Surrogacy pros and cons table. Surrogate mother services

Surrogacy is a complex and controversial topic. Despite the fact that it is not prohibited in Russia, people are somehow embarrassed to talk about it, since this reproductive technology raises more questions than it answers. We will talk about the pros and cons of surrogacy in this material.

What it is?

Surrogacy is an officially recognized assisted reproductive technology that allows couples with total female infertility or complete inability to bear a child to have their own genetically “own” child. Previously, couples in which a woman could not become a mother for medical reasons or due to congenital or acquired anomalies in the development of the organs of the reproductive system (uterus, vagina, ovaries) had only two options - take a child from an orphanage or live a life without children at all.

Surrogacy, which has essentially been known since the time of Plutarch, but received a “second wind” only in 1980, gives an infertile couple a chance to have a child related by blood and genes. In addition to married couples, single women with severe pathologies of the uterus or other diagnoses that are absolutely incompatible with pregnancy and childbirth, as well as single men who have “ripened” to conscious paternity, become “customers” of surrogate mothers.

Fertilization occurs using the IVF method. Doctors obtain the woman's egg and the man's sperm. Fertilization is carried out in the laboratory; after several days of cultivation, the embryos are transferred into the uterine cavity of the surrogate mother - a healthy woman of reproductive age who has passed the necessary examinations.

It is she who bears and gives birth to a baby (or babies), but they are not her own. After giving birth, the woman undertakes to give the born baby to his biological parents.

For IVF within the framework of a surrogacy program, donor germ cells can also be used - a single man can use oocytes from a cryobank, and a single woman can use donor sperm. However, the surrogate mother herself has neither the legislative nor the moral right to give her own eggs for fertilization, because in this case the child will be biologically her own, and this can complicate the outcome - the surrogate mother will refuse to give the baby and will become attached to him.

According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, the term “surrogate mother” has been replaced by “gestational courier”. This is more logical and correct, since a newborn can have only one mother - his biological mother, who will raise and educate him.

Becoming a gestational courier is very difficult - the demands on a woman’s health are very high. Besides the fact that she must be healthy, she must have her own children. Finding such a woman to carry a child for infertile couples and single Russians can also be difficult: despite the abundance of reproductive agencies, clinics with their own databases for surrogate mothers, special forums and communities on the Internet, a good, responsible and decent gestational courier today is a real find.

The gestational courier “works” on a paid basis. The amount of the fee is not regulated by anyone and depends on the agreement between the candidate and her biological parents.

Both those who want to use the services of a gestational courier and those who are thinking about the “career” of a surrogate mother should carefully weigh the pros and cons, the pros and cons, since this decision can have serious consequences.


Undoubtedly, gestational couriers are necessary and useful: many couples and single men and women receive the long-awaited and hard-won chance to become parents. The need to have and raise our own children is inherent in each of us at the genetic level; this is a normal requirement of the civilization process. And sometimes a surrogate mother is really the only way out of the situation.

The Russian Ministry of Health clearly indicates the indications for such assisted reproductive technology: the absence of the uterus, malformations of its development, post-traumatic changes, as well as a large list of diseases and conditions in which a woman cannot bear pregnancy on her own due to the high risk of her own death. Single men do not require testimony.

Today, about 17-20% of families in Russia suffer from infertility. Of these, approximately half require reproductive assistance. According to statistics, approximately 5-7% of such families cannot cope without a gestational courier.

Previously, with a diagnosis of infertility and a blue stamp across the certificate, a woman would simply be sent home. Today she has a chance. If she decides that surrogacy is completely acceptable to her, she will be able to have a healthy, strong child of her own.

For the surrogate mothers themselves, an agreement to provide services to an infertile couple is a way to improve their own difficult financial situation. On average, services in Russia cost from 1 to 3 million rubles, and this could be a new apartment if a woman and a child have nowhere to live, or if there is an urgent need to resolve the issue of expensive treatment for one of the relatives. Situations are different. Married women, with the consent of their spouse, also become surrogates, and, believe me, each of them has very good reasons for making such a decision.

You may wonder why society has a predominantly negative opinion about surrogacy, since all parties can only benefit from it. Probably, the debate between supporters and opponents of this assisted reproductive technology will never end, because both provide very compelling arguments in favor of their opinion. If it were possible to put them on the scales, with a high degree of probability the scales would remain in balance. Therefore, the decision to enter into a surrogacy program is equally difficult for both gestational couriers and their “customers.”


Both surrogate mothers and future biological parents are faced with ethical problems at the decision-making stage. Most often, they are ashamed to admit to relatives and friends that a couple needs the help of a stranger and stranger. Many biological mothers feign pregnancy, wear special pads on their bellies, so that everyone around them, even their relatives, cannot even think at what price this happiness of being a mother was acquired.

Bioethics does not allow the attending physician to disclose this secret to anyone ever. Only three people know about the big secret - the husband, the wife and the female gestational courier. However, the human factor cannot be ignored; information leakage should still be feared.

Those who want to become parents need to keep their eyes open - there are many scammers on the Internet who take an advance payment and disappear. Also, often biological parents may encounter facts of manipulation: a woman, having become pregnant, begins to blackmail her “customers” by having an abortion or starting smoking and drinking alcohol if her fee is not increased or some other conditions are not met. Sometimes it may happen that a woman refuses to give up her child after giving birth, because she will get used to it after nine long months.

Biological parents may come across a woman who has health problems and has provided fake medical certificates, in which case the baby’s health will also be at risk. An irresponsible surrogate mother may refuse or forget to take medications prescribed by a doctor on time, will skip consultation visits, and will not adhere to a diet and proper nutrition during pregnancy. In general, the list of possible problems is very large.

The woman gestational courier herself can also become a victim of unscrupulous “customers.” She may not be paid after giving birth, or they may refuse to pay for any unexpected expenses related to the pregnancy if they are not covered by the terms of the contract. Spouses who are biological parents can divorce at the moment when a baby is being carried for them, and then the child will become a victim of family squabbles or will be abandoned altogether. The surrogate mother will be faced with the question of what to do with the baby and who will pay her now.

The attitude of the “customers” to the “performer” is not always correct and adequate. It is not so rare to find biological parents who want to control every step of the gestational courier, install video surveillance cameras everywhere, including the bathtub and toilet, and do not allow them to freely leave the house to go somewhere for their personal matters. These actions are naturally justified by fears that the surrogate mother will violate the terms of the contract and harm the baby. Not every couple in this situation can stop in time and understand where the boundary of what is reasonable is, where their rights end and the freedom of the other person begins.

The relationship between the gestational courier and the biological parents should be regulated by an agreement, in which everything should be stipulated to the smallest detail, all situations should be provided for so that the interests of the two parties are taken into account as much as possible and suit everyone. It is better to entrust such work to specialists - lawyers from agencies who mediate between surrogate mothers and “customers”, or lawyers from clinics where couples are observed. But even a very precise and competent agreement does not guarantee that everything will go smoothly and that no difficulties or misunderstandings will arise at any stage.

Another controversial point is whether to tell a child, when he grows up, how he was born. Bioethics prohibits this for both doctors and the gestational courier. But there may be a leak of information, and besides, some parents consider it their moral duty to tell their grown child this family secret.

Psychologists believe that such truth can cause problems with self-identification in a person, especially if this person has not yet reached adulthood or has just crossed this age limit.

Moral issues

Most likely, it will not be possible to obtain the blessing or approval of clergy of almost all religions for surrogacy. In most beliefs, this reproductive technology is strongly condemned and rejected as immoral. Spouses who want to have a child at any cost violate the basic rule of any faith - to accept what is given by the Almighty with patience and humility.

Orthodoxy believes that spouses who refuse to accept their infertility as a given are already violating the Law of God. However, the Church’s attitude towards IVF is generally more loyal, but only on the condition that doctors use the sex cells of the wife and husband to obtain embryos. Donor material and surrogacy are methods that, according to Orthodox priests, violate the great sacrament of Christian marriage, and also completely devalue motherhood, turning it into a commercial transaction. In this case, the child becomes an object of sale and purchase, and human life becomes priceless, this is exactly what the main fundamental principle of the Russian Orthodox Church says.

Admirers completely agree with Orthodox priests Islam. Not a single mullah will give his blessing to spouses who communicate their desire to hire a surrogate for the birth of offspring. Muslim women who themselves want to become gestational couriers are very rare, since the punishment for such a sin in Islam is significant - the whole family, friends and relatives can turn away from the woman.

Catholicism completely prohibits all assisted reproductive technologies, be it IVF, ICSI, intrauterine insemination or surrogacy.

Judaism We are more tolerant of gestational couriers, however, in Israel they will never carry out an IVF protocol if the surrogate mother is a relative (which is not at all prohibited in Russia). A country in which IVF is fully paid for by the state, where any reproductive techniques are supported, severely limits related “services”, because the rabbis consider this incest, which is a serious offense.

The most tolerant attitude towards gestational couriers is demonstrated only by Buddhism, because his admirers believe that the most important thing is that everyone is happy, and if surrogacy is the only way to achieve this happiness, then why not.

The biological parents of the baby can also experience a mental crisis, since women in such couples are tormented by a feeling of guilt that it was not she who gave birth to the baby, but another, while husbands in this situation feel somewhat awkward.

Opponents of surrogacy put forward the following arguments: the program itself contradicts the laws of nature, it rapes the souls of all participants, and the consequences can be the most unexpected. Unfortunately, divorces often happen. After successfully completing the treatment course and being discharged from the maternity hospital with balloons and flowers, the biological parents separate after some time, because the secret they carry turns out to be too heavy, and the mental burden is too heavy to bear.

Families of gestational couriers, if a woman has a husband, having received the required amount of money for the birth of a baby, also fall apart in most cases. Most men, even if their spouse’s participation in the program was confirmed by their consent, cannot accept in their hearts the fact that their wife agreed to this at all. Conflicts begin, reproaches follow more and more often, and the result is divorce.


If you are faced with a difficult choice - whether to agree to participate in the program, think carefully about whether you are ready for possible risks, as well as changes that will not necessarily have a happy ending. In many ways, the clergy are probably right when they point out such important aspects of human life as voice of conscience. Each participant in the surrogacy program has to answer, first of all, to himself.

The inadmissibility of violating the sacrament and intimacy of the union of two is difficult to dispute. Those who have tried furiously to do this very soon realize how wrong they were. From this point of view, it is easier for a couple, as they are advised in most cases, to take a child from an orphanage, a baby left without parents or a abandoned baby. Your conscience will be light and calm. But the desire to have children of one’s own cannot be contested.

Legal regulation

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    Medical statistics show that about 20% of married couples are unable to have children, and often, as a way out of such a situation, the option of finding a surrogate mother is considered. The advantage of this solution is that fertilized embryos placed in the uterus of another woman take root much better. Surrogacy gives about a 30% chance of success, and the program allows those girls who have contraindications to pregnancy or who have had a hysterectomy to have a child.

    What is surrogacy

    This is an assisted reproductive method that involves artificial insemination, in which the surrogate mother agrees to carry a biologically alien child. In this case, genetically the baby will have no relation to the surrogate mother: she serves only as a vessel. Surrogacy involves placing into the body of a woman who consents to the procedure an egg fertilized by the father’s sperm from the biological mother.

    Pros and cons of surrogacy

    The main advantage of surrogacy is the opportunity to have a natural child for those couples who, for certain reasons, cannot be parents. Another advantage is that with artificial insemination, genetic abnormalities can be identified even before the implantation of the fertilized embryo. In addition, there is no difficulty in determining the sex of the baby.

    Despite its significant advantages, surrogacy has significant disadvantages that are important for infertile couples to consider. Since the IVF procedure, medical observation and surrogate mother services require serious expenses, only families with financial income can take advantage of them. Another problem with surrogacy is the existence of many scammers and unscrupulous intermediaries.

    A possible negative outcome of the procedure is the surrogate mother’s refusal to give up the baby. At the same time, even the high responsibility of the girl gives way to hormonal surges after childbirth and the awakened maternal instinct becomes the reason for the reluctance to give the child to biological parents. For childless couples who decide to artificially inseminate a third party, the problem is that the woman who gave birth has the right not to give them the child in the absence of clear obligations of the parties specified in the contract.

    Legal side

    From a legal point of view, surrogacy is legal. The current law assumes that initially the surrogate receives all rights to the newborn: that is, the woman who carried the baby has the right not to give the child to his biological parents. At the same time, egg and sperm donors are recognized as official mother and father only after the surrogate mother refuses the baby. The big advantage of such a program is that there is no need for husband and wife to go through lengthy paperwork in order to adopt their own child.

    According to the current legislation on surrogacy, a woman who already has two children of her own can bear a child. In addition, her age should not be less than 20 or more than 35 years. The program can be used by married couples who, due to health or medical reasons, are unable to give birth to a child on their own. A surrogate mother cannot be an egg donor: during the operation, a ready-made embryo is implanted into her. If the surrogate mother is married, she is required to have her husband's notarized permission to carry out the procedure.

    Who is a surrogate mother

    A woman who has already given birth twice before can be an intermediate mother, and in this case childbirth is much easier and faster than for first-time mothers. This is due to the fact that in multiparous women the birth canal is wider and it is easier for the baby to pass through it. In addition, during repeated births:

    • the likelihood of getting a birth injury is minimal;
    • asphyxia of the baby is excluded;
    • there is no risk of deformation of the child’s skull.

    What should it be

    Priority attention is paid to women's health, both physiological and mental. Before concluding a contract, the applicant for the role of surrogate mother is carefully examined by doctors. Acceptable age is from 20 to 35 years. An important requirement that cannot be ignored is that the girl has her own children. In addition, only a girl who does not have bad habits or chronic pathologies can become a surrogate mother.

    Before concluding a maternity agreement, legal consultation and psychological testing are carried out. The woman is given a certain time to make an informed decision, after which she undergoes a comprehensive medical examination, including:

    • biochemistry, general blood test;
    • blood for syphilis, hepatitis C and B, HIV;
    • general blood analysis;
    • smears to determine the degree of vaginal cleanliness;
    • analysis to determine blood group and Rh factor;
    • fluorography;
    • examination for viruses (herpes, chlamydia, rubella, etc.);
    • oncocytological studies of smears from the uterine cervix;
    • examination by doctors (general practitioner, gynecologist, psychiatrist).

    Is it necessary to be married?

    This requirement is not mandatory, but for many infertile couples it is preferable: the fact of marriage indirectly indicates the reliability and security of the surrogate mother. However, according to the law, in order to become a surrogate mother, you do not have to be married, so the contract can be concluded with a single girl. If a woman is married, there is a need for her to obtain a notarized permission from her husband to carry out fertilization.

    How to become a surrogate mother

    By agreeing to the program, the woman becomes a kind of vessel for the embryo, while her genetic factors do not have any influence on the child. Specialized modern clinics carefully select candidates for the role of surrogate mothers, conducting a large number of studies. Surrogacy obliges the girl to fulfill all the requirements set by the clinic, take tests (for free) and visit doctors in a timely manner. The program includes:

    • comprehensive examination of a woman;
    • conducting an IVF program;
    • providing the surrogate mother with medications;
    • pregnancy monitoring in the clinic.

    How to find

    Surrogacy services are provided by special companies. It is better to opt for well-known agencies that have been working in this field for a long time and have positive reviews. The surrogacy center searches for potential surrogate mothers, examines them, and helps them prepare for the birth of a child. In addition, as a rule, such organizations have a staff of lawyers who help draw up contracts, estimates and solve difficulties that arise during pregnancy. If desired, future parents can consult with their lawyer.

    Childless couples should take into account that the services of such agencies have a high cost, which includes:

    • searching for a girl who agrees to motherhood;
    • carrying out IVF and accompanying medical procedures;
    • ensuring the needs of the surrogate mother during pregnancy and childbirth, etc.

    The monetary aspect is negotiated with the surrogate mother individually, and the payment is made after the parents issue a birth certificate for the child. Despite the fact that you will have to pay a large sum for the agency’s services, you will be protected legally and financially. An alternative option is to search for a surrogate mother yourself via the Internet in your own or another city. The disadvantage of this decision is the legal vulnerability of future parents and the lack of awareness of the woman who agrees to surrogacy.

    How does surrogacy happen?

    After selecting a suitable candidate for the role of surrogate mother (this can be either a stranger or a relative from 20 to 35 years old), the couple provides her with a comprehensive medical examination, during which specialists study the woman’s blood and biological fluids. In addition, the future surrogate mother undergoes an examination by a therapist, gynecologist, and psychiatrist, who render a verdict regarding the girl’s health and suitability for the role of a “vessel” for the embryo.

    Fertilization process

    In order for an embryo to implant, the lining of the uterus must reach maturity. For this purpose, the cycles of both women are synchronized. To help the embryo mature faster, special medications are administered to the surrogate mother. In addition, the preparatory phase includes monitoring the woman’s hormonal levels, ultrasound of the ovaries and endometrium. When the cycles are synchronized, IVF is performed, which gives a 30% guarantee of a positive result of the embryo implantation procedure. The biological mother's egg is first fertilized by the genetic father's sperm.

    The process of childbirth

    Before signing a surrogacy agreement, parents are given a legal document - a conclusion from a medical commission on the state of physical and mental health of the future surrogate. The paper contains information about how the first birth proceeded, the condition of the newborn, etc. Since the candidate for the role of surrogate mother is carefully selected by doctors and the woman already has experience in giving birth to children, the risk of encountering any problems during childbirth is minimal. Nine months later, the time for the birth of the child comes, and childbirth after IVF is no different from normal.

    Surrogacy program

    This service helps couples who have a desire, but due to health conditions are not able to have a child. Thanks to the program, even women who have had their uterus removed or have serious contraindications to childbirth can become mothers. Typically, the eggs and seminal fluid of an infertile couple are used. The fertilization process is carried out in vitro, after which the finished embryos are implanted into the body of the surrogate mother, who carries and gives birth to the baby.

    Women who become surrogate mothers undergo strict selection, due to which the embryos, as a rule, take root favorably in their bodies. Limitations to the role of a surrogate mother are any chronic diseases, bad habits, unstable mental state, etc. Thus, according to statistics, in Russia, pregnancy occurs more often in surrogate programs than in other types of reproductive technologies.


    Carrying a child to term and giving birth to a family that could not do so on their own is a very noble goal, but from a legal and ethical point of view it is a problematic issue. The Church refuses to accept this method and wants to ban it as contrary to the canons of the Orthodox religion. In addition, for any woman, giving up a born child is extremely difficult psychologically, so there are common cases when, after giving birth, a surrogate mother refuses to give the baby to the biological parents.

    Ethical problems of such motherhood also arise: a large number of cases of fraud are currently being registered. At the same time, a girl who agreed to become an incubator for an embryo may demand more money after giving birth than was agreed upon. In addition, it happens that biological parents refuse to take the baby after birth; in this case, the surrogate mother can only sympathize, since she was not ready morally and/or financially to raise another child.

    Service price

    In the Russian Federation, every fifth couple cannot have children for various reasons. Approximately 15% of infertile families turn to surrogate mothers. How much does surrogacy cost in Moscow? The low percentage of couples interested in the program is explained by the high cost of this method. If you calculate the minimum cost of participation in the program, it comes out to about 0.5 million rubles. In addition, biological parents must support the woman in whose womb their child is growing. So, the surrogate mother receives money for food and other expenses.

    How much extra do surrogate mothers get paid? The family gives the girl an average of 20 thousand rubles a month. Another about 600 thousand goes to pay for examinations, medications and the IVF procedure itself. Moreover, the amount includes several attempts at in vitro fertilization, since the procedure rarely gives the expected effect the first time. The total figure for participation in the program, IVF and assistance to the surrogate mother is impressive, so only those couples whose material well-being is at a high level resort to the service.


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    Several million couples are unable to have a child due to health problems. 1/5 of the population cannot procreate. There are no definite statistics on how many people turned to surrogate mothers for help. Like the future parents, the surrogate mother hides the secret of her situation from everyone.

    There is no specific article in the legislation that would regulate this issue - surrogacy pros and cons. Surrogacy allows a woman to become a mother even in a situation where the uterus is damaged or pregnancy is contraindicated. This program uses the egg and sperm of a married couple. The egg is fertilized by the man's sperm and placed in the uterus of the surrogate mother. It should be noted that pregnancy in this case occurs much more often than with natural fertilization.

    There are at least 1,500 children in the world born from a surrogate mother. However, there is no clear relationship to this procedure.

    Surrogacy pros and cons. What are the negative aspects of this program?

    Opponents of this program are confident that surrogacy turns the birth of a child into a purchase and sale procedure. There is also the idea that surrogacy occurs for profit. This is also a kind of exploitation of women. In a sense, surrogacy defies God's laws.

    The surrogate mother may be psychologically traumatized by having to give up the child. Although at the very beginning, most surrogate mothers are confident that they will easily give up the child.

    What are the positive aspects of surrogacy?

    If a woman cannot bear a child on her own, a surrogate program is the only chance to have a child. This program is not much different from the adoption process. Many believe that this procedure is far from a commercial offer, but an act that is performed out of love. Of course, there is a certain risk that a surrogate mother takes on.

    Supporters of this program believe that the surrogate mother independently decides to participate in this program. In addition, the surrogate mother can receive moral pleasure from the procedure and financial assistance.

    Child born from a surrogate mother

    If the egg is used by the surrogate mother herself, the child may inherit certain defects from the genetic mother. Unfortunately, there are certain genetic abnormalities that are impossible to identify even with the help of modern techniques. If the surrogate mother uses drugs or drinks alcohol during pregnancy, there is a huge chance of harming the fetus.

    Also little has been studied about the psychological adaptation of the child. Few people think about what will happen if a child finds out that someone else’s “aunt” gave birth to him. In addition, if the surrogate mother is a person close to the family, then contact between the surrogate mother and the child may continue after the birth.

    Everyone also thinks about how the church and friends will relate to this situation. But even despite sidelong glances, parents are confident that surrogacy is a better option than taking a child from an orphanage. But, unfortunately, very often this process does not pass without leaving a trace for both parties to the contract. A study was conducted that showed that customers are satisfied after undergoing this procedure.

    Regardless of whether the pregnancy is natural or surrogate, motherhood can have a negative impact on a woman’s health if the following rules are not followed:

    • before a new pregnancy there should be a break of several years;
    • after the mother is paid compensation, she needs to spend part of it on restoring her body;
    • undergo regular medical examination;
    • no need to get pregnant after 40;
    • you need to become attached to your child wisely. He should receive everything he needs during pregnancy, but you need to be prepared for the fact that he will grow separately.

    What are the contraindications to this program?

    The surrogate mother is selected according to strict criteria. There are certain contraindications:

    • disruption of the uterus;
    • there is a tumor in the ovaries;
    • a tumor in the uterus needs to be removed;
    • there is oncology in the body;
    • no child of his own;
    • the child has a pathological illness (cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, congenital blindness/deafness, etc.)

    Most often, women aged 20-30 years become surrogate mothers. The maximum number of pregnancies with this program is 6 times.

    Many people who are interested in alternative ways of having children study the concept of surrogacy - the pros and cons of this process, and the like. Despite the active development of assisted reproductive technologies (ART), the moral and ethical aspects of such procedures still remain serious factors that influence people's final decision. Therefore, it is worth understanding and analyzing all the pros and cons of surrogacy.

    Surrogacy pros and cons

    Let's consider the negative aspects and beliefs about surrogacy that are found in society today:

    1. newborn babies have become commercial items, they can be sold or bought,
    2. There are some wealthy married couples who take poorly socially wealthy women into their service as surrogate mothers, who, out of desperation, agree to any amount of money for the birth of a child,
    3. human mutual assistance fades into the background, giving way to money; often women have the thought of good earnings, work, and not the determination to take such a step out of considerations of a good deed for the joy of an infertile couple, missing all the nuances of the impact of pregnancy on their own health and the health of the baby,
    4. from the point of view of activists of feminist movements, surrogacy will soon serve as a kind of impetus for the exploitation of the female half of the population,
    5. Church officials believe that a person’s deviation from the clergy and morality is a way of deviating from the humanistic principles of the public, arguing that surrogacy serves as a deviation from the humanistic principle of the public.
    6. in the end, even rejecting all of the above problems, for the surrogate mother herself during pregnancy, which is about 9 months, such an act can become a big psychological problem at the time of the birth of the baby, since the whole mystery of pregnancy, this invisible connection between mother and baby, deals a colossal blow according to any sane woman.

    But in order not to depress the opinion about surrogacy, it is worth highlighting the most important advantage of this program - it is an extraordinary gift for a doomed couple, the opportunity to make someone happy for life by giving birth to the desired child!

    Positive sides

    Undoubtedly, like almost any phenomenon in this world, carrying someone else’s child by a stranger has a number of supporters and opponents. To determine their personal position, each person needs to study surrogacy itself in detail. The advantages of this technique are as follows:

    1. A real opportunity to help infertile couples or single parents find a full-fledged family and happiness from the birth of a child.
    2. The chance of having a healthy baby is significantly higher.
    3. A good monetary reward for the surrogate mother. Many women see this program as a viable way to overcome their financial difficulties.

    Is surrogacy good or evil? How ? This worries people after studying the positive aspects of a particular field of ART.

    Negative sides

    To fully understand, the pros and cons of the process must be studied as carefully as possible. If everything is clear with the positive aspects of this procedure, then it is worth moving on to its negative aspects. All of them are based on the inconsistency of surrogacy with the moral and ethical standards of individuals. We are talking about the following disadvantages:

    1. The need to buy children. With the exception of those situations where the role of a surrogate mother is performed by a close woman for free, in all other cases there is a serious monetary reward for carrying a child. The fair sex actually rents out her uterus. For many this is unacceptable.
    2. Negative impact on the psycho-emotional state of the surrogate mother. When talking about the happiness of an infertile couple, no one remembers the state of the “gestational courier”. A woman carried her baby under her heart for 9 months, and now he is being taken away from her. For many, this is severe stress that affects the psycho-emotional profile. However, no one forces anyone to become a surrogate mother. They do this voluntarily, and, as mentioned above, it is by no means free.
    3. Problems with parents identifying their child with the surrogate mother. During problematic periods of life, when there is a divergence of views between adults and children, parents often blame another woman for their problems. They may believe that bad manners were passed on to the child from her. However, this is absurd, because the child completely matches the genetic material of mom and dad.

    It is worth mentioning separately about the influence of the church and religion. For many people, the word of a priest means a lot. The Church does not support surrogacy.