Equipment for the production of crumb rubber from tires. Making tiles from rubber crumbs at home

There are millions of cars in the world. Every day, hundreds of thousands of used tires made from high-quality synthetic rubber are sent to landfills. Unacceptable extravagance. And then someone came up with the idea of ​​how to use these virtually free raw materials to start producing many useful things: rubber coverings for sports complexes, playgrounds, skating rinks, paving slabs, soft roofing, temporary road blocks, etc.

Rubber crumb coatings last at least 20-40 years. They wash well, absorb noise, and are pleasant and comfortable to play sports on. These coatings are great for shops, offices, and industrial premises. When walking on them, the legs rest, and the load on the joints is reduced.

But first, car tubes and tires need to be turned into convenient raw materials, which, using a simple technological process, are turned into finished products. The production of crumb rubber (or crushed rubber), which is formed by processing tires, is the first stage, which makes it possible to earn money by investing a small amount of money.

Equipment for the production of crumb rubber

Crumb rubber is produced in various fractions - from 0.1 to 10 mm, depending on need. Crumbs of small diameter (up to 4 mm) are used in single-layer products. Sometimes two layers are used in rubber coatings - the bottom using large fractions and the top using small, more expensive ones.

Equipment for the production of crumb rubber is a whole production line. It includes two sections: in one, tires are prepared for processing, in the second, they are directly abraded. The following actions are performed in the process:

  • The raw materials are cut into strips;
  • Tapes wear out;
  • Pass through a vibrating sieve;
  • Passes through magnetic as well as air separators;
  • The resulting crumbs are transported on conveyors to the raw material storage facility.

There are many technological lines for the production of crumb rubber on the market. They have different capacities, levels of automation and prices. A beginning manufacturer will only need a line that processes up to 5 tons of raw materials per day. The machine will require a room with a small area for installation and has a reasonable price. A successful combination of cost and quality is provided by equipment for the production of crumb rubber made in China or Korea.

The opportunity to expand the scope of activity and reach the level of production of finished products is provided by the production of tiles from rubber crumbs. These products are in demand both for the improvement of populated areas (coverings for sports and children's playgrounds), and for the finishing of commercial and industrial premises, and often individual plots.

Rubber tiles are produced using the hot forming method. The equipment that will be required is a volcanic press (price up to 350 thousand rubles), a pair of raw material mixers (100 - 200 thousand rubles each) and a drying chamber (from 100,000 thousand rubles). Consumables: black or colored crumb rubber, polyurethane glue, dyes.

The production of tiles from rubber crumbs is carried out in the form of mats measuring half a meter by half a meter. Their thickness varies and depends on operating conditions. In order to save consumables, the tiles are made in two layers: a colored layer on top, a black layer on the bottom. In this case, dye consumption is reduced. Plus, it is possible to use crumbs of cheaper large fractions in the bottom layer, which often contain remnants of metal or textile reinforcement.

The uniqueness of the material allows you to vary the characteristics of crumb rubber coatings in terms of hardness, water permeability, color, presence of patterns, type of connections, and level of adhesion. The product range will depend on the set of mold kits. The "Mate" and "Dovetail" sets are commonly used. Other kits can be used.

When planning the organization of production, it is necessary to provide space for both a production line (from 70 square meters) and two warehouses (for raw materials and finished products). When producing crumb rubber coatings, a work shift will require from two to four people (depending on the complexity of the line). Average electricity consumption will be up to 52 kW.

During the process, crumb rubber, dye and glue are mixed until smooth. The resulting mixture is dosed, poured into the mold matrices, and smoothed with a trowel. Hydraulics compress the material into the mold and the forming process begins. When the timer is triggered, the forms open automatically with ready-made products.

Production of crumb rubber - business plan

As in any important business that requires costs, when working out the organization of the production of crumb rubber, a business plan is necessary. First of all, you will need to take into account the costs of purchasing equipment, raw materials, renting premises for production and warehouses, wages to employees and sales options.

As practice shows, with a productivity of 100 kg. of rubber crumb per hour in three shifts, the payback of the equipment, depending on the amount of money invested, is up to six months to two years with an average price of finished crumb from 6 to 15 rubles per kilogram.

Crumb rubber production equipment - price

The cost of a crumb rubber production line is from 1,200,000 rubles. Commissioning work will also require costs. You should not skimp on quality by purchasing used machines.

As practice shows, it is better to purchase the simplest line and start with the production of 800 - 2400 kg of crumb rubber per day. If things go well, we can expand.

The simple technology for producing crumb rubber provides undeniable prospects. Competition in the market is still small. The areas in which raw materials are used are expanding, and therefore the need for crumb rubber is increasing.

One of the most promising industries is the production of crumb rubber. This type of industry is not particularly developed in the CIS today.

Those engaged in this activity do not form a clear monopoly, and in some corners of the post-Soviet space there is practically no competition at all, since production facilities are located at a great distance from each other. At the same time, every year the demand for rubber granules is becoming higher, and the number of areas where it is used is increasing.

We should also not forget about such an important component as product sales. The popularity of crumb rubber is growing, and there are not many competitors on the market. As a result, if you approach the sale of this product correctly, you can easily establish distribution channels. This type of industry does not require special qualifications or special knowledge-intensive work skills.

Depending on the amount invested in production, the time to recover costs can range from six months to two years. This is a relatively short period of time, which is another advantage in favor of engaging in this type of activity. Thus, the minimal risk and the listed advantages make this business quite attractive from an investment point of view.

Crumb rubber production standards

How to correctly calculate the production rate of this material so as not to make a mistake? It is not so easy to give an exact answer to this question. The production of crumb rubber depends on various nuances. But there are two decisive reasons that form the basis for the decision to engage in this business.

Reason #1: cash

First of all, you need to take into account the amount of financial resources you have (your own savings and possible loans). Remarkable is the fact that this type of industry is possible at any production standards you need:

  • with small investments at the initial stage, the volumes may be minimal;
  • you can engage in large-scale production by building a specialized enterprise of a large area, for example, several thousand square meters and costing up to fifty million dollars;
  • choose something in between these options.

However, it is worth considering not only your financial capabilities, but also the general situation with the turnover of this product (see reason No. 2).

Reason No. 2: Trade turnover

If you have a hundred thousand dollars at your disposal, the question of choice should not worry you. In this case, the main thing will be to find and rent premises for a warehouse, the area of ​​which should be on average 60 square meters, several more premises for warehouses and the acquisition of an inexpensive and simple conveyor. In this case, the production of crumb rubber can begin with the production of 800-2400 kilograms of product per day.

If you decide to get into this business on a more serious level, then it will be mandatory to conduct a market analysis in the region where you intend to do this. Without this work, it is unlikely that it will be possible to establish profitable production.

Is there a need for this product and through what channels can it be sold? Who else is involved in this industry and is it possible to compete with them in the market?
The answers to these questions must, of course, be taken into account and, of course, take into account your opportunities for business development in the next few years. You are unlikely to be able to predict it accurately, but approximate calculations will at least indicate the direction in which you should move. This is undoubtedly better than acting blindly.

Rubber granulate production method

To produce granulate, used tires and tires are used. For obvious reasons, it’s not worth even talking about finding the raw materials needed for production and their price. Old tires and tires can be found in large quantities. You can purchase them for a minimal fee, and sometimes you only need to pay for their delivery to your business.

There are the following types of consumables:

  • used air bladders and tires;
  • used rubber (including fabric and metal reinforced).

Currently, there are two main methods by which crumb rubber is produced from used tires:

  • mechanical crushing;
  • Shock wave grinding.

Shock wave crushing is a relatively new method of tire processing. Mechanical crushing is the most popular method today.

Installation of equipment for the production of rubber granules using shock wave grinding requires a special approach. In particular, it is necessary to re-equip the premises where the production will be located and install specialized refrigeration chambers, which are quite expensive. Such equipment can also be installed in smaller areas. At the same time, energy costs will be several times less than when installing analog installations.

Such equipment is quite justified in large and medium-scale production. However, mechanical crushing can also be quite popular from an economic point of view.


The production of crumb rubber, reviews of which you can read, can actually start with small volumes and at relatively minimal costs. Only 60 square meters of production area is enough. It will have a simple line for the production of crumb rubber, a connected power supply with a power of 380 V and 2 employees per shift monitoring the operation of the automation.

The best option is to work non-stop throughout the week. To do this, you need to organize three work shifts. As a result, the staff will be eight people. In addition, you need to take care of places to store raw materials and finished products. In this case, the tire storage area should be four or even five times larger. Accordingly, the room area for raw materials can be 500 square meters, for crumb rubber - 100 square meters.

Based on this, the costs of producing 100 kilograms of granulate per hour will consist of constant and variable.

Fixed expenses:

  • equipment price – from seventy to one hundred and fifty thousand US dollars;
  • It is also necessary to provide about two thousand dollars for conducting an assessment examination and writing documentation.

Thus, fixed costs will range from seventy-two to one hundred and fifty-two thousand US dollars.

Variable expenses:

  • the cost of renting premises for warehouse needs will be about 3-6 thousand US dollars per month;
  • wages for employees servicing the production line will cost 3-7 thousand US dollars per month;
  • the wages of workers involved in product sales are 1.5-2.5 thousand US dollars per month.

The total amount of variable expenses will be 8-16 thousand US dollars.
As a result, the total cost in the first month of work alone will be 80-170 thousand US dollars. Under ideal operating conditions, within a month the amount of revenue should fully cover variable expenses.

If the production line has a capacity of, for example, 500 kilograms per hour, then the cost of the necessary equipment for the production of crumb rubber can reach one and a half million US dollars. With an increase in the volume of finished products, variable costs will also increase in direct proportion. If there are several lines, for example two or three, then the costs, accordingly, become higher, based on production volumes.


If your production line produces 100 kilograms of granulate per hour, working non-stop, then the volume of finished products per month will be 72 thousand kilograms of crumbs (100 kilograms * 24 hours * 30 days = 72,000).

Taking into account the average cost of granulate at $500 per kilogram, we get a monthly profit of $36 thousand.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that during the production of granulate, metal remains in the waste. Its volume is about 15-25%:

  • 25 kilograms of metal reinforcement * 24 hours * 30 days = 18 thousand kilograms of metal per month;
  • The average price of scrap metal is about $200 per ton. As a result, the profit from the sale of metal fittings will be 3,600 thousand US dollars.

Total profit:

  • 36000+3600 - approximately 40 thousand US dollars;
  • projected costs average 10%.

This profit margin is several times greater than the variable costs that arise when engaging in this activity.


Crumb rubber is used in the following industries:

  • in the manufacture of road surfaces, asphalt and concrete barriers on roads with the addition of granulate;
  • for the production of coverings for sports grounds;
  • production of hydrophobic materials;
  • granulate is also used in the construction industry for the production of rubber plates, pallets, roofing materials, etc.;
  • granulate is also used in the manufacture of pedestrian paths;
  • Rubber granules have also found their application in filtering various types of liquids, creating thermal and noise insulation, as well as waterproofing materials.

If you are interested in the production of crumb rubber, a business plan for which has already been written, then at the initial stage you need to find areas of application for the granulate and look for options for strengthening business contacts.

Crumb rubber in the manufacture of plates

To minimize possible risks, the scope of application of the granulate can be expanded. So, you can start making rubber plates or other coverings from this material. The demand for these products does not depend on the demand for rubber granules. Therefore, you will be able to create two completely different areas of activity in one enterprise.

In addition, this will enable your company to operate on a permanent basis. At the same time, the price of finished products is higher than that of the material for their manufacture. This means that revenue will grow.

The costs of expanding the scope of application of the granulate will be equal to the amount spent at the initial stage of organizing production. To save transportation costs, it would be ideal to locate both lines on the same industrial territory.

If production turns out to be profitable in the future, it will be possible to increase the capacity and types of products produced.

Reforms in the field of environmental protection, which began to be implemented in recent years, are gradually becoming more stringent.

What should resource users expect? A complete ban on the disposal of waste tires and car tires is being introduced.

This position of legislators should stimulate industry development waste recycling, opening new production facilities for their modification.

Deserves close attention. A low-cost, easy way to recycle tires requires the use of special equipment.

Let's take a closer look at the popular types of machines and the production lines formed from them, the characteristics of these units and how much they cost.

The technology for producing crumb rubber from waste tires is a process of sequentially grinding raw materials into small pieces and then grinding them into a fine fraction.

Manufacturers offer a large selection of machines for producing crumb rubber; prices depend on the performance of the equipment.

Single shaft shredders

The operating principle of a single-shaft plant is based on grinding raw materials sequentially lowering and rising low-speed cutting shaft.

The operation of a rubber shredder is as follows:

  1. Tires are fed into the shredder chamber for loading raw materials, where under the action of a hydraulic press they are fed to rotating knives.
  2. The press moves from top to bottom, returning to its original position after reaching the maximum degree of pressure on the shaft.
  3. The crushed raw materials are pressed through special sieves placed under the shaft.

Fastening double-sided knives with screws allows them to be reused after one of the edges wears out. This design feature allows increase standard service life tire crushers.

Among the advantages of single-shaft rubber shredders into crumbs are:

  • simple design;
  • ease of use;
  • possibility of individual use and inclusion in the production line;
  • processing of thick raw materials.

An example of such equipment is a single-shaft machine for processing rubber and tires into crumbs from Netmus; the price of the presented equipment varies in the range 120,000 - 2,800,000 rub..

Twin shaft rubber shredders

Twin-shaft machines for crushing tires into crumbs are designed for cutting raw materials into pieces no larger than 5x5 cm. The shredder blades can process tires of both passenger cars and heavy-duty vehicles.

Principle of operation the machine is as follows:

  1. A tire is fed into the raw material receiving chamber. The size of the window allows you to load the entire product; the only requirement is to first remove the cord.
  2. The tire shredder shafts rotate in opposite directions. Hooks placed on the rotors grab the raw material and tear it into pieces.
  3. The crushed raw materials are sifted through a sieve, which is a rotating drum. Particles larger than the sifter mesh size are thrown into the loading chamber for reprocessing.
  4. After sorting into fractions, the finished material falls onto a conveyor belt and is fed for packaging.

Benefits of use two-shaft machine for the production of crumb rubber:

  • the ability to process large-sized raw materials;
  • no need to sharpen knife blades when reinstalling them.

Productivity of rubber processing machine directly depends on given dimensions final products. Thus, when producing tapes and pieces measuring 5x5 cm, the output of 1 machine will be 2 tons/hour and more, with more thorough grinding - up to 2 tons/hour.

The personnel servicing the machines does not require any special skills in their work.

The number of auxiliary workers to work in 1 shift is 1-2 people: 1 person for loading raw materials, 1 person for receiving finished products.

Twin-shaft machines for crushing tires are supplied by the Russian company TechnoService LLC.

Tire shredding plant

Let's look at tire shredding plants using the example of UPShK equipment from the Tekhnoresursy company.

The installation is a rotating crown with 25 knives installed on it, connected to a tire clamped in a special chuck.

Manufacturing process as follows:

  1. Feeding the tire to the clamping drum.
  2. Installation and fixation of the tire in the drum manually, or using the installation lifting mechanism.
  3. Turn on the drive and start rotating the drum. The installation control system provides 3 rotor speeds. It is advisable to choose them depending on the outer diameter of the tire.
  4. Approaching the cutting bit rotating in the opposite direction relative to the drum. The speed of movement of the crown is set by the service personnel and depends on the desired size of the finished product fraction - the slower the movement, the finer the crumb rubber obtained.

The rubber is removed from the tire starting from the outer layer until reaching the cord layers.

Textile cord can be crushed together with rubber; metal cord is the limit beyond which the use of the installation is prohibited.

Advantages of using the machine:

  • successfully replaces an entire tire shredding line;
  • competitive price;
  • ease of transportation;
  • quick installation;
  • instant connection to the power supply system;
  • the ability to recycle tires of various sizes;
  • short payback period.

The installation is serviced by one worker. The production technology itself is very simple and does not require additional training.

In a month, one installation is capable of producing 34 tons of clean rubber crumb.

Prices for such equipment for processing rubber into crumbs start from 770,000 rub..


An integrated approach to solving the problem tire processing is provided by lines for grinding waste tires into crumbs.

The equipment packages offered by different manufacturers differ little from each other:

  • device for removing the bead ring;
  • guillotine for shredding tires into strips;
  • machine for squeezing metal cord;
  • rollers for making crumb rubber;
  • magnetic and air separators;
  • vibrating sieve

Technology tire processing is as follows:

  1. Separation of tires by weight and diameter, cleaning from large contaminants.
  2. Place the tire in a vice to separate the bead ring from the rubber.
  3. Cutting the resulting rubber into strips about 4 cm wide.
  4. Dividing strips into small pieces.
  5. Grinding the workpieces into crumbs and then feeding the product onto the conveyor.
  6. Purification of products in the separation chamber. Using the magnetic fields created by the installation, metal cord particles are separated from the total mass of crumbs. In the air cleaning chamber, due to the generated vortex flows, the final separation of foreign impurities from rubber particles occurs.
  7. Sorting the resulting products into size fractions.

The finished crumbs are packaged and can be sent for implementation. Larger particles are returned to the conveyor and re-crushed.

Line productivity is from 500 kg of raw materials per hour.

To operate the line, 2-3 people will be required per shift, and no special training in how to operate the equipment is required.

On the market of production equipment, tire processing lines are represented by manufacturers from different countries. Let's look at the distinctive features of individual brands of equipment.

Tire processing line from the Novokuznetsk company ALPHA SPK “ATR-250” declared by the manufacturer as fully automatic. Human participation is required only if there is a need to shred extra-large tires. Equipment price starts from 5,000,000 rub.. You can study the supplier’s offer in more detail on the website.


Mini-factories for the production of crumbs from rubber tires are the best option for those who want to process raw materials on a large scale.

Such production will have not only a personal, economic effect, but also a social one.

New jobs will be created and social tension will decrease.

Benefits of use mini-factories for the production of crumb rubber:

  • low energy consumption, and therefore the cost of produced crumbs;
  • compactness;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • excellent quality of raw material grinding, allowing production to be set up in one cycle;
  • environmental friendliness.

Compact rubber grinding plants "ATR-300" from ALPHA SPK capable of producing up to 350 kg of crumbs from tires. The equipment crushes rubber tires using a mechanical crusher.

The crumbs produced using this technology are of high quality, which means they are of great value to the end consumers of the product.

The mini-plant is equipped with the following equipment:

  • tire crusher;
  • double-sided bead ring puller;
  • knives for cutting tires into noodles;
  • conveyer belt;
  • impact crusher;
  • magnetic separator;
  • vibrating screens

Mini plant works like this:

  1. Visual inspection of raw materials for the presence of impurities that can damage the equipment.
  2. Grinding large pieces of raw materials using hand tools. Small tires are fed into the loading chamber entirely.
  3. Shredding rubber using shredder equipment into smaller fractions. At this stage, the raw materials are purified from metal impurities.
  4. Feeding raw materials into a compartment with a rotating blade element to grind raw materials to the desired size. Cleaning of metal cord particles is an additional option launched by the system at this stage of rubber processing.
  5. The raw material enters the separation compartment, where the final cleaning of the crumb rubber from impurities occurs.
  6. Passing the finished product through the cells of a vibrating sieve for sorting into fractions.

The price of such a mini-plant is RUB 9,800,000. The productivity of the mini-plant when producing crumbs of three fractions is up to 350 kg per 1 working hour. 3-4 people are enough to service the equipment. About the need to carry out special training for service personnel the equipment manufacturer does not explicitly state. All questions you may have can be asked on the website.

Pay attention to tire recycling plants from EcoStep.

The line of equipment includes models designed for both beginning entrepreneurs and more experienced tire processors.

The advantage of the equipment declared by the manufacturer is European quality and reliability.

Tire recycling plants KPSh from the company Doza-gran They process tires into 3 fractions, including rubber dust.

On the company’s website you can calculate the required equipment performance depending on your needs and ultimate goals.

Cost of equipment - from RUB 8,300,000.

Another manufacturer of equipment for tire processing is the company Europlit.

The NEO line equipment it presents allows you to independently configure the desired parameters of the final product.

Comparative characteristics and prices

Equipment brand Characteristic Price Link to the manufacturer's (supplier) website
Mini plant “ATR-300”Energy consumption, kW/h80-120 9.8 million
Product output, kg/hour.350
Generation of by-products (additional income)Yes
LxWxH workshop, m.20x4.5x4.2
Number of workers, people3-4
Plant Bio-KPShVolume of raw materials processed, t/year720-3000 From 8.3 million
Product output, t/year.650-2700
Power consumption, kW/h180-430
Line NEO-300Product output, kg/hour.300 Upon additional
Power consumption, kW/h55
Number of workers, people3
LxWxH workshop, m.33x6x3
Obtaining by-products (additional income)Yes
Line NEO-500Product output, kg/hour.500 According to buyer's request
Power consumption, kW/h90
Number of workers, people3
LxWxH workshop, m.41x6x4
Additional productsYes
Line NEO-1000Product output, kg/hour.1000 Notified upon buyer's request
Electricity consumption, kW/h180
Number of workers, people5
LxWxH workshop, m.43.75x8x4
Additional productsYes
ECO STEP 500Energy consumption, kW/h100
Product output, kg/hour.350
Volume of raw materials processed, kg/hour.500
Number of workers, people4
Maximum diameter of recycled tires, see.150
LxWxH workshop, m.30x10x5
ECO STEP 700Power consumption, kW/h100 Available upon buyer's
Product output, kg/hour.350
Volume of raw materials processed, kg/hour.500
Number of workers, people4
Maximum diameter of recycled tires, see.150
LxWxH workshop, m.30x10x5
Line LT400Volume of raw materials processed, kg/hour.250 52 thousand
Line LT450Volume of raw materials processed, kg/hour.500 59 thousand dollars
Line LT560Volume of raw materials processed, kg/hour.1000 74 thousand dollars
Line LPS-300Volume of raw materials processed, kg/hour.500
Crumb output, kg/hour.300
Maximum inner diameter of tires, cm.150
Power consumption, kWFrom 100
Number of workers, people2-3
Possibility of receiving additional incomeYes
Room size, m 2200
LPS-200Room size, m 240 1.853 million
Up to 200
LPSh-400Room size, m 2From 1205.781 million rubles.
Volume of processed raw materials, kg/hourUp to 400
LPS-600Room size, m 2From 1506.135 million rubles.
Volume of processed raw materials, kg/hourUp to 600
LPS-800Room size, m 2From 200RUB 8,800 million
Volume of processed raw materials, kg/hour800-1000
LPS-1500Room size, m 2From 25011.105 million rubles.
Volume of processed raw materials, kg/hourUp to 1500
KGSh-1500Room size, m 2From 20014.156 million rubles.
Volume of processed raw materials, kg/hourUp to 1500
"ATR-250"Power consumption, kW/hour80-100 5.6 million
Room size, m 2 80
Volume of processed raw materials, kg/hourUp to 300
Crumb volume, kg/hourUp to 250
Number of workers, people3-4
UPSHK-1200Power consumption, kW/hour5 0.77 million
Installation size, LxWxH, m1.8x1.2x2
Volume of processed raw materials, kg/hour35-52,5
Number of workers, people1
UPSHK-2000Power consumption, kW/hour8 0.87 million rub.
Installation size, LxWxH, m2.5x1.7x3.2
Volume of processed raw materials, kg/hour87,5
Number of workers, people1
UPSHK-2200Power consumption, kW/hour8 1.12 million rubles.
Installation size, LxWxH, m2.8x1.8x3.4
Volume of processed raw materials, kg/hour100
Number of workers, people1
UPSHK-2700Power consumption, kW/hour11 2.25 million rubles.
Installation size, LxWxH, m3.0x2.0x3.4
Volume of processed raw materials, kg/hour112,5
Number of workers, people1
Single shaft machine Model 800400-600 1.285 million
Receiving chamber size, cm.147.5x80
Total number of knives49
Power consumption, kW22-37
Up to 4
Single shaft machine Model 1000Equipment productivity, kg/hour600-800 1.41 million rubles.
Receiving chamber size, cm.147.5x100
Total number of knives68
Power consumption, kW37-45
Finished product size, cm.Up to 4
Single shaft machine Model 1300Equipment productivity, kg/hour700-900 1.845 million rubles.
Receiving chamber size, cm.147.5x130
Total number of knives91
Power consumption, kW45-55
Finished product size, cm.Up to 4
Single shaft machine Model 1800Equipment productivity, kg/hour1400-1800 2.75 million rubles.
Receiving chamber size, cm.147.5x180
Total number of knives130
Power consumption, kW75-90
Finished product size, cm.Up to 4
Tire crusher No. 1Equipment productivity, kg/hour2000 Available upon buyer's
Finished product size, cm.Noodles -5, chips - 5x5
Receiving chamber size, cm.120
Total number of knives22
Dimensions of the machine (LxWxH), see.630.3x280x366.7
Tire crusher No. 2Equipment productivity, kg/hourUntil 2000Available upon buyer's request
Finished product fraction, seeNoodles -4, chips - 4x4
Receiving chamber size, cm.75x22x6
Power consumption, kW58
Dimensions of the machine (LxWxH), see.282x230x258
Single shaft shredder 3E WT 2260Total number of knives34 RUB 0.998
Rated power, kW18,5
Productivity, kg/hour200-300
Machine dimensions (LxWxH), m.1.774x1.359x1575
Double-roll crusher DDR-300Power consumption, kW60 Available upon buyer's
Productivity, kg/hour300
Reception window size, cm.60x70
Maximum tire diameter, cm.600
Double-roll crusher DDR-500Power consumption, kW60 Available upon buyer's request
Productivity, kg/hour500
Limit of the raw material acceptance chamber, see.75x80
Maximum tire diameter, cm.750
Double-roll crusher DDR-750Power consumption, kW90 Available upon buyer's request
Productivity, kg/hour750
Window size for storing tires, see82x100
Maximum tire diameter, cm.870
Double-roll crusher DDR-1000Power consumption, kW90 Available upon buyer's request
Productivity, kg/hour1000
Receiving chamber size, cm.85x130
Maximum tire diameter, cm.1200


Tire recycling equipment is a real godsend for those who want to set up a recycling business.

Affordable price, simple installation and maintenance, wide scope of use of the resulting products - reasons to consider this type of production as a priority for beginning entrepreneurs, as well as for established businessmen to master an additional type of activity.

In contact with

An industrial business idea to launch a mini-factory for the production of crumb rubber by processing tires is attractive due to its excellent ratio of large cash turnover and short payback periods. And most importantly, recycling is the production of money from garbage. We present to your attention a business plan for the production of crumb rubber with calculations and analysis of possibilities. For example, it is worth paying attention to the additional income from extracting metal from tire cords, which contain as much as 7%. Let us consider in more detail what other useful secrets this production keeps.

Mini-plant for processing tires into crumbs

How to correctly calculate the rate and volume of production of crumb rubber from recycled car tires? The answer to this question is not so simple. The production of crumb rubber depends on many nuances. There are two key factors that formed the basis for the attractiveness of this activity from an investment point of view. They will help answer this question.

Factor No. 1: Entry threshold into industrial small business

First of all, you should correctly assess your financial reserves that you own (your own savings and possible loans). It is worth noting that this type of industry is possible with different amounts of investment, which means this business scales well.

Business plan: crumb rubber

With small investments in the initial phase, the income may be minimal, taking into account regular expenses for electricity, transportation costs, employee salaries, taxes, etc. It is worth noting here that this concept of a business idea underlies the recycling of waste (used car tires). And according to tradition, in order to get gold from garbage, you need to do a lot of work. Therefore, investing too little increases risks significantly. You can start production on a large scale by constructing a specialized enterprise with large areas, for example, several hundred square meters, which will cost a large investment. Make the optimal choice of investment strategy in favor of the golden mean between these boundaries.

Factor #2: Production Capacity for Small Businesses

In case you have about $17,000 of money, the question of choice should not be an obstacle. For this money you can purchase a production line for processing tires into crumbs with a minimum configuration and a productivity of 100 kg/hour. In this case, the most important thing will be to find and rent a warehouse with an area of ​​​​about 100 m2 and a production facility whose area should be on average 40 m2, plus several more small warehouse spaces. In this case, the production of rubber crumbs can begin from a production volume of 800 kilograms of the finished product daily (100 kg/hour in 1 work shift).

What is needed to process tires into crumb rubber?

A minimally equipped line for processing tires into crumb rubber includes the following equipment, which can be found on the Internet at prices:

  1. Bead cutting machine – $2,150
  2. Tape cutting machine – $2,700
  3. Rubber shredder – $7,650
  4. Circular sieve – $1,000
  5. Conveyor with magnetic separator – $1,000
  6. Machine for processing bead rings – $2,500

TOTAL: $17,000

Technology for the production of crumb rubber by recycling tires

A video clip that schematically shows in the form of 3D animation the technological process of recycling tires by grinding them into rubber crumbs:

As you can see in the video, the production process is extremely simple.

If you decide to conduct this activity at a more serious level, an analysis of the sales market in the region in which you are going to launch your project will be necessary. Without this work, it is unlikely that the products will generate profitable income. You will have to include in your business plan the costs of marketing market research for finished products in a particular region.

What is the need for this product and in what distribution channels can it be sold? Who else is interested in this industry and what is the competition in the market?

The answers to these questions need to be taken into account and, obviously, the possibilities for developing economic activity over the next few years must be calculated. It is unlikely to accurately predict the subsequent course of events, but rough calculations will at least indicate the direction in which to move. Such determination is better than acting blindly.

Business plan for the production of crumb rubber with calculations

Used, old, and defective car tires were used in the production of crumb rubber. For obvious reasons, one should not even talk about the search for raw materials and their price. Old tires can be found in large quantities. You can buy them for a minimum payment, and sometimes you can pay for delivery to your company.

The production of crumb rubber, as already mentioned, is quite affordable for small businesses. The $17,000 production line can quickly process a wide variety of tires: car, bus and other tires.

At the moment, there are two main methods by which crumb rubber is produced:

  1. Mechanical crushing.
  2. Crushing by shock wave method.

Shock wave crushing of rubber into crumbs is a relatively new method for processing tires. The most popular is mechanical crushing.

The production of crumb rubber using a shock wave requires a special approach. In particular, you need equipment in which the products will be stored, such as refrigerated pantries, which are quite expensive. There is a noticeable advantage in installing equipment for the production of crumb rubber from car tires using the shock wave method in smaller production areas. You can save on monthly rent. At the same time, the cost of electrical energy will be less than with an analog installation. But still, such equipment is fully justified for large and medium production volumes, since it is very expensive.

The production of crumb rubber can begin with a small production volume and at relatively low cost. 40 square meters of production area with a ceiling height of 3m is enough. A direct line for the production of crumb rubber will be installed, a power supply of 380 volts will be connected, and 2 workers will control the operation of semi-automatic equipment.

The best option when reaching the breakeven point of a business is continuous work for a whole week. To do this, three work shifts should be organized. As a result, the staff will consist of eight people. In addition, you should take care of the storage areas for raw materials and finished products. In this case, the space for storing tires should be four or even five times larger. In this regard, the surface of the room for raw materials (tires) may require up to 100 m2, and for storing finished rubber crumbs - 20 m2.

On this basis, the cost of 100 kilograms of product per hour will change and change. In this business plan, we will determine fixed expenses for the month:

  1. Purchase of tires at a price of $40 per 1 ton – $960 (24 tons of raw materials per month are required).
  2. The cost of renting a warehouse will be about $400-$600 per month.
  3. Salaries of workers servicing the production line cost $300-$700 per month;

A good idea is to allow customers to recycle tires for money. Having your own receiving point will help not only reduce transportation costs for the delivery of raw materials, but also immediately receive preliminary additional income, which is described below.

If a production line produces 100 kilograms per hour, working without interruptions, then in a month the amount of finished products produces 24 tons of crumb rubber (100 kg * 8 hours * 30 days = 24,000).

Taking into account the average retail price of crumb rubber of $0.28 per kilogram, we get a gross monthly income of $6,720 (0.28*24,000).

It is also worth noting that during production, metal remains in the waste (wire in tire tires). Its volume is about 7%.

Interesting fact! According to the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, the average tire weight is about 22 pounds. Moreover, it contains 0.68 kg of steel cord (it serves as a reinforcing material for the rubber structure in tires).

On the one hand, this is production waste, and on the positive side, this is a significant additional profit: 0.7 kg of metal wire and tire cord. And that’s 0.7 * 10 tires/hour * 8 hours * 30 days = 1680 kg of metal from 24 tons of tires - monthly!

The average price of scrap metal is about $200 per ton. As a result, we will receive an additional $336 in profit from selling metal wire from cord. It is worth thinking about how to organize your acceptance of car tires for recycling for money.

This amount of benefit is sometimes a more economically justified income received in the process of implementing this activity.

Tire processing products

Where is crumb rubber from tire recycling used? This unique and durable building material is indispensable in the following industries:

  1. Production of paving slabs from rubber crumbs.
  2. When covering roads, asphalt and concrete fences on roads with the addition of crumbs.
  3. In the production of safety coatings for sports, playgrounds and gyms.
  4. In landscape design.
  5. Production of hydrophobic materials.
  6. Granules are used in the construction industry for the production of rubber sheets, palettes, roofing materials and the like.
  7. Crumb rubber granules are also used in the production of rubber mats for pedestrians.
  8. Rubber crumbs have found application in filtering various types of liquids and creating thermal insulation for industrial premises.

In order to minimize the risk, the scope of production of crumb rubber can be expanded. Thus, it is possible to produce rubber plates or other shells of this material. The need for these products does not depend on the need for crumbs. Therefore, in one enterprise you can create two completely different areas of activity.

One of the industry's big expectations is the production of crumb rubber. Our industry of this type is not particularly developed today.

Do not forget about such an important component, which is the sale of finished products. The popularity of crumb rubber as a building material is growing. There are more and more new competitors on the market. Bottom line, if there is the right approach to selling this product, the sales channels can be easily adjusted. This type of production does not require special skills; it is technologically simple.

Depending on the amount invested in the product, the payback time can last from six months to two years. Relatively short payback periods are the next advantage in the interests of this type of activity. Consequently, the high demand for the product (as with all building materials), the minimization of risks and the mentioned thresholds for entry into production technology make it attractive from an investment point of view.

Rubber tiles are the know-how of the last few years. It is just beginning to conquer the construction market, but is already laying claim to becoming the number one coating for landscaping suburban areas in the near future. But how can an entrepreneur benefit from this trend?

The production of this building material is a new, low-competitive, but promising area of ​​production. A guarantee of business success is the advantages of manufactured products over other types of coatings. Crumb rubber tiles:

  • safe from injury;
  • durable (its service life is at least 20 years);
  • has anti-slip properties.

In addition, it does not chip or crack at low temperatures, and, due to the elasticity of the material, ice chips off very easily.

Making crumb rubber from car tires

The tile is capable of passing water through itself, and therefore, if installed correctly, there will be no puddles on its surface. The range of rubber tiles is wide: they are made in different colors, sizes, and can vary in thickness, shape and even the pattern with which the surface is decorated.

All this allows you to use the coating:

  • on children's playgrounds;
  • in kindergartens;
  • on sports grounds;
  • when designing country paths;
  • for arranging areas near ponds, fountains, swimming pools;
  • in garages;
  • in car services;
  • in areas where animals are located.

Potential buyers of the products are:

  • private individuals;
  • construction stores;
  • construction companies;
  • organizations involved in city improvement.

Stages of rubber tile production

  1. Preparation of a mixture including crushed rubber crumbs, coloring pigment and glue in mixers.
  2. Pouring the finished mixture into molds.
  3. Pressing and molding in a hydraulic press.
  4. Heat treatment that gives products the necessary technical characteristics.
  5. Unloading molds.
  6. Quality control and packaging.
  7. Shipment to warehouse.

Minimum equipment package to start a business

The best option for starting a business for the production of rubber tiles from crumbs is to purchase the entire line of equipment from one supplier, for example, from EcoStep, which is the largest supplier of crumb rubber in Russia, which offers several modifications of mini-plants that differ in productivity and the number of types produced products.

To launch a full-fledged business, the company recommends purchasing an EcoStep mini-plant as standard. It includes the following types of equipment:

The total cost of the equipment set, including VAT and commissioning works, is 1,970,000 rubles.

Calculation of the cost of rubber tiles at the EcoStep mini-factory

Although the equipment set provides the ability to produce 14 types of products, the most popular product is EcoStep rubber tiles 500 mm x 500 mm, 40 mm thick.

It occupies 70% of the total volume of orders, and therefore the calculation of the cost price, and subsequently the profitability of production, is best done based on the cost of producing tiles of the specified format.

Product characteristics

Name: safety rubber tile EcoStep 500*500*40 mm.

Material characteristics:

  • size 500*500*40 mm
  • tile weight - 7 kg.
  • weight 1m2 - 28 kg.
  • number of pieces in one m2 - 4 tiles

Mini-plant operating parameters

  • Work is carried out in 2 shifts.
  • Shift duration is 8 hours.
  • Capacity of 1st shift - 45 m2.
  • The plant produces 90 m2 of finished products per day.
  • The average monthly productivity of the plant when working in 1 shift is 990 m2 of finished products (with 22 working days).
  • The average monthly productivity of the plant when working in 2 shifts is 2,500 m2 of finished products (with 22 working days).

Payroll fund

To operate the site, 4 people will be required: three workers and a shift supervisor. Their salary will be 17,000 rubles and 20,000 rubles, respectively. Thus, the wage fund for working in 1 shift is 71,000 rubles per month, in 2 shifts - 142,000 rubles per month.

Labor costs per 1 m2 of product are 71,000/990 = 71.71 rubles

UST (Unified Social Tax) - 34%, which is 24.38 rubles. in the cost of 1m2 of finished products.

Requirements for production and warehouse space

To accommodate an EcoStep mini-factory, you will need a heated room with an area of ​​at least 100 m2 with a ceiling height of at least 3 meters. To place a warehouse, you need a room with an area of ​​100 m2, possibly unheated.

At a rental rate of 150 rubles/m2, the cost of renting premises per month will be 30,000 rubles, which is 15.15 rubles. per 1 m2 of finished products.

Consumables costs

  • Rubber crumbs - 16 RUR/kg
  • Polyurethane binder - 149 RUR/kg
  • Coloring pigment - 80 rub./kg.

Cost calculation

Calculation of the cost of materials for the production of 1 m2 of EcoStep 500 x 500 rubber tiles, 40 mm thick.

Taking into account other costs of carrying out activities, we can determine the cost of 1 m2 of rubber tiles.

cost of 1 m2 of rubber tiles EcoStep 500 x 500, 40 mm thick.

Business profitability for the production of rubber tiles at the EcoStep mini-factory using the example of the production of EcoStep tiles 500 x 500 with a thickness of 40 mm *

* Please note that all calculations presented in the table are conditional in nature and are given as an example of the potential profitability of this type of activity. The Moneymaker Factory recommends that before starting a particular activity, you independently calculate the payback of the project.

Price on LPS line

See Business plan for the production of crumb rubber and rubber products

Video LPS-300 (option 1)

Supervised installation of all lines is FREE OF CHARGE.

Equipment configurations and prices for tire recycling

Tire pre-shredding machines

Line LPS-200 of low productivity for processing tires without textile cord

Line configurations and prices for all types of tires

Option 1. Line LPS-400 - productivity up to 400 kg/h of input raw materials

Name price, rub.
Bead cutting machine SOB-01 283 600
328 400
Tape cutting machine SLR-01 358 200
Chip cutting machine SCHR-01 399 600
2 882 000
Vibrating separator VS-01 + return conveyor (5-6 meters) + vibrating sieve SV-01 539 000
Magnetic separator SEMAG SM-01 + 2 bucket conveyors (1.5 m and 1.5 m) 286 000
Cyclone with fan + filter 247 500
379 500
352 700
Electrical equipment 302 500
TOTAL: 6 359 000
Room area from 120 sq.m.
Room height 4.5 m.

Option 2. Line LPS-600 - productivity up to 600 kg/h of input raw materials

Name price, rub.
Bead cutting machine SOB-01 283 600
Machine for processing bead rings SPBK-01 328 400
Tape cutting machine SLR-01 358 400
Chip cutting machine SCHR-01 399 600
2 865 500
Impact crusher SDR-01 715 000
Vibration separator VS-01+ hood + cyclone + filter 390 500
352 000
Vibro-pneumatic complex VPSK-01 + bucket conveyor (3.5-4 m) 380 200
Vibrating sieve SV-01 + bucket conveyor (3 m) 352 800
Electrical equipment 322 300
TOTAL: 6 748 100
Room area from 150 sq.m.
Room height 5 m.

Option 3. Line LPS-800 - productivity from 800 kg/h to 1000 kg/h of input raw materials

Name price, rub.
Bead cutting machine SOB-01 283 600
Machine for processing bead rings SPBK-01 328 400
Tape cutting machine SLR-01 358 200
Chip cutting machine SCHR-01 399 600
Twin-shaft shredder for shredding rubber ShR-01 + straight conveyor (4.5 m) or single-shaft with automation to choose from 2 865 500
Roller machine SVI-01 + straight conveyor (3-4 m) 3 960 000
Vibrator separator VS-01 + direct return conveyor (6 m) 275 000
Impact crusher SDR-01 715 000
517 600
Magnetic separator SEMAG SM-01 + 2 bucket conveyors (3.5 m+3 m) 352 000
Vibrating table 352 800
Electrical equipment 351 000
TOTAL: 10 758 700
Room area from 200 sq.m.
Room height from 5 m.
953 200
154 000

Option 4. Line LPS-1500 - productivity up to 1500 kg/h of input raw materials

Name price, rub.
Bead cutting machine SOB-01 283 600
715 600
Tape cutting machine SLR-01 358 200
Chip cutting machine SCHR-01 399 600
Machine for processing bead rings SPBK-01 328 400
Cord squeezer KGSh KV-01 508 200
Conveyors for KGSh, 2 pcs. 387 200
Twin-shaft shredder for shredding rubber ShR-01 + straight conveyor (6.5 m) or single-shaft with automation to choose from 2 865 500
3 960 000
Large impact crusher SDR-01 715 000
Impact crusher small SDR-01 715 000
Vibrator separator VS-01 + return conveyor 420 200
Vibro-pneumatic complex VPSK-01 + exhaust + 2 cyclones + filter 517 700
Magnetic separator SEMAG SM-01 + 2 bucket conveyors (3.5 m +3 m) 352 000
Vibrating sieve SV-01 + bucket conveyor (3 m) 352 800
Electrical equipment 544 500
Gantry crane, lifting capacity 2 tons. 290 400
TOTAL: 13 713 900
Room area from 250 sq.m.
Room height from 5 m.
An additional option is a roller-cone machine for processing tire treads 953 200
Additional option - stud removal machine 154 000

Option 5. For CGSH - productivity up to 1500 kg/h of input raw materials

Name price, rub.
Hydraulic shears for KGSh GN-01 980 000
Cord squeezer KGSh KV-01 913 000
Shredder for shredding rubber ShR-01, two-shaft or single-shaft to choose from + straight conveyor (4.5 m) 5 225 000
Shredder conveyor (6 m) with magnetic roller 319 000
Return conveyor (6.5 m) 158 400
Impact crusher SDR-01 for a fraction of 1-2 mm. 715 000
Impact crusher SDR-01 for a fraction of 2-4 mm. 715 000
Impact crusher SDR-01 for a fraction of 4-6 mm. 715 000
Roller abrasive machine SVI-01 + straight conveyor (3-4 m) 3 960 000
Vibration separator VS-01 275 000
Magnetic separator SEMAG SM-01 + two conveyors 352 000
Vibro-pneumatic complex VPSK-01 + hood + cyclone + filter 660 000
Vibrating sieve SV-01 + conveyor 352 800
Electrical equipment 495 000
TOTAL: 15 835 200
Room area from 200 sq.m.
Room height from 5 m.
An additional option is a roller-cone machine for processing tire treads 953 200
Additional option - stud removal machine 154 000

Equipment for the production of rubber tiles and rubber coatings

When purchasing machines separately, the price increases by 15% of the base price.

We restore rollers and grinding shredder lines from any manufacturer.

Video LPS-300 (option 2)

Price for press and auxiliary equipment

Name price, rub.
Hydraulic press PG-12 PS with heating of molds (with simultaneous loading of 10 molds) 753 900
Molds (price for 1 piece):
Tile 500*500 8 mm. 27 000
Tile 500*500 15 mm. 29 200
Tile 500*500 15/25 mm.

Business of processing tires into crumb rubber

with spacers

36 900
Tile 500*500 25 mm. 36 900
Tile 500*500 20 mm. "Bricks" 45 800
Tile 500*500 30 mm. 36 900
Tile 500*500 40 mm. 39 900
Tile 500*500 40 mm. with bushings 39 900
Tile 500*500 40 mm. "Bricks" 51 700
"Dovetail" 25 mm. 38 000
"Dovetail" 45 mm. 50 200
"Spool of thread" 15 mm. 45 000
"Spool of thread" 25 mm. 49 900
"Spool of thread" 45 mm. 54 800
"Brick" 45 mm. 40 800
"Wave" 45 mm. 64 800
"Curb" 45 mm. 46 900
"Puzzles" 25 mm. 57 000
Auxiliary equipment:
Mixer M-600 (4 kW, 2 containers, 50 kg) 68 500
Mixer M-350 (4 kW, vertical loading, 1 container, 70 kg) 45 400

The price includes: 1 year warranty, consulting and training.

Equipment available.

In recent years, the use of crumb rubber and materials made on its basis for decorating areas, organizing paths, and covering the roofs of houses has become fashionable. Crumb rubber can also be used to create waterproofing for building foundations. In order to use elements made from crumb rubber on your site, you can contact a company that professionally works with crumb rubber. However, working with this material is not so difficult. If you wish and have free time, you can make crumb rubber at home with your own hands.

What is DIY crumb rubber made from?

When solving this issue, you can go in two ways. Path number one relies on the transition of rubber to a brittle state at low temperatures. If at home it is possible to cool the source material for preparing crumbs to a temperature of -70 ... -80 degrees Celsius, then it will be possible to obtain crumbs from any type of source materials. However, solving this problem at home is not so easy.

Path number two is to competently select the source material. As we know, crumbs can be obtained from tires and tubes from car wheels. But tires are very difficult to grind under normal conditions, and it is also difficult to extract the metal cord from them later. For this reason, to obtain crumb rubber at home, it is better to use old worn-out tubes as raw materials. This material can be cut quite easily using improvised tools available in any home.

How to make crumb rubber at home?

At the initial stage, it is necessary to prepare a sufficient amount of raw materials, i.e.

Business plan for processing tires into crumb rubber with calculations

old car inner tubes and corresponding cutting tools. To make a coating with an area of ​​one square meter and a thickness of 10 mm, about 8 kg of rubber crumb is required. When producing crumbs from old chambers, the loss of material by weight is minimal. Thus, it is necessary to prepare the starting material at the rate of 8 kg of old cameras per 1 square meter of coating.

To grind rubber, you can use ordinary scissors or an ax. If desired, you can build special guillotine shears. As a last resort, you can organize cutting of the cameras with a fairly sharp knife.

Making crumbs should be done according to the following algorithm:

  • Remove all metal elements from the old camera
  • Cut the camera into thin strips
  • Grind the thin strips obtained in step 2

One of the options for organizing production at home is the production of crumb rubber. Today, this area is quite promising, and the niche itself, despite the low barrier to entry, is not overly busy. In the CIS, the number of competitors in this area remains relatively small, which eliminates the possibility of monopolizing even part of the market. If we talk about regions, it is worth noting that suppliers are quite dispersed, which opens up prospects in places remote from the points where crumb rubber is produced. The demand for these products continues to grow steadily, and the scope of their application is steadily expanding.

The production of crumb rubber, like other production areas, is highly dependent on distribution channels. The demand for it is steadily growing, which makes it possible, with proper business organization, to sell this product in the required volumes. This production does not require high qualifications and does not require the use of high-tech equipment. Depending on the available investment volumes, the payback period can range from 0.5 to 2 years. There are various factors and risks that can reduce the efficiency of a business, but there is also the possibility of increasing its attractiveness for an investor.

Production of crumb rubber

First of all, it is worth making a calculation to determine the optimal production volume. The lower it is, the lower the turnover and the longer the payback period, however, if you produce excessive amounts of crumb rubber, you can end up going bankrupt. To make a decision, you need to rely on several factors. The first step is to evaluate the constraints imposed by the existing project budget. How much money do you have in your personal accounts, how much can you get from the bank as a loan, what amount are investors willing to provide?

The bottom line is that the production of crumb rubber makes it possible to choose virtually any volume of production due to the flexibility of technology and equipment (compare with). Based on the existing conditions, it is better to choose the most optimal option or combine two directions in one territory if there is capital and excess space.

You can start with small volumes. Subsequently, it is possible to build a large-scale plant for the production of crumb rubber with a total area of ​​​​several thousand square meters. It is worth understanding that for such a project it will be necessary to prepare approximately several tens of millions of rubles. Such a giant will be able to serve a number of regions, and it will be able to claim one of the leading positions in its field in the entire country. Not everyone has such amounts. Therefore, often the most acceptable option will be the minimum option, which will allow you to arrange the first deliveries in the shortest possible time, and then smoothly move on to expanding your own capacities.

It is also important to realize the market capacity. If there are few consumers of a product in the region or there are already competitors, then it sometimes decreases by a fairly large amount. Of course, for those who have sufficiently large capital at their disposal, it is possible to increase production and establish work with a large wholesale customer even in another region, and ensure profit through large product turnover at a small markup. In some embodiments, it is possible to produce approximately 2.5 tons of crumb rubber daily to interest such a consumer. In conditions of high competition, it is necessary to either open a mini-factory in another region or abandon this direction. For example, you can replace the production of crumb rubber with the resale of cheap things.

In any case, preliminary marketing research is necessary. Having assessed supply channels, sales and competition, you can make plans for several years. At the same time, it is often profitable to start with a small workshop and then order additional lines of equipment. It is advisable to work through various options as much as possible, so that when faced with some difficulties, you can quickly respond to obstacles and resolve relevant issues without any financial losses.

Price of equipment for the production of crumb rubber

If you organize a line that allows you to produce crumb rubber with a productivity of 600 kg/h, then you will need the following equipment:

  • Bead cutting machine - 250-280 thousand rubles;
  • Machine for processing bead rings - 290-315 thousand rubles;
  • Tape cutting machine - 325-360 thousand rubles;
  • Chip cutting machine - 360-430 thousand rubles;
  • Shredder for grinding rubber complete with a direct conveyor - 2.6-2.75 million rubles;
  • Impact crusher - 650-700 thousand rubles;
  • Vibration separator complete with filter, cyclone and hood - 360-400 thousand rubles;
  • Magnetic separator complete with two bucket conveyors - 320-370 thousand rubles;
  • Vibro-pneumatic complex with a bucket conveyor - 350-380 thousand rubles;
  • Vibrating sieve complete with bucket conveyor - 315-340 thousand rubles;
  • Electrical equipment - 290-340 thousand rubles.

It is important to understand that the height of the room must be at least 5 meters, while the total area for equipment capable of providing such production volumes must exceed 150 square meters.

Advice: To save money, individual equipment can be purchased second-hand, but it is advisable to abandon used conveyors if you cannot strictly control their condition. This element of the production line can fail at the most inopportune moment and cause downtime of the entire equipment. Even if a used device is supplied by the seller along with the conveyor, purchase a new one and install it immediately.

Crumb rubber production technology

For production, you can use almost any pneumatic tubes and tires. The presence of fabric or metal fibers in their composition will not be an obstacle. Among the technologies for producing crumb rubber, the most common are shock wave grinding and mechanical processing. The first method is a more modern approach, but the second is more widespread. The bottom line is that the line for producing crumb rubber by shock wave grinding requires the use of more expensive equipment.

The advantages in this case will be a reduction in energy costs and space occupied by equipment. Such equipment for the production of crumb rubber is perfect for medium and large-sized production, but the use of technology with mechanical grinding is more preferable due to lower cost and, as a result, increased economic feasibility.

Business plan for the production of crumb rubber

It is possible to organize the production of crumb rubber with relatively low amounts of capital. The simplest technological lines occupy about 60 square meters, require an electrical network that provides a stable voltage of 380 V, and only two personnel to service the equipment in one shift. To organize continuous operation, at least 8 hired employees will be needed.

It is important to take into account other points, including the need for storage facilities for raw materials and finished products. In this case, the first should be approximately 4 times or more higher than the second, based on practical considerations. If we talk about exact numbers, then we should focus on 200 and 50 “squares” at least.

  • Equipment and raw materials - 70-150 thousand dollars, depending on the manufacturer and the distance from the seller to the location of the technical line;
  • Carrying out examinations and obtaining quality certificates - 2 thousand dollars;
  • Warehouse rental - 3-8 thousand dollars depending on the region and conditions;
  • Salary for all personnel is 5-10 thousand dollars (hired workers for line maintenance and sales department employees).

In total we have 80-170 thousand dollars based on the first month. Next, there will be expenses for raw materials and wages, and advertising and expenses for other needs may be added to them. Ideally, revenue will cover all costs at once, but it is advisable to have a capital reserve to ensure the operation of the line. If such costs are prohibitive, consider . Perhaps it will be a little easier to finance another direction. It is worth understanding that for a line that allows the production of 500 kg/h of crumb rubber, equipment costs alone can exceed $1.5 million, or can cost 10 times less.

As a rule, the greater the power, the higher the associated costs, but when purchasing the entire production line, you can save significantly. In general, a lot of help can be provided to budding entrepreneurs. In rural areas, it is difficult to find production facilities of the required size and characteristics; problems will arise with the supply of raw materials and shipment of crumb rubber due to difficulties with infrastructure. The situation is different with.

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You can increase the economic efficiency of your production if you produce not only crumb rubber, but use part of it to create finished products, for example, rubber tiles. Of course, this will require additional investments, but you can expand your business in this direction after full payback of production, which usually takes 4-6 months. If it is possible to finance the necessary expenses, the production of crumb rubber will be a fairly profitable enterprise, and will also have promising opportunities for further development and expansion.

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