Trucks entering the Garden Ring. Restrictions on entry to the Garden Ring

In 2012, Moscow authorities introduced a ban on the passage of freight vehicles into the SK (Garden Ring) zone. The reason for this is the need to relieve congestion on the main highways of the city, improve the environmental condition of the central part of the capital and get rid of the notorious traffic jams.

In accordance with this law, the entry of trucks into the Garden Ring is limited in time. Thus, it is prohibited to move around this territory from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. (on weekdays). But on weekends and public holidays these limits are lifted.

If you do not want to waste time and money (in the case of cargo carriers, these two concepts are closely related), then it is worth applying for an official SK pass for trucks. It removes all restrictions, and the coverage area of ​​the SK pass is for trucks allows you to move freely around the capital without fear of punishments and fines.

What cars are prohibited from entering the center of Moscow?

On the day of the start, it’s worth understanding what kind of vehicles are allowed into the center of Moscow. Today, only vehicles with a carrying capacity of no more than 1 ton can not be issued a pass. However, you will need a permit if you own:

  • buses and minibuses for 12 or more seats;
  • high-tonnage trucks.

Please note that the permit is issued in in electronic format– the registration number of the car is entered into a special Register. When entering the camera area, an official inspection of the truck’s entry into the IC area is carried out. In the absence of appropriate records, the system takes photographs of license plates and imposes a fine of 5,000 rubles. In this case, the material “punishment” adds up and can reach tens of thousands of rubles for one route. So the price of a pass to enter the center of Moscow will in any case be significantly lower.

How much does a gazelle pass for the Garden Ring cost and how to check a one-time permit for a truck to drive through the center of Moscow?

As we have already noted, the passage of vehicles with a carrying capacity of more than 1 ton is prohibited within Sadovoe. A special permit allows you to get out of the situation. So you can independently issue a travel document to the center of Moscow on the official website.

In this case, you need to collect the following package of documents:

  • passport and vehicle registration certificate;
  • driver's passport and driver's license;
  • vehicle inspection or diagnostic card;
  • leasing agreement or documents confirming ownership of the truck.

We emphasize that only cars of an environmental class of at least Euro 3 can obtain an “SK pass”. However, there are also positive points. Do you know how much it costs to get a one-time pass to the center of Moscow for vehicles transporting medicines and perishable food? It's absolutely free. Preferential registration also applies to emergency and operational response vehicles.

Our advantages

If you want to get rid of the headache and speed up the procedure, you can apply for a cargo transport permit and get a pass by submitting an application on our website.

Today, all types of permits are available to you. So our clients can buy a one-time pass for the center of Moscow, temporary (up to six months) or urgent (up to a year) “coupons”. At the same time, the price of passing the Garden Ring zone will depend on the decision made and specific circumstances.

Our company issues permission for freight transport to travel throughout Moscow (SK) for a period of 3 days, and also offers a lot of other advantages:

  • guarantee of a positive solution even in the most difficult cases (including when working with “refuseniks”);
  • low price gazelle passes to the Investigative Committee (we work directly with the Department, and therefore do not overpay intermediaries).

Among other things, we do not take advance payment. This means that services are paid only after confirmation of the work performed. So you can check the validity period of a truck permit by visiting the official website of the Moscow Traffic Department or filling out the appropriate form on our resource.

Having decided to buy an SK pass for freight transport, you will once and for all forget about restrictions and limits, prohibitions, fines and other troubles on the Garden Ring.

Trucks that do not meet modern standards cannot enter the center of the capital. environmental requirements and with a carrying capacity of more than 1 ton. During the day (from 7 am to 10 pm) the center of Moscow is closed to 1.5-ton Gazelles.

We have a tractor and trailer. Do I also need to order a pass for the trailer?

No. The pass is issued only for the tractor.

If I have a tractor-trailer of 11 tons, plus a trailer, can I drive on the Moscow Ring Road? Does my car weigh less than 12 tons?

From March 1, 2013 – entry on the MKAD and within the MKAD is prohibited for transit trucks with a maximum permitted weight of more than 12 tons from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. We read in the traffic rules what the maximum permitted weight is. And we conclude that you need a pass for your car.

How to get a pass without having an assigned Euro class?

If you need a pass to the Moscow Ring Road, and if you have an environmental class below second or second, this is not a problem yet.

How are fines calculated for driving without a pass? Is 5 thousand rubles a fine per day?

Fines are charged as for any traffic violation - you drove through a prohibitory sign and received a fine. In a day, a car can “collect fines” of up to 50,000 rubles. The idea that a fine is cheaper than issuing a pass is just a myth.

How much does it cost to renew the pass?

Renewing a pass means re-issuing a pass for your car. Accordingly, the same tariffs apply as for the provision of services in obtaining a pass. It all depends on the coverage area (MKAD, TTK or SK, for 6 or 12 months).

How much does it cost to buy a pass?
Where to check a pass to Moscow for freight transport?

You can check your pass for the Moscow Ring Road, Third Transport Ring or SK on the website of the Moscow Department of Transport or on our website in the “Help” section.

How to get a pass to Moscow: MKAD, TTK, SK?

To obtain an entry permit for freight transport within the administrative boundaries of the city of Moscow, you must send an application from our website, then provide and pay for our services for issuing passes. After 14 days, the pass will be ready and you can view and check it on the website of the Moscow Department of Transport.

How to check the availability of a pass to Moscow (on the Moscow Ring Road, on the Third Transport Ring, on the SK)?

You can check your pass for the MKAD, TTK or SK at website of the Moscow Department of Transport or on our website in the “Help” section.

Where is the database of permits for freight transport?

The database is located on the servers of the DTM (Department of Transport of Moscow), you can check your pass online on their website or on our website in the “Help” section.

Where can I get a pass to enter Moscow (on the Moscow Ring Road, on the Third Transport Ring, on the SK)?
Who issues passes to Moscow, MKAD, TTK and SK?

Passes to the MKAD, TTK, SK are no longer issued on paper, now they are all only in electronic form. That is, there is no actual receipt of a pass; only an electronic permit is issued, which can be viewed on the website of the Moscow Department of Transport.

How to extend a previously received pass for freight transport to enter the center of Moscow (TTK, SK) and the Moscow Ring Road?

To renew the entry permit for freight transport within the administrative boundaries of the city of Moscow, it is necessary submit an application required set of documents , pay for our services for issuing passes. After 14 days, the pass will be ready and you can view and check it on the website of the Moscow Department of Transport.

Where can I see the list of passes to the Moscow Ring Road and the center of Moscow?

You can view all previously issued or newly issued passes for the Moscow Ring Road, Third Transport Ring or SK on the website of the Moscow Department of Transport or on our website in the “Help” section.

How can I order a pass to the Moscow Ring Road and to the center of Moscow (TTK, SK)?

In order to order entry permits for freight transport within the administrative boundaries of the city of Moscow, you must send an application from our website, and then provide required set of documents , pay for our services for issuing passes.

Where can I see a sample pass for the Moscow Ring Road and the center of Moscow (TTK, SK) for freight transport?

Passes to the MKAD, TTK, SK are no longer issued on paper, now they are all only in electronic form. That is, there is no actual receipt of a pass; only an electronic permit is issued, which can be viewed on the website of the Moscow Department of Transport.

Restrictive rules for entry to the Garden Ring

The entry and movement of trucks along the Garden Ring was closed back in 1994. This decision was made on the basis that the center of Moscow is heavily loaded with vehicles and emergency situations are created.

At the same time, trucks carry additional load due to their large dimensions and poor maneuverability. Obtaining a pass was available to those who live in this territory or who have a reasonable, documented permit in their hands. The rest were able to carry out cargo transportation only at night.

At the same time, the movement of vehicles that have identification marks, ambulances, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, cleaning equipment, etc. is not prohibited.
Registration of a paid or free pass.

It is possible to obtain a pass for a fee or for free. Free pass registration is possible for owners living in the center of Moscow or for those who can provide documentary evidence of the strategic importance of cargo transportation.

Contact us for help in purchasing a pass to the UK

In order to obtain a valid pass to the Garden Ring, which grants the right to enter and move freight vehicles at the required time, it is necessary to complete the paperwork in a timely manner. Having an SK pass will give you the opportunity to move freely in a limited area of ​​the city at any time.

You will need to submit an application indicating the reasons for the need for travel, and also attach all Required documents. The permit is issued within a few days, but not everyone receives it. The reasons can be different, as a rule, this happens due to incorrectly collected documents or due to an incorrect indication of the reason for traveling through the Garden Ring.

The specialists working for us, thanks to their experience in this field, will help owners of cargo transport to easily and on time obtain a pass to enter the Garden Ring. Thanks to this, you can move around the required territory at any time of the day. Our company will organize the legal registration of a pass without unnecessary hassle and fuss; for this you need to prepare all the necessary documents and come to us.

Trucks that do not meet modern environmental requirements will not be able to enter the central part of the capital. Only at night and early in the morning will vehicles with a carrying capacity of more than 1 ton be able to enter the Garden Ring and the Third Transport Ring.

Trucks that do not meet modern environmental requirements will soon not be able to enter the central part of the capital. Only at night and early in the morning will vehicles with a carrying capacity of more than 1 ton be able to enter the Garden Ring and the Third Transport Ring. In order to improve the environmental situation and increase the capacity of roads, the city authorities:

1. Prohibit the entry into the central part of the city, limited by the Third Transport Ring (hereinafter referred to as the TTK), of freight vehicles that meet the environmental requirements below environmental class 2.

2. Limit from 7.00 to 22.00:

  • 2.1. Entry of freight vehicles with a carrying capacity of more than 1 ton into the following areas:
    • 2.1.1. Garden Ring (hereinafter referred to as SK).
    • 2.1.2. Third transport ring.
  • 2.2. Entry of freight vehicles with a permissible maximum weight of more than 7 tons into the central part of the city, limited by the small ring of the Moscow District railway(hereinafter referred to as MOJD).

Thus, during the day the center of Moscow will be closed to 1.5-ton Gazelles.

Drivers will be informed about the restrictions by road signs and signs. Compliance of the vehicle’s environmental characteristics with the established requirements will be confirmed by the vehicle’s passport, which contains information about the environmental class.

Restrictions do not apply to cargo vehicles operational, emergency, rescue and other similar services, vehicles involved in cleaning the road network, as well as vehicles engaged in international transport. In addition, it will be possible to issue a pass for transport. This document will be issued by the Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development. The passes will be one-time (valid for no more than five days) and long-term (no more than one year). The Moscow government also approved administrative regulations for issuing passes.

Since the decision came into effect, some regulations metropolitan authorities will lose power. In particular, this is Decree of the Moscow Government dated September 25, 2007 N 834-PP.

Comes into force on the date of its official publication. At the time of writing of this material the document was not published.