Morning dreams come true before waking up. Morning dreams

Many people think about what to do if they had a dream on Wednesday morning, whether it will come true. Is all this actually true, or is it just unfounded prejudice? In fact, you need to take into account all the factors, what exactly you are dreaming about and what time of day it happens.

In general, it is believed that a dream on Wednesday morning will not come true, since this dream falls on the period from Tuesday to Wednesday. At this time, mostly empty dreams foreshadowing nothing. Although, there are exceptions to the rules, only dreams that foreshadow bad events do not come true, but if a dream promises happy changes, then it may well come true in the life of the sleeper, you just need to believe in it. For example, if you dreamed of crying, quarreling with your loved one, or fighting, then you should not be upset.

These are so-called shapeshifting dreams, which should be interpreted the other way around (especially if you dream on Wednesday morning), crying means fun, a quarrel means reconciliation, a fight means a wonderful relationship. Bad sign to see yourself laughing or dancing in a dream, but if the dream occurred from Tuesday to Wednesday, then it loses its power and is considered untrue.

Therefore, you should not pay special attention to such dreams. In addition, if in the morning a person has difficulty trying to remember what exactly he dreamed about and cannot, or only remembers small and unclear fragments, then there is no need to try to interpret such a dream at all, it is definitely empty. If events in a dream repeat what recently happened to the sleeper, then such a dream cannot be considered prophetic, these are just impressions.

It is interesting to know that in order to correctly unravel a dream, you need not only knowledge, but also extrasensory abilities. Even prophetic dreams are often solved only after the events that they foreshadowed. Therefore, there is no need to try to penetrate the unknown on your own. It is interesting to know that folk wisdom considers dreams on the night from Wednesday to Thursday to be prophetic. But there is no precisely confirmed data on this matter. In addition, dream books pay more attention to the dream itself, and not to the time when exactly it occurred.

A dream on Wednesday afternoon is rarely prophetic. At this time, a person relaxes or falls asleep from fatigue, so daytime dreams are quite strong and often pass completely without dreams. Also, daytime dreams do not have the same mystical meaning as night dreams; in most cases, they can be considered empty. Although there are exceptions, this is the so-called doze, when a person seems to fall asleep and does not realize that he has fallen asleep. At the same time, they are trying to warn him of imminent trouble.

Such dreams are often seen by mothers at the moment when misfortunes happen to their children. Moreover, this may not be the dream itself, but only a voice or a cry for help. If a subtle dream is accompanied by foggy and unclear events, then this is due to fatigue and you should not focus on this. But dreams on Wednesday evening are a completely different matter. As everyone knows, dreams from Wednesday to Thursday are considered prophetic.

But if a person takes a nap in the early evening, at about five or six o'clock, then such sleep does not have the same power as night sleep. Although it has a greater probability of coming true than the daytime one. But you shouldn’t think that all dreams from Wednesday to Thursday will certainly come true, this is not the case at all. There are only such dreams that a person lives as if in reality, remembers everything that he dreamed in the smallest detail. Only in this case can the dream turn out to be prophetic.

It is important to remember that it is unacceptable to fall into mysticism and try to interpret any dream you have, frantically remembering in the morning what exactly you dreamed about and what it was for. Such behavior will inevitably lead to mental disorder.

The interpretation of dreams depends on many factors, including the time at which the dream occurred. But recognize all the subtleties to an ordinary person I just can't do it. Therefore, you can fantasize about anything, and wait in vain for bad events that never happen.

Even more surprising is another phenomenon that I noticed after detailed questioning of my patients. They said that in the early morning hours they were often in a strange, half-asleep state. They don’t want to wake up completely, there is no feeling that they have had enough sleep (and this is not surprising, since the dream was bad), in their heads, according to them, some broken thoughts flash, interspersed with vague visual visions. They are similar to dreams, but somehow fragmentary, and the person gets the impression that he is in an uncertain state between wakefulness and sleep. Very often, in this state, a person suffering from depression develops a feeling of helplessness and confusion in the face of threatening events and frightening images that pop up in the imagination.

A similar state of half-asleep also occurs in a healthy person, when he has not had enough sleep and is very tired, but circumstances do not allow him to relax and fall asleep, and while awake his eyes involuntarily close and in his drowsiness short-term visions arise that have nothing to do with what he is doing. I was just trying to study. But the difference between healthy and sick people is that healthy people after such conditions often feel some reduction in fatigue, short-term relief, and in patients they often turn into a morning exacerbation of depression. Moreover, it turns out that if patients manage to interrupt this half-asleep state and, instead of staying in bed, get up and start doing something, even the simplest homework, you can prevent the development of morning depression.

This amazing phenomenon has a scientific basis. In the morning hours, all people experience an increase in the amount of so-called “rapid eye movement” sleep, the state in which we see and experience dreams. Dreams perform a very important function. If they are qualitatively complete, they ensure the restoration of search activity after its decline that occurred during the period of wakefulness. various reasons– from stress caused by failures to relaxation associated with the successful achievement of important goals. Search activity not only helps to overcome life’s difficulties, but also increases the body’s resistance to stress and allows you to maintain physical and mental health.

That's why healthy man usually in the morning after sleep he is ready to actively overcome difficulties, in contrast to his state in the evening hours. But this only happens when REM sleep is functionally complete. But in patients with depression, it is qualitatively defective and not only does not contribute to the restoration of search activity, but even aggravates the state of refusal to search and increases the feeling of helplessness. And this morning state is a mixture of drowsiness with fragments of such an inferior REM sleep.

IN last years in some psychiatric clinics, in the treatment of depression, the method of systematic early morning awakening is used, which allows patients to be relieved of these states of drowsiness mixed with snatches of REM sleep. This leads to a good therapeutic effect.

Knowledgeable people say: if you apply the appropriate rituals, conspiracies and rules of fortune telling, then you can o look into the future, see a dream that will definitely come true.

Dreams can promise favorable events (luck, an influx of money, marriage and the birth of a child) or troubles, illness and death.

A prophetic dream is a final verdict or one of many options for fate. Do you need to unconditionally believe the prediction you receive, or can you still manage your life despite any forecasts?

When prophetic dreams come true

In a dream, the soul leaves its body and wanders, connected to it by an invisible thread. If the soul flies to the other world, a prophetic dream may occur.

If she flew away not far from the body, then the dreams are physical (empty): dreams about what worries you. This is what the Old Believer healer Maria Semyonovna Fedorovskaya thinks.

Moreover, the pictures seen by the soul in other world, is not easy to understand, because it manifests itself in a completely different way. The images that are familiar to us in encrypted form are also called upon to help us with this. Each symbol has a specific meaning, knowing which you can understand your dream.

Period of execution prophetic dreams- up to ten years or more.

It inevitably comes true, so it is important to understand it correctly. In such dreams, a person can see Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, saints, dead or alive, but far away, close, unclean. It happens that the dreamer himself visits the dead.

Dreams and visions are always filled special meaning. For these dreams, the time and day when they were dreamed are not relevant, they are true. An unpleasant dream can be dismissed or other measures can be taken to prevent it from coming true. Everything is meaningless: the prophecy will be fulfilled. Dreams and visions can be false or true.

Fortune telling dreams always come true if you wish for something before going to bed, using special words and rituals.

Dreams-signs literally don't come true. To understand these dreams, you need to know the dream language, which consists of traditional puns and symbols.

Empty (bodily) dreams never come true. They reflect the dreamer’s daily reality, his memories, experiences, and so on. Nightmares are bodily dreams. Do not expect blows from fate, if you saw a nightmare in a dream, discard disturbing thoughts, drink water and go back to sleep.

Infants under one year old they have prophetic dreams showing the rest of their lives. It is believed that the angels amuse the one who laughs.

When we have prophetic dreams

Prophetic dreams are rare and on certain days (except for visions), which should be taken into account so as not to rack your brains over solving symbols that are not destined to come true.

Prophetic dreams are most likely during the Holy Week, starting from January 7 (Christmas) and until January 19 (Epiphany): the deceased who came in a dream tell us our future fate.

During the holy week, people are waylaid by devilry. According to Maria Semyonovna, at this time she has freedom: Jesus has already been born, but has not yet been baptized. Therefore, in fortune-telling at Christmas time, evil spirits take the most active part: they tell the truth, but they will take their payment for it, since they do nothing for free.

The healer calls on everyone who tells fortunes at Christmas time to repent.

At any religious holiday you may have a prophetic dream, but it must come true before noon (lunch) of that day. In the old days they used to say: “Holiday sleep - before lunch.”

Third day of every month also expect prophetic dreams, and on the night of the twenty-fifth you will have an empty dream.

Dreams from Thursday to Friday always predict fate. Friday is considered a special day: Jesus Christ was crucified on Good Friday. It is believed that important things should not be started on Friday, lest they turn into failure.

Dreams that occur on “temporary Fridays” are filled with special meaning and accuracy of prediction; they are also called Great or nominal.

Good (nominal) Fridays:

1st – first week of Lent.

3rd - on the eve of Palm Week.

4th – on the eve of the Ascension.

5th - on the eve of Trinity.

Personalized Fridays are called because each has a name determined by a specific event described in the Old Testament: Assumption, Annunciation, Epiphany. Every Friday also carries a special blessing:

“Whoever fasts on the first Friday will be saved from unexpected death.”

Other days of the week.

On the night from Sunday to Monday you can make a wish for sleep. Expect both prophetic and empty dreams.

From Monday to Tuesday - empty dreams (bodily dreams).

From Tuesday to Wednesday - dreams can come true.

From Wednesday to Thursday - empty (bodily) dreams occur.

From Thursday to Friday - come true (up to three years).

From Friday to Saturday - bodily dreams occur.

From Saturday to Sunday - the dream can come true before lunch.

Dreams and visions do not depend on the day of the week, they are always true. If symbols are repeated in a dream, then these dreams are prophetic.

Times of Day

A day's sleep is usually empty (except for dreams) if it reflects the past.

Evening or night sleep can often be empty: the soul barely begins to move away from the body, and bodily images are replaced by prophetic ones. Such a dream is especially difficult to understand.

Morning sleep is the most reliable. The soul has sufficiently moved away from the body, having forgotten the worries of the day, and can see the phenomena of the other world.

To make the dream memorable

Only those dreams that you remember are destined to come true. There are ancient ways to make this difficult task easier:

  • put a stone under your head,
  • In the morning, when you wake up, bite the corner,
  • When you wake up, don’t look at the fire or out the window,
  • sleep on your right side, but not prone (on your stomach).

To make the dream come true

Do not tell your prophetic dream to anyone for 3 days, or better yet, hide it altogether.

To prevent a bad dream from coming true

Forget it quickly. For this:

  • hold yourself by the crown,
  • look at the living flame of a candle, match, lighter or out the window,
  • knock on the window three times,
  • if you wake up in the middle of the night from bad dreams: turn the pillow over, turn the pillowcase and linen inside out. If you want to dream about a person you saw in a dream, quickly turn the pillow over,
  • tell me bad dream before noon a large number of people,
  • hold the iron or wood with your hands and say:
    “Where there is night, there is sleep. Just as a felled tree does not end up on a stump, so that a dream in truth does not become like that.”
  • opening the tap with cold water, say: “Water, take away all my troubles, all my sorrows,”
  • opening front door, stick it out left leg over the threshold and tell the bad dream to go away.
  • addressing the smoke of a cigarette or fire, say: “Where the smoke goes, there goes the dream,”
  • Start your morning with the words: “Rise up a good dream, crack a bad dream,”
  • tell your dream to the stone. Since ancient times, it was customary to transfer danger to a stone: it was placed in front of the house so that an evil glance would “hit” it, so that diseases would remain on it and would not enter the house.

When mentioning misfortune or illness, knock on a stone and say: “The stone hit.” In ancient conspiracies, diseases and all evil spirits were cast out on a stone (water or mountain). After a funeral or meeting with a funeral procession, you need to touch the stone so that death passes to it.

  • make a Dream Trap, the oldest powerful amulet. The trap will retain good dreams and neutralize bad ones.

We control fate contrary to received forecasts

KNOWING YOUR DESTINY IN ADVANCE IS A GREAT RESPONSIBILITY, says the hereditary Pechora healer Maria Semenovna Fedorovskaya, whose knowledge belongs to the ancient Old Believer traditions, which for centuries separated truth from lies, good from evil.

Dreams provide an opportunity to look into the future: to see events close (tomorrow, in a week) and distant (in a year, ten years). These events may concern the dreamer personally or people close to him.

In her opinion, when trying to interpret his dreams, a person enters into dialogue with higher powers and increasingly sees prophetic dreams that provoke corresponding actions and emotions. If dreams are interpreted incorrectly, then fate may not go according to the “scenario”.

That's why from time immemorial, the interpretation of dreams has been compared to great art and science, and has been classified as secret knowledge.

In the old days, dream books were compiled with understanding and only dedicated people used them. Nowadays, book shelves are littered with dream books, and the Internet will helpfully “interpret” any dream. As a result, dreams are interpreted illiterately, and a person walks around confused, not suspecting that the interpretation of dreams is taken mostly out of thin air.

Example: an excited woman approached the healer with a request to ward off the misfortune that was promised in a dream the day before. Having learned all the details about the dream, Maria Fedorovskaya interpreted it as empty, which she should forget about, and not fill her head with fears of upcoming troubles.

Taking on faith the wrong interpretations of dreams, and tuning into an alarming wave, a person thereby creates and attracts troubles to himself, programs his destiny.

This woman was lucky, she turned to a knowledgeable person, and not to a charlatan, who would happily offer his services to remove the damage, generational curse and so on.


You cannot unconditionally take on faith the interpretation of a dream proposed in dream books. When trying to unravel a dream, keep in mind that its meaning depends both on the signs deciphered by dream books and on the personality of the dreamer, his life experience, .

Compare your dreams with real events that are taking place in your life or are planned. The same symbol portends different events married woman and girl, man and woman, adult and child.

Whatever the prophetic dream, it is just a prediction, a warning, one of the options for your destiny, which you: good dream embody in reality, erase the bad from your consciousness.

But this is only possible if you have not guessed the dream. Such fortune-telling always comes true!

How do you know if a dream you had today will come true? Let's try to figure out on which days prophetic scenes are dreamed, and when you should not attach importance to night visions.

Dreams by day of the week

Sunday Monday:

  • On this night dreams reflect psycho emotional condition a person, characterize his thoughts and feelings;
  • If in real life nothing bothers you, your sleep will be bright and joyful;
  • If negative emotions are overwhelming, the subconscious will try to get rid of them with the help of intricate plots in night visions;
  • Sunday dreams are not prophetic, so you should not attach much importance to them.

Monday Tuesday:

  • Dreams on this day are an expression of a person’s creative and intellectual potential; they are usually very colorful, eventful and vivid images;
  • You need to pay attention to the most vivid impression - it will indicate what you need to do in real life to realize your talents;
  • After you wake up, you need to immediately set creative goals and start implementing them. There is no place for laziness and idleness - create, work, and it will bear fruit;
  • If your sleep was poor, on the contrary, it is better to refrain from vigorous activity. Devote time to your loved ones, do quiet household chores and relax;
  • If in a dream you win something or win a duel, it means that something good will happen in real life. A new acquisition, a fateful acquaintance or an unexpected gift.

Tuesday Wednesday:

  • If on the night of today you saw vivid dream filled with various events, it is unlikely to come true. At this time, the subconscious unloads the brain, releasing the emotions experienced in Lately. Such visions do not carry any meaning;
  • Sometimes Tuesday dreams are prophetic, but only if you saw a person you know and talked to him in the dream. In real life, this conversation may repeat itself in the near future.

Thursday Friday:

  • A prophetic dream to remember. It will come true, but not in the near future, but when a turning point comes in your life and you need to make some important decision;
  • Most often, the plot of a dream involves close people; it concerns relationships: friendships, love or business;
  • On Thursday, intuition becomes more acute, so in a dream you may see some kind of sign of fate. He will indicate what to do in a problematic situation;
  • Your emotional state is very important - even if the plot does not come true, in real life you will experience exactly the same feelings as during your night travels through the kingdom of Morpheus;
  • Sometimes Thursday dreams promise good luck. Some dream books indicate that the next day luck will accompany you in everything.

Friday Saturday:

  • Try to remember how you felt when you watched what was happening around you in your dream. You will experience the same emotions in real life in the very near future;
  • Everything you dream can come true. But not in the dreamer’s life, but among his loved ones and relatives. If the prediction of dream books is unfavorable, it is worth warning them about impending events.

Saturday Sunday:

  • A prophetic dream, the events of which will come true on the same day. It comes true very quickly, so if the plot was not very good, try to protect yourself;
  • If you do not want the dream to come true in real life, you need to describe it on paper in great detail, and then burn the piece of paper and wash off the ashes with water.

Watch a video about when and why dreams come true:

Moon influence

Whether a dream will come true or not depends very much not only on the day of the week, but also on the phase of the moon, because lunar energy constantly influences a person’s life and condition.

How to interpret:

  1. New moon dreams are often joyful, positive, filled with positive emotions. They can promise the quick fulfillment of the dreamer’s cherished desire.
  2. On the night of the waning moon, dreams come true that promise the liberation of a person from something. For example, you can recover after a long illness, get rid of bad habit or stop communicating with an unpleasant person.
  3. Prophetic dreams occur during the full moon. Moreover, they come true with amazing accuracy and in the very near future. Therefore, try to remember what happened to you in the kingdom of Morpheus.
  4. On the night of the waxing Moon, people see “empty” dreams, often negative. They should not be given any importance. At this time, the subconscious is freed from bad emotions and experiences, this is a kind of brain reboot.
  5. 19th lunar day- time of liberation from past relationships with men. During this period, you may dream about your ex-boyfriend, lover or husband. This means that he feels like the threads connecting you are disappearing, and on a subtle level he wants to remind you of himself.
  6. The 27th lunar day is the time of positive dreams. They can greatly lift your spirits, but they are not prophetic, so you can simply forget about them.
  7. The 30th lunar day is the time of prophetic dreams that come true with amazing accuracy. This is an ideal day to practice lucid dreaming, in which you can fulfill some desire, and it will then come true in real life.
  8. The 25th lunar day is the time of “everyday” dreams. People often see themselves doing household chores, playing with children, or meeting with friends. This is an “empty” dream that you can immediately forget about.

You can keep a dream diary for a year and share your observations in it. Analysis of the diary will help determine on which days you see prophetic dreams, when the predictions of dream books were fulfilled, and in which cases the dream did not carry any semantic meaning.

During sleep, we can communicate with the subtle, bright world of Angels and Teachers. And when, if not at sunrise, is communication with the world of Light the easiest and most pleasant? Morning dreams, seen at sunrise, still depend on the Moon - the queen of night life, but are saturated solar energy joy. These dreams are related to the themes of life and are caused by feelings and thoughts ruled by the Sun. In astrology, the Sun symbolizes God, love, joy, creativity. In the physical body, the Sun controls the cardiovascular system.

Morning, sunny dreams are connected with the sunny themes of life: with loved ones, creativity, with the state of our heart, with events expected with delight, with what we love. These dreams may contain “advice from God.” Whatever you dream about in your morning dream, it is necessarily connected with heartfelt, sensual attachments, with love, happiness or creativity. These dreams are about the happiness we deserve.

If in a morning dream we see some familiar people or a familiar area, it means we need to communicate with these people and visit these places. People, situations, a certain area seen in morning dreams are good for us, capable of bringing joy, happiness, peace to our heart. One famous athlete, depressed after an unsuccessful performance, had a dream in the morning with a landscape of unearthly beauty. In a dream, he walked with his first coach, who had instilled in him the spirit of a fighter since childhood, along the seashore. They looked at the horizon together, and the coach showed him how to fly to the horizon on a solar balloon. In a dream, the athlete experienced extraordinary bliss, which he could only compare with the state after his first major victory in Olympic Games. The athlete did not know what this dream could mean, but he called his beloved first coach. They met at a camp located by the sea, where the coach was training aspiring athletes. The coach calmed him down, gave him strong psychological support and seemed to teach him again to strive for the horizon on the fiery ball of victory.