rule for the project, remember only the appearance, and even the presenters and.

Therefore, the trained eye of fans immediately noted the intervention of surgeons in Yulia’s appearance.

  • Breast augmentation. Before plastic surgery, Yulia Efremenkova was the owner of rather modest lady's charms, so her neckline did not strike the imagination. And now, comparing photos that supposedly show Yulia Efremenkova before and after plastic surgery on the chest, we note the strongly rounded shape of the girl.

Now a lush bust is very revealing surgical intervention due to the minimum of fatty tissue in the gland area, and the clearly visible outlines of the implants under the skin.

  • If we compare the materials where Yulia Efremenkova is supposed to be before and after plastic surgery, we will note a modified chin. Experts believe that an implant was inserted into this area, correcting the original shape of the “ancient Roman” chin with a groove in the middle.

  • Rhinoplasty. Before plastic surgery, Yulia Efremenkova had a potato-shaped nose. Its tip was misshapen and wide. This made the face very heavy, drawing the attention of the interlocutors precisely to the nose. Yulia Efremenkova became prettier after plastic surgery, as her nose was completely corrected. Its back is smooth and straight, and the tip is slightly pointed.

  • After plastic surgery, Yulia Efremenkova turned to cosmetologists for help: she received beauty injections, tattooed her lips and eyebrows, and got hair and eyelash extensions.

The young girl is used to fame, and now she can’t imagine her life without cameras and the public. Time will tell what her dependence on popularity will lead to.

Video: Yulia Efremenkova performs the song “Mom, everything is ok” at Dom-2

The presenter of “DOM-2” told how she went through a painful relationship. Yulia Efremenkova for a long time was in a relationship with a bandit who almost took her life. How it all happened, the TV star told DOM-2 magazine.

Yulia Efremenkova
​Photo: Oleg Zotov

A busy work schedule, problems in her relationship with Sergei Kucherov and her mother’s illness - the new presenter of the project has long forgotten what rest is. But difficulties do not frighten the 31-year-old TV star - with early childhood Julia knew that she had to be strong and the best.


When I was five years old, I couldn’t imagine life without singing. Then my mother decided to give me vocal training and took me by the hand to a local teacher. “She has no hearing” was the verdict. But we didn’t want to give up, so we studied at home for a whole year, after which we decided to try again. Together with more gifted children, I was taken to attend the main course. I remember how in the middle of the lesson I felt terribly sleepy, because I was small and weak then. But I couldn’t sit on the bench - I’m a leader by nature. So, at the age of seven, “not singing,” I and four other children were sent to a vocal competition. That was the first time I won. So life turned into a tour.

Did your mom let you go alone easily?

Yes. She herself had to work hard to support her family. She understood that I didn’t get anything on a silver platter. When I had a desire to develop in folk vocals, my mother supported me. True, this pleasure turned out to be not cheap, fortunately, a sponsor appeared. I am still grateful to Alexander Savelyevich Yarovenko, whom I met in Tuapse. He allocated a huge budget for my education and each of my competitions, and when I turned 12, he sent me to study in Krasnodar at a choreographic school and even rented a spacious apartment. To be honest, it was difficult. There, children studied ballet from the age of three, so they had to work until they lost consciousness. This strengthened my character even more, which in the future helped me pass the casting for the “Star Factory”.

What song were you singing then?

The crowning song of those years was “Blizzard” by Valeria. The commission listened, but did not say “yes” or “no”. And I decided to return to my mother.

Later I found out that I got to the “Factory”, but I had to pay $1000 for maintenance in the star house. They persuaded me for a long time, told me how I would sing with famous artists on the same stage. There was no money, but mommy was ready to go around all the relatives to collect the required amount.

I waved my hand - I already had experience performing with stars, and I didn’t see anything cool about it, and then I had to pay money... I refused! But then, when I saw on TV what kind of show it was, of course, I bit my elbows.

Efremenkova regretted not going to the “Star Factory”
​Photo: Social networks

I know that my mother was in the hospital at the time. So that's not why you refused?

Yes, she was lying there, but she would have let go. There was a moment when my mother was on the verge of life and death. She had a serious attack and had to urgently remove a meter of intestine, and she had already had more than 20 surgeries before. I still remember the doctor’s words:

“I’m not scaring, but I’ll say one thing: if you don’t operate on your mother, she will die, if you operate, she may die.”

That night I almost went crazy. The operation took a very long time - about two hours. When my relative was taken out, she was all blue, wearing a resuscitation mask. It seemed that I saw death... I started screaming so much that I woke up absolutely everyone in the hospital.

What has deteriorated her health so much?

Mommy was an aerialist. She's been through a lot. Mom lost her sons: the first died in the maternity hospital, the other managed to be discharged, but the child did not live long. In her youth, she was diagnosed with a serious illness and was admitted to a St. Petersburg hospital for 7 months. Her mother got a job as a cleaner to be close to her daughter. And her grandfather was a sailor - he brought gifts from his flights for her that no one had seen in the country.


Looking back, Yulia does not believe that she has experienced so much in her life.
Photo: Oleg Zotov

You didn’t go to the Factory, you returned home... What happened next?

After casting for the “Star Factory” I ended up in the “ORZ” group, the producer was then looking for a third soloist. I can’t say that I was happy with the work: I was used to plowing, but everything was simple and easy. I was so fed up that I bought tickets to Krasnodar, and when they called me asking why I wasn’t at rehearsals, I stunned them with my answer: “Work without me.” Returning home, I gathered my group. I sewed costumes with my girlfriends and rehearsed at home in heels so hard that they broke the entire parquet floor. Well, mommy is also a creative person, so she didn’t prohibit anything. The songs were fashionable, club songs, and not simple pop. They didn’t start making money right away: at first they performed for free with friends, and when they got promoted, offers started pouring in.

So, a performance at Tuapse City Day radically changed my life - it was there, at the age of 17, that I met my “bandit”, who became my first man.

Efremenkova considers the meeting with the bandit fateful
Photo: Oleg Zotov

You said it was fate.

Yes. Then they barely persuaded me to perform. The rehearsal was scheduled for the morning at the local community center. Before that, there was a concert where we got caught in a terrible downpour, and I got a bad cold, so we moved the run-through to lunch. At the door of the cultural center I ran into a man. Later it turned out that the whole city knew him. And I allowed myself to be rude to him. This probably got him going. Then we met at a rehearsal, after which they immediately made inquiries about me. So, if not for a coincidence of circumstances, our meeting would not have taken place at all.

I take it you won't mention his name?

No, what are you talking about! I still value my life! That day he asked his men to reach into my bag, take the phone and dial his personal number. But friends besieged: “It’s better not to mess with Kiriyenko (Yulia’s maiden name - editor’s note). Of course, he already knew my contacts. By the way, he was not a free man. The city is small, so rumors quickly reached his woman. She sorted things out with me in front of the whole of Tuapse. The shaking woman ran up at the concert and, calling me the last words, shouted: “Who is Julia here? Why are you ruining the relationship? Honestly, I didn’t really need a man, but due to my character I thought: “Oh, that’s it, now he’ll definitely be mine.”

When the information reached the relatives, my mother had a seizure. She was very scared because she knew that his dad was a thief in law. I remember that they even stopped me on the streets with the words that our children would take upon themselves the sins of their father.

The most interesting thing is that before moving to Krasnodar, while I lived in Tuapse, he and I were neighbors. Bandits often ran around with pistols in the area. So we crossed paths several times, but the man was 12 years older and therefore did not attract my attention. My mother and I constantly remember the situation when, returning home, we witnessed him screaming at his girlfriend in the middle of the street. “I will never have such a husband,” I said then.

From her youth, the TV star understood what kind of man she wanted to see next to her
Photo: Oleg Zotov

When you ran into him at the door, didn’t you recognize him?

If I had found out, I wouldn’t even start a conversation.

She experienced so much in this relationship: threats, shootings and even trips to the cemetery. This is probably why my psyche is so damaged.

Did he raise his hand to you?

Once he grabbed him by the neck and, lifting him above the floor, began to shake him, his eyes then became bloodshot. I thought she would kill me, but it was her own fault. At the end of our relationship, I seriously went crazy; one might say, I was on the threshold of a hospital for not quite healthy people. It’s just that what I knew about him was incompatible with life. They could have been killed at any moment.

Why didn't you leave?

He loved me madly, and still hasn’t married. When we called each other about a year and a half ago, he said that only I could be his wife, and he could only have children from me. But his love was manic - he was jealous even of his mother. At one point I simply ran away from home without everything.

Scared for your life?

He almost stabbed me. He never hit me, but psychologically he acted in such a way that it would be better if she walked around with bruises. That night I was so jealous that I was afraid to fall asleep and not wake up.

She promised to jump out the window if she didn’t open the door. I told my mother about this, and by some miracle she persuaded him to let me out.

Where did you run away to?

To Krasnodar. But the persecution continued. As soon as I approached the entrance, for example, the bell rang, and a familiar voice described in detail what I was wearing and in which direction I turned my head. A miracle saved him - he was put on the federal wanted list.


Before the project, Efremenkova tried to build a career in show business
​Photo: Instagram

How did your personal life develop afterwards?

After my bandit, a wealthy man, Dima, appeared. We were 26 years apart. By the way, we remained on good terms.

It was love?

We enjoyed our time together. First of all, I didn't know he was older. Secondly, he was handsome and noble. The only drawback was that before we met, he got a girl pregnant.

Silly, I came to take measurements for a kitchen renovation. The measurements were taken and we had time to sleep. Of course, Dima doubted that the child was his. Therefore, we went together to do a DNA test. A few months later his son was born.

Then I met Timur, my ex-husband. We met in a nightclub, he came to Krasnodar to star in a film with Elena Korikova. Before meeting me, Tim didn’t believe in love at first sight... But he didn’t immediately take a place in my heart. Once Timur, on the advice of friends, made one last attempt and was in a good mood - I decided to answer his message. It is important for me to receive SMS: Have you eaten? Dressed warmly? At one moment, when Timur did not want good morning and didn’t ask if I had breakfast, it became obvious that I couldn’t live without him. I came to visit for three days, and on the second day he offered to sign.

How much money did you live on before marriage?

Mom helped and earned something herself. I was lucky that there was always a man’s shoulder nearby. But she loved only two men very much: Timur and Seryozha.

Why did you break up with your husband? Did you cheat?

He cheated - yes, but this is not the reason for the divorce. Once they had a big fight, they even broke up, and he went to the left. I felt it, so when they got back together, I constantly tortured: it was - it wasn’t. She said that I wouldn’t be offended and that I would understand everything. And one day before the New Year we were lying in bed, when suddenly the bell rang... I heard female voice, and the husband began to make vague excuses. She asked to dial a fan, turn on the speakerphone and repeat the text that she herself wrote. The girl immediately refreshed his memory. Then everything flew at Timur. It was difficult to forgive, but it was more important that the person remain morally faithful. It’s difficult, but I can justify physical betrayal, but I can never justify moral betrayal. I forgave him, and we went to my mother to celebrate the New Year.

Therefore, the reason for the separation is different - Timur lost our love. He could have spent a fortune on entertainment. Maybe that’s why we didn’t have children, I was afraid to give birth.

It’s scary to live with the thought that everything can be lost at any second, although my ex-husband is a very good person and continues to love me.

Ex-husband Yuli Efremenkova, according to her, still loves her
Photo: Social networks

After breaking up with him, did you come to the project?

Yes, I went to the project, met and built love. Plus I was able to achieve career growth. Becoming a presenter is a huge honor. I still don’t realize it, although I feel incredible responsibility. I take courses on speech techniques with Maria Daragan. I seriously took up the issue of facial skin condition. At Olga Moroz’s clinic they gave me an incredible transformation.

Do you remember the day you were told about this?

Yes. One day they abruptly called me into the management’s office. “We’ve been watching you for a long time...” I heard and decided that they wanted to drain it beautifully. When they told me about the position of presenter, I couldn’t believe my ears, I didn’t even react, for which I later apologized a million times. Coming out of the office, she called Alexei Nikolaevich Mikhailovsky. He has always been something more to me - a friend, I love him as a mentor. Of course, when he left our “home”, it seemed that I was abandoned to the mercy of fate. Finally, I asked permission to contact him for advice.

What is the most important thing for you now?

I want to move my mom, I want to take care of her. Diabetes- terrible disease. Fortunately, there is a beloved man who supports. Yes, we quarrel, but every time I understand that Seryozha is the same man. I am 100 percent confident in him and if I get pregnant, I will choose a family.

Yulia Efremenkova
Photo: Evgeniy Kabodko

The presenter of the television project for a long time kept secret the fact that she had finally acquired her own property. Efremenkova shared with DOM-2 magazine that the cost of her new home was just under four million rubles.

“In terms of price, there was a nice bonus,” explains Yulia. - Every month the developer throws out a discount. When we came to look at the apartment, the price for it was reduced by 100 thousand rubles.”

Yulia is already looking for furniture for the living room

The TV star was unable to attend the real estate transaction due to his busy work schedule. “I paid the deposit and flew to the Seychelles for a month and a half,” says the girl. - Thus, I froze the apartment for myself. I put the money in the cell, and my mother was already present at the transaction, since I was not in Moscow at that time.”

Before purchasing the apartment, Yulia rented a house in Lyubertsy. Initially, the presenter planned to purchase real estate there.

“There were good options, but, unfortunately, there was construction all around, and this really embarrassed me,” Efremenkova complains. “I understood that the dirt would remain for a long time, and the territory would not be improved soon. A friend suggested that I look at apartments in Odintsovo; I had never been there, and I had no information about this area.

We came, looked, I really liked everything. The house in which I purchased an apartment has been rented out for several years. It seems to me that this living space was just waiting for me.”

The star wants to decorate the interior in light colors

The presenter chose one-room apartment with a balcony of 45 square meters. In the future, Efremenkova plans to make it a “kopeck piece”, since the reality star will live with her mother. One of the undeniable advantages for Yulia was the convenient location from the Polyana TV project. Initially, the girl was thinking about a larger apartment, but abandoned this idea because she did not want to take out a mortgage.

“Everything in this world is very fickle, so it’s better to buy a home with the funds you’ve already saved,” says the 31-year-old presenter. - In the future, this apartment can be sold and larger apartments can be purchased if the opportunity arises. Many people believe that we earn millions on the project, that I saved up for an apartment in a few months, but this is far from true. We sold my mother’s living space in Krasnodar, plus I added my savings.”

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Date of birth: 04/02/1987
Place of birth: Tuapse

Yulia Efremenkova is a bright participant in the Dom-2 television project. The 29-year-old girl came to the project in December 2016. Now Julia is considered one of the most scandalous participants in the television project. Yulia Efreminkova's Instagram is gaining popularity every day. More than 300 thousand people are already following the beauty’s life.

Yulia's childhood and youth

Yulia Efremenkova was born on April 2, 1987 in the city of Tuapse. From an early age, Julia showed herself as creative person. The girl always tried to be the center of attention. Yulia Efreminkova's parents raised her to be an honest and kind girl. She was always surrounded by attention, care and warmth. Already at the age of 5, Julia wanted to be an artist. The girl often gave home performances. She wore her mother's dresses and sang songs from popular girl groups.

Julia's parents did not ignore the girl's talent. They sent her to the local choir, where Yulia studied for more than a year. Afterwards, when the girl was in 3rd grade, she was taken to study at a music school. There Julia made great progress. The girl performed at many city events. At the age of 12, Efremenkova went to Cyprus with her first concert. There she recorded her first disc.
When Yulia was 14 years old, her family moved to Krasnodar. There Efreminkova went to study at a music school. After graduation, the girl began working in her specialty and she also continued to improve her vocal abilities.

Personal life of Yulia Efreminkova before the television project Dom-2

At one of the parties in a nightclub, Yulia met her future husband Timur Efreminkov. The young people began a whirlwind romance, after which Timur took Yulia to Moscow. After three years of living together in the capital, Timur Efreminkov proposed to Yulia. The loving couple had a magnificent wedding.
In Moscow, Yulia had much more opportunities to realize herself as an artist. The girl attended all kinds of musical castings. As a result, Yulia Efreminkova ends up on the “I Want to Viagra” project. There she managed to reach the final, but unfortunately the girl could not win. After participating in the project, Julia became very popular in in social networks. Yulia Efreminkova’s Instagram began to gain popularity. The girl began to receive many job offers.

Yulia Efreminkova and Timur were building a career; the couple did not have time for a family. They spent less and less time together and had practically no interest in each other's lives. As a result, Yulia and Timur’s feelings for each other cooled down, and in 2016 they divorced.

Yulia Efremenkova on the television project Dom-2

Julia's arrival made a great impression on television viewers and the male team of the clearing. The girl showed sympathy for Gleb Zhemchukov. But Julia failed to build a relationship with Gleb. Yulia Efreminkova started an affair with. The guys had a short relationship. Yulia and Sergei constantly quarreled and could not find a compromise.

Julia began to build her next relationship with Sergei Kucherov. Despite their different characters, the guys are still together to this day. Many TV viewers support the couple. On Yulia Efreminkova’s Instagram you can often see joint photographs with Sergei Kucherov. The guys are happy in them, even through the screen you can see how kindly they treat each other.

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The TV presenter of "DOM-2" has changed her appearance. On the Internet, Yulia Efremenkova boasted to fans about the result of the changes. The girl also told why she decided to undergo contour plastic surgery, and how the rehabilitation after the procedure is going.

Yulia Efremenkova
​Photo: Instagram

Yulia Efremenkova has repeatedly said that she wants to correct her appearance. And now the long-awaited moment has come. Just three days ago, the reality TV presenter pumped up her lips.

“My lip shape didn’t quite suit me... But for a long time I didn’t like anyone’s work, and I couldn’t find my master. When a person appeared whom I could trust, I did it,” Yulia Efremenkova shared on Instagram.

Yulia Efremenkova pumped up her lips
​Photo: Instagram

Despite the fact that after the procedure the lips have not yet fully recovered, the star is already pleased with the result. The girl made it clear that if someone doesn’t like something, they can unfollow her and not watch. She always does what she wants, so she is not going to listen to anyone.

“Now they are still swollen, there is even a bruise. So far the lips are a little big, but I really like them,” Yulia said live.

At the moment, Efremenkova is officially a free girl. But attentive fans have noticed that lately her “friendly” meetings with ex-lover Seryozha Kucherov have become more frequent.

“We are so comfortable. We are two free young people: I don’t claim his personal space, he claims mine. When a man appears on the horizon that I really like, our communication with Seryozha will be reduced to a minimum,” the presenter told her fans.