Program for setting up the Orion 3 modem. New lunar scam: why do we need an American lunar station

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TDM-based SHDSL.bis

The FlexDSL Orion3 SHDSL.bis Extended product family offers a broad range of products, which are based on the latest SHDSL.bis standards (ITU-T G.991.2 & ETS TS 101 524), while also being fully interoperable with all our existing SHDSL equipment (Orion1, Orion2 & MiniFlex). The FlexDSL Orion3 supports TC-PAM16/32 and the new TC-PAM4/8/64/128 line coding

SHDSL.bis Extended allows symmetrical data and voice transmission at speeds up to 15.2Mbps over a single pair of copper. In addition, the FlexDSL Orion3 modem range also supports DSL channel bonding for up to 4 copper pairs in order to achieve speeds to 60.8Mbps.

If using in a chain, in case of a failure of an intermediate Orion3 NTU, the SHDSL lines can be bypassed with the help of an optional Bypass Relay. In that case, the optional DSL Bypass Relay PCB will automatically switch the incoming SHDSL ports to the outgoing SHDSL ports, keeping the chain in operation.

FlexDSL Orion3 SHDSL.bis. Extended modems can provide up to 4 complete E1 interfaces, which support framed and unframed services (G.703/G.704).

An integrated 2 or 4 port Ethernet layer 2 managed switch with VLAN, RSTP and QoS support (10/100BaseT) ensures connectivity to IP services.

Beside of E1 and Ethernet we have additional interfaces like Nx64 (that can be configured to be a V.35, V.36, X.21 or V.24 interface by software) and RS-232/485. This makes FlexDSL Orion3 SHDSL.bis Extended modems a perfect solution for a wide range of applications in which TDM and IP services need to be transmitted over copper wires.

Specially designed firmware turns selected members of FlexDSL Orion3 family into Interface converters or even into TDMoIP/TDMoE pseudo-wire devices.

Like all FlexDSL Orion & MiniFlex products, the Orion3 SHDSL.bis Extended modems family is based on industrial components and is manufactured according to highest quality standards providing additional value due to the extended temperature range and higher reliability. The combination of comprehensive functions providing maximum flexibility together with the higher quality of the FlexDSL Orion3 SHDSL.bis Extended product family make it the perfect choice for all your DSL needs.

Space has a new name. Now everyone is talking about the American lunar station LOP-G (Lunar Orbital Platform-Gateway). It was originally called Deep Space Gateway, but the name was later changed to more accurately correspond to the program's stated goals. The lunar orbital gateway platform should consolidate the primacy of the American nation in space exploration (this is precisely the goal stated in the documents) and become a step towards the exploration of Mars. Izvestia found out whether the game is worth the candle and whether it will be possible to achieve the declared goals with the help of such a station.

In order to understand what you are capable of lunar station, it is worth considering everything that can be done with its help and comparing it with the International Space Station currently in use. Is there any point in creating new station, should Russia participate in this event, and what results should we expect from the new lunar program?

Where to build a lunar house

First the bare facts. The creation of a lunar orbital gateway platform, according to the project, will begin in 2019. This is a multi-module station that will be in orbit around the Moon at the L2 Lagrange point. What are Lagrange points, aka libration points? These are positions in a system of two massive celestial bodies interacting with each other where the gravitational forces are balanced. This means that a station built at such a point will be in a stable state. If the station were simply in lunar orbit, the gravitational forces of the Earth would slowly slow it down, and then it would constantly have to waste fuel to adjust the orbit.

For a system of two bodies, there are five such points, and to create the station, NASA specialists chose point L2 (this is a position on the far side of the Moon, invisible from Earth). It is worth understanding that this is a point quite distant from the Moon: the station will be located 70 thousand km from the surface. For comparison: the orbit in the ISS, changing in different years, was within 300–400 km from the Earth's surface. The lunar orbital platform-gateway will hang 200 times further from the satellite. The Moon from the window will be large, but only several times larger than from the Earth (384,400 km to the Moon).

Initially, there was another version: the station was supposed to be created in low lunar orbit - 100–200 km above the surface. The exosphere of the Moon is very weak and discharged; at such a height, its atoms would not be able to significantly slow down the station, as happens with the ISS. But gravity intervenes: because of it, the orbit of the lunar platform would have to be constantly adjusted using spacecraft engines, which means a waste of precious fuel and the impossibility of leaving the station unattended for a long time.

At L2, it is planned to create several modules smaller than the International Space Station, which can simultaneously accommodate up to four astronauts. Note that the idea itself is not new. Space stations at Lagrange points are very frequent guests in modern science fiction literature. The place is really convenient, but what can you do there?

What to do at LOP-G

The problem is that no fundamental breakthrough in the tasks being solved is expected at the new station. Astronauts will be able to work there and study hidden from Earth reverse side Moons. This is, of course, a necessary thing, but there is a problem. Firstly, the station is far enough from the Moon that direct observation is difficult. Just imagine that the Moon in the sky will become six times larger. Beautiful? Without a doubt. But it is still not enough for serious observation. Special optical systems will be required, which, in principle, could operate in an automatic mode controlled from the Earth, and this would be several times cheaper. They'll take some cool photos, no doubt, but that's with scientific point vision is not enough.

In addition, the duration of stay on the lunar orbital platform will be greatly limited, even compared to the International Space Station. The main problem is radiation. Currently, scientists believe that the period of stay in lunar orbit should be limited to one or two, or at most three months. In addition, it is quite possible that astronauts will be able to make such a flight once in their lives without exposing themselves to the risk of illness from the radiation accumulated in the body. Compare this to the ISS, where the most experienced Russian cosmonauts have five flights each, and their stay on the station is approaching 1 thousand days.

It is assumed that astronauts on the station will be able to launch small scientific vehicles to the Moon. Keyword here - “small”: there is no need to talk about any manned landings - the Moon is too far from the station. So if humanity plans to land on the Moon again, it will do so without using an orbital station.

It is separately stated that the lunar orbital gateway platform is a new challenge and a step towards flights to Mars. And here many professionals do not agree with this formulation of the question. Using LOP-G to assemble a ship to Mars and refuel is not very convenient. It is much easier to create a special intermediate station in Earth orbit. Well, as for a new challenge - great, but this is not a sufficient reason to create the most expensive project in the history of the Earth.

How much is Luna?

Why will it be expensive? Space is, in principle, the most expensive hobby of modern humanity. Up to $6 billion is spent annually just on maintaining the International Space Station in working and operational condition. Several countries are participating in this together, because no power can carry out such a project alone: ​​everyone has more pressing items of expenditure, from nuclear forces to subsidizing air ticket prices for the poor. And voices are constantly heard about the need to use this money for more mundane purposes.

The lunar orbital gateway platform will cost several times more than the ISS. It is worth at least comparing the delivery of a launch vehicle for sending astronauts. The crew is carried to the ISS by a medium-class Soyuz launch vehicle, which costs approximately $20–25 million (the cost of the rocket itself). At the initial stage, astronauts will fly to the lunar platform on the super-heavy American rocket SLS (Space Launch System). The cost of one launch is estimated at $500 million (20 times more expensive), and most likely, in the end it will be even more.

It's the same with cargo ships. They are launched into orbit by the same Soyuz, American Falcon 9 or Japanese H-IIB, but to supply the lunar station, the Soyuz is already too small - a minimum of a Proton will be required, the cost of launching which is almost three times more. The International Space Station, with a longer crew life, requires almost monthly launches of either a cargo or a manned spacecraft. You can calculate how much it will cost when using SLS and Protons - the amount is simply colossal.

Among other things, the creation of a communication system will be required separately: the fact is that the Moon will block the station’s ability to communicate with the command center. These are additional costs and expenses.

Everything is relative

So it turns out in the end that the Americans are going to build an extremely expensive, more dangerous, and difficult to use station. It will be impossible to observe the Earth from it, and it will be difficult to launch vehicles to the Moon. It will not give anything new to the manned program for the exploration of the Moon. And even using it as a stop on the way to Mars is also a very big question. Or rather, this could be done much cheaper using stations in Earth orbit.

But how could this happen? Why hasn’t humanity set its sights on creating a base on the surface of the Moon or even exploring Mars, which currently seems much more promising and interesting? There is a possibility that the Americans agreed to this program... out of despair. How did this happen? A nation in which everything is fine with the financing of space programs, and suddenly there is hopelessness.

The problem is that the American space program is very inconsistent. As a rule, upon taking office, the new president changes the vector of the entire country’s space program depending on his preferences, financial capabilities and understanding of what and how needs to be done in space.

And now: there is SLS, there is a manned spaceship“Orion”, however, all this is just a pale shadow of the “Constellation” program planned under previous presidents. At that time, it was planned to land a manned spacecraft on the Moon, create a lunar base, and then fly to Mars. However, the Ares-I and Ares-V launch vehicles, as well as the Altair lunar module, remained only projects and dreams.

Without them, it is simply unrealistic to fully implement the Constellation program. So we had to invent, dodge and calculate what exactly what was left by Trump’s not-so-generous hand would be enough for. So it turns out that the lunar orbital gateway platform is almost the only possible variant. Otherwise, you will have to admit to yourself that the super-heavy SLS rocket and manned spacecraft are being created without a clear understanding of where they can be used.

Over the years of research, NASA specialists managed to take many pictures of Mars - many of them prove that the Red Planet impresses not only with mysterious names (such as the Labyrinth of Night), but also with picturesque views. The portal site has collected some of them

At the bottom of most Martian craters are dunes made of sand-like material. It is believed that these areas, called the Land of Noah, acquired their linear shape due to the wind, which often changes direction

This is a view of Proctor Crater. Scientists believe that the light "wrinkles" in the photo are made of fine sand, while the darker dunes are made of coarser sand. It is possible that it is of basaltic origin (basalt is a dark volcanic stone), which explains their color

Photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona

This intricate topography characterizes Mount Sharp. In 2013, the Curiosity rover set out to explore it and took this picture. The height of the mountain is almost 5.5 km, but scientists are convinced that it is its lower layers that can tell us about the planet’s past

The crater in the Sirenum Fossae valley (it does not yet have a Russian name) is considered relatively young (by Martian standards). Its diameter is more than 1 km. The exact age is unknown, but the clearly defined edges of the crater indicate “youth.”

Nili Patera is one of the most active dune fields on Mars. By observing how the dunes change, NASA specialists can determine how the direction of the wind changes from year to year and from season to season. Such small, flat-topped mountains are also called “table” because of their shape. This one is located in a place with the mysterious name Labyrinth of Night - the largest labyrinth of the Red Planet, which consists of a series of canyons with a length of about 1.2 thousand km

Photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. of Arizona

For Mars, Orion in its current incarnation is too small, and in the absence of a lunar landing module, it cannot be used to conquer the Moon either. What remains is a half-measure - a lunar station with a very small and unclear list of tasks.

Better than nothing

From the point of view of the development of world cosmonautics, a lunar orbital platform is much better than nothing. This includes the development of manned space flight and the testing of new technologies in more difficult conditions. In the same way, Russia should, if possible, work together with America, only in such a project there is hope for the continuation of our manned program.

It’s just that there are currently a lot of questions about the base itself, and all of them turn out to be completely invisible against the backdrop of loud discussions about the future conquest of the Moon. But a program with such not very obvious and clearly defined goals, as well as tens of billions of dollars in funding, could easily be on the verge of closure soon, all it takes is a change in the American president. In the meantime, everyone is full of hopes and aspirations: you don’t want to count in a state of euphoria, and it’s not possible.