Program version 1 with account. Regularly create copies of infobases

Among the variety of software products for economic and accounting purposes presented on the domestic market today, the 1C system is one of the confident leaders. Thanks to such qualities as functional flexibility, adaptability to the requirements of domestic legislation, ease of use, and the possibility of flexible configuration taking into account the characteristics of a particular enterprise, it is winning more and more users. It is no secret that in the labor market among economists, financial service workers, accountants and managers, the most in demand are specialists who are fluent in working with the 1C program, so familiarity with it is one of the important conditions for successful professional activity.

The version of the 1C: Accounting program, the description of which we offer the reader, is the latest development of the 1C company. Despite maintaining conceptual continuity with previous versions, it is a qualitatively new product that allows you to solve a variety of problems: maintaining management and accounting records, creating analytical reporting, solving planning and financial analysis problems, using multiple charts of accounts, maintaining multi-currency accounting. The program also implements a number of other new functions that significantly facilitate the work of financial workers and meet the most stringent and current requirements of today.


It is possible that in the process of studying the program the reader will discover some discrepancy between the contents of this book and what he sees on the monitor screen (after all, the 1C program is constantly being improved and refined). But in any case, these differences will not be of a fundamental nature.

In this book, we propose to complete a comprehensive training course in working with the 1C program using 100 lessons, divided into thematic chapters. As you progress through each chapter, the reader will become fully proficient in the relevant techniques and methods of working with the program. Note that the capabilities of the configuration under consideration include maintaining both accounting and tax accounting. But since, from a technical point of view, many accounting and tax accounting operations are identical or very similar, in the book we will demonstrate techniques and methods of work using the example of accounting, and where necessary, give appropriate explanations.

Chapter 1
Getting to know the program and preparing it for work

In this chapter we will look at how to launch the program, create an information base, connect the “Accounting” configuration and its preliminary configuration. All these actions are performed immediately after installing the program, since without them its operation is in principle impossible. In addition, here we will talk about the capabilities of the “Accounting” configuration under consideration, its operating modes, as well as how to quickly enter initial data using the “Start Assistant”.

Lesson #1.

General information about products of the 1C family

The 1C company has long and firmly occupied a leading position in the market for economic, financial and accounting software. Currently, the company offers a wide range of software designed to solve a wide variety of accounting and management problems.

At its core, any 1C software product is a complex use of a technology platform and one or more configurations. The technological platform is the basis on which the use of the program is based, and the configuration specifies the direction of this use. In other words, the 1C technology platform is a kind of “framework” on which one or more configurations are “strung”.

Today, 1C offers products based on two technology platforms - versions 1C 7.7 and 1C 8. "Seven" has been known for quite a long time and is probably the most widespread product in its market segment. As for the G8, its active promotion began several years ago, and currently it is also one of the most popular software tools.

The capabilities of the programs of the 1C 7.7 family include the establishment, organization and automation of accounting, personnel, operational trading, warehouse and production accounting, as well as payroll calculations. The comprehensive delivery includes a set of main components of the 1C:Enterprise system, which are “Accounting”, “Operational Accounting” and “Calculation”, as well as the main configurations:

"Accounting + Trade + Warehouse + Salaries + Personnel";


"Trade + Warehouse";

"Salary + Personnel";

"Production + Services + Accounting";

"Financial planning".

The user can use integrated delivery configurations either individually (linking them through data exchange mechanisms) or together. However, you can purchase configurations separately (for example, only “Accounting” or “Trade + warehouse”).

Note that the most powerful application solution created on the basis of the 1C 7.7 technology platform is the “Accounting + Trade + Warehouse + Salary + Personnel” configuration.

However, at present, more and more users of the 1C system are choosing products implemented on the basis of the 1C 8 technology platform. Developers offer a wide range of standard solutions:

"1C: Accounting 8";

"1C: Trade Management 8";

"1C: Salaries and personnel management 8";

"1C: Integrated Automation 8";

"1C: Payment documents 8", etc.

You can find out more about standard solutions from 1C on its websites at and And in this book we will consider one of the most popular standard solutions created on the basis of the 1C 8 technology platform - the 1C: Accounting 8 configuration.

Lesson No. 2. Purpose and functionality of the program “1C: Accounting 8”

One of the key advantages of the configuration under consideration is the flexibility of the platform, which allows the program to be widely used in a wide variety of areas. Implemented mechanisms for accounting for cash flows, fixed assets and intangible assets, production, commercial and other types of costs, other assets and liabilities of the enterprise open up wide opportunities for management accounting and go far beyond traditional accounting standards.

The tasks solved using the 1C: Accounting 8 program can be formulated as follows:

Comprehensive automation of economic, organizational and financial activities of an enterprise;

Parallel maintenance of accounting and tax accounting;

Using the mechanism of standard operations;

Accounting for enterprise funds;

Accounting for banking and cash transactions;

Accounting for the movement of inventory items;

Accounting for settlements with counterparties;

Accounting for warehouse operations;

Production accounting;

Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets;

Accounting for wages and settlements with personnel;

Maintaining personnel records;

Setting up, generating and printing financial statements according to forms approved by regulations of the Russian Federation;

Maintaining multi-currency accounting;

Construction of various analytical reports.

In addition to those listed, using the configuration under consideration, a number of other tasks can be solved, the presence of which may be determined by the specifics of a particular enterprise.

Lesson No. 3. Running a program

After the program is installed, its program group will be created in the Start menu. The 1C Enterprise team is intended to launch the program. For ease of use, it is recommended to display the launch shortcut on the desktop using standard operating system tools.

When the program starts, a window appears on the screen (Fig. 1.1).

Rice. 1.1. Starting the program

In this window, you can select the required operating mode, as well as the information base. The 1C program can function in two modes:



The required mode is selected by clicking the corresponding button in this window. We will learn more about what each mode of operation of the 1C program is when we complete the corresponding lesson.

The central part of the program launch window contains a list of infobases. When you first start the program, this list may contain an information base with a demo configuration; This base is included in the delivery package and is intended for preliminary acquaintance with the system. The information base is selected by clicking on the corresponding list position. You can add new ones to the list or edit and delete existing infobases (we’ll talk about how to do this later).

The path to the infobase directory where the cursor is installed is displayed at the bottom of the window.

The procedure for starting the program is as follows: first, you need to click on the information base in the launch window, and then click the 1C:Enterprise or Configurator button (depending on the mode in which you want to start the program).

Lesson No. 4. Operating modes of “1C:Enterprise” and “Configurator”

As we already know from the previous lesson, the 1C program can function in two main modes: 1C: Enterprise and Configurator. The required mode is selected by clicking the corresponding button in the launch window.

1C:Enterprise mode is the operating mode of the program in accordance with its purpose. In other words, it is in 1C:Enterprise mode that accountants, financiers, managers and other users of the program work.

As for the Configurator mode, it is intended for setting up and administering the program. Here configuration objects are created and edited, interfaces and dialog boxes are configured, the appearance and contents of the printed form of documents are determined, and a number of other actions are performed to set up and configure the system. In most cases, the administrator works with the Configurator, since it requires specific knowledge.

We will not consider program configuration issues, since a separate book is needed to cover this topic. Moreover, it is not recommended for the average user to make changes to the Configurator on their own (unskilled editing of it can violate the integrity of the data, and generally lead to unpredictable consequences). The only thing we will do in the Configurator mode is to connect the “Accounting” configuration to the technology platform. (see lesson № 6).

Note that some simple and accessible settings have been moved to the 1C:Enterprise operating mode. The user can edit these parameters independently (it is recommended that the system administrator be notified). We will learn how this is done when we complete the corresponding lesson.

Lesson No. 5. Working with information bases (creating, selecting, deleting)

To start using the program, when you first launch it, you need to create an information base with which you will work (all data will be stored there). To switch to the infobase creation mode, you must click the Add button in the program launch window (see Fig. 1.1). As a result, the window shown in Fig. 1 will open on the screen. 1.2.

Rice. 1.2. The first stage of adding an information base

In this window, using the switch, you need to indicate how the information base should be created. If you are just starting to work with the 1C program, and no information bases have been created until now, then you need to set the switch to the Create a new information base position in order to create a new empty database for subsequent work. The second option is intended for connecting a previously created information base.

To move to the next step, click Next.

When creating a new information base, a window will appear on the screen, which is shown in Fig. 1.3.

Rice. 1.3. Choosing a method for creating an information base

If you need to create an infobase based on an existing template (for example, based on a demo configuration), you need to set the switch to the Create infobase from template position. In this case, a list of available configurations and templates will be displayed below, where you need to select the required position with a mouse click and click Next.

If you select the second option (lower position of the switch), an information base without configuration will be created. It will be possible to subsequently connect the required configuration from the corresponding file to it (we will consider the procedure for connecting the “Accounting” configuration later).

Rice. 1.4. Entering the name and type of infobase location

In the Specify the name of the infobase field, you need to enter an arbitrary name of the database to be created using the keyboard. Under this name, the infobase will subsequently be displayed in the list of infobases in the program launch window (see Fig. 1.1).

Using the switch below, you need to indicate where the created database will be located. In most cases, this is either a computer or a local network, so by default the switch is set to On this computer or on a computer on the local network. After clicking the Next button, the window shown in Fig. 1 will open on the screen. 1.5.

Rice. 1.5. Path to the infobase directory

This window specifies the path to the directory in which the infobase files will be stored. The figure shows the default path offered by the program. To change it, click the selection button (with three dots) located at the end of this field. As a result, the Select Directory window will open, in which, according to the usual Windows rules, the required path is indicated (if necessary, you can create a new directory).

In the Language (Country) field, select the language of the created infobase from the drop-down list. By default, this field is set to Russian (Russia).

The process of creating an information base is completed by clicking the Finish button in this window.

To change the parameters of the infobase, you need to select it in the launch window (see Fig. 1.1) by clicking the mouse and clicking the Edit button, and then make the required adjustments in a step-by-step mode.

Deleting infobases is also carried out in the program launch window. To do this, select the database to be deleted by clicking the mouse and clicking the Delete button. In this case, the program will issue an additional request to confirm the deletion operation.

Remember that to operate the program you must have at least one infobase.

Lesson No. 6. Connecting the “Accounting” configuration

As we noted earlier, the 1C: Accounting 8 program consists of two key components: a technology platform and a configuration. During the installation of the program, a technological platform is installed on the computer, to which the required configuration is subsequently connected (for example, “Trade Management”, “Human Resources Management” or, as in our case, “Accounting”).

The configuration file is included in the system delivery package, has a cf extension and is connected via the Configurator.

This is done as follows.

In the program launch window (see Fig. 1.1), click on the name of the previously created infobase and click the Configurator button. As a result, the program window will open in the Configurator operating mode (Fig. 1.6).

Rice. 1.6. Program window in Configurator operating mode

The first thing to do in this mode is to execute the main menu command Configuration | Open configuration. As a result, the Configuration window will open on the left side of the interface (Fig. 1.7).

Rice. 1.7. Opening the Configuration window

Now execute the main menu command Configuration | Load the configuration from the file (Fig. 1.8).

Rice. 1.8. Selecting the configuration load command

Please note that this command becomes available only when the Configuration window is open (see Fig. 1.7). When it is activated, the Select configuration file window shown in Fig. is displayed on the screen. 1.9.

Rice. 1.9. Selecting a configuration file

In this window you need to specify the path to the configuration file, select this file with a mouse click and click the Open button. Immediately after this, the configuration download process will begin. Information about the progress of this process will be displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the Configurator window (Fig. 1.10).

Rice. 1.10. Configuration download progress information

Please note that the process of loading a configuration from a file may take a long time, especially when working on a low-power computer.

Once the download is complete, the program will prompt you to update the database configuration (Fig. 1.11).

This request should be answered in the affirmative. Information about the progress of the update process will also be displayed in the status bar. In this case, the program will issue another request to accept the configuration changes, which should also be answered positively (otherwise the update will not be completed).

After updating the database configuration, the title of the Configurator window should display the name and version of the loaded configuration. This will confirm that the configuration connection has been completed correctly.

Now you can switch to the 1C:Enterprise operating mode and start using the program.

Lesson No. 7. Description of basic user interfaces

The 1C: Accounting 8 program has its own user interface for each operating mode. Actually, there is nothing unusual about this - this approach is practiced in most Windows applications. For example, some interfaces are provided for entering data, others for selecting objects, others for viewing a list of objects, etc. In this lesson we will get acquainted with the main interfaces of 1C: Accounting 8. Any user of the program has to deal with them in the 1C:Enterprise operating mode.

After launching the program, its main window will be displayed on the screen, which is shown in Fig. 1.12.

Rice. 1.12. Main program window

It is here that the user determines his further actions by choosing the appropriate operating mode. This can be done using the main menu, toolbar, or using the function bar located in the central part of the interface.

The selection of objects for further work is carried out in the selection or list interfaces. For example, to switch to the mode of working with any directory, you need to select it in the selection window (Fig. 1.13), which is called up on the screen using the main menu command Operations | Directories.

Rice. 1.13. Sample selection interface

In this window, you need to select the required object by clicking the mouse and press the OK button or the .

Also, selecting objects for viewing or editing can be done in the list interfaces. A typical example is working with documents. When you activate the corresponding command, a list window opens on the screen (Fig. 1.14), in which you select a document for further work.

Rice. 1.14. Example of a list window (receipt cash orders)


At the beginning of operation of the program with a newly created empty infobase, all interfaces in the list will be empty, i.e. there will not be a single item in them.

The list window contains a list of relevant positions (documents, organizations, counterparties, etc.). For each list item, general information is shown in the corresponding columns: date and document number, counterparty for the document, amount, type of transaction, etc. (this is determined by the specific operating mode).

It is worth noting that the operating procedure in different list interfaces is largely similar. In other words, in the list window of cash orders, and in the list window of bank documents, and in the list window of documents for receipt of goods, and in many other similar operating modes, there are a number of similar, standard actions designed to perform certain operations. These actions are accessed using the corresponding commands in the Actions menu, which is opened by clicking the button in the upper left corner of the list window.

Let's take a closer look at these commands, since when operating the program, most of them have to be used constantly. Along the way, we will get acquainted with several more typical program interfaces (filter settings, data display, etc.).

Add. Using this command, you switch to the mode of forming a new position. When it is executed, an input and editing window opens on the screen. The Add command can also be activated by pressing the key .

Copy. The command is intended to create a new position based on an existing one (namely, based on the one on which the cursor is placed in the list). This command is convenient to use when creating several positions of the same type, in which most of the details are the same. The Copy command is also called by pressing the key .

And again this topic! Today I decided to specifically highlight this issue, since it is very common among users, or rather potential users of 1C Accounting. After reading this article, I highly recommend reading about the differences between Simplified and Enterprise Accounting - also a very common topic.

A lot of people type the request on Google or Yandex "What is the difference between 1C Accounting and 1C Enterprise?". As a rule, these are people who want "learn 1C", but are not yet sure where to start. You can answer the question about the differences between 1C Enterprise and 1C Accounting briefly and in detail. Let me do both.


What is the difference between 1C Accounting and 1C Enterprise - in a nutshell

1C Accounting is one of the configurations 1C Enterprise.

If you want to learn 1C Accounting, then look first for courses on 1C Accounting! Otherwise, you will constantly come across unnecessary information.

The difference between 1C Accounting and 1C Enterprise - if you are not too lazy to read

1C company created technology platform entitled . This is a program that has a built-in programming language, also created by 1C. In this 1C language, programmers write so-called configurations, that is, application solutions designed for various types of activities.

1C Enterprise is “tailored” specifically to solving problems of automating business processes. Each application solution in 1C Enterprise is called a configuration. The 1C Enterprise platform itself is a kind of base on which everything is based. A platform without a specific configuration can’t do anything, that is, you won’t be able to do accounting or anything else in it.

But in the configurations, everything is already adapted to solve specific problems. There are a lot of configurations themselves. There are standard ones, produced by 1C itself, and there are also “homemade” ones, created from standard ones by alteration to the needs of a specific organization. There are also configurations created completely from scratch.

For example, I once wrote for my own use a configuration for managing household finances (similar to 1C Money, but I developed it exclusively for my own needs).

So I’ll repeat it again - 1C Accounting is just one of the 1C Enterprise configurations designed for accounting. Pose a question "How does 1C Accounting differ from 1C Enterprise?" incorrect. It's like comparing warm with round! When resolving the issue " what to study?"The configuration is selected.

There was an important part of the article, but without JavaScript it is not visible!

The versatility of 1C Accounting

If the enterprise is large, then, as a rule, in addition to 1C Accounting, other 1C Enterprise configurations are used. For example, HR officers will work in “Salaries and HR Management” and so on. If the company is small, then one 1C Accounting is quite enough.

Video review of the differences between the 1C Enterprise platform and the specific 1C Accounting configuration

Video commentary on a typical mistake, namely, confusion between the 1C:Enterprise technology platform and the configurations built on it.

Let's sum it up

I hope that you now understand how 1C Accounting is “different” from 1C Enterprise! We can talk about all this for a very long time, but I think that what has been written is quite enough to put an end to this issue.

If it turns out that you still need 1C Accounting, then you can study it in my individual courses via Skype. See information about 1C courses on this website.

“1C: Accounting 8” is the most popular accounting program that can take accounting automation to a whole new level. A convenient product and services connected to it will allow you to effectively perform the tasks of the accounting department of any business.

1C is continuously improving its software and services in order to offer a modern and universal accounting solution that meets user expectations.

What is “1C: Accounting 8”?

“1C: Accounting 8” is a professional accountant’s tool with which you can keep records, prepare and submit mandatory reports. The program combines all the achievements of previous versions and new solutions based on the experience of working together with numerous users and partners of the 1C company.

Clear accounting in accordance with legislation and business needs, saving time when making settlements with counterparties, processing documents and business transactions, effective user support combined with high comfort of work - these are just some of the key features of 1C: Accounting 8.


Advantages of the 1C:Accounting 8 program

Suitable for your business. The accounting program can be used in any commercial structure, regardless of the type of activity and scale - from individual entrepreneurs without employees to multi-industry holdings. “1C: Accounting 8” allows you to keep records in companies engaged in wholesale, retail, commission and online trade, contract work, professional and personal services, manufacturing, and construction.

Various taxation systems are supported. Accounting is carried out in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The 1C company closely monitors changes and innovations in the legal field, improving and updating the program in accordance with legal requirements.

Several versions to choose from. Use the version of the program that best suits your business needs.

“1C: Accounting 8. Basic version” is a ready-made solution for automating accounting and tax accounting on one computer. There are specialized options for aspiring entrepreneurs and small businesses:

  • “1C: Simplified 8” - pre-configured for accounting according to the simplified tax system;
  • “1C:Entrepreneur 2015” - with a simple interface designed for entrepreneurs who keep records on their own and do not have knowledge in the accounting field;
  • “1C: Accounting for 1” is the most affordable version of the program, designed for one enterprise or individual entrepreneur with “linking” to the user’s tax identification number.

“1C: Accounting 8 PROF” is a professional solution for stable and growing businesses with the ability to operate multi-user, including via the Internet, the ability to configure and support a web client.

“1C: Accounting 8 KORP” is the version with the widest functionality, including accounting for separate divisions.

For those who want to explore the capabilities of the program before purchasing it, “1C: Accounting 8. Educational version” is intended. This program has a number of technical limitations and is not suitable for full-fledged accounting.

There is a simple transition from one version to another with full preservation of accumulated data. For example, as your business grows, you can quickly and on preferential terms switch from the basic version to 1C: Accounting 8 PROF.

Quick to learn, easy to use. The system of hints built into 1C:Accounting 8 works as a tutorial and allows you to get started right away. Hints will help you correctly fill out company information and set up accounting parameters. After completing the initial settings, a significant part of the data in the documents is filled in automatically, saving you time and minimizing the number of errors. When preparing reports, special algorithms will automatically check the correctness of the source documents, the completeness of filling out the reporting forms, and even check the control relationships between the forms using the Federal Tax Service method.

Flexibility and customization. The accounting program implements accounting schemes that are used in most organizations. At the same time, “1C: Accounting 8” provides flexible settings for the individual characteristics of the business and the accounting principles adopted by the company. The program allows you to create new directories and change the forms of documents, text, tabular and graphic reports.

Convenient preparation and sending of reports. The program includes regulated reports for submission to regulatory government agencies. Accounting statements, tax returns and calculations, reports to social extra-budgetary funds, reporting on personalized accounting to the Pension Fund, statistical reporting, tax certificates are easily generated and uploaded electronically. The accountant's built-in calendar will help you prepare the necessary reports on time, and the built-in 1C-Reporting functionality will ensure that they are sent to the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Social Insurance Fund and Rosstat directly from the 1C: Accounting 8 program.

The 1C Accounting 8 software product consists of the 1C Enterprise 8 technology platform and the Enterprise Accounting 8 configuration.

The 1C Accounting 8 program was created to automate accounting and tax accounting. Suitable for various enterprises:

  • trading companies (wholesale, retail, commission trade),
  • organizations involved in the service sector,
  • production organizations.

Accounting and tax accounting in the 1C Accounting 8 program is carried out in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The 1C Accounting 8 program allows you to write out basic primary documents.

“1C Accounting 8” includes a chart of accounts that complies with the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation “On approval of the chart of accounts for accounting of financial and economic activities of organizations and instructions for its application.” The composition of accounts, the organization of analytical, currency, and quantitative accounting on accounts comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on accounting and reporting of data in reporting. If necessary, users have the opportunity to independently create additional subaccounts and analytical accounting sections.

Accounting “from document” and standard operations

The main method of reflecting business transactions in accounting is to enter configuration documents similar to primary documents. The user can directly enter individual transactions. You can also use group entry of transactions. This tool is called “standard operations”, setting it up is not difficult.

Maintaining accounting records for several organizations

The 1C Accounting 8 program makes it possible to use a common information base for maintaining accounting and tax records for several organizations - legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs. This is very convenient, especially if the economic activities of these enterprises are closely related to each other. Users can use general lists of goods, contractors, employees, warehouses (storage locations), etc., and generate accounting and tax reporting separately for each organization.

Inventory accounting

Accounting for goods, materials and finished products is carried out in accordance with PBU 5/01 “Accounting for inventories” and guidelines for its application.

The following methods of assessing inventories upon disposal are supported:

  • at average cost,
  • at the cost of the first inventory items acquired in time (FIFO method).

To support FIFO valuation methods, batch accounting is maintained in inventory accounts. Different assessment methods can be applied independently for each organization. In the accounting and tax accounting of an organization, the methods for assessing inventories are the same.

Inventory control

Quantitative or quantitative-total accounting can be maintained for warehouses. In the first case, the valuation of goods and materials for accounting and tax purposes does not depend on the warehouse from which they were received. Warehouse accounting can be disabled if it is not needed.

In the 1C Accounting 8 program, inventory data is recorded, which is automatically verified with accounting data. Based on the inventory, the identification of surpluses and write-off of shortages is reflected.

Accounting for trade transactions

The program automates the accounting of transactions of receipt and sale of goods and services. When selling goods, invoices for payment are issued, delivery notes and invoices are drawn up. All wholesale trade transactions are accounted for in terms of contracts with buyers and suppliers. For imported goods, data on the country of origin and the customs declaration number are taken into account.

For retail trade, both operational reflection of retail sales and reflection of sales based on inventory results are supported. Retail goods can be accounted for at purchase or sales prices. For retail sales, payments with bank loans and the use of payment cards are supported.

1C Accounting 8 supports the use of several types of prices, for example: wholesale, small wholesale, retail, purchasing, etc. This simplifies the reflection of receipt and sales transactions.
Accounting for commission trade

Accounting for commission trade has been automated, both in relation to goods taken on commission (from the consignor) and transferred for further sale (to the commission agent). Reflection of transactions on transfer of goods to subcommission is supported. When generating a report to the principal or registering a commission agent’s report, you can immediately make a calculation and reflect the deduction of the commission.

Accounting for agency agreements

The 1C Accounting 8 program implements accounting for agency services on the part of the agent (provision of services on his own behalf, but at the expense of the principal) and on the part of the principal (provision of services through the agent).

Accounting for cash transactions

Accounting for the movement of cash and non-cash funds and foreign exchange transactions has been implemented. It supports entering and printing payment orders, incoming and outgoing cash orders. Transactions for settlements with suppliers, buyers and accountable persons are automated (including transferring funds to employee bank cards or corporate bank cards), depositing cash into a current account and receiving cash by cash check, purchasing and selling foreign currency. When recording transactions, payment amounts are automatically divided into advance and payment.
Based on incoming and outgoing cash orders, a cash book of the established form is formed.
Data exchange with programs such as “Bank Client” has been implemented.

Accounting for settlements with counterparties

Accounting for settlements with suppliers and customers can be carried out in rubles, conventional units and foreign currency. Exchange differences for each transaction are calculated automatically. Settlements with counterparties in the configuration are always carried out accurate to the settlement document. When preparing receipt and sales documents, you can use both general prices for all counterparties and individual prices for a specific contract.

Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets

Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets is carried out in accordance with PBU 6/01 “Accounting for fixed assets” and PBU 14/2007 “Accounting for intangible assets”. All basic accounting operations are automated: receipt, acceptance for accounting, depreciation, modernization, transfer, write-off, inventory. It is possible to distribute the amounts of accrued depreciation for a month among several accounts or objects of analytical accounting. For fixed assets used seasonally, it is possible to use depreciation schedules.

Accounting for main and auxiliary production

Automated calculation of the cost of products and services produced by the main and auxiliary production, accounting for the processing of customer-supplied raw materials, accounting for workwear, special equipment, inventory and household supplies. During the month, accounting for released finished products is carried out at the planned cost, and at the end of the month the actual cost of manufactured products and services provided is calculated.

Accounting for indirect costs

The program has the ability to account for various expenses that are not directly related to the production of products, the provision of work, services - indirect costs. At the end of the month, indirect expenses are automatically written off.

To account for general business expenses, the use of the “direct costing” method is supported. This method provides that general business expenses are written off in the month they are incurred and are fully charged to the expenses of the current period. If the organization does not use the direct costing method, then general business expenses are distributed between the cost of manufactured products and work in progress.
When writing off indirect costs, it is possible to use various methods of distribution among product groups (services). For indirect costs, the following distribution bases are possible:

  • output volume,
  • planned cost,
  • salary,
  • material costs,
  • revenue,
  • direct costs,
  • individual items of direct costs.

VAT accounting

Accounting for value added tax is implemented in accordance with the norms of Chapter. 21 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Purchase and sales books in 1C Accounting 8 are filled out automatically. The program monitors complex business situations in accounting for VAT during sales using a 0% VAT rate, during construction using an economic method, as well as when an organization performs the duties of a tax agent. Amounts of VAT on indirect costs in accordance with Art. 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation can be distributed among sales transactions subject to VAT and exempt from VAT.
To control the procedure for performing routine operations, the program has a “VAT Accounting Assistant”.

Payroll accounting, personnel and personalized accounting

“1C Accounting 8” keeps records of personnel movements, including records of employees at the main place of work and part-time, while internal part-time work is supported optionally, that is, support can be turned off if this is not accepted at the enterprise. The formation of unified forms for labor legislation is ensured.


  • calculating wages to employees of the enterprise based on salary with the ability to indicate the method of reflection in accounting separately for each type of accrual;
  • maintaining mutual settlements with employees up to the payment of wages and transferring wages to employees’ card accounts;
  • deposit;
  • calculation of taxes and contributions regulated by law, the taxable base of which is the wages of employees of organizations;
  • generation of relevant reports (on personal income tax, unified social tax, contributions to the Pension Fund), including preparation of reports for the personalized accounting system of the Pension Fund.

To simplify the work with HR and payroll records, the “Payroll Assistant” has been implemented.

The 1C Accounting 8 program supports different taxation systems:

  • general taxation system (income tax for organizations in accordance with Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • simplified taxation system (Chapter 26.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • taxation system in the form of UTII (Chapter 26.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • Personal income tax for individual entrepreneurs (in accordance with Chapter 23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Tax accounting for income tax

Tax accounting for income tax is carried out on the same accounts as accounting. This simplifies the comparison of accounting and tax accounting data and compliance with the requirements of PBU 18/02 “Accounting for income tax calculations.” Based on tax accounting data, tax registers and income tax returns are automatically generated.

Simplified taxation system

The accounting of economic activities of organizations and individual entrepreneurs using a simplified taxation system has been automated. Tax accounting under the simplified tax system is carried out in accordance with Chapter. 26.2 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The following tax objects are supported:

  • income,
  • income reduced by expenses.

The book of income and expenses is generated automatically.

Accounting for activities subject to a single tax on imputed income

Regardless of whether an organization uses the simplified tax system or the general taxation system, some types of its activities may be subject to a single tax on imputed income (UTI). “1C Accounting 8” provides for the separation of accounting for income and expenses associated with activities subject to and non-taxation of UTII. Expenses that cannot be attributed to a specific type of activity at the time they are incurred can be distributed automatically at the end of the period.

Accounting for income and expenses of individual entrepreneurs – personal income tax payers

Accounting for income and expenses of individual entrepreneurs applying the general taxation system is carried out in accordance with the Procedure for accounting for income, expenses, and business transactions for individual entrepreneurs, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2002 No. 86n/BG-3-04/430, Chapters 23 and 25 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
A book of accounting of income and expenses and business transactions is automatically generated in the form approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2002 No. 86n/BG-3-04/430, and a personal income tax return.

Final operations of the month

Routine operations performed at the end of the month are automated, including currency revaluation, write-off of deferred expenses, determination of financial results, and others.

Standard Accounting Reports

The 1C Accounting 8 program provides the user with a set of standard reports that allow analysis of balances and turnover of accounting accounts in various sections. When generating reports, the user has the ability to configure grouping, selection and sorting of information displayed in the report, based on the specifics of the organization’s activities and the functions performed by the user.

Regulated reporting

“1C Accounting 8” includes all the necessary forms of accounting and tax reporting, reports, as well as reports for statistical authorities and government funds.

It is possible to upload accounting and tax reporting to a file for submission in electronic form. Also, the 1C Accounting 8 program supports the technology of applying a two-dimensional barcode to tax declaration sheets.

To submit to the Pension Fund of Russia data on the calculated insurance period and paid insurance premiums, personalized records of employees are kept. The corresponding reports can also be recorded on magnetic media.

Today, the accounting procedure has been simplified as much as possible through the use of various automated systems. The leader in the development of products of this type is the domestic company 1C.

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It offers its clients several varieties of its products, the most popular and popular in this area is “Accounting and Enterprise”.

This product has its advantages and disadvantages. At the same time, an organization or an individual entrepreneur often makes a choice in favor of one product.

What you need to know

Today, accounting is a rather complex procedure, since the legislation in force in the Russian Federation is complex and is updated annually.

That is why manually implementing all kinds of calculations, as well as other procedures related to accounting, is quite problematic.

This was the reason for the creation of specialized software that fully automates settlement operations.

The most popular applications of this type today are:

  • 1C: Enterprise;
  • 1c accounting.

Thanks to this software, the likelihood of making any errors in the accounting process is minimal.

This is especially important, since the presence of inaccuracies can lead to the imposition of fines by the tax service and a desk audit.

At the same time, the software products under consideration have a similar list of functions, but there are also significant differences between them.

To make the right choice in favor of one of the applications, it is imperative to understand the following important questions:

  • basic concepts;
  • used by whom;
  • normative base.

Basic Concepts

Everyone who is somehow related to the use of the software products in question needs to understand the following list of important terms in as much detail as possible:

  • product configuration;
  • localized versions;
  • licensing;
  • Technical information;
  • applied solutions.

Product configuration refers to any application solution that was developed on the basis of the 1C: Enterprise product.

In fact, products of this kind are separate accounting functions that are an integral part of 1C: Enterprise.

The list of such functions is quite large, its main purpose is to reduce the cost of software, as well as the ability to avoid the need to overpay for unnecessary functions.

Today 1C provides the following application solutions:

  1. Accounting.
  2. Trade and warehouse.
  3. Salary and personnel.
  4. Comprehensive automation.

Each component has a specific list of functions that are necessary for maintaining a certain type of record.

The term “localized version” means a copy of the product adapted for a particular region, taking into account the legislation in force in its territory.

At the moment, 1C has created and adapted software products for the following countries - the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine and many other CIS countries.

Licensing refers to the agreement on the basis of which the products of the type in question are used.

It is necessary to purchase a 1C license for the following products - the number of users, any configuration used, server station, if necessary.

Used by

Software products of this type are used to implement the following tasks:

  • accounting;
  • maintaining trade records;
  • preparation of salary and personnel documentation.

Initially, programs of this type were positioned as applications for maintaining only accounting records. But today they are also used to implement various other tasks.

“1C: Enterprise and Accounting” is used, as well as other application solutions by everyone who needs to carry out accounting.

These are employees occupying the following positions:

  • accountants and accountants;
  • HR department employees;
  • storekeepers;
  • enterprise managers.

Today, not a single more or less large enterprise can do without such software products. Since maintaining records manually takes a lot of time and is also very difficult.

“1C: Enterprise” allows you to simplify this task as much as possible, thus completing the maximum number of calculations with the least amount of time.

Moreover, this kind of software can be used not only by enterprises, but also by individual entrepreneurs.

Normative base

A distinctive feature of this program is the ability to avoid violations of current legislation regarding record keeping.

Since the creators of 1C: Enterprise carefully monitor changes and release the necessary updates in a timely manner.

The software product indicated above carries out calculations and operates taking into account the following regulatory framework:

  1. – the payment of taxes by individual entrepreneurs using the patent system is taken into account.
  2. – implementation of accounting using a simplified taxation system.
  3. – maintaining income tax records.
  4. – accounting is carried out using VAT.
  5. – sales of inventories.

The program contains all the necessary forms for creating reports of various types. That is why the reporting procedure, as well as all other operations, are simplified as much as possible.

Also, all provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations must be taken into account.

If necessary, the user of a licensed copy has the right to receive the most detailed consultation from 1C company specialists absolutely free of charge.

What is the difference between 1C: Accounting and 1C: Enterprise

Many people unfamiliar with this product are wondering: what is the difference between 1C: Accounting and 1C: Enterprise?

These are primarily components of the same product. Therefore, using the term “differences” is not entirely correct.

Despite this, it is worth understanding the following important questions in as much detail as possible:

  • What are the main differences?
  • product benefits;
  • what are the shortcomings?

What are the differences?

You need to understand what the main purpose of these products is in order to understand how 1C: Accounting differs from 1C: Enterprise. The biggest difference between these two products is functionality.

Thus, “1C: Enterprise” allows you to work with accounting in the warehouse, accounting department, and human resources department. In fact, the program labeled “Enterprise” is a real accounting combine.

By purchasing it, the owner almost completely relieves himself of the difficulties of keeping records in production. All processes are automated as much as possible, the need to do anything manually completely disappears.

At the same time, “1C: Accounting” is intended to solve the following problems:

  • maintaining a chart of accounts;
  • maintaining tax records;
  • preparation of mandatory regulatory documentation.

This product includes a chart of accounts that fully complies

At the same time, users can completely independently create all kinds of additional sub-accounts, as well as sections of analytical accounting.

In fact, the only difference between Accounting and an enterprise is that the first product simply represents one of the application solutions of the Enterprise, its integral part.

The purpose of creating “1C: Accounting” was to reduce the cost of products for a certain segment of buyers who only need the function of automated accounting.

At the same time, “Personnel”, “Warehouse” and everything else are not required for some reason. Usually they purchase “Individual Entrepreneur Accounting”.

Product benefits

Products of this type have a very large number of different advantages. The most important ones include:

  • constant updating by developers (new versions always comply with the latest legal standards);
  • if necessary, you can get an answer to any question from a professional consultant by phone;
  • There are localizations for a large number of different countries;
  • a high level of protection is used, even if desired, an attacker will not be able to access the information available in the database;
  • the ability to fully automate an enterprise of any size using the flagship version of Enterprise Management ERP.

The most important advantage of this product is that there is no need to closely monitor changes in legislation; it is enough to activate the automatic update service, which will make it possible to avoid even the possibility of making errors in calculations.

With the help of 1C: Enterprise, you can significantly reduce the administrative staff. Since only one can handle tasks that previously required several employees.

What are the disadvantages

Despite the large number of advantages, the software product of this type has some disadvantages.

The most important ones include the following:

  • a powerful anti-piracy system may create some difficulties for less experienced integrators;
  • latest versions require the use of special electronic keys;
  • There are architectural restrictions:
  1. The database size for some versions cannot be more than 1-2 GB.
  2. In version 8.x there is a problem with the presentation of modal windows on the screen.
  • high cost when purchasing software through intermediaries (the margin sometimes reaches 50%).