What thoughts and feelings does the sky evoke? Observation and exploration of feelings

ABOUT VARIOUS OBJECTS OF THE SENSE OF THE SUBLIME AND BEAUTIFUL Various sensations of pleasant or unpleasant are based not so much on the properties of external things that excite these sensations, but on the feeling of pleasure or displeasure inherent in each person from this excitement. This explains why some people feel joy at what others find disgusting; This also explains that love passion often remains a mystery to everyone around us, or that one person hates something to which another is completely indifferent. Scope of observation of these features human nature extends very far and is fraught with many more discoveries, as attractive as they are instructive. Here I will pay attention only to some points, especially, as it seems to us, stand out in this area, and I will look at them more through the eyes of an observer than a philosopher. Since a person feels happy only insofar as he satisfies some inclination, then the feeling, making him capable of experiencing great pleasure without requiring exceptional talents for this is, of course, of no small importance. Fat people, for whom the wittiest author is their cook, whose exquisite works are stored in their cellar, will experience the same ardent joy over vulgar obscenity and a flat joke as that in which people are more proud
noble feelings. A lazy person who loves to listen to a book being read because it allows him to fall asleep; a merchant to whom all pleasures seem stupid, except for the one that clever man experiences when he estimates his trading profits; one who loves the other sex only to the extent that he classifies it among objects fit for use; a lover of hunting, whether he hunts for flies, like Domitian, or for wild animals, like A... - all these people have a feeling that makes them capable of enjoying each in their own way; They have no need to envy others for this, and at the same time they may not have a certain idea about others; however, at this time my attention is not directed to the feelings of such people. There is another feeling, more subtle; it is called so or because it can be experienced more long time without satiety and exhaustion; or because it presupposes, so to speak, a certain excitability of the soul, making it capable of virtuous impulses; or because it testifies to talents and superiority of spirit, while the above-mentioned feelings occur even in the complete absence of thoughts. It is one side of this feeling that I want to consider. But I exclude from here the inclination that is directed towards deep penetration mind, as well as the excitement of which a man like Kepler was capable when, as Bayle reports, he declared that he would not trade one of his discoveries for the whole principality. This kind of feeling is too subtle to be the subject of this essay, which concerns only that feeling of which more ordinary people are capable.
There are mainly two types of more subtle feelings that we want to consider here: the feeling of the sublime and the feeling of the beautiful. Both feelings excite what is pleasant, but in very different ways. The sight of mountains whose snow-capped peaks rise above the clouds, the image of a furious storm, or Milton’s description of hell evoke pleasure, however, associated with some fear. View of flower-covered meadows and valleys with streams running through them and grazing people==128

Just looking at the blue sky above the clouds will bring you serenity.

The techniques are very simple and you can do them without any results. Then you will say, “What are these techniques? We can make them, they’re so simple.”

You can look at the blue sky above the clouds and nothing will happen. Then you will say: “Shiva speaks unreasonably, irrationally. He babbles whatever comes into his head. What kind of technology is this? Just by looking at the blue sky above the clouds, you will achieve serenity - and someone will become serene.”

But if you remember: death, meaning, learning, then this technique will help you immediately turn inward. Looking into the blue sky above the clouds... Just looking, without thinking.

The sky is endless; it ends nowhere. Just look at it. There are no objects there - that's why the sky was chosen. The sky is not an object. Linguistically it is an object, but existentially the sky is not an object, because an object must begin and end. You can go around an object, but you cannot go around the sky. You are in the sky, but you cannot go around it. Therefore, you can be an object for the sky, but the sky cannot be an object for you. You can look into it, but not at it, and this looking into it goes on and on... it never ends.

So look up to the blue sky and keep looking. The object is infinite, it has no boundaries. Don't think about it, don't say it's wonderful. Don't say, "How wonderful!" Don't judge the color, don't start reasoning. If you start reasoning, you will stop. Now your eyes do not move into blue, into endless blue. Just watch - don't think. Don't create words; they turn into barriers. Not even the words “blue sky” should be uttered. Don't rant.

There should only be a pure, innocent look into the blue sky. It never ends. You will look, look, look, and suddenly, because there is no object, there is only a vacuum, suddenly you become aware of yourself. Why? Because if there is a vacuum all around, then your feelings are useless. Feelings are useful only when there is an object.

If you are looking at a flower, then you are looking at something - the flower is here. There is no sky here. What do you understand by the word “sky”? What doesn't exist. "Sky" means space. All objects are in the sky, but the sky is not an object. It is simply a vacuum, a space in which objects can exist. The sky itself is just pure emptiness. Look at this pure emptiness. That's why the sutra says: above the clouds. Since clouds are not the sky, they are objects floating in the sky. You can look at the clouds, but that will not help. Look at the blue sky - not at the stars, not at the moon, not at the clouds, but at the non-objectivity, into the void. Look into it.

What will happen? In emptiness there are no objects to grasp with the senses. Since there are no objects to grab onto or cling to, feelings become unnecessary. And if you look at the blue sky without thinking, then suddenly you will feel that everything has disappeared, that there is nothing. In this disappearance you become aware of yourself. Looking into this emptiness, you will become empty. Why? Because your eyes are like a mirror. They reflect whatever is in front of them. I see you, and you are sad - then suddenly sadness comes into me. If a sad person enters your room, you become sad. What happens? You look at sadness. You are like a mirror, sadness is reflected in you.

Someone laughs heartily - suddenly you feel that laughter is entering you too. It becomes contagious. What's happening? You are like a mirror, you reflect everything. You look at a beautiful object - it is reflected in you. You look at an ugly object - it is reflected in you. Whatever you look at, it penetrates deep into you. It becomes part of your consciousness.

If you look into emptiness, there is nothing to reflect - or only the endless blue sky. If it is reflected, if you feel the endless blue sky within you, you will become serene, you will become serene. And if you can really comprehend the emptiness - where both the sky and the blue disappear, where only emptiness remains - then emptiness will also be reflected within you. And in emptiness, how can you be anxious, how can you be tense?

How can the mind function in emptiness? He stops, he disappears. In the disappearance of the mind, the mind that is tense, restless, filled with relevant and irrelevant thoughts, in this disappearance of the mind there is serenity.

Another. Emptiness reflected inward turns into desirelessness. Desires are tension. You desire and you become preoccupied. You look at a beautiful woman - suddenly a desire arises. You look at a beautiful house - you want to own it. You look at a beautiful car passing by - you want to be in it, you want to drive it. Desire comes into you, and with desire you become worried: “How to get this? What do you need to do to get it? The mind becomes upset, disappointed or hopeful, but all these are dreams, dreams. A lot can happen.

When there is desire, you are concerned. The mind splits into pieces, many plans, dreams, projects are born; you become crazy. Desire is the seed of madness.

But emptiness is not an object; it's just emptiness. When you look at emptiness, no desires arise; they cannot arise. You don't want to have emptiness, you don't want to love emptiness, you don't want to make a home out of it. Emptiness? You have nothing to do with it! All movements of the mind cease, no desires arise, and when desires do not arise, there is serenity. You become silent, serene. A sudden peace blossoms within you. You become like the sky.

And further. Whatever you think about, you become like it, you become that, because the mind can take infinite forms. Whatever you desire, your mind takes its form, you become the object of that desire. That is why the mind of a person who desires wealth, gold, money, itself simply turns into a piggy bank - and nothing more. Shake it and you will hear the sound of rupees inside, nothing else. Whatever you desire, you become the object of your desires. So be aware of what you desire because you are becoming it.

The sky is the most empty thing. It is very close to you, it costs nothing, and you don’t have to go anywhere to find it - neither to the Himalayas, nor to Tibet. Modern technology destroyed everything, but the sky is still here - you can use it.

Use it before it is destroyed - it could be destroyed any day. Look, get into it. And your gaze should not be thinking, remember this. Then you will feel inside the same sky, the same dimension, the same space, the same blueness and emptiness. This is why Shiva says: Simply looking at the blue sky above the clouds will bring you serenity.



This exercise is done once a day, for 10 minutes (no more is needed, otherwise severe exacerbations of accumulated sores may occur). Not after eating! It’s better before meals, then you’ll want to eat much less.

If it's cold, you can look through the clear window glass. Watch without glasses or contact lenses! Perfect option- Outdoors.
We look at the sky in the morning or during the day while the sun is active. Choose a part of the sky so that the sun is behind you, otherwise there will be a lot of strain in the eyes, and this should not happen.

It doesn’t matter whether the sky is clear or cloudy, whether it’s raining or snowing.
Body position: comfortable, relaxed, sitting or lying down.
After watching, be sure to rest for 4-5 minutes with eyes closed!!!
During class, turn off your phone, TV, radio... warn your loved ones not to disturb you.

In medicine there is a type of therapy called color therapy.

It has long been known that different colors can have a certain effect on a person. Blue or green are calming, and red is stimulating, etc. If an excited person is placed in a room with wallpaper in green or blue tones, then in just a few minutes he will calm down.

This is also used in sports: swimming, running... For short distances, where it is necessary to gather oneself and concentrate as much as possible, the athlete puts on glasses with red lenses. For long ones - with blue ones.

Let's go back to the sky...

Although, one more small digression... Doctors often advise patients to take vitamins to improve their health. The vitamins themselves are usually produced by processing various plants. Plants produce these essential substances when they receive sunlight.

If a person can consciously perceive this sunlight (and there are all colors in its spectrum), then he receives this “vitamin nutrition” directly!

Often, when looking at the sky, they notice that the color of the part of the sky they are looking at changes. Let's say the whole sky blue color, and the small circle suddenly turns orange or yellow! And then the color changes to green.

Explanation in in this case is: our body lacks a certain type of energy, which carries this or that color (from the spectrum sunlight).

It is known that in the human energy body there are energy receivers and transformers - chakras, which are responsible for the distribution of vital energy throughout all human systems and organs, from physiology to the psyche, mind and consciousness inclusive. Each chakra has its own color. The bottom one is red, the top one is purple (colors like a rainbow). There is no need to describe here what exactly each chakra is responsible for; many books and articles have been written on this topic.

If the color of the sky changes, it means that energy needs to be replenished in a certain energy center. Eg, green color, may indicate some problems or imbalance in the heart area. By perceiving this color in this way, we compensate for the deficiency and harmonize our state.

Now let's go back to the sky...

How to do this exercise itself

Before starting the lesson, let’s sit (or lie down) comfortably, relieve all tension, and close our eyes. Let's sit like this for 1-2 minutes. Let's just sit and listen the world. Without listening, without analyzing sounds, without expecting them... My attention is drawn to the outside world, and I seem to be in this environment of sounds. It could be the cries of birds, music is playing somewhere, the wind is rustling... I’m just listening to the world around me (this alone, in itself, is already a very pleasant state!). And at some point I will feel inner peace... then I begin to slowly open my eyes.

I don't look at the edges of clouds or flying birds. I am very friendly towards the sky and strive to dissolve in it... I look, as it were, into the depths of it, through it... I want to hear it... I listen to it...

No need to endure tension in your eyes, wince! If you are tired, close your eyes, rest, then slowly open them again. The face should not be tense. It is very good if there is a slight smile.

Somewhere in the middle of the lesson you may simply fall asleep - this is normal! Filling with the power of peace will be so powerful.

After class, be sure to sit with your eyes closed for 3-5 minutes, relax, listen to the outside world. Don't jump up right away!

By exercising regularly, within a few days you will notice a significant improvement in yourself. emotional state. You will notice that you have become much quieter (internally), more attentive and friendly. You will smile more often! Even further, you will begin to notice an improvement in your well-being and health.

You may encounter a cleansing of the body... there may be exacerbations of accumulated diseases that will be pushed out by the body. This is normal and shouldn't scare you. If the exacerbation is very severe, then reduce the viewing time to 4-5 minutes during this period.

Make it a habit to devote time to this simple exercise every day. This will allow you to be more stable and strong in life, maintain inner joy and calm.

If everything goes on regularly, without breakdowns or exacerbations, then every week you can add 1 minute, eventually bringing the viewing time to 15 minutes. Not more!

If you want to increase this time even more, you will need to learn certain breathing and physical exercises.

Andrey Bashun,
instructor of the course "Laughter therapy and deep relaxation"

Please tell me how to track strong feelings?

I get the following picture: when a very strong feeling arises, I realize that it arises in the body and sends a signal. But the very source of this feeling cannot be traced, because I begin to feel it precisely when this feeling arises in the body. For example: confusion seems to be walking around chest, mental pain sits in the heart area, fear gathers in the genital area, etc. These feelings give rise to thoughts about why they arise. Or strong desires, needs. Does the problem lie precisely in interpreting these feelings, in thinking about it? Or can they be tracked somehow so that they stop annoying? Although, the very feeling of annoyance is already a thought and an argument about it. And nothing can be done about this feeling; it arises on its own and not always as a reaction to something. Is it so?

You need to observe feelings just like everything else, there is no difference here. But what are feelings? What causes them? And is it possible to somehow influence them? These are questions to pay attention to.

Each organism is programmed by nature to perceive and experience certain phenomena. The perception and experience of these phenomena is a game of feelings. These feelings are not created by the organism itself; they arise in it as a result of an encounter with some phenomenon. Initially, it is not yet known what kind of phenomenon this is and how it should be treated, the body does not know how to react to it (i.e., what actions should be performed in accordance with this phenomenon), and therefore, the primary sensation that arises during perception any phenomenon, there is an indefinite feeling or premonition. As soon as some kind of premonition arises, the mind tries to understand what it is? He begins to explore this sensation and defines it as a specific feeling (for example: a feeling of danger, or a feeling of joy, a feeling of love or a feeling of sadness, a feeling of tension or a feeling of relaxation, etc.).

In most cases, simultaneously with the study of the emerging premonition, there is a study of the phenomenon that has become, according to the conclusion that has arisen in the mind, the source of the emergence of this premonition. The mind explores and then determines what this phenomenon is, how it should be treated, and how it can and should be used in one’s life. In this regard, all sensations arising from the perception of an unfamiliar phenomenon, which are feelings, can be divided into three types: primary, secondary and tertiary. And since all feelings are the basis and beginning of reactions to these phenomena, they can also be described in the form of reactions. After all, what is a feeling if not the body’s reaction to the perception of a phenomenon that has arisen in its mind (consciousness).

Primary feeling or primary reaction For any unfamiliar phenomenon there is fear. Depending on the situation, it can be light, almost imperceptible (fear or mild fear), or strong (savage fear or horror).

The secondary reaction or feeling is interest (benefit, benefit). Interest always comes from research. At this moment, a study of the phenomenon takes place regarding how it can be used in life and how it should be treated (dangerous - not dangerous; useful - not useful).

According to the result of this study, a tertiary reaction is formed. Conventionally, it can be called this: how you need to treat it. If a phenomenon is determined to be dangerous, it should be avoided if possible. If it is not dangerous, then can it be useful, and if so, how, in what ways and in what situations.

If a phenomenon is defined as dangerous and cannot be avoided, then reactions are formed that can be called something like this: how one should behave in certain situations of danger.

If a phenomenon is determined to be non-hazardous, then many options for using this phenomenon arise in the mind, and in accordance with this, many different thoughts, feelings and courses of action arise. Thus, a set of certain thoughts-feelings-reactions is formed, fixed in the mind by the experience gained from living these reactions in various life situations. All computer science and mechanics! In another way, this can be described as the formation of ways of flowing the life force of the universe (or flowing consciousness) through the human body. And here, such concepts as: I want - I don’t want, whether I like it or not, there is simply no place, it is exclusively a manifestation of the laws of nature.

Of course, this does not mean that once feelings and reactions arise in the human body, they never change. They change and they change all the time! But they change not at our request, but in strict accordance with the laws of nature, the manifestation of which they are.

All human feelings and reactions are based on genes and environmental conditions. Genes are inherent in us from birth, they cannot be changed, this is what we are born with. And here environment constantly changing, and in accordance with it, our sensations, feelings, reactions, thoughts, actions change. This is precisely where the uncultivated field of our possibilities lies. But these possibilities are strictly determined by the existing laws of nature, and therefore, all that is available to us is observation, study and skillful use of the laws of nature in strict accordance with the goals that are a manifestation of the laws of nature. All you have to do here is smile and relax! Or strain as hard as you can until a smile and relaxation spontaneously replace stubbornness and tension. Try both and see what suits you best. But, no matter what you choose (or whatever you choose), it will be exactly what should have been chosen by you, it will be exactly the reaction inherent in you by the One Nature for all of us. This will be exactly what should be done!

Suppose I have the awareness that I am not a separate person, but that everything includes everything, including the person. This knowledge constantly comes back to me. The problem is being in the body. The feeling on the physical level that I am in the body, a separate being. How can this feeling be dissolved or reduced?

You need to explore what you call “I”! – “suppose I have”; “I am not a separate person”; “knowledge constantly returns to me”; "I am in the body"... etc. Everything you write, say, think about is permeated with this “I”. Conduct a thorough investigation of what this “I” is! And then the sense of this “I” will dissolve, and what remains will be pure Being or I-Amity.

It seems that you feel that my formulation of the question betrays a lack of understanding and lack of awareness. Maybe the understanding that exists is not the same? When I ask and study what it is that I am, I see a living space, all-encompassing, empty. And there is wandering attention, which constantly falls, or seems to be on the bodily core, which I am used to calling, as if erroneously. What should you keep your attention on?

Attention must be kept on the attention itself. The task is to distance your attention from all objects of perception and immerse yourself in the Source of attention itself. Attention appears only when there is something to pay attention to, i.e. along with objects. When there are no objects, attention dissolves in its own Source, which is the Self.

About the air...

Air surrounds us everywhere: on the street, in the classroom, in the room. The air cannot be seen, but it can be felt if it is polluted.

Fresh air- one of the main resources of nature. Unfortunately, harmful substances enter the air from the chimneys of factories and factories and it becomes polluted. Such air is dangerous for people, plants, and animals. Plants and factories must operate installations that capture harmful substances.

Guess a riddle. Write the answer.

What don't you see in the room?
can't you live without him?
Answer: Air

Come up with and write down your own riddle about air.

He is transparent, weightless, who is it? He's the air!
Can't live even a minute without it? Answer: Air
Needed by all living beings on our planet. Answer: Air
Trees cleanse, but man pollutes? Answer: Air

Mark with a red pencil what pollutes the air, with a green pencil - what does not pollute. Explain your decision.
Factories that pollute the air have been marked with a red pencil. harmful substances, as well as all transport (bus, truck, a car, motorcycle), which runs on gasoline and releases several very harmful substances into the air through exhaust gases.
Ecologically marked with a green pencil clean products transportation - horse and sleigh, scooter, bicycle, roller skates. Trams and trolleybuses that run on electricity do not produce any harmful exhaust gases and the air remains clean.

Here, place one or two of your photographs showing the amazing beauty of the sky. You can cut photos from magazines or take printouts from the Internet. In photo captions try to convey the thoughts and feelings that arise in you when observing the sky.

I love looking at the sky, at the beautiful white fluffy clouds, like cotton candy. Looking at them, fantasize, imagine what animal they look like. The sky is very beautiful when, after the rain, a rainbow appears and the gentle sun peeks out from behind the clouds.