What types of cigarette lighters are there? What gas is in the lighter?

In this series of materials, the editors of FURFUR analyze constituent elements objects around us all and takes a closer look at what they are made of - from artifacts that have become legendary, to ordinary sneakers or bicycle hubs.

In the first material of this unique section, we tried to look inside the well-known Zippo lighters.

Zippo lighter

This lighter is the most important and well-known product American company from Pennsylvania Zippo Manufacturing Company, founded in 1932 by entrepreneur George Grant Blaisdell - the brand itself began selling lighters in 1933. Zippo are distinguished primarily by the special way of processing the metal from which they are made - most often these are brass, copper and chromium-nickel alloys, as well as by the status of a real male artifact, which they managed to become, having gone through several wars with soldiers and being among their favorites attributes of many famous people. In 2007, Zippo Manufacturing Company celebrated its 75th anniversary, by which time they estimated that more than 450 million Zippo lighters had been produced.

Essential elements

1. Flint. 2. External part of the body. 3. Wheel. 4. Wick. 5. Rivets. 6. Interior housings. 7. Fixing spring. 8. Cotton filling of the inner casing. 9. Cover position lock. 10. Pad. 11. Lower spring mounting. 12. Upper spring mount

The cotton filler occupies almost the entire space of the inside of the case - fuel is poured into this cavity, completely saturating the cotton wool. The wick touches it on top, and is secured at the bottom with a felt pad (by the way, in the sixties such a pad was often made in bright red). It closes the fuel cavity from below and is held in place by a spring and two fasteners. The location of the wheel and lock can be clearly seen in the top image. The inner part of the body is placed into the outer one - and the lighter finally takes on a familiar look to everyone.

There are many brands of lighters - expensive and cheap, famous and not, cool and ordinary. Among such diversity, you can highlight the most famous brands and find out which lighter is the most expensive.

What lighters are considered good?

The coolest lighters are those that are inaccessible to an ordinary person. Most often these are rare collectible gasoline and gas models, as well as vintage table lighters.

One of the coolest old lighters is the Döbereiner flint, designed in 1823. Flints based on hydrogen combustion were sold throughout Europe in the nineteenth century.

Collectors value rarities produced in limited quantities. We are talking about pocket and more massive table lighters produced in the USA, Japan and European countries. Many rarities still work great today.

Durable design and successful mechanism are the distinctive features of the Dürr tabletop lighter, manufactured in Switzerland since the middle of the last century.

The most famous brands of lighters

The world-famous house Givenchy, being a representative of the fashion world, produces, among other things, lighters. The recognizable combination of four Gs adorns the shiny metal case.

Cartier is a representative of the jewelry industry that has achieved great success. Its history began precisely with the release of lighters. Cartier fans are like royalty.

One of the most famous brands of lighters is BIC. This brand produces products aimed at a male audience - from lighters and writing instruments to razors. IN different countries around the world, millions of customers appreciate luxury lighters trimmed in silver and gold and elegant fountain pens. Design, durability and high quality Zippo lighters, developed in 1932 in America, are different. Initially, fans of the brand did not quite like the design, but after the developer changed appearance accessory, these lighters have become one of the most popular and famous in the world.

Alfred Dunhill is the founder of the Dunhill brand, one of the creators of a lighter that could be used with one hand. This was called the tobacco industry revolution. Initially the model was called Everytime, later it was called Unique. It is under this name that such a lighter is known today all over the world. Ten years later, another model appeared - Tallboy, which was also put into mass production. In 1956, the same Dunhill brand surprised the whole world with the release of a butane lighter - Rollagas.

Long before the advent of brands such as Dunhill and Zippo, automatic lighters from the IMCO brand were used in Europe. To date, more than half a million have been released. They are sold in eighty countries around the world and differ elegant design, sleek design and practicality. Most IMCO lighters meet the most high standards largely due to the fact that they are made by hand.

The most expensive lighter in the world

Speaking about the most expensive lighter in the world, we must separately highlight a single record-breaking lighter and a set of lighters, the cost of which is by far the highest in the world.

The single lighter, costing seventy-four thousand dollars, was made in France under the Dupont brand. It is made of white gold with four hundred and sixty-eight diamonds inlaid into the case. This is what explains such a high cost.

The Guinness Book of Records named the most expensive set of lighters as a set of the same brand Dupont, which in 2013 was sold for an extremely high amount of five hundred thousand euros. Louise XIII Fleur de Parme is the name of the record-breaking set. The set includes only two lighters, one of them is pocket, the other is tabletop. To make a table lighter, the manufacturer used four hundred grams of pure gold and many sapphires; the pocket lighter is also made of gold and decorated with sapphires, but of less weight and quantity. By the way, a lighter from Dupont was included in the ranking of the most expensive things in the world, which was published on the website.
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We call a lighter a small device that allows you to create fire. And if a few hundred years ago, a lighter might have seemed like a real miracle, today few people can do without this device.

A large selection of lighters is presented on the website https://lighters-luxlite.ru/. But in order not to make a mistake in choosing, you need to know what types of lighters there are and how they differ.

Gasoline lighters

Gasoline lighters appeared earlier than other types. Regardless of the manufacturer, everything petrol lighters identical in design:

  • fuel container. A special fiber is placed in it, which absorbs gasoline;
  • wick soaked in gasoline;
  • a small wheel with teeth;
  • silicon.

The advantage of such devices is reliability; gasoline lighters can work for several decades.

Samples that were produced in the mid-19th century have been preserved. However, gasoline lighters are not very common today. First of all, this is explained by the high cost of the lighters themselves and the fuel for them.

Many people do not like the smell of gasoline coming from such devices, and they should not be used to light a pipe at all.

Gas lighters

As the name suggests, gas lighters run on gas. There are several types of such devices; they are classified based on the characteristics of the ignition system:

  1. A flint lighter is a bit like a gasoline lighter. In order to get a flame, you need to turn the gear wheel.
  2. A lighter with a piezo element has a slightly different device. A spark appears when the button is pressed, and it ignites the gas coming from the can. Lighters of this type can be with a simple or turbocharged flame. The advantage of turbo lighters is their resistance to sudden gusts of wind, while conventional lighters go out at the slightest air movement.
  3. The electronic ignition system works on the same principle as the piezoelectric element. But small batteries are built into such lighters.

There are also household lighters. They are equipped with a long nozzle, which allows you to safely light a gas stove or make a fire. Such lighters may have a container of gas that ignites when the button is pressed. But there are models that do not produce flames. In such lighters a spark is formed, with the help of which it ignites domestic gas in the stove.

The invention relates to the field of energy, in particular to a gas lighter containing a safe ignition system, and makes it easy to operate by adults, but difficult for children. Gas lighter contains a container for containing liquefied kerosene gas, a valve mounted on the container and allowing gas to exit it, a system for opening and closing the gas flow, having a flint operating in combination with a knurled wheel driven into rotation by at least one holder located coaxially relative to the knurled wheel, while the peripheral surface of each holder in contact with the user's finger is made smooth. The lighter is easy to operate by adults but difficult for children to operate. 2 s. and 2 salary, 2 ill.

The invention relates to a gas lighter, and in particular to a gas lighter containing a safe ignition system. Typically, a gas lighter includes a container for liquefied gas, a valve mounted on the container to allow gas to exit the container, a lever-controlled gas flow opening and closing system, a gas flow control system, and an ignition system. In a sense, this latter system contains a flint, acting in combination with a knurling wheel, and usually a safety cover. The knurled wheel is mounted on a shaft with the possibility of rotation between two holders. The knurled wheel is cylindrical in shape, and the holders are disc-shaped, and they have a diameter that is significantly larger than the diameter of the knurled wheel. In addition, the holder flaps are roughened, making them abrasive. The user can easily operate the thumb wheel with their finger as the finger does not touch the holders. When the wheel in contact with the flint is made to rotate by means of the holders and the finger of the user, a shower of sparks is produced and this is followed by the action of the same finger on the lever to open the flow of gas, the release of some quantity of gas. A shower of sparks ignites the gas, forming a flame that comes out of the lid. Such a system requires positive action from the user to create and maintain a flame and requires two independent movements, i.e., turning a knurled wheel and operating a lever to open the gas flow to create a flame. However, people are trying to find a way to make it more difficult to use such lighters so that children under the age of five cannot create a flame with them. Lighters already exist in which the additional problem of flame formation must be overcome, and several patents or applications are known that describe such lighters. These include US patents N 5125829 and 5002482 and international applications WO-93/17282 and WO-95/04247. The lighters described in these documents have an additional device that makes the knurled wheel difficult to access or blocks the movement of the gas release lever. Because of this, such lighters have complex design, leading to high production costs. In addition, the use of these lighters is complicated and instructions are required. Even adults may have some difficulty using these lighters and will need instructions. A gas lighter is known, comprising a container for containing gas, a valve mounted on the container and allowing gas to escape from it, a system for opening and closing the gas flow, having a flint operating in combination with a knurled wheel driven into rotation by at least one holder , located coaxially relative to the knurled wheel (US Patent N 5125829). However, this lighter has the disadvantages of devices of the prior art. The basis of the invention is to provide a lighter which, due to the design of the holders, is easy to operate by adults but difficult to operate by children, which is constantly in a state of readiness without initial action, and whose functioning is ensured in the same way as the functioning of conventional lighters. This object according to the first aspect of the invention is achieved by means of a gas lighter comprising a container for containing gas, a valve mounted on the container and allowing gas to escape from it, a system for opening and closing the gas flow, having a flint operating in combination with a knurled wheel driven by rotation by means of at least one holder located coaxially relative to the knurled wheel, in which, according to the invention, the peripheral surface of each holder in contact with the user's finger is made smooth, and liquefied kerosene gas is used as the gas. According to this embodiment of the present invention, the peripheral surface of each holder that is to be in contact with the user's finger is smooth. Thus, in order to move the wheel through the holder, the user must apply a force to it containing a major radial component, and the user must follow the holder in its rotational motion to generate sparks. The movement made by the user to use the lighter is the same movement that is made to use the lighter in accordance with known technical solutions, wherein the user must follow the movement of the holder by generating a greater, essentially radial force. Thanks to this, a child can only use such a lighter with difficulty. Preferably, the knurled wheel is a cylindrical knurled wheel mounted on a shaft between two holders that are substantially disc-shaped and have a diameter significantly larger than the diameter of the knurled wheel. This device ensures good movement of the knurled wheel through the holders. It is advisable that each holder is made in the shape of a round disk. This form of the holders allows them to function and at the same time does not allow them to work when a child is using them. This object according to another aspect of the invention is achieved by means of a gas lighter comprising a container for containing gas, a valve mounted on the container and allowing gas to exit therefrom, a system for opening and closing the flow of gas, having a flint operating in combination with a knurled wheel driven by rotation by means of at least one holder located coaxially relative to the knurled wheel, in which, according to the invention, each holder has essentially the shape of a disk, its peripheral surface in contact with the user's finger is wavy, and liquefied kerosene gas is used as the gas . According to another embodiment of the present invention, each holder would be substantially disk-shaped, with a wavy peripheral surface in contact with the user's finger. To move the wheel by means of the holder, the user must apply a force containing a major radial component to it, and the user must follow the holder in its rotational motion to generate sparks. Thanks to this, a child can only use such a lighter with difficulty. Moreover, with regard to known lighters, the modifications made are not significant since only the holders are modified. The present invention will be described in detail in the following. detailed description with reference to the accompanying drawings showing, by non-limiting example, one embodiment of this gas lighter. Fig. 1 is an isometric view of a lighter according to the present invention, FIG. 2 is a side view, partially in section on an enlarged scale, of the lighter according to FIG. 1. Fig. 1 and 2 show a gas lighter, as is known, having an element 1 that functions as a reservoir for containing liquefied gasoline gas. At the top of the tank is equipped with a valve 2, allowing gas to escape when the valve is in open position . Lever 3 controls the opening and closing of valve 2. Spring 4 acts on lever 3 in such a way that when valve 2 is in the non-operating position, it is closed. The part of the lever 3 located opposite to the valve 2 is actuated by the user when he wants the gas to leave the tank to maintain, for example, a flame. The lighter also includes an ignition system for igniting the gas exiting the valve 2. This system contains a flint igniter 5 and a knurled wheel 6. This latter is mounted on a shaft 7 and can rotate around it. It is cylindrical in shape, and its peripheral surface is knurled. The flint-fuse 5 is supported radially on the knurled wheel 6. It is supported by a spring 8. Thus, when the knurled wheel 6 rotates around its axis 7, sparks are formed. They can ignite the gas coming out of valve 2. On both sides of the knurled wheel 6 are installed on the holder 9 coaxially with respect to the knurled wheel 6. These holders 9 may form a single piece with the thumbwheel 6, or they may be separate elements operating in combination with the thumbwheel 6. These holders 9 are circular disks with a peripheral surface forming an edge that is smooth. Thus, the coefficient of friction between the user's finger and the holders 9 is relatively low. In order to rotate the knurling wheel 6, the user places the finger 10 on the holders 9 on the side opposite to the flint 5. He presses on these holders 9 with a force having a large radial component to continue rotation, the finger 10 must continue to apply a force having a large radial component, and at the same time follow the movement of the holders 9. The finger 10 continues its movement until it is in contact with the lever 3. As for the lighter in accordance with the prior art having rough holders, the user's finger must accompany the rotation of the wheel with knurling at a relatively large angle of rotation. The setting of the knurl wheel is deliberately linked to the rotation angle. If the radial force is insufficient, sparks will not form. In addition, if the finger does not follow the movement of the knurled wheel 6 when it reaches the lever 3, there will be no more sparks and the gas will not ignite. Due to the relatively high force that must be applied, and since it is necessary to follow the movement of the holders at a rotation angle that is relatively large, children will find it difficult to use the described lighter. However, an adult will use a lighter that is the same as similar lighters that have holders with a rough surface. The only difference is that it takes a lot of force to turn the thumb wheel with his or her finger. It is clear that the present invention is not limited to the embodiment described above as a non-limiting example, but rather includes all possible modifications thereof. For example, there can be only one holder for turning the thumb wheel.


1. A gas lighter comprising a container for containing gas, a valve mounted on the container and allowing gas to exit therefrom, a system for opening and closing the flow of gas, having a flint operating in combination with a knurled wheel driven by at least one holder located coaxially relative to the knurled wheel, characterized in that the peripheral surface of each holder in contact with the user’s finger is made smooth, and liquefied kerosene gas is used as gas. 2. The lighter according to claim 1, characterized in that the knurled wheel is a cylindrical knurled wheel mounted on a shaft between two holders that are essentially disc-shaped and have a diameter significantly larger than the diameter of the knurled wheel. 3. A lighter according to any of claims 1 and 2, characterized in that each holder is made in the shape of a round disk. 4. A gas lighter comprising a container for containing gas, a valve mounted on the container and allowing gas to exit therefrom, a system for opening and closing the flow of gas, having a flint operating in combination with a knurled wheel driven by at least one holder located coaxially relative to the knurled wheel, characterized in that each holder has essentially the shape of a disk, its peripheral surface in contact with the user's finger is wavy, and liquefied kerosene gas is used as the gas.

Lighter for gas stove is a practical and convenient device. The most popular are piezo lighters, as well as electric options.

Despite the abundance household appliances, the main element kitchen area is considered a slab. IN Lately More and more different models are appearing, equipped with all sorts of useful and convenient functions that make cooking much easier. And yet, the most popular remain. This is due to the ease of their use: there is no need to purchase special utensils; they can be used for cooking from any materials. Gas burners have high resistance before any temperature changes, they quickly heat up and cool down. Matches are usually used for ignition, but more convenient device considered a lighter for a gas stove.

Types and features of lighters

A lighter is much more practical, since it does not leave black marks on the body of the cookware and, unlike matches, it will not run out suddenly. This device is also safe in fire safety plan. The classic shape of a stove lighter usually has a long spout, an easy-to-hold body and a button that produces a spark when pressed.

Thanks to the long spout, it is easy to light the burner with the dishes standing on top and without injuring your fingers.

Gas lighters

Such products have a gas cartridge inside their body. They can be used not only to light a fire in a burner, but also for a fireplace or even a fire, and if necessary, you can easily refuel it yourself by purchasing a special container with gas.

Electric lighters

To operate such a lighter, you must be connected to a 220V power supply, and a spark occurs when you press the button. This type of lighter has its advantages, for example, a fairly long service life and ease of use. But there are still some disadvantages: the inability to function without electricity, the presence of a cord. Also, an electric lighter carries the risk of dangerous situation electric shock if the wire accidentally gets caught in a flame.

Piezo lighters

This is a convenient device for lighting gas stoves that does not require a cord or power supply, and does not use silicon, batteries or other recharging devices. The principle of their operation is carried out by compressing a piezocrystal, which creates a current. In this case, a slight discharge occurs and, unlike electric lighters, you need to get used to using such devices.

To light a burner the first time, you need to bring the nose of a piezo lighter to it at a distance from the flame. The included gas, when interacting with air, will allow the resulting spark to easily ignite the fire.

The advantages of piezo lighters for gas stoves include their convenient body, safety in operation, and the absence of restrictions. temperature regime during use, as well as operation without an electrical wire. The piezo lighter also has a minus: it is impossible to repair if the piezo element fails or exhausts its service life. In this case, you will have to purchase a new product.

Electronic lighters

The principle of operation of an electronic lighter is the presence of batteries. It is convenient to use because it does not require a wire, which significantly limits the coverage area. Batteries can be purchased at almost any store. The only downside is the need to replace them frequently.

When you press the lighter button, sparks appear small size, which allow you to light a fire in the burner. Such models are safe and easy to use. But an electronic lighter does not tolerate moisture, grease or dirt getting on the device’s divider - this can render it unusable.


Some modern models gas stoves have the function of built-in ignition of the burners. This is very convenient because you don't need to use additional devices, as well as matches. But if the electricity in your house periodically goes out, you should still think about purchasing a lighter for a gas stove.

It is quite easy to buy a suitable product, as it does not require large financial costs. Prices depend on manufacturers and specific models. The most simple devices cost from about eighty rubles, and more expensive and advanced ones (piezoceramic) - within two hundred. Electric models that come with a wire can cost more than two hundred and thirty rubles; those powered by batteries cost from one hundred twenty to one hundred and ninety. Gas models are considered the most expensive, their price varies between four hundred rubles.

The lighter is a convenient and practical device for igniting fire in burners. It doesn’t matter which model is preferred, an electric lighter for a gas stove, piezo or another, each of them has its own advantages and, without a doubt, will become a useful item in the kitchen.