HDPE pipe for cable in the ground diameter. About the advantages of using pipes when laying cables in the ground

When laying electric cable You should definitely think about protecting it. Protection is required for external communications, for electrical wiring inside the building, for cables running underground. In the latter case the best solution will use hollow polyethylene pipes low pressure(hereinafter referred to as PND).

HDPE pipes are produced in a factory using the extrusion method. Standard pipe consists of homogeneous plastic with a smooth surface. Product color – black. The mandatory requirements for HDPE pipes include the following:

  • The pipe material is dielectric (does not require grounding).
  • The product has good durability.
  • It is resistant to the destructive effects of many chemical compounds.

The production technology of HDPE pipes is regulated by GOST 16338 and 16337. The standards describe in detail appearance products - without swelling, cracks, sagging and other defects. The pipe cannot delaminate, and its inner surface should be as smooth as possible. More a budget option– pipes made from recycled materials (a mixture of production waste and polyethylene additives). Their production technology is not subject to such strict requirements, however, the service life of such products will be much shorter.

Others performance characteristics:

  • The operating pressure indicator is determined by the type of pipe and can be from 0.25 MPa for light varieties to 1 MPa for heavy ones.
  • Service life is about 50 years, subject to normal operating conditions.
  • Temperature range from -25 to 70°C.
  • HDPE pipes are environmentally friendly and do not emit harmful substances.
  • Pipes are easily bent without loss of performance.
  • They have high elasticity and are able to restore linear size.
  • The products are lightweight, especially in comparison with metal counterparts.

It is important! The HDPE pipe should not be bent too much. This can lead to the formation of kinks, which will make it very difficult to pull the cable through.

Application of HDPE for laying cables in the ground

Laying electrical communications underground is justified primarily in regions with frequent occurrences of adverse weather conditions: strong gusts of wind, lightning, etc. During the cold season, underground installation will help protect the cable from icing and possible breakage.

To protect communication lines when laying wires, it is most often used for cables in the ground. Its use as a protective shell eliminates the risk of damage to products during the construction of highways and during their operation.

Low pressure can protect wires (incl. power cable) from the influence of soil, mechanical shocks, as well as stray currents. Which ones are used for protection? utility networks and how to choose the right ones, read on.

Reasons for the high popularity of products

The most popular method of arranging electrical, communication, signaling and other networks is laying cables underground. And most often it is in the HDPE pipe. Therefore, manufacturers strive to make the range of manufactured polyethylene products as diverse as possible. special purpose. Despite the fact that this method of laying cables and wires is quite expensive, it is considered very popular.

For laying cables in the ground, they prevent the most different problems that are possible during the operation of utility networks.

The reasons for the growing popularity of these collectors in the construction of underground highways are:

  1. Reducing the risk of damage to lines by external factors (for example, in adverse weather conditions).
  2. Protection from vandals and frost.
  3. Fire due to short circuit is excluded.

What types of products can be used to protect wires?

On the building materials market you can find all kinds of products that are suitable for laying utility lines in the ground. These can be not only HDPE collectors, but also PVC pipes, asbestos or asbestos-cement, steel. However, most often it is polyethylene materials that are used to protect the wire and power lines underground.

HDPE pipes (pipe for cable in the ground) come in several types:

  1. or heavy
  2. Hard with a smooth shell
  3. (with 2 walls)
  4. Halogen-free.

The main types of pipes that can be used in the ground.

Collectors representing one type or another are designed for specific purposes. For example, products with double walls can be used for underground wiring, one of which is corrugated, and the second is a LDPE sheath. Corrugated pipe is not suitable for laying cables in the ground. Even though it is characterized by increased elasticity and strength.

You can understand what certain materials are used for by looking at the markings on the product. It indicates (GOST, shell diameter and thickness, strength, nominal pressure indicator, product class and sometimes its purpose).

If you need an HDPE pipe for underground cables, consider its purpose further application And specifications. Thus, corrugated material is suitable for hidden electrical wires in rooms. Usually these are highways that are created when arranging houses and run into the walls or ceiling. The most durable DSK corrugated collectors can even be used in the construction of a utility network in the floor (for pouring concrete or cement).

Depending on the number of cables in the proposed network, the pipe may be different diameters. For example, if 2-3 wires with a cross-section of 95 mm² are laid, a product with an internal diameter of 63 mm can be used. They are sold in 15 m coils or in separate sections.

If it is necessary to lay a line of 2-5 cables with a cross-section of 25 mm² each, you can use collectors with an internal hole of 32, 40 or 50 mm, etc. Some manufacturers offer HDPE manifolds with large diameters ranging from 160 mm to 250 mm. Such materials are sold in 12 m lengths or 100 m (200 m) coils.

Installation methods and features

Laying cables in pipes can be carried out above ground or underground. It is also practiced to lay sheathed cables indoors. If you need to arrange electrical or communication system in a residential building, before carrying out work you should familiarize yourself with the features of the process. First of all, it is recommended to lay networks at temperatures down to -30⁰С.

It is necessary to ensure the tightness of all joints and nodes on the line to eliminate the risk of moisture and other contaminants getting inside the collector. If the operating conditions of the network suggest the formation of condensation in the pipe, additionally install a draw-through pipe to collect excess liquid.

Having made sure that such points have been taken into account, you can proceed to the next stage of work. Laying a cable in the ground in a HDPE pipe is not a very labor-intensive process, the main part of which is digging trenches. After preparing a recess of the required size, the collector is first laid, and then the cable is inserted into it. After inspecting the lines for damage and depressurization of nodes, developers fill the structure with sand and earth. Finally, warning tape can be laid around the entire perimeter.

Valuable product qualities

HDPE pipes designed for cables and their protection in the ground (their price is relatively low, if we take into account their long service life) have a huge number of valuable qualities:

  • lightweight and easy to guide the cable using a probe;
  • possibility of underground wiring with large radius angles;
  • resistance to different conditions operation (from mechanical influences before temperature changes);
  • possibility of operation for 50 years or more;
  • light weight;
  • use without additional grounding, etc.

As you can see, the use of HDPE pipes when laying underground utility lines is the key to their successful and reliable operation. Therefore, it is important to choose the right collector and take into account all the nuances of its use.

The video demonstrates testing corrugated materials for PVC and HDPE electrical wiring for fire:

Cable routes of any size need protection from external factors, random mechanical damage, which can lead to a violation of the integrity of the shell of current-carrying conductors. Previously used metal pipes, concrete, brick protection are quite expensive protection methods to manufacture. The amount of work involved in constructing a shell from them is very large. Accordingly, the cost of arranging such communications is prohibitively high. An alternative is HDPE pipe for laying cables, which has high strength and a long service life.

HDPE pipe for cable laying. Low price, high quality.

Laying cables using low-density polyethylene pipes is a cost-effective way to protect them from damage for a significant period. The production of HDPE pipes does not require extremely high costs, while the quality remains high. The service life of HDPE pipes for laying cables exceeds half a century. In such a pipeline it is very easy to replace failed segments of cable routes.

HDPE pipes for laying cables in the ground. Supplies from the manufacturer.

Basically, cable communications are laid underground. Using HDPE pipes, they can be quickly equipped, even if there is no cable. Subsequently, it is laid into pipelines without much difficulty. Purchasing HDPE pipes for laying cables in the ground directly from the manufacturer will help reduce costs. After all, large volumes of supplies imply corresponding discounts for the buyer of the products.

HDPE technical pipes for laying cables indoors.

Our company produces technical HDPE pipes for cable laying. They make it easy to install electrical wiring in rooms. In a floor screed, concrete pouring or brick wall A smooth polyethylene pipe can quickly insert electrical wiring. If it fails during operation, replacement will not be particularly difficult.

HDPE pipe for laying cable in a coil.

Pipes with a diameter of 20 mm, 32 mm, 40 mm and 50 mm, as well as 63 mm and 75 mm are produced in one hundred and two hundred meter coils. This is convenient when installing communications over long distances, when laying cable routes in open spaces. An HDPE pipe placed in a trench, with a cable installed in it, can be immediately covered with soil. This method significantly reduces costs when using special equipment.

Electrical pipe HDPE PE for cable laying. Selling in sections.

The production lines of our company allow us to produce electrical technical pipes PE various shapes, diameter depending on customer requirements. The material used in their manufacture is high-density low-density polyethylene. Electrical HDPE Pipes over 75 mm in diameter have high rigidity and are produced in sections of 12 meters. The buyer can order pipes for cable laying in segments of the required length.

Various diameters of HDPE pipes for cable laying.

Non-pressure pipes are manufactured in a standardized manner, with diameters of 20 or more. The catalog presents their main types. Starting with a cross-section of 75 mm, products are produced in 12-meter sections. The customer can choose a standard HDPE pipe diameter for cable laying or order custom sizes polyethylene pipes up to 225 mm.

HDPE pipe 20 mm for laying cables in small projects.

20 mm HDPE pipes for cable laying are used in small projects. As a rule, they are supplied to customers in coils, but can also be supplied in lengths. HDPE pipe 20 mm is used in construction when laying is necessary hidden electrical wiring in an apartment, cottage, private house. They can also be installed with open cable routing to prevent cable damage.

HDPE pipes 160 mm for laying cables in large communications.

In cases where cable communications are installed in residential areas, in large industrial enterprises, where a significant number of individual cables are required, HDPE pipes with a diameter of 160 mm or more are used. In addition, the diameter of 160 mm allows you to make plumbing pipelines for draining sewage.

Technical HDPE polyethylene pipes for cable laying wholesale and retail.

The customer can purchase HDPE pipes manufactured in accordance with technical requirements for these products, retail or wholesale. Retail allows you to order only the required number of meters. Wholesale beneficial to companies in which the use of technical polyethylene pipes is their daily activity. We deliver goods throughout Moscow, the region, and within the Russian Federation. Clients from any region of Russia can order from us required amount HDPE pipes for cable laying and receive them in the shortest possible time.

The concept of “dacha” often implies the presence of not only the main residential building, but also several additional economic facilities.

Garage, summer cuisine, gazebo, sauna - these buildings are necessary on the farm and must be uninterruptedly supplied with electricity.

Subtleties of underground wiring in a summer cottage. How to choose a cable corrugation

One of the ways to lay an electrical cable through a summer cottage is underground. This option is solid, reliable, and aesthetically pleasing (wires do not spoil the appearance of the yard). However, it requires strict adherence to technology and instructions. A mandatory item is the purchase of cable corrugations and a special protective sheath.

Of course, you need to pay special attention to choosing a cable suitable for laying in the ground - this cannot be done without consulting an electrician. But it is equally important to choose the protection in which it (the cable) will be “packed” when laid at depth in order to ensure its integrity and functionality for the entire period of operation.

The main thing you need to know: underground wiring requires the use special corrugation HDPE. “HDPE” is an abbreviated name for the main material of such a pipe, low-density polyethylene. This corrugated pipe is characterized by increased strength and has a number of specific characteristics. The installation process itself is another story, but below we will share what we obtained from an electrician advice on selection.

The main differences between corrugations for underground cable laying and conventional ones

Double-walled design: the outer shell is corrugated, which guarantees high strength of the pipes, and the inner wall is smooth (this ensures easy cable pulling along the entire length).

    Resistance to shock loads and vibration and at the same time plasticity in operation. This allows you to use HDPE corrugation for laying cables on open areas, and in soil or concrete screed.

    A wide range of operating temperatures that the corrugation can withstand without damaging consequences (from -40 to +90°C).

    The double-walled corrugated pipe in coils is equipped with a special broach (probe) for the convenience of threading the cable along long sections. Bays are found in lengths of 20, 50 and 100 meters (larger lengths for wiring on private properties are rarely required).

    Visually, a corrugated pipe suitable for underground use also differs from a regular gray PVC pipe in red or orange(less common, depending on the manufacturer, is black).

    The diameter of the HDPE corrugation depends on the characteristics of the cable selected for laying in the ground. For dacha underground wiring, a pipe with an external Ø40 mm and an internal Ø32 mm (also the minimum possible) is most often chosen. For example, .

Why? The fact is that for underground installation in the courtyards of private cottages, electricians often recommend VVG 3x2.5 with an external Ø10.5 mm (the cross-section of such a cable is sufficient for household power supply of most outbuildings). Judge for yourself: a cable of this girth fits into double layer pipe with internal Ø32 mm. The maximum possible values ​​of corrugated pipes reach Ø200 mm, but these are used for purely industrial purposes.

    When purchasing corrugated pipes in pieces 6 meters long (by the way, not all specialized stores sell such pieces, check this point right away) be prepared for the fact that there is no broach in them. And this is justified because It is not difficult to stretch the cable over a short length without pulling.

    Try to choose a corrugated pipe even for laying in the ground, non-flammable.

    The compressive strength of the selected pipe should be high - focus on a minimum of 6-8 kPa.

    But the level of resistance to ultraviolet radiation can be neglected here, because underground the issue of sun protection is not relevant.

Special corrugation is important

Imagine what titanic physical, time and material costs will be incurred by replacing a failed cable buried in the ground of a summer cottage at a depth of 70-80 cm. It’s not like digging up potatoes! Purchasing a special protective corrugation is not an extra (note, one-time) expense, but the necessary insurance in order to enjoy the benefits of your dacha comfortably and easily for many decades.

When installing communication networks, HDPE cable pipe is widely used as a protective case. It is also used when laying power lines. The HDPE pipe reliably protects the cable from the influence of stray currents, mechanical damage and aggressive soil influences. The laying technology is determined by the purpose of utility networks and their location.

HDPE pipes for cable laying

Using HDPE pipes for installation of communications

For laying power lines and other engineering communications are used various pipes HDPE. They differ technical parameters and design features:

  1. When installing electrical wiring in a floor screed or brick wall, use smooth pipe Black HDPE.
  2. Products with a corrugated surface are used for laying open, semi-hidden and in hidden ways electrical, telephone, television and computer networks operating at alternating or alternating voltage direct current, the value of which does not exceed 1000 V. An electrical installation of this type can operate both outdoors and indoors.
  3. Used for laying in the ground corrugated pipes HDPE, which is characterized by increased elasticity and strength, the ability to restore its linear dimensions and ease of installation.

Depending on the design, products are available with or without a probe. He is special device, which is designed to pull the cable inside the pipe. This allows you to reduce the time it takes to install power networks and communications.

In the absence of a probe, cable pulling is carried out using a reusable device. The complexity of the operation increases slightly, and certain technical support is also required. However, HDPE pipe for laying cables without pulling can be used repeatedly. This opportunity is relevant for private repairs of communications.

Corrugated cable pipe with probe

Among manufacturers of HDPE pipes for laying electrical cables, the products of DKS are the most in demand. It is represented by “Octopus” corrugated products intended for installation hidden wiring indoors. The line has been supplemented with accessories and various types boxes that ensure the laying of communications in strict accordance with established standards.

DKS company products: HDPE pipe “Octopus”

To protect the power and signal cables, a series of double-walled Octopus pipes are used. They reliably protect electric wires from damage as a result of mechanical stress and influence environment. The tightness of the plastic prevents the penetration of moisture even when laying the cable in the ground.

Advantages of HDPE pipes

Compared to HDPE metal protective cases, a cable pipe is much cheaper. Moreover, it is not necessary to use products that are produced in accordance with GOST requirements for laying power lines and various communications - the use of products from recycled materials is allowed. HDPE technical pipe is made from production waste, which is mixed with various polyethylene additives. This slightly changes performance and color finished products, but can significantly reduce costs and reduce its cost.

Besides, cable pipes HDPE has the following advantages:

  • service life under normal conditions is up to 50 years;
  • individual sections can be connected without the use of a welding machine;
  • are lightweight compared to protective metal cases;
  • do not require grounding, as they have good electrical insulating properties;
  • are not subject to destruction under the influence of aggressive environments and corrosion;
  • retain their parameters even in difficult operating conditions and can withstand temperature changes in the range from -25 ⁰C to +70 ⁰C;
  • do not emit toxic substances and do not accumulate condensation on the surface.

The cable in a HDPE pipe can be laid along any curved path without the use of connecting elements, since the polymer can be bent. It is especially easy to change the configuration of small diameter products.

However, you should not bend the HDPE pipes too much: this may cause a bend and it will not be possible to stretch the cable.

Methods for laying electrical cables

Technical features of laying HDPE pipes depend on the location of the cable and its operating conditions. This also affects the list of equipment used and necessary components.

Installation in building envelopes

Indoors electrical wiring Using HDPE pipes, it is laid as follows:

  1. outline the location of the cable;
  2. fix the pipe, and it can be attached to the floor using metal brackets, and to the ceiling or walls - with special holders with a latch;
  3. stretch the cable so that it is positioned freely, without tension;
  4. the structure on the floor is poured concrete screed, and in the wall or ceiling they are sealed with plaster or other materials, depending on the diameter of the protective case.

Laying cables using HDPE pipes on the floor

HDPE pipe allows:

  • reduce the length of electrical wiring;
  • realize renovation work and re-tensioning of cables without damaging the surface of ceilings and walls.

When installing communications indoors, it is possible to use various connecting parts to fix individual sections protective casing: bends, couplings and other components. However, corrugated elements are most often in demand for turns where the pipe enters the floor slab or the transition from the floor to the wall. In this case, the HDPE pipe for electrical wiring must be bent at an angle of 90⁰, and this is impossible without crushing and deforming the material.

According to current standards For the installation of hidden electrical wiring, which is located inside floors or walls made of non-combustible materials, it is allowed to use smooth or corrugated HDPE pipes.

Laying in the ground with digging a trench

This technology is in demand when laying communications on summer cottages. Before starting work, you should inspect the cable and check the integrity of the sheath. If it is damaged protective function HDPE pipes will be useless.

Then during the installation process the following operations are performed:

  1. make markings and dig a trench of the required depth;
  2. place a HDPE pipe with or without broaching of the required diameter into it;
  3. stretch the cable and lay it in such a way that it is positioned without tension;
  4. fill the pipe first with a layer of sand 10 cm thick, and then with soil about 15 cm.

To quickly locate the cable, you can lay a special signal tape over it.

Laying cables using HDPE pipes in the ground

When using HDPE pipes for laying power networks in the ground, it is advisable to exclude the use of couplings and other connecting elements, since this makes it difficult to ensure sealing. However, when leading the cable into a building, fittings are simply necessary.

To lay the cable on a straight section, use solid pieces with a cross-section of at least 4 mm. If the section is too long, then an elastic metal wire or a special nylon broach should be used to tighten the electrical wiring. They are first launched into the pipe, and then the tied cable is tightened.

Trenchless installation

Trenchless technology is used to lay electrical cables located in hard-to-reach places. Most often it is in demand public utilities, as it is performed using sophisticated technology and special equipment.

The essence of the method is horizontal directional drilling, which allows you to lay underground communications without disturbing the surface layer of the soil. First, they study the composition of the soil and obtain permission to carry out earthworks. Then the cable is laid in the HDPE pipe, which includes the following steps:

  1. Drilling a pilot well. The soil is punctured using a drill head, which has a bevel in the front part and built-in radiation. As it enters the ground, a solution is supplied through special holes to fill the well. It reduces the risk of collapse and cools the hot tool.
  2. Well expansion. It is performed with a rimmer, which replaces the drill head.
  3. Laying HDPE pipes with cable inside. They are pulled into the well using a drilling rig.

Cable laying using horizontal drilling method

The main disadvantage of horizontal directional drilling of soil is the complexity of its implementation, therefore, for such work, an agreement is concluded with an organization that specializes in such activities and has the necessary equipment.

Horizontal drilling rig

Laying a cable using HDPE pipes allows you to ensure reliable protection for a long period of time; you just need to follow the technology for installing power lines and other communications.