Red currant recipes for making winter jelly. How to make redcurrant jelly for the winter? We make delicious and tender jam

How to make red currant jelly for the winter using a simple recipe, how useful is this berry for preparations? After all, red currants are a very beautiful, attractive, but still sour berry.

This affects its specific taste, the presence of seeds, and even medical contraindications. For example, people with diseases of the digestive system should not abuse any acids.

There is a great solution - make jelly from red currants. Several options for such preparation for the winter, with step-by-step instructions and photos, are presented below.

Usually jelly, aspic and other similar dishes are necessarily prepared with gelatin. However, currants are a berry rich in pectin fibers, which can create a jelly-like consistency on their own. Therefore, to prepare red currant jelly for the winter you only need cold, and also:


  • 1 kg of berries;
  • 1 kg sugar.

This simple composition guarantees an equally simple, but at the same time very tasty recipe.

Preparation progress:

Step 1. The first stage will take quite a lot of time - you need to sit down, relax and rinse the berries, and then sort them, completely removing the twigs and leaves. It is advisable to get rid of all spoiled fruits.

Step 2. Now put the berries in a thick-walled, fairly large pan and chop them using a regular potato masher.

Step 3. As a result, quite a lot of juice should appear, and the liquid will completely cover the berries. Then you can put the pan on the fire - high at first.

Step 4: As the fruit heats up, the remaining fruit will also begin to pop, releasing additional juice. You need to cover the pan and watch the process (preferably through a transparent lid) so that the precious moisture does not evaporate too quickly.

When the mixture boils, you should immediately reduce the heat to low so that there is no more boiling afterwards. Half an hour will pass and the pan with berries can be removed from the heat.

Step 5. Now another painstaking step in preparing redcurrant jelly for the winter: at this stage of the recipe you need to very carefully rub the berry puree through a sieve. To do this, you should prepare a fairly large basin and a colander.

Just a little mixture is applied to the surface of the sieve - you don’t need to do everything at once, the process is gradual. But as a result of rubbing the berries, a homogeneous paste is obtained.

By the way, you don’t have to throw away the cake, but prepare a fruit drink with sugar based on it. It will be just as aromatic and tasty and will quench your thirst well, especially if you add the juice of 1 squeezed lemon to it.

Step 6. And only now you need to add sugar to the pureed red currants and stir it thoroughly. In extreme cases, it is not forbidden to add water, only there should be very little of it - up to half a glass (100-150 ml).

Step 7. Now this mixture must be returned to medium heat and boiled for another 15 minutes. This time you should watch especially carefully - the sugar must dissolve completely, and you also need to constantly stir and skim off the foam.

In addition, the pomace that settles to the bottom can easily burn, and then the jelly will lose its taste. And one more important point - do not under any circumstances overcook the mixture! Otherwise, it will acquire an unpleasant brownish tint, and the taste will deteriorate.

Step 8. The last stage is to sterilize the jars. To do this, just hold them for 15 minutes over boiling water steam or 3-4 minutes in the microwave at maximum power. You can also keep the jars in the oven for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 180 o C.

Now we pour the finished jelly into jars and close them: you can do this with a lid, or you can do it with parchment. Cool at room temperature for 3-4 hours, after which we put it in the refrigerator, where we store it until winter.

If you cover the jars with beautiful paper or fabric, you will get a very nice gift. You just need to store such a product in the refrigerator and not in the cellar - otherwise the product may deteriorate due to high humidity.

Red currant jelly is an excellent berry preparation for the winter


You can prepare red currant jelly for the winter either by cooking or using other simple recipes. However, for these purposes it is best to use young berries.

It is better to collect currants from those bushes where not all the fruits have yet acquired a rich red color. The fact is that they contain the largest amount of pectin fibers, which ensure the formation of a jelly-like consistency without the addition of gelatin.

Redcurrant jelly for the winter: recipe without cooking

Heat treatment deprives the berry of a certain amount of nutrients. For example, vitamin C is completely destroyed when heated slowly (and if the berry is placed directly in boiling water, only partially).

However, this problem can be solved quite simply - prepare red currant jelly for the winter without cooking.


  • red currant berry - 1 kg (to obtain juice in a volume of 500 ml);
  • sugar – up to 1 kg (a little less is possible);
  • thick gauze or tulle.

The result is approximately 800 ml of pure jelly. To achieve this, we act like this.

Preparation step by step:

Step 1. So, the first stage, as always, is the same: wash the berries and remove the leaves and twigs. By the way, the leaves will be used in tea, and they can also be used to pickle cucumbers - then they will turn out crispy and very elastic.

Step 2. Next, take sterile gauze, thick tulle or clean cotton fabric, fold it in 2 layers and form a small bag. We place the berries in it and carefully squeeze out the juice - again, it is better to do this in small portions, consistently and carefully.

It is not advisable to squeeze juice through a juicer, meat grinder or blender - you will not be able to achieve the desired quality. In addition, this juice will still have to be passed through a gauze filter to remove all the seeds and skins.

Step 4. The result is ready-made redcurrant juice and cake. There is no need to throw it away; it is better to prepare a nice berry juice - it will be a wonderful drink for hot days.

Step 5. The next stage of the step-by-step instructions for preparing redcurrant jelly for the winter is no less important. Now you need to pour the juice into a measuring container - for example, into a liter jar. Just in case, even at this stage it is better to use a fine sieve (then the finished product will turn out just perfect).

Sugar is added to the juice, which should be 1.5-2 times larger in volume. That is why the amount of mass must be accurately measured using any utensil.

Step 6. Sugar should not be added all at once, but in small portions (2-3 tablespoons), and each portion dissolves in about 15 minutes with vigorous stirring with a wooden spoon. If no one is in a hurry, you can give another portion every 2 hours (for example, 5 large spoons).

Step 7. Now that all the sugar has dissolved, check the consistency. If a drop of the mass does not spread on a cold plate, and the liquid itself becomes noticeably thick and settles on a spoon, then you can pour the jelly into pre-sterilized jars and put it in the refrigerator.

Step 8. In the refrigerator, the mass gels in just 1 night, but it is better to be patient and not eat it all at once, but save the jar until winter. Such a tasty and aromatic jelly will become a pleasant memory of fine summer days.

It is important to understand that such jelly will never be harder than a similar dish prepared from boiled berries. For example, it can hardly be cut into beautiful, even cubes. And on the plate it will begin to spread quickly, because essentially it is a frozen, thick berry syrup.

However, its beauty lies elsewhere - red currant jelly without cooking is obtained from natural products, without any processing. It preserves all the tastes, aromas, and most importantly, the vitamins that are found in abundance in red currants.

Recipe for red and white currant jelly

You can make a dessert from two wonderful summer berries - white and red currants. The berries can be mixed in any ratio, in the classic case – 1:1.


  • 1 kg of red currants;
  • 1 kg white currants;
  • 2 kg sugar.

By the way, to enrich the taste of these berries, you can add 250 ml of raspberry juice, black currant juice and any other berry in general. The result will be a very interesting dessert with a unique “dacha-forest” taste, which will surely delight you with its originality and health benefits.

How we act:

Step 1. Process the berries (sort and wash as usual), mix both types together. Grind into a paste and cook until boiling.

Step 2. Filter the resulting berry mass through a sieve and put it back on the fire. Add sugar and juice of other berries (raspberries, black currants).

Step 3. Heat to a boil, skim off all the foam. After boiling, cook over low heat for a maximum of 10 minutes.

Step 4. Pour red and white currant jelly into pre-sterilized jars and roll up, cool at room temperature. Then we put it in the refrigerator for long-term storage.

Redcurrant jelly with gelatin - a simple recipe

What to do when there are very few berries, but you really want to eat a nice berry dessert? No problem - you can just make jelly with gelatin. In terms of taste and consistency, the product will be simply excellent.

Few ingredients:

  • berries - 250 g;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • gelatin - 15 g (a heaping teaspoon).


Step 1. The berries are processed, washed, branches and leaves are removed. Place in a saucepan, add water and cook until boiling, then knead with a grinder and cook for another 5 minutes over medium heat.

Step 2. The resulting slurry is crushed with a spoon and rubbed through a fine sieve.

Step 3. Meanwhile, 15 g of gelatin are dissolved in boiled water at room temperature (less than half a glass, about a third) (this is a little more than 1 standard sachet, which contains 11 g of the substance).

Step 4. After half an hour, when the gelatin has increased significantly in size, it is added to the warm (not scalding) berry mixture and heated. You need to stir continuously, but under no circumstances bring it to a boil.

Step 5. Then the jelly with gelatin is simply cooled at room temperature, poured into a pre-sterilized jar, sealed and put in the refrigerator.

Redcurrant jelly made with gelatin

Redcurrant jelly without sterilization in 30 minutes: a quick recipe

Of course, life takes its toll, and sometimes there is not enough time to cook. However, this is not a reason to refuse such tasty and beautiful homemade preparations for the winter. Usually it is prepared in 1.5-2 hours.

However, you can cook the mass in half an hour. If you immediately grind the berries with sugar, this will save a lot of time - here is a video where you can look at the whole process in detail.


People often wonder whether there are recipes without sterilizing jars? You can find them, but you can’t do without processing the dishes completely. It is advisable to at least rinse them with boiling water, but the lids should be boiled completely - i.e. in fact, it is impossible to do without sterilization.

Redcurrant jelly - with cooking in a slow cooker

Here is another recipe for making redcurrant jelly in a quick way, which will also take about half an hour. We take berries and sugar in this ratio:


  • 1 kg currants;
  • 1 kg sugar.

Cooking instructions

Step 1. Wash and process the berries. Pour it into the slow cooker, select the “Stew” mode, and set the time to 25 minutes.

Step 2. Grind the resulting mixture using a potato masher and then pass through a fine sieve. Place the thick juice back into the multicooker bowl.

Step 3. Add sugar there, turn on “Stew” again and bring to a boil, then skim off the foam and immediately turn off the multicooker.

Step 4. Pour the cooked jelly into pre-sterilized jars, screw them on, and put them in the refrigerator for storage.

Frozen currant jelly with gelatin - quick and tasty

If you didn’t have time to make preparations in the summer, this is also not a problem. Today, in almost any large supermarket you can buy frozen berries, including red currants.

By the way, you can freeze it yourself - as they say, until better times. And then, when you have time, remove it from the freezer and thaw naturally, without using a microwave or other appliances.

Recipe Ingredients

  • frozen berries – 300 g;
  • sugar – 300 g;
  • gelatin – 20 g (2 sachets or 2 teaspoons);
  • 2-3 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

We act this way

Step 1. Thaw the berries at room temperature. Meanwhile, pour the gelatin into cooled boiled water (2/3 cup) and leave it to swell for 20-30 minutes.

Step 2. Mix currants with sugar and lemon juice, grind thoroughly, put on fire and cook until sugar is completely dissolved (no need to bring to a boil).

Step 3. Cool the berry mass with sugar a little, add the swollen gelatin and cook again - but again, not to a boil.

Step 4. Cool the jelly naturally on the stove, put it in pre-sterilized jars and put it in the refrigerator.

Red currant jelly can be served as a dessert with any baked goods - cookies, buns or just tea. And of course, it can also be used in making cakes: it turns out very tasty and beautiful.

Redcurrant jelly is a wonderful dessert and decoration

Bon appetit!

​Similar articles​

​Take 150 g of red currants, 0.5 cups of sugar, 1 tbsp. spoon of gelatin, 1.5 cups of water

​Now all that remains is to thoroughly mix the ingredients until the sugar is completely dissolved.​

Redcurrant jelly without gelatin

​And it also has a high ability to gel, so for the winter the berries are used to make not only compote or jam, but also beautiful, tasty jellies and jams.​

  • ​1 glass of water.​
  • ​If you don’t want to think about the fact that red currant jelly may go bad, then you need to use a different recipe. This is a hot method that involves heat treatment of the product. Its calorie content will be slightly less. For it we will need:​

​Red currant jelly is a favorite dish for many children and adults. You can enjoy it just like that or use it in culinary experiments. For example, there is more than one recipe for making confectionery, soufflés and creams, cocktails and ice cream, fruit salads and fruit drinks that contain gelled jam. In order to replenish vitamin reserves in winter with the help of those substances that are carefully stored in berries, red currant jelly is served along with dumplings and cottage cheese, pancakes and casseroles, porridges and pancakes. It’s nice that the calorie content of the treat is low, so it won’t harm your figure.​

​Pour well-washed fruits (along with twigs) into a sterilized container up to half the volume, then pour boiled hot water up to the neck, temporarily cover with lids and wait half an hour. We pour the entire contents of the jars into a saucepan, pour in sugar and, when it boils, cook for about 5 minutes. During this time, add a third of a packet of vanillin to each container, pour the currant compote into the jars and screw on with sterilized lids, then turn upside down, cover with a blanket and wait , when the workpiece has cooled.​

​We wash and sort the currants. We knead those berries that have passed the “selection” and carefully squeeze out the juice from them. Mix currant juice with sugar until the latter is completely dissolved. Pour the jelly into jars and cover with parchment lids.​

​sugar – 200 g;​

Currant jelly with gelatin

​currants – 500 g;​

​Lovers of jelly, or low-calorie desserts, will certainly get some delicious recipes from this article, because today we are learning how to make currant jelly.​

  • ​You need to pour the gelatin in cold (well, maybe room) water for 30 minutes. Sort out the red currants, rinse with warm boiled water, shake off and rub through a sieve. Pour hot water over the remaining cake in the sieve and boil for 10 minutes. Strain the prepared redcurrant decoction, dissolve sugar in it, and heat to a boil. Remove the foam from the surface of the syrup and add the prepared swollen gelatin. Stir thoroughly until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Pour in the previously squeezed redcurrant juice, strain, pour into molds and cool in the refrigerator.​
  • ​It is important to use a wooden spoon.​
  • This shrub came to us from Europe. It’s interesting to know what recipes they use for preparing food for the winter. Each country can boast of its own culinary traditions. For example, in Germany, red currants are most often used as cake fillings, which harmonize wonderfully with custard or meringue. In Scandinavia, they prefer to use the berry in fruit soups and puddings.​
  • ​First of all, we’ll cook sugar syrup, into which we’ll dip the washed berries taken from the branches. After boiling, it is necessary to boil the jam for no longer than five minutes. After this, the five-minute jam is stirred with a wooden spatula, and then placed on the fire again.
  • ​1 kg of sugar;​

​To prepare the dessert, you can use a recipe according to which the delicacy is prepared without boiling the red currants. When choosing this technology, more nutrients will be retained in the product. True, it is worth storing the workpiece in a cold place.

To obtain fruit juice, you will need approximately 50 g of sugar and half a liter of water for every half kilo of berries. First, use a wooden pestle to grind the berries in a mesh colander over any deep container, put the juice (about 300 grams per kilo of currants) aside, and fill the cake with water and cook with sugar for about 5 minutes after boiling. Strain the resulting “compote” and, after cooling, mix with fresh juice. Pour into bottles and put in the refrigerator until the next holiday or for the winter.​

​Currant jelly according to this recipe will not be as elastic as in recipes containing gelatin, but its benefits will be much higher.​

Gelatin (granules) – 1 tbsp. spoon;​

​powdered sugar - 1 tbsp.;​

Frozen currant jelly recipe

​Getting currants during the season is not particularly difficult, because many people will certainly have a couple of bushes of this berry in their country house. And even if you are not lucky enough to find a fresh berry, the opportunity to enjoy a currant dessert will not pass you by, since the jelly can easily be prepared using frozen fruits.​

  • ​In advance, you can place whole red currants or other fruits or berries to taste in the molds. You can use fresh or canned fruits or berries.​
  • ​After this, you can put the berry puree into sterilized jars. They are covered with polyethylene lids that have undergone sterilization. Store this jam in a cool place.
  • ​Red currant jam, jam, jelly are rich in vitamins and delicious​
  • ​Pour the finished jam into jars and roll up

​1 kg of currants;​

​To try this recipe, you need to take the following ingredients:​

​Very often, various berries and their juice in their pure form are needed to treat colds, and among them, red currants are especially valuable because they have many beneficial qualities.​

Currant jelly without cooking

​Among all kinds of medicinal plants, red currant occupies not the last place, although it is very different in both composition and properties from black currant. The easiest way is to leave the berries in their original form and freeze them if your refrigerator has a quick freeze function. In the absence of one, you can prepare red currants in syrup made from part of the berries. They pour the remaining harvest without branches into containers, after which they put the preparations in the refrigerator for the winter.

​water – 500 ml.​

​gelatin – 15 g;​

  • ​Well, let's move on to the recipes.​
  • ​(By the way, I went even further! I stuck several forms in the freezer and got the most delicious fruit ice in the world!)​

​If you are interested in the simplest possible recipes, then there are some that relate to the processing of red currants. For example, you can try jam without grinding.​

​In the winter cold we warm ourselves up with tea, which is great to eat with a jar of jam. Let's make it from the “health berry” - that’s what people call the small bright fruits. Using proven recipes, you can make red currant preparations that no one at home will be able to refuse.​

​This cooking procedure must be repeated three times. After this, the blanks can be quickly sent into jars and rolled up. Wrap the jam until it has completely cooled, and then place it in the pantry or other storage place.​

Red currant - preparing healthy sweet berries for the winter

What can you make from red currants?

​0.5 liters of water.​

  • ​4/5 cup of red currant juice;​
  • ​It is an excellent hemostatic agent, diaphoretic, and also helps with fever.​
  • ​Planting red currants​


​port wine – 150 g;​

We prepare red currants without heat treatment


​Do not cook, twist the peeled mixture through a juicer and mix with sugar.​

The berries need to be separated from the branches, washed, covered with sugar and brought to a boil.

Compote and redcurrant juice

​But first, let's talk about the distinctive features of working with this berry. In general, it is no more difficult than others in making jam.​

​Five-minute jam is an invaluable source of beneficial microelements and vitamins, and it is very tasty. Due to the fact that red currants contain many gelling substances, their consistency will resemble jelly, and its calorie content allows you to consume the delicacy during a diet.​

We begin work by processing the berries. It needs to be washed, dried and removed from the branches. After this, combine the red currants with water and put on fire. As soon as the first signs of boiling appear, immediately turn off the stove.​

We prepare currants in their own juice and in the form of sauce

​1 heaped glass of sugar.​ ​Indispensable for diabetes, especially if prepared without added sugar. This is exactly the recipe that will be offered below.​Red currant top dressing

​Soak the gelatin in a glass of water for 1 hour. As soon as the gelatin swells, dissolve it in a water bath.​

​cream – 150 ml.​

​red currants – 750 g;​

Making redcurrant jam

​Wash and pick the berries. Mash, add a little water. Put on fire, stirring. After boiling, keep on low heat for 15-20 minutes. Cool. Rub through a sieve or squeeze out the juice in gauze. Boil the juice in proportion with sugar 1/1 for 15-20 minutes. Pour into jars.​

​And for him we need to take:​

​The only difference is that traditionally, when stocking up, the fruits are ground through a sieve, which is what most recipes require.​

​Some housewives, when trying out a recipe for the first time, worry that the delicacy will not harden. You can calm them down - even if in the first hours after preparation there is something like juice left in the jar, most likely, after a day there will already be that desired mass in it. However, in some cases, the gelling process lasts even longer, and the blanks take their final form within a week.​

Redcurrant jelly without cooking - a quick recipe

Features of cold preparation of a bright and healthy delicacy

Add sugar to a homogeneous mass and bring to a boil

The berries must be washed and separated from the branches

So, all we need are well-washed berries without stalks. Place them in an enamel pan and heat them over low heat, or better yet, in a water bath until juice forms. Next, transfer the hot berries into sterilized jars and lightly crush them so that all the currants are immersed in the liquid. Pasteurize the container in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then all that remains is to take the boiled lids and seal the jars tightly, cover them with a blanket and wait until they cool down. We put it away in the cellar, pantry or mezzanine for the winter.​

  • ​Blueberry compote​
  • Boil frozen currants together with sugar in boiling water for 1 minute. While stirring, pour the gelatin mixture into the berry syrup. Strain the jelly base through cheesecloth and pour into molds. Let it harden in the refrigerator for several hours.​


​sugar – 500 g.​

​Use enamel dishes and a non-metal sieve!​ ​1 kg of berries;​​This is not as difficult as it might seem, but after such work, you won’t find either a seed or a skin in any currant dessert. Therefore, it will be very tender and tasty.​

​Some chefs believe that gelled jam should be obtained from red currant juice during the process of transferring it into jars.​

​We have a red solution that needs to be filtered. Grind the boiled berries so that the valuable remaining juice gets into the mass. After cooling, filter the liquid and combine with sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil, cook for half an hour, stirring all the time.​

Hot method of making homemade jelly

​Cooking begins with preparing the berries. As the recipe says, they need to be washed and dried, then torn from the branches without crushing them. After this, the red currants must be pureed without using metal objects. Then squeeze the mass through a sieve or several layers of gauze. This way we get natural fresh juice.​

  • ​Among other things, currant juice can be used as a sour sauce for fried meat or fish. It's very easy to prepare. The juice is completely squeezed out of the berries using gauze, for which they can be additionally placed in a mesh colander and crushed. Next, pour the entire resulting volume of juice into an enamel pan, add 100 grams of sugar for each liter and cook over low heat, stirring constantly. When the liquid has reduced in volume and about 1 third remains, pour the resulting thickened sauce into sterilized jars and close with boiled lids. We wait until it cools down and put it in the cellar or pantry for the winter.​
  • ​We recommend that you read​
  • ​Currants hold the record for vitamin C content, surpassing even citrus fruits in this parameter! Therefore, in order not to lose valuable vitamin reserves,

​Before making currant jelly, gelatin must be poured with 5 tablespoons of cold water or milk and left to swell.​


​juice + sugar cook for 5 minutes

​1.5 glasses of water;​

Quick and easy: gelled jam in five minutes

Let's find out the most popular proven recipes for red currant jam. People have developed rich culinary traditions of working with this berry. Therefore, there are a wide variety of methods for preparing delicacies.

​To do this, the mass must be cooked until it becomes thick and viscous, and a pink coating does not form on the walls of the dish. If such a sign is detected, the result is guaranteed to be gelled jam.​

​Now you can pour the jelly into sterilized jars. Put a tablespoon of sugar in the blanks under the lid and roll them up. We put the jars in the pantry, and in winter we use the dish to decorate the table. Beautiful jelly will be an excellent treat, and its low calorie content will be the key to a beautiful figure.​

  • ​Now you can combine the juice with sugar until the latter dissolves.​
  • ​Currant pulp can be added to dried fruits or fresh fruits when preparing compote, intended not for storage, but for quick consumption.​

Otherwise, there are a lot of ways to prepare currants for storage, but you need to remember: the less the berries have been subjected to heat treatment, the more healing properties they will retain. Therefore, further we will consider options, starting with a minimum number of operations and ending with more complex methods of preparing fruits for long-term storage. In short, red currants can be prepared for the winter without cooking, simply grated with sugar or even pickled, or they can be used to make jam, jam, marmalade, sambuc, compote or fruit drink.​

​We wash the currants and place them in a saucepan with a glass of water and 2/3 cup of powdered sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil and strain the syrup through a sieve.​

​Heat 70 ml of water over medium heat and add the washed currants. We wait until all the berries begin to burst and give juice, and we help them with this with a wooden spatula. Boil the released juice.

Secrets of successful preparation from skilled chefs

​Red currant jelly is the only jelly that is prepared using the “raw” method. No water and no heat treatment. Cover with wax paper and store in the refrigerator.​

​1.2 kg of sugar.​

​Many housewives are very fond of jam recipes in which the berries are not heat treated. They are not only easier and faster to work with: due to the lack of heat exposure, a maximum of vitamins and microelements remain in the fruits. To make such a healthy redcurrant treat, we need the following ingredients:​

​Finally, take one more tip into consideration. Using any cooking recipe, you should cook red currant preparations in a low bowl. The ideal gelled jam or raw jelly will be made in a wide basin - the liquid will boil away from it faster and the mass will harden.​

Red currants - preparations for the winter

  • ​If you want to make homemade preparations, spending a minimum of time, you can use a quick recipe. Essentially, we will get five-minute gelled jam. It will be no less tasty and very healthy.​

Interesting and useful facts about ruby ​​red berries

​To speed up the process, the recipe allows you to heat the mass a little. However, it cannot be boiled, and it should not be brought to a hot state.​

​The most common preparations of berries are, of course, all kinds of confitures, jams, jams, and preserves, without which not a single season of twists can do. It’s with the recipe for the latter that we’ll begin the next small list of ways to prepare red currants.​​So, let’s start with the simplest thing - grinding the berries with sugar. To do this, we will need 1.8-2 kilos of granulated sugar for every kilogram of fruit, given that red currants are slightly astringent and have a slightly sour taste. We clean the berries from leaves and twigs, and then rinse them well under cold water. We wait until they are completely dry (we don’t need extra liquid in the preparation), after which we pour half the required amount of sugar onto each kilogram of fruit and grind.​


​To prepare the gelatin mixture for red currant jelly, you need to mix port wine, soaked gelatin and 2/3 cup of water in a saucepan. Cook the mixture over low heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved, and then mix with currant syrup. Pour the jelly into molds and put it in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.​

We make delicious and tender jam

​Add granulated sugar to the contents of the pan, mix and let simmer for another 3-4 minutes.​

There is no need to cook it. I grind the berries through a meat grinder. I squeeze out the juice. For 1 liter of juice 800 grams of granulated sugar. This ratio produces a very good jelly. Stir thoroughly until the sand dissolves and immediately place it in sterilized jars, it will set and no air will get in. And if you already lay out the jelly, then there will definitely be a problem with air bubbles. I store it in the refrigerator; the top of the jelly can be lightly dusted with mustard powder, this will prevent mold from developing. A frequent visitor to uncooked berries.​

​Making jam according to this recipe is quick and simple. First you need to wash and dry the berries. Then make syrup from sugar and water. When it boils, we gradually begin to introduce currants into it. Then we bring the jam to readiness and close it in the usual way.​

​1 kg of berries;​

​6 Redcurrant jam-jelly​

Maximum benefits in jam without cooking

Let us warn you that five-minute jam does not cook for five minutes. It will take a little more time, and the calorie content of the dish will be 295 kcal. This delicacy will be prepared faster and easier than regular redcurrant jelly.​

  • ​Let the juice be barely warm, and the cook should stir it to help dissolve the sugar.​
  • ​Traditionally, in order to make jam, red currants are ground, but here we will look at a way to keep the berries intact. To do this, take approximately 1.2 kilos of granulated sugar and one and a half glasses of water for each kilogram of fruit. Pour sugar into an enamel pan with water, bring to a boil and prepare syrup, into which we then carefully lower the berries in small portions. Cooking time is 5 minutes, then just as carefully pour the jam into sterilized jars with a ladle and cover with boiled lids or parchment. It is advisable to store preparations for the winter in a cool place.​

​As the mass softens, gradually add the remaining sugar, leaving a little for swirling. Then we put the currants into sterilized jars, cover them with a thin layer of sugar and close them. Storage is preferable in the refrigerator or cellar. Jelly is made in a similar way without cooking, but first you need to grind the berries in a blender and only then mix them thoroughly with sugar, which you need to take in a 1:1 weight ratio. We put the finished mass in the refrigerator for 3 hours, and then beat the cooled mass again in a blender and transfer it to sterilized jars, close it and put it in a cool place.​

​currants - 200 g; You can make a puree from the remaining berries; to do this, beat them in a blender along with the remaining powdered sugar and cream. Serve the jelly, garnished with fresh berries, mint leaves and currant puree. Strain the future currant jelly through cheesecloth and pour into jars, cover with a nylon lid or parchment paper, and leave to harden in the refrigerator.

A simple and quick way to prepare food for the winter

​RAW REDCURRANT JELLY. Squeeze red currant juice and mix with sugar (1 liter of juice - 1 kg of sugar, stir until completely dissolved. Pour into sterilized jars, close with plastic lids. Store in a cool place.​

​Remembering the high tendency for gelling that this berry has, let's study recipes on this topic. In cooking, there are different options for preparing amazingly beautiful jelly. Moreover, you can use either one or several varieties of currants in different proportions.​

​2 kg of sugar.​

  • Although red currants are a close relative of black currants, there are significant differences between them. They lie not only in color or growing technology: the fruits of these shrubs have different compositions, and therefore differ in their properties.​
  • Let's look at the recipe to find out what ingredients we need for one kilogram of ripe red currants;
  • ​When the syrup is ready, the cooking process is almost over. All that remains is to pour it into sterilized jars and cover with plastic lids. Thus, prepared red currant jelly can be preserved until spring if it is put in the refrigerator or taken to the cellar.​

​The jam in which red currants are prepared for the winter by many housewives is very tasty, since its storage does not require special conditions. First we need a large saucepan filled almost to the top with water. After the water boils, place a colander with berries into the pan for blanching. We repeat the procedure until the entire currant harvest passes through boiling water. We transfer the processed fruits into an enamel basin, adding 1.5 kilograms of sugar for each kilogram and pouring 0.4 liters of water (also for each kg). Bring to a boil, stirring constantly, cooking until the volume is reduced by half. Place in sterilized jars, which are lowered into a pan of boiling water (there should be a folded towel at the bottom) for 15 minutes. Close with lids.​

Bright red currant jelly: preparation methods

​What’s interesting is that preparing red currants for the winter can be done by pickling, that is, we need the same amount of sugar and 100 grams of vinegar, as well as half a liter of water for 1 kilogram of berries. We sterilize liter jars, put 5 cloves, cinnamon and allspice in small quantities into each, then place the berries, leaving a couple of centimeters on top (up to the “hangers” of the jars). Mix vinegar with water and heat until bubbles form, that is, to a light boil, after which we pour the prepared hot marinade over the currants and close with sterilized lids. Turn the jars over, cover with a blanket and wait to cool.​

How to make red currant jelly?

Amalia Zolotnikova

​sugar – 250 g.​

​You can add an unusual taste to a dish using a small amount of alcohol: table wine, high-quality port wine, or currant liqueur will do the job perfectly.​

​Squeeze the juice from the currants, add sugar to taste. Dissolve gelatin in water and mix with currant juice. Place in the refrigerator and wait until the jelly forms (usually 3-4 hours, depending on the amount of gelatin used).​

​I do this:​

Alexander Nikishin

​We start working on the jam by processing the berries. They need to be sorted, washed, dried, and then crushed. This can be done using a meat grinder or blender. After this, the mass is ground through a sieve and sugar is added to it.


​It is curious that until recently our ancestors valued the amazingly beautiful berries that seem to glow in the sun on a summer day much more for their healing abilities rather than for their taste. Therefore, red currants were grown in larger quantities than black currants.
​1.5 kg of sugar;​

Irina Raspopova

This dish is recommended even if you are on a diet – its calorie content is 271 kcal. Raw jelly can be used during a cold. In a matter of seconds, a healthy vitamin juice is prepared from it.​

Tatiana Egorova

​And finally, red currant jelly is a beautiful and tasty preparation. Fill the berries in an enamel pan with cold water (0.5 liters per kilogram), put it on gas and bring to a boil, during which time the berries will give juice. As soon as bubbles appear on the surface, remove the container from the stove and strain over another pan through a sieve. Next, grind the currants over a container of broth. We squeeze out the cake, placing it in a gauze bag, then once again filter all the cooled liquid through a sieve, add sugar 1 to 1 and bring to a boil, cook for 30 minutes and pour into sterilized jars. Before covering with boiled lids, pour a layer of sugar up to the rim, then screw it on and put it in the pantry for the winter.​


​Even in winter, not to mention the hot summer, it’s nice to quench your thirst with some kind of fruit drink, and compote is great for this. It can also become a decoration for the holiday table. To prepare it from red currants, we will need about 300 grams of sugar for each kilogram of berries and 1 packet of vanillin for 3 three-liter jars.​

Where and how to plant currants Where to plant currants

Ingredients for red currant jelly:

1 kg red currants,
1 kg sugar,
small mug of water

Different varieties of red currants have different pectin contents, so jelly using the same recipe can result in different thicknesses. For good gelling, currant varieties with a pectin content of at least 6-7% are suitable: Asya, Bayana, Valentinovka (10% pectins), Vika, Gazelle, Dana, Marmeladnitsa, Niva, Ogonyok (11%), Orlovskaya Zvezda (11%) , Orlovchanka (11%), Osipovskaya, Gift of Summer (11%), Rose (11%), Yuterborgskaya.

We sort out the red currants and rinse them with cold water. Boil a 200 ml glass of drinking water in a saucepan, add currants there, heat over low heat for 5 minutes, stirring constantly until the berries burst and release juice.

We rub the currants through a sieve and discard the cake. Now we need a wide pan, the wider the better.

Pour the resulting juice into this pan, add sugar and cook over medium heat for about 15 minutes from the moment it boils. Do not cover with a lid, let the juice slowly simmer and excess liquid evaporates. It should barely boil, since active boiling destroys the gelling substances. Your goal is to evaporate at least 1/3 of the water.

Pour the hot jelly into sterilized jars, roll it up, turn it over and wrap it in a blanket until it cools completely.

1 kg of berries yields 1 liter of jelly. The very next day after preparation, currant jelly turns into real, thick, as if with gelatin. And what a bright color! And the aroma! If there is little pectin in the berry, the jelly according to this recipe may thicken only after 3-4 weeks, so do not panic if you still have juice in the jar the next day.

This is the easiest way to make currant jelly. If you have a juicer, you can first squeeze the juice out of the currants, then add sugar to it (250 g of sugar per 200 g of juice), bring to a boil, but do not boil, and roll into sterilized jars.

This year I tried to reduce the cooking time from 30 minutes (as was originally indicated in the recipe) to 15 minutes, the result is absolutely the same - a fairly thick and tasty jelly, so I corrected the time in the recipe.

Now to understand the process. Some berries, including red and black currants, contain substances (pectins) that form gels in the presence of sugar and acid. There is acid in the berries, add sugar, let it sit - here you have jelly, provided there is enough sugar. If it doesn’t jell, add sugar and leave again. But if we boil the juice or dilute it with water, we reduce the amount of pectin. That is, if the juice is diluted too much or boiled, it may not gel. But there is a way out in both cases - you need to reduce the water content in the broth. How? Heat the juice in a wide saucepan until it boils slightly and the excess liquid evaporates, evaporate by half, and leave in a cool place to gel. During the gelling process, do not touch, disturb or move the jar; let the bonds form quietly. That’s all, actually, now you will approach the process of making red currant jelly, or any other, consciously.

If it doesn’t work, add a little sugar and boil the juice again by one and a half to two times and you should get exactly jelly, tested in practice!

It’s quite possible to make red currant jelly without cooking. Moreover, without the use of heat treatment, such a delicacy turns out much tastier and healthier. After all, it is no secret to anyone that at elevated temperatures, many berries lose most of their vitamins and other elements.

There are several ways to make red currant jelly at home without cooking. In this article we will present you the simplest recipes that will not require too much free time to implement.

Step-by-step recipe for red currant jelly without cooking

Many chefs know that red currants contain a large amount of pectin. This substance is a jelly-forming substance. Thanks to him, currant jam always turns out thick and very tasty. By the way, pectin is very useful for those who have problems with joints and cartilage. Therefore, we recommend stocking up on the mentioned berries in advance and making a large amount of a delicious dessert from it, which you can enjoy throughout the long winter.

Product selection

Where can you buy a product such as red currants? It is advisable to prepare jelly for the winter without cooking using freshly picked berries. Therefore, you should purchase it on the market, from summer residents.

If you yourself are one, then red currants should be collected only after they are fully ripe, when they just begin to fall off the bush. If you use such a berry unripe, then your dessert (especially without heat treatment) will turn out impossibly sour.

Processing process

How is redcurrant (jelly) processed? A no-cook recipe may require a different sequence of steps. It depends on which method of preparing this delicacy you choose. But in any case, the berries must be thoroughly sorted and separated from the branches.

This product must be washed. It is filled with warm water and kept in it for about 10 minutes. After this, place the red currants in portions in a colander or sieve and rinse thoroughly. Then it is shaken off and used for its intended purpose.

Prepare delicious jelly from redcurrant juice without cooking

From the very beginning, it may seem that making such a delicacy is very difficult. But when you delve into the process of its preparation, it becomes clear that there is nothing supernatural about it. You just need to strictly follow all the recipe recommendations and use the required amount of products.

So what ingredients do we need to make redcurrant juice jelly without cooking? To implement this recipe you need to purchase:

  • freshly picked ripe berries (red currants) - about 3 kg;
  • granulated beet sugar - approximately 2.8 kg.

Step by step cooking method

Now you know how red currants are selected and processed. Jelly without cooking will turn out the most delicious if you use a regular meat grinder to grind such a berry.

All the currants are carefully passed through this kitchen device. In this case, a rather thick and aromatic paste of bright red color is formed. How to get berry juice from it? A juicer is not suitable for this, so we decided to use the old fashioned method.

Taking a deep dish, place multi-layer gauze or any other cotton fabric (preferably dense) on it. Place a few spoons of berry pulp into it, and then take it by the edges and squeeze it hard.

As a result of such actions, you should get highly concentrated currant juice. By the way, the cake remaining after spinning should not be thrown away. It can make a very tasty and healthy fruit drink.

As soon as the juice has been completely squeezed out of the twisted red currants, begin preparing the jelly. To do this, add all the granulated sugar to the drink and stir it very intensively. By the way, you can use a mixer or blender for these purposes.

How long does it take to whip red currants? Jelly without cooking should not crunch on your teeth. Therefore, stir the ingredients until the granulated sugar has completely melted. During this process you should end up with a thick, jelly-like dessert.

How to store and eat?

As you can see, red currant jelly is quite simple to make without cooking. After you have formed a thick and sweet berry mass, it is distributed into jars. Containers for such a dessert should be used in small sizes (0.5, 0.7 and 1 l).

They put the aromatic product in them, cover them with plastic lids and put them in the refrigerator. If you store such a delicacy at room temperature or in a cellar, it can spoil very quickly, since it has not been subjected to heat treatment.

Tasty and aromatic berry jelly should be consumed with hot tea. Some chefs use this product to make sweet sandwiches. To do this, the jelly is applied to a slice of bread or crispy toast, and then served for breakfast or afternoon snack.

Making a delicious berry dessert with gelatin

Redcurrant jelly without cooking can be prepared in different ways. Whatever one may say, the above recipe is quite labor-intensive. If you don’t have time to squeeze all the juice out of berry porridge, then we suggest making such a dessert, bypassing this difficult and costly process.

So, to prepare red currant jelly without cooking, you need to purchase the following components:

  • freshly picked ripe berries (red currants) - about 3 kg;
  • granulated beet sugar - approximately 2.8 kg;
  • drinking water - 2/3 cup;
  • food gelatin - 25 g.

The process of making homemade dessert

Red currants for jelly should be prepared exactly as described at the very beginning of the article. After the berry is free of debris and twigs, begin chopping it. To do this, place the product in portions into a blender bowl, where some granulated sugar is also added.

After thoroughly whisking the ingredients at the highest speed, transfer them to a deep bowl and begin processing the remaining components.

As soon as the red currants and sugar turn into puree, they are thoroughly mixed and left at room temperature for 45-60 minutes. In the meantime, begin preparing the gelatin. Pour it into a bowl and add 2/3 cup of drinking water. In this state, food gelatin is kept for 35 minutes. After this, it is placed on a very low heat and slowly heated.

After preparing and partially cooling the gelatin solution, pour it in a thin stream into the sweet berry mass. At the same time, it is continuously stirred with a large spoon.

Final stage

Having achieved complete dissolution of sugar and obtaining a homogeneous berry mass, it is distributed into pre-prepared jars. Covering the containers with boiled lids, they are sent to the refrigerator.

The red currant treat should be consumed only after several hours (6-8). During this time, the dessert will harden thoroughly, become thick and very tasty.

Anyone who has never tried currant jelly has definitely lost half their life; this is an axiom that cannot be disputed under any circumstances! If you are one of those who have lost their happiness, do not rush to despair, this article is just for such unique people: in a popular, step-by-step, clear and understandable way we will tell you how to prepare currant jelly at home, how to prepare it for desserts and for fillings in pies, for the winter and to eat right now, with currant leaves and vanilla, with and without sugar, boiled and without heat treatment.

If you know what currant jelly is and are serious about not being surprised by anything, readjust yourself - “Magic Food” has prepared several surprises for you that will reveal familiar things from a new perspective.

Benefits and contraindications of currants

Shiny, glossy, black, filled with juice and sun, the currant berry has an incredible taste - very rich, aromatic, characteristic, strict and even a little sharp. They either love it or don’t understand it at all - a neutral attitude towards currants is impossible.

The composition of the plant is unique. Firstly, this berry contains a huge amount of potassium that a person needs - twice as much as the generally recognized champions for this microelement, bananas. Secondly, currants boast a tremendous amount of vitamin C - there is 4 times more of it than in lemons (to satisfy a person’s daily need in this matter, it is enough to eat 15 berries a day). Thirdly, it contains so many antioxidants that you can safely use this plant as an anti-aging serum, as a means to combat age spots, and to prevent Alzheimer’s.

Morodina is a natural antiseptic: for sore throats, for example, its juice is diluted with water and gargled. A folk remedy that helps no worse than expensive medicines. With the help of this berry, the recovery period after operations is shortened, helps with bleeding gums, and prevents diseases of the cardiovascular system. In general, a miracle berry and almost a panacea. It is an absolutely necessary product on the farm.

However, if you suffer from thrombophleitis, alas, currants are contraindicated: the berry contains substances that increase blood clotting. In addition, be careful if you have stomach problems: the increased acidity of this product can be dangerous for gastritis, ulcers and “related” diseases. In addition, please note that pediatricians do not recommend giving pure currant juice to children - it can cause allergic reactions.

Utensils for making jelly

Like any jam, currant jelly does not tolerate aluminum saucepans, preferring enameled basins and stainless steel. Try not to neglect this issue, because it will be a pity for the effort spent if, instead of a useful product, you get an indistinct berry something: grandma’s old aluminum is categorically not suitable for making currant jelly, and even if the whole village of old women tells you that they have been doing this for a thousand years do, don't believe it.

Another option is copper basins for making jam. Special, beautiful, luxurious. It is clear that few people manage to acquire such happiness, so focus primarily on stainless steel and enamel cookware.

The second important point is that the container for making jam should be wide. Very wide. This not only ensures better preservation and integrity of the berries (the upper ones do not crush the lower ones with enormous weight), but also significantly speeds up the time for evaporation of excess liquid, reducing the heat treatment of the jam. In general, have you already realized the need for a large pelvis? And yes, for the same reason, jam is not made in ladles and saucepans.

By the way, do not forget that if you are preparing “live” jelly, it is a good idea to scald the dishes with boiling water - this will not only minimize the risk of fermentation of the jam, but will also remove excess microelements that probably remain in the dishes after preparing the previous dish.

Preparing the berries

Only ripe, well-ripened berries, picked from the bush no more than a day ago, are suitable for making currant jelly. What the godfather of your uncle’s cousin’s brother gave last week is categorically not suitable. Only fresh, high-quality, selected berries. As a last resort - something just as beautiful, ripe and wonderful, which you didn’t have time to immediately process and, after washing and drying, sent it to the freezer.

To prepare currant jelly, the ideal berry should be sorted, leaves and twigs removed and rinsed well under running water. After this, the currants are laid out in an even layer on a cotton towel (several disposable towels) and wait until the berries dry. After that you can work with it.

When preparing currant jelly, keep one more thing in mind. This plant loves sunny, but not at all hot weather - only under such conditions the berry ripens correctly and retains all its properties, and not only healing ones - we are also talking about its high ability to gel. If the summer turns out to be unsuccessful, it is quite possible that you will end up with just delicious currant jam, but not jelly at all.

Classic blackcurrant jelly without cooking

Do not reduce the amount of sugar - if you do not follow the recipe, you will not get thick jelly, but ordinary runny jam. Also, in general, tasty, but a little different.

1 kg currants;
1.5 kg of sugar.

Place the prepared berries in a clean bowl, add sugar and grind with a blender until smooth (scroll through a meat grinder). Pour into sterilized jars, cover with lids and store in the refrigerator. Such jelly can stand all winter and always be at hand if necessary - fresh, healthy, aromatic.

Blackcurrant jelly, or five-minute jam

In a light jelly-like syrup of stunning dark ruby ​​color, whole currant berries float freely... A frosty winter evening, the bubbling of a boiling kettle, aromatic tea, fresh homemade buns and a jar of currant jelly... Isn’t this a holiday for the soul?

1 kg currants;
1.2 kg sugar;
1.5 glasses of water.

Mix water with sugar, cook syrup - bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for at least 7 minutes. The finished syrup should thicken, but under no circumstances darken.

We sort the berries, wash them and dry them thoroughly, then transfer them to a basin and evenly pour boiling syrup over them. Leave for 2-3 hours, then bring to a boil, reduce heat, simmer for 5-7 minutes. Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars, wrap it in several blankets and leave until completely cool. It may be liquid at first, but during storage it will thicken and become like a light jelly.

Thick currant jelly

You'll have to tinker a little, yes. But what is the result! The jelly is dense, thick, you can cut it with a knife and put it on a piece of bread, while purring with pleasure and indecently greedily absorbing sweet vitamins, unable to stop for a moment.

1 kg currants;
1 kg sugar.

We sort the berries, wash them, put them in a metal sieve and blanch them in boiling water for about 3 minutes, after which we thoroughly puree them, removing the skins and seeds (the cake is great for making compotes or fillings for pies). Mix the resulting mass with sugar, leave for 2-3 hours, then simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes, making sure that the jam does not burn. Pour into jars, close, wrap in a blanket, leave for a day, after which we put it away for storage in the pantry.

Blackcurrant jelly with orange

The bright taste of black currant combines perfectly with an elegant citrus note. The result is a magnificent jelly, which is not a shame to pour into small jars, decorate beautifully and give as Christmas surprises to family and friends. Of course, if by this time there is still something left in the pantry.

1 kg currants;
2 large oranges;
1.5 kg of sugar.

Wash the oranges, pour boiling water over them, cut them into slices and carefully remove the seeds.

We sort the currants from the branches and leaves, wash them, and dry them.

Pass the berries and citruses through a meat grinder, mix with sugar, and leave for 2 hours. After this, bring the mass to a boil, boil for 5-7 minutes and pour into jars that have been sterilized in advance. Close with lids, wrap in blankets, leave until completely cool, then transfer to the pantry and store until you want to enjoy a spoonful of jelly from the aromas of summer, sun and warmth.

Currant jelly with apple and cinnamon

The first apples, juicy and incredibly aromatic, will make excellent company with currants - the jelly from these fruits will be dense, tasty, with an amazing smell and a rather restrained, balanced taste.

1 kg apples;
1 kg currants;
2.4 kg sugar;
1 glass of water.

We sort out the currants, wash them, dry them and put them in a bowl. Add sugar and water. Leave for 3 hours, then bring to a boil and, reducing the heat to low, cook for about 10 minutes.

Peel the apples, remove the core, and cut into random pieces of approximately the same size. Place in a bowl with currants. Leave for 3-5 hours, after which the jam is brought to a boil a second time and boiled for 15-20 minutes. Leave again for 5-7 hours, then boil a third time (15-20 minutes), after which we pour the jelly into sterilized jars, close with lids, wrap in blankets and leave until completely cool. After this, the currant-apple jelly can be stored in the pantry.

Transparent currant jelly

Light and weightless, this jelly looks incredibly beautiful in jars, plays with stunning reflections in the sun and lifts your spirits with its color alone. There is no need to talk about the subtle bright taste!

1 kg black currants;
1 kg of red currants;
2.2 kg sugar.

Wash the berries, sort them, then blanch them in boiling water for 2-4 minutes. Place on a sieve and wipe off skins and seeds.

Mix the resulting puree with sugar, leave for 5 hours, then bring to a boil, boil for 10 minutes and pour into sterilized jars, close with lids and wrap in several blankets. After complete cooling (about a day), the jars can be transferred to the pantry for storage, while strictly ensuring that direct sunlight does not fall on the currant jelly.

Sugar-free currant jelly

Troublesome, yes. But it’s beautiful, natural and very bright. Natural taste, concentrated aroma, quintessence of usefulness.


Press the prepared berries (washed and dried) with a potato masher or pass through a meat grinder. We put the resulting puree in the largest jar that you have on the farm; we put the jar in a stainless steel bucket with a cotton cloth at the bottom. Pour water up to the shoulders of the jar, bring to a boil and cook the jelly over low heat to the desired degree of thickness, but not less than 4 hours. After this, pour the jam into small sterilized jars, close the lids, wrap them in several blankets and leave until completely cooled, then the jars can be transferred to the pantry for storage.

Sugar-free currant jelly goes very well with raspberries - to do this, add pure raspberries to the same jar and prepare the jam together.

An old recipe for currant jelly

A simple and unusual recipe for currant jelly. Add a dozen leaves from the bush to the pan with berries - the taste of the jam will be extraordinary!

1 kg currants;
approximately 1.5 kg of sugar.

Place clean berries on the bottom of a wide pan and press them with a lid smaller in diameter than the diameter of the pan. Begin to heat up slowly. The berries will burst when the temperature rises - as soon as the juice boils, it should be poured into sterilized jars, straight from the pan, without lifting the lid. Fill the jars halfway and fill the remaining space with sugar. Stir with a clean spoon until the sugar dissolves, then close the jars with lids and wrap them in several blankets. After cooling completely, the jelly can be transferred to a cool, dark place and stored until use.

The remaining berries are reused to make jelly - add a cup of water and bring the juice to a boil again, then repeat the procedure in the same way. It is not recommended to prepare jelly from the same berries a third time, but they are great for compotes.

Blackcurrant jelly in a slow cooker

A totally lazy recipe for a delicious winter treat, cold cure and pie filling.

1/2 glass of water;
1 kg currants;
1.2 kg sugar.

Place washed and dried berries without stems, twigs and leaves into a multicooker bowl. Add sugar. Pour water. We turn on the “Jam” program, setting the start delay to 3 hours. After the readiness signal, pour the resulting jelly into jars, cover with lids, and wrap in blankets. After a day, we transfer it to the pantry for storage.

If your multicooker model does not have the “Jam” program (“Jam”, “Jam”), currant jelly can be prepared using the “Stew” program.

    1. The classic proportion for making jam is 1:1, however, if you want to reduce the amount of sugar (and calories in the output), you can reduce it, but you should carefully monitor the consistency of the boiled syrup: most likely, the cooking time will have to be increased to achieve the desired thickness .
    1. To make the jam thicker and faster, you can use natural thickeners based on pectin. Ready-made additives such as “Zhelfix”, “Confiturka”, “Quittin” are not the most popular and classic solution, however, it will allow you to quickly and without unnecessary hassle prepare a thick, beautiful jelly, the syrup of which will retain its natural bright color.
    1. Don’t be lazy: it’s better to remove the foam that forms when cooking jam with a slotted spoon or a special spoon with holes. This will remove extraneous “dirty” impurities of granulated sugar, minor particles of debris, fat fractions and coagulated protein from the finished product. The color of the jam will be purer, more transparent, and such a product will be stored better and more reliably. In addition, removing the foam from the jam improves the taste of the berries.
    1. Do not forget that any jam is prepared over minimal heat.
    1. The jam can be considered ready if a drop of its syrup does not spread over the plate, but remains a beautiful convex hemisphere.
    1. The jars into which you plan to pour jam should be sterilized - over steam, in a microwave or oven.
    1. Lids must be sterilized. A little thing that should not be neglected.
    1. To be on the safe side and protect the jam from mold, you can cut out circles from parchment paper, moisten them in alcohol and place them on top of the finished product before closing the jar with a lid and storing it.
    1. The optimal temperature for storing classic jam (not “live”, but boiled) is 10-12 degrees. Don’t forget that ideally there should be no light at all, or at least no direct rays falling on the cans.
    1. Take the time to make labels for jars of jam – you can print out all sorts of ready-made templates from the Internet or make them yourself. This affordable item will not only make storage easier and save time searching for jam, but will also add a little aesthetics to your pantry, which, you see, is just nice.

    1. Do you know that if you organize a competition on vitamin C content between lemons and currants, not the first ones will win? There is 4 times more of it in the tart black berry than in commercialized overseas citrus fruits.
    1. The name of the berry comes from the ancient word “currant”, which meant “strong, pungent smell”. The aroma of currants is really pronounced and even a little intrusive, and this statement is true not only in relation to the fruits, but also the leaves and twigs.
    1. The leaves of this plant contain no less vitamin C than the berries - which is why tea brewed from currant leaves is so beneficial.
    1. Starting around the 9th century, currants were called the monastery berry - this is due to the fact that in the monasteries it was grown in huge quantities, and was used not only for culinary purposes, but mainly for medicinal purposes. After about 5 centuries, the berry came to ordinary people, after which the emphasis shifted to gastronomic purposes.
    1. It is important to collect currants on time - as soon as they are ripe. Incredibly, 2 weeks after this very moment, the loss of important and necessary vitamin C in berries reaches 70%. And yes, slightly underripe currants are many times healthier than slightly overripe ones.
    1. When canning, currant leaves are often added to jars - they not only slightly increase the “vitamin content” of the product, but also add their own original shades to the overall taste palette.
    1. Currants are plants that can “fight radiation” - they contain substances that actively release radioisotopes, so the berry is especially recommended for people working in hazardous industries associated with radiation pollution.
    1. A pleasant figure - only 60 calories per 100 grams of berries. Highly recommended for those losing weight and watching their own weight!
    1. This plant is an excellent honey plant, and honey collected from currant bushes is considered especially healing.
    1. Currants are not only a raw material for making preserves, jams and jellies. It is also used in compotes, jelly, sweet and unsweetened sauces, vinegars, and even in the production of wine and liqueurs.