B2b electronic platform. B2B-CenterJSC "Center for Economic Development"

1. Electronic trading platform b2b-center.ru

The electronic trading platform b2b center (also called bitubi lil bi2bi) is a complex of coordination, notification and engineering issues that ensures communication between the seller and the buyer using electronic data exchange channels.

ETP b2b Tender− an electronic trading platform, which makes it possible to combine suppliers and consumers of various goods and services on one web resource and provides users of this electronic trading platform with a number of services that increase the productivity of their business.

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2. ETP functions

Working on the ETP b2b center, the customer or supplier has the opportunity to safely resolve various issues that arise in daily business practice, since this system performs important functions.

    The information function makes it possible to study the list of organizations that operate on the ETP and obtain information about the company of interest.

    The marketing function makes it possible to search for buyers and consumers who have shown interest in certain types of goods and services, and also to receive information about the needs and offers of goods and services that other organizations place on the site.

    Trading function - allows the trade organizer to perform full complex various trade and procurement procedures for the purchase of goods and services.

    The analytical function makes it possible to carry out comparative analysis various actions of organizations to do right choice parties for the implementation of supplies, works and services on topics of interest.

    Information security function – protects electronic document flow.

3. ETP b2b center: procurement, tenders, auctions

This ETP− this is the main platform for purchasing goods, various types of work and services in the b2b sector. It was founded in 2002 by the OA Center for Economic Development.

The electronic trading platform does not select the winner of an auction, tender or competition. The company provides technology that allows you to spontaneously link participants' proposals and report the results of the competition at a convenient time. The data is provided in the competition sheet and is the main principle for selecting the winner. Such a tender sheet is attached by the security expert to the finished contract. By concluding such an agreement, the head of the company receives proof that the transaction is organized in the most favorable way.

On our procurement website, selecting the winner of the competition is no different from regular procurement. Selection criteria: presented price, product properties, supplier responsibility, means of payment and delivery speed.

Companies that take part in tenders on the trading platform are given access to many current requests from large industrial firms. Suppliers accumulate statistics on tender results on the electronic trading platform, receive feedback from buyers and create their own ratings or end up in the system’s register of dishonest suppliers e-procurement.

It follows from this that the e-procurement system is a more advanced marketing and management tool in the b2b sector.

4. Video instructions for getting started on the ETP

For a guaranteed result in tender procurement, you can seek advice from the experts of the Entrepreneurship Support Center. If your organization is a small business, you can get a number of benefits: advance payments for government contracts, short terms settlements, concluding direct contracts and subcontracts without a tender. and work only under profitable contracts with minimal competition!

  1. Click on the “Register” button on any page of the site. Registration is free.​
  2. Enter the company's TIN and fill out the contacts. The platform will automatically download data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, just check it.
  3. Try to be specific about the categories of goods or services you supply. Based on them, B2B-Center will select specialized procedures. You will see notifications about them in personal account and receive by e-mail.
  4. The platform will check your company’s data within 1 day. Moderation is needed to protect users from unscrupulous counterparties. After processing the application, you will receive an email with your login and password to enter the site.

Make sure to register and obtain an electronic signature in advance. Many suppliers register on the site, receive an electronic signature, submit their proposal at the very last moment, when the procedure they are interested in is nearing completion, and, due to haste, make mistakes in their documentation. An electronic signature may not work correctly due to an outdated browser, so it is worth testing your electronic signature in advance and becoming familiar with the computer and software requirements (to the right of the registration form).

Participation in electronic auctions on the B2B-Center platform is paid for customers and suppliers.

The exception is purchases from the nuclear industry with a starting price of up to 200 thousand rubles. Downloading tender documentation in open procedures is free.

After deciding to participate in the procurement, you will need to register on the site and purchase a tariff.

For small businesses, participation in tenders up to 600 thousand rubles is possible at an affordable price of 1 thousand rubles. Participation in all trading procedures on the B2B-Center is possible at a tariff of 10 thousand rubles.

Savings for corporate customers during electronic trading reaches 20%, which in current conditions becomes a determining factor in competitiveness and cost reduction.

The site hosts 43 types of trading procedures.

Main purchasing methods at B2B-Center:

  • Electronic auctions (7 types)
  • Competitions (9 types)
  • Requests for proposals
  • Price requests
  • Competitive negotiations

To use the platform, an electronic signature is required for trading. The B2B Center digital signature must include a special attribute for working specifically on this trading platform. It is usually not included with the electronic signature. Therefore, clarify this possibility when receiving the digital signature, then it will not be possible to make changes.

Registration on the B2B-Center trading platform

To register on the site, you must fill out a profile and provide the following information:

  • User: full name, e-mail, telephone, position
  • Organizations: country, legal form, tax identification number, categories for products offered and consumed
  • Details: full and short name, OGRN, KPP, actual, legal and postal address

The b2b electronic trading platform was founded in 2002 by the OA Center for Economic Development. This ETP is the leading one for the procurement of goods, works and services in the b2b (business-to-business) sector.

More than 3,500 procedures are performed daily at this site, various types and topics. Procurement is carried out in all main types: requests for quotations and proposals, electronic auctions, tenders and competitive negotiations.

As of March 2017, the b2b Center trading platform has more than 310 thousand participants and more than 760 thousand completed procurement procedures worth 8.8 trillion. rub.

For suppliers, the B2B ETP allows you to significantly expand the scope of sales of your goods, works and services, because present on site large number customers, new lots are published daily and a large number of procurement procedures are carried out.

Registration on the site

To work with an electronic platform, you must have accreditation on it and an electronic signature. All participants are offered several tariffs to choose from, depending on the services and the duration of their connection. Having studied the Tariffs tab in detail, each participant can choose the most suitable option for themselves.

Work on the b2b Center site

For ease of use, in addition to the procurement service itself, a number of functions are available on the b2b Center site:

Assistance in bidding on the ETP b2b Center

To obtain security for an application for participation in procurement on b2b Center sites the best option will apply for tender loan. This will allow you not to confiscate own funds from circulation and successfully finance participation.

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B2B-Center is more than 1,135,000 completed trades by 415,000 participants worth over 18.9 trillion. rub.

Opportunities for suppliers and customers:

B2B-Center allows you to fully automate the purchasing and sales process.

For suppliers For buyers

  • Participation in tenders for major customers. More than 4,000 current trades daily.
  • Watch the trading progress and monitor the results. Trading takes place in real time.
  • Reduce proposal submission time. Automate all stages of bidding.
  • Receive free newsletters about new auctions on topics that interest you.
  • Analyze market demand for your products, as well as the actions of competitors.
  • Save time by using additional services: factoring, electronic bank guarantee and others.
  • Choose the type of trading procedure based on your organization's procurement practices. More than 40 types of settings and trading combinations.
  • Work with trusted partners. The member base includes more than 415,000 companies with a history of procurement activities for each organization.
  • Save money when making purchases. Cost reduction up to 20% of the original contract price.
  • Leave it to yourself to make decisions. Full automation of the purchasing process: from planning purchases of branches to preparing final reports.