How to create your own magazine from scratch. How to create an electronic magazine


First decide what kind of magazine it will be. What is its name, target audience, number of pages, topics, publication frequency, etc. At the same time, it is imperative to monitor the market: if there are already many fairly well-known magazines about , then another children's publication will probably be superfluous and will soon close. Find your zest, something that will attract readers.

Stock up on finances. Believe me: you will have to work at a loss for at least several months. Calculate all expenses and do not open your business until you reach the required amount. Otherwise, even if things go well, you will most likely have to either close the journal. Consider the costs of renting an office, salaries for employees, printing the publication in a printing house, purchasing consumables, providing mobile communications, etc.

Register your magazine and get a license to publish it. If the magazine will be distributed throughout the country or at least in several constituent entities of the Russian Federation, then you should contact Roskomnadzor. If you plan to publish it only in your city, then the Federal Service can issue the certificate. It is illegal to publish a magazine without a license, and obtaining one may take time, so first complete all the documents and only then proceed to choosing an office and recruiting employees.

Rent an office and hire staff. You will need journalists, sales managers, layout designers, a photographer, a literary editor, a proofreader, an accountant, and possibly a lawyer to draft contracts and legal advice. Only a good team of professionals can publish a truly interesting magazine and promote it, so you need to select employees very carefully.

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Almost every employee associated with the publishing business is thinking about opening their own magazine. Since many of them know the structure of this business from the inside. However, in order to properly open a magazine, it is necessary to use a standard business plan for opening a magazine, which can help in attracting investors or obtaining a bank loan for the business.

To publish a magazine, you must use the services of a printing house. Unlike Soviet times, when all media were in state hands and editorial offices were usually located in the same building as the printing house, today almost everyone outsources printing.

You will need

  • - printing house;
  • - initial data for calculating the cost (circulation, format, number of pages (strips), color, binding method, requirements for cover and paper quality of internal strips);
  • - money to pay for printing services.


You can evaluate the quality provided by the printing house by its. And to get a price, you will need to contact her by phone or email and ask her to calculate the services based on your initial data. To do this, the printing house must know the circulation, the number of pages, their size (A4, A4+, A5, etc.), whether they are full color, black and white, the method of binding (clip or gluing), the requirements for the paper on which the cover and internal pages will be printed. pages.
Also find out what requirements apply to the layout, what time the printing house must receive it in order to print the edition by the required date, when you can pick up the edition and whether you have to pay for its storage, if so, how much, or when you need to pick it up in order not to pay .

Prepare your layout magazine and in accordance with the technical requirements of the printing house. Usually, along with the electronic version, all pages are needed in printed form, each indicating the date the issue was submitted and the signature of the responsible person (editor-in-chief or other representative).
Some printing houses accept scanned copies of strips.

Take the finished layout to a printing house or send it via the Internet.
Pay for her services in accordance with your agreements: this can be a full or partial prepayment; the option of issuing an invoice upon delivery of the service is also common.
All you have to do is wait for the edition to be printed and dry, pick it up and send it through your distribution channels.
However, distribution of a magazine or newspaper is a separate issue.

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You can publish printed media with a circulation of up to 999 copies inclusive without registration. With a circulation of 1 thousand or more, you must first obtain a certificate of state registration of the media.

The absence of a state monopoly on the media allows anyone to become a founder of the magazine. This is a complex and costly matter, especially at first, but under a number of conditions it is promising.

You will need

  • - status of a legal entity or entrepreneur;
  • - certificate of registration of printed or electronic media;
  • - publication concept;
  • - business plan;
  • - qualified personnel;
  • - printing services;
  • - distribution channels;
  • - if there is an electronic version: domain, hosting, services of programmers and optimizers.
  • - start-up capital.


Equally important is the plan: how much you are willing to spend, when the return should appear and what are the requirements for it, where do you plan to get money for the first time: from personal funds or will you need investors.
In the second case, you will have to calculate their possible questions and be ready to answer everything.

If there is clarity on these points, it’s time to start registering the publication with Roskomnadzor.
This process is not particularly complicated, but it lasts about a month. Without a ready-made certificate of registration of the media, you are not entitled to it, and the rights of journalists provided for by current legislation do not apply to employees.

In the current conditions, it is often possible to get by with a minimum staff, attracting the bulk of authors on a fee basis. Similar options for piecework-project payment are possible in relation to proofreaders, layout designers, etc. But at a minimum, an editor and designer are preferable to full-time ones. And at least one correspondent will not be superfluous. Still, work for hire implies greater responsibility than freelance cooperation.
And the more often you plan to publish a publication, the higher the need for personnel, otherwise the staff may simply not have enough hands.

At the same time, you need to study the market for printing services, distribution network services for the printed version of the publication, and the supply on the market of everything related to the Internet version: hosting, optimization, etc. Although, of course, you can limit yourself to only the printed or electronic version.

When the personnel issue has been resolved, the publication has been registered and other agreements have been reached, you can begin to work. At the same time, it is important to carefully plan each issue (preferably with a reserve and safety measures in case of any possible discrepancy), approve and strictly control the timing of work on it, and ensure the quality of design and content.

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Helpful advice


  • Publish a scientific article in the journal "Modern Scientist"

Organizing a magazine, like any other type of business activity, makes a person responsible to the administration of a city or an entire state. In addition to many standard legal issues, you will have to show your organizational and creative abilities and capabilities.

You will need

  • Artists, layout designers, editors and a bit of luck


Sort out your accounting. Before starting the “main course”, it is worth settling all issues with the tax office and government agencies. Depending on the scale of distribution of the magazine, you will need a different set of certificates and documents. In any case, start by registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC; the first option would be somewhat easier to register, but this is not always possible for the type of activity you have chosen.

Select staff. The people who work in your editorial office will determine the face of your magazine. Be careful when choosing layout designers, designers and journalists. At first, you can use the services of freelancers, selecting high-quality and reliable personnel. But know that having noticed a good journalist or artist, you need to offer him a full-time job as soon as possible, before your competitors do this.

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  • Check of cash discipline by tax authorities in 2017

Publishing a magazine is a business that will bring income only in the long term. In order to start publishing a magazine, you will need a lot of money. And for even the most interesting printed product to start paying for itself, it will take at least 3 to 5 years. How to start this difficult but exciting business?


Find out which categories of readers will make up the target audience of your magazine. Conduct research to study the demand for publications of this format in your region. Study the experience of competitors, taking into account their strengths and weaknesses. Choose a title for the publication. Submit documents to Rospatent to register the name.

Sign an agreement with one of the printing houses in your region that provides full-color printing. Please note: most printing houses only enter into one-time service contracts. Conclude an agreement with the Ministry of Communications for the subscription and sale of your magazine.

Hire journalists, photographers and designers. The interview should take place in several stages. Conclude fixed-term employment contracts.

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  • how to publish your own magazine

In order for a magazine to take place and subsequently become popular, you need to approach the issue of creation in the most careful manner. You must have an idea about many things, which can be formed over time.


First of all, identify the topic and target audience of your future publication. Record their gender, age, income level, interests. Consider what information they need and what delivery method would be best.

Research popular concepts from a scientific perspective. Find books about this, research by various figures, conduct surveys among representatives of your chosen audience. As a result, you will receive comprehensive information about what people want to see in the magazine and how it should be presented.

Focus on the title of the magazine. This word should express the main idea of ​​the publication. Having heard it, the potential reader should immediately understand that this magazine is intended specifically for him. Decide what paper you will print the publication on, whether the magazine will be matte or glossy.

Now develop the highlight of your magazine - how it will differ from publications in its same focus. For example, these could be some aspects in the design of the publication, say, very large illustrations. Remember that you will have to come up with similar things even after the magazine has already been created. This is necessary in order to increase readers with each issue.

So, after working through the conceptual part, move on to less significant issues. Depending on the focus of the publication, determine its format - A4, A5, A5+ or choose some other. Remember that the interests of the audience need to be taken into account here. Will it be a magazine for quick reading in a traffic jam or a publication with a pretentious claim to scale.

Based on your financial capabilities, indicate the minimum circulation of the first issue. Please note that you will most likely distribute pilot copies to familiarize the public with the new publication.

Don't forget to determine the frequency of release. Once every two months or weekly - everything must be consistent with the number of pages in the magazine. The thicker the magazine you publish, the less often it will appear.

Publishing a magazine is one of the types of business in which it is necessary to calculate all the risks as carefully as possible long before the start. There are a number of recommendations that you need to listen to in order for your magazine to bring you profit.


The first step is to determine your target audience. The success of your magazine depends on how clearly you define it, as well as the amount of profit you can receive.

Conduct an analysis of printed publications that are also aimed at your target audience. Carefully study the interests that are covered, analyze the aspects that you can cover. You can work in three directions: provide information on points that are not covered in other publications, contrast your information with existing information, and create a new area of ​​interest for your target audience.

Russian practice shows that the most profitable printed publications operate under the brand of a Western magazine. The subjective factor is that for the Russian consumer, products manufactured in the West or under a Western brand are still, by definition, of higher quality. The objective factor is that Western magazines are made exclusively for the consumer, both in design and in terms of information content. The best option is to either purchase a license or borrow part of the design and method of presenting information and then rework it to avoid accusations of plagiarism.

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The first rule of opening a new enterprise is to outline a clear circle of the market segment it is aimed at. This is where you need to start if you are planning to open a glossy magazine.


The first step you must take is to research the current print market in the regions in which you intend to distribute your magazine. Even if you have an idea that at first glance has not yet been implemented, conduct a thorough analysis. It is quite possible that it is already being successfully implemented in a slightly different way. In this case, your strategy should either go along the line of contrasting your resource with an existing one, or cover those areas that it does not affect.

Carefully consider the initial implementation of your magazine. Try a variety of schemes, including initial free distribution. Remember that your magazine must first become recognizable. Study possible places where the audience gathers - for example, if your magazine is dedicated to a female audience, then the optimal distribution location will be beauty salons, hairdressers and solariums, but if it is for men, then gyms and high-level car dealerships. It is not necessary to install entire stands; it is enough to place your magazine in the display of magazines presented to waiting visitors.

Today there are a lot of different periodicals. Because of this, the modern reader is very picky and picky when choosing a source of information. Therefore, you need to find your own, special approach to it in order to be interesting and stay afloat. Especially if you decide to publish a business magazine.

An important detail of the editorial work is the creative team that will create your publication. The ideal option is to invite editors and journalists who specialize in the topics of your magazine. Look through local newspapers. Perhaps there you will find articles on a topic that interests you, contact the authors, and offer cooperation.

It is not at all necessary that all editorial staff be on staff. For example, if you have planned a monthly magazine release, a creative team of 3-4 people and external authors who can provide you with materials on the desired topics is enough.

Conduct research among your magazine's potential audience. What questions are she interested in, what information would she like to receive, what problems does she encounter in her work? Based on this research, make a list of topics and sections that you will cover in the pages of the magazine.

Nowadays it is difficult to find a person who is not familiar with the Internet. Millions of people spend many hours on the World Wide Web. In this regard, well-known and not so well-known print publications are moving their magazines or newspapers to the Internet.

As one famous person said: “Now is the time when your business will either be on the Internet or it will not be at all!”

Therefore, if you fill the online publication with interesting, relevant content and competently develop a marketing strategy, then there is every chance of earning good money from the electronic publication. This review will talk about how to create your own magazine.

Selecting the target audience is a very important task

The first thing you need to determine before actively starting the process of creating an electronic magazine is who is the target audience of this publication. In other words, you need to understand for whom the material will be collected and posted online. If the target audience is defined incorrectly, the success of the entire enterprise will be in question.

We create a portrait of a potential client

Before you create your magazine, you will need to not only clarify what type of audience is the goal of the electronic publication. You need to understand what people are looking for on the Internet. To do this, as professionals advise, you need to draw up a portrait of a potential reader: his lifestyle, employment, tastes, interests and other factors that should be taken into account when selecting and presenting material.

Only quality content is needed

As a rule, electronic magazines are of interest to users of the World Wide Web as a means of entertainment and a source of necessary information. Quality information is now highly valued by those who spend time on the Internet. Sometimes, in order to get the necessary data, you have to spend a lot of time searching and then saving the addresses of several suitable sites.

If an electronic magazine provides readers with up-to-date and systematic information on a topic that interests them, then such a publication will not have problems with subscribers. And this needs to be taken into account when answering the question of how to create your own magazine.

Design of the electronic publication

When the emphasis regarding the direction of the magazine’s activities has been set, it’s time to pay attention to its design and the technical side of the issue as a whole.
In this regard, you need to plan the costs associated with paying for the work of the designer and layout designer. These costs will be the first and most basic at the initial stage.

Search for quality content

When drawing up a business plan for a magazine, you must first pay attention to the problem of its capacity. In order to sort out all the issues with the content, you can resort to several options for solving the problem:

  • Write articles and reviews yourself.
  • Buy suitable articles on the content exchange.
  • Invite readers to send their material and publish the best of what was received.

Speaking in more detail about the last option, it is worth noting its tangible advantage, namely the fact that thanks to the participation of subscribers in the process of creating content, their interest in the publication will increase significantly. In addition to stable traffic to the resource, this will also provide advertising from the target audience.

Registration of subscribers and advertising activities

It is also worth paying attention to creating a subscriber base. To do this, you need to place an email newsletter form on the magazine’s website, in which the visitor will indicate his name and email address. In this way, users will receive the magazine consistently and on time, regardless of whether they have visited the publication’s website or not. Using email newsletters is convenient for both readers and those who promote the electronic magazine.

As for the earnings of the publishing house itself, the source of income will be advertising placed in the magazine. The higher the rating of a publication, the more expensive advertising in it will be.

Necessary costs

How to publish your magazine? This type of publication, like any business activity, requires start-up costs. In order for an online publication to begin its active work, money will be required to pay for hosting, a domain name, design development, layout, purchase of articles and, of course, advertising, which will help millions of Internet users know that a new interesting magazine has been released.

If everything works out, and a large number of people are interested in the electronic magazine, then there will be enough companies and online resources willing to place their advertisements in it. It is worth noting that saving money on hosting and domain name is highly not recommended.

Hosting is important because potential subscribers should be able to access the magazine's website at any time and get all the information they need.

And the domain name plays an important role in the recognition of the resource and its image. As for the programmers who will be involved in the creation and design of the site, it is better to turn to professionals with a decent portfolio and good reviews.

Based on everything described above, it will take at least 30 thousand rubles to organize your idea. How much does it cost to print a magazine? This will largely depend on the number of pages and the circulation. One edition will cost approximately 1000 rubles.

Nowadays there is serious competition in all areas of the market, and in order to attract and retain the attention of representatives of the target audience, you need to present a truly high-quality product.

At the same time, a tangible advantage is that if the project is successfully launched, the money received for providing advertising space in the magazine will more than cover all investments and will eventually turn into a stable high income.

For a program of this kind, it is very important that Baby Diary has a Russian interface - everything is extremely clear, and what is not clear can be clarified in the Russian-language documentation. MiLife 1.4

  • Developer: BravoBug Software
  • Distribution size: 6.46 MB
  • Distribution: shareware
  • Russian interface: no

We usually do not include applications written for the Mac OS X platform in our software reviews, but in this case we would like to make an exception. The fact is that the MiLife electronic diary fits perfectly into the quintessence of “Apple” software and is therefore designed for a specific user. Since the cost of Apple products is disproportionately higher than the prices for computers running Windows, users who prefer the brainchild of Steve Jobs are usually guided by several reasons.

Opening your electronic journal: 8 main stages

He simply skims through the material, paying attention to the design and pictures. This job can also be performed by a production editor, but this position is not so common in online magazines.

Usually, after the “hands” of the editor-in-chief, the magazine is sent to the reader. The position of a journalist includes agreeing on the topic with the editor and directly writing the article.

A good writer should have the following qualities and skills:
  • the ability to find an interesting topic for an article;
  • the ability to quickly respond to the latest events and be one of the first to write material on it on the Internet;
  • literacy - many editors-in-chief, when hiring authors, arrange exams for them, force them to take tests, etc.;
  • ability to meet deadlines;
  • mobility.

Creating the first issue in the profession of any layout designer is the most difficult thing.


After all, in addition to creation, there is also regular and sometimes monotonous work in the online magazine on each successive issue, and competent promotion is also necessary. In addition, you definitely cannot do without expenses, especially if the organizer himself does not have the opportunity to independently write articles and layout.

But with sufficient investment of effort, time and money, there will definitely be a return.

How to make an electronic magazine

Firstly, a computer running Mac OS X means stable operation and virtually no virus threat. Secondly, a computer with the Apple logo is stylish and beautiful.

The MiLife program has a clearly defined audience, which is guided by the latter argument. Such users are lovers of everything glamorous. This diary really looks attractive, in addition, it is endowed with a lot of different functions.
Moreover, the program’s arsenal contains both truly useful tools and outright excesses in the form of all kinds of interface “embellishments” designed to impress the inexperienced user.

How to create a computer diary

In the future, it will be possible to buy articles on ready-made content exchanges on the Internet, or to involve readers themselves as authors. 4 Place a subscription form for your magazine on the main page of the site. Typically, electronic journals are distributed free of charge.

The main income will come to you from advertising placed on the pages of the publication. Therefore, it is important to take care of the largest number of subscribers.


Additional website promotion will help you with this. 5 In the future, post archived issues of the magazine on the website. This is necessary so that potential subscribers have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the contents of the magazine.

Take care of advertising the publication on resources similar to it in subject matter. 6 As a legal form, select individual entrepreneur if there is only one creator of the magazine, and LLC if there are several of them. Among the taxation systems, it is better to prefer the simplified tax system with the object of taxation “Income”.

How to create a magazine + on a computer

It’s convenient that to edit entries or add new ones, you don’t need to switch to other sections - everything can be done directly from the main window. The Diary section is intended for adding regular entries.
You can use the built-in text editor, work with templates, and insert files of different types into posts. In addition, by adding each entry, you can fill out a small table in which you indicate your health status, weight, mood, medications you take, foods that are part of your diet, etc.
Exactly what items will be in this table depends entirely on the user. Based on the data entered into this table, the program can build graphs. Entries can be organized by category and selected based on different criteria.

How to create an electronic diary on a computer

When creating an entry, you can indicate the current weather, record information about income and expenses, and also select music that will be played in the future when reading the entry. DiaryOne supports changing the interface using skins, and in addition, you can choose the design of the work area.

The program has several dozen design options - from a beach with palm trees to different paper textures. For those who like to not only keep a diary, but also view their entries, DiaryOne offers a navigation bar that provides one of two viewing options: by date or by topic.

In addition, there is a full-text search for diary entries, and the ability to add entries to the “Favorites” list. Diary entries can be sent by email directly from the program, as well as printed.

But here’s the paradox - if in Windows you have to pay for every additional convenience of the interface with a decrease in productivity, in the Mac OS X operating system such excesses often not only “get away with” the user, but also make you feel comfortable that everything works without a hitch and with it has a beautiful view. All of the above applies to the MiLife electronic diary.

It has a very attractive interface, but at the same time it works quickly and stable. The appearance of the program is stylized to resemble a real diary, and when adding new entries you can even hear the pencil lead creaking. The program has a built-in “mood and weather analyzer”, with which you can track statistics of the diary owner’s state of mind, as well as the weather (if, of course, when adding each new entry, he noted his mood and indicated whether it was raining).

How to create an electronic magazine on a computer

Because the second and subsequent issues are created based on the layouts of the previous issue. A layout designer is required to have the ability to use computer programs, be able to fix problems, and have the taste to discern an aesthetically pleasing combination of font, text, and illustrations.

Design is an important part of the electronic magazine. The deputy editor-in-chief, in fact, either replaces him when he is away or proofreads the text. Therefore, he must also know the rules of punctuation and spelling no worse than the journalists themselves, be a jack of all trades and understand any topic.

As mentioned above, the editor-in-chief can do the proofreading himself, so as not to spend money on the deputy’s salary. Advice: when recruiting a team, contact your friends; it is not necessary to submit an advertisement that a particular employee is needed in an online magazine.

How to make an electronic journal on a computer for school

On the main page of Glossi there are examples of online magazines created using the service, you can learn from “colleagues” and at the same time pay attention to what is overused. Glossi Using the “Create a Glossi” button, which is located at the top of the page, on the toolbar, you can easily get to the page editor, where the cover and subsequent pages of the publication are created. It is very convenient that ready-made pages are located on the left side of the screen; they can be changed, deleted, or added new ones. Before adding a new page, first select its layout using the “Clippings” key. The preview in the interface is indicated by the “Preview” button, and after everything is ready, you must click the save button and the magazine is ready! You just need to publish it by writing a short review of it and choosing a category.

How to make an electronic magazine on a computer

Tabular data can be printed and shown to your fitness trainer, sent by email to your doctor, etc. In addition, electronic statistics make it possible to quickly track the changes that occur in the human body.

And, of course, this diary can also be used as a regular diary. Despite the fact that the program has quite a lot of different functions, its interface is thought out so well that it is almost impossible to get confused in them.

For convenience, Smart Diary Suite has several sections, which are presented in the form of neat tabs. The first of them - Overview - displays the most important information included in other sections.

This tab is shown when the program starts. The number of entries that are displayed on a tab can be customized. In addition, it is possible to change the layout of this page.

If you want to try your hand at publishing, the Joomag web service will help you. This is a powerful virtual magazine editor and at the same time a platform for their promotion and monetization. You can use Joomag without programming skills.

After registering on the Joomag website, you will be taken to the “My publications” section. This is the menu for managing your future journals.

To add a new publication to it, click “Create publication”. After that, you can start from a blank page, choose a suitable template from the Joomag catalog, or upload your own PDF file as a source.

Having made your choice, click “Create publication” again and in the next menu click on the pencil and paper icon, and then “Edit”. The system will launch the visual editor. The service uses Flash technology, so enable it when Joomag asks you to.

The editor offers a lot of tools that will help you realize your full creative potential. For example, you can add and format text, insert various shapes, images and videos. The system allows you to fine-tune the arrangement of elements on virtual pages. All changes are displayed in real time.

To make it easier for users to understand the rich capabilities of the editor, the Joomag website has a detailed knowledge base in Russian.

Having completed work on your masterpiece, click “Save”, and then “Run”. Next, follow the system prompts to configure publishing settings. During the process, you will have to specify who will be able to view the magazine via a direct link, as well as select a category and description for distribution through Joomag channels: web kiosk and mobile applications of the service.

You can read in detail about settings for promotion, frequency and selling magazines in special help sections on the Joomag website.

The free plan is for one user and includes 500 MB of magazine storage with limited promotion and monetization options. For example, you cannot use the service’s SEO capabilities, and up to 100 people can subscribe to the magazine’s email newsletter. In addition, you will not be allowed to make money from readers.

Paid plans start at $9 per month. They are suitable for both individuals and for teamwork of several users on shared journals. The higher the monthly payment, the more a person can join the team. And the more tools they will receive to promote and sell content.

Good afternoon. My name is Sazhnev Alexy from the city of Vladimir. For many years I had a dream to create my own online business magazine. And now it came true. Today I am the owner of the electronic publication “Finance”. The publication has accounts on social networks, a huge reader base (about 10 thousand people) and even a printed version.

The project has been in existence for 3.5 years, but during this period we managed to create a truly high-quality product.

The magazine has a full-time staff of six people (including me). The remaining employees are remote workers (freelancers).

Initial business costs – from 100,000 rubles.
Monthly income – from 500,000 rubles.
The main staff is 6 people.
Labor costs – from 150 thousand rubles.

Where to start a magazine business?

First, figure out what type of activity this is. In essence, a magazine is a printed publication that raises a variety of issues - nature, business, science, sex, relationships, and so on.

Such literature is a source of propaganda, that is, it is capable of influencing and shaping public opinion.

Today, magazines have begun to appear in online versions. This direction is much more profitable. Firstly, you can get by with a small office. Secondly, the number of readers increases significantly. The result is growing income (primarily from advertising).

It is very important to decide on a goal. What are you trying to achieve?

There are several options:

  • increase the level of education among readers;
  • provide consulting assistance in various fields (legal, economic, technical, etc.);
  • discuss life problems or fashion trends;
  • provide readers with a qualitative assessment of certain areas (industries);
  • provide advertising-type information (for example, an advertisement magazine).

In addition to everything, you can create a glossy magazine, but in this case the costs will be incomparably higher - long registration, purchase of printing equipment, a large staff, and so on.

What about the theme and format of the magazine?

Thematic online magazines are becoming increasingly popular - for parents, accountants, railway workers, energy workers, and so on. You can create a business class magazine for business people (as my experience has shown, this direction is very profitable).

Businessmen consider it a matter of honor to be aware of all economic events, so such periodicals are a real salvation for them. Magazines for women and young mothers are very popular. There are more than 15% of such publications on the Russian market.

If it’s difficult to decide on a topic, then choose a direction that is still poorly covered in your city and on the Internet as a whole. Of course, this is a risky option, but it can cover a new market and get away from a lot of competition in this area.

Decide on the format of your magazine - will it be a printed or online version (a mixed version is possible).

In addition, modern editions differ:

– according to the frequency of release – they can be weekly, monthly or quarterly.

By the way, you can publish a magazine at least every day:

  • by format (online, printed publication);
  • on a chosen topic (health, beauty, business, children, and so on);
  • by presentation style (official business, journalistic, conversational).

How to create a magazine? Features of the printed version

Publishing your own magazine is an interesting direction that requires large expenses and the selection of qualified personnel.

So, when releasing a printed publication, you will need a founder, publisher, editor-in-chief and other specialists (designer, accountant, literary editor, advertising agents, photographers).

The magazine can be distributed through retail outlets, through subscription.

You can make money on such a product in several ways - by posting custom articles (with hidden advertising), placing advertisements on the pages of a printed publication, and selling in retail chains. Advertising revenue typically generates the most revenue.

It is important to correctly assess the competition in the market so as not to “run into” an obviously losing project.

To begin with, you can focus on a narrow readership (we have already discussed this above).

Over time, you can expand the topic.

For release you will need printing equipment.

You can buy it or use an existing one (rent it as needed). The second option will cost you much less in terms of costs. Over time, you can purchase your own equipment and expand the range of magazines.

This will definitely be of interest to you:

How to prepare for the release of a printed publication?

To begin, prepare two test numbers (they are called signal numbers). They will contain offers for advertisers. This newsletter is usually free for readers. The cost of issue is from 300 thousand rubles.

The pilot issue must be printed in 1000 copies at a cost of 120-150 rubles each. The second signal number will be prepared taking into account the proposals of advertising agents and managers.

Can you give an example of a magazine business plan?

Before starting a project, you must clearly understand . There will be more in the printed version:

  • employee salaries – from 40 thousand rubles;
  • typing and layout – from 20 thousand rubles;
  • office rent – ​​from 40 thousand rubles;
  • a set of articles (including adjustments) – from 6,000 rubles;
  • professional layout – on average 200-300 rubles per page;
  • additional expenses (telephone, internet, other) – from 30 thousand rubles;
  • photo printing – from 20 thousand rubles;
  • transportation costs – from 5 thousand rubles;
  • equipment (materials) for office equipment – ​​from 5 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of the equipment itself - from 300 thousand rubles.

Total total costs - from 500 thousand rubles.

How to create an online magazine?

If you make a magazine only online, then you can get away with less costs - from 30 thousand rubles. Let's look at the main points:

1. Decide where you will get articles for your magazine. There are several options - write articles yourself, buy them on a content exchange, let readers write on their own, hire a staff of copywriters, or find professional freelancers willing to work remotely.

The optimal option is 1-2 people on staff and several remote employees. As for buying articles on the stock exchange, it will take a lot of time to edit the text (or you will have to hire a person).

After promotion, the site will definitely attract the attention of bloggers. Over time, you can interview them and order articles. Today there are many good authors on the Internet; all that remains is to recruit staff and work with them regularly.

3. Find a good hosting that will work smoothly and can handle a large number of site visitors. At the same time, subscribers should be able to access the site and receive all the information they are interested in.

4. Decide on a domain name. It is advisable that it matches the name of your magazine. Remember that this is the image and style of the new product. The domain must be recognizable and memorable.

5. It is better to entrust the design of the website to professional layout designers - they know better how to properly layout a website. There must also be programmers to protect the resource from possible attacks.

Opening of a glossy magazine

Please note that the site will require ongoing support. Therefore, 1-2 qualified layout designers and programmers should be on hand.

6. To attract the maximum number of readers, focus primarily on the quality of the product. At the same time, the topic is not important - create your own fashion, business or nature magazine.

The main thing is maximum benefit. If the reader is interested, this will ensure an influx of subscribers. The higher the magazine's traffic and the more readers, the higher the advertising income.

7. Costs for registration of one issue – from 1000 rubles.

8. Many people do not know how to register a journal. Everything is simple here. The online publication does not require any special registration. The only thing worth doing is to obtain legal status. The option with an individual entrepreneur is suitable here. In the future, you can expand to an LLC.

How many people will it take to create your own fashion magazine?

We have already said that when organizing an online magazine you do not need a large staff. It is advisable to have a qualified layout designer, programmer, 1-2 copywriters and a designer on hand. Again, these could all be remote workers. In this case, you can save on labor costs.

Table No. 1. Potential of magazine consumers in Russia

How to open a daily magazine and make money from advertising?

The magazine can be published daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly. It all depends on the volume of content and the staff of copywriters.

With daily publishing, you will have to constantly work to find new topics and regularly order articles. To do this, you need to have an extensive staff of copywriters.

As for advertising, after promoting the site the problems will go away on their own. Today there are many affiliate problems, services for making money, and so on. Over time, advertisers themselves will begin to find you and ask you to appear on the pages of magazines.

Table No. 2. Growth of participants in the magazine products market in Russia

What are the costs of creating an online magazine?

The result can be summed up as follows:

  • domain and hosting – from 2000 rubles per month;
  • website creation – from 10-15 thousand rubles;
  • maintaining the resource, its development – ​​from 10 thousand rubles per month;
  • advertising costs – from 5 thousand rubles per month.