Jam made from pitted cherries. Cherry jam without seeds

This is an aromatic and tasty jam that will delight you during the cold season and give you a pleasant taste sensation. This dessert will wonderfully complement any sweet table and will become a desirable dish at any tea party. To add a certain “zest” to cherry jam, you can additionally use mint or lemon balm leaves. If you have a few cherry leaves, you can add them for flavor. The resulting jam from pitted cherries is thick, aromatic, not very sweet, but very tasty. A pleasant cherry sourness remains. And if you prefer cherries with pits or simply don’t have time for the lengthy procedure of extracting them, see the recipe. This cherry jam is brewed without seeds, which complicates the process of preparing it a little, but it gives you a lot of options for using the finished product. So, with such a supply for the winter, you can bake fragrant pies during the cold season, and make delicious cakes and desserts.

How to make pitted cherry jam? It is very important to decide on the proportion of berries and sugar. Our grandmothers used 1 kg of prepared berries, and some even 1.2 kg of sugar. The result is quite sweet jam, but it can be stored for years. If you don’t like sugary desserts, you can reduce the proportions so that a pleasant cherry sourness remains. No water is used in this recipe because the candied seedless berries release a lot of juice. So that the jam retains more vitamins and the berries do not become overcooked, it is cooked in several batches for 5 minutes, which is why it got the name “five-minute”. Thanks to this method of preparation, the cherry jam is quite thick. But if you want it to be more jelly-like, you can add pectin according to the instructions on the package. Just keep in mind that when the jam cools and sits a little, it will become even thicker on its own.


  • 1 kg cherries;
  • 500 g sugar.

Recipe for pitted cherry jam for the winter

1. Pour cherries with cold water for 10 minutes. During this time, all the bugs and spiders that may be in the berries will float to the surface. After a while, drain the water and rinse the cherries. Remove the stem and sort the berries.

2. Remove the pit from the cherry. To prevent the berries from becoming deformed, you can use a small pin, paper clip, or a device to remove the pit. This step is perhaps one of the longest procedures in making cherry jam.

3. Move the prepared cherries into a saucepan with a thick bottom, sprinkle with sugar and leave for 3-4 hours so that the berries release their juice. If you have time, you can leave it overnight. Do not use aluminum cookware to make jam. It is better to take an enameled or cast iron saucepan. And if you have a special copper basin for making jam, that’s absolutely great.

4. After the specified steeping time, the sugar becomes moist as the cherries release a lot of juice.

5. Place the pan on low heat. Stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula, bring to a boil. Many people are interested in how long to cook pitted cherry jam and how to do it correctly. Like any other berry or fruit jam, it should be cooked for no more than 5 minutes to preserve more vitamins. But in order for the cherries to be well saturated with syrup and the jam to thicken, there must be several such approaches.

As the foam forms, remove it with a slotted spoon. Turn off the heat and leave to cool completely (to room temperature). Then put the pan with the cherries back on the fire, bring the jam to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and cool. We repeat this procedure 2-3 more times. The longer we boil the jam, the thicker it will turn out.

6. Sterilize jars with lids. It is most convenient to use a small container. You can sterilize jars in the oven, steam or microwave. You can read in more detail.

7. Pack the hot jam into jars and seal tightly using lids sterilized in the same way.

Important! Both the jam and the jars should be at approximately the same temperature. If you pour hot jam into a cold jar, the glass may crack.

8. Turn the lid down, then put it away for a day in a place without a draft. Just in case, you can play it safe and wrap the cans in a blanket. After a day, the jam can be transferred to a cupboard or pantry.

Delicious pitted cherry jam is ready for the winter! Now you know how to prepare it correctly: so that the berries are whole and the vitamins are preserved. Bon appetit and have a delicious winter!

Everyone’s tastes are different, but no matter what they say, pitted cherry jam is pleasant to eat and convenient to serve to guests. You can store it longer without worrying that anything will happen to it; even after a couple of years, the rich color, characteristic taste and aroma are preserved. Of course, you will have to tinker with it, but in the winter, when you take out thick, fragrant pitted cherry jam from your supplies, you will more than once praise yourself for your hard work! It is brewed from any cherry, although it is believed that the most delicious it is obtained from fruits of a rich dark color, large, fleshy, juicy.

Recipe for pitted cherry jam


  • Dark ripe cherries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 700 g;

How to make thick pitted cherry jam

We tear off the stalks and throw away spoiled fruits. Pour the cherries into the kitchen sink, fill with water, and leave for ten minutes. We change the water twice, for the third time we load it into a colander and pour it over with clean cold water.

We stock up on patience and begin the long and tedious procedure of removing the seeds. There are special mechanical devices for this, however, as practice shows, it is quite possible to do without them using a safety pin, a hairpin or even a paper clip. Keep in mind that the juice will splash, wear clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty, or an apron.

We transfer the prepared fruits into a saucepan or basin, and pour the juice from the bowl with the seeds into it (there will not be so little of it there). Add sugar, shake or mix gently. In order for the sugar to be saturated with cherry juice faster, the dishes should be wide; if not, pour them in layers.

Leave the cherries and sugar at room temperature for several hours or overnight. During this time, the cherry will release juice and the sugar will melt in it.

It is recommended to cook cherry jam in a wide container - a saucepan or basin. Place the bowl with the cherries on low heat and stir until the remaining sugar dissolves. As soon as all the sugar has dissolved, turn up the heat a little, almost to medium. When heated, a thick foam will begin to rise - remove it with a spoon, leaving the cherries in the syrup. Cook for 8-10 minutes, removing the foam. Remove from heat without covering and let cool completely.

After the first cooking, 6-8 hours will pass until the cherry jam cools and infuses. We put it on medium heat, bring it to a boil, this time if foam appears, it will be very little. But we still collect it, it’s so delicious, children love it even more than the jam itself! The second cooking will take less time - 5-6 minutes, medium heat

Let it cool completely. We put it on low heat for the third time. While the jam is heating up, prepare the jars and boil the lids. We do this as usual, sterilize the containers in any convenient way. After boiling, cook for five minutes.

Fill the jars to the top with boiling thick cherry jam and screw on the lids. Wrap it up and leave it to cool for one or two days.

Cherry jam is stored in the pantry or in wall cabinets at room temperature.

So a delicious treat is ready for winter gatherings with tea, pancakes and pancakes - seedless cherry jam, thick, so tasty and aromatic! Good luck with your preparations!

Cherry jam is one of the most delicious and beautiful. Every summer I make pitted cherry jam without fail because my family loves it very much. In addition, several mature cherry trees grow in our garden, which delight us with the harvest, so I have no problems with berries.

I have a lot of different seedless ones in my notebook for the winter. They differ in the method of preparation, the amount of sugar, and the presence of additional ingredients... One of my favorite recipes is “Pyatiminutka” cherries for the winter.

This pitted cherry jam is prepared very simply and really quickly (it’s not for nothing that it has such a name). Perhaps, removing the seeds is the longest action you will have to take if you decide to cook “Five Minutes”. Everything else is easy and short-lived.

And in the end you get very tasty and beautiful cherry jam. I will be happy to share with you how to make pitted cherry jam “Five Minutes”. Welcome to my kitchen!


  • 1 kg cherries;
  • 500 g sugar;
  • 200 ml water;
  • ¼ teaspoon citric acid.

*The weight of already pitted cherries is indicated.

How to make pitted cherry jam “Five Minutes”:

For jam, choose large ripe berries, not crushed, without damage.

We carefully sort the cherries, rinse them in running water and dry them using a clean, dry napkin or towel. Remove the pits from the cherries.

We do this in any convenient way (you can use a special device, you can use a pin, or you can just use your hands, after lightly squeezing a handful of cherries in your fist so that they become squashed).

Pour water into a saucepan of a suitable size and add sugar.

Bring the syrup to a boil.

And we put cherries in it.

Bring to a boil over low heat, skim off the resulting foam and add citric acid. Stir and, without letting it boil, keep on low heat for 5 minutes.

Immediately after this, put the jam into pre-sterilized dry jars and seal hermetically with boiled lids, wiped dry.

After which we turn the jars upside down and wrap them up. Let's leave it like that until then. until the jars have cooled completely.

We store this jam for five minutes in a cool, dark place.

This cherry jam can be made with or without pits.

With jam with seeds, of course, you have to fuss less during cooking. But when eating it, you have to “spit” the bones all the time, which is not entirely convenient. (Although some people even enjoy it!)

Cherry jam is one of the most popular preserved sweet recipes. There are two main types of cherry jam - pitted and pitted. We offer you three different proven recipes - a classic recipe for thick cherry jam, a simple recipe for pitted cherry jam and homemade cherry jam with pits.

Cherries are the fruit of a stone fruit tree and naturally contain a pit, which is usually removed or left in the berries selected for jam. Both options have supporters and opponents, where both sides are right in their own way. Jam with seeds is distinguished by greater visual appeal and an especially uniquely subtle almond smell, and this is a plus or minus.

Jam with seeds can be safely eaten only for one year, because beyond this period the almond base of the seeds releases hydrocyanic acid into this sweet product, which is dangerous to human health. Jars with such jam must have a sticker with the date of its manufacture, even if it is stored in a cool place.

Seedless jam also worthy of being in the family bins. It makes sweet sandwiches very tasty and you don’t have to worry about the seeds! It can be stored for a long time. But it, for all its cherry virtues and surviving vitamins, does not have that particularly valuable almond-cherry aroma. Although witty housewives have found a way out here too: the peeled seeds are boiled together with the berries freed from them. The aroma of the seeds passes into the jam, and when the finished product is poured into jars, the seeds remain in the syrup, are filtered and discarded. This jam can be stored for a long time, and the taste of the whole cherry is preserved.

Utensils for making cherry jam

In order for the difficult process of making this delicious cherry dessert to go flawlessly, without unnecessary fuss and loss of time, it is necessary to stock up all the accompanying items for this in advance, so that everything is at hand.

The main item is a suitable container, preferably made of stainless steel or antique copper utensils, polished to a shine, which eliminates copper oxide products and their entry into the product. If there is no alternative to copper utensils, then at least the cherries should be infused in sugar in an enamel or glass container. In this case, place the settled berries at the time of cooking into a spotlessly clean copper basin, because hot syrup softens the sour reaction.

If you choose a recipe for pitted cherry jam, then prepare a convenient device for removing pits. Small-capacity bowls will also be needed to remove the seeds while the juice flows; for pits and finished cherries.

Although the jam already contains a powerful preservative - sugar in the form of caramel, in some doses it is possible, during open storage and at room temperature, the appearance of surface mold plaques and subsequent fermentation of the product. To avoid this, it is better to pour the jam hot into sterile glass jars under a hard or screw lid. These same jars and lids should be clean and dry by the time they are fully ready, and the can sealer should be in full working order. You will need a ladle with a spout for pouring syrup, a colander spoon for collecting foam and a bowl for it.

You can sterilize glass containers in a way convenient for you: in the oven, over a metal teapot over direct heat; in the microwave (half the water in the jar and boil for 3 minutes) and so on.

Preparing cherries for jam

General for any method: pre-sort the berries, removing debris and discarding unnecessary ones; Using a colander, rinse them and let the water drain as much as possible. After this, proceed to the most painstaking part of the process: extracting the seeds in a way convenient for you, right down to a pin and a hairpin, although using a special mechanical device there is less loss of valuable juice.

If on jam If whole berries are used, each one will have to be pricked in several places with a needle for better penetration of sugar and syrup. Instead of this boring work, you can put the berries in a colander pan for 1 minute in water that has boiled and been removed from the heat - blanching.

A simple recipe for pitted cherry jam

This type of cherry jam has its supporters. It can be given even to small children without fear that the child will choke on the bone, although it is better not to accustom the youngest to such sweets. But it is good to add it as an additive to various culinary products, to cottage cheese desserts, to fillings for pies, and the like.


  • cherry berries - 1 kilogram;
  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kilograms;
  • drinking water - 1 glass.

According to a simple recipe, prepare pitted cherry jam as follows:

  1. Remove the seeds from the cherries, place them in a suitable container and, adding the required amount of granulated sugar, leave to infuse for 2-3 hours until abundant juice forms.
  2. If the container was not suitable for cooking, then transfer the berries infused in their own juice with sugar into an appropriate stainless steel container or into a copper bowl that is as clean as possible for jam.
  3. Pour the prescribed volume of drinking water into the basin with the berries, turn on the heat under it on low and, with constant circular stirring to protect the integrity of the berries, wait until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. Once the sugar has completely dissolved, increase the heat, bring the jam to a boil and remove from heat. Wait until it cools down and repeat the process of bringing to a boil 2 more times.
  5. At the moment of a short boil and before it, the cherries with sugar, when boiled, give a lot of foam, which needs to be collected in a clean glass jar in order to return the settled pure syrup to the jam at the end of cooking.
  6. It is advisable to pour the finished cherry jam into clean and dry glass half-liter jars and seal with tin or screw lids, then place them upside down and cover with a towel folded several times for uniform cooling without a cold drop, which can subsequently become a mold plaque. Then store according to the general rules - in a dry and cool place, even at room temperature.

Homemade cherry jam with pits

This recipe is quicker to cook, a little easier and tastier, but its shelf life is limited to 1 year. It is very pleasant to have tea with him, sucking the fragrant seeds.


  • ripe cherries - 1 kilogram;
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 kilograms;
  • drinking water - 800 grams.

We prepare cherry jam with pits according to a home recipe as follows:

  1. Sort the berries, freeing them from defective ones, from tassels and debris, rinse carefully, let the water drain and prick each one with a needle to increase their permeability to the syrup. Place the chopped berries in a bowl for cooking.
  2. Immediately cook sugar syrup from 800 milliliters of water and 300 grams of sugar. As soon as it is transparent and without traces of undissolved sugar, pour it into a container with cherries and leave to infuse for 4 hours.
  3. After the specified time, turn on the heat on medium, bring to a boil, reduce it and cook for up to 10 minutes.
  4. Carefully remove the boiled cherries with a colander and simmer the syrup over low heat for 5 minutes.
  5. After these minutes, put the berries back into the hot boiled syrup, add the rest of the sugar to bring the whole mass to a boil, and turn off the heat and let cool.
  6. Bring the cooled bowl of jam to a boil again and set aside until cool. Such techniques are enough up to 3-4 times. Pour the prepared jam hot and seal for storage under a hard or screw lid. It is better to cool jars of jam covered.

Classic recipe for thick cherry jam

This recipe is for lovers of thick cherry jam, which can be spread on sweet sandwiches. The jam will be really thick and very tasty.


  • ripe cherries - 1 kilogram;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kilograms;
  • drinking water - 1 glass.

According to the classic recipe, prepare thick cherry jam as follows:

  1. Prepare ripe cherries for cooking in the usual manner: sort through, tear off the tassels, wash the berries. The next steps depend on the hostess’ choice: with or without seeds.
  2. The best varieties for thick boiling of cherries with sugar are: Zakharyevskaya and Vladimirskaya, as well as a high content of granulated sugar.
  3. Pour the required amount of sugar into the berries placed in a cooking container and leave for up to 3 hours, after which, adding water according to the recipe, over low heat and stirring, to avoid burning the berries, bring the jam to a boil, then remove it from the fire, wait for it to cool and in 4 steps bring the process of cooking it to an acceptable thickness.

Thick cherry jam, due to its high sugar content, can be stored under a soft lid in a cool, dry place. Place it in clean, dry glass jars to cool.

  • Success in making cherry jam is directly related to the quality of the berries, which should be fresh and ripe, with an even, thick color.
  • You can’t overcook cherries: they will either become overcooked or dry out and wrinkle unsightly.
  • Cook cherries in short bursts to avoid excessive caramelization.
  • The foam formed during the cooking process is dangerous because, due to its protein content, it can cause fermentation and souring of the product. Therefore, it is necessary to remove it.

The process of removing foam during cooking is very important, since it consists of coagulated proteins that are subject to rapid souring. The foam is removed to increase the shelf life of cherry jam.

It even sounds poetic, behind which there is simply a picture of family well-being and comfort, when the female half of the household chooses seeds from juicy, shiny, like purple beads, ripe cherries and a polished antique copper basin from grandma’s dowry is already languishing to a shine... This one is amazing in taste and Due to its color, the dessert is considered “royal”. I don’t know how kings feel about it, but it’s one of the people’s favorite jams!

Jars of pitted cherry jam

This is an excellent jam for those who are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to take on the monotonous but pleasant task of removing pits from cherries. But then you will get soft, juicy, tasty and tender jam. And avoid having to spit out cherry pits.

Cook for five minutes in 3 batches. But you can do it the traditional way in one step until done (about 40 minutes). If you can store the jam in the refrigerator or basement, you can prepare very tasty cherry jam with a small amount of sugar; it is cooked quickly.

But if you are not ready for the feat of peeling cherries or are a fan of the film “The Witches of Eastwick,” you can make cherry jam with pits using the same recipes.

How many cherries are in 1 liter

A liter jar holds approximately 800 g of cherries (or sweet cherries) with pits. .

And sugar in 1 liter is 920 g.

Proportions for cherry jam

To determine how much sugar you need for your pitted jam, you must either measure how many cherries you have (in kg or liters) before peeling. Either after cleaning, weigh or measure the volume of cherries with a liter jar. In general, this time I measured the peeled cherries in jars (for 1 liter jar of seedless berries = 800 g I took 1 kg of sugar).

  • To be stored at room temperature (lots of sugar): 1:1. Take equal amounts of sugar and cherries (by weight or volume).
  • For storage in the refrigerator or basement (low sugar): for 1 kg of peeled cherries 300-500 g of sugar. This jam will be more tender, low-sweet, and juicy. And closer in taste to fresh berries. I’ll also tell you how to cook it.

Seedless jam recipe

1. Prepare cherries for harvesting

  • Wash the cherries, sort through the damaged fruits and remove them (only good cherries go into jam). Place the washed berries on a clean towel spread on a flat surface (conveniently on a large tray) to dry before cleaning.
  • Peel the cherries using a safety pin or a strong juice straw.

1.2. How to remove pits from cherries

1.2.1. How to remove seeds with a pin
  1. Insert a pin into the cherry (where the stem was). The pin must be inserted with the end that does not open, that is, the end opposite to the lock).
  2. Use a pin to pry the pit and pick it out of the cherry.
1.2.2. How to knock out seeds with a straw

The straw is convenient to take from small juice packages. We are not interested in the retractable part, it is not so strong. But the main part of the straw, which is used to pierce a hole in a bag for drinking juice, is suitable for peeling cherries.

This method is suitable for those who have sore hand joints. For such people, it is not very comfortable to hold a pin and it is painful to make the movement of picking out a bone with a pin. But knocking out a bone with a straw is no problem.

2. Cover the cherries with sugar

  • Find out how many cherries you got after peeling. Add sugar.

3. Make jam

3.1. To be stored at room temperature (lots of sugar)

Cook the cherry jam for five minutes in 3 batches (you can finish it in 1 day, with an interval of 5-6 hours: morning-at lunch-late evening; or cook slowly: for example, in the evening-morning-evening):

  1. Bring to a boil, stirring. Reduce heat, cook for another 5 minutes (stirring and skimming). Cover with a lid. Leave to infuse for 5-12 hours.
  2. Heat the jam, cook after boiling for another 5 minutes (reduce heat, stir, skim off foam). Leave again for 5-12 hours.
  3. Heat the jam for the last time and bring to a boil. Cook for 5 minutes. All. Pour the prepared jam into prepared jars. Close with lids (regular iron or screw-on).

3.2. For cold storage (low sugar)

Cook the jam quickly - bring to a boil, reduce heat, cook for 15 minutes, stirring and skimming off the foam. Pour into prepared jars, screw on the lids (or screw them on). Cool. Store in the cold.

Bon appetit!

Cherry jam without seeds

If you only have nylon (plastic) lids, then you can use them. Rinse them, pour boiling water over them and close the jars (you can’t boil plastic, it will cook, lose its shape, and you won’t close it).

If the jam is liquid

If you don't like liquid jam, there are several ways to solve the problem:

  • Place the berries in jars with a holey spoon (fill the entire jar with them. And then pour in syrup. The remaining syrup can be prepared separately and used for soaking cakes, preparing compotes and fruit drinks.
  • Place the berries in jars (filling the entire jar with cherries or, for example, 2/3). Boil the syrup until thick. Pour this thick syrup over the berries. This way you do not digest the berries themselves, but only boil the syrup. This was the recommended method.
  • Boil the jam along with the berries to the desired thickness.

In all cases of boiling, keep an eye on the syrup/jam. It burns very easily.

Other cherry jam recipes

According to the recipe for all cherry preparations, you can also can cherries. And vice versa.

Once all the jars are closed, you can relax and enjoy reading and jam foam!