Automation and control cabinets. Control cabinet for two pumps Control cabinet for grundfos pumping station

Pump control unit

Modern control units often have real software, meeting the requirements for efficiency and safety of pump operation. Depending on the purpose of a particular model and depending on the manufacturer, control units may have different design and sizes, and very different technical capabilities control and management. But even the most regular block control of electric pumps is already capable of replacing an entire complex special equipment by… read more >

Electrical cabinet for control and protection of pumps

An electrical cabinet (or switchboard) is a control device capable of controlling one standard pump or several. In addition, the electrical cabinet serves to protect pumps from “dry running” and from faults in the electrical network (short circuit, phase loss, voltage drop, etc.). Switchboard equipped with terminals for connecting monitoring and control devices (level, humidity and temperature sensors), as well as general... read more >

Alarm for drain pump panels

The alarm kit consists of a small plastic box with a cable input and a 12 V siren direct current and a red signal LED. The alarm reacts if the water volume exceeds the maximum permissible level. In this case, the signal LED lights up and the alarm emits a long sound. The active phase of the alarm continues until the error is turned off or corrected. read in full >

Electronic pump control

Electronic pump control is automatic control pump or pumps, which is carried out using modern special equipment that does not require additional maintenance or additional knowledge from the owner. Electronic controls control the start and stop of the surface or submersible pumps, maintains constant pressure during water supply, and also if the water runs out, electronic control stops the operation of the pump in order to protect it from... read more >

Pump control system

The control system is a system designed to automatically control and protect from one to six pumps, the maximum power of which varies over a significant range. Control systems, as complex equipment, are used as part of pressure increase, circulation and drainage systems. Control systems are available in various designs, including those designed for use in unheated rooms. In addition to the design designed for different... read in full >

Dia-Log Pump Remote Control Kit

Kit for remote control Dia-Log is a wireless remote control device Wilo pumps(Germany) with electronic system control with infrared interface. The remote control kit monitors the operation of pumps, remotely changes the parameters of operating functions (transfers settings), as well as reads, exchanges and stores operating data pumping equipment. The remote control kit includes: - mobile... read more >

The operating principle of pump control cabinets is based on constant monitoring of changes in parameters of the connected system. The cabinet adapts to the operating mode of the system and adjusts the electric motors to its current parameters. The cabinet can be controlled either manually or automatically.


When deciding to purchase a pump control cabinet, it is necessary to determine what type of system the device will be used in. The cabinets provide control of electric drives in drainage, sewerage, water supply and water treatment systems. Some models are suitable for powering boilers, irrigation and fire extinguishing systems. Buy control and regulation cabinet will be required by new enterprises in the food and chemical industries.

The control cabinet reduces electricity consumption, protects electric drives from unacceptable loads and unwanted operating modes. Multi-level protection extends useful term operation of the product and, as a result, reduces the cost of purchasing new equipment.

Wall-mounted control cabinets Grundfos, Wilo

Wall-mounted pump control cabinets Grundfos series Control LC and LCD interact with one or two pumps. The equipment has bright indicators of operating modes displayed on the cabinet body. Level control is carried out by float switches. Control MPC series cabinets are designed to operate with a group of pumps of up to 6 units. They are equipped with an intelligent Multi Pump Controls system, which adapts the pump to the current operating mode without operator intervention, while maintaining maximum system efficiency.

The cabinet for Wilo pumping equipment is suitable for drainage, borehole water intakes, water supply and heating systems. It also works with one pump or a group of pumps up to 6 units. The device supports an accident log, dispatch protocols and many other modern functions, including warnings and alarms.

Control station cabinets

Automatic control station cabinets are based around frequency converter . It allows you to maintain specified values ​​of pressure, level and water flow. The station operates with multiple pumps simultaneously and can be used as part of a complex at large water supply facilities.

Prices for control and regulation cabinets

Pump control cabinets, the price of which starts at 9,900 rubles, are produced in Germany, Hungary, Denmark and other countries. For this money you will receive a cabinet with a control panel for the LC A1 Alarmschaltgerot Grundfos electric motor. The Santekhkomplekt company offers fair prices for cabinets Grundfos control, Wilo. VAT is already included in the price of products.

Pump control unit

Modern control units often have real software that meets the requirements for efficient and safe operation of the pumps. Depending on the purpose of a particular model and depending on the manufacturer, control units can have different designs and sizes, and a variety of technical monitoring and control capabilities. But even the most ordinary electric pump control unit is already capable of replacing a whole complex of special equipment… read in full >

Pump control system

The control system is a system designed to automatically control and protect from one to six pumps, the maximum power of which varies over a significant range. Control systems, as complex equipment, are used as part of pressure increase, circulation and drainage systems. Control systems are available in various designs, including those designed for use in unheated rooms. In addition to the design designed for different… read in full >

Dia-Log Pump Remote Control Kit

The Dia-Log remote control kit is a wireless remote control device for Wilo pumps (Germany) with an electronic control system with an infrared interface. The remote control kit controls the operation of pumps, remotely changes parameters of operating functions (transfers settings), as well as reads, exchanges and stores data on the operation of pumping equipment. The remote control kit includes: - mobile… read in full >

Electrical cabinet for control and protection of pumps

An electrical cabinet (or switchboard) is a control device capable of controlling one standard pump or several. In addition, the electrical cabinet serves to protect pumps from “dry running” and from faults in the electrical network (short circuit, phase loss, voltage drop, etc.). The distribution board is equipped with terminals for connecting monitoring and control devices (level, humidity and temperature sensors), as well as general… read in full >

Electronic pump control

Electronic pump control is the automatic control of a pump or pumps, which is carried out using modern special equipment that does not require additional maintenance or additional knowledge from the owner. The electronic control controls the start and stop of surface or submersible pumps, maintains constant pressure during water supply, and also, if the water runs out, the electronic control stops the pump, in order to protect it from… read in full >