The gay love triangle of Igor Chapurin. Gay love interest: photos of Igor Chapurin kissing Eduard Bagrationi appeared on the Internet Igor Chapurin: career development

Igor Chapurin is one of those men, sitting next to whom you want to straighten your back. The first Russian designer to show his collection at prêt-à-porter week in Paris, he created clothes for the first ladies of the Russian Federation, Hollywood stars and ballet dancers. The editor of the site asked the fashion designer about his daily routine, modern men and the CHAPURIN Man clothing line.

Your family was involved in clothing production(Igor’s mother worked as the chairman of the board of directors of a clothing factory – editor’s note) That is, you did not choose your profession by chance. If not a fashion designer, then what else could you work as?

I have a curious trait: I accept life as it comes. Once upon a time I started going to a sports school, which I exchanged for an art school. I like cinema, but I never dreamed of becoming an actor. One way or another, my possible profession would lie in the area of ​​art.

What measures do you take to look good?

I am 45 years old, and I do not have the task of personifying my fashion brand, I am not part of its image in the active sense of this. I just live, communicate, and spend a lot of time working. Igor Chapurin's wardrobe is minimalist: 10 black V-neck jumpers, 10 pairs of black boots, etc.

By and large, my work is my life. Of course, a man must be well-groomed and look neat. I comply with these standards. When I travel, I try to try various massages and spa treatments. But I'm not a fan of all this. Life revolves around my profession, and not around my appearance. People who work very hard are frozen in time. The cells of the body and brain function all the time and do not age.

Previously, the right to choose remained with the man. Nowadays you can often hear the opinion that a modern man prefers to be chosen. Do you agree with this?

Women have spoiled their karma a little with feminism, since they gave men the opportunity to not bother. If the family previously had respect for the woman, for the mother, then the son will project this onto his life, onto the women nearby. And if this is not the case, then the man becomes... just a man. Women began to achieve a lot, just like men: they drive cars, earn a lot, fly into space. No matter how much we now try to rigidly divide the world by gender, something else is now relevant. We have all become just people. Apart from women's ability to give birth, all other differences between us are very blurred.

Who is he, the man in the Chapurin suit?For what target audience are you creating the CHAPURIN Man line?

This line arose almost by accident. Our brand sews a lot of wedding dresses. Our brides needed their partners to look equally good and harmonious. The men's line is created only to order. Clothes are of the highest quality, since we invited specialists in men's tailoring. At the same time, the prices are not exorbitant, which also sets us apart from our competitors. I myself wear almost exclusively our men's line.

Feminism has somewhat destroyed the beautiful, noble characteristics of a man when he was obliged to do something. Now, alas, he is no longer obliged to do anything.

At home in Moscow, how is your day going?

I get up early and come to the office. I like to be there while my team isn't there yet. When everything is assembled, work begins: clients arrive, fittings take place, interviews take place. During the day I either draw something from the new collection or choose fabrics. I don't get tired of being constantly busy. I usually get home very late. There are certain obligations to friends and clients: to appear at one or another social event. Sometimes after all my work I can read at home and watch a movie.

What did you remember from the last thing you watched?

Before flying to Kyiv, I rewatched Stanley Kubrick’s “Lolita”. Once again I was convinced that my first love for this film was not in vain.

In 1992, Igor made his dream come true by taking part in the Nina Ricci competition for young fashion designers. Chapurin was lucky - he was among the top ten winners and in December 1992 he visited Paris, representing Russia at the X International Festival of Young Fashion Designers.

Igor Chapurin's logo is a bird on long legs. The designer himself explains its appearance this way: “It turns out that the surname “Chapurin” may have another spelling - with an “e.” I learned that in the Vladimir region there is a city called Suromna, in which a huge number of Chepurins live. I wondered why? In the dictionary of Russian surnames, I read that the word “chepur” for this area means a bird with long legs. I liked this discovery so much that I decided to include the bird in my logo. In the future, if things go well, a bird with long legs will become a symbol of my future Home. Fashion will be present everywhere - on accessories, on the lining of outerwear, on jewelry and other products." Most likely, this will be the case. Chapurin began his first press conference with the words: “When I was young...”. He was only 2b then, but he had already achieved a lot in life. Igor Chapurin (born in 1968) graduated from the Vitebsk Technological College in the class of “designer women’s clothing” and worked for a year as an artist-fashion designer in a Vitebsk atelier of the highest category. In 1991 he entered the Vitebsk Institute of Technology. For selfish purposes, Igor wanted to take part in the competition for young fashion designers named after Nina Ricci, and only students were allowed to participate. As a result, Chapurin received two specialties: “women’s clothing designer” and “fashion designer,” which provides his collections with not only interesting design solutions, but also impeccable technological execution.

In 1992, Igor made his dream come true by taking part in the Nina Ricci competition for young fashion designers. Chapurin was lucky - he was among the top ten winners and in December 1992 he visited Paris, representing Russia at the X International Festival of Young Fashion Designers. The competition took place under the auspices of UNESCO, and its jury included such big names as Sonia Rixl, Kenzo, Pierre Cardin... Parisian newspapers wrote that after Chagall, a second star lit up in Vitebsk. After an internship in Paris, Igor was invited to work at the Mach Maga company. Chapurin refused this offer: in Moscow, very tempting prospects also opened up for him - the young designer began creating dresses for beauty queens. As a result, since 1992, all Russian girls participating in the beauty contests “Miss World”, “Miss Universe”, “Miss Europe”, “Miss International”, “Miss Eurasia and Oceania”, “Miss Russia” and others compete in evening dresses by Igor Chapurin. Probably, dresses from Chapurin bring happiness - in 1993, Yulia Alekseeva received the title "Vice Miss Europe" in an exquisite outfit - Igor Chapurin multiplied 45 meters of green silk with elements of the Rococo style. Immediately after this, Igor receives an order for seven dresses for the finalists of the first Miss Russia competition. In October 1993, Chapurin's dress serves as a talisman for Elmira Shamsutdinova - she becomes Vice-Miss International.

The autumn-winter season of 1994-95 is perhaps the most memorable time in the life of the designer. In December 1994, Chapurin shows his collection at the International Fashion Festival in Bulgaria. February 1995 became very important in Chapurin’s biography - Igor showed his collection for the first time in Moscow. He called his debut “Passage to Russia” (“To Russia with Love”), because at that time his name was better known in the West than at home. The show took place at the Metropol Hotel. The President of the French Committee of Elegance, Roger Seiler, who arrived in Moscow especially for this occasion, not only recognized the collection as corresponding to the European level, but also placed an order for thirty costumes for the Miss Europe-96 show. And the singer Tamara Gverdtsiteli asked Igor Chapurin to sew her a dress for an important performance at Carnegie Hall. In the process of working on this collection, Igor invented his own method of embroidery. The know-how was born like this: “I had little time, there was no time to hire embroiderers, so I did fittings during the day, and embroidered at night, coming up with new moves, and finally combined gold, beads and corals in one embroidery. Then I showed the finished collection embroiderers, and it turned out that none of them were simply able to repeat it, because my embroidery was made contrary to all the canons of embroidery." Among other things, then Chapurin shocked Moscow by dressing the black Parisian fashion model Eugenie in a Russian kokoshnik embroidered with pearls.

In November 1995, Igor Chapurin demonstrated the collection “Evening Fashion: Yesterday and Today.” This time, People's Artist of Russia Tatyana Vasilyeva walked along with fashion models in Chapurin's dresses. December 1995 turned out to be a hot time for Igor - he was designing suits for the employees of the Rene Garraud boutique and cocktail dresses for the presentation of the Estee Lauder cosmetics company.

The Italian designer Irene Golitsyna, who at one time became famous for inventing the “palazzo pajama” style, intended for actively traveling women, showed serious interest in Chapurin’s work. His dignity was appreciated by Jacqueline Kennedy, Greta Garbo, Elizabeth Taylor. Galitsyna invited the young designer to create a line of women's clothing under the "Galitzine" brand.

Igor Chapurin considers his potential clients to be wealthy ladies over the age of thirty who are able to comprehend the aesthetic subtleties of his ideas, and as his muses he sees three women at once - Alla Demidova, Tatyana Vasilyeva and Marianna Petrovskaya. Marianna is the “face” of the Givenchy cosmetics series; Western journalists consider her appearance to be angelic. After photographing with models from Chapurin, Marianna said: “In the West, my appearance is interpreted more softly and femininely. The new image created by Chapurin turned out to be surprisingly close to me and, to some extent, became a revelation.”

Igor Chapurin also spent 1996 very creatively. I started by creating costumes for the Miss Russia-95 competition. It is in his models that the helmsman of the "Oboz" Ivan Demidov now appears on the ORT channel, the host of the new TV show "You'll Lick Your Fingers" Tatyana Lazarevana on TV-6 channel also demonstrates the works of Igor Chapurin in her program. A special honor for Igor is working with the brilliant actress, People's Artist of Russia Alla Demidova. The collaboration of Igor Chapurin with the famous stylist Lev Novikov can also be called brilliant, whose skill helps the young designer achieve a clean and expressive image of the collections. In Vilnius, in the English Villon Hotel, Chapurin's boutique will soon open. Not bad at all for a 28 year old.

Igor Chapurin sees his place in fashion as follows: “I am looking for a compromise between commercial recognition and artistic originality of things. For me, success is when things are bought, when they are worn. Things must, simply must be used, and only then do they live their own lives and justify the name “fashion” And the creative credo of designer Igor Chapurin can be summed up in three short words - simplicity, harmony, perfection.

One of the few names of Russian designers known throughout the world.

Igor Chapurin: biography

Igor Chapurin was born in March 1968 in the city of Velikiye Luki. His entire family was distinguished by their originality and creative approach to life. Rodite worked in a large factory: they were engaged in the production of knitwear. When the time came to choose a profession, Igor decided to follow in his parents’ footsteps and entered the Vitebsk Technological Institute. Having received a higher education as a fashion designer, he dreamed of entering a competition for young talents in Paris, which was held under the name of the famous brand Nina Ricci.

He not only entered the competition, but also won over talented aspiring fashion designers from all over the world.
At the end of his internship in Paris, Igor receives an invitation to the MaxMara company, which he refuses and returns to his homeland.

Igor Chapurin: career

At home, he begins work on a collection of dresses for Russian beauties taking part in prestigious beauty contests: “Miss Russia”, “Miss World”, “Miss Universe”, etc. Luxurious dresses win the hearts of participants and spectators, and most of the winning girls end up wearing dresses that the master worked on.

The successful fashion designer organized his debut show in his homeland only in 1995.

Two years later, he demonstrates the collection “Chapurin-97”, and is included in the society of candidates of the Association of High Fashion of Russia. In 1998, Igor’s hard work was awarded the prestigious Golden Mannequin award.

The same year becomes the time when Chapurin worthily represents Russian fashion at the “European Ball” in the capital of the fashion industry - Paris.

Igor Chapurin: opening stores

At the end of the 20th century, Chapurin opened his own boutique in Moscow. The designer's store is popular among the capital's fashionistas. A little later, he receives the Ovation Award and another Golden Mannequin.

Igor Chapurin is one of the few Russian fashion designers who has achieved fame and recognition not only in his native country, but also in the West. He always strived to realize his goals 100% and achieved this. At the same time, he doesn’t like it when people try to find “something Russian” in his collections. According to the designer himself, he honors his roots, but this does not mean that he should reflect them in his clothes.
The original and distinctive Chapurin represents a worthy image of a Russian fashion designer with excellent taste and extraordinary creative abilities.

Igor Chapurin's logo is a bird on long legs. The designer himself explains its appearance this way: “It turns out that the surname “Chapurin” may have another spelling - with an “e.” I learned that in the Vladimir region there is a city called Suromna, in which a huge number of Chepurins live. I wondered why? In the dictionary of Russian surnames, I read that the word “chepur” for this area means a bird with long legs. I liked this discovery so much that I decided to include the bird in my logo. In the future, if things go well, a bird with long legs will become a symbol of my future Home. Fashion will be present everywhere - on accessories, on the lining of outerwear, on jewelry and other products." Most likely, this will be the case. Chapurin began his first press conference with the words: “When I was young...”. He was only 2b then, but he had already achieved a lot in life. Igor Chapurin (born in 1968) graduated from the Vitebsk Technological College in the class of “designer women’s clothing” and worked for a year as an artist-fashion designer in a Vitebsk atelier of the highest category. In 1991 he entered the Vitebsk Institute of Technology. For selfish purposes, Igor wanted to take part in the competition for young fashion designers named after Nina Ricci, and only students were allowed to participate. As a result, Chapurin received two specialties: “women’s clothing designer” and “fashion designer,” which provides his collections with not only interesting design solutions, but also impeccable technological execution.

In 1992, Igor made his dream come true by taking part in the Nina Ricci competition for young fashion designers. Chapurin was lucky - he was among the top ten winners and in December 1992 he visited Paris, representing Russia at the X International Festival of Young Fashion Designers. The competition took place under the auspices of UNESCO, and its jury included such big names as Sonia Rixl, Kenzo, Pierre Cardin... Parisian newspapers wrote that after Chagall, a second star lit up in Vitebsk. After an internship in Paris, Igor was invited to work at the Mach Maga company. Chapurin refused this offer: in Moscow, very tempting prospects also opened up for him - the young designer began creating dresses for beauty queens. As a result, since 1992, all Russian girls participating in the beauty contests “Miss World”, “Miss Universe”, “Miss Europe”, “Miss International”, “Miss Eurasia and Oceania”, “Miss Russia” and others compete in evening dresses by Igor Chapurin. Probably, dresses from Chapurin bring happiness - in 1993, Yulia Alekseeva received the title "Vice Miss Europe" in an exquisite outfit - Igor Chapurin multiplied 45 meters of green silk with elements of the Rococo style. Immediately after this, Igor receives an order for seven dresses for the finalists of the first Miss Russia competition. In October 1993, Chapurin's dress serves as a talisman for Elmira Shamsutdinova - she becomes Vice-Miss International.

The autumn-winter season of 1994-95 is perhaps the most memorable time in the life of the designer. In December 1994, Chapurin shows his collection at the International Fashion Festival in Bulgaria. February 1995 became very important in Chapurin’s biography - Igor showed his collection for the first time in Moscow. He called his debut “Passage to Russia” (“To Russia with Love”), because at that time his name was better known in the West than at home. The show took place at the Metropol Hotel. The President of the French Committee of Elegance, Roger Seiler, who arrived in Moscow especially for this occasion, not only recognized the collection as corresponding to the European level, but also placed an order for thirty costumes for the Miss Europe-96 show. And the singer Tamara Gverdtsiteli asked Igor Chapurin to sew her a dress for an important performance at Carnegie Hall. In the process of working on this collection, Igor invented his own method of embroidery. The know-how was born like this: “I had little time, there was no time to hire embroiderers, so I did fittings during the day, and embroidered at night, coming up with new moves, and finally combined gold, beads and corals in one embroidery. Then I showed the finished collection embroiderers, and it turned out that none of them were simply able to repeat it, because my embroidery was made contrary to all the canons of embroidery." Among other things, then Chapurin shocked Moscow by dressing the black Parisian fashion model Eugenie in a Russian kokoshnik embroidered with pearls.

In November 1995, Igor Chapurin demonstrated the collection “Evening Fashion: Yesterday and Today.” This time, People's Artist of Russia Tatyana Vasilyeva walked along with fashion models in Chapurin's dresses. December 1995 turned out to be a hot time for Igor - he was designing suits for the employees of the Rene Garraud boutique and cocktail dresses for the presentation of the Estee Lauder cosmetics company.

The Italian designer Irene Golitsyna, who at one time became famous for inventing the “palazzo pajama” style, intended for actively traveling women, showed serious interest in Chapurin’s work. His dignity was appreciated by Jacqueline Kennedy, Greta Garbo, Elizabeth Taylor. Galitsyna invited the young designer to create a line of women's clothing under the "Galitzine" brand.

Igor Chapurin considers his potential clients to be wealthy ladies over the age of thirty who are able to comprehend the aesthetic subtleties of his ideas, and as his muses he sees three women at once - Alla Demidova, Tatyana Vasilyeva and Marianna Petrovskaya. Marianna is the “face” of the Givenchy cosmetics series; Western journalists consider her appearance to be angelic. After photographing with models from Chapurin, Marianna said: “In the West, my appearance is interpreted more softly and femininely. The new image created by Chapurin turned out to be surprisingly close to me and, to some extent, became a revelation.”

Igor Chapurin also spent 1996 very creatively. I started by creating costumes for the Miss Russia-95 competition. It is in his models that the helmsman of the "Oboz" Ivan Demidov now appears on the ORT channel, the host of the new TV show "You'll Lick Your Fingers" Tatyana Lazarevana on TV-6 channel also demonstrates the works of Igor Chapurin in her program. A special honor for Igor is working with the brilliant actress, People's Artist of Russia Alla Demidova. The collaboration of Igor Chapurin with the famous stylist Lev Novikov can also be called brilliant, whose skill helps the young designer achieve a clean and expressive image of the collections. In Vilnius, in the English Villon Hotel, Chapurin's boutique will soon open. Not bad at all for a 28 year old.