Behavioral characteristics of a person in places of deprivation of liberty. How and why they are tortured in prisons and pre-trial detention centers: revelations of a Federal Penitentiary Service employee

1. Do convicts receive financial assistance after release?

1.1. We are not in Europe, unfortunately, convicts do not receive anything after their release in the Russian Federation.

2. Is there any financial assistance for convicts upon release, and what is the amount?

2.1. Hello! Convicts released from forced labor, arrest or imprisonment for a certain period are provided with free travel to their place of residence, they are provided with food or money during the journey in the manner established by the authorized federal executive body.
In the absence of clothing necessary for the season or the funds to purchase it, convicts released from prison are provided with clothing from the federal budget. They may be given a one-time cash benefit in the amount established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
The provision of food, clothing, the issuance of a one-time cash benefit, as well as payment for the travel of released convicts are carried out by the administration of the institution executing the sentence.

3. If honey. Some will refuse medical help to the convicted Ik, where to turn next.

3.1. Hello, If treatment is illegally denied, you need to write a complaint to the prosecutor’s office so that the situation can be dealt with on the spot.

I wish you good luck and all the best!

3.2. Good afternoon In this case, there is a violation of the current legislation, so you should file a complaint with the prosecutor’s office, on the basis of Art. 10 of the Federal Law on the prosecutor's office, let them look into this issue.

4. Who to write an application for medical care. assistance to a convicted person in IK.

4.1. Good evening to you
Dear Oksana, in this case you need to write a statement to the head of the IC. If they do not respond, write a complaint to the district prosecutor's office.

4.2. Good day to you. Write to the head of the correctional institution. If there is no response, write to the prosecutor for supervision of compliance with laws in places of deprivation of liberty. Good luck and all the best.

4.3. Dear Oksana, an application for medical assistance to a convicted person must be sent to the head of the correctional facility.

5. You can submit an application form to the prosecutor’s office about not providing medical assistance to a convicted person in IK.

5.1. Hello, there are no forms, write in free form outlining all the circumstances of the case and your requirements.
Good luck and all the best

5.2. Good afternoon There are no samples for writing an application to the prosecutor's office. Write in any form outlining the circumstances of what happened. You still need to write to the investigative committee.

5.3. Good afternoon The prosecutor's office is not a court and the application can be written in free form, the main thing is to write the header of the application correctly, which should indicate the details of the prosecutor's office, details and social status of the applicant.
Wish you luck.

6. Where can a convicted person go to receive medical care? help?

6.1. Good day to you. The convicted person must go to the prison hospital for medical assistance. Good luck and all the best.

6.2. Oksana, to provide medical care to suspects, accused and convicted persons, a medical unit is organized in the Institution, which is a structural subdivision of the Institution: a pre-trial detention center (hereinafter referred to as the pre-trial detention center), a correctional institution (hereinafter referred to as the IU), including a correctional colony (hereinafter referred to as the IC), medical correctional institution (hereinafter - LIU), educational colony (hereinafter - VK), prison) or a branch of a medical institution. An institution in which the medical unit is its structural unit performs the functions of a medical and preventive institution in relation to detained suspects, accused and convicted persons, according to the types of medical care (work and services) in accordance with the obtained license for medical activities.

6.3. Good afternoon In this case, you need to contact the medical unit, you can do this through the head of the detachment, they are obliged to provide the necessary assistance.

7. Where to go if the convicted person is not provided with medical care?

7.1. Good day! File a complaint with the prosecutor's office. The complaint is written in any form (in your own words), submitted by mail or delivered in person.

7.2. Hello. If you really need it, then go to the prosecutor’s office as quickly as possible. And if the local doctor does not see you because there is no real need, then the prosecutor’s office will not help.

8. Can a convicted person be provided with free legal assistance if he has no money? Or is he obliged to earn this help?

8.1. Good afternoon. Can be provided in accordance with federal and regional laws on free legal assistance. For example: a disabled person, a war veteran, a minor, a pensioner (in pension disputes).

9. Can I work in an ambulance with an expunged criminal record, convicted under Article 145 Part 2 of the RSFSR, and will I be kicked out of work after providing such a certificate?

9.1. You have no criminal record, although you have been convicted.
A criminal record is a legal consequence of committing a crime and it lasts a limited amount of time depending on the severity of the act committed.
Considering that you were convicted back in the RSFSR, any criminal record has already been expunged, and a very long time ago.

10. How to get a copy of the verdict in Moscow and forward it to the region? The convict made several requests. No answer. Time is running. Do you need the help of a lawyer, and how to arrange everything.

10.1. If for some reason they do not send it to the convicted person, although they should do so, the only way out is to contact a lawyer who will receive a copy of the verdict in court.

10.2. I don’t understand your question: the convicted person receives a sentence on the day it is pronounced, as you write, and I understand that he didn’t receive it, this cannot be.

11. Under what article can law enforcement officers be convicted if a guy asked for help, drowned, and they stood by doing nothing, waiting for the young man to die. Then they said it was suicide?

11.1. Good morning, Alina! Write a statement to the police and your own security department, to the prosecutor's office. It is their duty to investigate, prosecute, and classify acts. The court makes the verdict.

12. I need a sample application for parole from the wife of a convicted person, since she is sick and needs help, with the conditions that he will work, Thank you!

12.1. Drawing up legal documents is a paid service.

13. At the age of 18, she was given a suspended sentence of six months under Article 159. (they overpaid my pension by 4 thousand). I don't think this conviction was fair. Is it possible to erase this stain from the biography, because... I can't find a decent job. I’m 33 now. Thank you very much for any help!

13.1. Unfortunately, no, your criminal record will remain in the database forever.

14. I once consulted with you. I have a question. Where can a former probationer turn for help in finding employment? My son was given a suspended sentence 7 years ago and was granted an amnesty halfway through his sentence. For several years now he has not been able to get a job anywhere ((The FSB is working everywhere (((The guy’s hands have simply given up (Where can we go for support? Thank you.

14.1. Try contacting the employment center with an application to register as unemployed, but you should not blame the FSB, any employer has its own security service that checks applicants for a particular position, there is nothing illegal in this.

15. I heard that upon release, convicts are provided with financial assistance. Where and in what amount can I receive assistance?

15.1. Yes, indeed, small financial assistance is provided from the federal budget by the administration of the colony in accordance with Article 181 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation -
Penal Code of the Russian Federation Article 181. Providing assistance to convicts released from serving their sentences

1. Convicts released from forced labor, arrest or imprisonment for a certain period are provided with free travel to their place of residence, they are provided with food or money for the duration of travel in the manner established by the authorized federal executive body.
2. In the absence of clothing necessary for the season or the funds to purchase it, convicts released from places of imprisonment are provided with clothing at the expense of the federal budget. They may be given a one-time cash benefit in the amount established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

16. Greetings.
This situation happened. After his release, the police gave the convict his criminal case file in full with the words “as a keepsake.”
Tell me if this is legal and where to go for help. Thank you.

16.1. The case must be kept in the court archives, and after the statute of limitations has expired, depending on the severity of the crime, it must be destroyed.

16.2. There is nothing illegal in this case. If the convicted person believes that this violates his rights, he can file a complaint.

16.3. Dear site visitor! Who are you in a criminal case that you are so sincerely worried about the current situation?

17. I have such a situation, I was sentenced to 105 hours 1, although in fact 111 hours 4. In Kratsia, the victim rushed at me with pressure, I kicked him, broke ribs, according to the conclusion of forensic experts, he died within 24 hours from the penetration of rib bones into the lungs. This act was classified as 105 because of the phone that turned out to be in my possession, allegedly I took it so that he would not call for help.

17.1. You had a lawyer in court and he probably knows this whole situation - it’s not clear what your question is on the site... You need a lawyer on the spot to file a complaint with a higher court, or write a complaint (appeal) yourself...

18. I was sentenced to compulsory treatment in a medical organization providing psychiatric care in a general inpatient setting, if it turns out that the psychiatric examination was wrong and I was healthy, what are the chances that the case will be reviewed and I will be sentenced to imprisonment (Article 228.1 part 4).
What is it like in practice, are such cases reconsidered or if they remove forced treatment for me, will they leave me alone?

18.1. This can only be done if new circumstances are discovered that were unknown at the time the decision was made to declare you insane.

19. Please, my boyfriend was convicted in 2014 under Article 30 Part 3-228.1 h 2 pb given 5 years probation. In 2017, they were tried under Article 111 part 2 b, z. In total they gave 6.6 years. Can he count on parole after half the term opens? Thank you in advance for your help.

19.1. No. Parole is possible after serving at least three quarters of the sentence imposed for crimes against the sexual integrity of minors, as well as for grave and especially grave crimes related to the illegal trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors.

19.2. 111 part 2 is serious crime. It is also necessary to know whether he was previously released on parole. Parole is applied if he has served: at least one third of the sentence imposed for a crime of minor or moderate gravity; at least half of the sentence imposed for a serious crime; at least two-thirds of the sentence imposed for a particularly serious crime, as well as two-thirds of the sentence imposed on a person previously released on parole; at least three quarters of the sentence imposed for crimes against the sexual integrity of minors.

20. Please help! A friend of mine was convicted under Article 160 and fined; can he now be fired from his job and on what grounds? Thank you in advance! "Based on materials from the legal social network.

20.1. As provided for in Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
"An employment contract can be terminated by the employer in the following cases:
7) commission of guilty actions by an employee directly servicing monetary or commodity assets, if these actions give rise to a loss of confidence in him by the employer.”
At the same time, in paragraph 45 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2004 N 2 “On the application by the courts of the Russian Federation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation” the following is explained:
"45. Courts must keep in mind that termination of an employment contract with an employee under paragraph 7 of part one of Article 81 of the Code due to loss of trust is possible only in relation to employees directly servicing monetary or commodity assets (reception, storage, transportation, distribution, etc. .p.), and provided that they committed such guilty actions that gave the employer grounds for losing confidence in them.
If it is established in the manner prescribed by law that theft, bribery and other mercenary offenses have been committed, these employees may be dismissed on the grounds of loss of confidence in them and in the case when these actions are not related to their work.”
If your friend directly services monetary or commodity valuables, then the employment contract with him may be terminated by the employer on this basis.

Dmitry Zavalny.

21. Please tell me, according to Article 161 part 2,166 part 2,162 part 4, and according to Article 105 part 2, are there any changes and what can be written to reduce the sentence from 21 years, I ask for help, the conviction was not fair, trial by jury.

21.1. Hello! If the verdict has entered into legal force, it can be appealed through the supervisory procedure. Let the convicted person or his defense attorney file a supervisory complaint.

22. The brother was illegally convicted under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation to 7 years in a general regime colony. He's been in prison for five years now. He filed a cassation appeal against the cancellation of the sentence on the grounds of violation of the secrecy of the conference of judges. Can I contact you for help?

22.1. Good afternoon Dmitry, what help do you need? Your brother has already filed a cassation appeal. Do you think having a lawyer participate in the cassation will change anything? Hardly. It is necessary to draw up a cassation appeal correctly first of all.

23. I am a disabled person of the 1st group (wheelchair user), I need outside help, I lived with my son, who was sentenced under Article 111 part 4 for a term of 8 years, can I file a petition for a reduced sentence that does not involve imprisonment, because am I left without guardianship? My son also has group 2 disability.

23.1. In case of disagreement with the verdict, the convicted person has the right to appeal it to the appellate court, incl. indicating in the complaint the circumstances that you outlined.

24. I really need help. The man lived in his mother’s apartment, social rent. He was convicted. While in MLS, he made a request to the police, he was told that the apartment was occupied and he could not live in it. In 2013, the man was forced to be released to a prison rehabilitation center. Now he wants to defend his right to housing. First, through a request to the local mayor’s office for housing, if they refuse, to the court. Tell me, will city hall officials refer to the statute of limitations? Thank you.

24.1. There is little case material in the question. Officials will refer to the statute of limitations or anything else.
Citizens need to defend their rights. Reinstate missed deadlines.
If possible, seek the help of a lawyer.

24.2. Hello,
If the man was in prison, then the time limit for going to court can be restored. More detailed information and judicial prospects can be discussed with a lawyer in person

Detailed and detailed legal consultations with a discussion of all the nuances and details of your situation are paid. Contact any lawyer on the website for a face-to-face consultation via personal message.
I wish you good luck and all the best!

25. Help, by giving me a hint, on the current standards for accounting and provision of municipal housing in North Ossetia-Alania, namely the regulatory documents, I am facing the next housing commission, at which the new Head of the Administration promised me specific assistance in correcting the situation. He angrily condemned the lawlessness of his predecessor.

25.1. To recognize a citizen as needing improved housing conditions, two conditions must be present simultaneously:

1) recognition of a citizen as poor
2) the presence of a residential area owned by a citizen and his family members that is less than the accounting norm.

This is stated in Art. 51 Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

The accounting norm is established by each municipality independently.

25.2. Greetings Svetlana! Contact me by phone number listed on my page. You can call at any time.

26. Hello, I need help for already convicted 2nd accomplices 210 h 1/2 228.1 h 5 I need help in mitigating the sentence and in general constant help and support in the camp from repression by operatives.

26.1. Hello, Mikhail! Practical issues in the areas of law that interest you do not relate to my professional specialization. I recommend contacting another specialist. I hope for your understanding...

26.2. Good afternoon If you disagree with the court verdict, you have the right to appeal it on your own initiative with the participation of the defense. The appeal must provide grounds that can be taken into account when imposing a punishment and mitigating it. At the same time, you can indicate that certain circumstances were not taken into account by the court of first instance. You can appeal the verdict within 10 days from the moment you receive a copy of it.

27. There was a criminal record. On January 18, 2008, he was convicted under Part 1 of Article 116 with a fine of 10,000. Then on November 25, 2008, he was convicted under Part 1 of Art. 111, part 1 art. 158. 08/31/2011 released after serving his sentence. I work in a state organization of an ambulance station as a driver. They asked for a certificate of criminal record. Gave it to am.

27.1. Good afternoon
So what is the question? You are not a medical worker and there is no direct prohibition in the law for you to carry out the named work activity.

28. I don’t remember this question of the case number, but I want to prove that I was illegally convicted. To do this, I need to find a copy of the verdict, which, with the help of the Federal Penitentiary Service, was lost in the IC, what should I do?

28.1. Good afternoon to you.
Dear Vertibird, in this case, submit a request to the court that convicted you. You must be given a copy of the verdict. For now, you can go to the court website and find your verdict on the website.

29. How can I find out under what article a person was convicted knowing his full name and date of birth? Who can help do this?

29.1. Good afternoon.
The legal way is to look at open data banks containing information about sentences handed down by courts.

30. The son was convicted under Article 228 Part 2. Before that, the suspended sentence was not extinguished. Dali for 4 years, is in Orenburg Correctional Colony 1, I’m in a group, with all the troubles my condition has worsened, that’s why I can’t work. There is only a pension of 7500. Tell me what can be done to reduce the sentence of my son. Can I count on 80 st., or on settling in my region in Tyumen? I would be sincerely grateful for your help, I am lost, life has become dull.

30.1. Hello. 4 years of imprisonment for a serious crime, taking into account the fact that the punishment was imposed based on the totality of sentences, is not very bad. Replacement of the unserved part of the sentence with a more lenient form or parole is possible only after the actual serving of at least half of the sentence, i.e. two years. In this case, the court takes into account the behavior of the convicted person for the entire period of serving the sentence.

According to official data, at the beginning of 2018 in Russia, 602 thousand people were kept in institutions of the penal system. Citizens who have experience of life behind bars number in the millions.

Although the number of prisoners has decreased significantly in recent years, any adult has the opportunity to unexpectedly go to a pre-trial detention center or a cell at a police station on a social network, participate in unauthorized activities, or simply provoke the security forces with their appearance.

Behind bars, regardless of the length of stay, a detainee, prisoner or convict may face illegal and...

To find out how the guards themselves view this problem, Reedus talked with a FSIN employee with extensive service experience in one of the Ural correctional colonies. As a result, the interview is presented in the form of thoughts expressed in the first person.

At the request of the source, the editors do not disclose his personal information.

Where is torture most common?

In pre-trial detention centers there are mostly criminal suspects who have not yet received a sentence in their criminal case, which is still with the investigator, the police or in court. There is a direct interest here - some have to solve a crime, while others have a direct interest in avoiding responsibility.

Therefore, the “professional interest” in people in a pre-trial detention center is always greater than when a person has already been convicted and is in a colony - the verdict has been received, why put further pressure on him?

In addition, pre-trial detention centers are cells, closed spaces, where it is easier to create an ostentatious “peace and quiet” and hide a lot. As the saying goes - something happened in a dark room at night, try to figure it out later. In the colony, everything is in plain sight; if something happens, they will immediately know.

I won’t say that torture is used everywhere in pre-trial detention centers, that it’s the Middle Ages there. Of course, somewhere they go too far, as in recent high-profile stories, but this rather depends on the personal qualities of employees who are too zealous in fulfilling their, as they believe, “responsibilities.” There is no such thing as an order in all pre-trial detention centers to obtain confessions from people at any cost.

Less commonly, bullying is the actions of employees aimed at extracting information from a person. More often it is arrogance, a desire to show who is in charge, a sense of power or impunity, as some employees for the time being think.

Most of it is the human factor, the desire to curry favor, the misunderstood interests of the service. The regime in a colony or pre-trial detention center, as a rule, does not affect this.

The real work of extracting information from a person in a pre-trial detention center is carried out very subtly and cunningly, without violence, but this requires a certain skill from an operative or investigator. But not everyone has the patience and not everyone knows how to solve a crime. And therefore, for some, an animal instinct is triggered - to put pressure morally and physically, maybe the person himself admits.

It all depends on the person first of all. Human factor. These are very necessary, they promptly stop many from the desire to “go too far” with the stick.

But in these stories there is always a reverse side: what kind of “person” is the one who was tortured or mocked, beaten, for what reason he - for what reason - ended up in a colony or a pre-trial detention center, and specifically the very moment for which he is now being beaten.

But it is still clear that it is in no way an excuse for an employee that he is really a criminal, dangerous to society, who has ruined someone’s life.

Why are they beating?

Facts of beatings, as a rule, both in life and behind bars, are spontaneous moments: I found myself in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Here are a couple of examples. The convict decided to express his protest against his failed life. He is serving his fifth or sixth term, all charges are serious. I've never worked - I have no idea. I broke the TV in the cell, a new plasma one. The cellmates will not pretend that there is nothing to watch, he is in authority. He broke it and demands a new one, because they have nothing to look at in the camera. And by law they must give it. And they will! The country and taxpayers will buy a new one.

The one who broke it was sent to a punishment cell. There he refused to go into the cell and began to resist. Fight - he has a couple of bruises. There was another protest in the cell - he took off the sink and broke the toilet with it. He demanded a new one - he needed to go to the toilet. They took me out again and punched me in the mouth. "For prevention." So as not to forget yourself. He got hit on the horns and sits quietly until he hits anything.

Another example. A convict goes to work in a colony, an employee stops him, gets to the bottom of some little detail - the authorities show that he has a divorce to go to work, where he is expected, and if he doesn’t show up, he can end up in a punishment cell for failure to show up for work.

Word for word with the employee: “Let me go, they’re waiting for me,” he won’t let me in, and said something offensive in response. This one spits in his face. The employee punches him in the face. Everyone sees. Other employees come running to help their colleague. As a result, the convict was in a punishment cell, and the employee... well, they scolded him not to do such things in public.

Most conflicts within prisons occur out of nowhere and last a short time. Less often “for prevention”. There is no such thing as mass beatings being ordered or carried out in the colonies on purpose. There won't be enough employees. Not only employees are beaten, but employees are also beaten. Although, of course, less. These facts are rarely made public, unlike the other side.


The conditions themselves, the employee’s service itself does not allow you to feel sorry for anyone. This is a moral threshold beyond which you can fully work in a colony. As they say, “without snot and sentimentality.”

As a rule, the attitude of employees towards convicts is indifferent - this greatly helps in their work to look at things soberly.

And when you have a criminal case before you, and you read what this or that convict did before you met him behind bars, and sometimes you only say one thing: “To evil spirits!” How does the earth carry such people?

After all, there are maniacs, pedophiles, and killers of infants. There are also cannibals. And they all demand respectful treatment in the colony - by “right and by law.”

How can there be any respectful attitude towards them?..

This is already the level where “law and law” can move into the background. There is an opinion among employees that the most severe court verdict does not reach the heart of a maniac, but a blow with a boot in the face reaches to the very bottom of the soul.

I once met a convicted cook in a colony. Sociable, believes in God, always smiles, in good standing, a lot of gratitude, ready to fulfill any assignment, his bread is always fresh. He is preparing to be released on parole and asks for help, to write a good reference for the court.

“A hard-working guy,” I told someone about him once. And in response: “Read his sentence!” I wasn’t too lazy, opened a personal file, and started reading. I am an adult, and I have seen a lot of evil in my life, and this does not surprise me. But here I felt bad.

Twenty years ago, this cook lured a girl he knew to the river, who knew something about him - knew how he killed someone while stealing. He lured her to the river to swim and drowned her. She was drowned, and her one-year-old son, who began to scream on the shore, was thrown into the fire. But either the fire was not burning well, or this cook was in a hurry, and instead of being lazy, he took the burnt child out of the fire, tore off the branches from the tree, began to choke him with willow twigs, and then trampled his head with his boots.

I asked about this the next time I met him. “Twenty years have passed. Only God has the right to judge me. I’ve been in good standing for fifteen years,” that’s what he replied. He answered, losing his temper, with anger, and did not smile.

Twenty years have passed... and on my part, for someone like him, there is no statute of limitations. And after two hundred years. And after twenty centuries.

Then I approached the right person, and his “fifteen years in good standing” ended. He was thrown into a punishment cell for a minor violation - either for smoking a cigarette, lighting it in the wrong place, or for sitting on the bed. He was kicked out of the kitchen for being in isolation, and no one there gave him early release as a violator.

Yes, there are some. But these are only a few. The saddest thing is that employees get used to lumping everyone with the same brush. All prisoners are equal, all prisoners are non-humans. What difference does it make what he's in jail for? Once I got here, it means I’m guilty. Not all employees understand or want to understand that a prisoner is a human being.

Sometimes a person sits down for a specific, principled act.

I met a convict, against whom his ex-girlfriend before the wedding wrote a statement that he raped him and stole his earrings. I didn't want him to live with someone else. He already has a family. Got five years. According to the nasty article. I served my time. How he sat for the “shaggy article” - one can only guess about it. During this time, the family broke up, in an accident someone died, either a wife or a child. But he got out, went to that friend and killed her. Got a new term. Already 12 years. He says: “I couldn’t do it any other way. She crippled my whole life. I just took revenge." God will be his judge. How many people, so many destinies.

"Press huts"

Many prisoners work with the administration, the so-called active zone. Among them, parole release is usually the largest. They help maintain order in the colony among the convicts themselves, and the administration supports them. These are orderlies and caretakers in detachments.

Contrary to opinion, there is no unity among the convicts against the administration. Here it’s every man for himself, whoever eats who will survive. They themselves are quite critical of others, sometimes openly declaring about others “filthy convicts.”

It is certainly easier for those who work with the administration. He can receive commendations, which later influence his release, he has less chance of ending up in a punishment cell, and people can simply turn a blind eye to his minor violations.

About convicts beating or torturing convicts... yes, in some places this is present. The so-called press huts, where they extract confessions or “work” with a person to obtain other information, including inducing him to cooperate.

These are, as a rule, extreme measures, and not every convicted person will be affected by this. And all the menial work in the “press huts” is, of course, not done by employees - there won’t be enough of them either - but by other convicts. Assets.

In addition, there are also ordinary informers, “informers”, who also find out the necessary information in their own way. But the pursuit of “information” about a crime is not the main component of the reasons for the oppression of convicts. Basically, physical pressure is exerted not for the sake of some information, but for a completely different reason.

A person, entering a colony, does not want to live by its rules, does not want to sleep and wake up according to the regime, and does not obey the requirements of the administration. He wants to live his own life, as before, where he is his own boss.

For example, he was given 10 years in prison, and for 10 years he gets up at 06:00 in the morning, goes for exercises, goes to the canteen three times a day, stands at the divorce station twice a day, does not go further than his detachment, works according to the regime, goes to bed bed at 22:00 pm. In court they gave him 10 years of these charges, 10 years of this life.

Just think about it! Not everyone can stand it. And man openly rebels against this. Refuses to obey, get up in the morning, go to bed in the evening, go to the divorce... Then there are conversations, punishment cells, and then it’s not far from assault.

The employee is a trash

The mechanism for controlling an employee is always the same - you will be fired. Always.

A step to the side, an awkward word in front of your superiors, a minor official violation - this is the last day of your service in the colony. They will demand a dismissal report by order; if you don’t write it, they will follow you around, demand, threaten with problems, and drag you to the certification commission. And they will fire you if necessary.

Dismissal is the main form of stimulation of employee service. Try working in a colony from wake-up until bedtime, from 06:00 to 22:00, and at the same time say that you don’t like something. Convicts have the right to “8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.” The employee does not have such a right. Because he works for a preferential pension - and less often beyond the day when it comes. Nobody works for work. Because the attitude towards the employee is often worse than towards the convicted persons themselves.

The employee is a trash. Our head of the colony spoke directly at the divorces: “The main thing is the prisoners. You are the service staff." Therefore, an employee never has any other motivation for service. Always alone - I wish I could make it until retirement, but at least the grass won’t grow there.

There are cameras installed everywhere in the colonies, and there is no way to bypass them. Cameras record violations of both convicts and employees. Convicts are sent to a punishment cell, employees receive reprimands, moral lectures and dismissals. Who's so lucky?

For an employee to specifically look for a place where there is no video camera in order to beat up another convict there, well, it just makes you smile. From pure mathematics. When there are 1,500 prisoners in a colony, and there are 15 employees on duty shift. When will you have time to beat everyone?..

All these cases of beatings in colonies are, as a rule, specific circumstances. Communication began, the employee demanded, the convict was rude, did not do something, the employee used force, the convict resisted, and things went from strength to strength... Whoever has power is stronger and more to the right. Who in the dark corner of the colony looks at the law?

Control over an employee is, first of all, control over the work he does. No one specifically monitors the employee or his behavior, do what you want, think as you want, but so that the report on the work and the work itself are obvious. “Otherwise you will be fired and go to improve agriculture!”

What to do?

What should you do to avoid being beaten, to not be humiliated, to be treated like a person in prison?..

Yes, I’ll be honest, you can’t do anything against this. In prison means he is guilty, a criminal means he is not a person. And you also cannot please everyone without being touched. Prison is also human society. But in wolf form. Where, if you are weak, you will be torn apart. And you cannot hide and protect yourself from this. Nobody will help! Neither a lawyer nor an investigator! They will come and go, and you will remain in prison.

You cannot protect yourself from employees, although with these it is easier - you can complain about them, to higher authorities or to the prosecutor's office. But you cannot protect yourself from this world - from prison, from the “prisoners” who will take it from you, steal from you, hit you. And they do not work with the administration, they are not an asset of the zone, they are just “the masses”. And if you don’t have self-respect and moral strength (not physical, they don’t mean anything, because the “mass” will devour you) to defend yourself, you will not live for 10 years in a colony, but survive. Or you'll die.

These are not prison laws. These are the laws of life. And there is no use in complaining anywhere. Yes, the officers who beat you will go to trial, yes, they will change your squad, where other convicts humiliated you. But all of them will be replaced by others, life will bring new ones tomorrow. And you have to stand against them again. And somewhere you need to give in, and somewhere you need to endure, and somewhere you need to reconcile. To survive and return home. Where they are waiting for you.

There are no universal rules against prison. There is one thing - you can’t go there. Prison devastates a person. To the very bottom. No matter how much you resist and no matter what results you achieve, remember one thing: your life was taken away. And you didn’t live it the way you should.

It's up to you to decide what to do when you go to prison. You can stand stubbornly - and they will break you even more. You can make concessions - and they will not take you into account. But you can be wise - life will force you. And choose option three. Which? And who knows?.. Everyone has their own case and their own destiny.

Prison is a tragedy. In everyone's life. Both the employee and the thieves. And everyone experiences it differently. But it is important to remember that life does not end when prison begins. That you need to move on with your life. And the prison will end too. But how and with whom you will live in it is up to you to decide. Nobody will tell you. Nobody will teach. Learn by yourself.

There is only one thing that can help - don’t waste your energy pointlessly if you understand that you can’t change anything. Save yourself for “after prison.”

Hello Tamara.

Convicts who are sentenced to serve in a correctional colony with a strict regime do not have the opportunity to remain in the pre-trial detention center for the entire term.

The criminal executive legislation establishes that within 10 days from the moment the administration of the pre-trial detention center receives notification that the sentence against a particular person has entered into legal force, the convicted person must be sent to the place where the sentence is to be served. In practice, as is known, up to 2 months may pass before the stage is staged.

In what cases can a convicted person remain in a pre-trial detention center to serve his sentence?

Firstly, while the consideration of another criminal case against him continues, or if it is necessary for the convicted person to participate in the trial against another person, as well as in investigative actions.

Secondly, those sentenced to a term of imprisonment of no more than 6 months are left in pre-trial detention centers.

Third, and those sentenced to longer terms may, as an exception, with the consent of the head of the pre-trial detention center, be left to serve their sentence in the detention center, while being obliged to carry out economic work to maintain the detention center. These exceptional cases are strictly regulated by Part 1 of Art. 77 Penal Code of the Russian Federation. The convicted person must be imprisoned for the first time (not a repeat offender), for a period of not more than 5 years, and his sentence must be served in a GENERAL regime colony. Those who were punished by imprisonment in maximum security colonies will not be able to apply to remain in a pre-trial detention center.

If all of the above conditions are met, the convicted person can submit an application to the head of the detention center with a request to remain in the pre-trial detention center to serve his sentence and perform household work. Without the consent of the prisoner, he cannot be left in the pre-trial detention center for longer than the established period. In exactly the same way, every convicted person, while serving a sentence in a pre-trial detention center, can change his mind at any time and demand transfer to a correctional colony.

The head of the pre-trial detention center makes a decision to leave the convicted person in the detention center, based on the need for workers to service the detention center. This is work such as cleaning premises, preparing food and washing dishes, repair work, working in the library of the detention center, etc. Convicts cannot work in special departments of the detention center and perform work related to the maintenance of security, communications and alarm systems. The work is paid and taken into account as work experience. Thus, the detention centers “fill” the need for workers, and convicts, who for one reason or another do not want to go to a correctional colony, can avoid this by remaining in the pre-trial detention center throughout their entire term.

I would also like to note that those serving sentences in pre-trial detention centers are kept separately from the accused and suspects. As a rule, this is a dormitory; convicts live there in common cells that are not locked. Convicts in a pre-trial detention center have the right to daily two-hour walks in the pre-trial detention center during daylight hours.

All the best!

Best regards, Olga.