Sample diet menu 3. Baked cabbage cutlets

Constipation is a fairly common problem.

Its treatment consists primarily of diet.

Which diet will be the most optimal, what should be included in the diet, and what should be abandoned?

  1. 100 grams of proteins (55% animal and 45% plant);
  2. fats (30% - vegetable and 70% - animal);
  3. 300-400 grams of carbohydrates;
  4. no more than 15 grams of salt;
  5. necessarily 1.5-2 liters of liquid.

The daily diet should be approximately 3 kilograms, while the caloric content per dog should not exceed 3200 kcal. You need to eat food up to 6 times a day.

What can be achieved?

The goal of diet No. 3 is to restore the motor ability of the gastrointestinal tract by creating a menu of foods that enhance active function and ridding the intestines of feces.

The task is also to remove from the diet foods that generate fermentation and putrefaction processes in the human body. Table No. 3 provides all vitamin complexes, microelements and macroelements.

Products included in the diet

The products included in table No. 3 benefit the body for constipation:

  • Fish and meat. Choose only varieties with low fat content, boil or cook in a double boiler. The menu should be present no more than 5 times a week. It is better to give preference to seafood, they are very healthy due to their high mineral content.
  • Eggs. Boiled only soft-boiled, steamed omelette is allowed. No more than 2 eggs per day.
  • Bread. Only from whole grains, baked without yeast.
  • Vegetables. The choice should be made on carrots, beets, tomatoes, cabbage (cauliflower only), pumpkin and zucchini. You can cook it in different interpretations, for example, add it raw to a salad or bake, boil, or stew.
  • Porridge. Buckwheat, millet and wheat are allowed. You can cook them with both water and milk.
  • Fruits. The emphasis should be on fresh fruits rich in fiber. You can eat dried fruits by first soaking them in water.
  • Beverages. Compote made from dried fruits (it is not recommended to add sour berries), weakly brewed tea (with milk), a decoction of wheat bran, fennel tea (flowers, fruits).

IMPORTANT. Products should not be fried.

What can't you eat?

Diet No. 3 for people suffering from constipation excludes the following foods:

  1. Semi-finished products, both meat and fish. Including sausages: sausages and smoked meats.
  2. Fresh baked goods, especially those containing yeast, pastries, puff pastries, cakes, etc.
  3. Potato. This product is quite difficult to exclude from the diet entirely, but you need to at least minimize its consumption.
  4. Porridge. Avoid those varieties that become sticky after cooking (for example, rice, oatmeal, pearl barley).
  5. Bananas and grapes are not allowed as fruits. You should also avoid sour berries (for example, cherries, dogwoods, blueberries).
  6. First courses cooked in steep broth.
  7. Kvass and any carbonated drinks.
  8. Beans and dishes containing them.
  9. Pasta.
  10. Chocolates (and chocolate itself), marshmallows, jams and marmalade, preserves, etc.
  11. A variety of sauces, spicy foods, seasonings.

For constipation associated with stomach diseases, drinking Borjomi carbonated water is allowed.

Menu for 7 days

Diet menu No. 3 for constipation for 7 days for an adult can be made as follows:

First day

  • 1st meal. Buckwheat seasoned with butter, vinaigrette and coffee drink with milk.
  • 2nd meal. Apple (can be raw or baked).
  • 3rd meal. Soup with vegetables and breadcrumbs, stewed lean meat, carrots stewed in milk, compote.
  • 4th meal. A few pieces of pre-soaked prunes. No more.
  • 5th meal. Jellied meat from lean fish, 250 grams of fish broth, pumpkin or apple casserole, tea.

Before bed - yogurt.



  • 1st meal. Fresh vegetable salad, 50 grams of chicken fillet, steam omelette, tea.
  • 2nd meal. No more than 100 grams of non-acidic fresh berries.
  • 3rd meal. Borscht in vegetable broth, stewed beets, no more than 100 grams of boiled meat, compote.
  • 4th meal. Soaked dried apricots.
  • 5th meal. Meat zrazy, stewed carrots, pumpkin soufflé.

Before bed - kefir.


  • 1st meal. Millet porridge with pieces of apples, vegetable salad dressed with butter, milk tea.
  • 2nd meal. Apple.
  • 3rd meal. Vegetable broth soup, stewed cabbage and baked meat roll, apple mousse.
  • 4th meal. Cottage cheese.
  • 5th meal. Apple and carrot pudding, empanadas.

At night you can drink a glass of kefir.


At night you can drink a glass of yogurt.


  • 1st meal. Oatmeal, 100 grams of chicken fillet, sweet milk tea.
  • 2nd meal. Grated carrots with apple, seasoned with low-fat sour cream.
  • 3rd meal. Stew with rabbit and vegetables, beetroot soup (cold), cranberry jelly.
  • 4th meal.
  • 5th meal. Stewed carrots, cheesecake, baked cutlets in sour cream sauce, tea.

Before bed - kefir.


  • 1st meal. Curd and carrot soufflé, a piece of soaked herring with vegetable oil, tea.
  • 2nd meal. Broth, salad with cucumber, tomato and pepper.
  • 3rd meal. Cabbage soup with vegetables, stewed pumpkin, meat steak (boiled), compote.
  • 4th meal. Boiled beets, seasoned with oil and lemon juice.
  • 5th meal. Cabbage chop, stewed carrots, chicken meatballs baked in sour cream (0%), tea.

Before bed - kefir.

Meal plan for children

Diet No. 3 for constipation for children is almost identical to the diet of an adult. There are minor differences in cooking according to age. Possible menu for one day:

  1. Breakfast. Vegetable salad, steamed or baked omelette.
  2. Snack. A baked apple, a couple of prunes, pre-soaked.
  3. Dinner. Beetroot soup with vegetable broth, boiled lean fish, compote.
  4. Snack. Pumpkin or carrot pancakes.
  5. Dinner. Porridge and fruit salad.

Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir.


Even the simplest products at first glance can be prepared very tasty, preserving all the beneficial qualities. A few of these recipes:

The vinaigrette

For refueling you need vegetable oil - 10 grams.

Use fresh apples, boil vegetables. Pre-clean everything and cut into cubes, lightly add salt, season with oil and mix.

Vegetable salad

For dressing 10 grams of olive oil.

All ingredients are chopped, seasoned with oil and lightly salted.


The minced meat is salted and mixed with milk and proteins, spread thinly on a moistened cloth. Place chopped vegetables on top.

Roll the roll in a steamer until done.

Table number 4

Table No. 4 for constipation is recommended if inflammation is present, with intestinal tuberculosis, dysentery. Her the goal is to spare the intestinal mucosa as much as possible, remove the inflammatory process, restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminate the processes of decay and fermentation in it.

Meals should be fractional.


The diet should contain:

  • Soups are also made from vegetable broth; it is extremely rare to prepare broth from lean meat or fish. You can add rice, semolina, chicken meatballs.
  • Porridges are prepared exclusively with water.
  • Only lean meats, steamed, boiled in the form of a soufflé or pate.
  • No more than 2 eggs per day.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Jelly.

You need to completely avoid pasta, sausages, fried foods, milk, various sweets, including honey and dried fruits.

Who is it shown to?

Diet No. 4 for constipation is intended for those people who, in addition to constipation, have other problems, for example, inflammatory processes and diseases. Diet No. 4 differs from diet No. 3 in a more restrained menu, which excludes almost all sweets, and even dried fruits. Table No. 4 contains virtually no foods high in carbohydrates.

To achieve positive results in the fight against constipation, diets must be strictly adhered to. As you have already seen, the menu can be very varied and tasty.

What diet is needed for intestinal colitis with constipation? We follow the rules and get results

What to pay attention to when eating: diet for hemorrhoids and constipation

Diet No. 3 stimulates intestinal motility and restores its normal activity. Most often prescribed for the treatment of constipation.

Indications for dietary table No. 3

Diet No. 3 is prescribed for chronic intestinal diseases accompanied by constipation (hypomotor dyskinesia). Most often, diet No. 3 is prescribed for the treatment of constipation resulting from an unbalanced diet.

Diet goal No. 3

The goal of diet No. 3 is to restore normal intestinal activity, normalize metabolic processes, and regenerate the intestinal mucous membranes.

General characteristics of dietary table No. 3

Diet No. 3 fully satisfies a person’s physiological needs for energy and nutrients.

It provides stimulation of peristalsis through the inclusion of mechanical and temperature stimuli in the diet. Fiber-rich foods are recommended. The diet includes an abundance of plant fiber, mainly in the form of salads from fresh vegetables, grated on a coarse grater.

Products that provoke fermentation processes in the intestines, as well as fatty and fried foods that negatively affect other organs of the digestive system are excluded from the diet.

Diet No. 3 provides for fractional meals 4-6 times a day, at the same time, without long breaks between meals. Food is prepared uncut, preferably boiling, baking or steaming. It is recommended to drink cold water or juice on an empty stomach, and fermented milk drinks and dried fruit compotes at night.

Chemical composition and energy value of dietary table No. 3

Proteins: 90-100 g (45% animal proteins).
Fats: 80-90 g (30% vegetable fats).
Carbohydrates: 350-400 g (no more than 40 g of simple carbohydrates).
Daily calorie content: 2,300 - 2,500 kcal.
Free liquid: 1.5-2 l.
Salt: 8-10 g.
Vitamins: retinol (A) - 2 mg, riboflavin (B2) - 4 mg, thiamine (B1) - 4 mg, nicotinic acid (B3) - 30 mg, ascorbic acid (C) - 100 mg.
Macronutrients: calcium 0.8 g, magnesium 0.5 g, phosphorus 1.2 g.
Microelements: iron - 15 mg.
Optimal food temperature: 15-65 degrees Celsius.

Bread: from wholemeal flour, rye, grain, with bran. Cookies and other baked goods are allowed, with the exception of fresh bread made from fine wheat flour.
Soups: vegetable soups (borscht, cabbage soup, minestrone, etc.), cold soups, pearl barley soup in weak meat or fish broth.
Meat dishes: boiled, baked, fried without crust dishes in one piece or in the form of cutlets, prepared from beef, veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit.
Fish dishes: boiled or baked low-fat fish in pieces or in the form of cutlets, seafood is recommended.
Side dishes: crumbly porridge from cereals (rice, pasta - limited), vegetables in any form (cabbage - if tolerated, potatoes and legumes - limited), beets, carrots, zucchini, cauliflower, pumpkin, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce are preferred.
Porridge: crumbly porridges and casseroles.
Dairy products: sour cream and milk in dishes, mild cheese, cottage cheese (fresh or in dishes), fermented milk drinks.
Eggs: no more than 1 pc. per day (steam omelet, soft-boiled or as part of dishes).
Snacks: vegetable salads and vinaigrettes, fruit salads, vegetable caviar, sauerkraut, soaked herring, aspic, cheeses.
Sauces, spices: bechamel, mild sauces based on meat broth, tomato sauce, and occasionally sour cream sauce. Cinnamon, vanilla, bay leaf, chopped fresh herbs (dill, celery, parsley).
Sweet dishes: Fresh and baked fruits in large quantities are especially recommended. Plums, figs, melon, apricots (including dried apricots), prunes, preserves, mousses, jams, marshmallows, and marmalade are desirable.
Beverages: tea and coffee substitutes, fresh juices (cold), rosehip infusion, bran infusion.
Fats: unsalted butter, refined vegetable oils (olive, corn).

Excluded foods and dishes of the diet table No. 3

Dishes rich in extractive substances (strong broths), essential oils, spicy seasonings, smoked foods, and alcoholic beverages are excluded from the diet. You should avoid foods that cause fermentation processes in the intestines.

Excluded are fresh wheat bread, products made from butter and puff pastry, rice, semolina, vermicelli (pasta - limited), hot food, viscous porridges, jelly, fatty meat, canned food, marinades, carbonated drinks (including kvass), fried eggs, hard-boiled eggs.

Also exclude sharp cheeses, sorrel, onions, spinach, turnips, radishes, radishes, garlic, chocolate and fatty pastry creams. You should not consume cooking fats, blueberries, quince, dogwood, cocoa, coffee, hot sauces and seasonings.

Sample diet menu No. 3

On an empty stomach: cold decoction of prunes.
First breakfast: squash caviar, cottage cheese, bread, weak tea.
Lunch: curdled milk, baked apple, bread, rose hip decoction.
Dinner: aspic, vegetarian cabbage soup made from fresh cabbage, stewed chicken with boiled vegetables, compote.
Dinner: buckwheat casserole, cutlet with stewed cabbage, fresh fruit, bran decoction, jam, bread.
For the night: kefir, soaked dried fruits.


  1. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 330 “On measures to improve clinical nutrition in medical institutions of the Russian Federation” dated 05.08.2003

Dietary table recipes No. 3:

  • squash caviar
  • aspic
  • stewed chicken
  • buckwheat casserole
  • braised cabbage
  • vegetable cabbage rolls
  • vegetable stew
  • sauerkraut
  • dried fruit pie
  • tomato sauce
  • apricot jam
  • minestrone
  • baked apple with sugar
  • steamed cheesecakes
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In the presence of pathologies of the digestive system, patients are prescribed certain dietary nutrition programs. For gastrointestinal diseases, the first and second tables are indicated, but for problems with bowel movements, the Pevzner diet No. 3 is recommended.

Indications for diet number 3 according to Mikhail Pevzner

Gastroenterologists usually prescribe the third table for pathologies of the large or small intestine, in which they are noted. A similar nutrition program is indicated for acute and remission stages of constipation.

Features and Rules

Gentle number 3 has a beneficial effect on peristaltic intestinal functions, stimulates them, thereby enhancing the processes of defecation.

The diet of this table is based on the consumption of laxative dishes, the effect of which enhances the motility of the intestinal muscles.

  • You need to eat up to 100 g of protein, 450 g of carbohydrates and 100 g of fat per day;
  • Salt intake should be limited to 15 grams;
  • The caloric intake of food per day should be 2800-2900 kcal;
  • You need to drink at least one and a half liters of liquid per day;
  • The diet involves a balanced and nutritious diet that saturates the body with the necessary mineral and vitamin complex;
  • Portions should be small, and meals should be 4-6 times a day;
  • The diet should contain a lot of vegetables, and they can be eaten fresh, stewed, boiled or baked;
  • You need to stop eating all foods that can cause rotting or fermentation in the intestinal cavity.

The undoubted advantage of the third table is considered to be effective results, manifested in the elimination of bloating and motor activity, restoration of metabolic processes and intestinal functions.

What can and cannot be eaten?

The basis of any is the use of foods approved by a specialist, with the complete exclusion of prohibited foods.

  • Allowed foods on the third table include primarily vegetables, which have a beneficial effect on intestinal activity. You can eat any vegetables, but the most attention should be paid to zucchini and cabbage, beets and carrots, and cucumbers.
  • For bakery products, bran or multigrain bread, dry biscuits or diet bread are recommended. But in combination with liquid food.
  • Patients should prepare vegetable soups in the form of a broth in which many vegetables are boiled. You can use low-fat fish or meat broth as the basis for this soup.
  • It is better to limit eggs, in any form, although eating one egg per day as part of sandwiches or vegetable salad is allowed.
  • Fish and meat are allowed in any form, but only lean varieties. You can also eat milk sausages.
  • It is better to season dishes with butter or vegetable oil.
  • You can include hard pasta, any cereals, soy cheese and peas in your diet in limited quantities.
  • For sweets, patients with constipation are allowed to enjoy honey, jam, sugar in tea, mousses from various berries or fruits, but anything gelatinous is strictly prohibited.
  • All kinds of compotes, moderately sweet teas, rosehip decoction or juice diluted with water 1:1, water, chicory and milk are considered permitted drinks.

As you can see, the diet is quite varied and tasty, so each patient will be able to find the ideal menu option for themselves. The main thing is to exclude from it various margarines, alcohol, pastries and white breads, pasta made from white flour and all sticky dishes like jellies and jelly, gelatin candies and marmalade, marshmallows and various jellied meats or jellied meats.

You also need to remove unhealthy intestinal irritants from your diet such as onions, radishes, garlic or radishes, fatty mayonnaise, as well as coffee, cream pies or cakes, and chocolate. In general, the third table recommends avoiding eating foods that can cause rotting or fermentation in the intestinal tract.

Sample menu

For example, you can see the menu for the week. Many dishes can be replaced with equivalent and permitted products.

  1. Ideal for breakfast are carrot-curd souffle or oatmeal cooked in water, mashed potatoes with stewed fish, steamed omelets with peas and vegetable salad, curd pudding with beet salad, buckwheat with vinaigrette. You can wash down your breakfast with tea with milk.
  2. For the first snack, the third table recommends a fresh or baked apple, fruit, carrot salad with apple and sour cream, or cabbage salad with apple in olive oil.
  3. For lunch, diet number three offers patients beet soup with vegetable stew and boiled veal or stewed beets with boiled meat, cabbage soup with stewed pumpkin and beef stroganoff, chicken noodles with stewed cauliflower and boiled chicken, vegetable barley soup and cabbage rolls, meatloaf with stewed cabbage and applesauce, goulash with carrots stewed in milk. Compote is recommended as a drink for lunch.
  4. For the second snack or afternoon snack, you can have a snack of soaked prunes or dried apricots, grated carrots or cottage cheese, and beetroot salad.
  5. For patients with constipation, the third table recommends cabbage schnitzel with meatballs, stewed carrots with cutlets baked in sour cream, stewed beets with carrot pancakes, apple pudding with carrots and prunes and pancakes with meat filling, stewed or boiled lean fish with buckwheat and cottage cheese, stewed carrots with milk jelly and meat zrazy, fish aspic and pumpkin casserole.
  6. Before going to bed, the third table recommends drinking a glass of fermented baked milk, kefir or yogurt.

This is only an approximate version of the diet; you can replace individual dishes with others, according to the patient’s taste preferences, but only from approved products.

Table for children

The problem often occurs in schoolchildren and kindergarten age children. Usually the cause is an unhealthy diet, the child’s consumption of fast food and semi-finished products, dry food, etc.

For children, the third table is practically no different from the adult diet, except that it is better to give vegetables to children stewed or boiled.

  • For breakfast, your child can prepare porridge from acceptable cereals, season it with butter, and milk sausage is also allowed;
  • For the first snack, a curd-peach dessert or curd pudding is suitable;
  • It is better for your child to have lunch with vegetable soup like cabbage soup or borscht, seasoned with non-acidic sour cream;
  • For an afternoon snack, a vegetable soufflé or stewed fillet of lean fish is healthy;
  • For dinner, a child suffering from constipation should be given a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk, an apple baked with honey, or pureed from it.

Meat should be included in the menu no more than 2 times a week, but fish can be eaten daily, only low-fat.

Dish recipes

To the sample weekly menu presented above, you can add other dishes that meet the requirements of this nutrition program.

  1. Vegetable cabbage rolls. Mix 400 g of minced chicken, a finely chopped quarter of a head of cabbage, boiled brown rice (80 g) and 1 egg in a plate. Salt the mixture and shape it into small round cutlets. For sorus, you need to chop parsley and dill, mix it with tomato paste and dilute with half a glass of water. Pour the resulting sauce over the cabbage rolls and simmer them under the lid over low heat for 30 minutes.
  2. Steamed meat casserole. Ground beef (70 g) is mixed with 2 large spoons of milk, 3 egg whites and salt. The mixture is placed in a greased form and sprinkled with grated carrots. The casserole needs to be steamed. Before serving, pour sour cream over the casserole.
  3. Vegetable pearl barley soup. Pearl barley (4-5 large spoons) is washed and filled with water overnight to swell. In the morning, the cereal is poured with water and boiled for an hour. Cut the potatoes into cubes, add 2 liters of water and add boiled pearl barley. Then sauté the onions and carrots, add them to the soup, cook for about five minutes and add the greens. Turn off the stove and leave under the lid for another 30 minutes.
  4. Healthy ice cream. Three kiwi fruits need to be peeled and chopped in a blender, add 100 g of sugar. Then add the yolk to the mixture and cook it over the fire until it thickens. The egg white is combined with 100 ml of milk, beaten and mixed with the fruit mass. Then the ice cream is placed in molds and placed in the freezer for 5 hours.

The third table has no time restrictions, so you can stick to it for an unlimited period of time. This is a balanced nutrition program, thanks to which constipation soon ceases to bother patients.

As a result of following such a diet, the activity of all gastrointestinal functions and metabolic processes is normalized.

According to nutritionists, the third table according to Pevzner is a very useful nutrition program, especially for people leading a sedentary lifestyle. Lean meat, limiting alcohol and flour are always good for health, especially for the intestines. But before switching to this, it is recommended to consult a gastroenterologist.

Diet 3a is indicated for chronic intestinal inflammation, which is accompanied by constipation. This diet enhances motility and relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane.

For patients prescribed the 3a medical diet, vegetables rich in fiber and essential oils, such as garlic, onions, radishes, turnips, spinach or cabbage, are completely contraindicated. You cannot eat salty, spicy, fried, canned meat and vegetables, smoked foods, margarine and similar combined fats, too cold drinks and dishes.

Treatment table 3b is prescribed when constipation is not accompanied by inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, with colitis, dyskinesia. This diet option, on the contrary, assumes the presence of a large amount of plant fiber in the diet, but excludes blueberries, fatty meats, sweets, chocolate, coffee, strong tea and calcined cottage cheese.

Basic principles of diet number three

Diet No. 3 consists of foods that enhance intestinal motility and have a positive effect on bowel movements.

Food should contain at least 30-35 g of dietary fiber and ballast substances per day. The weight of the daily diet is 3 kg of food, of which 400 g of vegetables, 200 g of large grain bread. In addition, you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of free liquid - tea, still water, compotes, etc.

BZHU and energy value of the diet of the third treatment table:

  • 100 g of proteins, of which 55 g are animal;
  • 100 g of fats, of which 40 g are vegetable fats, unrefined olive oil is especially useful;
  • 400-420 g carbohydrates;
  • 15 g table salt;
  • 2800-3000 kcal.

The diet should be distributed as follows according to energy value:

Features of diet No. 3 for children

Children usually do not really like fatty and spicy foods, but they eat raw fruits and vegetable salads with pleasure. Therefore, you need to give almost all fresh berries and fruits - cherries, apples, grapes, apricots, etc. Plums are especially important because they have a slight laxative effect, and are also easily digestible and rich in fiber.

Berries and fruits can be given to children throughout the day, even as a school snack instead of sandwiches.

It is better for children to cook vegetarian soups with any vegetables in the optimal form of heat treatment. You can make a meaty, but light broth.

It is better to boil or bake lean meat; among its types, it is advisable to give preference to chicken, turkey, rabbit, and veal. Meat dishes are allowed for children once a day.

In addition to them, you can give fish, also baked or steamed, cooked in large pieces or whole carcasses.

The optimal side dish for meat is vegetables, but without white cabbage. There are no restrictions for cauliflower, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers, tomatoes, and beets. Fresh vegetable salads are best seasoned with vegetable oil. Potatoes can only be baked without peeling.

Cereal porridges - buckwheat, barley, oatmeal - are also suitable as a side dish.

Bread - grain, with bran, white - is prohibited.

As a dessert, it is best to give fresh fruit or in the form of jam or jam, honey, any soaked dried fruit, Turkish delight, marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade. Prunes are especially useful. It can be given separately or added to salads.

For children under three years old, baked vegetables, pureed vegetables and fruits, yogurt, kefir, fish and meat soufflés, cottage cheese, pumpkin porridge with honey, omelettes, and dried fruit compotes are prepared.

Indications for diet No. 3

This treatment table is prescribed for various acute and chronic intestinal diseases in which inflammation and/or motility has occurred: constipation, colitis, dyskinesia.

Table of permitted products

Product group Products and comments
Wheat bread made from second grade flour Yesterday's
Grain bread “Oatmeal”, “Barvikhinsky”, “Health”, “Doctorsky”, etc., yesterday
Bakery Unsweetened cookies, for example “Maria”, “Leningradskoe”, dry sponge cake
Soups In low-fat and weak meat broth, fish broth, and vegetable broth. The best ones are vegetables: borscht, beetroot soup, cabbage soup, etc.
Poultry and meat Boiled or baked chicken and turkey, usually in pieces, but chopped can also be used, as well as milk sausages
Fish Low-fat pieces, baked or boiled
Dairy Fresh cottage cheese with cereals, one-day fermented milk drinks, mild cheeses, cream, sour cream for adding to dishes
Eggs 1 soft-boiled omelette per day or steam omelette
Cereals They are consumed mainly in the form of crumbly porridges and casseroles. The main cereals are corn, oatmeal, pearl barley, millet, buckwheat, and barley. Porridge should be cooked in water, adding 1/3 of milk or cream, bran.
Cabbage Fresh, pickled, stewed cabbage (fixes), stalks. If you experience flatulence from white cabbage, you can replace it with cauliflower, as well as raw pumpkin pulp, baked potatoes, and zucchini
Snacks Vegetable caviar, vinaigrettes seasoned with vegetable oil, salads from raw vegetables or fruits, jellied fish and meat, soaked herring
Seasonings Parsley, dill, celery, bay leaf
Sauces Bechamel, milk, tomato, rarely fruit and sour cream
Sources of fats Vegetable oils, butter. They are added to salads and ready-made dishes.
Drinking regimen 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day. This can be weak, non-black tea, a decoction of wheat bran and rose hips, as well as juices: watermelon, beetroot, tomato, carrot, plum, apricot. Apricot and plum juices are especially useful.
Probiotic-fortified lactic acid products If they are 2-3 days old, they have a fixing effect. These include kefir, acidophilus, yogurt, natural yogurt without fruit, curd and kefir activation.
Mineral water Essentuki No. 17. Drink 1-1.5 glasses on an empty stomach in the morning, and also in the evening 1.5 hours before meals. Also drink mineral water during the day – half an hour before meals for 3 weeks.

What not to eat on diet No. 3

Those who follow this diet should not eat food without dietary fiber or with too coarse types of fiber, hard to digest, spicy, sour, fatty, smoked and very salty.

Sample menu for the week

On diet No. 3, a wide variety of dishes are allowed, so there is a lot of scope for what to cook. We offer our version of the weekly menu.


  • Breakfast: soft-boiled egg, vinaigrette, green tea;
  • Second breakfast: baked apple;
  • Lunch: meat goulash, vegetable soup, crumbly buckwheat, dried fruit compote;
  • Afternoon snack: soaked prunes;
  • Dinner: carrot casserole, fish aspic, weak tea;
  • At night: kefir.


  • Breakfast: beet salad, cottage cheese pudding, rosehip infusion;
  • Second breakfast: raw grated carrots with sour cream;
  • Lunch: cauliflower soup, buckwheat porridge, meat pate, compote;
  • Afternoon snack: raw fruits;
  • Dinner: mashed potatoes, marinated fish, compote;
  • At night: fermented baked milk or kefir.


  • Breakfast: steam omelette, salad of vegetables and boiled meat, weak tea;
  • Second breakfast: fruit jelly;
  • Lunch: fish soup, stewed beets, compote;
  • Afternoon snack: dried apricots, crackers, rose hip decoction;
  • Dinner: vegetable stew, steamed cutlets, weak tea;
  • At night: yogurt.


  • Breakfast: crumbly millet porridge with grated apple, cottage cheese, weak tea;
  • Second breakfast: fresh fruit;
  • Lunch: vegetarian soup, crumbly buckwheat, baked rabbit meat;
  • Afternoon snack: beet salad with prunes, rosehip infusion;
  • Dinner: boiled fish, carrot cutlets, pumpkin soufflé, tea;
  • At night: kefir.


  • Breakfast: steamed omelet, vegetable salad, tea;
  • Second breakfast: cottage cheese, rosehip decoction;
  • Lunch: soup in weak meat broth with vegetables, mashed potatoes, boiled chicken, compote;
  • Afternoon snack: soaked prunes, crackers;
  • Dinner: crumbly buckwheat, steamed cutlets, beet salad, tea;
  • At night: fermented baked milk or kefir.


  • Breakfast: crumbly wheat porridge, boiled meat, weak tea;
  • Second breakfast: grated carrots and raw apples with sour cream;
  • Lunch: beet soup, vegetable stew with meat, compote;
  • Afternoon snack: baked apple;
  • Dinner: cheesecakes with sour cream, boiled fish, fruit jelly, tea;
  • At night: yogurt.


  • Breakfast: vinaigrette, curd pudding, weak tea, crackers;
  • Second breakfast: soft-boiled egg;
  • Lunch: fish soup, steamed or stewed meatballs, crumbly buckwheat porridge, tea;
  • Afternoon snack: fresh fruit, rose hip decoction;
  • Dinner: carrot cutlets, boiled meat, vegetable salad, compote;
  • For the night: fermented baked milk.

Diet No. 3 is an excellent method to correct problems in the gastrointestinal tract and lose a few extra pounds!

Disease gastrointestinal tract- the phenomenon is by no means rare, and their treatment cannot be called easy. After reading this article, you will learn how you can speed up the body's recovery and make the healing process a little more enjoyable with the right menu.

Diet table No. 3: indications for use for men, women, children

Attending doctors prescribe diet No. 3 to improve performance in a wide variety of protracted intestinal diseases, such as constipation and impaired peristalsis. It is also possible to prescribe it in the postoperative period for strip operations.

Diet No. 3 allows you to eat a lot of foods, so sitting on it is a pleasure

The main causes of diseases in which Diet No. 3 is shown, are:

  1. Congenital intestinal problems;
  2. Sedentary lifestyle(sedentary work or low physical activity significantly increases the risk of developing gastrointestinal diseases);
  3. Unbalanced diet and improper food consumption (especially dangerous for those who like to eat a lot at night, since intestinal function slows down during sleep);
  4. Birth of a child(with improper nutrition during pregnancy, metabolism is often disrupted, and the growing fetus puts pressure on the excretory tract, reducing the intestinal lumen, which prevents the exit of feces);
  5. Wrong diet for weight loss(an incorrectly drawn up nutrition plan leads to an imbalance in the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract);

At risk for gastrointestinal diseases are:

  • office workers who are somehow forced to spend a lot of time at their desks
  • overweight people
  • workers with irregular work schedules
  • future mothers
  • drivers of vehicles, especially workers in long-distance land transportation and others
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Anal fissures
  • Zaporov
  • Flatulence
  • Other chronic intestinal diseases

Sometimes intestinal diseases are additional to the main diseases. In this case, it is necessary to eliminate, first of all, the cause of all troubles, and then deal with the gastrointestinal tract.

Diet No. 3 is a good basis for losing weight and cleansing the body, since it cuts off all unnecessary food products, leaving the most healthy and nutritious ones.

Diet table No. 3: allowed foods

Most of the diet in diet No. 3 is filled with foods improving intestinal motility. These are mainly high-fiber foods and fermented milk products.

For those who are suffering from intestinal obstruction, It is advised to increase the consumption of laxative foods, such as prunes, pumpkin or bran.

  • Low-fat soups, preferably vegetarian
  • Diet bread made from wholemeal flour (not fresh, preferably one day old)
  • Vegetables in almost any quantity and any form
  • Fruits and berries, but preferably a couple of hours before bedtime
  • Lean meats, poultry and fish
  • Cereals in the form of crumbly porridges and casseroles
  • Dried fruits should be used with caution, as sometimes their consumption leads to constipation

Experts, when prescribing diet No. 3, advise increasing water consumption is one and a half times. It is also recommended to replace salad dressing with vegetable oil if you previously only consumed mayonnaise.

The most important thing you need take into account during this treatment - time. The hours of eating should be the same from day to day throughout the entire treatment, and the duration of treatment, as well as the frequency of intake, must be discussed with the doctor.

Summarizing the above, we can emphasize that those products that are capable of “starting up” the work of the intestines are indicated for consumption, that is activate peristalsis. Porridge plays an important role in this function, and the coarser the grind, the better.

Diet table No. 3 prohibited foods

Like any other diet, table No. 3 has its taboos. So, if you have been prescribed diet No. 3, then you should exclude from the diet:

  • Butter or puff pastry, as well as products made from premium flour. In addition, fresh baked goods should be avoided.
  • Fatty meats
  • Among vegetables you must forget mushrooms, turnips, garlic
  • All hot and spicy sauces are excluded
  • Drinks containing caffeine (don't forget that tea is also included in this list)

It is forbidden to eat fatty, fried and other foods that are difficult for the gastrointestinal tract
  • You should abstain from alcoholic beverages
  • Limit the consumption of semolina porridge and rice
  • Avoid chocolate, quince and blueberries
  • Any foods that cause flatulence or gas accumulation
  • Sweet products with creams
  • Fat nuts
  • Vermicelli, spaghetti and other pasta
  • Artificial cooking fats, such as margarine
  • Glutinous dishes with gelatin or agar

Additionally limit the consumption of eggs up to two a day, due to their high calorie content.

It should be noted that those foods that personally cause intestinal problems for you are also excluded. For example, if you are lactose intolerant, you should not consume dairy. In general, the entire diet resembles modern expert recommendations about proper and healthy eating.

Table number 3 - diet: menu for every day

Table No. 3 is a diet in which you you will be full and satisfied, and most importantly, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will quickly return to normal. Children's and adult diet options There is no difference in anything except the size of the portions - all the components are absolutely the same.

It is important to fill your diet with cereals, fruit and vegetable purees


  • Pumpkin porridge
  • cottage cheese with sour cream
  • tea with savory cookies


  • Fruit salad


  • Zucchini soup
  • boiled fish

Afternoon snack:

  • Tea with bread and honey


  • Marinated fish
  • vegetable salad

Last snack:

  • Kefir or compote

From permitted products you can prepare a huge number of delicious dishes, which the whole family will enjoy eating. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to adhere to the specified menu - you can develop your own, guided by the doctor’s recommendations.

Recipes for every day diet Table No. 3 for constipation, hemorrhoids, gastrointestinal diseases for adults

We present to your attention several original recipes, which can be prepared with diet No. 3, as well as if you simply adhere to a healthy diet.

Pumpkin porridge

The following products will be required:

  • Small pumpkin
  • millet
  • milk
  • salt/sugar
  • butter

Cooking will not take much time:

  1. Cut off the top of a ripe pumpkin under the cap, remove the core with seeds
  2. Place millet, milk, raisins, sugar, salt and butter inside, mix everything, close with a lid
  3. Place it in a bowl, pour about 1cm of water into the container and put it in the oven for an hour and a half at a temperature of 160-180C

A large number of permitted products will allow you to prepare delicious dishes - it’s just important to choose the right combination

Zucchini soup

To prepare vitamin puree soup, you need to boil vegetable broth. To do this, they use edible pieces of various vegetables: stalks, leaves, and sometimes seeds. They are washed in cold water and then cooked over low heat until tender.

  • cut the zucchini into cubes and cook in the broth until tender
  • rub through a sieve or grind in a blender
  • add flour, salt, bring to a boil (cook for a couple of minutes)
  • Before serving, garnish with herbs and sour cream

Marinated fish

You need:

  • Cod fillet (900 g)
  • 1.tbsp. lemon juice
  • 2 onions
  • 70 ml. table vinegar
  • carrot
  • 300 g tomato puree
  • salt, sugar, vegetable oil

An indispensable component of every meal is vegetables and fruits.

Preparation tasty and dietary cod:

  1. Cut the fillet into portions, grate the carrots on a coarse grater and thinly slice the onion;
  2. Fry carrots and onions until soft in a common frying pan, then add tomato puree.;
  3. Simmer the vegetables over low heat for about 10 minutes, then add a glass of water, vinegar, salt, sugar and pepper. Keep on fire for a few more minutes;
  4. While the marinade is preparing, brown the fish on all sides;
  5. Place the fish in a wide dish with small sides, pour hot marinade over it evenly and put it in the refrigerator, after cooling.

The dish will be ready for tasting after it has cooled completely.

Salad "Pastel"

  • Grate beets, carrots, celery and white cabbage on a coarse grater
  • Stir but no added salt or oil
  • This salad has a laxative effect, so it is not recommended for consumption before bed or work.

Diet table No. 3 for children: recipes

If a child has problems with the intestines, he may also be prescribed diet No. 3. Thanks to many recipes baby I'll be happy to stick with it, and the task of parents is to make dietary meals varied and as tasty as possible.

You can offer your child the following foods during the diet:

  • Breakfast - steamed omelette, fruit with honey, compote
  • Second breakfast - baked apples
  • Lunch - baked fish, sorrel soup, cottage cheese
  • Afternoon snack - steamed pumpkin pancakes
  • Dinner - vegetable salad, wheat porridge, compote and sandwich with jam
  • late dinner - 200 g kefir

Fruit and vegetable salad

  • Grate a medium carrot
  • add chopped apple and prunes to it
  • then add two teaspoons of sugar and a spoonful of sour cream.

Meat casserole

  • Salt 300 g minced meat
  • add 2 egg whites and a little milk
  • mix everything thoroughly and place on a greased baking sheet
  • top the minced meat with grated carrots and steam
  • After cooking is complete, brush the casserole with sour cream.

As a result of using the third diet table, gradually bowel function improves, its peristalsis is normalized, gas formation is reduced and stable stool is restored. In addition, switch to this form of nutrition easy enough due to the wide variety of dishes and the availability of all ingredients.

Video: Therapeutic diet “Table No. 3”