Gisele Bundchen - biography and personal life. Gisele Bundchen - biography, family and personal life of a supermodel Brazilian model Bundchen

Gisele Bündchen is a world-famous top model and former Victoria's Secret angel. It was she who was declared the model of the millennium by Vogue magazine. She topped the Forbes rankings for 15 years as the highest paid model in the world.

Gisele Bündchen was born on July 20, 1980 in Brazil (Horizontina), and her zodiac sign is Cancer. She was not the only child in the family. The girl’s parents raised five more daughters, each of whom dreamed of becoming a model. Giselle is very fond of her twin sister Patricia, who was born five minutes later and looks very similar to her. Her ancestors are Germans by nationality and moved to Brazil from Germany. Therefore, her appearance is European - blue eyes, light brown hair and freckles.

During her school years, the girl was fond of sports (volleyball) and planned to become a professional athlete. She didn’t think about a modeling career then, although she was tall (180 cm) and quite slender (57 kg). Her classmates called her Oli (short for “olive oil”). The girl never had problems with weight and perception of her appearance. There was no place for anorexia in her life, which is now so common in the fashion industry. By the way, she has repeatedly spoken out on this matter. Giselle believes that the problem with these girls lies not in the fashion industry, but in the family. They simply lack the love, support and care of loved ones.

The modeling business did not attract Giselle as much as her sisters, but one day she caught luck by the tail. At the age of 14, the girl went to Sao Paulo with friends. The guys went to a local fast food restaurant, where, by a happy coincidence, a representative of the Elite Modeling modeling agency was sitting. He was interested in Giselle's unusual appearance, and he invited her to try herself as a model.

Initially, Bündchen had to refuse. The fact is that her own father was against his daughter moving and trying to work in this field. But after some time the girl agrees. Gisele moves to Sao Paulo. The first agreement with this agency was signed in 1995.

Elite Modeling will soon organize a beauty contest. Giselle participates in it and takes an honorable fourth place. It was at this competition that the girl was noticed by many agents.


In 1997, the girl decides to move to America. New York opens new doors for her that were previously closed. Giselle has to diligently learn English. Bündchen misses her family a lot, but she works hard and hard. Then she got herself a small tattoo on her wrist. She knocked out a star for herself. As she herself said, her mother always told her and her sisters that everyone has their own lucky star. As a child, she always looked at the sky and, as it seemed to her, found her, this star gave her confidence. But living in America on the 35th floor, due to the light from other skyscrapers in the sky, she did not see the stars. That’s why she decided to get a tattoo so that her star would always be with her.

The girl soon wins one of the modeling competitions. And two years after she moved to America, Vogue magazine named her the model of the millennium. Bündchen was on the cover of this magazine four times in 1999.

According to Rolling Stone Magazine, the girl was called the most beautiful in the world in the early 2000s. She participates in many fashion shows of famous brands. He appears in commercials and regularly appears on the covers of fashion and popular glossy magazines.

That same year she became a Victoria's Secret angel. Their collaboration lasted 6 years. But in 2006, the Brazilian estimated the renewal of the contract with the brand at a seven-figure sum; the company’s management could not agree to such a salary.

Gisele Bündchen, Victoria's Secret

In addition to constant shows and filming, Giselle tried herself in cinema. She acted in films twice. The first time was in 2004. She was offered a role in the remake of New York Taxi. He was the screenwriter of the film.

The second time Bündchen starred in the film “The Devil Wears Prada.” The film was released in 2006. This comedy-drama starring and based on a popular book, and the cost of wardrobe is recognized as the highest in the world. Bündchen played the role of an assistant editor for Runway.

Afterwards, Giselle was offered other roles, but she refused. For example, she was promised the main role in the film “Charlie's Angels”. But she was more attracted to the work of a model, and she did not need money.

In 2011, Bündchen became the face of the Givenchy fashion house. In the autumn-winter season 2016-2017, she again took part in a photo shoot for the brand, and a rather frank one at that. Together with another Brazilian celebrity, actor and fashion model Raymond Cahua, they appeared in the frame wearing only jeans.

In addition to her favorite job, Giselle tries to help those who really need it. She does charity work and considers it her duty.

Bündchen first decided to donate proceeds from jewelry to charity in 2003. She put up for auction her platinum hearts, which she created herself together with the Platinum Guild International jewelry house.

The model transferred the money received after the sale of the jewelry to the St. Jude Children's Clinic in Memphis (USA). Bündchen also auctioned off autographed iPods and donated funds to people affected by Hurricane Katrina.

In addition, the model auctioned two diamond rings (the first 6 carats and the second 3.5 carats) at Christie's in 2008. The girl donated the proceeds to the Diamond Empowerment Fund campaign (the purpose of the campaign was to create educational initiatives for African countries).

Giselle helps people in Africa who have AIDS. She also participated in the "I Am Africa" ​​campaign in 2006. The purpose of the event was for people to pay attention to the problems of residents of these regions. Many celebrities were photographed for this album. Their faces were painted in an African manner.

Since the 2000s, the girl often traveled to third world countries, including Africa. She lived there and could see with her own eyes the problems of local residents. The model admitted that now she will always help people. Every year she donates funds so that poor children in Africa can get an education.

In 2010, she gave one and a half million dollars for the people of Haiti (after a terrible earthquake). Every year, the free children's clinic of St. Jude also receives money. Grateful employees of the establishment are praying for Giselle.

The model became a UNEP Goodwill Ambassador in 2009. She maintains her own blog, as well as a website where she focuses on environmental issues. In addition, the girl participated in the “Seal the Deal!” campaign, which was held by the United Nations.

In 2010, the model released her own environmentally friendly line of facial cosmetics called “Sejaa Pure Skincare”. Giselle worked on the creation of these creams herself.

Gisele Bündchen, Sejaa Pure Skincare

However, the model has been repeatedly criticized by members of the Green Party. In 2002, at the show, members of the PETA organization staged a protest during Bündchen's fashion show, as she appeared on the catwalk in clothes made from real fur.

The girl was also accused of using “dirty” engines when she was learning to fly a helicopter. But at the same time, she publicly advocates using only environmentally friendly fuel sources.

There are a lot of rumors surrounding the model’s appearance. It is known that at the beginning of her career, Gisele had rhinoplasty. After the operation, her nose became more neat - the bridge of the nose became slightly narrower and the tip thinner. There was also talk that in 2015 the girl resorted to breast surgery, increasing it from size two to size three.

In 2015, as part of Sao Paulo Fashion Week, a show of the Brazilian brand Colcci took place, during which the supermodel announced that she had finished her modeling career and this was her last appearance on the catwalk.

Gisele Bündchen at the opening of the Rio Olympics

In 2016 she. Gisele showed the world what she does best - she walked the catwalk. By the way, then she set her own record: she walked the podium 150 meters long.

Personal life

Among the most high-profile novels is the relationship with (actor) and model Scott Barnhill. In addition, Gisele dated multi-billionaire Juan Paulo Diniz, who was 16 years older than her.

At one of the screenings, the girl was noticed by a popular film actor. He was amazed by her beauty and did everything possible to get the girl to pay attention to him. They started dating in 2000.

Their relationship lasted 5 years. During this time, they traveled to Africa together, they were named the most beautiful couple of 2004 according to the glossy People. An engagement took place, but in 2005 the young people broke up for unknown reasons. After this, the girl did not have a serious relationship for two years.

In 2007, Bündchen met a football player. After two years of relationship, the athlete proposed to her, and they got married. Also in 2009, the couple had a son, Benjamin Rain Brady. Three years later, the star couple also had a daughter, Vivian Lake Brady.

After the second birth, the woman recovered, but quickly got into shape. This became possible due to the fact that Gisele tries to lead a healthy lifestyle - eats right and plays sports. She is especially passionate about yoga. Bündchen regularly posts workout photos on “ Instagram" In addition, she enjoys horse riding, enjoys visiting the tennis court, and also likes boxing and kung fu.

She has a quote about this: “I train primarily to be alone with myself.”

Although this beauty also has weaknesses - she has a terrible sweet tooth, although you can’t tell from her. She loves sweet popcorn, ice cream with various toppings and candy.

In December 2016, rumors appeared on the Internet that Gisele was pregnant for the third time. The paparazzi took photos in which her rounded belly was allegedly visible, but the model herself soon denied this information.

Gisele Bündchen now

Despite the fact that the model no longer appears on the catwalk as before, Gisele Bündchen is popular and in demand. The woman has appeared on the covers of fashion magazines over 7,000 times, and this number is constantly growing.

Gisele Bündchen in Intimissimi advertising

In 2018, the top model appeared in the Intimissimi advertisement. The fashion brand has launched a new advertising campaign called Empowered Women. In their opinion, she fits this definition like no one else. After all, Gisele proclaimed new standards of beauty in the fashion world. With her appearance on the catwalk, curvier forms began to be appreciated, and the androgynous style was replaced by femininity, beauty, and a natural blush of the face.

Condition assessment

For the year, Giselle's earnings exceed $42 million. She even got into the Guinness Book of Records, as her fortune reached over $170 million.

In 2012, she was officially recognized as the world's first billionaire model. Of course, she didn't make all her money on the catwalk. Bündchen knows how to manage finances, so she made the right investments at the right time. For example, Gisele produces Gisele Bundchen Brazilian Intimates underwear, which is successfully sold in Latin America, Israel and Japan. Ipanema beach flip-flops and sandals are no less popular in the world - 25 million pairs are produced annually, which, by the way, consist of recycled and recycled materials.

Another area of ​​her interests is real estate. Gisele owns a hotel in Brazil, she also has a house in the USA and a luxurious villa in Costa Rica. By the way, the wedding with her husband Tom took place in this villa.

“For less than $128,000, I won’t even get out of bed,” the main top model of our time could say, paraphrasing the words of the legendary 90s supermodel Linda Evangelista. The radiant Brazilian consistently confirms her status as the most expensive, sought-after and titled model from year to year. And while compatriots around the world shout: “Arriva, Gisele!” On the occasion of her favorite's 36th birthday, ELLE recalls 5 facts you need to know about Brazil's most powerful woman.

The richest supermodel in the world

It's hard to believe, but at the beginning of Bündchen's career, no one believed in her success in the modeling field. Tall, slender, awkward - the agents said that the girl did not have the necessary modeling data. And Gisele herself, one of six sisters who grew up in the small Brazilian town of Horizontina, could hardly have imagined that she would top the Forbes list with a fortune of $150 million. At the age of 14, she decided to earn some money for a summer vacation - with this contract with the Elite Modeling agency, the story of Gisele Bündchen’s rise began. Offers poured in one after another, and the owner of infinitely long legs became the face of leading fashion brands and appeared on the covers of glossy magazines. To date, Gisele has broken all imaginable and unimaginable popularity records, becoming the highest paid top model in recent years.

Healthy lifestyle enthusiast

Beach catalog star Gisele Bündchen looks like a girl with curves, while remaining flexible and fragile. The Brazilian does not exhaust herself with diets, but she cannot imagine life without yoga. The model tries to devote at least an hour every day to useful asanas and stretching, and even introduced her children to this activity: two-year-old little Vivian is already fully grasping the basics of Eastern practice. The supermodel's figure is the result of her lifestyle, which includes a healthy diet. The top model has excluded alcohol and sweets from her diet; she consumes only healthy and natural products.

Romance with a Hollywood ladies' man

If it weren’t for Leonardo DiCaprio’s current passion Tony Garrn, Gisele would have been the only one on the long-legged love list of the Hollywood womanizer whom he honored to live in his apartment. The romance between the actor and the model developed rapidly: both were damn attractive, ambitious and loved dogs. In 2000, Leo and Gisele officially declared themselves a couple and for the next five years they were deservedly considered the kings of the red carpet. The American-Brazilian passions came to naught in 2005: the last straw for Bündchen was her fiancé’s critical review of her film debut - the girl put an end to that.

Beauty the Bündchen style

Gisele Bündchen managed to make a phenomenal career in fashion and become one of the most desirable women on the planet, without having the standard model beauty. It’s hard to believe, but at school the future podium star paid little attention to herself. The Brazilian was the tallest and slender girl in the class, for which her classmates nicknamed her Oli (short for olive tree). However, it was precisely thanks to such a bright and original appearance, combining Brazilian sexuality and casual European chic (Gisele has German roots), that Bündchen became the face of leading brands. Posing on the rocky shores for the latest swimsuit catalog, Bündchen does not leave even the stones indifferent.

In a photo shoot for Roberto Cavalli

Gisele Bundchen

Model Date of birth July 20 (Cancer) 1980 (39) Place of birth Horizontina Instagram @gisele

Top model Gisele Bundchen receives fees of about $7,000 per hour. She is listed in Forbes and recognized as the richest catwalk star by Guinness. Giselle's income exceeded one hundred million dollars. Charming model - UNEP Goodwill Ambassador. Every year he donates huge sums to support orphans, sick people, destitute as a result of rampant natural disasters.

Biography of Gisele Bündchen

The Brazilian was born on July 20, 1980 in the town of Horizontina. Her ancestors came from Germany. The Bündchen family raised six daughters. Everyone is good-looking and ambitious.

The sisters dreamed of a modeling career, but Gisele saw no prospects on the catwalk. Until the age of 14, she was seriously involved in volleyball and played in the Sogipa team. But the girl was not destined to become an athlete. A meeting with an employee of the Elite Modeling agency in Sao Paulo became a turning point in the fate of the young beauty.

Giselle did not immediately accept the unexpected proposal from a representative of the fashion industry; she had doubts and her father dissuaded her. For a 15-year-old girl, moving to Sao Paulo and signing an agreement with Elite Modeling was the beginning of a new life. Giselle found herself in the spotlight at the agency's first beauty contest. She took an honorable 4th place.

The stepping stone for the development of a stellar career was the move to the USA in 1997. The purposeful girl worked hard and learned English. After receiving 1st place at a modeling competition in New York, numerous shows, photo shoots, filming, and advertising followed.

The model represented the houses of Dolce and Gabbana, Ralph Lauren, Valentino, Celine, Versace, Gianfranco Ferré, and Chloe. Vogue recognized her as their 1000th Anniversary Model. She graced the cover of the magazine 4 times in 1999! Photos with the talented model were placed on the front pages of Arena, Marie Claire, Harper’s Bazaar, and Allure.

Bündchen's creative portfolio includes not only brilliant events in the fashion industry, but also success in cinema. In New York Taxi in 2004, she played the leader of a gang of robbers. For the film “The Devil Wears Prada” 2 years later she played the role of a “Podium” specialist.

Giselle has so far refused to participate in other film projects (for example, the sequel to “Charlie’s Angels”), as she considers her modeling career to be a priority. A talented girl promotes her lingerie brand and eco-cosmetics line.

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The chic figure of Gisele Bündchen is a tribute to her origin: the model comes from the south of Brazil, from the small town of Horizontina, and this country is famous for its spectacular girls.

Tall growth predetermined Giselle's first hobbies. From her youth, she was fond of sports, played on the Sogip volleyball team and showed great hopes for a future sports career. Until one day she was noticed by Massimo Redelli, a scout for the Elite Modeling modeling agency, in a McDonald's cafe, where Gisele was having lunch with her classmates. At that time, Bündchen was only 14 years old. A representative of the agency immediately invited her to sign a contract, which the model first had to refuse at the insistence of her father. But soon the girl changed her mind. Perhaps the reason for this was the good fees that were promised to her from her very first steps in the modeling business.

Further events developed progressively. At the age of 17, she moved to America, where she began to intensively study English and get used to a new way of life. Soon he collaborates with such fashion houses as Ralph Lauren, Dolce&Gabbana, Versace, Valentino, Celine, Gianfranco Ferré, Chloé, and makes covers for Vogue, Marie Claire, Harper’s Bazaar, Arena, Allure, Rolling Stone. And there is no end in sight to this list! Already at the age of 19 she became the “model of the millennium” according to Vogue magazine.

What is the secret of Gisele Bündchen's success? It seems that her appearance, although impressive, is not ideal: this little nose with a hump, freckles all over her body (and no, we are not jealous! Well, maybe just a little). The answer is simple - its originality and spontaneity. She introduced new standards of beauty into fashion - not androgyny, but sexuality with rounded shapes, not a pale complexion and skin, but an appearance radiating beauty and health. The “just back from vacation” effect, by the way, was also the first to be applied by her: freckles, tan, flowing golden hair, as if still soaked in sea salt, a beautiful body and the main weapon – her incredible radiant smile.

Since 2000, Bündchen has been a Victoria's secret angel. “Plus one” to the list of her modeling victories!

Soon she entered the Guinness Book of Records as the highest paid model - her fortune at that time was estimated at $170 million. She launches a line of women's underwear called Gisele Intimates, of which she herself is the face.

We especially appreciate Gisele Bündchen for her kind heart. The model actively participates in charity, periodically puts up valuable lots for auction, and donates all proceeds to the appropriate funds. So, she once put up two diamond rings of 6 and 3.5 carats at a Christie’s auction, the proceeds from which went to the Diamond Empowerment Fund, a charitable organization that finances educational projects in African countries. Gisele donated $1.5 million to victims of the devastating earthquake in Haiti in 2010. In addition, Bündchen is a UN Goodwill Ambassador. And this is only a small part of her charitable activities!

More information about this field of activity can be found on its official website and on its social pages, which today’s birthday girl actively maintains.

  1. She dreams of becoming an actress and has already starred in 2 films: “New York Taxi” (2004) and “The Devil Wears Prada” (2006).
  2. The number of followers on Instagram is more than 5 million! Her official account is @giseleofficial.
  3. She dated Leonardo DiCaprio for 5 years. Their couple has been repeatedly recognized as “the most beautiful couple on the planet.”
  4. Gisele has a twin sister, Patricia, who is 5 minutes older than her. And 4 more sisters - Raquel, Graziela, Gabriela, Rafaela.

Interview with Gisele Bündchen: “My family comes first”

Gisele Bündchen is fantastically pretty. Moreover, both men and girls think so (which almost never happens). She is 35 years old, has two children, a perfect body, a football player husband, Tom Brady, and she knows better than anyone how and with what to seduce.

Horizontina, Rio Grande do Sul state in southern Brazil. Her ancestors are emigrants from Germany who settled here in the 19th century. As a teenager, Gisele dreamed of a professional sports career. She played on the Sogipa volleyball team. Gisele began her career as a fashion model at the age of 14. At this age, she went with friends to Sao Paulo, and this trip changed her life forever. She was sitting with her classmates at a local McDonald's when a representative of the Elite Modeling modeling agency sitting nearby noticed her. He immediately invited her to try herself in. At first she had to refuse, her father insisted on it. However, after weighing everything

Lauren" (English: Ralph Lauren), "Dolce and Gabbana" (Italian: Dolce&Gabbana), "Versace", "Valentino" (Italian: Valentino), "Celine" (French: Celine), "Gianfranco Ferré" ( Italian Gianfranco Ferre) and “Chloe” (French Chloe). She has appeared on the covers of such reputable publications as Vogue, Marie Claire, Harper's Bazaar, Arena, Allure, Rolling Stone, and this list is constantly growing. Gisele starred in two films: “New York Taxi” and “The Devil Wears Prada.” Gisele is a big fan of sweet popcorn, candies and creamy ice cream with various toppings, including syrup, chocolate, and canned fruit. The surprising thing is that this flaw, undeniable for a model, does not in any way affect her more than slender figure. Given Gisele's amazing figure and the work she has done in the fashion industry, Vogue has heralded the "return of the truly sexy model" as her appearance heralds the end of the era of the "skinny waif" style that Kate brought to fame. Moss.

Video Gisele Bundchen 1998-2004

special charity brand “(Product) Red”, a portion of the proceeds of which goes to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Previously, in 2006, she helped promote American Express' line of red credit cards, which donated a percentage of every payment to charity on the same label. In 2010, Gisele donated $1.5 million to help victims of the devastating earthquake in Haiti. On October 17, 2008, Gisele Bundchen worked as a waitress during Thanksgiving at the Goodwill Center in Boston.

engaged in education and employment. Since September 20, 2009, the model has been a UNEP Goodwill Ambassador; since then, Gisele has been covering environmental issues on her website and blog, including in the spirit of environmentalism. Giselle collaborates with many environmental organizations and projects, which include: "Agua Limpa" ("Clean Water") - a family project of Giselle aimed at restoring the Riparian forests, soil conservation and combating water pollution in the territories of the municipalities of Horizontina and Tucunduva in Rio -Grande do Sul. Rainforest Alliance (Bundchen is on the board

directors) - conservation of biodiversity. Ipanema is a line of Bündchen-designed sandals made from 99% recycled materials, with a portion of the proceeds going to the Florestas do Futuro (Forests of the Future) program to restore the Brazilian Amazon and Atlantic forests, as well as the TAMAR project to protect Brazilian sea turtles. The program made it possible to plant 25,000 shoots of 100 plant species, thereby greening an area of ​​15 hectares. Instituto Socioambiental (ISA) - water conservation projects Y Ikatu Xingu (Xingu River) and De Olho nos Mananciais (city of São Paulo). Nascentes do Brasil is a WWF Brazil project to protect and restore river catchments. In 2009, Gisele took part in the UN-organized public campaign Seal the Deal! for a fair climate decision at the Copenhagen Conference. In March 2010, Gisele and her husband joined the World Wildlife Fund initiative and called for participation in saving energy on Earth Day. In 2010, Gisele presented her line of environmental cosmetics for the face, Sejaa Pure Skincare.


  • Height - 180 cm
  • Weight - 60 kg
  • Chest - 86 cm
  • Waist - 61 cm
  • Hips - 86 cm
  • Hair color - light brown
  • Blue eyes
  • Clothing size - 34 (EU)
  • Shoe size - 39 (EU)