Petra rune meaning. Rune Perth - the secret will become apparent

When a person realizes that he is not eternal, his consciousness reaches a completely different level. He begins to understand what is truly important, what is worth appreciating, and what does not matter at all. That is why many people, shortly before their death, seem to get a “second wind” - they begin to live seriously, although before they simply existed, without thinking about any global phenomena. The meaning of the Perth rune will thus be directly related to this internal transition to another level of awareness, at which a person’s complex of ideas about himself and the world around him completely changes.

At the same time, we can talk not only about physical death, but also about the dying of our old “I”. If we analyze our own life, we will certainly notice that during it several such transitions happened to us. Every time we are faced with inevitability, with the realization of the complete impossibility of influencing some phenomena, we change, something inside us dies, but at the same time, some new understanding comes in its place. And we can safely say that after such a transition, we “yesterday” cease to exist.

You are probably familiar with the expression “I have become a different person” - this perfectly characterizes the action and meaning of the Perth rune. Over the course of life, that which is actually “not ours,” which is imposed on us by social stereotypes, gradually dies away in us, and therefore we become closer to our true selves. Therefore, we can say that the Perth rune, its meaning, description and interpretation will always be associated with this internal transition, with a global change in self-perception and at the same time with the inability to resist these changes.

When Perth comes to the table, we can say that at the moment such a transition is taking place in a person’s life: a period of changes begins that are not yet clear, but at the same time, behind them it is important to discern what needs to be let go of oneself in order to move further. This transition is mysterious, hidden and irreversible, and it will radically change a person's perception.

And now let’s return to the more traditional interpretation of the symbol, according to which the meaning of the Perth rune is also associated with information hidden for the time being, with the return of what seemed forever lost. Also, a rune in fortune telling for a person means that he has magical abilities and well-developed intuition.

It is always worth paying attention to neighboring symbols, as they can significantly change the context of interpretation. So, for example, “heavy” surrounding runes like Nautiz, in the vicinity of Perth, may indicate a very complex, incomprehensible problem that the questioner will have to face. In order to find the right solution, you will need to use some unconventional methods, look at the situation from an unusual angle.

The meaning of the reversed Perth rune

Reverse Perth is no less mystical and mysterious than direct Perth, but its meaning is much darker. If under the direct rune we can still voluntarily accept the transition that is taking place, then under the influence of the inverted one it seems to us that we are in some kind of hopeless nightmare.

When experiencing a direct rune, we free ourselves from the unnecessary through the death of some internal attitudes and reach a new level, but when the reverse symbol appears, we do not understand and do not accept these changes, they seem to us to be a real disaster. We can say that the Higher Powers forcibly take from us what we do not want to give, what we think we really need.

To summarize, we can say that the meaning of the inverted Perth rune is unpleasant surprises, collapse of plans, a streak of failures and obstacles, the reason for which still remains a mystery to a person. But in fact, everything that happens to us under the reverse of Perth is a consequence of the fact that we live wrong, do something wrong, follow the lead of some incorrect stereotypes. It’s just that it won’t be possible to realize this right away, but then, after realizing it, we will be able to evaluate everything that happened as an important and unique experience.

If we remember the connection of the symbol with the occult world and secret knowledge, we can deduce the second meaning of the inverted Perth rune - these are magical errors.

  • - inverted Perth: Sometimes this combination comes when a person begins to engage in practical magic or esotericism too early, without having mastered the theoretical part well enough, which is why he does something wrong

The meaning of the Perth rune in fortune telling for work and business

The meaning of the Perth rune in a situation where we determine a person’s profession is clearly an area of ​​activity associated with something mysterious or hidden. This could be either a psychic or, for example, a private detective, or an investigator searching for new, for the time being hidden information.

  • Hagalaz and - Perth: The combination of symbols speaks of the desire for “easy money”, when a person really wants to have a lot, but at the same time do practically nothing, we can say that he will really succeed

Also, a direct symbol in career matters can mean searching for a job that will not require serious effort from the person asking.

  • - Perth: The combination foreshadows an activity or desire for an activity that will be associated with frequent travel, business trips, roads

Reverse Perth when fortune telling for a job is most often an obstacle, the cause of which still remains a mystery. This can be illustrated by the example of a programmer who does not see any error in the program code, but, nevertheless, the program itself does not work.

Another meaning of the inverted Perth rune is advice to be careful in monetary transactions, especially if a person’s work is directly related to business or financial issues (accountants, real estate agents, bank employees, businessmen).

  • - inverted Perth: This is not even advice, but a direct warning: if a person acts unprofessionally or shows negligence in resolving a work issue, the mistake can lead to serious problems, including with the law

What does the Perth rune mean in fortune telling for love and relationships?

The symbolic field of this sign, in principle, does not cover the love sphere, so the meaning of the Perth rune in a relationship should be clarified through neighboring symbols, if they are in the layout, or by pulling out additional runes that will help in the interpretation.

  • - Perth: The combination will indicate excellent sexual compatibility of partners
  • Uruz - Perth reversed: There is sexual compatibility, but at the expense of spiritual compatibility, and such a couple is unlikely to last together for long when the initial passion goes away
  • - Perth: The combination of symbols will indicate that the partner has another object of affection, and even a high probability of betrayal
  • Reversed Teyvaz - Perth: This combination, on the contrary, suggests that sympathy will remain just sympathy, and the partner will not make any attempts to get closer. Although even in the case of betrayal there will not be wide publicity, since Perth covers any relationship with a blanket of secrecy

The meaning of the Perth rune in love and relationships, if it appears in an inverted position, is always the concealment of some information, which will most likely lead to sad consequences for the couple.

  • - Perth: The result of the relationship will be a complete cooling of feelings on the part of one of the partners
  • - Perth: The truce will come after all

The meaning of Perth in fortune telling

In most cases, the meaning of the Perth rune in health is hidden diseases. For women, this is most often gynecology, for men - urology, but sometimes other destructive processes in the body that occur asymptomatically.

Application of the Perth rune in Magic

Since the symbolic field of the rune is closely associated with the occult, the world of the unknown and death, magicians often use it to obtain hidden information from the afterlife. Perth is also used in magical rituals, when a specialist needs to transfer his consciousness to another level, immerse himself in the past or see the future.

What is an amulet with the Perth rune suitable for?

An amulet from Perth is indispensable for those who engage in various types of magical practices. It allows a person to undergo magical initiation, to be reborn in a new quality, to see what is hidden, to strengthen occult abilities and understanding of hidden processes occurring in the Universe. It is also good to use such an amulet for psychics and search engines.

Is it possible to get a tattoo with the Perth rune?

The meaning of the Perth rune can be direct or reverse, so applying this sign to your body is not recommended. The only thing that can be done is a temporary tattoo, which will remain on your body at a turning point in life, and after its successful completion, it is better to remove the image of the rune. In this case, Perth will act as an amulet, allowing you to go through a complex internal transformation in the least painful way. But on the other hand, wouldn’t it be more logical then to simply make a talisman, rather than draw a sign on your body?

Rune of the Day Perth

Today, it’s as if your eyes will open and you will clearly see what was hidden. This could be a solution to a difficult situation that suddenly came to mind, a creative insight after a crisis, some kind of gift of fate (maybe even material) or the discovery of a long-lost item.

Based on the main meaning of the Perth rune, it is not difficult to determine the advice it can give you. What happens to you is inevitable, so stop resisting it. The current will take you where it should take you, and desperately resisting it will only make it more difficult to move in the direction that is actually the right one. Even if now you don’t understand the meaning, you ask questions “why”, “why”, “for what”, after some time they will disappear by themselves. Trust your intuition, not your mind and attitudes imposed by someone. This is a difficult but necessary experience, the usefulness of which you will appreciate later.

Questions for meditation on the Perth rune

Take a photo of the Perth rune, look at the symbol, disconnect from the outside world, dive deep into yourself and ask the following questions:

  • Do you have some secret that haunts you?
  • What really hides in the depths of your soul, somewhere there, behind the imposed attitudes and stereotypes?
  • Are you able to “separate” yourself from current events and simply allow yourself to be an outside observer?
  • Do you think about death?
  • Are you aware of all the internal transformations that took place in you, after which you could confidently call yourself a “different person”?
  • Are you willing to give up what needs to go in order to reach the next level of perception?

Mystical and mysterious Perth will tell you the true answers to these questions.

The Perth rune is the 14th letter in the Germanic runic system. It is found only in the older futarch. You will find the interpretation and photo of the runes on our website.

Main characteristics of “Perth”

General information about the rune
Name: Perth
Meaning: Mystery, stone, bowl
Action: Transition to a new qualitative state
Element: Water
Bird: Phoenix
Deity: Frigg is the wife of Odin, the Goddess of fate, power and knowledge among the Scandinavian tribes. Among the Celts, she was personified with the Goddess of the earth - Pertha.
Character: Energy
Essence: Reversible
  • the fetus becomes a child;
  • the boy turns into a man;
  • a student, after graduating from college, becomes a specialist;
  • the bride becomes the wife;
  • a person gains faith;
  • the one who is awake falls asleep and dreams;
  • a caterpillar turns into a butterfly;
  • the flower reproduces after pollination;
  • the dough in the oven becomes bread;
  • clay becomes a vessel in the hands of the potter;
  • wood becomes firewood;
  • an extinct star turns into a black hole.


The rune is an inverted and modified letter “P”. For the Perth image, draw a vertical line. Then, from the top point, draw a short line at a 45-degree angle down to the right. Next, mirror the line so that the result is a right angle. Mirror the top corner, draw a similar one from the bottom point of the vertical.

In the image of Perth they find a connection with a vessel or bag turned on its side. It is believed that the secret abilities and capabilities of people are hidden in the vessel.


Every person is born with certain character traits and roles. In the process of growing up, people change and strive to gain new knowledge and qualities that can lead them to a happier and more joyful life. Sometimes, in order to reach a new level of life that surpasses the previous one in quality, you have to make deep internal changes.

A person's desire to reach a new level is an incentive to action in Perth. As a result, people receive a new quality of life, often associated with an increase in social status and their role.

Rune meaning

Perth is a symbol of magical initiation. She personifies rebirth after death in a new qualitative state. The rune is associated with the Phoenix bird.

Nothing brings back the sobriety of the mind like the premonition of one’s own death. On the one hand, this fact gives the joy of touching the mystery of the other world.

On the other hand, it gives freedom and awareness of the true values ​​of life. Perhaps, in the face of death, a person will return to his destiny and begin to live the way he dreamed.

Perth allows you to think about your true fears. She makes it clear that the most terrible thing is not physical death, but spiritual death. Sometimes it can be too difficult to realize that former values ​​and ideas about life have dissipated and everything that was dear has turned to dust.

The highest degree of wisdom and magical enlightenment is considered to be the moment when a person realizes that death is an integral part of his life. The death of previous principles of morality, the destruction of one’s own myths, the loss of contact with loved ones are inextricably linked with human development.

Important! In order to create something new, you have to abandon the old. The transition to a higher standard of living is impossible without the symbolic death of the former self. To be reborn, you must die.

Perth is stronger than all other symbols and expresses the connection between the human world and the Higher powers. The rune allows you to touch secret knowledge, achieve enlightenment and receive information directly from the egregor.

The meaning of the rune in its normal position

Direct Perth indicates a strengthening of a person’s connection with his own Self. It helps to develop intuition and learn to listen to the inner voice.

A person who is able to recognize the signs of Perth and interact with the power of the rune better understands the events taking place around him. He learns to subtly interact with the situation and get what he wants without much difficulty. He manages to avoid mistakes.

Sometimes direct Pert says that a person needs to get rid of negativity and thoughts that torment him. There are no bad experiences. Everything that happens to a person is given to him for development and accumulation of life experience.

The peculiarity of the rune is its magical meaning. Perth symbolizes man's secret struggle with his destiny through development and self-knowledge.

The meaning of the inverted rune

Perth reversed indicates the death of the past. In order to move forward, a person will have to abandon old methods, knowledge, and practices.

People will have to face a difficult situation where complete uncertainty awaits them. They will need to make an important decision about how to move forward with their lives.
A person must learn to live in the present, not forgetting about the dream, but also enjoying moments of happiness. Don't torment yourself with regrets and live in the past.

Advice! Your destiny is in your hands. The future depends on your specific actions and decisions.

Meaning in fortune telling

Straight position

Perth is a sign of change. The rune says that something new will happen to a person, which he is not yet aware of. We need to take a step towards the future.
Sometimes a rune means outside help. A person may encounter a difficult situation, which they will be helped to cope with.

Important! Remember that a person is never given trials that he cannot cope with.

A couple with Gebo predicts a monetary reward. Nautiz portends a difficult situation in which a person can only win by applying new knowledge and unconventional methods.

Inverted position

Reversed Perth does not advise placing high hopes on the near future. Perhaps your plans will collapse, and events will begin to develop in a way that you never expected.

The rune says that your current situation is directly related to the decisions you made earlier and the actions you took.

Often Perth symbolizes the past. It personifies certain life experiences and the influence of past factors on the present. The rune encourages you to try to find an answer in past events in any incomprehensible situation. Perhaps the causes of deep-seated problems lie in distant childhood. Until you solve them, you will not move further.

Meaning in magic

Perth will help you discover hidden opportunities and dormant talents. By meditating on the rune, you can develop intuition and better know your Self. You will be able to touch sacred knowledge open only to a select few.

The rune helps people find themselves, understand their purpose, and open up in life. Perth will help women understand the mystery of motherhood and realize themselves as mothers.

Attention! Perth has strong magical properties. The rune should be used with caution, otherwise it will lead to heavier karma.

The rune is used to attract success in business and improve financial solvency. Couples use Perth to strengthen their union and conceive a child. The talisman will help strengthen the spirit and get rid of mental torment. Those who have lost will find what they lost, and the seeker will receive knowledge.

Meaning among the Slavs

The Slavs do not have an exact analogue of Perth. The rune Rock has a similar meaning in the Slavic runic alphabet. It ranks 13th and is translated as rock, fate, mystery.

The rune says that what is supposed to happen will definitely come true. No one, neither people nor Gods, can influence the path prepared for us.

Career divination meaning

Straight position

Perth brings good luck in business and victory in competitions. You have a chance to make your dreams come true. Act boldly and do not deviate from your chosen path.
The rune makes it possible to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. The time has come to act and gain new experience.

Perth symbolizes a stage of change. Change always leads to better life. You cannot be afraid and refuse change. If you have been preparing a certain project for a long time, the appearance of Perth indicates that the time to act has come.

The rune promises success in activities related to the search for the missing. It portends good progress in the legal field and in detective cases. It will help develop psychic skills and strengthen connections with the other world.

A pair with Fehu or Hagalaz means easy money, a reward. Raido indicates activities associated with frequent travel and business trips.

Inverted position

The opposite situation promises failure and collapse. You should beware of active steps and wait for the moment. This will not only protect you from losses, but also maintain strength and clarity of mind.
Sometimes an inverted rune speaks of deception, intrigue and intrigue. Perhaps you will encounter betrayal from loved ones or colleagues.

Perth indicates difficulties at work. Programmers, businessmen, and realtors are at risk. A couple with Yer promises problems with the law.

Meaning for fortune telling for love

Straight position

The Perth rune promises happiness, joy, and finding inner harmony. A strengthening of the union, engagement and wedding awaits you.

Married couples may be preparing to add to their family. For doubtful couples in love, the rune gives confidence in the right choice.

Neighborhood with Uruz indicates complete compatibility of partners. Kenaz portends attentions and unexpected gifts. Teyvaz may indicate a partner’s infidelity.

Inverted position

Reverse Perth can symbolize the presence of secrets. Perhaps your significant other has a hidden life or interests that he does not share with you. The presence of secrets can cause quarrels and conflicts.

The couple with Isa speaks of serious disagreements and a cooling of relations. Vunyo points to rapid reconciliation and overcoming conflicts. Kenaz suggests that the first step should be taken by a man.

Combination with other runes

- indicates the futility of your efforts.
- indicates that you have psychic abilities. You have the gift of clairvoyance. You can safely trust your inner voice.
- speaks of well-developed intuition. You manage to see what is happening around you and predict events.
- symbolizes excessive boasting of one’s luck. Moderate your importance and remember that success does not last forever.
– warns against enemies and competitors. Perhaps your current position in society is unstable and precarious.
– warns of a difficult period in life. You will encounter obstacles and restrictions in your actions. Learn patience and humility.
- encourages you to moderate your desires and be content with what you have. Learn to appreciate the benefits achieved.
– calls for help from loved ones or experienced people. Perhaps they will help you cope with your troubles.
– symbolizes unjustified hopes, unfulfilled promises, empty words. Try to finish what you start and fulfill your obligations to yourself and people.
Eyvaz- portends a fatal outcome. Come to terms with what is happening, since you are not able to influence the course of events.
– warns against financial or property losses.
Soulu- promises problems and obstacles. Perhaps you are surrounded by envious people and ill-wishers. Stick to your principles and don't give up on ideas.
- speaks of the blessing of the Gods. Higher powers will help you achieve what you want. Move forward boldly.
- promises problems, troubles in business. Your plans will be disrupted.
Evaz- symbolizes the gifts of fate and the opportunity to improve life. Do not miss your chance.
- portends self-discovery, enlightenment, development of reason and intuition.
Laguz- speaks of success in love. Your personal life will improve and bring long-awaited happiness.
Inguz- indicates that you have hidden resources that you can rely on in difficult periods of life.
Dagaz– promises changes in health and personal well-being. Perhaps you will lose excess weight and find success in dietetics.
– symbolizes difficult times associated with minor troubles and litigation.

  • Do not miss your chance! Trust your luck!
  • Be careful about your actions, because they shape the future.
  • Treat Perth like a game. Trust the rune and the situation completely. This is the only way you can win.
  • Trust your intuition.
  • Believe in fate.
  • Remember that everything secret will become clear.

The Perth rune will help you gain self-confidence and know your Self. You will be able to better understand your purpose and learn to live a full and happy life.

All mystical processes that go beyond the limits of human consciousness and understanding are under the influence of the Perth rune. By expanding the boundaries of consciousness, the symbol helps to unravel the hidden meaning of life.

Realizing the limitations of time and human existence, the fortuneteller approaches the truth. The rune is subjugated to the element of water and is indicated by the color black.

Photos of Perth are quite common on the Internet. On various sites you can find information that the rune means death. There is no need to say that Perth carries only bad things.

However, associations of runes with death are made for a reason. When a person first comes across the concept of death, seeing its true appearance, consciousness sharply changes the vector of its own development. Old values ​​and thoughts lose their meaning, an understanding of a different, spiritual life comes.

The transition to another level occurs in conjunction with the rune. By paving a new path, the sign helps you make radical decisions and say goodbye to the past. You can start a new life at any moment, just bury the old self.

Having repressed old memories and realized all the hidden potential, a person understands why fate intervened in the free course. Yes, familiar life and everyday rituals will become a thing of the past, but there is no need to grieve for them.

The meaning of the rune in its normal position

The meaning of the Perth rune is interpreted as a turning point in life, drastic changes, the birth of a new person.

There will be no more old things, new beginnings and circumstances will be encountered along the path of life.

Internal transition cannot be avoided, only accept change. A person can see himself from the outside, understand what he really is. Unfortunately, one’s own behavior may not always cause rejection.

There is also a more standard interpretation of the symbol, associated with lost and still unknown information. What seemed long lost will return to its relevance, and the secret will become clear.

If there is a rune in the layout, we can say that the person is endowed with magical knowledge and good intuition.

Interpretation in an inverted position

The reverse symbol retains the unusual interpretation, but takes on a completely opposite meaning. When the inverted Perth rune flashes in a reading, it means that a person is not able to accept the gift of the Gods and go beyond his own limits.

Not everyone can pass this never-ending test. It seems to a person that everything around is collapsing. Successful opportunities pass by, because the fortuneteller is unable to cope with change.

The meaning of the rune in a career

If a person is trying to decide on a direction in his professional activity, then the Perth rune points to a non-standard path. Under the auspices of Perth, it is better to choose an activity that seems abnormal to others. The activity may be related to the search for new information (for example, detective work), extrasensory perception.

Some combinations help to better determine the meaning of Perth in relation to work:

  1. Hagalaz-Fehu-Perth - a person is chasing easy money without doing anything to get wealth. Fate is favorable and will contribute to enrichment.
  2. Raido-Perth - a hint from fate: a person cannot imagine life without movement. Frequent business trips are exactly what you need.
  3. Yera - inverted Perth - the runes do not warn, but strictly dictate: treat what you do with caution and full responsibility. Negligence can lead to serious trials, even problems with the law.

The wrapped rune warns of obstacles on the path of life in time to achieve career heights. True, fate cannot yet say what kind of difficulties will arise; it’s worth waiting.

The Futharkian symbol also says: you need to be careful with money transactions. When professional activities are related to the circulation of money, such as accountants or businessmen, carefully monitor your own accounts.

Rune for love scenarios

The Perth rune has no relation or influence on. The sign only gives advice - what you need to pay attention to in a couple, what actions will lead to a scandal or quarrel. Although Perth does not carry new information in relationships, in interaction with other runes the sign becomes more useful:

Related signMeaning
UruzFull sexual compatibility between partners.
Uruz-wrappedGood sexual compatibility, to the detriment of spiritual intimacy. Such relationships will not last long.
TeyvazOne of the partners has a hidden love, an object of adoration. Huge probability of betrayal.
Inverted TeyvazSympathy between people will remain sympathy. Rapprochement will not happen, even after intimacy.

Wrapped Perth reveals secret, hidden information. A loved one is hiding something.

IsaOne of the partners will lose the intensity of love emotions.
VunyoThere will be a truce between loved ones.
KenazSoon the woman will receive pleasant surprises - flowers, precious gifts from an unknown suitor.

Secret rune and health

Perto in fortune telling about health speaks of hidden diseases. When upright, the symbol indicates minor problems. However, an inverted sign portends serious illnesses, including malignant tumors.

Perth in the scenario indicates the need for a routine examination by a doctor. In combination with Berkana, it can predict an unexpected pregnancy.

Use in magic

The main meaning of the Perth rune is associated with mysticism and death. Those in the know use the symbol to communicate with the afterlife and receive secret information from otherworldly forces. It occupies a special place in initiation rites. With Pert's help, the psychic is transported to the near future or past, depending on the information requested.

Since one of the translations of Perth is fate, the rune is the main assistant in predictions. When you need blind luck, for example in gambling, you can safely rely on the symbol. Perth will have a positive impact on the outcome.

Experienced magicians use the rune in rituals of searching for a person or a lost thing.

Amulet with the symbol of Perth

Perth is an indispensable assistant for those who practice magic or conduct various types of practices. The amulet contributes to the emergence of a new essence of a person, shows what is hidden and opens up new abilities. Psychics searching for people or information always use the rune.

For gamblers, Perth is a faithful assistant. The symbol itself loves risk, loves it when a person is not afraid to commit rash actions, but stubbornly goes towards his goal with faith. Gambling concerns not only card games, no. This is where things get a little more complicated.

Adventure in life is the main criterion for Perth. The symbol will always protect the owners of the talisman from negative consequences and allow them to enjoy the moment of receiving a long-awaited victory.

Perth will even help in love if the relationship between lovers is tense. Perth is a symbol of healing. But, the effect of the rune will be noticeable only to a knowledgeable doctor, and will remain hidden from the patient.

Perth rune tattoo

Since the Perth rune has both direct and reverse meanings, when applying an image to the body you need to be prepared to change the designation of the symbol. When the rune takes the correct position, it is easier for a person to go through internal transformation and overcome all the tightness inside.

It is better to temporarily have this sign with you, for example, carry an amulet with you or apply a temporary tattoo. But you should refrain from applying runes to your body on an ongoing basis.

The advice from the rune is related to the meaning: when changes come into life, there is no need to resist them. There is no need to fight the current, fate itself will bring the necessary changes.

Effects of the Perthro rune: birth and getting rid of fears, healing female diseases, influencing fate and creating fate.

Rune Perthro or Perth. The same rune about which it is impossible to say anything logical or reasonable; you don’t even have to talk about it at all. After all, the main meaning of the Perthro rune is “MYSTERY”. Rune of the unknown and hidden. And yet, I will try to tell you about something that seems impossible to tell about-)) The Perth rune symbolizes that part of reality that simply IS NOT. Or rather, it exists and we even gave it a name - this is the world of the hidden and unknown, the world of mystery. what often attracts people to esotericism and magic is what attracts people to psychology. The desire to know the secret, to understand the darkness of our psyche, or to understand our soul - after all, the word “Psychology” is the science of the soul. Perthro is close to the next rune - Algiz. Algiz is a trident, in the Greek alphabet the letter “psycho” means soul. The soul will be born from Perthro. The Perthro rune is the same abyss from which we came. This is MOTHER DARKNESS. The Great and Almighty Tiamat is DARKNESS. This is the world of the unconscious. The Perthro rune is the rune of FEAR. An analogy with Tarot cards is the major lasso Moon, which symbolizes night time - the time of sleep and the time of fear. Darkness is darkness, when nothing is clear and there is no light and it’s scary. When Perth comes, we can be covered in this state. Just like the Luna arcan, the Pertro rune is the rune of the main exam, which symbolizes the process of death of the old and initiation into the new. Perth is this very exam. What exam must a student take upon initiation? This is an exam before your fear of the UNKNOWN. There are no other fears except the GREAT TERROR OF THE UNKNOWN. Although with a wise approach there is no such fear - after all, Perthro is something that simply DOES NOT exist. And this is what can bring fear and horror. Perthro in the depths carries that same secret and forbidden knowledge that can make you feel uneasy. Pertro is hopelessness. Perthro is the UNIVERSE that gave birth to us. Perthro is the woman's vagina from which we came. Perthro is the pangs of birth. Every person has always had only one main stressful situation in life - this is the moment of BIRTH. All other stress is the same birth process. This is an exit into an unknown world, in which nothing is yet clear, and this is the main exam. This is stress before a new line of work, before a new business, before a new way of life, before a new relationship, before something we have never done and the first stress awaits us like an exam and Pertro says that we are already at this moment of the exam, at the moment of birth, at the moment of testing, at the moment of initiation - and Pertro also tells us - all this will end and Algiz will come. ..and Soul will come...The Soul will be born...The Light of Consciousness will be born...Let there be LIGHT at the end of the Tunnel. The process of passing through the narrow birthing channel and the process of hatching, the moment when they shout “STEW...STEW...” is the moment of the Perthro rune. This is a powerful moment that is mystical in nature, it is strong, deep, it scares us in advance before it happens. We are afraid of Perthro long before she appears and we always want Perthro most of all. We always want to go back and get wrapped up in Perthro. Return to Lono, where we were cast out from, where we were expelled from. Perthro is a lost paradise.

In the context of the runic circle, the Perthro rune denotes a period of passage along a dark corridor from the past to the future and at the end there is light waiting for you. At the end of a Perthro residence there is always a birth. Perthro is also a bag for runes, from where we pull out runes during fortune telling. Perthro symbolizes FATE itself. Destiny is Perthro. When we create reality with runes, we create our own Destiny. All rates and formulas with Pertro are fateful. Perthro is no joke.

In magic and fortune telling, the Perthro rune can mean hidden, secret, and also its use is universal - we can write into Perthro everything we want to receive, and once we become such, it will all be born to us -)) Perthro is the most passive rune. it is also the rune of sleep. This is the rune of the medium. This is the first female rune. Astrologically this is Pisces. The most intuitive, sad, clairvoyant sign. It may not understand anything, but Pisces knows everything. A real medium. Vanga, Matrona are examples of mediums who are like Perthro - they were in a dream - their insights are the insights of a blind woman extracting information from the unconscious and secretive world. Under Perthro one wants to sleep and can have dreams - prophetic dreams.

Going through the Perthro period means going through the process of getting rid of your fears and being born renewed. In healing, Perthro heals the female reproductive organs. Perthro burns away our fears. Look to Perthro to meet your fears, go and come out to the Light.

Fortune telling meaning: secret, intimate, esoteric. Magic. Finding the lost. An answer to a question, a clarification of the situation. Honor, profit, outside help. In an inverted position - sectarianism, black magic, careless occult actions. Loss of reason, loss.

Magical use: realization of hidden possibilities. Helps overcome the past and repress difficult memories. Facilitates the transition to a new level of consciousness, initiation (of the student) into the next level (of the master). In practical terms, it can interrupt the usual course of life for some time, turning it into a game in which winning and losing are equally probable. Sometimes it helps a woman “find herself”, realize herself as a woman and as a mother.

Perth is the fourteenth character of the runic Scandinavian alphabet. The symbol read like the letter “p” and was widely used in writing, particularly in poems. Translation is “a treasure trove of memory.” There are options for the name of the rune - Pertr or Petra. The symbol of this sign is the Phoenix bird, which can burn in fire and be reborn to life.

The sign was used as early as the second century AD. Perth appears on ancient written monuments, carved on bone and carved in stone. In modern times, the symbol is widely used in occult practices and is endowed with a deep mystical meaning.

Perth rune meaning

Perth is one of the most “mystical” runes, interpreted as a symbol of initiation. This sign is filled with strong energy, it resembles a hot fire. But what ignited the flame, internal reality or external circumstances? Thoughts and passions are closely related to the activation of Perth.

Let's return to the image of the Phoenix. The legendary bird dies, fully aware of death. She doesn't know that she will be resurrected. The death of a mythical creature is necessary, although very dramatic. A reference to this beautiful and cruel legend helps to understand the true essence of the Perth rune a little more fully. The rebirth of one’s own “I”, deep internal changes are sometimes possible only through the “death” of the former “soul”. The most intimate, personal things die off, and this is the real end of everything. The individual perceives this path as tragic, but is this step “final”?

Perth is a miracle in which a subsequent resurrection is possible. New life means the acquisition of new qualities and the departure of everything unnecessary and superficial. A person is renewed, looks inside himself with clear eyes and understands that the “soul”, the innermost personality, is alive and ready to manifest itself with unprecedented power. What is gone will no longer be useful. What is gone is just ashes. This is a metaphorical description of the Perth rune.

Straight position

The key concept of Perth in the upright position is search. This interpretation is most clearly revealed during fortune telling, when it is necessary to ask for advice or find out something about the future. Perth can tell you the situation very accurately. Almost always this rune indicates hidden meanings and secrets. Even your own personality may appear in a new light.

Do not be surprised. You have coexisted with your inner self for so long that it seems harmless and completely familiar, but once you look into your thoughts, you open the door to self-discovery.

Your unconscious is trying its best to make its way to your conscious self. The appearance of Perth indicates: look around. Now everything that your true, hidden personality “touches” is changing.

Now your task is to find a point of contact with the Unknowable. The path to achieving wholeness is important. Perhaps only by connecting the unconscious and the conscious can one find oneself as a harmonious, healthy person. This road is very difficult, it can be painful and even dangerous. Sometimes we are not at all who we thought we were. Inevitable

surprises, delights and even disappointments. But it is self-love and acceptance that allows you to make friends with yourself. This is the essence of the Perth dedication.

Perth insists that your search must be active. The unconscious can influence your inner world, and through it the external world of events, in a completely undesirable way, and you will not be able to “agree” with yourself because you will not know where wrong ideas, anxieties and irritation come from. Without searching for “yourself,” you will be doomed to painfully make the same mistakes.

By deciding to connect with your inner world, to recognize your identity, you will be rewarded with true dedication, renewal or new life.

Love and relationships

The appearance of a rune in a reading means the presence of some secret. The person you are fortune-telling about may reveal an unexpected, frightening side. Perhaps you are keeping some secret? Listen to your inner voice, allow yourself to love your own world. No intrigue or gossip will affect you if you rule over your own “I”.

If you are going through a painful relationship and want to know what will happen and whether it is worth saving, remember Phoenix. It’s scary and painful to burn, it’s terrible to sweep away everything that happened, but how beautiful and bright the world is after the resurrection of the soul.

Work and career

Perth is something hidden. There may be pitfalls in the business you are involved in. Don't be afraid to listen to the voice of your own heart and mind. Perhaps you should change your environment, position, area of ​​responsibility, or job in general? Remember, Perth promises you a new life and bright horizons if you decide to know your soul, recognize your true desires and sweep all the gilding and dust away.

The meaning of the reversed Perth rune

The key concept of the Perth rune in an inverted position is the death of the past. The appearance of this sign is interpreted unambiguously - timelessness and stagnation have arrived. If you do not feel this way, then such a situation will come soon and the runes will warn you in advance.

“Between heaven and earth” - this is how you can describe your feelings and everything that happens. The past is dead, everything is left behind, and the future has not yet arrived and what it will be is unknown. You are anxious and anxiously awaiting tomorrow. It's like you're lost in the passage of time.

What was left behind, the past, was familiar and familiar. You understood all the events and the connections between them, the old way of thinking was convenient for you. Don’t regret the past, even if yesterday seemed wonderful, but its laws no longer work and it’s no longer possible to live “as before.” Anyone who constantly looks back cannot move forward because he does not see the road. Hit the pedal and your brakes will squeak. The car won't take you forward. It works differently.

When you see Perth upside down in the layout, understand that there is no turning back. This is not some kind of ban or tragic fate, this is the best thing that has happened to you recently. A new life requires new thoughts, and even if you have no idea how to live further, you can act, take the first steps.

Ban yourself from nostalgia, so you can only earn depression. Think about the result. Set goals. Live right now and right here.

Love and relationships

Most likely, it seems to you that everything has stopped and it will be impossible to live further. Don’t despair, don’t try to dial a number or write a message. You are no longer there. The person you cared about has disappeared. There will be no more of him. Try to get rid of the feeling of sadness.

Thank the past for what happened to you, remember the joyful events, sigh - and forget about everything. In the morning, go to the window, open it, take a deep breath of fresh air and promise yourself to look only forward.

Work and career

Stagnation in business, uncertainty - yes, this is the situation under the auspices of Perth. Please note that endless thoughts about the past, future, and your destiny will not help you. There is no evil fate hanging over you, just calm down and try to understand that everything is okay. Life gives you a break, and the calm will not last forever. Yes, you are weighed down by uncertainty, but the future and a new way of thinking will soon be born. Don’t rush time, but don’t interfere with this good timelessness. Everything will work out.

Survive this stage of life without unnecessary tossing and searching. Tense yourself, it’s not forbidden, try to act, but don’t get irritated or torment yourself. Don’t scold yourself for idleness or the inability to decide on a place in life, don’t make a false accusation about yourself. Don't blame for traits you'll soon discover.

Be like the Buddhist monks: contemplate. Observe the passage of time, record new qualities of your personality. Imagine that you are an impartial researcher. The goal of your search is the Unknowable. What is important now is not your logic and conscious self, thoughts, but the world of intuition, insight and dreams. Trust your inner world, soon a fresh wind will blow and fill your sails.

Magic Application Perth

Together with other runes, Perth takes part in fortune telling. The sign helps to illuminate various problems and helps to interpret questions about love, career, situation, general questions about fate and the future.

Perth itself is used as a tattoo. The symbol is beautiful and complex, symbolizing the following concepts:

  • secret;
  • memory of generations;
  • hidden;
  • possibilities;
  • new life;
  • liberation from the past;
  • development;
  • self-knowledge.

Another way to use Perth magically is through inscription. The symbol is depicted on household items and decorations in order to attract benefits to life or for a specific purpose.

In order to more accurately formulate a thought and convey needs to the Universe, there are special runic formulas, many of which include this secret rune.

Formulas with the rune Perth

  1. Kenaz – Perth – Ingvaz – general healing formula;
  2. Perth – Ingvaz – Berkano – healing of wounds, treatment of cuts, healing of sutures after operations;
  3. Berkano – Perth – Ingvaz – treatment of female infertility;
  4. Teyvaz – Perth – Ingvaz – treatment of male infertility;
  5. Hyères – Perth – rejuvenation, restoration of a person’s true beauty;
  6. Kenaz - Perth - Nautiz - love spell of passion to gain physical love;
  7. Kenaz – Perth – Mannaz – revival, self-discovery, self-realization;
  8. Eyvaz - Perth - quick help to the body, healing, resuscitation;
  9. Laguz – Yer – Laguz – kidney healing;
  10. Eyvaz - Perth - Eyvaz - used in making a love amulet. An object with a runic formula is placed on the bed. The result is a night of love.

Magic formulas are widely used to create protective and love amulets, for talismans that help overcome difficulties and find good luck, as well as for other purposes. Runes are drawn or carved on natural materials. Then the talisman is carried with you or placed in a special place. For example, love formulas for carnal passion are activated in bed. They carry protective amulets with them. Without fully understanding the meaning of a rune or formula, symbols are not drawn. Such sacred objects are handled with care.