Scary real stories. The scariest stories

Real mysticism from real life- absolutely Mystic stories

“As happens in some films... We moved from a new house to a very old one. It was just so convenient for us, for some reason. Mom found a photo of the house on the Internet and immediately “fell in love” with it.

We moved there. We started to get used to it and look around... One day, when we had already started planning a housewarming party, I was terribly shocked. Now I'll tell you why. I went out onto the porch in the evening to admire the stars. About ten minutes later I heard some strange noise (as if someone was moving dishes from one place to another). I came back to look at it. When I approached the kitchen door, I saw something richly white slip out of its doors. I was scared, of course, but I never realized what it was.

Several days passed. We were expecting guests from afar. They were going to spend the night with us and we made a small rearrangement in the room (to make our place more convenient and comfortable for people).

The guests have arrived. I was calm because nothing supernatural was happening anymore. But! The guests told me something completely different. They stayed overnight in the same room (in the same room in which we specially rearranged it). The uncle said that the bed shook and swayed under him. The second uncle assured that the slippers were “rearranged” under the bed by themselves. And my aunt said that she saw a dark shadow sitting on the windowsill.

The guests have left. They hinted that they would never return. However, our family has no plans to leave here. Nobody (except me) believed in these “fairy tales”. Maybe it’s for the better.”

A story of three dreams

“I had an interesting dream. More precisely…. Some. But I decided not to “climb” into the dream book in order to accumulate my dreams even more.

The first dream was that a friend said: “I’m pregnant.” I haven’t called this friend for three months. We haven't seen each other again. The second dream was also pleasant. I won the lotto. What have I done? The result of the dreams did not take long to arrive...

I called my friend and she said that her father-in-law had died. This means that pregnancy in a dream “gives birth” to death. And my second dream came true: I won fifty dollars in the lotto.”

Cat mysticism or real fiction

“My husband and I live in the apartment of my grandmother, who died seven years ago. Before we moved here, this apartment was rented out to six different tenants. We have made repairs, but not completely. In short, we settled there... And I started finding strange things in the rooms. Either some scattered pins, or fragments (completely incomprehensible to me). Grandma started dreaming. In the evenings I saw her in several mirrors.

A friend advised me to urgently get a black kitten. We did this immediately. The kitten avoided mirrors. And in the evening, when I passed by them, he would jump on my shoulder and begin to hiss intimidatingly, glancing at the reflection in the mirror. And the kitten does not approach her husband at all. I don't know what this is for. I do not know why. But with a kitten we feel somehow calmer.”

Mystical shell

“My boyfriend died. Died while riding his motorcycle! I don't know how I survived it. And I don’t understand if I survived. I loved him very much. With such force that I went crazy with love! When I found out that he was no more... I thought that I would be taken forever to a psychiatric hospital. A month has passed since his death. Naturally, I grieved no less. I wanted to bring him back to this world. And I was ready to do anything for this.

A classmate gave the address of a magician. I came to him and paid for the session. He whispered something, hummed, squeaked... I observed his behavior and stopped believing in his “power”. I decided to sit until the end of the session. And it’s good that I didn’t leave earlier. Fiol (that was the name of the magician) gave me something in a small box. He told me not to open the box. I should have just put it under my pillow, constantly remembering Igor.

I did just that! True, my hands were shaking a little. And lips (from fright), because it had to be done in the dark. I tossed and turned for a long time and couldn’t even take a nap. It’s a pity that you couldn’t take sleeping pills. I didn’t notice how sleep visited me. I dreamed that...

I walk along a narrow path towards a bright light. I walk and hear a declaration of love that Igor continuously whispered to me. I walked, walked, walked... I wanted to stop, but I couldn’t. It was as if my legs themselves were leading me somewhere. My uncontrollable steps quickened.

He said the following:“I'm needed here. I can't go back. Don't forget me, but don't suffer either. There must be someone else next to you. And I will be your angel...”

He disappeared and my eyes opened. I tried to go back - nothing worked. I grabbed the box and opened it. I saw a small gilded shell in it! I will not part with her, as well as with the memories of Igor.”

Beautiful story of an ugly girl

“I have always disliked my appearance. It seemed to me that I was the ugliest girl in the Universe. Many people told me that this was not true, but I didn’t believe it. I hated mirrors. Even in cars! I avoided any mirrors and reflective objects.

I was twenty-two, but I wasn't dating anyone. Guys and men ran away from me the same way I ran away from my own appearance.

I decided to go to Kyiv to distract myself and unwind. I bought a train ticket and went. I looked out the window, listened to pleasant music..... I don’t know what exactly I expected from this trip. But my heart yearned for this city. This one, and not any other!

Time passed quickly on the road. I really regretted that I didn’t have time to enjoy the road as much as I should have. And I couldn’t take any photographs, since the train was moving unbearably fast.

No one was waiting for me at the station. I even envied those I met. I stood at the station for three seconds and headed to the taxi rank to get to the hotel where I had booked a room in advance.

I got into a taxi and heard:“Are you the girl who is insecure about her appearance and who still doesn’t have a soul mate?”

I was surprised, but answered positively. Now I'm married to this man. And how he knows all this about me is still a secret.” He doesn’t want to admit it, he just flatly...

This story happened back in 1978. I was in 5th grade then and was just a little girl. My mother worked as a teacher, and my father was an employee of the prosecutor's office. He never said anything about his work. In the morning he put on his uniform and went to work, and in the evening he returned home. Sometimes he came gloomy and...

Portrait of a Dead Man

Who among us does not know the universally respected American portrait painter Girard Haley. It gained its worldwide fame thanks to its brilliantly executed depiction of the head of Christ. But this work was written by him in the late 30s, and in 1928 few people knew about Girard, although even then the skill of this man was highly valued...

Slipped out of the loop

It was a cold February 1895. These were the good old days, when rapists and murderers were hanged in front of people, rather than being given ridiculous prison terms, a mockery of morality and ethics. A certain John Lee did not escape a similar fair fate. An English court sentenced him to death by hanging, putting...

Returned from the Grave

In 1864, Max Hoffmann turned five years old. About a month after his birthday, the boy fell seriously ill. A doctor was invited to the house, but he could not say anything comforting to the parents. In his opinion, there was no hope for recovery. The illness lasted only three days and confirmed the doctor’s diagnosis. The child died. Little body...

Dead daughter helped mother

Dr. S. Ware Mitchell was considered one of the most respected and distinguished members of his profession. During his long career as a physician, he served as both president of the American Physicians Association and chairman of the American Neurological Society. He owed this to his knowledge and professional integrity...

Two lost hours

This terrible incident happened on September 19, 1961. Betty Hill and her husband Barney were vacationing in Canada. It was nearing its end, and there were unsolved urgent matters waiting at home. In order not to waste time, the couple decided to leave in the evening and spend the whole night on the trip. In the morning they were supposed to reach their native Portsmouth in New Hampshire...

The saint healed his sister

I learned this story from my mother. At that time, I was not yet in the world, and my older sister had just turned 7 months old. For the first six months she was healthy child, but then became seriously ill. Every day she had severe cramps. The girl's limbs were twisting and foam was coming out of her mouth. My family lived...

It's so destined by fate

In April 2002, I suffered a terrible tragedy. My 15-year-old son died tragically. I gave birth to him in 1987. The birth was very difficult. When it was all over, I was put in a single room. The door to it was open, and the light was on in the corridor. I still can’t understand whether I was sleeping or whether I had not yet recovered from the difficult procedure...

Return of the icon

This amazing story Our dacha neighbor Irina Valentinovna told us three years ago. In 1996, she changed her place of residence. The woman packed the books, of which she had quite a few, into boxes. She carelessly put a very old icon of the Virgin Mary into one of them. They got married with this icon back in 1916...

Do not bring an urn with the ashes of the deceased into the house

It just so happened that, having lived to the age of 40, I never buried anyone from my loved ones. All of them were long-lived. But my grandmother died at the age of 94. We gathered for a family council and decided to bury her remains next to her husband’s grave. He died half a century ago, and was buried in the old city cemetery, where...

Death room

Do you know what a death room is? No! Then I'll tell you about it. Sit back and read. Maybe this will lead you to some specific thoughts and keep you from acting rashly. Morton loved music, art, did charity work, respected the law and respected justice. Of course, he fed the most...

Ghost in the Mirror

I've always been interested different stories associated with supernatural phenomena. I liked to think about the afterlife, about the otherworldly entities that live in it. I really wanted to summon the souls of long-dead people and communicate with them. One day I came across a book on spiritualism. I read it on one...

Mysterious savior

This happened during the war in the difficult and hungry year of 1942 with my mother. She worked in a pharmacy at a hospital and was considered an assistant pharmacist. Rats were constantly poisoned in the premises. To do this, they scattered pieces of bread sprinkled with arsenic. The food ration was small and meager, and my mother couldn’t stand it one day. She raised...

Help from a dead man

This happened quite recently, in the spring of 2006. At my close friend My husband started drinking heavily. This upset her greatly, and she kept wondering what to do with the damned man. I sincerely wanted to help and remembered that in such cases it is very effective means is a cemetery. I need to take the bottle of vodka that I was holding...

Treasure found by orphans

My grandfather Svyatoslav Nikolaevich was a representative of the ancient noble family. In 1918, when the revolution was raging in the country, he took his wife Sashenka and left the family estate near Moscow. He and his wife left further away to Siberia. At first he fought against the Reds, and then, when they won, he settled in a remote...

Angel under the bridge

Hoppy soil

The spaceship strainedly roared with its engines and smoothly descended to Earth. Captain Frimp opened the hatch and stepped out. Sensors showed a high oxygen content in the atmosphere, so the alien took off his spacesuit, took a deep breath of air and looked around. Around the ship the sands stretched to the horizon. Slow in the sky...

Besieged in your own home

This story genuine. It took place on August 21, 1955 in Kentucky, USA, on the Sutton farm after 19:00 local time. Eight adults and three children witnessed the terrible and mysterious incident. This event caused a lot of noise and instilled horror, fear and confusion in the souls of people. But everything is in order...

In this section we have collected true mystical stories sent by our readers and corrected by moderators before publication. This is the most popular section on the site, because... reading stories about mysticism based on real events is liked even by those people who doubt the existence of otherworldly forces and consider stories about everything strange and incomprehensible to be simply coincidences.

If you also have something to tell about this topic, you can do it absolutely free right now.

I am 21 years old and I want to tell you a story that my grandmother told me. This story happened to her about 5 years ago. Grandma is now 69 years old, but at that time she was about 64 years old.

My grandmother was sitting in her house and preparing for one important task, and she is a believer and she prayed to God to help her in this matter. And after the grandmother prayed, she saw in her house near the curtain, out of nowhere, a woman in white or blue clothes. The woman told her not to be afraid that something bad would happen to her, and that she would always be with her. Now the grandmother says that the woman in white clothes, which she saw during prayer in her house, looks like an angel, and she was sent by God to help her.

I work at a college. It’s very interesting here, teenagers are different, with their own character and characteristics.

In one of the groups there was a guy, a tall, handsome man, the grandson of a famous equestrian. It is clear that he had no shortage of female attention. Then he stopped attending classes. Fellow students said that he was seriously ill; it seemed that his intestines had ruptured. Then he took a sabbatical leave. After a year or two he recovered. But this was already a different person - thin, sickly and thoughtful. And one day he told this story.

Our family has always owned horses, the men of our family were riders and won prizes many times. Grandfather knew horses very well and taught us the same. On some evenings he forbade members of the household to approach the stable. Growing up, I began to understand that on such nights something was going on in the stable, from there I could hear the clatter of hooves and the neighing of disgruntled horses. The grandfather did not answer any questions.

I have been reading stories from this site for a very long time. Many thanks to the administrator for creating this site. Only here do I find an outlet. Because people who have not encountered something “similar” in life do not believe that there is something invisible and inexplicable from the point of view of science or logic. It’s clear that I can’t share my experiences with them. And sometimes you really want to speak out. Let me make a reservation that my story is not fiction. Someone might just twist it at their temple, why twist it, I’m already used to it.

As a child, I spent a lot of time with my grandmother and for as long as I can remember, she was always haunted by obsessive knocking. If she went to bed, there was a knock at the bedside. If she went to the bathhouse, there was a knock in the corner where she was sitting. If she was cooking something in the kitchen, there was a knock in the kitchen. Granny always knocked menacingly in response and read our Report. For some time the knocking subsided, but then continued again. These knocks were heard not only by my grandmother and I, but also by my brother and my mother.

Stories about things that have no rational explanation, about extraordinary accidents, mysterious coincidences, inexplicable phenomena, prophetic predictions and visions.


My old friend, kind interlocutor, teacher, who recently retired, Liliya Zakharovna told me an unusual story. She went to visit her sister Irina in the neighboring Tula region.

Her neighbors, mother Lyudmila Petrovna and daughter Ksenia, lived in the same entrance on the same site as Irina. Even before retiring, Lyudmila Petrovna began to get sick. Doctors changed the diagnosis three times. There was no sense in treatment: Lyudmila Petrovna died. On that tragic morning, Ksenia was woken up by the cat Muska, her mother’s favorite. The doctor pronounced him dead. Lyudmila Petrovna was buried very close, in her native village.

Ksenia and her friend came to the cemetery two days in a row. When we arrived on the third day, we saw a narrow, elbow-deep hole in the burial mound. Quite fresh.

Muska was sitting nearby. There was no doubt. Almost simultaneously they shouted: “That’s who dug!” Surprised and gossiping, the girls filled up the hole. The cat was not given to them, and they left without it.

The next day, Ksenia, feeling sorry for the hungry Muska, went to the cemetery again. A relative kept her company. Imagine their amazement when they saw a rather large hole on the hill. Muska, exhausted and hungry, sat nearby. She did not struggle, but calmly allowed herself to be placed in the bag, occasionally mewing pitifully.

Ksenia couldn’t get the episode with the cat out of her head now. And then the thought began to emerge more and more clearly: what if mom was buried alive? Maybe Muska felt this in an unknown way? And the daughter decided to dig up the coffin. Having paid money to some homeless people, she and her friend came to the cemetery.

When they opened the coffin, they saw in horror what Ksenia had foreseen. Lyudmila Petrovna, apparently, tried for a long time to lift the lid. The most terrible thing for Ksenia was the thought that her mother was still alive when she and her friend came to her grave. They didn’t hear her, but the cat heard her and tried to dig her out!

Evgenia Martynenko


My grandmother Ekaterina Ivanovna was a pious person. She grew up in the family of a forester and spent her entire life
lived in a small village. She knew all the forest paths, where what kind of berries were found and where the most hidden mushroom places were. She never believed in black supernatural forces, but one day a strange and terrible story happened to her.

She needed to transport hay home from the meadow for the cow. Her sons from the city came to help, and she hurried home to prepare dinner. It was autumn. It was getting dark. It only takes half an hour to get to the village. The grandmother is walking along a familiar path, and suddenly a familiar villager comes out of the forest. I stopped and started talking about village life.

Suddenly the woman laughed loudly throughout the forest - and then disappeared, as if she had evaporated. The grandmother was seized with horror, she began to look around in confusion, not knowing which way to go. She rushed back and forth for two hours until she fell exhausted. Just when she thought in confusion that she would have to wait in the forest until the morning, the sound of a tractor reached her ears. She went towards him in the dark. So I went to the village.

The next day the grandmother went to her forest companion’s home. It turned out that she had not left the house, had not been in any forest, and therefore she listened to her grandmother with great surprise. Since then, my grandmother tried to avoid that disastrous place, and in the village they said about it: this is the place where the goblin took Katerina. So no one understood what it was: whether the grandmother dreamed it, or the village woman was hiding something. Or maybe it really was a goblin?

V.N. Potapova, Bryansk


Events constantly happen in my life that can only be called miraculous, and all because there is no explanation for them. In 1980, my mother’s common-law husband, Pavel Matveevich, died. At the morgue, his things and watch were given to his mother. My mother kept the watch in memory of the deceased.

After the funeral, I had a dream that Pavel Matveevich insistently demanded from my mother that she take the watch to his old apartment. I woke up at five o’clock and immediately ran to my mother to tell me a strange dream. Mom agreed with me that the watch should definitely be taken back.

Suddenly a dog barked in the yard. Looking out the window, we saw a man standing at the gate under a lantern. Hastily throwing on her coat, mom ran out into the street, quickly returned, took something from the sideboard and went to the gate again. It turned out that Pavel Matveevich’s son from his first marriage came to pick up the watch. He happened to be passing through our city and came to us to ask for something in memory of his father. How he found us almost at night remains a mystery. I'm not even talking about my strange dream...

At the end of 2000, my husband’s father, Pavel Ivanovich, became seriously ill. Before the New Year he was admitted to the hospital. At night I had a dream again: as if some man was urgently demanding that I ask him about something important. Out of fear, I asked how many years my parents would live, and received the answer: more than seventy. Then she asked what awaited my father-in-law.

In response I heard: “There will be an operation on the third of January.” And indeed, the attending physician scheduled an emergency operation for January 2nd. “No, the operation will be on the third,” I said confidently. Imagine the surprise of the relatives when the surgeon rescheduled the operation for the third time!

And another story. I've never been different special health, but rarely went to doctors. After the birth of my second daughter, I once had a very bad headache, almost bursting. And so on throughout the day. I went to bed early in the hope that my headache would go away in my sleep. She had just begun to fall asleep when little Katya began to fuss. There was a night light hanging above my bed, and as soon as I tried to turn it on, I felt like I was electrocuted. And it seemed to me that I was soaring high in the sky above our house.

It became calm and not scary at all. But then I heard a child’s cry, and some force returned me to the bedroom and threw me into bed. I took the crying girl in my arms. My nightgown, my hair, my whole body were wet, as if I had been caught in the rain, but my head didn’t hurt. I think I experienced an instant clinical death, and the child’s cry brought me back to life.

After 50 years I have the ability to draw, which is what I always dreamed of. Now the walls of my apartment are hung with paintings...

Svetlana Nikolaevna Kulish, Timashevsk, Krasnodar Territory


My father was born in Odessa in 1890 and died in 1984 (I was born when he was 55 years old). As a child, he often told me about the days of his youth. He grew up as the 18th child (the last) in the family, enrolled himself in school, finished 4th grade, but his parents did not allow him to study further: he had to work. Although he was a communist, he spoke well of the tsarist times and believed that there was more order.

In 1918 he volunteered for the Red Army. When I asked him what prompted him to take this step, he answered: there was no work, but he needed to live on something, and they offered him rations and clothes, plus youthful romance. My father once told me this story:

“Went Civil War. We were stationed in Nikolaev. We lived in a heated house on railway. In our unit there was a joker Vasya, who often amused everyone. One day, along the carriages, two railway workers were carrying a can of fuel oil, stuffed with a gag.

Right in front of them, Vasya jumps off the carriage, spreads his arms to the side and in some strange voice says: “Hush, hush, lower, lower, the machine gun is scribbling with water, fire, water, lie down!” He falls on all fours and begins to crawl. The railway workers, taken aback, immediately fell and began crawling after him on all fours. The can fell, the gag fell out, and fuel oil began to flow out of the flask. After that, Vasya stood up, shook himself off and, as if nothing had happened, approached his Red Army soldiers. Homeric laughter rang out, and the poor railway workers, raising their cans, quietly left.”

This incident was very memorable, and my father decided to repeat it himself. Once in the city of Nikolaev, he saw a gentleman in a white Easter suit, white canvas shoes and a white hat coming towards him. His father approached him, spread his arms to the sides and said in an insinuating voice: “Hush, hush, lower, lower, the machine gun is scribbling with water, fire, water, lie down!” He dropped down on all fours and began to crawl in a circle. This gentleman, to the amazement of his father, also fell to his knees and began to crawl after him. The hat flew off, there was dirt all around, people were walking nearby, but he seemed detached.

The father perceived what happened as a one-time hypnosis on a weak, unstable psyche: power changed almost every day, uncertainty, tension and general panic reigned. Judging by some facts, such a hypnotic effect on some people is common in our rational times.

I. T. Ivanov, village Beisug, Vyselkovsky district, Krasnodar region


That year, my daughter and I moved to my grandmother’s apartment, which I had inherited. My blood pressure jumped and my temperature rose; Having attributed my condition to an ordinary cold, as soon as it had eased up a little, I calmly left for a country house.

The daughter, who remained in the apartment, did some laundry. Standing in the bathroom, with her back to the door, she suddenly heard a child’s voice: “Mom, mom...” Turning around in fear, she saw that a little boy was standing in front of her and stretching out his hands to her. In a split second the vision disappeared. My daughter turned 21 and was not married. I think readers understand her feelings. She took this as a sign.

Events were not slow to unfold, but in a different direction. Two days later I ended up on the operating table with an abscess. Thank God she survived. There seems to be no direct connection with my illness, and yet it was not a simple vision.

Nadezhda Titova, Novosibirsk A

"Miracles and Adventures" 2013

This story happened to my friend Tanya several years ago. During those years she worked at funeral home, took orders and completed documents, in general, did the usual routine work. She carried out her work functions during the day, and other employees stayed at night. But one day, due to a colleague going on vacation, Tanya was offered two weeks to work on the night shift, and she agreed.

In the evening, having started her shift, Tanya checked all the documents and phone number, talked with the employees who were on duty in the basement, and sat down on her workplace. It got dark, my colleagues went to bed, and there were no calls from clients. Time passed as usual, Tanya was bored at her workplace, and only the cat, which had taken root at their work and was considered a collective one, brightened up her life a little, and even she was sleeping at that moment.

In 2009, I was in the hospital. The room was for six people. Two rows of beds with a passage in the middle. I got an old-style bed with an uncomfortable broken mesh (you lie like in a hammock). Bed guards made of metal rods. We hung towels on them (although this was not allowed). Because of the uncomfortable bed, my legs stuck out slightly into the passage. I wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of someone quietly tapping on my leg. It flashed through my head that I was either snoring or my legs were getting in the way. I looked and there was no one in the aisle or by my bed. Everybody sleeps. I thought that the woman from the bed opposite was bending over and I couldn’t see her because of the shield.

1. I’m in an abandoned house with some man, he shows me the room and says that his daughter lived here, she became a drug addict and died, and he doesn’t know why this happened. Why did she start using drugs, because she had always been a serious girl, and then they replaced her, and she went down a crooked path. And asks me to establish the reason. I walk around the room, start sniffing the air, and following the “smell” I go to the window, and from behind the curtains (I seem to pull him out with sighs) a “freak” begins to appear, small, bald, wrinkled, with pale, disgusting skin.

Life brought me together with one woman - Svetlana, who told me this story about herself. She was 15 years older than me, and it seemed like we shouldn’t have crossed paths much, but, as they say, the ways of the Lord are inscrutable... It turned out that I was in a class with her brother, Alyosha; we lived in the same house, only on different floors; Our parents and she worked at the same enterprise. Of course, I knew that she was the sister of my classmate and often met her near the house, but due to the difference in age, the entire dialogue between us was limited to only a couple of routine phrases: hello - goodbye.

This story happened with one friend, Larisa, or rather with her father, who was killed in an accident.

One day the father (I don’t remember the exact name, like Sasha) of this Larisa and a friend went to some suburb of Khabarovsk. This friend then told this story. So, they are driving along the highway, there is a forest all around, everything is fine. But suddenly Sasha noticed a woman right in the middle of the road. A friend saw her too. And, in order not to knock her down, Sasha turned sharply to the left, but apparently did not calculate it well, and crashed into a pole with a bang. He suffered a very serious head injury and died on the spot. A friend escaped with a broken nose... A crowd of people began to gather at the scene of the accident, a traffic jam formed, an ambulance and (at that time) the police were called.

Hello! Some time ago I learned about 1

This also happened in the army. I served in the Vladikavkaz border detachment from 2001 to 2003. The territory was located near the old Ossetian cemetery, and they say that the detachment itself stood in the old cemetery... So, I didn’t see this myself, but the old-timers, mostly officers, but many contract soldiers, told a lot of stories about the ghosts living there.

There was a summer soldier's swimming pool in which there was no water; it was never poured there during our service. They say that in the late 90s, when water was poured into the pool, luminous entities flying above it were seen many times at night. The guards got scared many times and opened fire... Everything disappeared after the water was released.