Practice breathing with the womb reviews. Energy practices “Womb Breathing”

Cleansing the body and filling it with energy is an important part of women’s practices associated with a certain system of inhalation-exhalation and visualization.

Uterine breathing is a meditation for those who want to find an eternal source of affection and love, to exude light and warmth, changing their attitude not only towards themselves, but also towards the world. This technique allows you to live with a smile and not concentrate on negative emotions, unpleasant sexual experiences, grievances and pain.

Classical technique

This healing practice supports the functioning of the small pelvis and helps solve the problem of infertility. It is also suitable for pregnant girls.

  • Take a comfortable position lying or sitting. Spread your legs slightly without crossing them, relax your body. Just start observing your habitual breathing.
  • Gradually stretch the process of inhalation and exhalation. The depth of breathing should not change - only the duration.
  • Mentally transfer the direction of inhalation. If earlier you focused on the nasopharynx and lungs, now you need to move on to the perineum and uterus. Imagine that the air is entering through the lower abdomen and listen to the new sensations.

Concentrate as much as possible on the sensations of your breath. Observe yourself without any judgmental thoughts. You can stop the exercise at any time.

Staged breathing

  1. Choose any position that is comfortable for you. Place your arms on the sides of your body, with your palms facing forward. Place your legs parallel to each other.
  2. Try to breathe only through the uterus. Exhalations, in turn, are carried out from the bottom up, with concentration on different parts of the body.
  3. Exhale three times through the uterine area. Exhale through the navel the same number of times, and then through the nipples on your chest.
  4. Now lengthen the next three exhalations. The air should pass to the collarbones, from there go down the arms and leave the body through the palms.

The last three exhalations pass through the face. To be more effective, you can imagine that you are a sunflower or sun, emitting light and heat.

Working with Reiki energy

  • First, decide on a secluded and comfortable room. Since the practice is quite intimate, you should feel really comfortable. You can surround yourself with flowers, candles, incense, and also choose a light background music.
  • Take any position. It is allowed not only to sit, but also to lie down. In addition, it is possible to meditate while taking a relaxing bath. Close your eyelids and tune in to the energy of Reiki (or the energy of the goddess Lada). Set a goal for yourself - to heal and harmonize the uterus. Place your palms on your lower abdomen.
  • With the help of thoughts, try to free the uterus from the destructive material accumulated in it. Forgive old offenders, tune in to harmony. If at this moment some events of the past float before your mind’s eye, analyze them. You can even write down these episodes so that you can return to them later in separate practices.
  • If the cleansing practice is difficult, you may imagine a large fiery pit underneath you. Imagine that all the negativity goes through the perineum into this fiery hole, so that the heat neutralizes all the severity of life.
  • Fill your womb with energy. Try to imagine all the most wonderful and beautiful things, send gratitude to yourself, listing specifically why. Surround yourself with love just for the mere awareness of being a woman. Give yourself a few compliments and try to understand what you are missing in your life, what your Inner Goddess requires.
  • End the meditation by giving thanks to the Reiki energy and healing fire. Come out of the practice with a feeling of a luminous womb, which sends rays through the body to all space.

This meditation for the uterus can be performed not only according to an individual scheme. Group trainings are particularly beneficial, since the more women there are, the stronger the energy of femininity. Streams of general positivity absorb each participant to the very top, giving him a smile and soft light in his eyes.

Advanced exercise

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and bend your knees slightly in a standing position. Relax your arms at the sides of your body. Breathe deeply through your mouth, moving air throughout your entire torso.
  2. Inhale through clenched teeth so that a semblance of air intake comes out. As you inhale, squeeze the vaginal muscles so that the energy is drawn inside. Visualize the healing powers of the earth first entering the feet and then filling the womb. To make the compression effective, bend your palms into fists and bring them towards the ovaries.
  3. Exhale through parted lips. The vaginal muscles should relax, and all negativity should go into the ground. As you exhale, move your palms back slightly.
  4. You can finish the practice with a gentle massage of the lower abdomen. Make 36 circular movements with your arms counterclockwise. Then walk gently in the opposite direction 24 times. This is necessary to distribute energy throughout the body.
  5. The body gradually increases in pulsation and heat, which intensifies in the lower abdomen. After 5-10 minutes, you can simply lie down in peace, focusing your palms on the uterine area.

This type of breathing is healing and energizes sexuality. There is a cleansing of guilt and various blocks, which often become the causes of gynecological diseases. If you want to scream or cry, you need to lie down and talk to the women's center, asking for forgiveness.

Perform the practice daily, and within a week the uterus will be completely cleansed and filled with love.

Conversation with the uterus

This version of uterine breathing takes only 20 minutes, but the practice is interesting for its visualization of the dialogue with the body. Not only physical recovery works here, but also liberation from negative perception of one’s own body.

  • In a quiet place, turn on some quiet music, close your eyelids and relax. For 5-10 minutes, just get rid of unnecessary worries and thoughts, get away from your daily routine. Try to focus on increasing your feminine energy.
  • Take a deep breath. Slowly transition to breathing through your belly. Inhalations and exhalations should be smooth and calm. Gently lower your breath into the uterus. Start absorbing air through it.
  • Observe your feelings. Try to focus on the energy of the uterus, its color. Think about the emotions in this organ. It is possible that the uterus is tired and scared, it may even cry.
  • Talk to your main organ of sexuality and sacrifice. Place your hand on the groin and ask the uterus how it can be helped. Feel the answer coming to you.
  • Apologize to your mother for your rudeness, inattention, and cruelty. Tune in so that every breath saturates the uterus with light and warmth. As you exhale, get rid of dark clots of negativity. Inhale - and the energy gives the uterus attention and love, exhale - and the negative spots will dissolve in the depths of the earth.
  • After 5-7 minutes, contact the uterus again. Tell her that you will be more caring from now on. Say thank you to this body for your beauty and femininity. Move the center of your breath to your stomach, then to your chest. Take a deep breath and open your eyes.

It is also useful to supplement this practice with breathing through another important female center - the chest. First, the air moves from the uterus to the stomach, and then higher. The “Cleansing the Womb” meditation may well be accompanied by an increase in negative emotions and even the appearance of tears. Don't be afraid of it, but accept it with gratitude.

Regular communication with the female sacral center allows you to reveal sexuality and achieve a surge of energy.

Such results lead not only to internal, but also external changes.

Attracting planetary energy

Because the womb is the center of feminine power, it is able to expand its range of action and effectiveness. The more energy flows in this cleansed organ, the faster relationships with the opposite sex are established.

  1. Close your eyelids. Focus your attention on the uterus.
  2. As you inhale, contract the vaginal muscle. Apply compression until you feel a distinct pulsation in the lower abdomen.
  3. Visualize that the intimate organ begins to grow. It reaches the size of a room, a city, a country, a planet. And now you can observe the uterus with the parameters of the Universe.
  4. Realize and feel the eternal pulse of the Cosmos, which gives birth to entire worlds. With every inhalation and exhalation you should feel the beat of life. Enjoy your feelings.
  5. Proceed to reverse compression of your space. From the Universe to the planet, then to the country and to the city, to the room, and finally to the womb. Thank the space and open your eyes.

Advanced Visualization

  • Relax your torso. Imagine how, as you inhale, your body is filled with pure glow and the energy of life. Imagine a bright flower in the area of ​​the uterus. It has roots that go through its legs deep into the Earth.
  • The roots of the flower touch both clean water and hot magma. Saturate your flower with the forces of the planet. The power of the Earth rises to the bud: it goes to the knees, rushes up the thighs, fills the entire uterus.
  • Bring your attention to the crown area. Through the crown of your head, a lunar stream of light comes to you, combined with streams of water. A silvery glow and water pass through the head, washing the eyes and mouth.
  • Falling water makes noise, and you must send this sound down through your body. Let the water flow from above directly into the uterus. Fill this organ, open it to the world. Let the flow first descend in the chest and then flow down to the uterus. It is in this sacred center that three forces are mixed at once: the Earth, the Moon and water.
  • Enjoy your renewed state. Powerful energies come into interaction with each other in the womb, endowing it with harmonies and purity.

Uterine breathing is a meditation for getting rid of negativity and acquiring the energy of femininity.

Any spiritual work with the main center of sexual power is necessary for overall balance, normalization of the second chakra, and restoration of health.

This is an exercise to open and harmonize the second chakra.
As I understand, many people have questions about the second chakra, how to practice Uterine Breathing and other techniques on their own. I described this exercise especially for you, I hope everything will be clear and intelligible. If anything, ask questions.

Find 20 minutes for yourself when no one will disturb you.
Sit in a quiet place, turn on quiet music, close your eyes.
To get started, just sit for 5-10 minutes, calm your thoughts, worries, take a break from everyday activities, focus on what you will now do to cultivate your feminine energy.

So let's begin...

Breathe deeply through your chest, and gradually lower your breath down into the abdominal area, now breathe into your stomach, breathing deep, calm, even...
Now gently lower your breath into the uterus, and breathe as if through the uterus...
Notice what sensations you have in your uterus? What kind of energy is there? What color is it? What are the emotions in this organ of femininity?
It often happens that a woman’s uterus “cries,” I often saw this in private energy sessions. Or the uterus is all contracted, frightened, there may be fear... pain, apprehension... resentment...
Talk to your uterus by placing your hand on your groin area. Ask her: “What can I do for you? What are you missing? How can I help you?”... The answer will come itself, YOU will feel it, you will understand.
Ask her for forgiveness for sometimes treating her rudely or harshly and not giving her any importance or attention.
Now breathe with this attitude: each breath fills your uterus with light, warmth, and with the exhalation dark spots, negativity, pain, resentment go away... and inhale again - the energy of heat enters the uterus and fills it with light, love, attention... exit - everything bad leaves the womb into the ground, dissolving in it...
Breathe like this for 5-7 minutes to start.
Then promise your uterus to take more care of her, thank her for giving you beauty, femininity, charm...
Raise your breath back into your stomach, and then into your chest...
Take a deep breath and open your eyes!

To begin with, practice cleansing the uterus several times; as a rule, many women have already accumulated a lot there. And then you can simply breathe into the uterus and fill it with energy. Ultimately, you should have the feeling that your uterus is glowing through your body within a radius of five meters and illuminating everything around you. This is just an amazing feeling, it touches all passers-by and people begin to smile at you, address you, treat you differently, and you yourself get the feeling that inside you there is an inexhaustible source of love, affection and warmth.

Of course, it is ideal to carry out this practice with someone who knows, because first all negative emotions, pain, tears, resentments come out. It is important that someone nearby listens to you, supports you, and then, working in a group greatly fills you with strength, the effect there is many times stronger.
Therefore, practice at home, but if possible, still attend a training when a group of women fills the space with the radiant energy of femininity emanating from the uterus - it’s just a fantastic experience... it fills you with strength and energy to the very top, and the eyes begin to shine, and a soft smile does not leave faces...

If you dream of finding your soulmate, but have absolutely no idea where to start, you are on the right track. the site will share tips and tell you how to bring the long-awaited meeting closer.

“Your loved one will find you, if only you are in the right psychological state,” says Larisa Renard, creator of the Academy of Private Life, and offers you several simple exercises and techniques that can achieve this effect.

The world is full of men, full of opportunities and miracles - you just need to start taking simple steps and everything will happen

“Womb Breathing”: a practice for filling with energy

You close your eyes and turn your attention to the uterus. You inhale with your stomach and imagine how the uterus expands and fills with energy, and as you exhale, you contract your intimate muscles. Do 10-15 such cycles and imagine how the energy of the earth enters your feet, rises into the uterus and fills it as you exhale. Take another 15 inhalations and exhalations until you feel heat in the lower abdomen and a slight pulsation of the uterus. And with each blow, you imagine how the space of your uterus expands, becoming even larger and larger. First, the space increases to the size of a room, then to the size of a city, then to the size of a country, a planet and, finally, the Universe. And you soar in this space, enjoying its majesty and perfection. You feel the eternal pulsation of the Universe, the pulsation that gives birth to new worlds: inhalation and exhalation - the eternal beat of life. And having enjoyed this state, you begin to compress your space to the size of a planet, then to the size of a country, a city, a room, and now you feel how space is compressed to the size of a uterus. You mentally thank the space and open your eyes.

If you do this practice for at least a week, you will already begin to notice the first results, but to make the world revolve around you and to be sure that you can attract the person you dream of into your life, start making an attraction funnel.

Female attraction funnel

The funnel is made to fill with energy or to attract a man and favorable events. As we exhale, we raise our arms up through the sides and enter the energy flow, joining our palms above our heads. We exhale through the mouth, exhaling everything negative. As you inhale through your nose, lower your arms again to chest level. While holding our breath, we turn our hands down and lower them to the level of the center of passion (it is located four fingers below the navel), we focus the energy by spreading our palms and joining our fingers, as if forming a triangle around this center.

As you exhale, open the funnel, raising your arms up and slightly bending your elbows, fingers connected, the center of your palms pointing upward. And we begin to make turns clockwise (to the right), breathing freely, not thinking about anything special, letting thoughts flow freely. Having finished the practice, we close the space by placing our hands, palms on top of each other, with the right palm on top, on the lower abdomen. We thank the space: “I am doing this for the benefit of me and the entire Universe.” The funnel is done every day for 21 days.

See other energy practices on the website in the “Materials” section.

5 steps to attract men's attention

Psychologists have noticed that for a successful acquaintance you need to take five steps. The good news is that you can prepare for each of them.

1. Look

“Men look at those who see them,” says popular wisdom. Don’t be afraid to look at men, but to make your gaze alluring, sexy and attractive, squeeze your intimate muscles (vaginal muscles). Do at least 20 compressions, your pupils will dilate, and your gaze will become so bottomless that a man will immediately want to drown in it. Give him this opportunity by not looking away for at least seven seconds, and trying to look into his left eye. The left eye is “responsible” for our unconscious, emotions and helps to penetrate a person’s soul. You can fill your gaze with admiration and promise. If you have a free minute - you are stuck in a traffic jam or on your way to work, repeat the affirmation to yourself: “I am already attractive, I am already sexy, I am already desirable!”

2. Smile

When the man finally comes to his senses and realizes that they are looking at him, gently smile at him with a flickering smile. Imagine that lips appear on the back of your head and break into a smile, while your real lips remain almost closed. This smile is also called the Mona Lisa smile; it has mystery and depth.

3. Gait

And if a man still hasn’t rushed towards you with an offer to drink a cup of coffee, get acquainted, help, or simply hasn’t gone your way, give him another chance. Start walking towards him with the gait of passion. You lower your attention to your center of passion, and imagine that a thread is coming from your uterus to a man, you feel that something is attracting you, pulling this thread. Walk towards the man, as if with your uterus forward, keeping your focus on the lower abdomen. If you go far, you may begin to tighten your muscles again, increasing the fire that burns within you. Walk slowly, as if you are being attracted by a powerful magnet.

And when you finally approach a man, say: “Yes”! Deep, languid, mysterious. Let this sound come from the womb. And let the man think about who or what you said “Yes” to: him, yourself, good weather, or something else... But in order to pronounce this short word so that it will be impossible to forget it, you will have to practice a little. Even a week of practicing this little meditation is enough for your “Yes” to have a stunning impact. We close our eyes, take a breath, and as we exhale, lower our attention into our womb. It’s as if a million streams from all over the body flow into our center, into our womb. The lower abdomen fills with warmth and an orange color. Imagine a sea of ​​fire in your lower abdomen. But this fire does not burn, it gives warmth. And in this fiery sea our mother swims, enjoying the warmth and light. And we imagine how our mother’s mouth appears. He silently opens and says: “Yes!” this bliss. We repeat several times. Then we begin to say “Yes!” with our lips, but without a sound. We add sound, imagine that it is orange and comes from the very depths. Our mouth only lets in this orange sound. We say “Yes” to this world, “Yes” to ourselves, “Yes” to bliss.

5. Touch

Gently touch him, his wrist, his shoulder, his back. But so that your touch makes everything tremble in a man’s heart, so that he remembers your first meeting as a magical vision, touch him not with the cold hands of an ice statue, but with the hot, electrified fingers of a living woman. Yes, this again requires a little training, but the effect is worth it! Inhale and as you exhale, lower your attention to your womb. Focus the energy and feel the warmth and slight pulsation. Imagine a hot, pulsating ball in your lower abdomen and, as you inhale, raise it to the level of your heart. As you exhale, connect it to your love center: connecting emotion, joy, love to our passion. Feel this ball and, as you exhale, direct two streams of energy into your hands, to the very tips of your fingers. And touch the man while inhaling, “including” him in yourself, slightly delaying the movement.


Of course, when you start getting acquainted, you are unlikely to remember all the exercises and steps, but practice is needed in any case. You can reassure yourself that you are simply rehearsing the role of a femme fatale.

Your task is to meet ten men in a week. Two of them will turn out to be potential suitors, the rest can become business partners, friends, or simply interesting conversationalists. The main thing is that you will see and feel that the world is full of men, full of opportunities and miracles - you just need to start taking simple steps and everything will happen!

Now all kinds of energy practices are especially popular, these include various active practices that activate energy in the human body, in fact this is their main task and goal. For example, these are practices such as Reflexorgasm, Chakra Breathing, Kundalini, and the energy practice of Uterus Breathing is still gaining popularity among women. In fact, there are a great variety of different kinds of energy practices, these include meditative practices, harmonizing practices and meditations, calming ones, filling practices, such as total relaxation.

In order for the practice to be effective and have the result for which it is the goal, any practice must be carried out through directions of your attention. Where you direct your attention is where your energy accumulates; here everything would seem simple. If there is no attention to the sensations of the body, all practices will remain at the level of warming up the body or mind and will not give results. The deeper the attention, the greater the concentration and the greater the effect, which is why it is important to be focused on practice and arrive “here and now,” while directing your attention inward to the body, otherwise the practice will not be complete and will turn out to be just a light rest, not moreover.

Into meditation When breathing with the Uterus, we involve active breathing, because the human energetic body perceives breath as food. When breathing changes, the internal state also changes. Deep, fast breathing just changes the chemistry of a person’s energy body, and fast breathing acts like a bumper that hits the energy body and something sleeping wakes up. Here is the simple answer to why active, fast, deep, powerful breathing helps clear out inhibited, blocked, past suppressed emotions and raise the energy in the womb.

The Key to Proper Practice - This attitude to practice how a person performs the practice, with what mood, with what approach, with what degree of faith and trust. All practices and meditations work, if you believe in them, you don’t even doubt the positive effect they will lead to.

Find 15-20 minutes for your loved one, so that no one disturbs you.
Sit in a quiet place, turn on your favorite quiet music and close your clear eyes.
To start, just sit for 5 minutes, calm your thoughts and internal worries, focus on what you will now do for your feminine energy.
Breathe deeply with your chest, and gradually lower your breath down into the abdominal area, breathe with your stomach, breathe deeply, calmly, evenly...
Now gently lower your breath into the uterus, and breathe as if through the uterus...
Follow the sensations in the uterus? What kind of energy is there? What color is it? What are the emotions in this organ of femininity?
It often happens that a woman’s uterus “cries,” I often saw this in private energy sessions. Or the uterus is all contracted, frightened, there may be fear... pain, apprehension... resentment...
Talk to your uterus by placing your hand on your groin area.
Ask her forgiveness for sometimes treating her rudely or harshly, not giving her any importance or attention.
Now breathe like this: each breath fills the uterus with light, warmth, and with exhalation, dark spots, negativity, pain, resentment go away... and inhale again - the energy of heat enters the uterus and fills it with light, love, attention... exit - all the bad things go away from the womb into the earth, dissolving in it...
Breathe like this for 5-7 minutes to begin with.
Then promise your uterus to take more care of her, thank her for giving you beauty, femininity, charm...
Raise your breath again to your stomach, and then to your chest...
Take a deep breath and open your eyes!

First, practice cleansing the uterus several times; often women have already accumulated a lot there. And then you can breathe into the uterus, filling it with energy. Ultimately, you should have the feeling that your uterus seems to glow and illuminate everything, like the inner sun.

Darling, I invite you to Most Female Training:

With love and see you again,

Victoria Rai

The female uterus is the center of concentration of all female power, respectively, sexuality and charm. The main exercises aimed at strengthening the physical and energetic health of this organ are uterine breathing and special gymnastic exercises to strengthen the intimate muscles. These sets of exercises, supported by meditation, are part of yoga and qigong gymnastics.

Why is this type of meditation becoming popular? A woman’s entire physical health is closely related to the health of the uterus; in turn, at the mental level, it is in this organ that all the negative energy that can cause its diseases is collected. Dissatisfaction with a relationship with a man, sexual problems, energy impulses from all previous relationships - everything accumulates in the uterus and prevents a woman from building new healthy relationships. Information about previous connections is stored in this drive for about seven years. Uterine breathing is a meditative way to cleanse the body of all negative “garbage.”

Features of preparation

In itself, this meditation on the topic “Cleanse everything unnecessary” does not require significant physical training, special devices and accessories. It's just important to remember that this is not just an exercise. Breathing with the uterus without mental concentration and disconnection from external stimuli becomes simply exercise for the intimate muscles (which is also important). Therefore, before carrying out this charging, you cannot ignore several important points.

  • Set aside 15 minutes for yourself so that your thoughts are not distracted by the kitchen, work, children, etc.
  • Eliminate all external stimuli from your environment as much as possible.
  • The environment should be one where you feel as comfortable as possible.
  • There is no need to start any feminine practices if skepticism or mistrust is swirling in your thoughts.

Important! All manipulations with your body and body have a positive result only with complete confidence and goodwill towards yourself!

How to breathe correctly for the uterus

In various sources, breathing with the uterus is described in different poses: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down; sitting on a chair or in the “lotus” position, arms down, palms up; lying on your back, arms along your body. Which is correct? So, as convenient. A strict provision is not a necessary condition. Turn on some nice light music. There are even special music blocks for this relaxation theme.

Thoughts should focus in one area: your inner center. Think of your uterus as a separate living entity. Thank her mentally, ask for forgiveness for your behavior. At this time, adjust your chest breathing evenly.

Now inhale with your stomach and gradually mentally move the center of your breathing lower and lower. Now, with every inhalation and exhalation, your most important chakra breathes. Constantly, along with breathing, mental orientation works: as you exhale, you free your organ from all negativity, and as you inhale, it is filled with light energy.

Inhalation and exhalation are accompanied by compression and weakening of the vaginal muscles. You can put your hand on your stomach and, pressing lightly, help the uterus.

Don't be afraid of sensations

Some time after the start of intense breathing, the uterus may begin to pulsate or, conversely, shrink and “be afraid”. Reassure her, speak to her mentally calmly and affectionately. The negativity accumulated by the uterus can appear in the guise of tears, sometimes even screams. Don't be afraid of your incomprehensible behavior. This means that the uterus breathes correctly and a lot of accumulated stress comes out of the main female organ. Some discharge may appear - that’s good: cleansing of toxins is successful.

Gradually weaken the uterine breathing, move the source higher and higher, relax. For the first time, a 5-minute workout is enough, gradually increasing the meditation to 15 minutes.

What is imbuilding

When discussing women's practices, one cannot ignore fitness for intimate organs, or imbuilding. Can imbuilding and uterine breathing be called the same technique? Gymnastics in its pure form, without a spiritual environment, comes down to strengthening the muscles of the vagina, uterus, and anus. The practice of “uterine breathing” is a way of energetically feeding the female ego. Only by combining these two concepts can you achieve results. This is precisely what the charm and attractiveness of Japanese geishas is based on.

The list of imbuilding exercises includes various exercises, the simplest essence of which is squeezing the muscles of the genital organs, as a result of which they become firm and elastic.

Result and contraindications

Weakness of the muscles of the female genital organs is almost the main cause of female diseases. Prolapse of the uterus, inflammatory processes, abortion, age-related urinary incontinence - all this can be avoided if blood flow to the uterus and vagina is ensured.

Women's health is directly related to pregnancy and childbirth. Uterine breathing and special physical exercises, which cleanse and strengthen the uterus, ensure the normal course of these processes.

The sexual component has significant weight in marital relationships. A woman who is ready to give moments of pleasure to herself will always be attractive to a man. Elastic muscles of the genital organs, a uterus filled with bright positive energy, allow both partners to experience the fullness of sexual sensations.

There are no contraindications or age restrictions for practicing women's practices. The only warning for pregnant women: the classes are very useful for the successful completion of the entire process, but it is better if they are carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Excessive loads can cause unwanted reactions.