Loan for equipment for a new business. Loan (money) secured by special equipment

If you need it very urgently loan secured by special equipment, but you don’t know where to get the missing amount, contact “Riviera” - having special-purpose equipment (private or commercial use) in your property will allow you to rent it out at low interest with a payout of up to 90% of the market value.

We cooperate with individuals and legal entities, we take special equipment with a favorable deposit, cars, trucks, motorcycles, and water transport.

Riviera LLC offers financial assistance - a loan as collateral for special equipment on favorable terms. A minimum of documents will be required in order to formalize the agreement concluded between the two parties. All actions related to the transfer of a vehicle, financial payments due for it, terms of cooperation, interest, payment terms, etc. negotiated in the presence of a notary, accompanied by the preparation of all necessary documents.

No pitfalls, hidden payments, unreasonably high interest rates. We work officially, guaranteed to fulfill our responsibilities to ensure 100% safety of the vehicle in a guarded parking lot until the borrower fully repays the debt to our company.

If you have even the slightest doubt about the prospect of taking money as collateral for special equipment, you can always contact our specialists for advice.

Quick loan secured by special equipment from Autopawnshop Riviera

  1. Express loan application process.
  2. The assessment of the presented vehicle is carried out in the shortest possible time, in 99% of cases not exceeding 35-40 minutes (assessment + drawing up a notarized contract).
  3. Providing a service for an appraiser to visit the client if it is not possible to get there on your own or to bring special equipment on bail.
  4. We pay almost 90% of the market value of the vehicle (price comparisons are carried out on specialized Internet resources).
  5. We guarantee legal support of the transaction at all stages.
  6. Transparent terms of financial support with a realistically indicated commission without hidden fees or excessive overpayments.

After the conclusion of the contract, the vehicle is transferred to us. We will ensure 100% safety of the vehicle by installing it in a parking lot with 24-hour video surveillance and security.

The ability to freely pick up your car from a guarded parking lot after full repayment of the borrowed amount of money with interest payment.

We invite private clients, individuals, legal entities, as well as large companies and non-profit organizations to cooperate. We issue money against any special equipment.

These are not all the advantages of cooperation with Riviera LLC

Cooperating with us is much more profitable than with banks and other microfinance organizations offering money as loans. Banks often set excessively high interest rates for using loan secured by special equipment, which ultimately implies high amounts of debt repayment to the banking organization.

In addition, do not forget that no bank will provide a loan without a certificate of income or an invited guarantor. The same cannot be said about the activities of our company, where to receive money you do not need to provide a certificate of income or the presence of guarantors. We work on trust and focus exclusively on the collateral value of movable property, which means cars and trucks, commercial vehicles, small watercraft, and motorcycles. Pledge of special equipment allows you to get maximum money in your hands when contacting us!

It is difficult to imagine maintaining competitiveness without modern and high-quality business equipment. And as it wears out, the company is forced to replace it. Without this, the full development and prosperity of a successful business is impossible.

However, it often happens that an enterprise simply does not have the opportunity to allocate funds for these needs. In such a situation, management has two options: lease the necessary equipment or take out a loan to purchase it.

What is a business equipment loan? What difficulties await borrowers? Is it worth borrowing money from a bank? Which organizations offer loans for the purchase of equipment in Moscow?

What is an equipment loan? What difficulties await borrowers?

A loan for the purchase of equipment is a targeted collateral loan that is provided for the purchase of new equipment necessary for business development, increasing production capacity or opening a new direction. The loan is secured by collateral for the purchased equipment.

The main feature of this type of loan is the assessment of the collateral - the production equipment for the purchase of which the loan is taken. The bank will need to assess the liquidity of purchasing this or that equipment, the market value and related factors. This is necessary to minimize risks with a “stuck” deposit in case of non-return. Among other things, the bank will request complete information about the collateral (data on operation and requirements for maintenance, servicing of equipment, its cost, etc.)

Very often, a borrowing organization wants to get a loan to purchase used equipment in Moscow in order to save money. However, banks most often have a negative attitude towards such wishes of borrowers. Although approval is not excluded if the borrower asks for a small amount or is a regular customer of the credit institution.

As a rule, the estimated cost of equipment according to banking standards is 60-70% of the market value. Although the final assessment will also depend on the liquidity of the equipment. In such realities, many businessmen prefer to apply for a regular business loan with a guarantee or without collateral. Although the overpayment in such a situation will be significantly higher.

It is important to remember that the borrower will be obliged to insure the equipment acting as collateral at his own expense in favor of the bank.

Is it worth taking out a loan for equipment?

Knowing all the pitfalls, we can say with confidence that it is much easier to get a non-targeted loan for a business or for its development than a loan for the purchase of equipment. However, the interest rate in this case will be 5-10% higher, and this is an impressive figure for a developing business.

Perhaps the borrower should look at the service of leasing equipment with subsequent purchase. This procedure seems complicated, but is often much more profitable than a bank loan.

If the borrower nevertheless decides to receive a loan for the purchase of equipment with its subsequent collateral in favor of the bank, then it is better to seek the help of a professional intermediary who specializes in assistance in obtaining a loan for business. Yes, the credit broker will ask for the same 5-10% for their services, you will have to overpay, but once, and not every year. In return, the borrower will not have to run to banks, collect a whole bunch of papers, reports, etc.

Which banks offer loans for equipment in Moscow?

Among the programs of most TOP organizations there are targeted loans for the purchase of equipment for businesses in Moscow.

One of the loyal conditions is offered by Uralsib Bank under the Business Equipment program with a rate of 13.3% per annum. The loan amount varies from 500 thousand to 170 million rubles. for a period from 6 to 60 months. In this case, the share of the borrowing company’s own funds must be at least 20% of the cost of the equipment purchased on credit. As security measures, a guarantee from all business owners is required, as well as a collateral insured in favor of the bank in the form of purchased equipment.

With a loan for the purchase of equipment from Sberbank, you can borrow from 300 thousand rubles. for a period of up to 84 months. at a rate of 14.93% per annum. In this case, a loan can be taken out to purchase new or used equipment. In the first case, the minimum down payment of the enterprise must be at least 20%, in the second - at least 40%. There is no commission for issuing a loan, but, as with any other bank, you will have to pay for opening a current account, collateral insurance, etc.

“Loan for the purchase of equipment” from NOMOS-BANK involves issuing a loan in the amount of 1 to 30 million rubles. The term depends on the amount, for example, for a loan of up to 3 million rubles. - 1 year, up to 7 million rubles. maximum period - 60 months, over 7 million rubles. - 84 months.

The interest rate also depends on the amount and term. For example, having issued a loan in the amount of 1 to 3 million rubles, the borrower will pay from 15% to 18% per annum as an overpayment. For a loan amount of 3 to 7 million rubles. The % rate varies from 14.5% to 17.5% per year. The cash withdrawal fee will be 1.5% of the amount.

The minimum interest rate awaits borrowers when receiving a loan in excess of 7 million rubles. For them, the percentage varies from 13.5% to 16.5% per year, and the commission for issuing money will be 1% of the body. The loan has the option of deferring the payment of principal for 1 year. The borrower's down payment is not required.

UniCreditBank also offers a loan for the purchase of equipment in Moscow. With a loan of the same name, you can borrow from 500 thousand to 47 million rubles. for a period from 1 year to 5 years. The minimum client contribution is 20% of the cost of the equipment. A deposit in the form of purchased equipment is provided as security. It must be insured in favor of the bank at your own expense.

Any entrepreneur always needs money. They can be obtained by raising borrowed funds. Are you expanding production and purchasing new equipment? Banks can provide loans secured by this equipment.

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Such loans are issued to both individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. The difference is usually only in the list of documents provided.


Banks are much more willing to give a loan when the borrower provides guarantees in the form of collateral. The profit of an enterprise is a rather fickle thing, and collateral is the type of security that, if the borrower is unable to repay the loan, will remain the property of the bank. In any case, the bank will win.

The following can serve as collateral:

  • any production equipment depending on the industry;
  • transport;
  • special equipment.

The collateral can be new equipment, purchased used equipment, as well as equipment on which the company is already operating. Of course, the equipment must be in good condition.

The collateral must have a high degree of liquidity on the market, not be under an encumbrance, not be seized and not become the property of third parties.

Before registering a collateral, specialists must evaluate it.

This is quite difficult, since there are many nuances in each industry. The estimated value of the collateral will always be significantly less than the real (market) value.

Where to get?

Many large banks issue loans secured by purchased equipment.

In the table we will look at the most popular:

Loko - bank

Bank Zenit


Bank Credit – Moscow


From 300,000 rubles

Up to 100,000,000 rubles

From 1,000,000 rubles

From 10,000,000 rubles

Issue fee

No information

Do not charge

Yes, depends on the specific application

Grace period

Up to 6 months

Up to 6 months

No information

Collateral insurance

Not obligated


At your discretion

At the discretion of the bank

Additional collateral

At your discretion

nicknames or
legal entities–
nykh compa-
niy (with


Guarantee from the Small Business Lending Fund


Sberbank offers many loan programs for the development of small businesses. Interest rates are very attractive, starting from 14.82% per annum.

A large selection of collateral will allow any enterprise to find its own option. The maximum age of individual entrepreneurs is no more than 60 years.


The interest rate on loans secured by purchased property is from 16% per annum. Such a loan must be issued under the guarantee of all individuals - owners of the enterprise.

Guarantees from Business Development Support Funds and the Credit Guarantee Agency are also accepted. In this case, the interest rate will be lower by 1% per annum.


The specifics of the bank's work are mainly aimed at the development of agriculture. Therefore, the bank primarily accepts agricultural machinery, farm equipment, vehicles and other types of equipment as collateral.

The interest rate is set at the discretion of the bank after checking all the circumstances of the loan application and the operating conditions of the enterprise.

FC Otkritie

Only new equipment, tools, and equipment are accepted as collateral. Custom-made equipment is not accepted.

This is due to the inability to adequately evaluate and sell this equipment on the market. The interest rate on a loan secured by equipment is from 22% per annum.

Sberbank Uralsib Rosselkhozbank FC Otkritie
Sum From 150,000 rubles From 300,000 to 170,000,000 rubles Up to 85% of the estimated cost of equipment From 1,000,000 to 7,000,000 rubles – up to 5 years; From 7,000,000 to 30,000,000 rubles – up to 7 years
Term Up to 10 years From 6 months to 5 years Up to 7 years Up to 7 years
Issue fee No 1.2% of the loan amount From 0.8% of the loan amount 1.5% for up to 5 years, 1% for over 5 years
Grace period Eat No information New equipment – ​​up to 12 months; 2 – 3 years – 9 months; 3 – 4 years – 6 months Up to 12 months
Collateral insurance Necessarily Necessarily At the discretion of the bank At the discretion of the bank
Addcollateral At the discretion of the bank Guarantee of owners, ACG, Support Funds At the discretion of the bank Bills of exchange, cash deposits, movable and immovable property

Design methods

There are two ways to get a loan secured by purchased equipment:

  • submit an online application on the website, after preliminary approval, provide a package of documents (it is also available on the website of the selected bank);
  • Immediately contact the bank office with documents.

The loan specialist will tell you which specific documents are required for your organization and which for the equipment.

After final approval of the application, loan documents are signed and a pledge of equipment is issued.

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And if you are looking for an answer to the question - then you need to follow the link provided and read the article.

Loan secured by purchased machinery or equipment

Loans secured by purchased machinery and equipment are issued on fairly favorable terms.

Interest rates on them are sometimes lower than on consumer loans. The borrower organization provides the bank with a large package of documents. Using them, the bank evaluates the client’s financial condition and solvency.

The loan is issued as a lump sum or with the opening of a credit line.

Most banks require the borrower to insure the equipment. These are additional financial investments, but without them the loan may not be issued.

Requirements for borrowers

The borrower can be an organization - a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, working for at least 6 months and located in the Russian Federation. Good financial and tax reporting is also important.

If the organization has a credit history, it will also be carefully analyzed.

The main thing for the bank is that the loan amount is returned to it with interest. Therefore, good solvency is the main requirement for the borrower.

The bank will also have doubts about issuing a loan to an enterprise that purchases equipment not for production purposes, but, say, for storage in a warehouse.


Each bank sets its own list of documents depending on the borrower’s area of ​​work and the equipment that is pledged. Let us note only the general features.

A legal entity or individual entrepreneur must provide the bank with:

  • application form;
  • copies of constituent and registration documentation;
  • copies of licenses, permits, patents for carrying out activities;
  • extracts from the state registers of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • copies of passports of individuals participating in the transaction;
  • tax reporting;
  • financial statements;
  • documentation from banks where the organization is serviced;
  • copies of contracts with equipment suppliers;
  • copies of documents justifying the right to use production areas;
  • collateral documents.

Interest rates

The bank sets interest rates at its own discretion. Usually this also depends on the priority of the bank’s work with small and large businesses.

The average interest rate on loans secured by purchased equipment can be called in the range of 16-20% per annum.

Maximum and minimum amount

The secured loan amount is usually set by the bank as a percentage of the appraised value of the collateral. For example, the bank has set the maximum loan amount to no more than 60% of the appraisal amount.

The company buys equipment for the amount 20,000,000 rubles. Rated it at 13,000,000 rubles.

This means that the maximum amount will be equal to 13,000,000 x 60% = 7,800,000 rubles.

Loan terms

The terms of loans secured by equipment can be called average, usually 5-7 years. This is due to the high depreciation of equipment.

In a few years, it may significantly lose its productive capacity and its liquidity will fall.

Debt repayment

Repayment of such loans can be made in various ways by agreement with the bank:

  • monthly;
  • quarterly;
  • annuity (equal) payments;
  • differentiated (from higher to lower) payments;
  • according to an individual schedule;
  • according to a seasonal schedule (for seasonal production).

Individual entrepreneurs or legal entities can use the funds received from targeted loans for equipment to purchase new or used equipment to expand their business, organize a new enterprise, or update an existing enterprise. The amount may also include money for installation, dismantling and repair work.

Terms of issue

The loan is issued for the development of small businesses secured by purchased equipment. The level of income of an individual enterprise is stipulated by the bank in the terms of lending. It also lists what, in addition to the purchased equipment, can act as collateral. For example:

  • Personal car;
  • commodity values;
  • real estate;
  • securities;
  • animals raised on the farm.

There may also be additional guarantors of the return of funds: municipal organizations, funds, businessmen, and other banks. The presence of additional collateral gives the right to reduce the cost of the loan.

If funds are provided for used equipment, then a possible condition for the loan will be the existence of an agreement between the seller and the bank client on the former purchasing the equipment back in the event of the latter’s insolvency. Since the loan is targeted, the bank has the right to request justification for the need to purchase equipment, information about suppliers, etc.

Important! One of the conditions for issuing funds is making an advance payment. Its amount depends on the amount of the loan and the period for which it is issued.

What equipment can be purchased

Banks stipulate a list of special equipment for which a loan is issued, requirements for its novelty and quality. The time of using the loan and its cost depend on these indicators. New equipment is considered to be equipment that has not been in operation from the date of release until the date of conclusion of the contract (no more than 2 years).

Before issuing a loan for previously used equipment, the lender establishes the degree of depreciation (it is determined in accordance with the standards in force in the Russian Federation), the possibility of its dismantling and sale in the event of the client’s insolvency.

General requirements for borrowers

The main requirements for potential clients are as follows:

  1. Russian citizenship.
  2. Registration in the Russian Federation.
  3. Age from 23 to 70 years (on the day of full payment of the debt) - for individual entrepreneurs.
  4. The enterprise is Russian, operating for at least 3 months.
  5. Stable income.
  6. No late repayment of debt on previously taken loans.

The minimum business hours are determined by each bank and may vary depending on the type of business activity.

Standard list of documents

The main package of documents in different banks may include:

  • loan application;
  • identity card of the entrepreneur and guarantors;
  • information about the borrower’s registration as an individual entrepreneur;
  • documents on the establishment and registration of the enterprise, a license for the work performed or services provided;
  • reports reflecting business activities;
  • financial documents for a certain period of time, incl. about paying taxes;
  • for legal entities, passports (or copies) of the manager and chief accountant are required, as well as an extract from the order confirming their appointment and powers.

The lender may require additional documents at its discretion.

Review of bank offers

The offers of some banks, presented in the comparative table, will help you decide on the best loan for equipment. All data is not final. The amount of income of the individual entrepreneur, the type of collateral, the period of use of the money and the size of the loan affect its cost and are determined individually when concluding an agreement.

down payment
term, yearsbid
Sberbankfrom 150 thousandfrom 20up to 7from 11up to 6 months
Rosselkhozbank individuallyfrom 15up to 7individuallyup to 1 year
VTB850 thousand - 500 millionfrom 25 (from 10 for leasing) up to 5from 10.9up to 6 months
"UniCredit Bank" 500 thousand –

73 million

from 20 (from 10 for leasing) up to 5 (up to 7 for leasing) from 5up to 3 months
"Loko Bank"300 thousand –

50 million

from 300,5-5 from 12.75-

Sberbank has strict requirements for equipment, especially used equipment, and the conditions for provision vary depending on the type of activity of the company or entrepreneur.

At Rosselkhozbank, loans for used equipment are issued for a much shorter period, up to 4 years. Provision is possible both one-time and by opening a credit line. The rate and amount are determined based on the cost of the equipment, the amount of the advance and the loan term.

VTB, along with a classic loan for the purchase of equipment, offers rental with subsequent purchase (leasing). As part of the “Standard” offer, the largest amount is issued and there is an opportunity to extend the contract up to 7 years. It is also possible to purchase equipment without a down payment if you provide an additional deposit.

At Loko Bank, minimum rates apply if the scheduled payment is received 10 days before the due date or if there is an insurance agreement with the bank’s partner company. Otherwise, the rate increases by 1.6%.

Purchasing medical equipment on credit is one of the ways to finance new projects for your clinic.

The main advantages of a loan for equipping a medical center


The medical business is a particularly important segment of the economy, therefore the main sources of income for the clinic, including diagnosis and treatment of patients, are free from value added tax. Medical equipment purchased by medical institutions is also sold without VAT and this is absolutely logical. But with standard leasing of this equipment, there is a need to charge VAT on the entire amount of the leasing transaction due to the very nature of this financial instrument. That is, for every 100 rubles that the equipment itself costs, the clinic will have to pay 18 rubles in tax, excluding the payment of principal and interest to the ising company. Since banks are VAT-free, you will not face the problem of charging VAT when purchasing medical equipment on credit

Instant transfer of ownership

When choosing between leasing and a loan for medical equipment, one of the significant arguments is ownership. When purchasing medical equipment on credit, you immediately receive ownership of it, unlike leasing, in which the transfer of ownership occurs after the full term of the leasing transaction. But since in the case of leasing you get the right to use medical equipment, if you do not violate the terms of payment of the leasing agreement and do not intend to sell this equipment, then you will not notice any special advantages of ownership rights (credit) over use rights (leasing).

Territorial proximity

Since leasing companies that are willing to finance medical equipment can be counted on one hand, the bank’s most important advantage is its territorial proximity to your clinic. Firstly, it is simply more convenient to work with him, since you do not need to go to the other end of the city, or even fly to another to provide documents in person. Secondly, the bank is more willing to issue a loan to a clinic located in a neighboring house than a leasing company located thousands of kilometers away. After all, in the eyes of the leasing company, you are just a name and TIN, but the bank knows about your real work and maybe even its employees were treated by you. And finally, the best solution would be to get a loan for medical equipment from a bank where you have long had a current account.

Flexible options

A leasing transaction is always a comprehensive solution, including purchase, delivery and even insurance of goods. In this regard, a loan for medical equipment is much more variable. You can choose the supplier, delivery conditions, insurance and more. Moreover, you can use several different loans for one purpose. For example, part of the amount can be received as a cash loan, part as a loan for business development, and the rest directly for the purchase of medical equipment.