Early marriages break up. Reasons why marriages break up

The question is very relevant in our time. Indeed, according to statistics, more than half of marriages do not even survive the first crisis period, and this is only 5 years. Not to mention the later separation. A maximum amount Marriages break up long before they are created; people simply have not learned to understand the indirect reasons that indicate that they will not be able to get along together.

So what should you pay attention to when starting a family?
Exists Golden Rule: “If you want to know what your husband/wife will be like in 20 years, look at their dad/mom!” It works in almost all cases if the relationship is blood. We don’t notice this, but in our subconscious we have a lot of things that we see since childhood, when we cannot remember and evaluate what is happening. Then we just accumulate information and do not process it. It gets lost and then, somewhere around the age of 18, it begins to manifest itself as our nature. We cannot even explain why we feel this way about something, why we act this way and not differently, and why we think this way and not otherwise.
If you have observed violence in the family, then it is possible that you will develop a certain complex and you will be able to use it towards your soulmate or tolerate it from her. It's funny, but everything happens extremely simply. If you have always grown up in an environment where the man in the family commands, your family model will also be patriarchal. This is not explained by any beliefs, it just happened that way and that’s it. You won't even be able to explain these little things yourself.

Thus, first of all, you need to get to know the parents of your future life partner and pay attention to his actions, beliefs and habits. It is possible that now your significant other does not show all this that you noticed in your parent, but when they reach the same age, the behavior will become identical. If nothing irritates or infuriates you, if you like the lifestyle and you only dreamed about it, everything will work out for you. If you realize that you feel complete hostility towards your parent, and he just confuses you a little, run. Nothing will work out well. If you don't live with them yet, and they're already annoying you, then imagine waking up every morning with a copy of them.

Also, different life priorities become a very important factor in divorce.. Marriage, first of all, is a big cart into which two people are harnessed and pulled along life path. If the directions coincide, the cart travels quickly and directionally towards the goal, but if in different directions, it can fall apart. If your priorities are first to start a family, have children and then think about something else, how life will turn out, and your soul mate has a career in the first place and only then something personal, such a union will not last long. Sooner or later you will sit down and say: “We are very different. We don't want the same thing. Let’s get a divorce better...” So, do not hesitate to discuss this with your chosen one or chosen one before marriage. Because after marriage it will be too late. In this case, you will tolerate each other and someone will break themselves, or you will run away after the first conflict.

The most common reason given for divorces, there were and will be financial problems. Without a doubt, this is only a reason, a reason for divorce, but at that time it seems that this is the main one. When young people start living together, they immediately begin to have similar problems. But they develop into crises only when there are significant difficulties with money. The first thing you need to know about the family budget is that you should always plan it, always leave it for a “rainy day,” and always leave a “nest egg.” And this, very often, is missed by young couples. They are used to living with their parents, they are used to not thinking about where the money comes from and how to provide all the benefits and comfort with just one salary, etc. But they already understand from their own experience that living on a salary in the way they are used to is simply unrealistic. Our parents always plan their expenses and salary in advance. See how they handle payments for public utilities, how they plan your trip for clothes, how they calculate the products and conduct an audit of the cupboard with cereals and the refrigerator, etc. And at the same time, they all still have something left somewhere for gifts for you and someone else. Long before the next payday, they outline what should go where, calculate how much is missing and find ways to get the shortage from where.
Young families also need to approach this issue. First, you can keep an account book, where it’s easier to figure out what you have and what you need to spend. Saving funds for a “rainy day” is as necessary as money in general. Imagine that something terrible happened to you, for example, your significant other or child got hurt. Need to call ambulance, pay for medicines, hospital, etc. Where will you run? And the confidence that you can guarantee even such little things to protect your family cannot be bought for any amount of money. Don’t let the “stash” scare you with its usual purpose, to which we are already accustomed in our country. The best way to use this is to buy gifts for your loved ones. After all, think about what kind of gift it will be for your other half when money is allocated from family budget? That's right, no surprise, no joy, and even the cost is known. Not a gift, but a complete failure.
It is no secret that every family is a dark forest about which outsiders know absolutely nothing. Quarrels rarely become known to others, and the real reasons for divorce are often hidden, but those described above are the most common. If you learn to fight them, you can save any alliance, even if it was wrong. After all, if you have chosen a life partner, it is not just like that.

Our expert is family psychologist, art therapist, business coach Olga Zavodilina.

Spouses will give many reasons for divorce. For example: “We don’t love each other,” “She doesn’t understand me,” “He doesn’t help me,” “We have nothing else to talk about.” But what really stands behind these phrases?

1st reason - illusions

Many people think that the very fact of marriage is enough to live happily ever after. The relationship will develop on its own. Perhaps this will happen, but it is not a fact that this development will go in the right direction. Imagine that you are sitting in a horse-drawn carriage. If you don't take the reins in your hands, the horses will move wherever they want. And with each step the cart will move further and further from its intended goal. The same thing happens with relationships. If you do not work on them, there is a high probability that the spouses will move away from each other. And in the end they will become complete strangers.

2nd reason - lack of communication

Many of us have been taught since childhood: if “your person” has met, then everything in the relationship will be smooth, you won’t have to think or negotiate anything, everything will work out by itself. And if something doesn’t work out, it means that the person is simply not the same. This illusion is very pleasant, and we unconsciously hold on to it. Therefore, if problems arise in the family, many begin to look for “their person” on the side and try to build new relationships. As a result, the couple breaks up. However, even if there is no betrayal, partners often do not discuss the problems that have arisen between them. They endure what does not suit them, trying to maintain peace and tranquility in the family. Over the years, so many grievances accumulate that it becomes difficult to stay together. Therefore, it is very important not to accumulate grievances, but to talk to each other.

3rd reason - midlife crisis

Throughout life, a person goes through several psychological crises. One of them is a midlife crisis. This is a natural stage of growing up. Over the years, a person changes, and he needs to rethink his life, learn to better understand himself and those around him. This is also often accompanied by serious worries. Unable to cope with a crisis, many of us, like teenagers, begin to break and destroy existing family relationships. Divorce often becomes an attempt to get rid of worries. But external changes in life cannot get rid of internal problems.

4th reason - loss of common interests

When a child appears in a family, parents often devote all their efforts to raising him, devoting all their free time to him. When the children grow up, it turns out that nothing connects husband and wife anymore. The common interest is lost - and there is no point in staying together.

How to save a family

Remember that marriage does not guarantee the coincidence of thoughts, plans and desires of the spouses. You will have to come to terms with the fact that your husband is not obliged to live by your interests, and learn to respect his hobbies.

Discuss your and your partner's plans and dreams. Together, realize what coincides. And if your interests diverge, look for compromises that will help fulfill the desires of each of you.
Talk to each other. Come up with a common hobby, especially now it’s not difficult - even in small towns there are various master classes, designed specifically for couples. If you find something that interests both of you, you will definitely have something to talk about.

Free yourself from grudges. This may require the help of a psychologist. After all, you need to not just forget about your claims and forgive your spouse for everything. You need to understand the reasons for your irritation, because often family quarrels are just external manifestation psychological problems husband or wife. And the reason for the scandal often does not coincide with the real reason discontent.
Learn to communicate without mutual claims. This is only possible after you free yourself from grievances. Then you will truly learn to respect your spouse.

First reader Mitya Fomin:

Of course, it's a pity when people break up, but it's better to be happy outside of a relationship than unhappy in a relationship. My parents, who have lived together all their lives, have always been an example for me.

Too much has already been said on the topic of the crisis of the family institution to try to surprise anyone here with statistics. And yet, if anyone is unaware, the percentage of divorcing couples in certain regions of Russia has confidently exceeded 80 and, judging by the dynamics, this is not the limit. A sad picture, especially if we consider marriage as the basis of a prosperous state. And in general, it’s somehow a shame.

Have you ever wondered why this is so? Articles on the Internet on this topic highlight several main reasons for divorce: Negative influence relatives and friends, bad habits(most often alcoholism), infidelity, too hasty marriage, constant stress and financial problems. In different publications, the number of reasons varies from five to infinity. But all of them are just ripples on the water, a consequence of the explosion of a deep-sea bomb. This is the impression I got after studying alternative sources information. In my opinion, Nina Krygina, a nun who has a background in psychology and has worked for many years in her specialty, counseling on family and relationship issues, speaks most succinctly and convincingly about them. I will try to retell one of her lectures on this topic in the most concise form. When she seriously began studying the problem of the “rampant” divorce, the first thing she began to look for was the approximate date, the time period when the first surge in divorce occurred, that is, to look for some kind of starting historical point. And she found it in 1917. This year was a turning point for the family. If before the revolution only 3% of marriages ended in divorce (the so-called percentage of accidents), then after this figure sharply increased to 40%.

What happened this year that had such an impact on the survivability of unions? What was the mechanism of influence on people’s minds that they began to leave relationships so easily?

And there was a change of ideology. The basic values ​​and moral guidelines of the entire state were forcibly replaced. If previously the family’s way of life was built in accordance with the traditions of Orthodoxy, where the principles of service, reverence for elders and belief in the immortality of the soul were at the forefront (which means we live not just to satisfy the needs of the physical body, but for the sake of a higher spiritual purpose, and the answer we will bear responsibility for its implementation directly before God after death), now it was announced that there is no God, there is no soul, and one must live for one’s pleasure here and now.

I want to clarify that I’m not trying to drag anyone into philosophical conversations about religion now, it’s just important for understanding the essence of the revolution in worldview. So, there is no doubt that the state was inseparable from the church just like any of its residents. But in Orthodoxy everything was spelled out very clearly: the head of the family is the husband, he has absolute authority for everyone, he is responsible for everything: for the material well-being of all family members, and for making decisions on all fundamental issues, and for where to live, with whom to communicate, how to raise children - for everything, and he bears the greatest responsibility. And a wife is a helper to her husband. She has a completely different role, it is aimed at family life, at building relationships, at motherhood, at the warmth of the hearth and the economic part. She is not the worse half of the family, she just has a completely different task, she is an inspirer and a talisman, under the protection of an older and stronger one. A strict hierarchy allowed everyone to feel comfortable: the wife obeyed her husband, the children obeyed their mother, the younger ones obeyed the elders. There was no pedocentrism in families, since there were many children in every home, and everyone understood their place in the present and future. And for how he coped with his mission and responsibilities on earth, he was personally responsible to God.

There was a belief in one’s own importance and the value of one’s contribution to development family relations. And after the overthrow of the royal regime, they began to suggest that Orthodoxy is a delusion, that everyone is for himself, take everything from life right now, without thinking about the coming day, you can do everything yourself! There was no one to answer to, and there was no need to answer. Instead of serving your loved ones in marriage, that very sacrifice without which deep and lasting relationships are simply impossible, the formulation was issued about the union of “a man and a woman living with love.” It doesn’t seem to be critical, but the catch is that “with love” means that as long as there is love - there is a relationship, the love has passed - you can break up. And, as you know, in the selfish picture of the world (which they began to propagate), love is not usually called the desire to please and serve a partner, but on the contrary, there is only a desire to receive pleasure. Therefore, after the first stage of falling in love, based on hormones, and not on conscious responsibility for one’s choice, it became more convenient to decide that “love” was over. Instead of improving your character qualities for the benefit of prosperity and strengthening the family, the emphasis was placed on “you don’t owe anyone anything,” establishing you on the platform of a false ego.

In order to facilitate as much as possible the process of destroying the integrity of society and interests, three decrees were adopted one after another:

— Decree on civil marriage and the right to dissolve it;

— Decree on gender equality, giving women the right to earn money on an equal basis with men;

— Abortions have become legal.

Each of these documents contributed to the consistent degradation of society. The family ceased to be a stronghold of loyalty and stability, but became a place where each party wanted to receive more than to give. They stopped cherishing it, appreciating it and striving to preserve it, since the state officially “allowed” not to do this.

In order to completely liberate a woman, she was allowed to work and earn money. Such economic independence very subtly negated another deterrent to divorce. She was no longer afraid of being alone and not being able to feed herself. Again, she had the opportunity to constantly feed her pride with thoughts of her own superiority and self-sufficiency.

Abortion became the last straw in the “liberation” of women from “oppression by men.” The small emerging life inside ceased to be a living soul, but began to be considered as a continuation of the woman’s physical body, which means she has the right to dispose of it at her own discretion. As a result, over the next decade, population growth was about the same as it had been in a year before. This is omitting the moral, ethical and spiritual component of the issue.

This simple plan for the collapse of traditional values ​​was implemented on the territory of a state that was once famous for its high morals and nepotism. And it turns out that everything that we have now in the form of breaking up couples, single mothers, orphans, courageous women and too soft-bodied men is nothing more than the result of almost a century of following this ideology, a refusal to understand oneself as a soul , the highest purpose of which is to be able to see in other people, first of all, the same souls, and not machines for satisfying one’s desires. The soul is immortal, it does not belong to anything in the material world, it always strives for God through the accomplishment of actions pleasing to him - taming one’s ego, tolerance for the imperfections of others, humility with circumstances and improving one’s own qualities. It seems to me that it is also logical to look for the key to correcting the current situation in this plane.

Although many marriages break up, they remain indissoluble. A real divorce, a divorce of hearts, nerves and feelings, is impossible, because you cannot divorce your memory.

Virginia Peterson

The other day, on July 8, the country celebrated the holiday “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.” The family has always been a unit of society, the main island of stability in a world of change, and its role in a person’s life cannot be overestimated. People borrowed from nature itself, from animals and birds, to live in pairs, trying to choose a partner to their liking. However, something has gone wrong in human society, and living in permanent couples throughout our lives has become beyond the capabilities of most of us. Psychologists are sounding the alarm: “The modern family is under threat of extinction!”

Family divorce has become commonplace today, already the country's top officials, including the president - which in itself is an unprecedented fact in the history of Russia, not to mention pop and film stars, famous people who easily, time after time, go for divorce, and with ease re-enter a new marriage. What is the reason for this behavior? What is this? A way of expressing freedom, irresponsibility or forced necessity? But, if marriages are not a constant value, so fragile and short-lived, why are they, why do you need to artificially create problems for yourself and experience psychological trauma? Will such an attitude towards family foundations not lead in the future to a complete denial of the family as such?

Until recently, the crown of the family was the birth of children. Today, it is not uncommon for children to be born out of wedlock, and society is tolerant of this phenomenon. Such behavior by a mother is no longer considered a church sin, and I think it’s good, good for such children.

But still, weddings happen, families are born, and there is a long line at the registry office to register marriages. However, the statistics are inexorable: the number of marriages in Russia still exceeds the number of divorces, while the total number of the former is falling, and the number of divorces is growing, and according to this indicator we are in first place in the world! Bravo! By the way, according to the condition for 2014 in Russia the divorce rate was 52.5 percent. In 2015, there were already 700 divorces per thousand marriages. It turns out that every more than second marriage various reasons disintegrates.

So why does yesterday’s potential bride, who has lived for many years with her lover, having waited for the cherished proposal and acted as a bride and young wife, suddenly take a step back, towards divorce, into a past life?

Why does a man, who so reverently dreamed of a family hearth, of his beloved’s shoulder on his chest, suddenly reject the created union and strive back, without realizing that the past cannot be returned?

There are many reasons for family divorces, each case has its own, and, in the words of L. Tolstoy: “All happy families are happy equally, unhappy families are unhappy in their own way” are still relevant today.

For young families, the reasons for divorce are the same, for families with experience - slightly different.

Reasons for divorce among young families

First reason.
Unpreparedness of young people for marriage. She is in dreams of white wedding dress and the treasured ring on her finger, she missed the fact of her direct responsibilities as a mistress of the house, as a wife and future mother. With the birth of a child, the situation gets worse: there is not enough time for yourself, for home, for rest, for your beloved husband. Hence the bad mood, not feeling the best from sleepless nights, family problems that have fallen all at once prompt you to go back to the past, where everything was rosy and cloudless.

And he, who dreams of holding his beloved in his arms, suddenly feels that at once he has added responsibility for at least one more person (there are cases when she is already with a child), more finances are required in solving material problems, more worries different plans. New tasks are set before him, new demands are put forward, the existence of which he did not even imagine. There is no time for your own hobbies, you have to forget about your personal life.

What to do to avoid divorce. Firstly, even before the registry office it is good to imagine that family life not only holidays, but also everyday life. Secondly, learn together the basics of family well-being, do not demand quick steps from your partner, do not put forward an ultimatum, but solve problems together and find the right solutions, in small steps together, patiently, enter into family life. And always remember: “Time and work will grind everything down!”

The second reason. Reluctance to adapt to each other, incompatibility of views, habits, interests. If one is a fan of picnics and get-togethers, and the other is a loner, a supporter of spending time alone with each other, a connoisseur of theaters and exhibitions, then sooner or later you will have to somehow adapt to your partner, sacrifice your interests and habits, find a compromise, otherwise there will be scandals inevitable.

What to do: remember that everyone has the right to their own inner world, your space, which should not be invaded. Each person has his own cute, albeit not entirely harmless, habits. It is no coincidence that they say that even the bad habits of a loved one seem like cute pranks. Don't try to change it all at once loved one, if you are not happy with a trait in his character, you should speak softly about it, while focusing on how you suffer from it.

Third reason. Material difficulties: lack of own housing, financial problems in connection with the arrangement of a shared home, the birth of a child requiring a lot of money.

Today, the age of people getting married, as a rule, exceeds 25, sometimes even 30 years, precisely due to the material side. And it’s good that the bride and groom have some kind of material baggage, and the newlyweds stand on at least one leg.

What to do if this is not the case? Don’t rush into having a child for at least the first year or two, rent an economy-class apartment, try while both spouses have jobs, register mortgage, live with your parents for a while, saving money for your own apartment.

Fourth reason. It turns out that in place of falling in love, for which love was mistaken during the candy-bouquet period real love did not come, and ardent passions dissipated like a mirage, leaving nothing in their place. This reason occurs quite often.

How to warn : It’s good to check your relationship before stamping your passport.

Fifth reason: adultery. The euphoria of falling in love, as a rule, passes, the eyes of both the young husband and wife open wide, and suddenly they begin to understand that their neighbor on the site or work colleague looks more presentable, more glamorous, and the one (the one) who recently stirred the heart so much and aroused desire has already no longer care as much. This is how cheating happens. The reasons for a woman’s betrayal most often occur on an emotional level; men are polygamous - for them, the reason for betrayal may simply be sexual incontinence, impulsiveness, the call of nature, or ill-considered actions.

However, not everyone is able to forgive their partner for betrayal that suddenly becomes obvious. The paradox is that both women and men are capable of treason. Statistics say: every fourth woman who is married cheated on her husband (and how many of those who did not admit it even to themselves 🙂) and 75% married men have done this at least once in their lives. Then where does such mortal categoricalness come from: “I will never forgive you!”

How to proceed. Before declaring a divorce, think and weigh all the arguments, especially if there are children in the family. It is important to understand that a single case of infidelity in the absence of a tendency to “take sides” is not a reason for the destruction of a family. And, if the person is dear to you, and you were still satisfied with the atmosphere in the family, think carefully again.

Sixth reason: sexual dissatisfaction. This reason took place two or three decades ago very often, but today people live together before marriage and, as a rule, if there is disharmony in the intimate sphere, the relationship breaks up before the registry office. However, there are cases when everything was fine, but over time the attitude towards intimate life at one of the parties.

How to rectify the situation: try to understand the reasons for dissatisfaction, find golden mean, adapt to your partner. If you couldn’t cope on your own, go to specialists.

Seventh reason. Adverse habits: alcoholism, drug addiction, and as a consequence of them - oppression, torture, beating of the wife, and sometimes children. These factors destroy families unconditionally. If at the beginning of the journey, these habits are hidden or look like harmless addictions, over time they worsen and result in terrible problems - troubles that cripple the fate of not only the partner, but also the children. Perhaps this is the most justified reason for divorce.

How to be . You can, of course, try to pull a person out of the environment in which he finds himself, provided that he himself understands the extent of its harmful influence, but know how difficult it is and will not be soon.

Eighth reason:
parents' influence on children's lives. For children who have just left their parents' home, the parents' opinion is often dominant, even if it is often incorrect. And if the choice of a daughter or son did not suit the parents’ court, then it’s a disaster... a divorce will be ensured. In this situation, it is worthwhile for the older generation to be wiser and provide more independence to your child, remembering that advice is needed when it is needed. Moms and dads, remember that your children have already grown up and are able to sort out their relationships themselves! You don’t need to transfer your experience of family life into their life until you are asked to do so.

And grown-up children can only wish for diplomacy in order to be able to defend their vision of their own lives and at the same time not offend their parents.

You can add to the above reasons:

Marriage of convenience. A young bride, in pursuit of material values, thinks that she will fall in love and endure it, but living together only breaks the fragile shoots of barely hatched love feelings, not allowing them to grow stronger.

Professional employment of spouses or one of them, when the husband and wife do not see each other for weeks, or even months, or one of them constantly belongs to the public, hence jealousy, resentment, and so on. Sometimes the wife suddenly becomes a leader and begins to earn more than her husband, devoting less time to the family - the reason family discord.

Unexpected grief befalls a family with loved ones or their children, when the husband or father psychologically cannot withstand this burden and leaves the family, leaving the other half alone with the misfortune.

Infertility from one of the spouses. Today, such a problem can be solved through IVF or adoption of someone else’s child.

Reasons for the breakdown of marriages with experience

But the reasons for divorce for adults who have lived 20-25 years under one roof are much more difficult to systematize and even more difficult to help them avoid divorce.

More often - it's the absence of love affection, other feelings that could warm the spouses in marriage for some time. This is observed in emotional couples that put forward high requirements for marriage and a partner, for people who are creative, enthusiastic, passionate, and who are not able to “live just like that”, as everyone around them lives. With the realization that the marriage has gone on for too long, the decision to break up the relationship comes. And these are the people who are capable of divorce, despite all its difficulties.

There is no treatment, I think this is the best way out for people who find themselves in such a situation. Each of them will still be able to meet their person. And even if he doesn’t meet you, because living alone does not mean living alone.

The next reason for divorce occurs in those couples where one of the partners endures family for a long time, a life that had not suited him for a long time, waiting for his children to grow up. Outwardly, such couples look quite happy, but only outwardly... With the onset of this time, families easily fall apart with the awareness of the debt fulfilled.

It is difficult to say how to avoid divorce in this case. Probably, in this situation, all possible means have been exhausted and, as a rule, the choice made turns out to be the only correct one. After all, you can’t spend your entire life fulfilling a mission that isn’t yours. Every person deserves happiness and freedom from another person who has become a stranger.

From all that has been said above, we can conclude that the main reasons for divorce are: dissatisfaction with family life, reluctance to adjust your habits to your partner, and a banal reluctance to “be in a harness.” The phrase “It’s always faster to walk alone” begins to prevail over the phrase “It’s fun to walk together...”.

People who valued their family should do everything possible to preserve it. And if you can’t do this, well, there’s no need to torment yourself and your other half, trying with all your might to hold him back, entangle him in the nets of your selfish love, call him to duty and put pressure on all the levers. Give freedom to both yourself and him!

But if you are not satisfied with family life with a fragile balance of pros and cons, you are torn between the choice: Marriage or Divorce, the verdict of psychologists in this situation is: Marriage! This means that something else is holding you together and there are reasons to improve everything in your relationship. When there is nothing left to save, family life becomes unbearable, you, without hesitation, and without asking anyone for advice, file for divorce.

Marriage or divorce, family life or life alone, is decided by two or each for himself. It is good if this decision is mutual and correct with minimal losses, and it is important that children do not suffer. And it’s great that even after a divorce, people - ex-spouses remain friends, or at least know how to find the strength to say goodbye like a human being.

May your family be strong and happy! And let no one ever have to solve the problem of family divorce.

Conflicts can arise anywhere, regardless of the people around you and the circumstances. An angry boss or unscrupulous subordinates, demanding parents or dishonest teachers, grandmothers at bus stops or embittered people in in public places. Even a conscientious neighbor and a dandelion grandmother can cause a big conflict. This article will discuss how to properly get out of a conflict without suffering damage - moral and physical.

Can not imagine modern man who is not subject to stress. Accordingly, each of us experiences such situations every day at work, at home, on the road; some sufferers even experience stress several times a day. And there are people who constantly live in a stressful state and don’t even know it.

Life is a strange and complex thing that can throw up several dozen troubles in one day. However, it is worth remembering: any trouble is a lesson that will definitely come in handy sometime in the future. If a person is an honest student, then he will remember the lecture the first time. If the lesson was unclear, life will confront you with it again and again. And many people take this literally, making their lives more difficult! But sometimes you shouldn't tolerate some things, looking for them life lessons! What specific situations should be stopped?

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