Death in the bathtub from a hairdryer. Myths about electricity

We've all watched the movie "What Women Want" where main character, having received an electric shock from a hairdryer in his own bath, suddenly began to read women’s thoughts. However, in reality everything is not so positive at all. Many argue that such an incident would inevitably lead to death. So let's try to figure out if this is true?

Moisture always conducts current. It should be taken into account that the bathroom most often has steamy walls and ceilings, as well as a wet floor. Therefore, it is not only the bath itself that is dangerous. To ensure that the room does not pose a danger, the voltage in it is reduced to 42 Volts. You can also ground the bathroom. The website can help in this process: On this site you can order not only grounding for the bathroom, but also for the house as a whole. If the voltage in the wiring in the bathroom still reaches 220 Volts, then those who installed it seriously violated safety regulations. In fact, everything that is said about the dangers of hair dryers in water is absolutely true.

Many times real cases have been recorded in which people died right in the water after a hair dryer under 220 volts got into it. Moreover, for a person to die, a hairdryer does not have to fall into the water. A person can simply touch it and die immediately, provided that he himself is in the water. There have been incidents where people have become electrocuted simply by touching the shower while a hairdryer was on in the bathroom. This is explained by the fact that moisture can conduct current in any way.

Typically, the bathtub is not always grounded, just like other items in the shower. Therefore, the current can move freely along damp walls, ceiling or floor. If you have a machine gun, don't rely on it too much. If there is no grounding, it does not work. And a short circuit will not occur, since the resistance of the human body reaches only 1000 Ohms, which is not enough for it to occur. It is safe to say that if a hairdryer creates voltage in the bathroom, the person will inevitably die. Yes, in some cases it happened when he managed to jump out of the bath. But the problem is that the wet floor is also already under tension, so there is no hope for a happy outcome.

Disagreements in this situation arose due to the fact that some people, when a hairdryer got into the water, still remained alive. These cases are explained by the fact that the current will pass without resistance or with minimal resistance, and will go to the ground or to the zero phase. However, the likelihood of this is extremely low.

If you don't want to die in your own bathroom, it's best not to go there at all. electrical devices, otherwise the washing process will be the last thing you do in life.

An 18-year-old Muscovite was taking a bath with a tablet connected to a charger. According to preliminary data, the tablet fell into the water, as a result of which the girl died.

Which electrical appliances cannot be used in the bathroom and why, see the infographics

What devices are dangerous in the bathroom?

With any electrical appliances you need to be especially careful in the bathroom and do not forget about safety precautions. If a plug-in appliance falls into water, it may cause a short circuit. As a result, a person may receive an electric shock.

Electrical personal care products

Electric razors and toothbrushes

These devices are designed for use in the bathroom. However, we should not forget that they should be charged in a different place - away from water.

Electric epilator

Epilators may not be intended for use in the bathroom unless they are waterproof. The manufacturer indicates how to handle the equipment in the operating instructions.

You should be especially careful when using a hairdryer in the bathroom. Do not forget that the device may slip out of your hands and fall into the water, which is unsafe. Therefore, you should not dry your hair directly in a filled bath or near an open tap.

Electrical devices for entertainment and communication

  • mobile phone
  • tablet
  • laptop
  • radio
  • player
  • TV

Such electrical equipment has no place in the bathroom - a humid climate and condensation negatively affect the operation of the devices. Under no circumstances should you charge devices or leave them plugged in directly in the bathroom. If electrical appliances fall into water while connected to a power source, the electric shock can be fatal.

How to safely use electrical appliances in the bathroom?

If you need to take electrical appliances into the bathroom for entertainment and communication purposes, purchase special transparent, waterproof cases for them. Manufacturers also produce special radios and televisions for the shower.

Why is there electric shock in the bathroom?

If you notice tingling or mild shocks when you come into contact with running water, a bathtub, sink, faucet or water pipes, you need to call an electrician and eliminate the cause of the current leak. There may be several reasons:

  • Incorrect grounding of the bathroom, electrical appliances and outlets or lack of grounding.
  • Violation of the insulation of wiring installed in the walls.
  • Neighbors use the pipe as grounding or for unauthorized withdrawal of electricity. In this case, you need to contact the energy supply company or Energonadzor for help.
  • Plugged in (not even working) washing machine not grounded.
  • Your or your neighbors' water heater is malfunctioning (if you received an electric shock from the water).

Why do you need to ground your bathroom and household appliances?

Particular attention should be paid to electrical safety standards when installing a washing machine, water heaters and other equipment in the bathroom. The equipment must be grounded, as well as the bathtub itself, if it is made of cast iron, steel and other metals.

Grounding is a protection that takes electric current when it appears on devices and takes it to the ground.

Previously, for grounding, the bathroom bowl was connected to a sewer or water riser. Do it in apartment building it's not possible now. The fact is that the neighbors below can exchange their iron water supply or cast iron sewer riser for plastic pipes, and then the grounding system will be interrupted throughout the entire entrance.

According to electrical installation standards, the bath must be connected to a special grounding bus, which is located at the input switchboard at the entrance. If your bathroom has a shower with a device for instantly heating water, or other water heating equipment, as well as a washing machine, they must also be grounded. These devices are grounded according to the same principle as a bathroom. It is better to entrust this work to an electrician.

How else can you protect yourself from electric shock in the bathroom?

It is better to connect all electrical appliances in the bathroom to the network through a protective connection device - RCD. This mechanism detects current leakage and opens the circuit contacts. RCD protects a person from injury electric shock in case of touching its source or current-conducting surfaces, which are water and metal. Also, an RCD can prevent a fire in the event of a short circuit.

What requirements must the electrical wiring in the bathroom meet?

  • It is better to choose a two-core copper cable with a cross-section of 2.5 mm square or more
  • The socket in the bathroom should have a splash guard, usually in the form of a spring-loaded cover.
  • It is better to use sockets with high degree protection from external influences
  • Open wiring not recommended in the bathroom
  • All electrical appliances in the bathroom must be connected to the general network via an RCD
  • Sockets in the bathroom should be located no closer than 0.6 meters from front door shower stall or directly from the bathtub and at least at a height of 18-20 centimeters from the floor
  • It is better to entrust the installation of sockets and electrical equipment in the bathroom to a specialist.

>But a hairdryer turned on in the bath is certain death...

But that’s not a fact. A lot depends on the specific situation. For that
in order to kill a person you need a very specific current flowing through
body, and it matters which way the current flows. The most dangerous
position - when from the left hand to the legs, especially to the right. Which is quite
is simply explained - this is how the highest current density in
area of ​​the heart, which increases the likelihood of fibrillation of the heart muscle.
It is believed that 30 mA for a few milliseconds is non-lethal at
in any situation. This value is selected as a threshold value for RCDs installed
on chains, where there is at least the slightest chance of grabbing a naked hand
the wire.
Inside a hairdryer that has fallen into water, the shortest path with the smallest
resistance for current flow - several centimeters from one
contact to another. Through the water, the body and the bath itself into the ground - all kinds of
longer and greater resistance, therefore the current is much less. If
remember that fresh water is a pretty lousy conductor, that big
some of the bathtubs are enameled, i.e. well insulated, and have drainage
the tubes are very often plastic, which ground the bathtubs very rarely, then
it becomes obvious that “certain death from a hairdryer in the bath” is far from
faithful. Here's to taking a bath sea ​​water in a galvanized trough with
cast iron drain and at the same time drying your hair with a hairdryer is a little risky.
Scenes from American films where a hairdryer falling into the water causes fountains
sparks, lighting flickering, water boiling, body charring, and
the fuses do not turn off - fairy tales, fiction

Regarding the path of current flow through the body.
One of my acquaintances in ancient times had a very funny life
happening. It was a slushy Moscow winter thaw, when the runoff
clogged with either mud or ice, and puddles on the roads, especially deep ones
before public transport stops, due to generous sprinkling
Roads with salt contain real brine. My acquaintance had a quarrel with
a wife who had been smoothly transitioning into divorce for three or four months.
Accordingly, he suffered somewhat from abstinence. And so, following the later
in the evening he’s on his way home from work on a trolleybus. The weather is disgusting, damp and
Cold. My boots are wet, my feet are wet, my nose is running. Still on the road
I noticed that the handrails were slightly pinched by the current through the wet
gloves - somewhere the insulation is leaking, “it’s hitting the body.” And leaving
trolleybus, steps into a puddle with one foot, the other remains on the step,
the edge of which is edged with a metal strip. And he gets quite
sensitive electric shock along the leg-to-leg path. Twitches in the lung
cramp, but he can’t immediately lift his leg off the footrest, he’s writhing
a second or two in the bark and suddenly feels an instant erection and -
Oh God! - profuse emission! There was no powerful orgasm, but sperm -
Full panties, leaking down my legs. He doesn’t remember how he got home. Happening
became the impetus for reconciliation with his wife. And a year later their son was born.

For women, a reason to be proud is their luxurious, thick and healthy hair, styled in an appropriate way.

A good, high-quality hairstyle is the key to success and creating a pleasant first impression.

It is very expensive to have your hair styled by professionals.

Therefore, the regularity of such procedures is replaced by home ones using a hairdryer in the bathroom.

Thanks to this device, you can not only use it for its intended purpose - for drying, but also to create beautiful hairstyles, hairstyles.

A new look, bold experiments - all this is possible with a hairdryer.


Hair dryers are divided into subtypes: portable structures and with a holder.

It is worth focusing on the last view. Portable ones are easy to use, they are mobile and compact.

The latter type is distinguished by its location in a specific place. The bathroom is ideal for its use.

Hairdryer holder for bathroom

Increasingly, homes are installing wall structures, the hair dryer is no exception. To make the right choice, it is worth considering many factors.

This is the color, the style of the bathroom, the shape and size are comparable to the shape and size of the holder and a host of other nuances.

Among the advantages of using a hair dryer holder in the bathroom are:

  • small size hair dryer that fits perfectly on the holder;
  • compactness and practicality of use;
  • minimal risk of damaging the mechanism due to a fall or other negative factors;
  • there is no need to constantly wind up the cord and look for a place for the device - it is always in place.

It is also worth considering a number of disadvantages of wall-mounted hair dryers:

  • not mobile. The devices are not suitable for remote use;
  • take up enough space; if you have a small, rather modest bathroom, such a device will create more trouble.

Device selection

Answers to the following questions will help you choose a hair dryer holder for your bathroom. First, decide what kind of hair dryer you want and what functions it should have.

Choose a color that will harmoniously match the style of the bathroom.

With the right approach, the device and stand for a hair dryer in the bathroom will become a bright accessory that attracts the main attention.

Consider the shape, dimensions, and what will be combined with similar characteristics of the holder.

All these points should be clarified in advance. If you don't know some technical characteristics devices, you can contact consultants for help.

You can clearly see in the photo of a hairdryer in the bathroom how you can use such an ordinary and simple thing at first glance to refresh an existing interior.


If you have decided on the type of hair dryer in favor of a wall-mounted one, then consider a number of the following parameters:

  • the quality and final result of the hairstyle depends significantly on the hair dryer model, so decide on the tasks, functions and choose the appropriate device;
  • Depending on the thickness of your hair, consider the power level. The required, optimal range is 200 - 220 W. For very thick hair you need an appropriate hair dryer, but the price will be higher than a regular model;

  • temperature regimes. Today, hair dryers differ in different temperature conditions with hot, cold, or warm air actions. Depending on your hair type, you can choose the right hair dryer;

  • the speed that a hair dryer has;
  • attachments that help create additional hairstyles or effects;
  • sockets in the bathroom for a hairdryer. One of the first things you should do yourself, or call a specialist for such work, if there is no outlet in your room initially;

  • a place to hang a hair dryer in the bathroom. It should be in a location that will not disturb anyone, practical, and ideal in terms of the placement of the mirror.


For perfect choice quality, good hair dryer To ensure that it will last a long time, it is worth considering a number of important factors and characteristics.

Also remember that the choice of hair dryer should be based on the type and thickness of your hair and its characteristics.

When placed in the bathroom, these nuances are only added.

But despite this, using a hairdryer in the bathroom is convenient and comfortable solution hair care.

The holder is made in individual style, and a hairdryer can become a highlight in your interior.

Photo of a hairdryer in the bathroom