Medieval 2 total war over local network. Online game

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Online game

In a multiplayer game, you can fight with other people over the Internet or over a local network. You can choose from both regular battles and special historical and fair battles.

Setting up a multiplayer game

To start a multiplayer game, select “Network” from the main menu and follow the instructions below:

  • Enter your details including your name, email address and GomeSpy password (required for online play only).
  • Decide whether you will play over the Internet through the GameSpy service or over a local network. Selecting one of the options will take you to the conference screen.


This is where players meet and chat before battles. The screen displays a list of available games, which can be filtered by several categories - You can join any game or create your own.

  • To select a game from the list, click on it. By hovering the cursor over its name, you will receive additional information about the conditions and parameters of the selected battle,
  • After selecting a game, click on the “Join” button and you will be taken to the screen for selecting a team or troops, depending on the type of game (more about this in the “Creating a Game” section of this Guide).
  • To sort the list of games by any of the possible categories, click on the header of the corresponding table column.


At the bottom of the conference screen is the interface for the messaging program between players. The list of players is on the right side of the window, sent and received messages are on the left side. In normal mode, your messages will be seen by all conference participants; in private message mode, only those you choose.

To apply a command here or another to a player, select his name from the list and click on the corresponding icon.

  • Click this icon if you want to enter private messaging mode.
  • Clicking on a player's name will add them to your personal list (a special icon will appear next to their name) - you can now chat with this person privately.
  • Click this icon if you do not want to receive messages from the selected player.
  • Click this icon to block or allow the selected player to join your game.
  • Clicking this icon will enable (or disable) a mode in which only players on your team can read the messages you send.
  • Enable or disable message filtering.
  • Click on this icon to expand
    (or minimize back) the messaging program window.

Game creation

The process of creating a new online game is practically no different from the process of setting up a regular or historical battle (depending on what type of game you are creating). To create a network game, select “Create” on the conference screen and decide on the following parameters:

  • Name of the game— enter in this field the name of the game that will be displayed in the conference.
  • Players and password— if you wish, you can specify the maximum number of players and protect the game with a password.
  • Squad size— you can reduce the number of warriors in the squad if one of the players has problems due to insufficient system performance.
  • Normal, historical or fair battle— selecting the type of game to be created.
  • Selecting teams, sides and armies- all this is carried out exactly the same as
    and in individual battles, except that in a multiplayer game you can limit the number of sides.

Greetings comrades!

I couldn't find any threads about this game. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough time for other games, but I know from experience that there are a lot of questions about this game.

I'm ready to try to help everyone.

For example: articles on M2TV: trade, espionage, murderers. For individual factions (as soon as I figure out what and how, I’ll post it as an example).

If you have a license, I can train you by playing GameSpy. Otherwise, in September there is a world M2TV tournament - and out of 140 million people we cannot recruit 30 strong fighters! A shame!!!

In general, if anything happens, I’ll try to help.


Advisor to the Master of the fighting clan of the online game M2TV.

PS I ask dear moderators not to delete this topic. Perhaps it will help someone. If not, I undertake to close it in a month.

For example, an article about the strategic unit “Killer”:

Greetings dear fans of computer games!

A game "Medieval 2: Total War" covers the period of development of Europe-Asia-Africa 1080-1530, including the invasion of the Tatar-Mongol Hordes, the Crusades, the discovery of gunpowder, the landing of the conquistadors in America, the raging plague in Europe and much more.

The Order "Druzhina" (or Host Order) - a community of fans of tactical and strategic games and an online battle clan, in particular games of the Total War series (Rome TW, Medieval 2 TW) - offers you a number of information articles on Medieval, which , perhaps, will make the game even more interesting and convenient for you.

We will sincerely welcome your wishes!

P.S. Article files are written in Microsoft Word and packed by archiver WinRar. Immediately placed in parentheses file size. Links to external Internet resources.

"A little about Medieval 2: Total War (part 1)" (size 550 kb)

"A little about Medieval 2: Total War (part 2)" (size 250 kb)

or "A little about Medieval 2: Total War" (single article in HTML format)

In this material you will find a brief description of the game, its pros and cons, as well as advice on diplomacy, religion, some military and general issues.

Three articles dedicated to the most important strategic units in Medieval 2: Total War - merchants, spies and assassins.

“Trade and merchants in Medieval 2: Total War” (size 100 kb)

Questions covered:

- trade directly;

- units with free content;

- everything about a specific trading unit - about the Merchant;

- resources - expensive and not very expensive;

- Merchant Guild – what it is and why it is needed.

"SPIES in M2:TW" (size 30 kb)

Questions covered:

- the activities of spies (they are also thieves and spies);

- anti-espionage activities (or SMERSH);

- Thieves Guild.

“KILLERS in Medieval 2: Total War” (size 110 kb)

Questions covered:

- purpose;

- how and on whom to “train” units;

- which “killer” is better?

- Assassins Guild.

Articles dedicated to individual powers (factions).

These articles present in tabular form a tree of all buildings in cities and castles, as well as a summary table of troops with their characteristics. A tree of military units is drawn in a schematic form, and the features of troops unique to a particular power are also described.

Denmark(size 830 kb).

A tutorial on hot-seat games from Ergistal.
Taken from the forum
On our forum you will find a lot of information on all games in the total war series.

1. What does the term "hot-sit" mean?

Hot sit is a type of online game invented for turn-based strategy games. In this mode, players, sitting at the same computer, take turns making their moves. From English Hot-sit is a “hot seat”; the chair does not have time to cool down before the next player makes a move.
Fans of the Total War series have adapted this version of the game for turn-based battles over the Internet.

2. What is a hot-sit game in MTV2?
Many fans of playing the excellent strategies of the Medieval Total War series, over time, begin to get bored with battles with the computer, and want to try their hand at fighting a live opponent, and that’s when playing over the Internet with the help of hot-sits comes to the rescue. The general principle of a hot-sit game is something like this: on the forum, a player receives a move from the previous player, performs all actions for his faction (fights, builds buildings, acts as agents), then saves his move and sends it to a file hosting service to pass the move to the next player . On the forum he writes a brief description of his move and posts a link to the save file.
The most interesting thing about this type of game is the opportunity to measure your strength against live opponents. Widespread opportunities for diplomacy with real people, the creation of alliances and betrayal of allies, conspiracies and confrontations open up.

3. What type of hot sit parties are there, what do the strange marks mean in anyang, online, autofight companies?
Anyang, Online and Auto battle are the most common types of hot seat games. They differ in the way they conduct tactical battles. Players make moves on a strategic map and battles against other players are carried out according to special rules.

Anyang - the player controls one squad in battle, simulating a commander with bodyguards, the rest of the troops are controlled by computer AI and enter the battle as reinforcements. This is done to equalize the chances of the troops of a living player and an unreasonable computer opponent.

Online - with this type of battle on a tactical map, players create a copy of the battle in the “battle editor” and play the battle via the network using special communication programs (Hamachi, GameSpy). Based on the results of the battle, the troops killed on the tactical map are disbanded and on the strategic map, the remnants of the losing troops retreat to the nearest city or a turn length away from the enemy.

Autobattle - in this mode, battles on the tactical map are not carried out at all, all battles are played on autobattle.

You will learn more about the features of these game modes by reading the article below.

4. Who is a key holder, and why is he needed?
For the convenience of online play, MTV2 allows you to set a password for your gaming faction. This ensures that other players will not be able to download your save file and find out game information about your country.
Before the start of the game, a key keeper, an experienced and respected player who monitors compliance with the rules, is invited to the game. All players are required to send passwords for their factions to the Keymaster. If controversial situations arise, the key keeper has the final say.
The key keeper has the right:
- load and view the save of any player,
- punish violators of the rules of the game by skipping a move or in another way,
- resemble the player delaying the move.
- transfer password and faction control

Now a new game format has also emerged, RPG-hot sit, in which the key holder is also the game master, he gives tasks to player factions and can actively participate in the game.

5. How to enter a hot-sit battle on the Imperial forum?
To do this, just follow the topics on the forum.

Organization of the game in hot-sit Medieval 2 TW.

And for Rome Total War in this thread:
Organization of a game of hot-sit RTV!!! Let's discuss organizational issues and rules!

There, in the topic header, messages about a selection of new games periodically appear. If you want to try your hand at online play, then register on the Imperial forum and leave a message in one of these threads. Review the topic periodically; you will probably soon be offered to join a new game or join an ongoing game. You can also suggest starting the game on an interesting mod. Gradually, players will certainly appear.
After your application for the game has been accepted, discuss with others the desired rules and type of tactical battles. Prepare for the game in advance, download and install the mod that will host the campaign and possible additions and patches for it.
You can find information about mods and links to download them on our website.
If something doesn't work with installing or setting up the game, you can read the topic and ask your question in the topic: Technical Problems, Questions and answers on technical problems MTW2

6. Tell us more clearly how exactly to play the company’s hot-sit over the Internet?

Download a save file of your faction's progress from the forum,

If the save is archived (extension *.rar, *.zip, *.7z) Then unzip the save.
(using this link you can download the excellent universal archiver 7-Zip

Save it to your game (or mod) save folder, for example in this path:
D:\GAMES\Medieval II Total War Kingdoms\mods\broken_crescent\saves\
The save file has the extension *.sav (For example: Franse_1.sav)

Go into the game and load your save. Walk around the game, do all the necessary movements, actions of agents and conduct battles. Remember the rules of the game and try not to break them! Don't forget to take screenshots when opening the fortress gates with the help of spies, during battle, and when successfully killing enemy agents. Killing generals and family members is generally prohibited.

Note! Typically, restarting and moving the turn several times to get the desired result is not welcomed by other players. Of course, this is difficult to check, and besides, it happens that you need to move because you accidentally went to the wrong place. Try to play right away the first time, but even if you had to switch several times, it’s better not to advertise it on the forum.

Save the game.
Once you think that everything necessary has been done, press the skip button when you see the table for entering the password of another faction, press "ESC" and save the game. Please give the save file a meaningful name so that another player can understand exactly what move he is downloading (For example, Venice_4.sav) makes it clear that this is Venice’s move No. 4.

Archive your save. This is not required, but some players have limited internet access and save size may be important to them.

Pass the move to the next player. To do this, upload your file to any file hosting service. For example: or
Post the resulting link on the forum, in the game topic.

Proper formatting of progress messages.
1. Highlight your faction name and turn number in bold or color.
2. Write a description of your move. The more and more beautifully you describe your move, the higher the respect your teammates will have for you. Of course, it is not necessary to describe military secrets in the description, but try to include at least some interesting information in your description. A beautiful, literary description is welcomed and encouraged.
3. Select diplomacy as a separate block. Try to clearly formulate diplomatic agreements to avoid clashes and disputes in the future.

Note! The agreement comes into force and is considered valid after it is posted on the forum and confirmed by both players! Alliances and agreements concluded in the game, but not voiced on the forum, have no force and claims for their violation will not be accepted...

4. If there were battles during the course, do not forget to provide the necessary screenshots. Screenshots of battles against non-player factions are usually not required.
5. Write the name of the faction and insert the link to download the move.

Note! Try to be respectful of other players. If you participate in different sits, a certain reputation is gradually assigned to you. A player who is respected will always be invited to a new game and will behave honestly with him. If you insult others and quarrel, you will receive the same attitude towards yourself in return.

Here is an example of a move:
The Roman Empire; Move No. 3.

Seeing that the Frankish king was not sitting idle and took Zaragoza, the Roman Emperor also decided to stretch his legs.
The absurd semblance of the Danish state was destroyed, and now there is Roman power.
They took a couple more towns, returning them to the rule of the Reich.
Churches and barracks are being built in the country's cities. We are good Christians, but we are always ready to fight back.
There were many more battles with the rebels - having fled from the outskirts of Antwerp, they settled right under the walls of the Reich Capital.
Let's continue to enjoy our peaceful life.
1. We offer a trade agreement to the ruler of Venice.


Progress of Venice:

7. How to take and provide screenshots.
8. Fraps program. Download, install, configure.
9. How to install and configure Hamachi for online battles?

Glossary of terms:

MTV2, MTW2 - game Medieval Total War2.
RTV, RTW - Rome Total War game.

Hot-sit company, Sit, Sardel - designations of a party for several players in a network game.
Anyang, online, auto-fight - types of hot-sit game rules.
Save, Save, save - save in the game, which is transferred to another player.
Faction - a country or any gaming group in the MTV2 or RTV games.
Vanilla is an original MTW2 or RTW game from Creative assembly.

I plan to write more detailed articles in the future:
- Secrets of the hot-sit. Do you know that... ?
- The art of the key holder. How to create and control a hot-sit game.
- Creating a historical battle in the built-in MTV2 editor

Medieval 2 Total War - how to play online (registration, CD-key, patches)

To play online in Medieval 2 Total War on the official Game Spy server, the following conditions must be met:

1. Installed licensed version of the game Medieval II Total War.
2. Installed patch 1.2 (1.02) at least (or higher, for the game in the Kingdoms add-on).
3. Correctly entered license key "CD-key" (located in the box with the game).
4. Game Spy account (you need to register on their website).

1. Procedure:

1) install the game Medieval 2 Total War. During installation, you will need to carefully enter the license key (CD-key) in CAPITAL letters. The key can be found inside the box with the game disc (usually the sticker with the key is located under one of the discs or next to it);
2) install the latest patch for the game. The patch can be found here (see link below);
3) go to the “Game Spy” website (you need to click on this link):;

4) register on the "Game Spy" website. To do this, on the right side of the site (under the inscription “New Users - Register Here”), enter your data in the following fields (all of them are required!):
- "Preferred Nickname" - enter your preferred nickname (alias), which will be visible to all players during online play;
- "First Name" - enter your name;
- "Last Name" - enter your last name;
- "Gender" - select gender from the drop-down list (male = man, female = woman);
- "Email Address" - enter your email address (e-mail);
- "Confirm Email" - enter the email address again (to confirm the correctness of the entry);
- "Birthday" - select your date of birth in the drop-down lists (specify the month, day and year);
- "Country" - select your country of residence from the drop-down list or enter it in English (for example, Russia = Russia);
- "Zip/Postal Code" - enter the postal code;
- "Password" - enter the password;
- "Confirm Password" - enter the password again (to confirm the correctness of the entry);

Then click the “Create my account” button (create an account, register).

Attention! Fields highlighted in bold in the list above are key! The mailbox must be working (functional) and accessible - a letter will be sent to it to confirm registration. We strongly recommend writing them down in an accessible place (on wallpaper, for example) so as not to forget! They will be needed to enter the online game;

5) open your email inbox. Within a short time, an email should be sent to the email address specified during registration asking you to confirm your registration. As soon as the letter is received, open it and click on the link indicated there;

6) check if registration was successful. To do this, go again to the website After this we will see an inscription in the spirit of “Welcome VasjaPupkin, you are logged in! ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.)", which means the following: “Welcome to our website, Vasya Pupkin, you have successfully logged in to the site!” The email address specified during registration will be indicated in brackets.
Note. If no such message is received, then repeat all steps starting from point 3);

7) launch the game and go to the "Network" menu. The window will be divided into two parts: “Local network” on the left, “Internet” on the right. Since we are interested in playing via the Internet, on the right side of the screen we carefully enter the data specified when registering with Game Spy: nickname (alias), email address and password, then click the “Internet” button.

If the login is successful, then in the new screen all that remains is to choose whether to create a new game yourself or join one of the already created ones - and we are in the game! If the login is not successful, a message will be displayed describing the error that occurred.

2. The most common 2 errors are:

A) Invalid license key (invalid CD-key)
The reason is an incorrectly entered license key when installing the game (CD-key for Medieval 2 Total War).
Unfortunately, the developers do not provide us with the opportunity to change the license key in the game (as was done for Rome Total War, for example). But we are confident that we are right, since we honestly bought the licensed version of the game. Then the error is most likely due to the incorrect entry of the license key (CD-key).

We correct the key as follows:
1) click the "Start" button and in the menu that opens, click on "Run...". A small window will appear. In it we write the word “regedit” (without quotes) and click “OK”. The system registry editor will launch.
Attention! The system registry stores system settings and, if mishandled, can “ruin” the entire system, along with all the photos and other valuable information, or disrupt its stability and performance. Therefore, you need to be very careful when working with the Registry Editor and do only what is described here;
2) Registry Editor is very similar to Explorer, so it is easy to work with. On the left side there are thematic “folders” in which the system settings are located, on the right - the settings themselves. Find the line “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” and click the plus sign to the right of it;
3) select the line "SOFTWARE" and click the plus sign to the right of it. A list of programs will appear, among which we find “SEGA” and press the “plus” sign again;
4) find the line “Medieval II Total War” and click on it with the mouse. A list of available settings will appear on the right side of the window;
5) double-click on "CDKey". A small window will appear in which you need to edit the license key and click “OK”;
6) close the registry editor (out of harm's way). To do this, open the "File" menu and click on "Exit".

Attention! The key must be entered in CAPITAL letters! This is usually facilitated by pressing the Caps Lock key on the keyboard.

After that, we launch the game and calmly go online to destroy the bourgeoisie with a powerful attack!

b). Invalid registration on Game Spy(account does not exist, incorrect password, etc.)

We check whether registration was successful. To do this, go to the site again
After this, we will see an inscription in the spirit of “Welcome VasjaPupkin, you are logged in! (VasjaPupkin”, which means the following: “Welcome to our site, Vasya Pupkin, you have successfully logged in to the site!” The email address specified during registration will be indicated in brackets.
If such a message is not received, then we repeat all the steps starting from the third in paragraph 1. (see above);

Unfortunately, this method of registering for online play has scared off a huge number of potential players. So those who play Medieval 2 Total War online are rightfully considered the most patient players in the history of the Internet!

You will find all the necessary files for the game Medieval 2 Total War in our file directory.
If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask. If everything works fine, then

Good luck in battle and beautiful victories!

Release date: 2007

The British are punctual people. From the very beginning of the series Total War The developers have made it a rule to release one new part or addition per year. And it seems they are not going to deviate from tradition. So, what will we see in the fall of 2007?

Deferred Promises

The first and most important innovation promised to us in Medieval II: Total War - Kingdoms, are multi-user scenarios. Yes, they promise us (and very convincingly) that online it will be possible to fight with a live opponent not only in tactical mode, but also on a global map. Perhaps some remember - they wanted to implement this back in the original Medieval II: Total War, but later network campaigns were removed from the list of expectations; saved for addition.

The gameplay of such duel scenarios is generally the same as in a single player game. Before us is a global map, which, however, is quite small in size - only a few provinces, so as not to drag out the duel for a week. Players own cities and fortresses, in which they conduct internal politics and hire troops at their own discretion. But the most interesting things begin, of course, outside the fortress walls, when the troops set out on a campaign. Even with Rome, the global map perfectly simulated theaters of war, but the computer opponent could not cope with the wealth of possibilities. Now, when we are confronted by a living enemy, all the capabilities of the global map will finally be put to good use. Taking the high ground before ending your turn is vital. Defending bridges, fords and gorges is even more important. A good habit is to build camps to wait for reinforcements. Although these same reinforcements can easily be ambushed if you lose your vigilance. Don't forget to take up plundering enemy fields to damage the enemy's economy. Better yet, send one detachment of light cavalry to occupy the trading port - all enemy trade will immediately and for a long time stop. Yes, we had and still have all these opportunities in the single-player campaign, but there, alas, they are almost useless - everything is too easy and predictable.

In this regard, it is impossible not to mention another pleasant gift - the ability to control several armies entering the battle at once. Previously, everything was like this: you go to the rear of the enemy with one army, and attack from the front with the other. As a result, you control those who directly provoked the battle, and the support army either comes into battle as reinforcements (but this often prevents you from taking advantage of numerical superiority), or enters the battle at the same time as you, but is controlled by artificial intelligence that behaves like a desperate suicide . As a result, it was simply unprofitable to surround the enemy on the global map from several sides for simultaneous attacks from different directions. Now this problem has been solved, the limit on the number of units simultaneously controlled by the player has been removed, so hit the enemy from the rear, from the flank, or from everywhere at once.

In addition to online multiplayer scenarios, a cooperative game mode on one computer has also been announced ( hot seat). It’s hard to imagine what it will look like, because it’s impossible to play against each other like that, tactical battles are in real time. Will they really give you twenty seconds for each “move”?

Another war

But, of course, everything is not limited to strategic duels. For the third time in its history, the series will take a “step towards personality.” This time, the developers want to give the commanders of different nations specific combat abilities unique only to their nation. Some journalists have already dubbed this the “advent of fantasy,” but Creative Assembly immediately refuted this claim. General tricks have nothing to do with spells (or abilities similar to them). To illustrate, it is possible for a Byzantine strategist to send a spy into the enemy’s camp before a battle in order to mix up the enemy formations and disrupt discipline in the battle. One can only guess what the governors of other countries will receive.

In addition, the developers have revealed their cards regarding such things as forts. Until now, the series had a golden rule: one province - one fortress (ports were added to Rome, but these points of trade were too defenseless). Now the provinces (at least in European lands) will be protected by a whole chain of forts covering certain areas. The influence of these fortifications, apparently, will be very great - capturing a fort allows you to more effectively ravage the enemy province (and it doesn’t matter that the capital is too tough for you) and take a breather to rush to this very capital (though, rebuild the fort and train troops in it impossible). On the other hand, it is much easier to defend borders with the help of forts, so wars are likely to become protracted and positional. This is even more likely given the fact that the game will have full-fledged moats with water.

According to the developers, it seems that players will have to face the typical problem of a medieval monarch - the loyalty of vassals. That is, even now troops can betray their master by taking the high road, but in addition, control over (un)loyal subjects should become more difficult.

The game is developing not only in depth, but also in breadth. We are promised four single-player campaigns at once (until now all add-ons could only boast one). They are respectively dedicated to: the Baltic wars of the Teutonic Order, Poland, Lithuania and the Russian principalities, the British civil strife of the times of William Wallace and King Henry III, the Crusades and wars for the Holy Land, as well as the Spanish conquest of Central America. Of course, the list of promises includes new countries and troops (among them the very unusual Byzantine “Greek fire” throwers), improved graphics (the screenshots show significantly prettier faces of the soldiers) and improved game balance and AI (although Creative Assembly has already almost gotten rid of all shortcomings that were so obvious immediately after the release of the original game).

The Kingdoms addition can, in our opinion, be considered a lull before the next drastic change in the series. In fact, the developers promise to bring to life and bring to brilliance all the ideas that were laid down in Rome: Total War. One way or another, this will not stop us from enjoying online campaigns and innovations in game mechanics in the fall of 2007. There is no doubt about Creative Assembly's diligence.