Zhytomyr National Agroecological University (Zhnau). Zhytomyr National Agroecological University (zhnau) Student self-government at the Zhytomyr National Agroecological University

general information

Zhytomyr National Agroecological University (ZNAU) - additional information about the higher education institution

general information

Zhytomyr National Agroecological University (ZhNAU) is a center of science and culture in the region, as well as a structural link in the system of continuous environmental education.

Zhytomyr National Agroecological University has 8 faculties:

Agronomic, agricultural management, veterinary medicine, economic, environmental, forestry, agricultural mechanization, technological.

The Zhytomyr National Agroecological University includes:

Institute of Regional Environmental Problems, Institute of Postgraduate Education and Information and Advisory Support, educational and experimental farm "Ukraine", experimental field, botanical garden, educational farm, educational and scientific center of cynology and felinology, information department, modern publishing center.

The educational process is provided by 45 departments and about 80 of their branches, including departments of environmental profile: general ecology, agroecology, environmental monitoring, environmental economics and ecosociology, forest ecology and land reclamation, technical services and environmental engineering, natural resource protection.

The main objectives of the Zhytomyr National Agroecological University:

Training of environmental specialists of high professional competence; organizing and conducting research on environmental issues; training of scientific and pedagogical personnel of highly qualified environmental profile; retraining and postgraduate training of managers and specialists; transformation into the European higher education system.

Zhytomyr National Agroecological University trains environmental personnel for the agricultural sector of the economy in the following specialties:

"Agronomy" (Faculty of Agronomy) "Technology of production and processing of livestock products" (Faculty of Technology) "Accounting and audit" (Faculty of Economics) "Finance" (Faculty of Economics) "Veterinary medicine" (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) "Agricultural mechanization" ( Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization) "Management of Organizations" (Faculty of Agricultural Management) "Management of Foreign Economic Activity" (Faculty of Agricultural Management) "Ecology and Environmental Protection" (Faculty of Ecology) "Jurisprudence" (Faculty of Ecology) "Forestry" (Faculty of Forestry ) "Construction and operation of buildings and structures" (Construction College) "Architecture of buildings and structures" (Construction College).

Training of scientific and pedagogical personnel at the Zhytomyr National Agroecological University is carried out through graduate school in 15 specialties.

At the Zhytomyr National Agroecological University there is a specialized academic council with the right to accept for consideration and defense of dissertations for the scientific degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences in the specialty "Ecology".

The Institute of Postgraduate Education and Information and Consulting Support provides retraining and postgraduate training for managers and specialists in the university's specialties, providing a second higher education in the specialty "Accounting and Auditing".

International relations of Zhytomyr National Agroecological University

Within the framework of international partnerships, the university cooperates with Russia, Germany, Sweden, Poland, Italy, USA, Great Britain, France, Denmark, and the Netherlands.

An important area of ​​international activity is providing students with the opportunity to study the latest agricultural technologies and organize private businesses while undergoing practical training in farms in the UK, Germany, France, Denmark, the Netherlands, Poland, Austria, and the USA.