You can water the tomatoes. Proper watering of tomatoes

In order for the plants to be healthy and strong, and the harvest to be high, you need to know how often to water the tomatoes. open ground and carry out other agrotechnical activities. When caring for plants, you need to consider at what stage of development watering should be increased and at what stage it should be decreased. The beginning and end of the fruiting period and the number of fruits that can grow and ripen on each plant during the growing season depend on this. It is believed that tomatoes love heat and sun, but this does not mean that they do not like moisture. It is necessary to water correctly not only adult plants, but also tomato seedlings.

Before tomato bushes get into open ground, they need to go through the seedling stage, for which the seeds are sown in late winter or early spring. Because at this time, even in southern regions It’s cold outside, tomatoes begin to grow indoors, not in open ground. Proper watering important already at this stage. Knowing how often to water tomato seedlings, you can grow healthy and strong bushes.

The rules for watering tomato seedlings are as follows:

  1. From the beginning of mass shoots, count 2-3 days and carry out the first watering warm water. From this day on, you should monitor the condition of the soil in the box with seedlings - the soil in it should not dry out completely.
  2. Having set a date for picking, watering is carried out 2-4 days before it, so that the soil has time to dry to a crumbly state, but does not dry out completely.
  3. After picking, water the seedlings about once a week, making sure that the water does not stagnate in the pots or boxes.
  4. When the seedlings begin to grow, untimely watering can lead to the death of some of the roots in the overdried soil. In this case, after watering, the plants will stop growing and begin to grow new roots. Experienced gardeners Determine how often to water tomato seedlings by tapping the pot. The sound produced at the same time is an indicator of the degree of moisture in the internal earthen coma.
  5. The last watering is carried out on the eve of planting in the ground, so that the plants are well removed both from individual pots and from common boxes. With good soil moisture, it is easier to maintain the integrity of developed roots.

Watering after planting in the ground

Landing holes tomato seedlings prepare the day before, and before it, each is spilled with water, the amount of which should be 2-3 liters. After the bushes are placed in the holes and covered with soil, they should be watered again to allow the soil to settle, and then mulched. How often tomatoes will need watering in the future depends on the climate. The water that the plants received during planting and will receive in the future should be enough for them to take root and begin to grow in open ground. After planting, watering tomatoes should begin 2-3 days later. The first week is very important for the rooting of plants, and the soil should not be allowed to dry out.

Caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse (video)

Watering during growth and fruiting

You should not water tomatoes in open ground by sprinkling - this can lead to the flowers falling off. Correct watering tactics will not only protect plants from diseases, but also increase productivity.

The rules here are as follows:

  1. The temperature of the water for irrigation should be approximately equal to the temperature of the soil, so watering tomato bushes directly from the well is excluded.
  2. Many people do not choose the best time to water their tomatoes, but do it when necessary. But if you follow the rules, then when choosing between morning or evening, you should choose the evening hours. The right time is at sunset. The soil gradually cools down and absorbs moisture better, and the plant, instead of sweltering from the heat, is fully saturated with moisture.
  3. From the moment the seedlings planted in the ground begin to grow and until the first fruits set, you should not get carried away with watering. It is enough to do this once every 5-10 days (depending on the climate), and after the top layer of soil dries, loosen it to reduce moisture evaporation.
  4. The water requirement of tomatoes increases after fruit growth begins. How often to water tomatoes during this period must be decided depending on weather conditions. The soil must be constantly moist, but not flooded, otherwise the fruits will begin to crack and will be watery and tasteless. In extreme heat, watering is done every 3-4 days with intermediate loosening.

It is important to keep the line between good watering and flooding of plants, because the roots need not only moisture, but also oxygen, and the abundance of water displaces it from the ground.

How to water tomatoes correctly (video)

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If tomatoes grow in a garden, then watering them becomes not such a simple task as new gardeners think. When faced with this task for the first time, you begin to understand that you will have to spend a lot of time and effort to implement it.

Moreover, there are many subtleties and secrets, knowing which can make your work much easier.

The importance of watering tomatoes

Why, if tomatoes grow in the garden, is it so important to water them properly? The whole point is that experienced summer residents who have been growing this crop on their plot for decades have proven that there is a direct relationship between the level of nutrient absorption by plants and high-quality watering.

Moreover, the abundance of the harvest depends on watering. Also, if you know all the intricacies of caring for tomatoes, and especially how to water them correctly in the heat, then the plants will be able to survive even very high temperatures - from +35 and above - without harm, and cope with very dry air. By thoroughly moistening the leaves, they will be able to quickly evaporate moisture, which will protect the entire plant from overheating.

Important! According to research, tomatoes that grow in soil with around 90% moisture can grow much faster and produce more fruit. best harvest than at lower air humidity.

But it is also important to remember that tomatoes can be spoiled if you water them too often and abundantly. As a result, they will lose their taste and become lethargic and watery. Also, vegetables may simply crack, which will completely ruin the harvest.

Tomatoes that are watered too often may drop their ovaries, fruits, and flower stalks ahead of schedule. All this provokes the development of many fungal diseases.

To prevent this, you need to follow all the recommendations given by professional gardeners regarding proper watering of tomatoes. Then the harvest will be plentiful, and you won’t have to worry about many problems arising from a lack or excess of moisture.

When to water tomatoes in open ground

The most optimal time for watering tomatoes growing in open ground - in the evening, when the heat has already subsided. If the weather is still very hot, then watering should be done 2-3 hours before sunset.

How to properly water tomatoes

The effectiveness of irrigation depends on several aspects. As a rule, it is customary to water tomatoes at the root. This is exactly how you can give the bushes required amount liquid that will persist at the current air and soil humidity.

If, during moistening, water gets on the leaf plates, and there is very strong heat outside, you can simply burn them. This will lead to an increased risk of developing a disease such as late blight.

You can also water tomatoes in holes dug near the beds, but here it is also important to avoid getting moisture on the leaves. Sprinkling as an irrigation option for tomatoes is not suitable, therefore, this method should not be used.

Basic rules of watering

To all of the above, it is worth adding a few words about mulching. This process allows you to retain moisture in the soil for a long period, and also prevents the growth of weeds and maintains optimal soil looseness. Therefore, you should never neglect systematic mulching of the soil.

What kind of water is best to take for irrigation?

The type of water plays a huge role in watering tomatoes. The best option- rainwater. Therefore, many gardeners recommend collecting such water, infusing it, then adding fertilizer, and then watering.

This method is good because:

  1. You save on water consumption.
  2. There is no need to soften the liquid.

How much water do you need

The rate of irrigation water consumption for tomatoes depends on several points:

The simplest method to determine whether a bush needs watering is an external inspection of the plants. If there is too little moisture, the leaf blades will be too dark, and during drought they will wither. If this happens, you need to urgently water it.

The most important phase of plant development, when it most needs water, is the stage of ovary formation and budding. If there has been a drought outside all week, then you should spend about 30-50 liters of liquid on one bush.

When the plant begins to bear fruit, it is also very important to ensure that the soil does not dry out. The water consumption rate should also be about 3-5 buckets per plant.

Frequency of watering tomatoes in open ground

Beginner gardeners often think like this: “If I water my tomatoes as often and as abundantly as possible, the harvest will definitely be huge.” But, in reality, this scheme is incorrect, because with very frequent watering, the temperature of the earth will be constantly very low, and the air humidity will be high, and sometimes can even reach 100%.

If we allow such a serious deviation from accepted norm, this will have a negative impact on the plants. Especially those that grow in open ground. So, when the ovaries begin to bloom, the buds will simply begin to fall off, and the flowers will be pollinated much worse.

Moreover, tomatoes have a very long root system - sometimes it can even reach 1.5-2 meters. The plant grows very quickly to find new sources of moisture, and especially during drought. Therefore, you should not water it too often.

How to properly water tomatoes immediately after planting

Actually initial stage after planting, while the bushes have not yet taken root in the new place, they should not be watered at all. So, the water that was poured into the hole will be quite enough for the first time. The first watering should be carried out after 14 days. The procedure should be performed in the afternoon to minimize moisture loss (provided that the summer is very hot). Subsequent waterings should not be too frequent. Until the first flowers appear. You just need to lightly moisten the soil as it dries. To prevent fruit growth from stopping, you should always maintain a moisture balance. After all sudden changes may cause the plant to stop growing.

Watering during growth and fruiting

As soon as the bushes begin to enter the fruiting stage, watering needs to be a little more frequent. So, you will have to moisten the plants twice for 7 days. The consumption is the same - 30-50 liters for each bush.

If the tomato variety is short-growing or, on the contrary, tall, then watering should be carried out according to a slightly different scheme. At the fruiting stage, low bushes should not be watered too much, and before harvesting, stop watering altogether. This will allow you to achieve high-quality and bountiful harvest. There will be no cracks in the tomatoes, and the risk of “catching” late blight is reduced.

If the bushes are very tall, then they need to be watered every 5 days. At the same time, it is necessary to spend no more than 1 bucket of water on each bush. This will allow you to get large tomatoes in the future.

How to water during the flowering stage

When flower stalks appear on the bushes, watering must be significantly reduced. If you water too much, the plant may stop growing, and there will be much more green mass. Consumption rates at this stage are 2-3 liters per bush.

How to water during extreme heat

When it is very hot outside, maintaining the humidity balance is quite difficult. This applies not only to the outdoor garden, but also to the greenhouse. It is always worth remembering such characteristics of plants as the fact that the root system of tomatoes goes quite deep into the ground.

A tomato is a plant that can simply rot if it is not provided with normal watering. In other words, it will simply pull its roots as deep as possible to find moisture, and that’s all. nutrients will go directly to the root system.

Of course, such an “experiment” will cost you very much - you will simply lose your harvest. Therefore, remember to water your plantings twice a week during extreme heat. Not worth it anymore. But you need to water as much as possible.

How to improve watering efficiency on hot days

To increase the efficiency of watering in very hot weather, it is worth paying maximum attention to mulching. Moreover, it will help not only tomatoes that grow in the garden, but also greenhouse varieties.

Important! Mulch is capable for a long time retain the amount of moisture necessary for plants in the soil. Moreover, it allows you to save the flowers of plants that are too sensitive to sudden temperature changes. The main thing is that the mulch layer is at least 5 cm. Do not use sprinkling for irrigation.

If for some reason it is not possible to water the bushes in the evening, or the hot weather gives way to moderate coolness only after sunset, then you need to water the plants approximately 4-5 hours before sunset.

If there is enough moisture, then even on a very hot day the tomatoes will feel great. But the main thing here is to constantly monitor the moisture balance, otherwise the plants will begin to wither. This will be noticeable on the topmost leaves.

How often to water a tomato depends on the physiological state of the plant:

Seedling period.

Having planted seedlings, it is necessary to ensure survival; this is only possible in moist soil. Watering is carried out daily in small doses;

During this period, it is also impossible to do without moisture. Therefore, watering should be as frequent as possible to ensure constant soil moisture. But since in this phase the dose can be increased to 2-3 liters, the frequency of watering can be reduced to 1 time every 4-5 days. This phase is also characterized by the rapid growth of the root system; the plant subconsciously prepares for the fact that the fruits will need to be diligently fed;

The phase of formation of the first flower cluster.

This period is very short, but very important. One might say critical. During this period, it is necessary to monitor the plants very carefully; drying out of the soil, even short-term, leads to irreversible results and a huge loss of harvest. During this period, phosphorus-potassium fertilizing is necessary, but not a single fertilizing can be carried out without abundant watering plants;

The beginning of flowering phase.

U different varieties has different duration. Violation of agricultural cultivation techniques during this phase leads to the formation of inflorescences that are not typical for the variety, underdevelopment of the pistil and stamens and, as a consequence, the formation of ugly fruits. During this period, watering and fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers with the addition of microelements is important. Maintaining soil moisture during this period in optimal condition is very important for the formation of the first, especially valuable fruits;

The phase of fruit formation and grain growth.

During this period, the fruit grows rapidly, its chambers are filled with gelatinous liquid, the seeds become larger and larger, and the fruit takes on a typical shape. The tomato reaches the green ripeness stage. During this phase, the growth and ripening of tomatoes in the second and subsequent clusters continues;

The seeds are ripening.

Violation of the water balance during this period leads to the fact that the seeds are reduced, and those that survive will have insufficient germination. At this stage, the tomato consumes three times more water than at the beginning of flowering. And it becomes clear that the soil should be moderately moist; drying out of the soil coma during this period is unacceptable;

The phase of brown ripeness of the fruit.

The seeds are formed. During this period, they have indicators of class I sowing quality;

The phase of complete biological ripeness of the fruits of the first inflorescence.

During this period, the vegetative mass continues to increase, there is growth, development, and formation of fruits on the next inflorescences.

The duration of all these phases depends very much on external conditions and especially on the condition of the soil relative to its moisture. It is impossible to give clear recommendations on the frequency and amount of watering without examining the growing conditions of tomatoes. It is necessary to take into account the entire complex of agrotechnical conditions: air humidity, illumination, composition and quality of soil, and others. However, having carefully examined the plant and armed with these recommendations, it is not difficult to independently select the correct watering regime.

What you need to know about watering

1. You cannot hose tomatoes with well water - it is too cold.

2. Leaves must be dry.

3. Tomatoes tolerate underground watering well, for which plastic bottles without a bottom are dug into the ground with the neck down. This method does not allow air humidity to increase, but provides the plant with water heated in the sun.

4. Sometimes water is poured into the furrows. To prevent moisture from evaporating, the surface is mulched with a thin layer of earth.

5. Perfect option- drip irrigation. If you have the opportunity to organize it, the tomato will only thank you: the soil will be moistened all the time, and no heat will be scary.

6. If there is not enough moisture (you can immediately see it from the plant), the leaves droop, curl, and the buds and ovaries may fall off. If there is too much moisture, the tomatoes begin to ache, and unripe fruits burst and turn black.

7. It is best to water tomatoes in the early morning. Under the root. After water has been absorbed, the soil must be loosened shallowly. To water at the root, use a watering can with the strainer removed.

8. Rainwater is considered the ideal water for irrigation, but in conditions of environmental deterioration this is increasingly being called into question. Water collected from roof drains often contains soot, limescale dust and particles deposited from exhaust fumes. Just finished tap water- would be more suitable. It is kept in dark containers so that it warms up faster. It is best to save and heat water for irrigation. It’s great if there is a tank on the site that can be painted black paint so that the water heats up better in the sun. Water the tomato bushes from above, on the leaves, and even cold water using a hose means ruining the crop by at least half.

First aid for tomatoes in the sun

At this time, the temperature on the soil surface rises to +60...+70 oC, and when overheated, the roots lose their ability to absorb potassium from the soil solution. This is also why mulch is needed. In this case, foliar feeding quickly helps plants.

Be aware: when root feeding, part of the fertilizer “leaves” from the nutrient solution available to plants, going deep into the soil with irrigation or rainwater, or turns into poorly soluble compounds. Root feeding mineral fertilizers destroy the soil structure and suppress the activity of beneficial soil microflora. Fertilizing can cause burns and even death of roots. cultivated plants, especially at high concentrations or when applied to insufficiently moistened soil.

When adding a nutrient solution through the leaves, these harmful effects do not arise. At the same time, plants absorb food economically and quickly, and at the moment when they need it.
For better effect must be used completely soluble in water complex fertilizers containing, in addition to basic nutrients, microelements in chelated form and humic substances. Combining them with growth stimulants increases plant defenses and reduces stress in extreme conditions - during periods of extreme heat (as well asduring cold weather).

4 foliar feeding per season

Tomatoes really need microelements, and they are well absorbed only when applied through the leaves. During the season, I carry out at least four foliar feedings, timing them at the following times:

After picking the seedlings,

A few days before planting the plants in a permanent place,

Before the formation of ovaries,

During the period of fruit filling.

Of course, it is reasonable to combine foliar feeding with root feeding, reducing the concentration of the nutrient solution in the latter.
When applied foliar, nutrients are quickly consumed and the root system is activated to absorb nutrition from the soil. What if there is not enough of it in the soil? That's why it is better to combine both types of fertilizers .

Do not exceed the dose of fertilizer indicated on the labels and instructions. It is better to underfeed than to overfeed, especially when applying nitrogen fertilizers and concentrated organic matter (chicken manure), which can cause the accumulation of nitrates in the fruits. It is better to apply dry fertilizers before planting (in autumn, spring - in a hole, in rows) with the expectation of their long-term use.
Plants easily absorb nutrition from herbal infusions. They are richer in composition than complex fertilizers because they contain vitamins, phytohormones, and phytoncides.
It is best to apply foliar fertilizers using a spray bottle that produces a fine mist. It is necessary to wet both the upper and lower surfaces of the leaves. Solutions are absorbed through stomata - there are more of them at the bottom of the leaf.

The best time for processing is early morning, when it is cool, i.e. the solution does not dry out on the leaves for a long time, and the stomata are all open (at midday and closer to night they close).
Concomitant use Foliar and root feeding guarantees good yields of quality fruits.

Feeding tomatoes: Four feeding recipes for the entire summer season

For 10 liters of water, 0.5 liters of liquid mullein + 1 tablespoon of nitrophoska (0.5 liters for each bush).

For 10 liters of water, 0.5 liters of chicken droppings + 1 tablespoon of superphosphate + 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate (0.5 - 1 liter per bush).

For 10 liters of water, 1 tablespoon of potassium humate + 1 tablespoon of nitrophoska (5 liters per 1 sq.m).

For 10 liters of water, 1 tablespoon of superphosphate (10 liters per 1 sq.m.).

And finally - a new interesting recipe for feeding tomatoes(the name alone is worth it!!!).

Cocktail “Magic Balm”:

Bucket of mullein
. 2 shovels of ash
. 2 kg yeast
. 3 l whey
. bucket of green nettles

Place all components in a barrel, add water, leave for 2 weeks.
Directions for use and dosage: 1 liter of cocktail per bucket of water (1:10), watering once every 7-10 days at the root.