Domestic. Review of the board game "Cookie"

Board game

Number of players
From 4 to 6

Party time
20 to 30 minutes

Game difficulty

Board game "Cookie" is an interesting detective game in which you have to take on one of 7 roles. The main goal of the game: find the player who is hunting you and find the target you are hunting for.

The goal of the board game "Cookie"

The player needs to figure out 2 characters: who is hunting you and who you are hunting. For each successful defense against an attack, an attack on a character and the preservation of your “hill” card, you receive points. Whoever has the most coins at the end of the game WINS!

Rules of the board game "Cookie"

There are 6 roles in the board game “Cookie”:

  • Cookie. Hunts "Blue", defends against "Cosine"
  • Blue. Hunts "Strontium", defends against "Cookie"
  • Strontium. Hunts "37", defends against "Blue"
  • 37. Hunts “Persians”, defends against “Strontium”
  • Persians. Hunts "Cosine", defends against "37"
  • Cosine. Hunts for “Cookie”, defends against “Persians”

Rounds of the board game “Cookies”

  • The Cookie game consists of four to six rounds depending on the number of participants. A round contains as many circles as there are participants.
  • At the end of the game, the coins are counted.

Circles of the board game “Cookies”

  • Participants in the game in each circle are required to place a card from their hand face down in front of them - “shield”, “sword”, “hill” or “character”.
  • Then all participants in the game simultaneously open the cards laid out on the table.
  • This card must no longer be played in the active round.
  • With each circle you collect data about who has what role.
  • The player places the “Sword” card in front of the participant he wants to attack. Attention! If this player plays a shield card against you, then you cannot attack him!
  • The Shield card is placed in front of the intended player who is hunting him. Important! A player cannot perform a shield card action if another player has already performed a sword action on him.
  • Important! All cards are played strictly in order!
  • The Hill Card is a neutral card that does not say or represent anything, so you do not give other players any information about you. But if you save this card until the end of the round, you will receive a bonus in the form of a coin.

Counting coins in the board game “Cookies”

And so we move on to counting coins to determine the winner. Coins are awarded for completing:

  • attack on your target - 3 coins
  • defended against the hunter - 2 coins
  • for saving a hill card - 1 coin.

Ending the game

The game ends when all participants are the first players. For example, if there are 4 people in your party, then you play 4 rounds. The winner is the one with the most coins.

the site is a portal for board games, where we tried to collect the most popular board games, as well as the latest in the gaming industry. The "Cookie Board Game" page provides an overview of the game, photos and rules. If you are interested in the "Cookie Board Game", we recommend that you familiarize yourself with games in other categories with similar characteristics.

If last time I talked about, today we will talk about the game for an older segment, somewhere between high school students and students. What’s especially nice is that the author of the game is not a foreigner. =)



Box with linen embossing, size for 2 decks of cards. Nice insert... In general, I am pleased with all the technological parameters.

It comes with a bunch of cards and a slightly smaller pile of victory point tokens. More details below.

6 black cards represent 6 characters who will participate in the game. Each player has a character! If there are fewer players, then we remove some characters. The characters are strange, but in the rule book there is a story about each of them, with its own strange, but logic. =)

3 hint cards for the characters participating in the game depending on the number of players. Have you noticed the arrows a la “the cycle of everything in nature”? This is the basis of the game: each character has a goal - who to find and who to fear. And the faster you attack the first and defend against the second, the number of victory points that the player will receive depends.

Each player receives a deck of cards of the same color for his personal use. The players' decks are exactly the same. Here are all the characters plus an attack, defense and clearing map. Attack and defense cards will need to be played on other players, and the clearing can be played so as not to give the players unnecessary information (however, we will lose 1 victory point in this case).


Depending on the number of players, we select a hint card, remove unnecessary cards, sort out the players’ decks and begin distributing character cards.

We remember the character card and the corresponding card from the deck and put it aside.

Oh yes! The first player gets a cookie token and, believe me, this is very important in this game. Each player chooses a card from his deck and places it face down in front of him, so that it can be revealed to everyone at the same time.

As you already understood, players can play cards of all characters except their own. This gives a reason to think about who is playing for whom. For example, we play for 37. Two, having played a cookie, definitely cannot be a cookie, But the third, having played 37, is definitely a cookie! (We also have a cookie card, only unplayed).

The second time (and cards are laid out 4 times in total during the round), the players are already moving on to decisive action. We, knowing our target, decide to attack it. But the cookie player also attacks. Who is first? This is where the cookie token comes into play: attack and defense cards during a one-time showdown are played strictly clockwise FROM the player with the cookie token.

Therefore, first we attack the cookie player, then he decides to attack the blue player (from the cards laid out, it becomes clear to him who is blue).

The player who plays the sword on you becomes immune to your defense. And vice versa - you cannot play a sword on a player who previously put a shield on you. On the third round, the orange player (blue) tries to push the shield to the cookie player, but he will have to take the card back (or replay), since the attack has already occurred.

Once 4 rounds of card laying have been played, the round ends and scoring begins. A successful attack brings 3 points, defense - 2 points, an unplayed clearing - 1 point. We get points, pass the cookie token to the next player and start the round again. More points at the end of the game is the key to victory. We, playing a game with fictional players in a fictional round, get as many as 6 points for our character “37”: for a successful attack, defense and clearing in our hands. =)

I'm ready to award "Cookie" the title of "The Most Intriguing Board Game Name." When the game ended up in my hands, still sealed with several other games from Gaga, 100% of potential party partners asked to open this particular box. And I completely agree with them, it’s a flashy and delicious name.
For some reason I associate the setting of the game with funny poems without rhyme. So what kind of characters are they? Cookie, blue, 37, strontium, etc. However, this approach is as interesting as the name. Very funny descriptions and explanations of why this or that character is the enemy of another character can be found in the book and is recommended for reading before the party.
Coupled with excellent design, “Cookie” receives the highest score in the categories “Greeted by clothes” and “Catchy”. =)

"Quiet party game" - that's how I would call the genre of this particular game. On the one hand, the game is for six, on the other, the crowd of players is quieter than water, only the convolutions are creaking (but, fortunately, you can’t hear them). Each laying out of cards must be analyzed and therefore each move takes place in deathly silence. There are, of course, cries of “Well, now it’s clear who will be attacked now,” but this does not change the overall tension: if one player is revealed, others remain.

In "Cookie" the main element of the game is deduction. But it’s also not forbidden to play with intuition. For example, if you see that a character is going to be attacked in the next turn, then you can try to attack the attacker this turn (especially if the attacker is your target). But in this way you can come up with things that ultimately lead to a dead end. That’s why it will be interesting to play several games with the same composition.

“So, this cookie means he will be attacked by 37. So I, strontium, will attack the one who plays the sword.”
“I’m a cookie. It’s already clear that they will attack me, and the order is against me. So I need to have time to attack the blue one if he doesn’t cover himself with a shield...”
And so on.

However, such a game is not suitable for everyone and not at any time, I realized this after playing with my work colleagues. Many potential buyers will expect the game to have the fun and easy gameplay of classic party games like Alias, UNO, etc. “Cookie” is more suitable for those who like “Rikoshet Robots”, “Set”, “Panic Lab”, “Scotland Yard”, etc. The last game is out of the ordinary, but I wanted to point out the players who are trying to predict the actions of their opponents in advance.

So before you buy"

You need to figure out two characters: the one you are hunting for, and the one who is hunting for you. The hint will always remind you who you need to attack and who you need to defend from. Successfully attacking, defending, and keeping a hill card in your hand will reward you with coins at the end of each round. At the end of the game, the one who collects the most coins will win.

Description of the round

Each game consists of several rounds (4, 5 or 6 depending on the number of players). Each round is divided into several circles. The number of circles is also equal to the number of participants. Once the last round is completed, the round ends and coin counting begins. After this, the next round begins and the first player token passes to the next player in a clockwise direction.

Description of the circle

In each circle, all players must place any card from their hand face down in front of them - a character, sword, shield or hill. Then they simultaneously reveal the laid out cards. Place the revealed card face up in front of you so that other players can always see which card you have already played this round. This card cannot be played again this round.

With each new circle, you will collect more and more information, and it will become easier for you to understand who has what role.

What, let's smoke? Three people in the living room, not counting Jolie, gathered for an evening sit and chat. Jolie is on TV, Jesse is with friends, respectively, on the couch. “Get the blue one,” Pete nodded, taking out a lighter. Jesse reached into his pocket, leaning on the remote control, and accidentally changed the channel. “Eh, give back your tits, bro,” Badger reached for the remote control, but saw the Limp Bizkit video and decided to leave it. -Have you heard where the name of the group came from? - Pete grinned. - There is such a game, like that. - What the hell? - The boys take the cookies and throw everything at him. Whoever cums last must eat. Jesse winced and changed the channel himself back to the red carpet. - It sucks. “And Johansson is fine,” Badger approved of the open dress. “No, Megan Fox is the theme,” Pete extended his hand to the most piquant clusters of pixels. Jesse felt an irresistible urge to go crazy. - Well, that’s not your topic. While you get excited, she will find something better for herself. - Listen. - Well? Nothing to cover? Without saying a word, all three looked at the packet of cookies. - No, this is my favorite! With coke, that's what Jesse lovingly called coconut flakes. - I'm not giving it. “So you should eat it, dude,” Pete smiled broadly. - What? I'll kill you both, suckers! - Come on, yo. - Like two fingers. Jesse shook out the remaining cookies into a plate, took one and placed it in the middle of the table. - Aren’t you scared to go straight to your desk? - Badger asked sympathetically. Jesse, starting to get nervous, moved the cookies onto the floor between them. “It’s dirty here,” the Badger continued. - Don't you give a damn? It will be worse up there than down there. Pete chuckled, apparently thinking about something of his own. - Well, what? Are you pissed off, bitches? - Jesse shouted for courage. All three unbuttoned their pants, silently took out their equipment, and Jesse was overcome by a wave of panic. Pete and Badger were already in full combat readiness (and when did they have time?). Surely they were bothered by the mere thought of such a thing. Jesse immediately began to be bothered by left-wing thoughts, for example, about Mr. White. What would he say if he saw this? That they are stoned cretins, nothing less. Mr. White had always been such a bore, and his sex life had probably never been particularly varied. Although the fact that the guys jerked off to cookies could hardly be considered a successful sexual experience either. Well, here’s his wife, for example. Why is she so angry? It’s clear that her husband’s simple tricks make her dry in bed, like in the desert where they cook. Jesse woke up when, at his next memory of Mr. White (in the laboratory and in full dress: in an apron and shorts), Pete came. Badger was right when he suggested moving the event from the table to the floor. Pete didn't manage to hit the cookie exactly. Jesse felt nauseous. - Will it be delicious, bro? - Pete stretched out in a relaxed, victorious pose, not even bothering to button his pants. “Shut up,” Jesse groaned, trying to do the impossible in a few seconds. When Badger's final sniffle was heard to the right, Jesse buried his face in sofa cushion and closed his eyes. All. There was no need to try any more; even Mr. White disappeared from his head with suspicious ease. It was doubly offensive. Threw it, bastard. He ruined everything and left. - Whoa, whoa, Badger, you're a giant. I wouldn't want to be the last. Now, wait, we need to collect everything why such a dessert should go to waste. Jesse ground his teeth. Sneaky bitches. In this moment of pain and despair, the imaginary Mr. White returned. And even as if his hand was on Jesse’s penis, Jesse arched all over from such an unexpected bonus. The process has finally begun to gain momentum. “Slowpoke, fuck,” Pete rolled his eyes. Jesse moaned into the sofa, Mr. White was trying very hard to make him feel good. - Oh yes... please... Pete and Badger looked at each other. The badger, out of inability to act in such situations, pulled his hat tighter over his eyebrows. - Faster... more, more, come on... Somewhere on the street a car alarm blared. “I... I almost... oh god, Mr. White...” Pete chuckled, not expressing much amusement. - Bro, don’t be a jerk, you still have to eat it. Now Jesse turned to face them, leaned his back on the sofa and smiled completely happily. Everything that was going on in his head was so real that Jesse began to fear what Mr. White would say the next time they met. Something like “let’s forget, Pinkman” or “if you tell someone, I’ll solve it.” Jesse didn't want to admit that Walt wasn't really there. - Lan, fuck it. Give me some cookies here. It is not known for certain what Jesse imagined at the time the sample was taken, but at first he did not even wince. Friends watched with interest zoologists in the wild. - What, how is it? - Pete couldn’t stand it. - Try it yourself, damn it. From the outside, Jesse looked like something of a friend of Wendy's. Sperm in the corner of the mouth, a disheveled look after an orgasm and shiny eyes. That's exactly how Walt saw him. - What's going on here? *** - Pinkman, I never doubted you. And you didn't disappoint. You are a complete idiot. Jesse silently looked at the floor of their mobile lab. Walter brought it here because it was the only place, where they could talk without witnesses. This was their territory. Jesse knew the mopped floor by heart. So are the walls and the broken blinds. What else could you do during cooking but look at the trailer. When you got tired of staring at Mr. White. - And your friends are no better. A bunch of degenerates, that's what they are. Jesse nodded. - Notes! It should be a shame to lose in such a case. The tension in the atmosphere eased sharply, Jesse perked up his ears. What is he talking about? “I haven’t eaten a single wet cookie in my student years,” Walt grinned, “and I won’t let you do it again.” Jesse raised his head and met Walt's gaze, which immediately added a hundred points to coolness in his eyes. “By the way, I can throw it away along the way,” Walt took a pack of coconut cookies from the shelf that he had saved for the next brew. - I don't think you'll need it anymore. And, throwing the pack into the air, he smiled at Jesse, who had turned green.

Playing Cookie, you will feel yourself in the role of either Alice in the Land of the Absurd, or in the role of a double agent who, on the one hand, must track down and destroy his victim, and on the other, not fall under the attack of his blood enemy. However, the game itself is far from being as cruel as it seems at first glance: the cutest characters and bright illustrations will constantly remind you of this.

The most illogical logic game

At the beginning of the game, each participant will become one of six charismatic characters: Strontium, Persians, Cosine, Blue, 37, or the hero of the occasion, Cookie (presumably strawberry). A map of your character, just like in Mafia, you must hide it and never show it to anyone, otherwise it will be too easy for another player, a heartless killer following your trail, to get rid of you. In addition to the role card, you will receive a set of cards with images of all the characters in the game (except yours), a mystery Hill card, and a couple of action cards.

Your role will determine the goal for this game - depending on it, you will know who you need to attack and who you need to defend against (there are Shield and Sword cards in the game specifically for this purpose). You can find out the cycle of characters in nature from the rules or special instructions. So, for example, the first thing you learn is that Cookie beats Blue, because blue is the color of Cookie Monster, and due to this creature's unhealthy attachment to sweet pastries, Cookie, who does not suffer from such an addiction, will easily beat Blue.

One game of Cookie goes quite quickly, but intensely. Each turn, players play one card from their hand, and this card can be any: a character card (which will hint to other players who are diligently puffing from intense mental activity that you are definitely not this character), a Sword or Shield card (if you already guess under whose guise your victim is hiding, or who chose you as a victim) or the Hill card, that is, a dummy with which you can not give your opponents any clues for another whole circle.

The further the simple gameplay progresses, the more information you collect about those around you by looking at the cards they have already played. And the closer you find yourself to the inevitable ending: someone is about to stick a sword in your back, and someone is going to protect themselves from you with a shield, the main thing is that all participants in this triangle of betrayal and long-term enmity are identified correctly.

Who will be the most forward-thinking player?

After the round ends, the participants count the prize points, which are distributed depending on the logic of your decisions and a little, just a little, on your psychic abilities;) If you attacked your victim and defended yourself from someone who was hunting you the whole game, then you get a lot of reward points and every chance of winning.

The funny and cute design of the game from the cool St. Petersburg illustrator Vladimir Lopatin will remind some of the cartoon Adventure Time, and for others - comics about Superman. Compact and fast game Cookie will delight you anywhere Globe, will help while away a boring lecture, lunch break or simply allow you to escape from all your worries and completely immerse yourself in the dynamic and exciting gameplay.