Maitreya's flute mudra. Mudra "Flute of Maitreya"

The mudra is recommended to be performed early in the morning, at sunrise. The thumbs of both hands are connected together by the terminal phalanges. The index finger of the left hand rests on the base of the index finger of the right hand. The middle finger of the right hand is located on the middle and little fingers of the left hand (on top). The ring finger of the left hand is located under the index and ring fingers of the right hand. The little finger of the right hand is placed on the terminal phalanx of the middle finger of the left hand. The little finger of the left hand is located on the index and ring fingers of the right hand and is fixed by the terminal phalanx of the middle finger of the right hand, which is located on the middle finger of the left hand.


Helps in the treatment of respiratory diseases, nervous system And thyroid gland and for speech disorders.


Maitreya's flute is a symbol of all that is bright, pious and spiritual. Heralds the victory of the forces of light over the dark.

This mudra foreshadows the onset of everything spiritual, bright and pious; symbolizes the victory of light forces over dark ones, drives away sadness and melancholy. It is recommended for use in diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs.

How to perform mudra correctly

Bring the end phalanges of your thumbs together. At the base of the index finger of the right hand is the index finger of the left hand. On top of the middle finger and little finger of the right hand lies the middle finger of the right hand. Below the index and ring fingers of the right hand is the ring finger of the left hand. On the terminal phalanx of the middle finger of the left hand lies the little finger of the right hand; On the index and ring fingers of the right hand is the little finger of the left hand. The middle finger of the right hand lies on the middle finger of the left hand.

Hold your hands freely, without tension.

Perform the mudra early in the morning, facing east. Place it at chest level, look at the red color and inhale the scent of the rose. The breathing mode is as follows: inhale and exhale through the nose.

Maitreya's flute in Eastern mythology heralds the onset of harmony and spirituality, the victory of light forces over dark ones. Maitreya Buddha is often called "The Next Buddha". He is considered a symbol of happiness, wealth and is depicted laughing, standing or sitting in the lotus position. In Hinduism, the flute is a symbol of the voice of eternity, calling the inhabitants of time.

The healing effect of Maitreya's Flute mudra

On the subtle plane - performing mudra harmonizes the work of the Vishuddha chakra, on the physical plane - therapeutic effect Mudra Maitreya's Flute is associated with problems of the trachea, bronchi, lungs, and on the emotional plane, performing mudra makes speech pleasant and euphonious, and fills the conversation with an atmosphere of benevolence and understanding.

How to perform Maitreya's Flute mudra

Turn around and face east. If you are not on the road or in public place, light a purple candle (the color of intellectuals).

Technique for performing the Maitreya Flute mudra: the mudra is performed with two hands folded at chest level. Connect the tips of your thumbs. Place the index finger of your left hand on the base of the index finger of your right hand, and the middle finger of your right hand on the middle and little fingers of your left hand. Place the ring finger of your left hand under the index and ring fingers of your right hand. The little finger of the right hand should rest on the tip of the middle finger of the left hand, and the little finger of the left hand should lie on the index and ring fingers of the right hand (hold it on top with the middle finger of the right hand lying on the middle finger of the left hand). The mudra is recommended to be performed early in the morning, at sunrise.

The earthly Buddhas are: Dipankara, Kasyana, Shakya Muni, the future Buddha Maitreya and the Buddha of healing Bhai-sajat-turu, or Manla. The Maitreya flute should herald the onset of everything bright, pious, and spiritual; victory of light forces over dark ones. Indications: Wind diseases - diseases of the respiratory tract, lungs; a state of melancholy and sadness. Execution technique: the thumbs of both hands are connected together. The index finger of the left hand lies on the base of the index finger of the right hand. The middle finger of the right hand is located on the middle and little fingers of the left hand. The ring finger of the left hand is under the middle and ring finger right hand. The little finger of the right hand is placed on the terminal phalanx of the middle finger of the left hand. The little finger of the right hand is located on the middle and ring finger of the right hand and is fixed with the middle finger of the right hand, which is located on it. Perform this mudra early in the morning for all lung diseases and acute respiratory diseases, as well as for states of sadness, melancholy and sadness.

26. Mudra designed to maintain health

This mudra is used as a prophylactic and additional remedy for various problems. Method of execution: connect the tips of your thumbs. Connect the tips of the little fingers. Bend the ring fingers of both hands and point them inward. Place the index finger of your left hand between the middle and ring fingers of your right hand. Straighten the index finger of your right hand.


This mudra is performed for preventive purposes. Method of execution: connect the ring finger of the left hand with the thumb of the left hand. Place the middle finger of your left hand on the ring finger of your left hand. Press the little finger of your left hand to the ring finger of your left hand. Straighten your index finger. Bend the ring and middle fingers of the right hand and press them to the palm. The little finger, index finger and thumb of the right hand will be straightened. Place your right hand on your left hand at the level of the base of the hand.


As a remedy, this mudra is used in cases of general weakening of the nervous system. Execution technique: right hand Place on the left hand at the level of the base of the hands so that the backs of the hands touch. Connect the ends of the middle and thumb each hand separately. Interlock the tips of your index fingers and your right hand. Interlock the tips of the little fingers of your right and left hands. The ring fingers of the right and left hands remain free.


As a remedy, this mudra is used for inflammatory bowel diseases. Method of execution: connect the tips of the ring finger and thumb of the left hand. Connect the tips of the middle and thumb of your right hand. Place the little finger of your right hand on the little finger of your left hand. Place the middle finger of your left hand on the tip of the ring finger of your right hand. Straighten the index fingers of the right and left hands.


As a remedy, this mudra is used for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the windpipe (trachea). Execution method: connect the thumb of your left hand with the tip of the index finger of your left hand. Press the middle finger of your right hand to the base of your right thumb. Connect the thumb of your right hand with the tip of the middle finger of your left hand. Place the ring finger of the left hand on the index finger of the right hand and the bent middle finger of the right hand. Place the ring finger of your right hand on the ring finger of your left hand. Place the little finger of your left hand between the ring finger and the little finger of your right hand. With the little finger of your right hand, clasp the little finger of your left hand on top.