The cage makes your legs look fat or slim. Determining which color makes you look fat and which color makes you look slim

Surely many of you have heard that dark colors make you look slim, while light colors, on the contrary, add extra centimeters to your figure. Let's try to figure out whether this is so and if so, why.

A girl dressed in light clothes, no matter how thin she may be, seems a little fuller. This is actually true, and this pattern is associated with the ability of white (and other light shades) to reflect a greater number of light waves. This results in a blurring of the lines between white clothing and other surrounding color backgrounds, making the outfit appear larger than it actually is.

Black has the opposite characteristics. On the contrary, it perfectly absorbs light waves (which is why we, as a rule, try not to wear black clothes in hot summer weather, as they “attract” the sun’s rays). Thanks to this ability of dark colors, the edges become visually clearer compared to white, and you will look smaller, and therefore slimmer.

Gray color is quite universal in this regard. Due to the fact that it consists of an equal proportion of black and white colors, its ability to reflect light rays is approximately in the middle. The boundaries of gray are not as defined as darker shades, but they are not as blurry as white. It is also important to note the fact that the gray shade, despite its versatility, is closely related to the environment. So, it will make you slim during the daytime, but at the same time it will increase your figure in volume in the late evening or at night.

All of the above rules, in principle, also apply to the saturation of shades of other colors, because they also obey the laws of lesser or greater reflection of light. Therefore, light shades will in any case increase your volume compared to dark ones (for example, dark blue and heavenly for blue, emerald and mint for green, etc.).

Thanks to knowledge of these simple basics, you can adjust your figure depending on its type. So, for example, for girls with a pear body type, the ideal option would be the standard clothing option for many schoolchildren and office workers: a light top and a dark bottom. This will help to visually widen rather narrow shoulders and at the same time “remove” extra centimeters from the hips.

Let's look at certain colors in more detail.

  • Green, purple and other cool colors

The advantage of cool colors for overweight ladies is that even their light shades (pale blue, lilac, etc.) give a significantly smaller expansion effect compared to warm ones.

  • Blue black

This shade is a great alternative to boring black. It, having the same ability to hide the real volumes of your figure, is still fresher and richer.

  • Burgundy

A woman in a dress the color of ripe cherry is unlikely to leave the men around her indifferent. At the same time, she will appear much slimmer and brighter.

  • Red, orange and yellow

Like most warm colors and shades, they have the ability to expand items, which means curvy girls should avoid using them in their wardrobe.

Let us also note the fact that not only the color itself matters, but also its saturation, because intense shades dazzle, which causes a blurring of boundaries. This means that bright green (even though it is not light and cold) will hide your shape less than its muted shade.

Therefore, in order to look slimmer, we recommend that you use dark, cool, but not bright shades.

Women's fashionable clothing that plumps and disfigures the figure
Exclusive! For those who like to dress stylishly and beautifully.

Take a closer look at these photos. Why do you think the same woman on the right looks more impressive and slimmer? What things in the photo on the left are spoiling? (answer below)

Some people think that having a model appearance, it’s easy to choose a wardrobe, because absolutely anyone will look great on such a figure... Is this true? It turns out that there are things that can ruin even a slim figure. Just look at these photos of Keira Knightley. Take a closer look: on the right and on the left - it’s her too! Do you still think that there are no bad clothes for a model figure?
And what can we say about figures that are far from ideal...
Today we will tell you what things look ugly and spoil even a slender female figure. Check if you have the following 10 things in your wardrobe:

1. Short trousers (capris, breeches, afghani, etc.) Perhaps capri pants look good on flat-hipped beauties whose legs grow from the ears. However, shortened trousers turn an ordinary woman into a “bun”, completely depriving her of femininity and attractiveness. Such trousers look especially awkward on short women with a plump figure. Instead of elongating the silhouette, they “split” it, focusing on the hips and buttocks.
And if these women ever saw what they look like from behind, cropped trousers would definitely be number 1 on their list of the worst things to wear.

Clothes that make you look fat: cropped trousers

Stylist tip: you will look slimmer if you don’t tuck your blouse into your trousers, but wear it untucked.

2. Leggings or skinny pants Young girls believe that such clothes make their legs more seductive. Alas! Firstly, tight trousers visually add a few extra pounds to your hips. Secondly, they interfere with blood supply and literally disfigure the figure, severely deforming the legs. And if yours also have a low waistline, then gradually fat begins to be deposited on the stomach above the trousers. As a result, even thin girls develop a fat fold on the abdomen and a “breeches” effect on the hips.

In the photo: a girl’s figure after 4 months of wearing tight trousers with a low waistline

3. Short blouse Many people not only wear skinny jeans, but also complement them with a short blouse, T-shirt or sweater. Not only does it look untidy, it also plumps up a woman’s figure. Make sure that your blouses always cover your trousers by at least 3cm.

In the photo: cropped blouses look ugly not only on a full figure, but also on a thin one.

4. Skirt with asymmetrical hem In asymmetrical skirts and dresses of the “mullet” style (the so-called skirts whose length is shorter in the front and longer in the back), even slender legs look like a “wheel”, because the knees are almost always visually in the center of the oval. What can we say about imperfect legs... If this style attracts you so much, then give preference not to a skirt, but to a blouse with an asymmetrical hem - rounded hips are better than legs.

A skirt with an asymmetrical hem visually makes the figure unbalanced and the legs look crooked.

5. Fashionable peplum A piece of clothing that emphasizes the waist and adds a few “loin” kilograms to you. Do you want to emphasize your thin waist? Wear a belt that matches your trousers or skirt.

Baska makes you look fatter. Pictured is Kim Kardashian

6. Dress with gathers Numerous gathers at the waistline or on the chest look unfeminine and greatly plump the figure. However, if you cannot refuse folds in clothes, then at least choose flowing plain fabrics.

A dress that makes you look fat. Pictured is Jennifer Aniston


7. Shapeless sweater or cardigan They say that cardigans hide full hips and therefore make you look slim. Not true! In fact, a long sweater makes the figure baggy and puts visual emphasis on the place where it ends, i.e. just on the full hips, which makes this, already problematic, part of the female figure seem even fuller.
Do not believe? Look at the photo:

Things that make you look fat: a thick jacket, thick tights, ankle boots, a shapeless tote bag

Stylist tip: replace the cardigan with a slightly fitted one

8. Low boots Look at the photo above again. Need I say that ankle boots make your legs look much shorter? Therefore, wear them only with trousers.

9. Burl coat This coat is gaining popularity every year. But you need to choose a mouth guard with great care, because such a fashionable coat makes your figure look bigger and shorter. In addition, the fabric plays an important role - the material determines whether the mouthguard will fit beautifully around the figure or bulge like a bell.
On thin and tall people, an elongated cap made of fine wool looks beautiful, but short fat women in such coats become completely enormous.

Coat-kapa - only for slender girls!

Stylist's tip: if your figure allows you to wear a mouth guard, complement the look with long gloves, as in the photo above on the right - it looks very fashionable and elegant.

10. Large bag Voluminous

Many women and men want to be slim, but without bothering themselves with fitness and dieting.

Clothes will help you look slimmer. There is a set of rules that help you adjust the volume of your figure, including rules for choosing colors that visually make you look fuller and slim.

Surely many people know that dark colors visually make an object smaller, and light colors do the opposite. This rule is also known in painting. It should also be taken into account when creating clothing sets.

The rule here is the following. If there is any problem with your figure, for example, a part of the body that is overweight. It needs to be disguised by wearing something of darker colors.

Conversely, if it is necessary to make a part of the body visually wider, you should use light and bright colors of clothing that visually expand the figure.

How can this be implemented?

Let's imagine that you are a woman with full hips that should be visually reduced. You should be guided by the following rule - dark colors - to the bottom of the waist and light colors - to the top of the waist.

If you have wide shoulders and narrow hips, you need to use darker shades on top and lighter, brighter colors on the bottom.

If you have a rectangle-type figure, in this case there is a need to emphasize the waistline and the smoothness of the figure line. To do this, you should not use black color, which “turns off” the volume and makes the figure flat. It is best to use bright and light shades.

If the only flaw in your figure is your tummy, then dark colors will not work; they will only emphasize it. It is best to focus the eyes of others on slender legs, accentuating them with bright tights or shoes.

If you want to emphasize your wasp waist, you can use a darker strap on a light dress. So, the waist area will be highlighted with a line, which will visually make it narrower.

There are colors that visually plump up your figure and you should always remember them. Such colors are white, yellow, orange, bright red, all shiny shades, purple, pink. They are suitable only for slender girls or thin girls who would like to add additional volume to their figure.

How should you choose the color, style and drape of clothes to make your figure look slimmer?

Unfortunately, not all representatives of the fair sex have an ideal figure. But no matter what waist size a woman has, she always strives to visually look slimmer. The right clothes help her achieve this effect.

Therefore, if you don’t yet have time to really take care of your figure, then try to make your everyday look “work” for your slimness and sophistication.

General rules for choosing clothes that slim plus-size people

Plus-size women, unlike model-looking women, find it quite difficult to choose clothes. And it's not just about color and style. Due to the fact that such girls have a non-standard figure, clothes almost always do not fit them perfectly.

For this reason, overweight ladies give up, buy themselves some kind of baggy outfit and go home not very happy. But if you follow some rules, you can quickly choose a beautiful and fashionable outfit even for a full figure.


  • The first thing you should do is buy shapewear. Although it will not remove extra pounds, it will make you much more elegant due to the correct distribution of body weight.

  • Under no circumstances buy clothes that have a bright acid color and very noticeable massive decor. This way you will draw attention to your figure even more.
  • Focus on your strengths. If you are the owner of a chic bust, then be sure to choose a blouse or dress with a deep neckline.

  • Be very careful when choosing the style of your outfit. Buy semi-fitted items that will visually elongate your silhouette without showing your wrinkles to others.

What fabrics lighten up the look?

The material from which it is made has a huge impact on the visual perception of clothing. After all, if your dress is made of rough gray fabric, then it will look accordingly.

If you want your outfits to truly make you look lighter, more attractive and sexy, then choose clothes made from materials that can easily follow the curves of your body.


  • Silk. A blouse made from this material will look equally good on everyone, both in summer and in winter. Not only will you look chic, but you will also feel like a real queen
  • Velvet. This fabric makes the female figure more graceful. Most often, evening dresses are made from it.
  • Brocade. A very beautiful material, visually reminiscent of a tapestry. Looks very nice on girls with an hourglass figure
  • Lace fabric. Suitable for all women, regardless of age and body type. In this case, the main thing is to choose the right color and style of the outfit.

The right color combinations: which color makes you look slim, which color makes you look fat?

Everyone knows the rule that black makes you look slim and white makes you look fat. But modern fabrics have such a rich color palette that sometimes women cannot decide which shade to choose.

So let's figure out how to choose the color of clothes so that they make your figure visually slimmer.

  • All light shades will make your figure look fuller, while dark shades, on the contrary, will make you look slimmer. In view of this, if you are planning to buy a dress in a green shade, it will be better if it is made from fabric of a deep dark grass color
  • Shiny fabrics, even black ones, will add a couple of centimeters to your figure. Therefore, if you want to add some sparkle to your everyday look, then do it with accessories.
  • Too bright colors also add volume quite a bit. Moreover, in this case the rule applies: the brighter the fabric, the larger the figure looks.

Black clothing: does it make you look fat or slim?

Slender girls in black dresses

Black color is universal, so women choose it quite often. Since it absorbs light rays quite well, this allows it to create clearer visual lines that make the figure slimmer. But this color still has one unpleasant feature: it makes the silhouette heavier.

Therefore, if you want to make your look lighter, then try diluting it with dark shades, for example, dark blue, chocolate or graffiti. While they may be difficult to distinguish from your base color from a distance, it will help create the illusion that you will look much slimmer in certain areas.

White clothing: does it make you look fat or slim?

White color refreshes the face and image quite well, but at the same time makes the figure more voluminous. Therefore, only very thin girls can afford to wear all-white clothes. Everyone else needs to skillfully complement it with the right top and bottom.

In view of this, if you decide to wear a white silk blouse, then choose a black skirt, a dark blue cardigan or cherry burgundy trousers and a semi-fitted jacket. These things will mute the white color a little, but at the same time they will not rid it of the lightness and freshness that it should add to an everyday woman's look.

Do yellow and red colors make you look fatter in clothes?

  • Yellow and red colors expand objects quite strongly, so a woman in such clothes always looks fuller than she actually is. In this case, even shapewear will not help correct figure flaws.
  • But of course, you don’t need to give up using this color scheme in your wardrobe. If you really like these colors, then try choosing clothes in calmer red and yellow tones. Or choose a model of dress or suit that will hide your fullness. Pay attention to blouses, skirts and trousers in muted raspberry, dusty pink, dull red, wheat and gold shades.

  • Also, do not forget that red and yellow, like white, must be diluted with dark, calm shades. Therefore, if you plan to wear a red blouse or jacket to work, then the bottom of this look should be darker and more restrained.

Which print is slimming: ideal prints for your figure

  • As you already understand, not all clothes can help you visually look slimmer, so when going to the store, you must understand exactly which things you don’t need to look at at all. So, we have already figured out the color scheme, now let’s try to understand whether girls with a non-standard figure can wear clothes with prints.

  • I would like to say right away that the print can and even should be worn. Sometimes it is the highlight of a blouse or dress, and helps to distract attention from the shortcomings of a woman’s figure. But a small print gives these properties, but a large and voluminous pattern, on the contrary, will make the body even more shapeless.

  • The most ideal print for crumpets is considered to be a small geometric pattern and not very bright abstraction. But leopard print, large polka dots and floral patterns are strictly contraindicated for such ladies

Horizontal stripes in clothes: makes you look fat or slim?

  • As in the case of black and white, our women have learned the rule that a vertical line makes you look slimmer and a horizontal line makes you look fat. This opinion is partly true, of course, but as practice shows, vertical stripes do not always help you visually look slimmer.

  • After all, if, for example, you wear a skirt with a vertical print, then not only will it not make you look more graceful, but, on the contrary, it will also add volume to your hips and butt. Therefore, in this case, it would be more appropriate if the skirt had a black and white horizontal print.

  • It is also worth considering what color scheme the strip is in, because if it is, for example, yellow-red or pink-raspberry, then this will definitely make you look more voluminous. As you can see, both horizontal and vertical stripes can make the figure light and graceful, you just need to clearly understand how the chosen outfit looks from the outside

Which stripe is slimming in clothes: narrow or wide?

Narrow stripes make you look slim

Stripes are a contrasting transition from one color to another. When looking at a person in striped clothes, we first of all pay attention to these transitions, and only after running our eyes over all of them, we begin to generally consider the person’s silhouette. And the longer our eyes search for these contrasting transitions on clothing, the taller and slimmer a person seems to us.

From all this we can conclude that wide stripes will not add grace to a woman’s figure, but narrower ones will really help a lady look visually slimmer. Therefore, if you have already decided to wear a striped dress, then let it be as small and contrasting as possible, for example, white-red, white-blue or white-black.

How to choose a dress that flatters you?

Chubby girls don't really like dresses as they think they make them even less attractive. But in fact, there are models that not only do not spoil the visual perception of a non-standard figure, but also make it more feminine and attractive.


  • High waist dress. This model can hide all the imperfections of the waist and hips and, best of all, emphasize the lady’s beautiful breasts.

  • Dress Basques. It will help to visually narrow your waist and reduce the volume of your hips. In this case, the peplum can be not only short, but also fall to the middle of the thigh.

  • Maxi dress An ideal option for those who want to hide full thighs, calves and a round tummy from prying eyes. In such models, the emphasis is also placed on the upper body.

Do large flowers on a dress make you look fat or not?

Prints with large flowers also need to be used correctly. After all, if you wear a red, blue or green dress, decorated with large flowers, then you will look very extravagant. But the same color, complemented by a small flower, will make your look very delicate and feminine.

But still, if you really want to have a dress with a large flower, then choose models that have literally 2-3 roses or lilies located along an oblique line, for example, on the shoulder in the waist area and on the side at the bottom. This arrangement will allow you to elongate the flowers themselves a little and will also make you slimmer.

Large peas in clothes: does it make you look fat or slim?

  • The polka dot pattern has not gone out of fashion for quite some time. It helps ladies create playful and sometimes even extravagant images that allow them to stand out from the general background. But with large polka dots, as with any other print, you need to be very careful. It, just like any other drawing, is capable of both slimming and very plumping
  • Large peas can quite easily spoil the visual perception of your look, so if you have already decided to buy yourself such a dress or blouse, then choose combinations that are not very contrasting. A dark brown dress with chocolate polka dots with a deep V-neck and a flared skirt would look good
  • In this case, the color scheme will not allow you to visually increase your volume, and you will be able to feel very elegant in this outfit. But if you choose a dress of the same style, but with large polka dots on a white background, then the very strong contrast will only further emphasize the small flaws of your figure

How to choose the right top of clothing that slims your figure: cardigan, jacket, blouse?

  • When choosing a top, always remember that it should be as comfortable as possible and, of course, fit perfectly on your figure. After all, if these clothes are baggy, then you will definitely look fatter. If your waist is a little wide and there are folds in the lower back, then under no circumstances buy fitted blouses, jackets and cardigans.

  • They will draw attention to your shortcomings even more strongly and hamper your movements quite strongly. Try to stick to the golden mean and choose fitted models with a simple classic cut. If you want such clothes to look more festive, then choose beautiful jewelry for it.

  • In addition to the style, be sure to pay attention to the color of the products. It should fit perfectly with the bottom or at least not contrast with it

What skirts slim your figure?

A properly chosen skirt will make any look elegant and sophisticated. But in order for this wardrobe detail to only decorate a woman, you need to choose models that correctly hide figure flaws.

Skirts that slim your figure:

  • Most often, such models have a rather dark color and a length just below the knee.

  • Wraparound model. Gently follows the curves of the female body and gives a feeling of freedom

  • Flared skirt. Perfectly hides full hips and a slightly saggy tummy.

Which skirt suits a full figure with a belly?

The most problematic area for chubby girls is their belly and most often they try to cover it with baggy skirts. But such clothes, instead of masking a flaw, emphasize it even more.

Fortunately for ladies with a non-standard figure, stylists began to sew clothes not only for skinny women. Nowadays in women's clothing stores you can easily buy products that hide your belly very well.


  • Pencil skirt high waist. This model is suitable for a lady with not very full legs.

  • A-line model. It will disguise the stomach, sides and visually make the waist thinner.

  • High waist tulip skirt. This model is suitable for ladies who, in addition to their belly, also need to hide their wide hips.

Which jeans slim your figure?

Jeans that slim a woman's figure

Jeans are the ideal clothing for ladies with non-standard shapes. They make such women visually taller, slimmer and more graceful. But not all models have such good qualities. For women with large volumes, it is best to give preference to classic models in black, dark gray or deep blue.

If a lady has rather thin legs, then she can try to choose skinny jeans with a high waist. But this season's trendy models with scuffs and holes do not look very good on non-standard figures. Even properly fitted jeans turn women's legs into shapeless sausages when walking.

Which color of trousers slims your legs and which color makes your legs look fat?

Black pipe trousers

  • Black trousers are considered the most versatile. They reduce the volume of women’s hips very well and, best of all, they fit perfectly with almost any top. But the way a woman is made is that she always wants to be the brightest, so sometimes she wants to wear trousers other than black
  • I would like to say one thing to such ladies: if you do not want to look funny, then under no circumstances wear items in light green, lemon, sky blue and peach colors. Pants of this color scheme will definitely not hide your shortcomings; moreover, they will visually add a few more centimeters to you
  • If you want to always stay on top, then give preference to dark gray, dark mustard, chocolate, dark blue, burgundy and bottle shades

What swimsuit and what color slims your figure?

  • When choosing a swimsuit, be sure to take into account the characteristics of your figure. For example, if you have very wide shoulders, then distract attention from them with the most colorful bottom. In this case, you need to choose a swimsuit that has a calm, plain bodice, tied at the neck and panties in a contrasting color with a print.

  • But, perhaps, the most ideal option for ladies with a non-standard figure is a one-piece swimsuit in dark blue, black and brown with brighter inserts on the sides. It will simultaneously tighten the tummy and sides and visually make the figure slimmer.

Quite often, having heard a lot of flattering words from the seller, a woman buys a coat that does not suit her at all. After all, if everything is completely clear with the color scheme, then it can sometimes be very difficult to choose the right style. Therefore, when buying outerwear, pay attention to all the small details.


  • When choosing between double-breasted and single-breasted, give preference to the latter. Since it will cut your silhouette with a vertical line, you will definitely look slimmer visually
  • The number of buttons is also important. If you need to make the top more voluminous, then choose coats and raincoats with two rows of massive buttons
    • Shoes, just like clothing, can greatly influence the visual perception of a figure. Therefore, when buying a fashionable look in the store, do not forget to choose the right shoes, boots and ankle boots to go with it. If you want your foot to look graceful and feminine, then don’t even go close to lace-up models.
    • Since such shoes are very similar to men's, they are unlikely to add grace to your figure. When choosing shoes, be sure to consider your ankle size. If your shoes are not very big, then you can easily choose boots and ankle boots with thin heels. If the ankle is quite voluminous, opt for models with small square heels
    • I would also like to say something about the finishing of the shoes. She should also be feminine and graceful. Try to avoid steel spikes, massive rivets and very bright shiny bows. All this is suitable for a teenager, but not for a beautiful and elegant lady
      • Finishing helps make clothes more original and individual. But women with a non-standard figure need to be very careful when choosing these details. For example, if you want your trousers, blouse or cardigan to have pockets, then choose models in which they are hidden inside and placed diagonally or vertically
      • Small folds, tucks and not very voluminous draperies made from the same material as the product itself will also help you look slimmer. This will help the clothes fit more correctly on the body and hide from prying eyes everything that a woman doesn’t like so much. You can try to complement dresses and buzas with a belt
      • If your waist is not particularly slender, then choose a medium-width belt for your dress, several shades darker than the aspen product. If you are lucky and have a rather beautiful waist, then feel free to complement your outfit with a wide contrasting belt

      Video: 50 things that will make you taller and slimmer. Clothes that make you look slim

Which color makes you look fat and which color makes you look slim?

Everyone knows that black color visually makes the figure slimmer, and white color makes the figure look fuller. But your color scheme in clothes is not limited to these colors. Other colors also have visual deception properties. Let us analyze by what laws and principles we see something that is not what actually is, in order to make this effect work for ourselves.

Light things seem more voluminous than dark ones.

The apogee of this statement is precisely black and white. This visual deception is associated with the ability of a colored object to reflect or absorb light rays.

White things reflect the maximum number of light waves that diverge in different directions. As a result, the boundary between white and another color is blurred, making objects appear larger than they actually are.

Black color absorbs light rays, so its boundaries appear sharper than those of a white object, and, therefore, it will look smaller than it really is.

Grey colour reflects light rays half as much as white, and the same number of times more than black. Its boundaries are not as pronounced as those of black, not as blurred as those of white, but at the same time it loses contrast with the environment. Therefore, this color will be slimming during the day (not like black, but still) and plump in the late evening or at night.

Each color has dark, light and medium shades

They also obey the laws of greater or lesser reflection. Light shades of any color will increase dimensions in relation to dark shades. The expanding and contracting effect is useful for masking figure flaws.

Women who seem to themselves full, than they would like, it is better to use dark or medium colors.

For thin Light and medium colors are more suitable.

In addition, you can disguise slightly plump parts of the figure and excessively thin ones, combining dark and light, while remaining in the same range.

Shiny fabrics, even dark ones, make you look fat

It is logical to assume that a mirror surface reflects light much more than a white canvas. The halo of light paints a couple of centimeters. Therefore, if you want to look slimmer, then don't choose a black sparkly dress. Black, in this case, does not compensate for its shine. If you absolutely love glitter, use it in your accessories. But for thin people, shiny fabrics are an excellent help for correction. And if you have a pear-shaped figure, then a shiny top will suit you.

Cool shades are more slimming than warm shades

Yellow, red, orange. They selectively reflect waves in their short range. You can't say about them like white - it reflects light waves of all sizes. But these colors can also expand objects.

Green, blue, purple. In addition to the fact that these colors at their highest brightness are darker than the brightest warm ones, even when diluted with white they give less of an expansion effect than warm shades. This means that a light blue color will be less plumping than a light warm pink.

So, if you have a choice between warm dark and cold dark, with the main requirement of hiding excess weight, then choose a cool shade.

The brighter the color, the more plumping it is.

Intense shades blind the eye, and this effect causes blurring of boundaries. Even bright blue: cold and not light, will make you wider than gray-blue.