Where does a child's life begin? Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Sparrow Hills.

Understanding personality means answering one of the key questions: “Where does life begin?”, “What constitutes a person’s life?”

In the totality of existing theories of personality, two layers can be distinguished: firstly, theories that build their theoretical output based on the biological substrate of the individual (3. Freud, J. Piaget, A. Maslow, K. Rogers, etc.) . And the second layer consists of theories, for which the initial? presence of social learning. Therefore, these theories are dominated by what L. S. Vygotsky also spoke about (who, however, we cannot attribute to the data of the layers): these theories recognize mental development as a lifetime process of socialization of the individual. And here the real urgency of the question is clearly felt: where do social functions come from in a biological being, how does his social formation as a person arise?

How exactly does the relationship between the biological and the social exist as such, which constitutes an integral social individual (personality)? To answer it, it is necessary to develop a new theoretical-methodological-logical approach that will allow us to determine what is most significant in development, to reach the original semantic genetic basis of the existence and development of personality, which will allow us to determine what is most significant in development, using everything that is important and essential in existing theories, with This does not pretend to build some kind of meta-theory of personality.

Man, it's inner world, its existence and development is a fact. He is, by definition, very complex (what is more complex in the world in terms of personality?) and multifaceted. V. Frankl explained how each facet of personality in the thinking of a personologist becomes the initial one (not because it is such by the nature of the phenomenon, but because the scientist “likes” it), and how a harmonious, perhaps brilliant vision of the deep ( or apical) turns, but in fact a very partial and one-sided theory of personality. This was once vividly described by L. S. Vygotsky.

It is necessary to proceed from the recognition of unity human nature, complex structured personality, and therefore the task of detecting and defining this structure is essential. On the other hand, it is necessary to identify the central, initial driving force that encourages the dynamism and development of a complexly structured personality, and to determine the mechanism of this dynamics. But if the explanations of the most prominent personality theorists are examined from this point of view, the unity of human nature appears somewhat problematic.

Each theorist believes that he has found the origins of activity and the principles of personality structure, but their guiding ideas are very different from each other, which is why sometimes the impression arises that we're talking about completely different and dissimilar representatives of the Nosho clan. Each theorist paints his own picture of human nature. Of course, the best theories (3. Freud, C. G. Jung, C. Rogers, A. Maslow, etc.) are built on the basis of empirical facts obtained, however, not in scientific research itself, but as a result of practical correctional and advisory work . And this is radical important point, because in this way it is not scientific, but everyday facts that are obtained, and that is why we call some theories ingenious, because there is no scientific research a “breakthrough” is made in the essence of phenomena, although it is the “merit” of the scientist’s thinking, his intuition.

In general, science cannot and should not be limited to intuition. It is through this substitution that the interpretation of empirical evidence initially contains arbitrary assumptions - and this arbitrariness becomes more and more obvious as the theory develops and takes on a more developed and elegant form, E. Cassirer believes. 3. Freud emphasizes the importance of the sexual instinct, A. Adler preaches the will to power, A. Maslow speaks of the desire for self-realization. And in these eyes, the listed researchers (as well as others - in their own eyes) have unsurpassed results and very important conclusions.

But everything changes when each theory tries to become all-encompassing, when it turns into a “Procrustean bed” on which any, including new, empirical facts begin to fit a given pattern. This is how theories turn into myths. E. Cassirer notes that “we do not yet have a method for compiling and organizing empirical material.”

Already a superficial glance at the variety of studies (conceptual-theoretical and actually experimental) of personality psychology shows that we must retreat from the rigid logic according to which there are supposedly more “correct” and more “false” theories and scientific data. Any theoretical concept to some extent reflects certain facets of a person’s personality. Therefore, the researcher must be very qualified and an open person who is able to assimilate different judgments (different experiences) without rejecting them.

So, a dialogical research position in the field of modern personality psychology is necessary. This situation was clearly and figuratively outlined by the classic personologist G. Allport: “The one who would like to close all doors except a friend deserves condemnation.” The best "way to lose the truth is to believe that there are some who are already in full possession of it... We need to open the door, especially those that lead to education and the development of the human personality. For this is where our ignorance and our uncertainty are greatest" .

Personality lives, develops, functions and is formed only as an integrity. V. Stern notes: “The integrity of the individual is never a completed and defined structure once and for all, it is always ambiguous, it exists simultaneously really and potentially.” In this living movement of integrity, the interrelations of individual components change and these components themselves change. But these changes are secondary compared to changes in the whole - the personality. They arise as a result of the living movement of the personality, accumulate and contribute to the following integral movements.

G. Allport noted that personality is more of a transition process than a completed product. It's constantly changing. It is this process of change, formation, and individualization that is of particular interest. Thus, we see an interesting combination: a real understanding of the nature of integrity, the uniqueness of the individual should not come through an understanding of its artificial structure.

We should proceed from the fundamental position that was formulated by Lev Semenovich Vygotsky: the cultural and historical development of an individual has its “pre-beginning” in some impulsive-instinctive structures that form the motivational-need sphere of the individual.

When we talk about personality being a product public relations- this is certainly true. But how and where this product originates is both unknown and... obvious. A person enters society. Why does she come here? If we analyze all the theories and experimental data, in particular, the constructions of L. S. Vygotsky, S. L. Rubinstein, G. S. Kostyuk regarding self-movement, self-realization (as well as the theories of A. Maslow and R. May) , we can come to the following conclusion: “between” the born human individual and his motivational-need sphere, which has yet to be formed, initially there is a certain genetically source unit, and it constitutes this development and the entire process of adoption of social norms.

Analyzing the empirical results obtained using the experimental genetic method, which was substantiated by L.S. Vygotsky, taking into account the patterns of correlation between training, education and mental development(G. S. Kostyuk), relying on the nature of the mechanisms for constructing and designing social abilities established in experimental studies (V. V. Davydov), taking into account the provisions of the theory of the gradual formation of mental actions (P. L. Galperin), analyzing works on biology and genetics , we have come to the conclusion that the force that gives rise to human life is need.

Three friends are sitting at a table. They drink, eat, and philosophize. We touched on the topic - where does real life begin?

One says:

- Well, why? It's a no brainer that real life begins at conception.

The second one says:

- Eh, no, brothers, real life begins at birth. Here a man was born, and real life began.

The third says:

- You don’t understand anything. Real life begins when the wife and mother-in-law go to the dacha...

This is indeed a very interesting and not fully studied, if at all possible, question. If you delve deeper into the essence of the issue, then the third man is closest to the truth. After all, before conceiving a child, it is necessary to philosophize among friends and be fired up by the idea that life on Earth is the main thing that he should leave behind, in addition to the fruits of his creativity and everyday work, which is also extremely important for a person who carries spiritual Fire descendants ( , ).

Ready for adult life and understanding the parental role play an important role in determining which descendant’s soul will be attracted by the future father and mother, as representatives of the clan. Attitude to family values, the past of the family according to the law and the health of the body and soul according to the law are the main ones in the first stage of preparation for the birth of a child. Already here his soul begins real life in choosing your future parents and relatives, even if they don't think about it. Do not forget that thought is material and we live in different information flows that exist regardless of whether we perceive them or not. Attentiveness in words, thoughts and actions always plays a huge role in a person’s life, especially during the period of preparation for conceiving a child. This does not mean that you should be afraid to engage in various types of communications. This means that you need to learn to track and evaluate them, and not let them take their course, creating chaos and confusion in your life, which will ultimately affect your physical, mental and spiritual health (), and therefore the kind of person you invite to Earth, to continue your life's work.

In this regard, artificial insemination greatly loses as a final product, since with this form of fertilization the protection of the family for the unborn child is significantly weakened and God’s providence is not taken into account. Which places a triple burden and responsibility on parents for such fertilization. Conceiving and giving birth to a child naturally allows him to be more protected, even if his biological parents, for one reason or another, do not participate in his upbringing. Raising adopted children is a good thing, since these children firmly cling to their roots in ancestral and national traditions and experience, and therefore in the future they can be full-fledged cleaners of dirt from their family, and therefore the nation to which they belong, which is extremely important for evolution the clan of this child and the clan of his adoptive parents. For children born using eco-technologies, the task is to survive rather than fully live in a world where Evil has unfolded in such a way. After all, one must be able to defend against it not only with intellect, but also with intuition and at the body level, and in this they lose greatly, since they do not have that genetic memory, which would provide more complete security at critical moments in this person’s life, since already at the moment of conception his right to choose to live in one or another space-time continuum was violated ( ) . This means that he is significantly weakened in his ability to make free spiritual choices in the future, which for a person is fundamental for a full life.

The answer is a gift from Heaven

* * *

- Darling, do you remember the phrase:

“There must be some kind of mystery in a woman!?”

- Yes, my love, so what?

- In 9 months you will find out the answer.

And indeed, conception is a kind of heavenly mystery that a person cannot comprehend. The Lord God gives children, it is he who determines the level of spiritual readiness of future parents, their readiness to accept this or that soul, which is of great value not only for the family into which it will come, but sometimes for all of humanity. The desire to understand the article of the heavenly constitution, approaching the mysteries of life, its symbols and mysteries allows any future married couple to conceive a child who is already wise and capable of carrying the Light principle. Everyone knows that a child is often begged for, in other words, asked to give in order to continue the family line, which means that the responsibility for raising such children in the future is higher.

The birth of a person is, first of all, the appearance of additional Divine Fire on earth, which must not only be maintained, but also kindled. The new person must bring into our earthly world more joy and love, happiness and humor, talents and abilities, thanks to which a person fights the forces of Darkness ().

Everyone knows that the gestation period does not always last 9 months, which provide complete protection to the child during his childhood, when he has not yet made his choice. During this period, the spiritual choice of parents is more important. However, today babies are born 6-7 months old, what to do in this case? Children who have not completed their term in their mother’s dungeons seem to be in a hurry to be heard and understood here on earth, and haste, as we know, creates great vulnerability and increases the risks of such a person. Therefore, at the birth of such a child, parents need to quickly form and improve spiritually in order to create more strong defense to your child until he enters into the rhythm and atmosphere of life more fully, with the understanding that our world is dual and behavior options should be more diverse to make it more difficult for Evil to do its job. If you have such a child, then this is also a signal for you that you, as parents, are asynchronous with flow and life. You need to ask yourself about the cause-and-effect relationships of what happened in order to promptly correct your mistakes and mistakes of your kind, without placing this burden of responsibility on the child.

* * *

The young man got married, three months later his wife says:

- Dear, it’s time for me to give birth!

- How!?! After all, we’ve only been here for three months...

“You lived with me for three months before the wedding, three months after, and three times three is nine!”

Time has passed. She calls from the maternity hospital and says:

- dear, we have a little black boy!

- How!

— When we were driving to the maternity hospital, a black cat crossed our path... and so a black boy was born.

The young man went to his parents and spoke to his father:

- Imagine, father, three times three is nine and a black cat...

Father yells:

“Mother, don’t you remember when I was taking you to the maternity hospital, the donkey didn’t cross our path?”

As you already know, the perinatal period of child development has great value in what appearance and health the child will be born. As a rule, women play a huge role in this. Men sometimes treat this either frivolously or not attentively enough, believing that they have already done their job and can relax at first. But in this case, they ignore such a serious zodiac sign as, and they are not to be joked with. Sexual literacy, ensuring complete safety for the unborn child, eliminating all unjustified risks and the desire for internal rebirth from the role of just a bull - an inseminator, excuse the naturalism, to the role of a father, which he already is in his conception, are the guidelines that should constantly loom before him. the future father is in the head, like a partner who strives not only to preserve and increase his family, but also to transform and prepare it for a new way of life and worldview. If the future father spends this period in absolute inaction and thoughtlessness, then the birth of a child may become an ongoing shock and tragedy for him. An unexpected realization comes to him that he will have to give up part of himself, sacrifice his habits and time, give up freedom of action for the sake of someone else, even if it is his own child. Fatherhood, which comes unexpectedly, can break all a person’s ideas about a happy married life if you do not prepare yourself for it in advance. A man must be ready to become a savior and protector for his family, a man who sets himself the goal of making his family happy and complete.

Dear women, a lot depends on you too. The period of bearing a child, as you already understood, is associated with the sign, and therefore is for you extreme situation. Therefore, knowledge and compliance with safety precautions according to the sign is extremely important for you.

What needs to be done for conception to occur in his at its best :

- live a sexual life with your loved one, so that the child reaches out to you with all his soul. Because love is the main magnet for him.

- to desire pregnancy and not be afraid of the difficulties that come with it, a pregnant woman and her child are protected by ancestors and the Lord God, we talked about this above.

- overcome fears and misconceptions regarding the past experiences of both you and your loved ones and acquaintances. To each his own and in his own time, you shouldn’t hang negative programs on yourself and then waste energy on clearing them.

- if conception has occurred, and your soul has chosen you as future parents, then pride for this should fill your soul and the state of happiness should not leave both father and mother until the birth of a new person. This behavior and mentality will help remove all obstacles to your parental happiness. Believe me, this is a sign of reincarnation and rebirth from the ashes, he loves brave and dynamic people, and therefore everything can be overcome already during the period of bearing the fruit of your love.


The emergence of a living being is an extremely complex and amazing process. It includes: regular division of genetic material during the formation of eggs and sperm, the meeting of female and male reproductive cells, the union of two cells into one, followed by its division and differentiation of new cells - up to the formation of all the organs of the child. Difficulties are encountered at every stage of this process, and truly, the birth of a person sometimes seems like a miracle.

Female germ cells

Female reproductive cells are produced by the ovaries - eggs. Every month, only one comes out of the ovary - alternately from the right and left. The egg is round in shape, with a diameter of about 0.2 mm. The process of its release (ovulation) occurs approximately in the middle menstrual cycle(14 days before the next menstruation). The egg itself is immobile, it moves with the help of a fringe fallopian tubes into the uterine cavity. If the egg does not meet a sperm on its way, it will die within 24 hours.

Male reproductive cells

Spermatozoa are the so-called male reproductive cells; they are produced by the testicles and remain there until ejaculation, during which from several tens to several hundred million sperm are released. A mature sperm consists of a head, neck and tail, thanks to which it can move. The length of the sperm is 1/15 mm. During eruption, seminal fluid enters the vagina. From there, sperm penetrate through the cervical canal into the uterine cavity and further into the fallopian tubes (oviducts). Sperm live in the birth canal for up to 72 hours.


The egg meets the sperm in the wide part of the fallopian tube. Most sperm die, but still thousands of the strongest and fastest ones reach the fallopian tubes and surround the egg. As soon as one of them penetrates the egg, its outer shell immediately changes and becomes impenetrable to other sperm. The nuclei of both cells, containing genetic material, merge and form one cell - a zygote - the embryo of a new organism.

Genes and chromosomes

Human genetic material is collected in 46 chromosomes, which make up 23 pairs. The genes that make up the chromosomes determine all the innate individual traits of a person. One pair of chromosomes determines a person's gender. Women have two sex X chromosomes, men have one X and one Y chromosome. Other cells of the human body have twice as many chromosomes as sex cells. After the fusion of the egg and sperm, a new cell with 46 chromosomes is formed. Thus, each female sex cell contains 22 regular chromosomes and one sex X chromosome, and each male cell contains 22 regular chromosomes and one either X or Y chromosome. Hence the conclusion that the sex of the child depends on the man. Spermatozoa contain X chromosomes in 50% of cases and Y chromosomes in 50% of cases. It is known that sperm with a Y chromosome are faster and usually reach the egg first, while sperm with an X chromosome move more slowly but live longer.

Division and promotion

The fertilized egg begins to divide and forms ovum. It moves along fallopian tube into the uterine cavity (3-4 days). The embryo divides into eight or more cells, and this stage is called a morula. The division process continues. The outer and inner layers are formed, and a cavity is formed in the nutria. At this stage, the embryo consists of over 100 cells and is called a blastula. Villi appear on the outer layer, which make it possible to connect it with other tissue.

Attachment in the uterus

6-7 days after fertilization, the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine mucosa. During this process, slight bleeding may occur.

Germ layers and primary organs

After attachment to the lining of the uterus, further cell division occurs. Cells divide into two and then three layers called germ layers: ectoderm ( neural tube, from which it will develop nervous system), endoderm (beginning of the abdominal cavity), mesoderm (notochord, rudiment of the spine).

Organ rudiments

The embryo's heart is tube-like and begins to beat regularly on the 24th day after fertilization, contracting 110-130 times per minute. At the 4th week of intrauterine development, the rudiments of the brain and spinal cord, nerves, the rudiments of the eyes, liver, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and lungs are formed. A little later, the rudiments of bones and muscles appear. When the embryo is one month old, its length reaches 6-8 mm, it has formed a head with the rudiments of eyes and ears, as well as a body ending with a tail. The rudiments of arms and legs stand out on the sides.

Germ membranes

With the formation of primary organs, embryonic membranes appear: amnion, chorion and allantois. Their task is to protect and nourish the embryo. The amnion and chorion form the amniotic sac. The allantois serves as a reservoir in which embryonic secretions accumulate.

A born child is not a “blank” slate
Why are some children born disabled?
When did the life of the soul begin?
The Matrix is ​​a collection of information about all lived incarnations of the soul
Depending on karma, a person’s destiny is built, and the etheric body is molded
Antisoul is an energy formation woven from low-frequency energies
To whom does the antisoul come?
Once again about children of false indigos

This means that he needs to be made into a person who would be needed by society, which is what our entire education system does. A child is considered to be a white sheet of paper on which to write, through his upbringing, what he should become.

This opinion about the child has developed not only in our time, in the age of science and technology. People have long thought that children are pure angels. This is especially true for the Christian tradition.

This comes from the biblical words - “be like children, for theirs is the kingdom of God.” Since then, it has been believed that any child is pure and innocent from birth.

But many will then wonder why innocent and immaculate children can be born disabled, weak-minded, seriously ill, or born dead.

There was a simple explanation for all this - “God gave, God took,” as if a child was some kind of thing, and not a soul at all. In addition, the explanation was that children suffer for the sins of their parents.

And for some reason it never occurred to anyone that such a fact in itself was monstrous and could in no way be reconciled with Christian morality. After all, it turns out that the merciful and almighty God allows immaculate, pure and innocent souls, of whom the kingdom of God is, to suffer and suffer completely undeservedly, for the sins of others.

And at the same time, the parents seem to be punished. But in fact, it is still unknown who is greater - the parents or these children.

So, all such explanations of childhood illnesses and suffering do not stand up to criticism. But the question remains.

Why do pure, immaculate children get sick and die? And the answer to it can only be given by the knowledge forgotten by Christianity that the soul is reincarnated, living more than one life. But it follows from this that a child is not a blank sheet of paper, that his soul was not only created by the Creator, that it was once already in the body of both an adult and an old man, and more than once.

This means that during those past lives she formed her character, her habits and accumulated her karmic vessel, making her mistakes, which we call sins.

The birth of a child, which we observe here on Earth, is only the beginning of his next physical life, but not the beginning of the life of the soul.

At birth, it is not the child’s life that begins, but only the life of his new physical body.

The life of the soul began perhaps thousands and even billions of years ago. Some souls have lived through many manvantara cycles of the life of the Universe.

But in our ordinary earthly understanding, the life of a child begins at his birth in a physical body.

So, where does this next life begin?

Before being born in the body, the soul develops all the subtle bodies. And they are formed according to its matrix.

The matrix is ​​a collection of information about all lived incarnations of the soul. This is information from all the karmic vessels that were in the various lives of this soul.

If in one of the incarnations a person committed a serious sin (murder, love spell, practice of black magic), or committed some kind of meanness, betrayal, the matrix of such a person will be negative.

And this means that the difficult fate of the new incarnation will be built on this matrix, so that the so-called working off of karma occurs.

Depending on the severity of this karma, fate is built, and the etheric body is molded, and then the physical one. If the karma was heavy, the child may be born with some physical pathology, congenital disease, or be very sick.

If the karma is very heavy, the soul has to work it out over many lives. Nowadays, there are many people who work off karma for 20-30 or more lives for sins committed in past centuries and even before our era.

How is it determined who has which child? Determined by the same karmic connections.

Very often, children come to those parents whose souls they met in past incarnations in order to untie the old “knot” in this life.

But as we know, dark forces have worked very hard on Earth and, in addition to souls, thanks to them, dark entities-antisouls began to incarnate on our planet.

An antisoul is an energy formation woven from low-frequency energies; it is an essence of darkness capable of incarnation in a physical body.

When a soul sins from life to life, so much so that its karmic vessel and matrix become heavier to a certain extent, this soul begins to disintegrate.

Everything that is light from it, that is, the original link, is torn off and goes to a new incarnation in a stone, plant, etc.

If the grain is also rotten, it falls apart. And at the same time he is reborn into an antisoul.

The antisoul lives according to the laws of the dark world, its god and creator is the devil. And embodied in the body, she becomes his messenger.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of such antisouls on Earth. The devil never stopped working.

Who gives birth to such monsters?

Those people who have sinned a lot. And not in one life. These people may not have lost their souls completely, but their matrices have already become negative, which means they allow the arrival of an antisoul to them.

An anti-soul can also come to those parents who have exactly the same anti-souls inside them. The main conditions for the antisoul to come into the world, i.e. the birth of a child belonging to the dark egregor: the presence of negative matrices in both parents. Or the presence of an antisoul in one of the parents, in two, of course, too.

If one of the parents has an antisoul and a black matrix, and the other has a soul, but the matrix is ​​also dirty, a dark child with an antisoul may be born.

If at least one of the parents has a pure matrix, the antisoul practically cannot appear, unless it is accepted by a witchcraft ritual.

For example, the mother of a child has an antisoul, and the father has a light poison, but with the help of a witchcraft ritual, the mother can attract an antisoul related to herself into the child’s body.

If both parents are fair. The antisoul will never come into the child's body.

But if at least someone’s matrix is ​​damaged, a soul may very well come to these parents, which should work off the sins of past lives, i.e. also with a damaged matrix.

If a child has a damaged matrix, he may be sickly. It must be kept in mind that children with anti-souls and souls are no different.

But still, we will tell you some signs.

So, if a child is very sick from birth, if he has a birth injury, if he is disabled since childhood, or is weak-minded, there are two possible reasons: he contains a very sinful soul with a very serious dark matrix, or an anti-soul, i.e. belonging entirely to the dark egregor. The third option may also occur less frequently: when a low astral essence inhabits a soulless body. Most often, such children suffer from Down syndrome and cretinism.

All these variants of children are born in families where at least one of the parents is dark, where there was a love spell, where they practice magic, or where one of the parents has the sin of murder.

Sexual perversion can lead to the same result.

Let's look at another type of child. If a child is full of strength from birth, he may be outwardly cute, like an angel, but at the same time his eyes look like pieces of ice. Behind them lies a certain emptiness, coldness. He can stare for a long time with an unblinking gaze and from infancy show violent aggressiveness: bite, scratch, break and tear everything.

The older such a child gets, the more dangerous he is. He will be perversely cunning and cruel, domineering and capricious beyond his years. At the same time, he can be very smart, he can be recognized as a gifted child. He may reveal some talents. But still he will remain cold and cruel, calculating and treacherous.

This type of children began to manifest itself especially in Lately. Some scientists call them Indigo children, although it would be correct to call them anti-indigo. All of them belong to the black egregor. None of them have souls, they don’t even have anti-souls, they embody the essences of the very bottom of the hellish depths, which are thus saved from the high-frequency energies of the Transition.

These are real monsters and dragons that seriously traumatize the physical bodies of their mothers at birth.

These monsters come only to those families in which dark values ​​are cultivated - thirst for profit, sexual perversion, practice of black magic, constant anger, scandals and fights, extreme cynicism and the like. They come only to those parents who have antisouls in their bodies.

It is no coincidence that such children began to be born to new Russians. They are like an indicator of how these people got rich and how they live.

There are very few true Indigo children now. These are messengers of the Light Forces and highly developed alien civilizations.

Home them distinguishing feature from anti-indigo - they will never show cruelty, selfishness, they will not even know how to respond to cruelty. They cannot be born to dark parents. The best option their birth is when both parents are light and when there is love between them.

Sometimes it can be allowed for one of the parents to have a dark matrix, but late stages its processing. And another type of children.

Children can be kind and sympathetic, but very tearful and painful. This may be the result of witchcraft, but not on the part of one of the parents. And someone from outside. Most often this manifests itself when they cast a spell on the mother.

Nature has provided it in such a way that sometimes there are no children in problem families. Very often there cannot be children after a love spell; there will be no children even when one of the parents is very dark, and the other has a light matrix and a pure karmic vessel.

Nature seems to take pity on the bright person. Therefore, it is not always necessary to insist on having children.

Nature gives a sign: if there are no children, something is wrong. Perhaps such a marriage is a mistake, and nature is insuring itself against the appearance of new monsters and saving a bright person from them.

Perhaps this light one has worked out his karma a long time ago, and according to his life program, he does not at all need suffering because of dark children.

As you can see, from all that has been said above, children are born different, and they are not at all blank pieces of paper and in no case should you make anything out of them, tailor them to suit yourself, or mold them into your own likeness to your parents. You will never rehabilitate a dark child anyway and you will never make a soul out of a monster. And unnecessary worries about this can fill the karmic vessels of parents and block their vitality.

A bright child also comes with a specific mission, so in upbringing it is necessary to listen to the desires and inclinations of the child. Don't force him to be like dad.

Remember - if you have a child, then he is an individual, a soul that may be wiser than yours.

And if your child is dark, then it’s your own fault.


Everyone in their life has wanted or wants to change something and start new life, but filled with happiness and joy, few know and realize. After all, life with clean slate must begin consciously and with a specific goal. Happiness begins when we begin to act or change something in our lives.

In the article you will learn where does a good life begin and how to start it to become happier, more successful and live in harmony. After all, only actions and application necessary advice will help you convince yourself of their effectiveness and create for yourself the life you have long dreamed of, everything is in your hands.

A good life begins every day

To understand where does a good life begin, you need to realize that every new day is a new life and it doesn’t matter what body you woke up in, new or old. After all, it’s up to you what you do and change in a whole day to make your life successful, happy and good. A good life begins every morning, so in the morning you need to make an action plan for the day and take action. You and only you take responsibility for your life and you yourself are to blame for how successful or not it is. Make an important decision for yourself, find out how to quickly make the right decisions, since your day and your whole life will depend on it.

Life starts with a smile

Remember that you need to live life with joy and happiness and you need to start doing this right now, or better yet, every morning. As you start the day, so will you spend it, accordingly, as you begin a new life, so will you spend it. New, a good life, begins with a smile, even if there is no room for joy, and you have not yet achieved anything in life. But the system of nature is that even if you have not yet achieved what you wanted, but you are already living the way you want or are starting to do something for this, then you will definitely come to your goal, no matter how difficult it may be . A day without a smile is a wasted day, so smile, it improves your mood, health, youth and prolongs life.

A good life starts with an idea

Any business starts with an idea, successful business– with a good idea, accordingly you need good idea new life, schedule it. Dream about a new life, live it, even in your thoughts, think about more, wish for the highest desire and then you will be able to realize what exactly you need, this will be your idea of ​​a new life. After all, living unconsciously is uninteresting and boring; it is better to plan your life and enjoy the success of your work.

With new thoughts

To realize where does a good life begin, you need to understand and study your thoughts, since they are material and create absolutely everything that we feel, see and hear through the 5 senses. To create good life First of all, you need to create good thoughts and ideas. When you can imagine the life you want in your mind, you will manifest it in reality. But to do this, you need to understand what exactly you want, change your thoughts for this and mentally imagine the desired life for 5 minutes a day. Only in your thoughts you need to imagine yourself as already living the way you wanted.

From your favorite job and business

Every person seeks happiness in life, but it, of course, is kept in the love of his favorite business, hobby, family or work. Everyone builds their own happiness, but in any case, everyone needs and wants to find their purpose and realize what we were created for. To do this, you need to look for yourself both internally, spiritually, and materially. You need to develop in two worlds, external and internal, and then you will build yourself an excellent, good, happy, successful and prosperous life. But for this, find out where to find time for important things, since time is main resource in life, which cannot be returned. There is little time when we are in a hurry and so much when we are waiting, we give other people the most valuable thing we have - time.