Psychologist's page: how to overcome the autumn blues. How to beat the autumn blues

The human body is accustomed to warmth not only physically, but also psychologically. Whatever summer is, it is always perceived as a holiday, rest, vacation. At this time of year, people become mobile, active, their mood and overall body tone improve, while in the fall activity decreases sharply: the body prepares to face the cold and begins to work to save its own resources. Starting in September, the days decrease, and the lack of light directly affects biological rhythms, which slow down. A decrease in temperature also affects the body. These circumstances cannot be called joyful, so the mood rapidly drops.

Autumn blues – quite typical psychological condition many people. Usually, this is associated with a decrease in a person’s emotional background. In addition, appetite and sleep patterns change, and motivation for activity disappears. What exactly is happening to us, and what are the causes of this condition? We asked this question to Anna Tolstova, a medical psychologist at the Stavropol Regional Psychiatric Hospital No. 1.

– Signs of the autumn blues can appear in any person. In fact, autumn is just another time of year and there are many reasons not to become discouraged! So, what is needed in order to calmly endure the change of seasons? Firstly, it is important to find something you like. I recommend making a list of things that definitely need to be done in the fall. Then every morning a person will get up, knowing that new achievements and discoveries lie ahead. In this way, you can avoid sad thoughts, expand your knowledge base and spend your time profitably.

Secondly, you should pay attention to your daily routine. It doesn't matter that daylight hours have shortened. The body still needs strength. In order to stay in a good mood, you need to get enough sleep and not ignore rest, especially if you have to solve difficult problems at work. In the autumn, it is important to reconsider your diet, eliminating fatty and heavy foods. Autumn is harvest time, so fresh fruits and vegetables arrive in abundance on store shelves, markets and private retail outlets. To overcome the blues, you should go in for sports - this will help support good mood and get rid of negative emotions.

I would also advise changing the space around you. Let me explain: you can add more food to your home, wardrobe, and food. bright colors, such an environment will not allow you to succumb to depression. What else is important? Don't neglect communication. Get together with friends or close relatives more often: you can organize themed tea parties, outings with a picnic, visit exhibitions and theaters, or go on an excursion to a neighboring city. Blues is a seasonal concept, and if you pull yourself together, you will be surprised to note: autumn is over, the bad mood has not appeared.

Autumn blues are a fairly typical psychological state for many people. Usually, this is associated with a decrease in a person’s emotional background. In addition, appetite and sleep patterns change, and motivation for activity disappears. What exactly is happening to us, and what are the causes of this condition?

The human body is accustomed to summer warmth not only physically, but also psychologically. Whatever summer is, it is always perceived as a holiday, rest, vacation. In the summer, people become mobile, active, their mood and overall body tone improve, while in the fall, activity decreases sharply: the body prepares to face the cold and begins to work to save its own resources. Starting in September, the daylight hours decrease, and the lack of light directly affects biological rhythms, which slow down. A decrease in temperature also affects the body. Such circumstances cannot be called joyful, so the mood rapidly drops. The autumn blues are also associated with regret that summer is over, and a cold and often harsh winter awaits us ahead, and next summer is still far away.

Signs of the autumn blues can appear in anyone, but in fact, autumn is just another time of year and there are many reasons not to become despondent! So, what is needed in order to calmly endure the change of seasons?

1. Find something you like. Make a list of things that you absolutely must complete in the fall. Every morning you will get up knowing that new achievements and discoveries await you ahead. In this way, you will avoid sad thoughts, expand your knowledge base and spend your time profitably.

2. Follow a daily routine. It doesn't matter that daylight hours have shortened. The body still needs strength and in order to stay in a good mood, you need to get enough sleep and not ignore rest if you are busy with serious and complex work.

3. Review your diet. Eliminate fatty and heavy foods, replacing them with vitamins and fresh fruits. Autumn is harvest time, so fresh fruits and vegetables arrive in abundance on store shelves, markets and private retail outlets.

4. Don't neglect sports. Active physical exercise will help you maintain a good mood and get rid of anger.

5. Change the space around you. Bring more bright colors into your home, wardrobe, and food. Don't let the situation make you depressed.

6. Don't neglect communication. Get together with friends or close relatives more often. You can organize themed tea parties, outings with a picnic, visit exhibitions and theaters, or go on an excursion to a neighboring city.

Autumn blues are a seasonal concept, and if you pull yourself together, you will be surprised to note that autumn is over, but your bad mood has not appeared. Use your own imagination to add variety to your dull everyday life, do something you enjoy and don’t forget that every day is given to us for new victories and achievements.

If you understand that none of the methods helps you, you cannot improve your emotional condition, there is not enough strength for this, you need the help and support of a specialist, then we are waiting for you at the address st. Lenina, 441, building 3, floor 3, room 19.

8 effective ways to combat the autumn blues

“A sad time is a charm from the eyes!” - this is what the classic wrote in one of his poems...

It’s a charming time for reality: the leaves turn yellow in the parks and gardens, everything becomes golden and variegated, it would seem, a time of joy and harvest…. But apparently, nothing has changed in our urban society since the time of the classic. And for many of us, this “time” becomes really dull. Autumn depression is not an uncommon visitor for modern city dwellers. So what is the reason? How to defeat this scourge?

Causes of depression in autumn

“Smart men” interpret that the cause of all this misfortune is a decrease in daylight hours. It's hard to disagree with them. The world around becomes dark: gray, wet. There are fewer reasons for joy at this time; you want to plunge back into summer, where it is sunny and warm. Scientists even came up with a term - “seasonal affective disorder”, popularly known as the blues, and they also came to the conclusion that “this is not an invention of sad, lazy people and not happy with life,” but in fact a serious illness that in our latitudes can affect everyone.

If, having read this far, you recognize yourself and feel that sometimes the view outside the window makes you mope, do not despair, your misfortune is not a misfortune at all. There are a great number of ways to get away from this condition or at least mitigate it. Below I describe the most effective of them.

Get brighter!

You've rightly heard about color therapy, where colors are used for treatment. In our case, try to dress brighter. Bright colors lift your spirits and seem to take you out of resonance with the weather outside the window, but you can argue: “black is slimming!” But this is not your case. Still, during depression, take control of your will - wear bright colored clothes at least from time to time.

Healthy sleep and proper routine are the key to health

It’s true that in the old days people said: “He who gets up early, God gives him.” And you follow the example, go to bed earlier, rest 8 hours in a row. Get up at dawn.
Strict adherence to this rule will give you energy for the whole day. There will be a desire to create something. And gradually your depression will disappear.


Indeed, in a state of depression, when a person is very prone to developing addictions, be especially careful with all kinds of pastries, cakes and other flour products; it is quite possible to simply become addicted to sugar. You don’t also need weight problems, do you?

Bitter chocolate. As a way to sweeten the blues

Yes! It is bitter that not everyone loves, and sometimes it turns out to be in vain. Eating a couple of slices of dark chocolate is very effective method cheer up. Keep in mind that milk chocolate or chocolate ice cream is not suitable for blues.

Omega-3 foods can help you

Eating fatty fish (anchovies, sardines, mackerel), flaxseed oil, hemp oil and walnut oil helps and sometimes eliminates almost any seasonal disorder because it contains Omega-3 fats. Which maintain the level of neurotransmitters - serotonin and dopamine. Very important substances in the fight against depression.

So remember, by leaning on fish, you are strengthening not only your bones, but also your mental state.

Oatmeal, oranges, greens... We “refuel” the body with folic acid

In addition to everything written above, in order to finally get rid of depression, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to eat oatmeal for dinner, for example, or for breakfast, green beans lentils, and eat an orange on the side. These foods are rich folic acid, and she also lifts the mood.

We go to the gym... Sport is the best medicine

Don't let the cold weather make you lazy... Get up and take a walk. Better yet, do some physical exercise - all this will raise your tone and improve your mood, because various physical exercise wonderfully relieve stress - a frequent companion of seasonal depression.

Go visit

Remember the old cartoon about Winnie the Pooh? How did he visit guests? So you don’t sit within “four walls”, ask for a visit. This is the most effective way. The company always lifts the mood. But here you will have to overcome yourself, because during depression we avoid communication... Don’t give in to this feeling. “Feet in hand” and away from the blues.

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Everyone remembers the good Soviet cartoon, in which the toad repeats with looking smart: “... we’ve eaten, we need to sleep! We got some sleep, we need to eat!” But not only animals, but also “homo sapiens” have this behavior - after eating, surrendering to the arms of Morpheus. Why?

After a hot summer, full of events, vacations and good weather, comes a streak of autumn, often rainy days, cloudy skies, piercing winds, and the thermometer tends to drop every day. It is quite normal that a person, being a naturally thermophilic and warm-blooded creature, misses sunny days and is sad. Of course, there are such exceptions and optimists in the world as the genius of Russian literature Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, for whom autumn was his favorite time of year. It was in the fall that he was filled with inspiration to create beautiful creative masterpieces.

What should those for whom autumn brings the blues do? And what is this?

Blues is a general depressed state, gloomy thoughts, despondency and fatigue, melancholy and a feeling of hopelessness, a decrease in a person’s emotional and energetic state. It seems that this state will never end, will not pass, that all troubles and misfortunes have gathered in one place and are intended for a specific person. There is no desire to continue living in the same rhythm, habitual, necessary things are abandoned, and communication with friends is reduced. Some people tend to blame their condition the world, while others engage in self-flagellation.

You can and should fight the blues. There are several ways that will help us.

1. Make changes to your diet. There are a number of foods that, when consumed, can significantly change a person’s mood. This walnuts and chocolate, cheese, the whole group of citrus fruits. Bananas, grapes, pears, carrots and red peppers. Drink tea with honey. It is honey that provides the strongest resistance to melancholy.

Add these foods, or some of them, to your diet. Take Vitamin B for Support nervous system.

* infusions of rose hips and hawthorn, as well as raspberry and nettle leaves can improve the condition and relieve tension,

* turnip juice has a sedative effect,

* mixture walnuts, honey and hazel will lift your spirits.

2. Changing our lifestyle.

Even if you don't really like walking in the fresh air, convince yourself otherwise. Take a break from the computer, limit your interaction with gadgets as much as possible and go for a walk. Fresh air, an active lifestyle and walking are a must in our recipe.

3. For actively working people - set real, achievable goals. Autumn - no best time for jerks, tension and unnecessary grief. Small productive victories will be a great inspiration and incentive for future horizons.

4. Recharge yourself with energy. Along with the temperature outside the window, energy leaves our body. Nature is a natural source of energy. Visit a park, forest, river or seaside. There are donor trees that can charge a person with energy, give strength, positivity, and improve mood.

* Birch brings harmony back to life.

* Oak is able to give clarity of thought and make the right decision.

* Pine has the ability to provide creative inspiration.

* Linden will reduce excitability and aggression.

Go to the tree, address it, lean against it, express a request.

5. Eat well. Healthy food gives the body energy and improves mood. Treat yourself to something delicious. Favorite candies, seafood salad, pancakes with cottage cheese, strudel or just fried potatoes. And let the whole world wait!

6. Find an interesting business, passion, hobby. Start studying foreign language, visit Gym, swimming pool, take up tennis, badminton, yoga or just chess. Enjoy your new hobby.

Read books. Good, kind, positive, always with a happy ending.

7. Sing and shout. Depending on the state of your soul. Singing improves mood and is a good prevention of ENT diseases, which actively worsen in the fall. With a scream you can throw out negativity, get rid of anger, aggression, irritation. You can definitely sing at home. But it’s better to scream in the lap of nature alone.

8. Spend time with family, loved ones, friends. Hug your children often. They are great energizers and sources of positivity. Selfless and generous.

9. Get enough sleep. Sleep is a natural medicine available to everyone. Put off until tomorrow those things that can wait. Tomorrow will be a new day, new strength and energy for those things left yesterday.

At the end of the working day, take warm bath with foam, essential oils, with a cup of tea. Enjoy the warmth and peace.

Visit the solarium. For sunlight- like food.

In countries where the number of sunny days per year fluctuates around 300 days a year, people practically do not experience the blues. Southerners come under natural light therapy, which is so necessary for our body. If possible, visit the southern country.

Love yourself, appreciate and make yourself happy. And no blues!

Overcoming autumn spleen is not so difficult. To do this, we recommend eight simple tricks.

1. Get a cat

Have you long dreamed of a purring warm bundle? Here's a sign for you! A cat is the best cure for any sadness, and life without a cat is not the same, especially in the fall.

If you are an active and active hipster, get an Instagram for your cat, because everyone loves cats.

If you prefer to relax under a warm checkered blanket, a purring mini-tiger will complement this measured idyll perfectly. And if you adopt a cat from a shelter, karma will be favorable to you until the end of autumn. Good deeds warm you better than any scarf.

2. Buy a stupid scarf

By the way, about scarves. Who said it's time to dress in moody brown clothes in the fall? The duller it is outside, the more cheerful the wardrobe should be. Buy a beautiful, bright, crazy, soft and expensive scarf! Let it be the main accessory of autumn. Such that passersby turn around with the question frozen in their eyes: “Did I really just see THIS?” And to ourselves we were a little envious of your courage and carelessness.

3. Give gifts

Do you like receiving gifts? Everyone loves it! Why not make you happy loved one inexpensive, but a nice little thing? Give a friend who is always freezing cute mittens, give an employee a new cup instead of his ancient one with a chip, give a bouquet to passing girls yellow leaves. And be sure to write your mom a card saying how much you love her and that she is the best mom in the world.

Dayne Topkin/

4. Brew (and drink) mulled wine

Getting drunk while sad is not a good idea. But a glass of mulled wine in the autumn is so good that we couldn’t resist and added it to this list. Take thick, sweet, aromatic, slightly tart red wine, cut ripe citrus fruits, and simmer the drink over low heat in an enamel saucepan. Be sure to add a few cinnamon sticks and cardamom. Buy a couple of those same glasses for mulled wine and drink with someone dear to your heart.

5. Watch stupid talk shows

It’s not customary to talk about this, but if you turn on a talk show and start watching with one eye, the time will fly by. Unpleasant thoughts along with sorrows will disappear from your head, and your hand will reach out to turn on the next video.

Once a week, during the saddest moments, it’s really great to order a huge pizza and turn on stupid heart-warming programs.

But the next day the gym! And arthouse.

6. Take pictures among the yellow leaves

A true method, tested over the years and generations. It’s better to hire a professional photographer for a photo shoot, or at least a person with straight hands and a good camera. Dress brightly, find a huge park with beautiful wrought-iron lanterns and benches. Collect a bouquet of leaves, toss them, fool around like a child and have fun. Put the result of the photo shoot on your avatar on social networks, to anger the snobs.

7. Do surya namaskar

It's a scary name, but there's nothing illegal about it. This is just a set of exercises that awakens, invigorates and energizes you for the whole day better than any coffee. Do it immediately after waking up, drink it with a glass warm water with lemon. After this, you will be ready to face the darkest weather positively.

Christopher Campbell/

8. Drink cocoa with marshmallows

Heavy artillery in case all else fails. Not a single blues has ever resisted cocoa. Pour a chocolate drink with snow-white, slightly melted marshmallows into a new red cup, and you are guaranteed a good mood. The best way to strengthen the fight against autumn spleen is with a sweet chocolate-marshmallow kiss.

Have a bright autumn with unforgettable impressions. Don't forget to take pictures of the most pleasant moments!

What are your ways to combat the autumn blues?