Are we destined to be together? online fortune telling. Tarot spread will we be together

Fortune telling helps you find out whether your loved one will return, whether reconciliation will take place, what the future of your couple and the relationship between you will be.

  • Before fortune telling, focus on the request.

  • It is important to be in a calm environment.

  • You can take a couple of deep breaths and breaths.

  • It is useful to think about the time of the fortune telling in advance.

  • You should not often guess at the same situation.

  • See the answers as an opportunity for personal growth.

  • You decide how wonderful your future will be.

Have a nice session!

  • What led to the breakdown of the relationship?
  • Your feelings for your chosen Partner.
  • How does your Partner feel about you at the moment?
  • Will you get together (make peace) in the future?

    What led to the breakdown of the relationship? Your feelings for your chosen Partner. How does your Partner feel about you at the moment?
  • The Partner's plans for you in the near future.
  • What prevents your couple from being together?
  • What will (would help) bring the Partner back?
  • Will you get together (make peace) in the future? If the answer is negative, then why “no”; if positive, then under what circumstances?
  • The result of the relationship between you. Distant future.

Click on the cards to fill out the layout

Click on the cards to find out the meaning


How to interpret the layout

After you start the session and lay out the cards, pay attention to positions 1, 2, 3 - together they form the basis of the layout on which the remaining cards are strung.

Points 2 and 3 – your and your Partner’s feelings for each other – influence the first card. What impact does this have? What causes the gap? After all, we often strive to take the blame only on ourselves or completely shift it onto others. The combination of 1, 2, 3 will help you understand where it is thin and torn, what is important to take care of in relation to each other.

Add the 4th to the positions you viewed, which tells about your partner’s expected plans for you and the near future. Pay attention to points 5 and 6 as relationship strategies that help or hinder reunification. Were there any figured cards among the six cards of the layout - Kings, Queens, and less often Knights and Pages?

The figured arcana signify other people, as well as personality traits that have caused misunderstandings and disagreements. Take a closer look to see if the Major Arcana (with names in English) have fallen out. Their situations have a transformative impact and are more acutely felt: confronting, forcing, or giving a chance to live an experience important for the development of relationships.

The Tarot has an ambiguous interpretation of the answer to the question: yes or no. Therefore, the answer to point 7 is not stated categorically! The map shows the probabilities, the strength of favorable/unfavorable conditions for reconciliation and mutual development. The negative 7th lasso can also emphasize that the experience of development has been learned (painfully).

Sometimes card 7 is negative, and card 8 is positive. Since the 8th position shows the distant future, it may mean unaccounted factors that become apparent over time and influence the course of events. The 8th card may be unrelated to the current situation, for example, symbolize a new relationship.

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Red Book of Love

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Since ancient times, people began to mythologize ideal love; each of us knows about the idea of ​​​​the existence of a “soul mate” - in all respects, a suitable person to start a family. But is it possible to understand in advance whether this or that person is right for us, whether we will be together in the future, whether we can build a happy family?

It is difficult to answer these questions with one hundred percent certainty. But modern psychology has developed a number of signs by which the most ordinary person can clarify the prospects for the relationship. It turns out that to find out whether you and your loved one will be together, you don’t have to go to a fortune teller, just take a good look at each other.

How to understand that we will be together

There are 4 parameters of compatibility in marriage, each of them has its own characteristics and manifestations.

Spiritual compatibility comes first. This level is represented by values, interests, and worldview. The basis is the similarity of the spiritual ways of lovers.

Family studies have shown that for a marriage to be successful, the spouses must have similar attitudes towards such things as love, family, material assets, freedom.

Second place goes to personal compatibility. These are characteristics of character, willpower, and emotional sphere. Partners must be able to complement each other with their characteristics. It’s not for nothing that they say that opposites attract each other. The point is for one partner to complement the missing traits of the other partner with his or her traits.

In third place are family and household similarities. A harmonious and correct distribution of roles and responsibilities in the family plays a key role in a happy marriage. It is important that ideas about the functions of the family, role expectations and claims from the family as a whole and in particular from each individual member coincide.

The last sign by which you can understand whether you and your partner will be together is physical compatibility. It's about about sexual compatibility, the ability of spouses to satisfy each other during physical intimacy.

You can find out whether you and your loved one will be together before marriage. But even if your compatibility is really high level, she cannot be a guarantee of happiness family life. Marriages can break up in the same way high degree similarities of partners. It also happens that people who are completely unsuitable for each other live the happiest lives.

If you think there is some kind of secret, then you are mistaken. Family is work and responsibilities, the desire to meet each other and show care. Compatibility of partners simply makes this task easier.

If partners show their feelings, strive to find understanding, maintain respect, if they become support and support for each other, then they will definitely live a happy life together.

How to understand that we will not be together

In the question of whether we will be together, a lot depends on us. And although there is no right answer, there are signals by which we can understand how events are likely to develop.

Answer the following questions honestly!

Are you similar to each other?

It will be difficult to answer. Falling in love prevents us from objectively assessing our partner. Many studies show that people are attracted to their opposite. But if the difference between you is strongly felt, then, as a rule, such relationships quickly collapse. In order to always be together, it is important to have similar values, ideas about family life, even a similar level of education.

Have you met each other's friends?

If a guy is open and ready for a long-term relationship, then he will have a desire to introduce you to his circle of friends and relatives. This step shows that you are important to him. The faster you get involved in his life and want to maintain new acquaintances, the faster the relationship will develop.

Is your partner only interested in you?

Our reaction to the opposite sex can tell a lot about whether we will be together with a guy. Research results show that a person involved in a relationship will unconsciously restrain his attention and direct it mainly to the object of love. If the guy continues to evaluate other girls, or you yourself are not averse to considering potential suitors among the guys, then such a relationship does not stand the test of time. Anyone who perceives himself as free is more willing to look at those around him.

Are you afraid to be alone?

Sometimes we view new relationships as exemplary if we are afraid of being alone. If you feel lonely and you are uncomfortable in this state, you do not want the loneliness to drag on, then you are able to continue the relationship with your partner, despite the fact that you don’t really love him. You try to behave correctly with him, accept courtship and gifts, and show interest. But behind this lies self-deception and fear of loneliness. Over time, it will become more difficult to pretend and maintain the illusion of happiness.

What is the partner’s reaction to the proposal to legalize the relationship?

If a partner is only interested in a short-term romance, he tries to avoid talking about the future and possible marriage. He is not able to show feelings that are not related only to sex (hugging you, kissing you, touching your hair). Such guys ignore your hints and proposals to start living together or get married, and do not want to meet their parents and friends. They never initiate conversations about a future together.

See how else you can find out if we will be together without fortune tellers and tarot

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From this layout you will learn about the feelings of your loved one and his attitude towards you at the moment. There are 3 positions in fortune telling: does your loved one love you, what does he want from your relationship (love, family, sex, money, just fun, etc.), whether there is a threat to you from the outside. If you have a rival or rival, the last card will tell you about it...

It turns out that the dates of birthdays determine whether people will be together and their future together. To lift the veil of this future, you need to separately add up and bring to a single digit the birthday numbers of both partners. Next, subtract the smaller number from the larger resulting number and look at the difference - it will become numerology’s answer to whether this relationship will last or not and what awaits them ahead.

For example, one person was born on 05/01/1978, and his loved one was born on 01/22/1975. We calculate the number of birth of the first person, it turns out: 1+5+1+9+7+8=31=4, then his partner: 2+2+1+1+9+7+5=27=9. Next: 9 is greater than 4; This means that we subtract 4 from 9 and get 5. This will be the number of their pair.

Find out if people will be together using free online fortune telling by date of birth

Date of birth of one partner: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November 1927 28 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 19 53 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1 978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 03 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Date of birth of the second partner: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November 1927 28 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 19 53 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1 978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 03 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Your couple is ideal, but there is still one drawback - you are constantly dependent on the opinions of others. Stop looking at the opinions of others and then everything will be just great!

You are like a key and a lock that complement each other, so your relationship will be long and happy. The main thing is not to spoil them with some little thing, for example, jealousy.

Alas, there will always be someone else between you - parents, friends, children, or even work. Therefore, your relationship may fail as soon as one of you stops tolerating interference from other parties.

Two natural leaders together is always difficult! Your relationship is built on competition with each other - work, money, goals and more, so they cannot last long, someone will lose the spirit of competition and everything will end as quickly as it began.

You are the lucky ones in life who never look ahead, live one day at a time, but at the same time, none of you is upset about this - you suit each other. However, living easy is not always easy, which means everything will depend on your endurance.

You are a wonderful couple, but only for sex. Otherwise, you are absolutely not suitable for each other. But, by the way, a lot of couples live for sex and have a very long and happy life.

Predictions by playing cards and Tarot help to quickly and reliably determine the features of the development of relationships after a breakup or quarrel. If you don’t have any cards at hand, you can use fortune telling by the clock or by coffee grounds. In all cases, the key success factor is the fortuneteller’s concentration on the issue of interest. Concentration allows you to receive information from the subtle plane through what is at hand. It is not recommended to resort to fortune telling on Sundays or church holidays.

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    Tarot predictions

    Tarot fortune telling is considered the most truthful. Arcana allow you to find out whether the fortuneteller and her chosen one will meet again, and if so, what the future together will be like. The deck will give advice on whether to continue the love affair.

    "Affiliate" layout

    Well suited for analyzing the situation in a relationship if the fortuneteller is not sure about her partner’s feelings or his behavior causes serious concern. In this layout, two significators are used: one symbolizes the fortuneteller, the second - her chosen one. After selecting the significators, ten arcana are drawn from the deck and laid out according to following diagram:

    Interpretation of cards in accordance with their position:

    • S1 - significator of the querent;
    • S2 - significator of the chosen one;
    • 1 - how the fortuneteller behaves in this love affair;
    • 2 - how she sees her lover;
    • 3 - what, in her opinion, are the features of a love union;
    • 4 - factors that contribute to strengthening relationships;
    • 5 - factors weakening the love relationship;
    • 6 - hopes, expectations of the questioner;
    • 8 - will the relationship resume in principle;
    • 9 - what should the fortuneteller do for this;
    • 10 - the deck's recommendation on whether to renew a love affair.

    "Finding a solution"

    This alignment allows you to understand the essence of the problem that destroys the relationship or that led to a breakup. Fortune telling helps to find the most optimal way out of a difficult situation. After choosing a significator, ten arcana are laid out according to the following scheme:

    Card designations:

    • S - significator;
    • 1, 2, 3, 4 - the existing difficulty and the general background against which it appeared;
    • 5, 6, 7, 8 - a course of action that will lead to a solution to the issue;
    • 9, 10 - a lesson that partners should learn from this problem.


    Fortune telling helps to understand whether the questioner will meet her chosen one again after a breakup or conflict, whether the couple’s reunification and life together is possible. After choosing a significator, the nine arcana are laid out according to the following scheme:

    Interpretation of fortune telling:

    • S - significator;
    • 1 - the hidden cause of the difficulties encountered;
    • 2 - obvious cause of problems;
    • 3 - current relationship;
    • 4 - what the situation will be in the near future;
    • 5 - what actions should be taken to restore the union;
    • 6 - what actions should you refrain from;
    • 7, 8 - level of psychological compatibility of partners;
    • 9 - will the questioner and his partner get back together, what is the most likely future.

    This prediction allows you to find out whether the partners will marry if they reunite. This is indicated by the Hierophant and King of Wands cards in the layout.


    It helps to find out what’s on the second partner’s mind after a breakup, whether he wants to meet the witch again. Fortune telling will also tell you whether the person still has feelings towards the fortune teller. Before the layout, one significator is chosen, denoting the man of interest. Then the seven arcana are laid out in the following order:

    Interpretation of fortune telling:

    • S - significator of the chosen one:
    • 1, 2 - how he now feels in relation to the fortuneteller;
    • 3 - what events are happening to him at the moment;
    • 4, 5 - what awaits the man in the future;
    • 6 - what his feelings will be in the future;
    • 7 - does he want to meet the fortuneteller again?


    It will help the fortuneteller decide whether she should stay with this man. The oracle allows you to understand how to make separation less painful. After choosing the significator denoting the fortuneteller, nine cards are laid out according to the following scheme:

    Interpretation of the layout:

    • S - significator;
    • 1 - are there any chances to improve this union;
    • 2 - what are the features of the relationship at the moment;
    • 3 - what exactly caused the problems in the relationship;
    • 4 - what benefits or losses will the break bring;
    • 5 - how it will affect the psycho-emotional state of the querent;
    • 6 - what new doors will open after parting;
    • 7, 8, 9 - the final decision about whether to stay with the man.

    "What to expect from a relationship"

    Shows the future of the love union and how life together will turn out. First, two significators are placed on the table, and then nine arcana are pulled out of the deck and laid out according to the diagram:

    Interpretation of the layout:

    • S1 - significator of the fortuneteller;
    • S2 - significator of the chosen one;
    • 1 - those hopes and expectations that the querent has in relation to this union;
    • 2 - the hopes of her chosen one;
    • 3 - how psychologically compatible the fortuneteller and her partner are;
    • 4 - how closely they correspond to each other;
    • 5, 8, 9 - cards indicate the features of a joint future, what to expect from a relationship;
    • 6 - shows the attitude of the fortuneteller’s family towards this love affair;
    • 7 - reveals the peculiarities of the attitude of a man’s family to an alliance with a fortuneteller.

    Fortune telling with playing cards

    For divination, you should use only a new deck. Before the session, a card is selected that symbolizes the man of interest. You can choose a king card of the suit that matches your hair color:

    • the king of hearts is blond;
    • the king of tambourines is fair-haired;
    • king of spades - brunette;
    • the king of clubs is brown-haired.

    Get a clear answer to your question

    The king is laid out in front of him, symbolizing the chosen one. The deck is shuffled, and at the same time you need to mentally ask it a question. For example: “Does Vasily and I have a future together?” With the left hand, the cards are removed, half of the deck is placed down. Now three cards are pulled out of it, which will answer the question:

    • spades and clubs suits - negative answer;
    • diamonds and hearts - positive.

    The response received from the deck is deciphered as follows:

    • if three cards are red, the answer is definitely positive;
    • if out of three cards two red cards and one black card fall out, the answer is most likely “yes,” but you will have to make a lot of effort for everything to end well;
    • if two cards of a black suit and one of a red suit fall out, the probability of the desired outcome of events is extremely low;
    • if all the cards are spades or clubs, the answer is negative.

    36 card spread

    The king is laid out on the table, symbolizing the chosen one. The deck is shuffled and then gently moved with the little finger. Half the cards are placed down, and six cards are removed from the top and laid out in a row diagonally. They mean the following:

    • 1 - what the man thinks;
    • 2 - how he feels towards the witch now, whether he continues to love her;
    • 3 - will a relationship with this person develop again;
    • 4 - if yes, then what will connect her with him in the future;
    • 5 - what are the deepest desires of a man;
    • 6 - situation in the present.

    Fortune telling with Lenormand cards

    Involves the use of one significator. From the Lenormand deck, card 29 “Woman” is good for this. The cards are shuffled, and at the same time the question of interest is asked. The 16 cards are then dealt in the following order:

    The interpretation of the positions is as follows:

    • 1 - indicates the cause of discord or rupture;
    • 2, 3 - what do the man and woman think about this love affair;
    • 4, 5 - how partners feel;
    • 6, 7 - the needs of each of its participants, expectations from the other partner;
    • 8, 9 - what a man and a woman hide from each other;
    • 10 - Tarot deck advice to a couple;
    • 11 - what a love affair will be like for a man, what good it will bring him;
    • 12 - what a love affair will be like for a woman, what she will receive from this union;
    • 13 - what a relationship with a loved one cannot give to the questioner under any circumstances;
    • 14 - what a man is unlikely to get from a relationship;
    • 15 - what is the likelihood of the couple reuniting;
    • 16 is the overall result of the relationship.

    On the gypsy cards "Golden Horseshoe"

    The Gypsy Tarot deck is distinguished by its laconic symbols and simplicity of interpretation, so fortune telling on it is considered the most accurate. To find out what the future of the relationship is after the breakup and whether it is worth waiting for a reunion in principle, you can use the following fortune telling on seven cards.

    The deck is thoroughly shuffled. The cards are moved towards you with the left hand three times. Then cards are taken from the deck: one from the top, the second from the middle, the third from the top again, and so on until seven. The following words are said on each card:

    • To the first: “What is my chosen one thinking about?”
    • To the second: “What is troubling his heart?”
    • To the third: “Should I wait for him, will I see him in the future?”
    • On the fourth: “What does he expect from me?”
    • On the fifth: “What’s going on in his life?”
    • On the sixth: “What will calm the heart?”
    • On the seventh: "Will we get back together?"

    The cards are revealed one by one, with the seventh being the last to be revealed. She will be the final answer to the question of whether there is a chance of renewing the love affair.

    Fortune telling by the clock

    The meaning of this prediction is to accidentally see on the watch dial same values shooter This means that the first and second numbers in fortune telling are the same. For example, 17 hours and 17 minutes. On electronic watch fortune telling is more understandable, since you don’t have to look closely at the meanings. If you happen to see the same numbers on the clock, the answer is yes.

    The main provisions of fortune telling are:

    1. 1. The question is mentally asked: “Are we destined to be together again?”
    2. 2. After this, the time is guessed - for example, if yes, then the clock will show 17:17.
    3. 3. You can cast a spell at any time of the day.
    4. 4. You cannot deceive time by trying to specifically calculate it. In this case, the answer will be incorrect.

    Fortune telling using coffee grounds symbols

    To predict using the symbols left behind from coffee, you will need the following items:

    • coffee cup (preferably made of light porcelain);
    • ground coffee;
    • saucer.

    Before drinking coffee, ask yourself a question of interest. When the cup is empty, you should turn it over on the saucer and after a few minutes look at the resulting symbols:

    • If there is a silhouette of a person among them, there will be a second meeting with your lover.
    • If the pattern contains something similar to a tree or natural landscapes of mountains or fields, such symbols foreshadow a final break, obstacles, quarrels, and failures.
    • The outlines of animals or birds speak of sad news, worries, and gossip from ill-wishers.
    • If the shadow of a house or building is examined, this foreshadows the restoration of the family. If before the breakup the couple lived in a civil marriage, then such a sign promises not only a reunion, but also a quick wedding.

    Predictions on the runes

    In runic divination, 24 signs from the most famous alphabet called Futhark are used, as well as one empty rune of Odin. The latter symbolizes fate. Each of the signs is associated with a certain sphere of existence, the material or spiritual side of life. Fortune telling with runes allows you to quickly find out whether the couple will be restored and what the future holds for the relationship.

    One concerns the sensory sphere of life, and the second - the logical:

    • The first and second runes will tell you what the situation is currently. By studying the meaning of symbols, you can find out what is truly important in a relationship now.
    • The third and fourth will tell about the past that led to a breakup or quarrel. The signs will reveal circumstances that the fortuneteller might not have known about.
    • The fifth and sixth runes will give advice on how best to proceed.
    • The seventh character is decisive. He will talk about the future and what the overall outcome of actions will be.