We set up a home minibar. Home minibar - photos of cool and spacious racks How and where to make a minibar at home

A bar is usually installed somewhere in the house - this is a common thing. But making a mini bar right in the courtyard of the dacha is, perhaps, original. The main thing is complete secrecy, seeing such a box modestly hanging on the wall, it’s unlikely that thoughts of a bar or something similar will come to anyone’s mind. And then I opened the lid, and immediately there was such a surprise.

Perhaps the idea is not very practical, but many will probably like it. You will definitely be able to pleasantly surprise your friends. I don’t know what the root cause of this idea was, but men will react to such a decision with understanding. Moreover, the design is very simple, and if you also attach a small light bulb, as in the photo below, then it won’t be boring in the yard in the evening.

In principle, a shelf can be made in different options, on a chain or on a rope, with or without a roof, and it will look beautiful on any wall.

Here, for example, the polished tabletop is secured with a neat lock.

Even in closed The minibar functions as a shelf; you can put flowers or some trinkets on top. It is only desirable that there be a canopy over this part of the wall, otherwise the whole structure will quickly become unusable in the rain.

In general, try it, as you can see, making such a minibar is not difficult. Whether it will be useful to you or not is another matter, but the idea is original.

Here is the diagram and dimensions of this design, if of course they suit you. In principle, the options may be different, but you can take this drawing as a basis.

And then a few photos of how it’s done. We fasten all the end parts with screws, and the upper sides, if you make them, can be attached with glue. This is bigger decorative part, which does not carry any load.

For the folding panel you need to buy piano hinges, although this is already an outdated variety, but in in this case they won't look bad. In most cases, notching the holes is usually not necessary, so installation can be done straight away. To keep the lid in place, magnets are usually installed at home, but in this case it would be more reliable to secure the chain.

To make a mini bar with your own hands, you don’t have to join the “Skillful Hands” club. It is enough to use available tools and materials, and add a little imagination. Anything created with your own hands is always an exclusive item that will take its rightful place in your home collection or will be an excellent gift.

Materials and tools

It is preferable to make a home mini bar exclusively from natural and environmentally friendly safe materials. It is advisable that original design was made of wood. This can be a round log of pine, oak or hornbeam. Basic materials you will also need:

  • Genuine Leather;
  • velvet fabric;
  • piano hinges;
  • decorative rivets;
  • PVA wood glue;
  • ordinary plywood;
  • wooden plank 10 mm.

A detailed video on how to make an original and compact minibar can be viewed on our website. You will not need to study any engineering drawings or make complex markings - everything is extremely simple and clear.

Have you decided to create something for your home with your own hands or want to do it for real? original gift friend? Then unusual idea making a home mini bar will come in handy.

First, split a wooden log into two equal parts with an ax. Then, using a plane, make inner side the workpiece is completely flat. If you don’t know how to do it yourself, you can involve a friend in the creative process. One head is good, but two, as they say, is better.

It is advisable to plan the width of the workpiece according to the bottle and add a few centimeters on each side “in reserve”. The edges need to be processed with a plane and adjusted exactly to 90 degrees. After this, cut the workpiece in half lengthwise. This can be done using a hacksaw or electric jigsaw. All irregularities must be carefully smoothed over with a plane. The next step is marking for piano hinges. Making a mini bar with your own hands is not at all difficult if you follow the instructions presented in the video.

Buy a minibar in furniture showroom or a specialized shopping center is not a problem. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of options for these interior items. But it’s quite possible to make them yourself from scrap materials, and then you’ll get a truly exclusive item that you can proudly show off to your relatives, friends, and acquaintances. They are quite suitable as improvised materials for a fashionable piece of furniture. bookshelves, cabinets, tables, wine boxes and a host of other things that have fallen out of use for one reason or another.

At one time it was a pity to throw them away, and now they will serve the zealous owners.

For convenient storage of various drinks, a refrigerator can be built into the bedside table.

Mini bar made from a cart wheel In rural areas you can still find a cart wheel today. For most villagers it is of no value, but for a jack of all trades it is an exclusive find. Using a wheel it is quite easy to make a home minibar in rustic style

  • . This piece of furniture is made in two versions: from a whole wheel or its halves. To solve any type of bar you will need:
  • wheel or half of it;
  • boards or furniture board;
  • screws or self-tapping screws;
  • thick wire;
  • plugs or plugs for screws;
  • furniture varnish;
  • screwdriver;
  • saw or hacksaw;

medium-grain sandpaper.

Tools for installing a mini bar. The most ordinary table is made from boards or furniture panels arbitrary sizes , a wheel is installed inside it - that’s all the basic operations for assembling a minibar. For fastening wooden elements

use screws or self-tapping screws. Some craftsmen prefer to use liquid nails. The file or hacksaw is selected depending on the thickness of the wood. Rings made of wire are attached inside the wheel. It is better to disguise the screws that were used to connect the item - then the piece of furniture will look much more attractive. Hangers for glasses are made of wire, but, if necessary, they can be purchased at a hardware store. A mini bar made using a wheel can be made on one side and blank. Only then it is necessary to block one of its sides along the plane of the wheel furniture board . In this case, craftsmen advise using two wheels located parallel to each other. If you do things this way, bottle holders may not be required. Two wheels located next to each other will fully cope with the role of holders. Set up in a similar way home bar using half a wheel. It will be smaller in size, but can be installed on a nightstand, kitchen countertop or an imitation fireplace - and a new one stylish thing ready. To emphasize the beautiful natural design of wooden products, they are opened with varnish, not forgetting to sand the sawn elements first. For finishing work

Mini bar made of PVC pipes

Mini bar from PVC pipes fits very well into an interior in the style of hi-tech, loft, minimalism.

What kind of products master craftsmen manage to make from PVC pipes! It’s easy to make a DIY bar from polymers. Such a thing is also good because it will fit into an interior in the style of hi-tech, loft, minimalism, and will come in handy exactly where classic wooden interior items will look like alien elements. A PVC mini bar can be made very quickly and does not require many tools. Its design usually does not include cup holders. And for the upcoming work you will need the following tools and materials:

  • hollow PVC pipes;
  • spray paint;
  • acetone;
  • universal spray primer;
  • self-adhesive double-sided tape;
  • hacksaw;
  • brush;
  • sandpaper of medium and fine grain.

If the minibar is made with wheels, then it can be moved anywhere if necessary.

First of all, you need to find a place where such an unusual bar will be installed. If there is an empty niche in your house or apartment, great! When there is no niche, an empty shelf or bedside table is used to make a mini bar.

The first measurement is the depth of the minibar. If the item is planned to be installed in a niche, we focus our calculations on it. Be sure to take into account the average height of the bottles that are supposed to be stored in it. Use a hacksaw to cut the pipes into the required lengths. But it’s easier to do it differently, more practically, saving your own time. When purchasing PVC pipes in shopping centers and stores, you can ask the seller to cut the pipes into equal lengths. This service is usually provided free of charge, just do not forget to first determine the total size of the pipes, the number and length of the sections. The edges of the pipes must be sanded with medium and fine grain sandpaper until they become smooth. If you neglect this operation, there is a high probability that the minibar will turn into a constant source of injury.

What is acetone used for? They use a brush to treat the surface of the pipes to remove oils from them, because they will prevent the paint from being applied evenly. One common mistake made by beginning craftsmen is to apply paint directly over PVC pipes. It is not right. Before painting, the pipes must be coated with a primer. Moreover, there are pipe options where layers of paint - primer - paint - primer are alternated. This option is the most optimal, because it creates a durable and aesthetic coating for PVC pipes. Once the paint and primer are dry, you can begin installing the pipes, which will require self-adhesive tape.

Bedside table mini bar

Making a wooden minibar bedside table will also not be difficult if you take it:

A mini bar made from a cart wheel is perfect for a rustic-style interior. It is made from a whole wheel and secured with a furniture board.

  • nightstand;
  • wooden planks:
  • paint;
  • tool for cutting planks;
  • ruler;
  • simple pencil.

The door by the bedside table does not have to be removed. If necessary, it is possible to decorate the inside of the minibar with a mirror after finishing making the shelves; it is glued using any glue suitable for wooden surfaces.

The algorithm of actions is as follows. First mark the boards. A cut is made in the middle and they are opened with paint, which must be secured with varnish. The planks are inserted into each other crosswise. If necessary, open the outer one with varnish and inner part bedside tables.

Mini bar made from scrap items

An equally original item will come from a wine box. To make such a mini bar, you will need a compass to mark holes for bottles on the wood. You also need a sawing tool with which you can cut out holes. For such a box, you can also attach legs from blocks of wood.

For those who think that a thing opened with varnish is trivial, designers advise covering a wine box for a mini bar with postcards.

The globe mini bar is made of wood and polymer and will look great in the living room interior.

A hanging wine stand is made using approximately the same technology. For some reason, it is often called a minibar, although it is another piece of furniture, but with similar functions. For a hanging stand you will need several boards. They are connected to each other, sanded, opened with varnish, paint or decorated in another way. Holes are pre-cut in the boards. And now a little trick: they are attached to the wall using bars, but the distance between the main part of the hanging stand and the wall parallel to it should be equal to the length of the bottleneck.

There is also a lightweight version of the hanging stand, then it will require a durable board of medium width and several bars. With their help, the board is mounted perpendicular to the wall. Holes are first cut in it, the surface of the wood is sanded and varnished. Instead of varnish, paint can also be used, but most the best option is a combination of both types of paint coatings. This shelf is mounted to the wall using liquid nails or self-tapping screws. A fashionable design element is to place on the wall next to such an interior item a still life painting, a reproduction of a famous image of feasting people.

Sometimes funny inscriptions with quotes about the dangers of alcohol abuse, animal figurines and other light-weight, unbreakable accessories are placed on top of such a shelf. After carrying out such work, we can state that the home minibar is ready!

Home minibar, like wine cellar at home, this is often not a whim, but a necessity for hospitable hosts who often have guests. It is also worth equipping for true connoisseurs of high-quality alcohol, because the nearest bar does not always have really worthwhile examples. The compactness and at the same time spaciousness of the minibar is its main distinguishing feature.

Why do you need a minibar in the house?

When you hear the word bar, many people imagine a huge stand with high chairs and an entire wall with all kinds of alcoholic drinks. Naturally, there is no point in equipping something like this in a home, and besides, there won’t be enough space. A home minibar for drinks is compact furniture for storing alcohol supplies, and it is often styled to resemble familiar or not so familiar objects in the house. It could be a globe, a barrel. Transformable bars can be turned into a mini stand with a slight movement of the hand.

The models presented in stores are often comfortable low tables on wheels or shelves up to 1.5 m in height. They have special shelves and holders for glasses.

Reasons why you should get a minibar:

  1. It is compact and most can be easily moved. This allows you to put it even in, without sacrificing useful space.
  2. The cost is low, even if you buy the materials and assemble a suitable bar for yourself.
  3. It decorates any home. Brings a touch of originality to the design.
  4. This alcohol storage system frees up a lot of space in and out, as it is designed specifically for storing bottles, and has suitable shelves for this.
  5. The presence of such an attribute in the design will give functionality to the interior and will certainly decorate it.
  6. It symbolizes the richness of style and emphasizes the image of the owners, because ordinary vodka is not served in such bars; it is often something more refined and more expensive.

All sorts of things appeared on sale beautiful products from new modern materials, however, made from natural wood are more valuable and are very popular. This is understandable, because wooden crafts combine natural warmth with unique charm natural material and create a special comfort in the room, be it an apartment, house, restaurant or office. In addition, wood products are always fashionable. Simplicity and at the same time originality of design, special elegance, graceful look make the products more attractive.

In the manufacture of all types of wood products, oak, beech, maple, larch, walnut, and solid pine are used. Each apartment has furniture: wardrobes, bedside tables, tables, chairs, walls, all kinds of shelves, flower stands, made from both modern materials and natural wood. If earlier there was always a built-in minibar in the walls, now Lately Minibars made of natural wood as separate elements of furniture are popular. They can be floor-standing or wall-mounted in the form of a book, original table, say in the form of a globe table with a hemispherical lid. Such things are not cheap, but cottage owners willingly purchase them, country houses, as well as cafes and hotels.

Minibars from a barrel :
Minibars styled like barrels are very interesting. What is this bar like? Imagine a barrel from which (in the center) a small part about 250 mm wide was cut out along the circumference. The result was a barrel 250 mm deep without a bottom. Only for the minibar you don’t need to cut anything, but simply assemble a frame in the form of an ellipse from separate planks 250 mm long and 100-150 mm wide (based on the principle of making a barrel). This ellipse-shaped barrel, 250 mm deep, is mounted on a stand so that part of the ellipse goes into the stand (for stability).
Between the side curved walls 250 mm wide (this is the depth of the barrel), several shelves are attached of such length that they can be attached to the side walls of the elliptical barrel (they will be of different lengths). The shelves are designed for storing wine bottles. To prevent bottles from rolling, curly ends with recesses for the neck of the bottle should be made and attached to the shelves. This is a floor-standing minibar, the finished size can be about 830-850 mm in height, and the widest point of the ellipse is about 650 mm. The planks from which the barrel is made should be sanded and varnished.
The cost of such minibars in a floor version made of pine - 5,000 rubles, in oak - up to 7,000 rubles.

Such minibars can also be made in a wall-mounted version. In this case, there is no need for a stand, but loops for hanging on the wall should be provided. The cost of such minibars with the same dimensions as floor option open view there will be less floor space.
But you can make a minibar of the same type, but with a folding door, like a bar, also made from the same planks.

The cost of such products can be about 8,000 rubles. To make minibars, you need skills in working with wood, as well as a set of the most simple tools for wood processing.
Materials can now be purchased at any store building materials. Even with the cost of products up to 3,000 rubles, you can earn about 3,000 rubles from each minibar.

Recommendations :
It is not necessary to make exactly such minibars; you can come up with your own design that will fit harmoniously into the interior of the sauna country house or hotels. They can be made in the form of a book. Portable such folios (for one bottle with 2-6 cups) with interior decoration flock and carved lid can cost up to 15 thousand rubles.
It is better to purchase material from waste that remains at woodworking enterprises (parquet, etc.), furniture factories. The costs will be much lower.
Find out where in your area the interior of hotels is being changed or new ones are being built, offer your products, and perhaps receive a large order.

Profitability :
Initial costs: from 10 thousand rubles.
Monthly income: from 20 thousand rubles.