Almond milk has calcium. How to make almond milk

Almond milk obtained by combining nuts and water. This drink is similar to soy milk and other plant products. Almond milk has been used since the Middle Ages. Its main advantage was the ability to maintain freshness for a long time without lowering the temperature.

This drink is also popular due to the fact that it can be consumed during fasting. Almond milk is especially loved by vegetarians, who use it to prepare a variety of dishes instead of the forbidden cow version. Many people love this drink for its delicate and refreshing taste. Purchased almond milk is best stored at room temperature.

Beneficial features

The benefit of almond milk primarily lies in the fact that it does not contain lactose, which causes allergies in many people, and cholesterol, which is harmful to overall health.

The drink is rich in calcium, which is necessary to strengthen bones, and also improves the condition of teeth, nails and hair. Almond milk also contains phosphorus, which takes part in the regeneration of bone tissue, as well as magnesium, a mineral that is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart muscle. This drink also contains manganese, zinc, copper and other beneficial substances that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body. With regular consumption, almond milk helps to cope with extra pounds. This happens primarily due to its low calorie content compared to animal-based options.

Almond milk has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, as it contains 50% of the daily value of vitamin E. It will be useful for diabetics to know that this drink does not affect blood sugar levels in any way, and given the low glycemic index, it reduces the risk of this disease . When consumed regularly, almond milk strengthens muscles. It contains B vitamins, which take part in the growth and functioning of muscle tissue, and they also normalize the activity of the nervous system. This drink also improves digestion as it contains fiber. Considering the presence of vitamin A in this product, vision improves, as well as the ability of the eyes to quickly get used to changing lighting.

It is recommended that pregnant women and children include almond milk in their diet as a mild laxative. It will help improve the condition during pneumonia, sore throat, as well as convulsions and migraines.

Almond milk has been used for cosmetic purposes for a long time. The drink can be used for washing and wiping, and it also has a whitening effect. Almond milk also acts as a cleanser and softener.

Use in cooking

Almond milk is an excellent stand-alone drink that will appeal to both adults and children. It can also replace the usual cow's milk in many recipes. You can prepare a large number of different drinks, desserts and cocktails using almond milk.

How to make almond milk at home?

This drink is very easy to make at home. To do this you need to take 1 tbsp. almonds, 6 tbsp. water, honey and cinnamon. Nuts should be taken unroasted, otherwise there will be no beneficial substances left in them. The almonds must be thoroughly washed and poured with 3 tbsp. water and leave to infuse for 6 hours. After the time has elapsed, the water is drained, and the nuts must be poured again with 3 tbsp. water. Use a blender to grind the mixture until the nuts become coarse and the liquid turns white. Next, you need to strain the milk and squeeze out the remaining cake using gauze. By the way, you can dilute it again with a small amount of water and grind and strain again. Ready-made milk has a neutral taste, so it is recommended to dilute it with honey, cinnamon or lemon juice. Store finished almond milk in the refrigerator for 36 hours.

Harm of almond milk and contraindications

Almond milk can be harmful to people with individual intolerance to the product. It is also worth considering that some versions of the store-bought drink may contain the food additive carrageenan, which in turn can provoke the appearance of gastrointestinal inflammation, worsen the condition of ulcers and coronary heart disease. Also, such industrial milk can provoke the development of cancer.

  • 60 calories
  • 2 g carbohydrates
  • 1 gram protein
  • 3 grams fat
  • 1 gram dietary fiber
  • 10 mg vitamin E - 50% DV
  • 100 IU vitamin D - 25% DV
  • 200 mg calcium - 20% DV
  • 16 mg magnesium - 4% DV
  • 40 mg phosphorus - 4% DV

Of all the available casein-free alternatives, almond milk has the richest nutritional profile. Rice, coconut and soy milk lag behind or have more restrictions on intake.

Not only casein, but also lactose can cause persistent ailments.

Judging by statistics, lactose intolerance should be suspected even more often than milk protein intolerance. According to WHO statistics, in the United States, up to 25% have poor absorption of milk sugar. In Russia this number is about 16%. From the point of view of casein and lactose, almond milk is a complete benefit: there is neither one nor the other substance.

Benefits for weight loss and weight stabilization.

And again let’s compare the product from burenka and the drink made from almonds. Calorie intake is a key factor in the success of most diets. One full glass of traditional milk of varying fat content:

  • 0.5% - 84 kcal
  • 1% - 100 kcal
  • 2.5% - 122 kcal
  • 3.5% - 142 kcal

And only 60-70 kcal in almond milk! A good drink for anyone who wants to lose weight or maintain normal weight.

Nutritional benefits for diabetics.

And all people with hyperinsulinism. This is a condition when blood glucose levels fluctuate greatly and insulin is released in excess. These people include those with a sweet tooth, women who often lose weight, and most city dwellers with an unhealthy diet, when there are long breaks between meals.

Almond milk has little effect on insulin levels, has a low glycemic index (about 20) and is recommended in the diet to control glucose spikes.

Supports heart and vascular health.

The product is plant-based and contains no cholesterol by definition. Low sodium, high in vitamin E and calcium, magnesium and monounsaturated fats. A solid combination to protect against oxidative stress and support normal blood pressure.

Nourishes the beauty of the skin.

This valuable property provides half the daily requirement of vitamin E - the main antioxidant for healthy and youthful skin.

Helps bones stay strong.

And along with them, it strengthens tooth enamel. The reason for the beneficial effect is calcium and the phosphorus, magnesium and manganese necessary for its proper absorption.

  • To maximize the effect of the product, add to your meal a salad of leafy vegetables, including cabbage, and foods with vitamin D (for example, a chicken or quail egg). Sources of vitamin D for strict vegetarians and raw foodists are mushrooms, including champignons.

A good drink for digestion.

A whole gram of fiber from a drink! A very good choice if we care about getting enough fiber.

Let us remind you that the average dietary fiber requirement for an adult is from 20 to 30 grams per day.

Culinary advantages of the product

Delicious sweetish taste.

Often it is children who choose almond milk over cow milk. It is excellent for cold soups and light smoothies with berries and banana. It quenches thirst better, has an almost familiar texture, but a more delicate taste.

Interesting cooking at home.

Almond milk is one of those recipes that kids are curious about. Soaking, blending and straining are accessible processes in every kitchen, yet easy and unusual for inquisitive kids. We started preparing this milk for the sake of the children and immediately involved them in the business.

And no waste!

The cake remaining after straining is useful and tasty to add to baked goods, smoothies, porridges, vegetarian cutlets and pates, cold soups and fruit purees.

Place it on a tray, dry it slightly and freeze it in portions. A healthy supplement rich in fiber - always on hand for 2-3 months!

Particularly beneficial is that by soaking the almonds in the pulp, there is almost no antinutrient phytic acid left, which compromises the benefits of all nuts and grains.

Cooking recipe - with photos at home

Almond milk can be your baby's breakfast item in minutes if you soak some almonds tonight.

For about 1 glass we need:

  • Raw almonds (!) - 1 cup
  • Drinking water for soaking - 2 cups
  • Drinking water for mixing with nuts - 2 cups
  • Spices and extracts to taste: we do not add
  • Powerful blender: from 600, preferably 800 rpm

Want more servings? Multiply by the number of eaters.

How to cook.

We rinse the nuts in running water and add drinking water to completely cover the kernels. You can add salt - 1 teaspoon per 1 glass of water.

Leave for at least overnight (12 hours), or even better for 1 day (24 hours).

Place the soaked almonds in a colander, rinse and place in a blender.

Add clean drinking water to the bowl of the device and turn on first low, then high speed. In a powerful device, the process takes 2-3 minutes.

Result: a dense white liquid, which must be filtered through 2-3 layers of gauze or a very fine sieve. Almond milk is ready!

Our experience with spice and sweetness.

No additives - unusual agave or maple syrup, nutmeg, honey or vanilla extract, which Americans often cook with and tireless gourmets experiment with. We also do not use boiling water or peel the nuts.

Making the most of your choice is the simplest recipe using raw nuts to preserve their nutritional value. Try it! This milk has every chance of becoming your favorite among nut drinks.

Possible harm and precautions

Let's start with money. It will harm the budget; almonds are not a cheap nut. But if health conditions require you to abandon traditional milk, then almonds are the best alternative.

Almond milk- This is a real nut milk that can be prepared at home from almonds and water. The composition of almond milk in Tetra-Pak on store shelves is overloaded with preservatives, taste and color improvers. In fact, the almond milk recipe is very simple and does not contain unnecessary chemicals. Almond milk keeps well in or out of the refrigerator for much longer than regular milk.

Almond milk has a neutral taste. You can add it to tea, coffee, cook porridge with it, cook desserts, boil it with spices (turmeric, cinnamon, cardamom, allspice, cloves, nutmeg, ginger) or add honey, vanilla or cocoa. It is a good alternative to cow's milk when or if you are lactose intolerant and can be drunk by vegetarians and vegans.

Almond milk: benefits

Almonds are one of the healthiest nuts because they contain essential fatty acids, valuable vitamins (especially groups B and E) and minerals (in particular calcium, potassium, phosphorus, copper and iron). Almonds are rich in vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant. In terms of nutritional qualities, this nut is more nutritious than meat, milk, fish, many fruits and vegetables due to fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Almonds are considered an excellent alternative to animal protein sources. It does not contain lactose and cholesterol.

Almond milk with honey is good for colds, asthma, insomnia, male impotence, anemia, good for vision, mental fatigue, headaches.

Bitter almonds help cleanse internal organs of “toxins,” crush stones, and normalize the secretion of gastric juice (useful for ulcers).

Almond milk has a mild laxative effect, increases appetite, can be used as a sedative, and eliminates flatulence.

This is a good tonic drink; it keeps the mind active and strengthens memory.

Almond milk: calories per 100 g – 110 kcal.

What to do with almond pulp?

The remaining pulp from almonds can be used for culinary and cosmetic purposes.

For example, to make marzipan candies or lean oatmeal cookies, add to smoothies and desserts. Or drink almond milk with pulp.

The pulp can be used to make moisturizing masks for the face, neck and hands. In a bowl, mix almond pulp with honey or sour cream and apply to skin for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse with water, or better yet, simply wipe the skin with a damp towel or napkin.

Almond milk: recipe


  • 1 cup raw (not toasted) almonds
  • 3 glasses of water


  1. Soak the almonds in water overnight or for at least 4 hours.
  2. Drain the water. If desired, the nuts can be peeled by first pouring boiling water over them. But you don’t have to do this, then the milk will be beige.
  3. Pour nuts with 3 glasses of water and mix in a blender until smooth.
  4. Strain the milk through a sieve or cheesecloth, pour into a glass jar and store in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.

Best wishes ॐ
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By the name you can understand that almond milk is obtained by processing the nuts of the same name. The product has become widespread due to its beneficial qualities. Therefore, more and more people are trying to prepare the composition at home to improve the health of the body. Today we will look at the basic principles and highlight important aspects.

Features of almond milk

  1. Thanks to the fact that all major supermarkets are stocked with a variety of products, you can find almond milk with a completely natural (or almost) composition. This only doubles the benefits of the product.
  2. If you buy milk with preservatives, it is usually oversaturated with granulated sugar and other flavoring and aromatic additives. Similar components are added to increase shelf life.
  3. Homemade milk, on the contrary, does not last long, but is considered completely natural. You can prepare it yourself by following the recipes. The final product will have a creamy aftertaste and a number of beneficial properties.
  4. During the cooking process, you can vary the amount of granulated sugar yourself. Some people use powdered substitutes or honey (recommended) instead. This product contains the daily requirement of minerals valuable for the heart and bones.
  5. The simplest preparation method involves only water, salt, lemon and nuts. But you can make the taste richer and add other “notes”.
  6. In order to increase the fat content of the product, it is more advisable to use almond oil, coconut oil, lecithin and other natural ingredients. Almond milk goes well with vanilla.
  7. If you decide to skip the granulated sugar and not use it in the recipe, the final product will be tender. It can later be added to porridge, coffee or tea drinks, smoothies, etc.
  8. You can make various first courses, broths, baked goods, sauces, and breakfast cereals using almond milk. During the cooking process, natural juice, chocolate chips, turmeric, fruits with berries or candied fruits are added.

Traditional almond milk

  • filtered water - 0.75 l.
  • almonds - 240 gr.
  • salt - 2 pinches
  • lemon juice - 5 ml.
  1. Prepare a container for mixing ingredients, a glass jar will do. Pour nuts and salt into it, add lemon juice. Pour in water, stir and cover the container with a lid.
  2. Leave in the dark and at medium temperature for about 11 hours, during which time the nuts will soak. Then drain the water; we will no longer use it to prepare the product.
  3. Place the almonds in a strainer and rinse with filtered water. Remove the skins from the nuts, place them in a blender and add water according to the recipe. Turn all ingredients into a homogeneous mass.
  4. Arm yourself with a fine-grained strainer. Line it with 3-5 layers of gauze and pour the mixture here. The liquid should drain into a separate container located under the sieve. Wring out the gauze thoroughly.
  5. The nut cake remaining from the procedure is used as a filling for baked goods, porridge, cocktails, smoothies and other delicacies. It is also used to make body scrub or face masks.
  6. After straining, the milk must be poured into a sterilized container and covered with a lid. This composition is stored for about 3 days in the cold and in a dark bottle.

Almond milk with cocoa

  1. Children love this treat very much. As an additional ingredient to traditional almond milk, you need to take cocoa powder or chocolate chips.
  2. All ingredients, including almond milk, are sent to a blender and thoroughly beaten until a homogeneous structure and shade is obtained. This cocktail is consumed immediately.

  1. Usually, washed and pitted dates are used as sweeteners. You will need about 5 pieces. Also take a tablespoon of coconut oil and about half a teaspoon of vanilla extract.
  2. The ingredients are added to milk prepared according to the traditional recipe indicated above. Pour in approximately 480 ml. mixture into a blender, beat together with the rest of the ingredients.
  3. You can take not natural dates, but a syrup based on them. Some people prefer to replace coconut oil with almond oil to improve the taste.

Cinnamon Almond Milk

  1. This drink is ideal for those losing weight, because it enhances metabolic processes and promotes comfortable weight loss. To curb hunger, add cinnamon or turmeric powder.
  2. To determine the proportions you need to measure out about 450 ml. traditional almond milk, homemade, and a small teaspoon of cinnamon. All ingredients are whipped and the cocktail is drunk immediately.
  3. If desired, you can supplement the main components with nutritious fruits, for example, banana. To do this, it is first crushed with a blender, then mixed into the total mass.

Almond milk with strawberries

  1. As in all previous recipes, it is best to use ready-made almond milk as a basis. You will make it according to the recipe proposed above. Everything is simple and transparent.
  2. As for the quantity of strawberries, you need to take them at your own discretion. At 0.6 l. Milk requires about 1.5 glasses of fresh berries. Rinse it, free it from the tails, and dry it.
  3. Now add the berries separately into a blender cup and process them with a household appliance. If desired, add any sweetener, be it granulated sugar, honey or vanilla.
  4. Pour in the almond milk in a small stream while whisking the ingredients at low power. When the cocktail becomes homogeneous, it is poured into a glass and consumed immediately.

It's easy to make milk from almonds if you follow the basic instructions carefully. If desired, the product using traditional technology can be supplemented with spices, berries, fruits and other ingredients.

Video: almond milk recipe